ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine eases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings «HBH 1 MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three mouths in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years' (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1924 ( ( OSWEGO TEACHERS TO SWISS FLIERS BEST LET HAIR GROW OCT D E C IA RES BR ITISH ER « ---------- a tt tt OSWEGO, N. Y., Dec. tt LONDON. Dec. 1. __ tt 1. — All teachers in the tt tt, Switzerland .possesses the 8 public schools with bob- tt tt finest airm en in the i n bed hair must let it grow. tt world, in the opinion of « T h at’s the decree pro­ tt tt British flying officers re­ « m ulgated today by Super­ tt tt cently returned from that »j » intendent F r e d e r i c k tt country on a tour of in­ « Leighton following a tt tt spection. ____ _ » council of war by the 8 1 ---------- tt The Swiss bird - man But Four Days Remain Be­ » Board of Education, A ** F irst Gathering Perfunctory Placing of State Machinery a eclipses his American, tt i Harbor and River Improve- fore Lists Are Closed at tt formal resolution to that ® Consisting of Roll Call In Hands of Emergency , » British and French coun­ « ment as Recommended « effect was not adopted, ® Headquarters Here Then Adi djoumment te rp a rt in every branch », Board W anted * i « Would be Great Help w but it was the sense of ______ i tt of flying, according to the XX ' - tt the superintendent and 8 BLANKS ARE COMING IN many are officers. MISSING SEVEN MEN IN BODY » a I DREDGING IS PLANNED » the members of the de­ « ---------- !« They state th a t the « _____ » partm ent th a t something Volunteer» to Finish Work of 8 1 .exige, Brandegee und Soit, Sen­ State Law m akers Urge Necessity ' t t Swiss Air Service is small tt Work on < toon Ba> aIM| W ilhuii- K of th at kind should be 8 CleMring up Chautauqua Ruild- ators A re Missing from Usual of H aving More Power in Mat- j tt but good, and it is incum­ tt ette and Colum bia Rivera tt adopted. 8 ing W ithin Short Tim e Positions on Roll Call ters o f D isb n n en ie n ts tt bent on every pilot and tt Recommended for O ngm i tí About 50 per cent of tt ---------- tt officer to put in a m ini­ » I The work of getting the Chau­ tí the teachers, particularly 8 WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. __ SALEM, Dec. 1. — Placing of! tt mum num ber of flying 8 WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. — tauqua building into 3hape for tí the younger ones, have t: A congress which the American virtually all of the m achinery of tt hours. tt Recommendations th at the gov­ hair and the « voters turned thum bs down on the coming W inter F air poultry tí bobbed the state in the hands of the I ® The B ritish a ttrib u te tt ernm ent appropriate a total of show 1» still being carried on by tí am ount of ‘‘fixing’’ that it a last November, today came back emergency board, insofar as th is!® the Swiss country as the tt $71,604,890 to be used for river volunteer workers, and although tí requires in class, taking t: to W ashington to conclude the m achinery has to do with a p - ' » reason for the skill dis­ tt and harbor i m p r o v e m e n t s the task befcre the w orkers is tí up tim e th a t m ight be » rates incidental to it’s own death pointm ents and conduct of in sti-i® played, and they believe tt throughout the country during tremendous, it is believed the big tí put to b etter use, was tt by statu te on March 4, next. The tutiong. ig a plan to be submit- ® the crisp, clean air of the tt the coming year, and the reports tt final session convened a t noon, structure will be cleared up and tí commented upon. ted to the legislature. This pro- ® Alps inspires the buoyant tt on the expenditures of over sev­ the coops all in place in the very t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tt the m eeting of both houses being posal is more logical, its advo-1 ® spirit necessary to the a ir­ tt enty six millions of dollars dur­ near future. This move will give perfunctory, nothing but roll cates will, assert, than the talked- ® man. tt ing the fiscal year ju st ended, the exhibitors ample time to get calls. They then adjoqrued out of plan to take patronage from ® t t t t t t t t t t - t t t t t t t t t t t t tt were contained in the annual re ­ their birds in the coops, and of respect to thj&ir departed the governor and place it in the port of the Chief of Engineers have everything in readiness for members, Senator Lodge. Colt and state board of control. of the Uni’ed States Army. This the big opening on December 9. Brandegee who died during the The emergency board consists report was made public here to­ The Jackson County F air As­ recent recess. Form al business day. of the governor, secretary of sociation recently placed at the will begin W ednesday, when the stat/?, state treasurer, president Among the large allotm ents disposal of the local chamber of Muscle Shoals question is to be of the state senate, speaker of contained In the report, and rec­ commerce, the new coops which taken up by the senate. Demo­ the house of representatives andi ommended to the Federal govern­ were used this year at the Jack- cratic leaders held th e ir lines the chairm en of the senate and ment are a total of $1,383,400 K lam ath Falls Officers Left Hold­ son County Fair. These coops, in tact and welcomed back into house committees on ways and to be expended in improving the ing th e Bag W hen F ran k Charlie Chaplin, king of the moving picture comedians recently supplemented by the old coops the ranks Senator Burton K. means. The eroiergeqcy hoard, Coos Bay harbor in Oregon, and Wilde Leaves Country away from Hollywood and into Mexico, where he was m ar­ owned by the local body, will fu r­ W heeler, vice-president candi­ slipped ried to Miss Lita Grey, form erly his leading woman. C harlie’s first therefore, has seven members. Composer of L’Omhra Recognized the expenditure of $1,445,615 for nish adequate equipment for the date with La Follette. as One of Leading Opera dive into the m atrim onial seas proved to be a flop, but tlie famous The board of control has hut the improvement of Nehalem Bay KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. 1. — caring of the birds. In the senate W illiam M. B ut­ comedian is certain his latest venture will prove successful The th ree; governor, secretary of A uthorities of Time in Oregon as a harbor. Recom­ Frank Wilde, proprietor of the ler, who led the political cam­ picture above shows Chaplin and Miss Grey during the* film inä of With but four days remaining state and state treasurer. m endations for the expenditure one of the com edian’s pictures. b before the closing of the entry Malin hotel where state prohibi­ paign of President Coolidge to Much has been said of tra n s­ of at least $723,000 in work to The name of Friedrich Von lists, the big flow of entry blanks tion agents on Friday declare victory, sat in the place form ­ ferring from the governor the Flotow means much in the field be .^ in e on the mouths of the ha3 started pouring in at head­ they obtained seven bottles of li­ erly occupied by the distinguish­ m anagem ent of the penitentiary of Opera. This distinguished Columbia and W illamette rivers quarters here, and before the quor as dry law violation evi­ ed figure of Henry Cabot Lodge. and various officers and commis­ composer earned his right to a are contained in the report. Im ­ final day arrives, it is certain the dence, failed to appear in justice In the third row on the re­ sions whom he appoints and place in the hall of musical fame provements on Grays Hurhor in organization handling the entries court here yesterday as au th o r­ publican side was the vacant chair lumping these under the state when he gave to the world the W ashington, to cost $228,000 will be swamped. The largest ities say he agreed to do and ac­ of Senator Brandegee of Connec­ hoard of control, the same as now famous “ M artha.” adm itted­ was recommended by the Chief of entry list on record is expected, cording to State Agent F. W. ticut, whose suicide during the other state institutions are di­ ly one of the greatest of all oper- Engineers. since poultry fanciers th ro u g h ­ Snyder has evidently left the recess astounded and horrified The Northwest was particular- rected. Considered politically, as. He has handed down from a out Oregon, W ashington and county and perhaps the state. his friends. The chair is to be the board of control has one dem­ form er century another brilliant !y be? ei.ite4; 8lnoe a J arR0 num ‘ Early Saturday morning a deed California lia v e signified their in­ filled by a special election w ith­ ocrat and two republican mem­ musical score in his next great­ her of the recommendations con­ tran sferrin g W ilde’s property in tentions of entering their prize in two weeks. Students to G ather to H ear Cele- Book Sent to Prom inent Eastern- bers. Malin to his wife, Vivian Wilde, est success “ L ’OMBRA” or “ The tained in the report either direct­ stock in the competition here. Down in front amqng the re ­ brated Educators. Will la* The idea having the em er­ era Brings Lettor» of A ppiè, A pparition” as it is called in ly or indirectly affected the Several new features will he was filed with the county clerk. publicans was Senator La Follette, E ntertained l,y College Northwest. Other items recom­ gency hoard’s powers enlarged is elation to Rooster Body English. introduced at the W inter Fair As the hour arrived for the hotel the man who led a presidential brand-new. It was conceived a “ L’Ombra, which is to he pre- mended for the Northwest, in ad­ this year. W hat will probably he proprietor to appear before Ju s­ movement against the two old EUGENE, Ore., Dee. 1.— When Copies of A Day in the Sis- few days ago and every member . sonted here December 9, is a dition to those already m ention­ the most interesting is the egg- tice of the Peace Robert Em m itt m ajor parties. the roll is called next Fridav and eRi8,atnre wh° ha» been I comic opera, beautifully staged. ed, are an expenditure of $111,- kiyous” The bok which has laying contest, in which pens of to answ er to a formal complaint Two more new faces were Saturday a t the fifth annual con-j brought Ashland 715 for the blasting and dredg­ informed of the suggestion has much favorable nix birds each will compete. Sep­ of possessing liquor, state agents those of Rice W. Means of Col­ fereneg of the association of high j publicity w herever it has been considered it superior to operat­ and filled with much action and ing of Yaquina Bay and harbor, many delightful and artistic arate coops, away from the main participating in the raid of the orado and Jesse H. Metcalfe of school student body officers and I distributed have been placed at ing jhrough the state hoard of songs. day previous began to grow n er­ Humorous, entertaining, the maintenance work on the body of entries, will be a rran g ­ Rhode Island. Metcalfe comes to the Oregon High School Press J the disposal of several prom inent control. Columbia River, above Celilo and by critics who have heard ed for the entries in this event. vous. A hurried search of the fill* the vacancy caused by death W hat appeals to the senators the rendition of the opera, con­ Fails, and the dredging of the association, between 400 and 500 E asterners, through the local Special prizes, have been donat­ courthouse and the nearby area of Senator Le Baron Colt and delegates will respond. Accredit- Snake River in Oregon, W ash­ and representatives with telling ed by the m erchants and civic failed to reveal any evidence of Means was elected to fill out the i“d dqJ_egiUçs ^i)pointed ; by- the Cham ber of Commerce, and, from force is th a t through the em er­ sidered one of the greatest musi­ ington and Idaho, which is to cost cal light opera productions of the letters received here, they have organizations of this city for this the defendant and when the in-, short term of Senator Alva A'dam« high schools gency board the legislature will year. The stage settings and cos­ $200,000. Dredging and deepen­ , " j ? yrC , e iV° . ? F°* fu ,fiHed their purpose admirably, form ation reached officers th a t competition. whose appointm ent was tem ­ grama and credential, before, ,» >ImM, every have considerable to say in the tumes were prepared under the ing of the Clatskanie River is to ,h(! The entertainm ent features a property tran sfer had been ex­ porary. th eir d eparture for Eugene. T h e y , ... . . u i. v , P way of running the government. direction of the stage manager cost $7,2000, the upper W illam­ have not aB yet been arranged, ecuted, it was accepted th a t Wilde ... „................ I of the book has brought a letter The scene in the bouse was « will ette, $27.000, Skamokawa Creek, be entertained here at the The legislature raises and1, ap- costume ddalgner o f the hut the m anagem ent of the F air had probably flown. not changed much. Only two houses of th e student living or­ of thanks from the receiver, and propria!«, money, but has nothing and Chicago Civic Opera Company W ashington 62,200 and Grays “ It was late in the afternoon has been in communication with the statem ent th a t the scenes are deaths occurred there among the ganizations. River, W ashington, $2,100. The to say about the expenditure. Un­ costing nearly $5000. several attractions and It is pos­ when we discovered the evidence 43!? members during the recess. among the most beautiful the river improvements will, great­ Following a joint session in der the proposed program m e the Stella Lamont, C olorature So­ sible th a t these will be put on at Malin,” Snyder said last night, Speaker Frederick H. G illett, who the music auditorium w riter has ever seen. Two of ly facilitate w ater transportation Friday scope of the emergency hoard prano, made her operatic debut during the F air. The students ‘and Wilde asked th at he be per­ is to go over to th e senate In such letters were received this m orning at 9, the conference will can be enlarged and through the at Genoa, Italy, in Bellini’s dif- in the Northwest and will trend of the schools of Ashland will m itted to rem ain at his hotel over March tò take the seat of Sena­ adjourn to separate m eeting '“ ornlnR at the ^ c a l Chamber of four legislators the law m aking' ficuit opera P u r ita n r Tbia to reduce freight rates in that furnish a p art of the entertain­ night, promising to appear in tor David W alsh of M assachu­ Commerce. The first is from places. Donald C. Beelar of body can have a m ajority. j was the forerunner of other guc. territory. m ent, and the rem ainder will he K lam ath F alls and in court the setts. whom he defeated, called W arrenton will preside over th e ■ ^ ba Johnson, president of the At present, the Snake River, It is pointed out th a t with thei Cesses, brought hGr beforG thc made up of outside talent. The next morning. We took his word the gathering to order. student body officers convention, ! P0nn9y’vania State Chamber of throughout it’s entire length is emergency board idea the gover- critical Italian public ,n many night of December 12 will be for it and agreed not to demand The President will transm it John Black of McMinnville over ' Connnerce. In his letter Johnson nor retains his dignity and pres- of the principa, ci(iG9 Her not navigable, because of rapids carnival night. A num ber of his re tu rn to the city. .Evidently his annual message to Congress ■' says: the editors and m anagers of high iige; the secretary of state and j greatest trium phs were made in and shallow sport in river. The special features are being plan­ we mistook our m an.” next W ednesday. The adm inis­ school Newspapers, news notes “ Mr. Foss has sent me the book the state treasu rer function a s | 9uch operag ag Lucia RigoIetto dredging work which is recom­ According to Mrs. W ilde she ned for th a t night, and the pa­ tration will be relieved if Con­ sections and annuals and Miss “A Day in the Siskiyous” which they would with the board of mended will make the river navi­ B arber of Seville, and others of gable, and will tend to open up a trons are assured of a very en­ has not seen her husband since i' gress passes the necessary appro­ you were good enough to send to control, and the four legislators the lyric florid type. Avis Nelson of Portland over the joyable entertainm ent through­ Friday night and does not know di priations bills to run the gov- new country, which has never b e ­ me in care of the Pennsylvania girls league, affiliated with the have a voice in how the institu ­ of his w hereabouts. Mias Suzanne Frantz, Lyric fore been adequately settled be­ out the evening. _________________ ( erum ent for the next year. The stu d en t' body officers association. State Cham ber of Commerce at tions should be conducted for Soprano, will appear in the role cause of a lack of railway facil­ A T? TVTV H A N T ÌQ M A W big question m ark is the atti- At the jo in t session, a welcome H arrisburg. I have examined! which they authorize the fin- of Gina. Her captivating grace ities. A K an t i h f l A V Y ! tnde of the insurgents, who re- be extended by Dr. H. D. this with much pleasure, aud con­ ances. and radiant personality have won A N N UAL SPANKING, tnrned to the Capi tèi, »m arting will Sheldon, dean of the university g ratu late you upon the beautiful for her universal praise from, all under th e «ting o f being read out school of education ; J. A. C hurch-[ work. The colored illustrations BALTIMORE, Dec. 1. — Be­ musical critics where the produc­ of the party. L ittle work is ex- ill, state superintendent of pub- ! &rc exquisite, and its literary fore a great crowd including tion has been given in eastern pected in either house before lie instruction w ill speak on preparation is in every way praise- President and Mrs. Coolidge, and cities. Miss F rantz is a young “ B etter relationship among Are- worthy. It will fobia a valuable ranking officers of the Army and a n n ary American vocalist of rare a tta in ­ mon high schools,” and Randall addition to my library. I hope Navy, the W est Point Cadet elev­ ments in concert and recital S. Jones, president of the uni­ th a t at some early date I shall en defeated the Navy, 12-0. Gar- fields; she has appeared with versity associated students, on j have th e privilege of visiting tht bisch, the Army’s great center, m arked success in many of the SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., Dec. kicked four field goals, for the “ aRns of -the conference.,’ scenes so attractively shown.” largest cities in the east in op­ 1. — The mysterious death of cadet’s only scores. The Army F eatu rin g the editors and man-] The second letter, one from eratic roles. Throughout thc months of Sep­ W illiam Fee, popular and prom ­ showed b etter running attack, agers conference will be illus- j Hazel C. Lofgner, who requested KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. 1.— The voice and musicianship of tember, October and November, inent Alhambra, Calif., banker, and held back the Navy backfield trated lectures on the prepara-1 a copy of the book in order to pre­ A nother state appointee has Obrad D jurin, noted young Ser- the Chamber of Commerce Forum was linked today with the mys­ threats. tion of newspapers, news notes, pare a talk on Ashland to be de­ handed in his resignation because , bian Operatic Tenor, will prove a luncheons hare been devoted to terious disappearance of Jam es sections and annuals. A dvertis­ livered a t her home in Jam ica of the change of ad m in istratio n , revelation to his hearers in the the featuring the industries of W yann, a San Bernardino taxi­ ing problem s will be discussed. Plain., M assachusetts follows: “ I at the state house in Salem. He role of Fabrizio. D jurin, born In Ashland and Southern Oregon. PRIZE HEN SETS NEW cab driver. W yann’s blood stain­ PRODUCTION RECORD Addresses by C. W. Boettioch- received your book “ A Day in is J. H. Carnahan, local attorney, Serbia, received his academic and For the month of December, this ed automobile was found on the LONDON, Dec. 1. — Egypt ha3 er, superintendent of schools. The the Siskiyous” today, and I can whose resignation as Klam ath j musical education there, and made program will he varied somewhat, road between Santa Ana and San Lady Lithia. the 320 egg W h ite i formally accepted E ngland's de- Dalles; R. E. Cannon, principal assure you th at it will fulfill my county attorney for the state land b ia operatic debut in hjs native according to J. H. Fuller, secre­ B ernardino early yesterday a fte r­ Leghorn hen, owned by Mrs. W. j mands, and is carrying them out of Gresham Union , high school, requirem ents for a talk on your hoard, wa3 mailed to Governoi ■ land. He has sung Tosca, Rigo- tary of the organization, and noon. D. Booth of this city, re c en tly ' peacefully, the foreign office an- and others are scheduled for the c‘ty in a very excellent m anner, Pierce Saturday. ' letto, Cavaleria Rusticana, and W yann’s body is believed to be finished her second year of 3 6 5 in °unced here today. Included in student body officers conferences, j “ I sincerely appreciate your The recent election which plac-j La Boheme in Belgrade with the some of the principal assets, other than the commercial and indus­ hidden along the road, some­ days, with 269 eggs to her credit, these demands are the declara At the elO3lng joint session, Col. I hind co-operation in senidling me ed the balance of power on the Belgradie National Opera Com­ trial organizations of the section w here near where his car was making a total of 589 eggs for tion th a t the Egyptians m ust pay W illiam S. Gilbert of Portland, this beautiful book. The scenes state board of control in the pany, a3 guest artist under the will be considered. found. Police officials have been 500,000 pounds indem nity to the will be the principal speaker. the two years. noted and the verses I shall always hands of forces opposed to Jeffer­ baton of Binitchky, the searching the vicinity for the past Tomorrow, the topic at the F or­ family of the slain B ritish officer. son Myers, state treasurer, and conductor and composer. Lady Lithia has never laid pul­ treasu re.” day, since the finding of the car, um luncheon will he “O ur High Governor Pierce, was given by Mr. Carl Formes, the popular bari- let size eggs during the period This demand m ust be m et by but so fa r th eir efforts have been School." Teachers and students, Carnahan as his reason for re- tone, form erly of the San Carlo mentioned, andi on fourteen days check, immediately according to RADIO MEETING IN G n T A m w ithout success. signing. A fter the first of the o pera Company, who appears in representative of the various as- during the two years, laid two the term s of the agreement.. The M EDFORDPOSTPONED a P . m U N D W yann had acted as chauffeur Egyptians m ust disband their year. Governor Pierce will he a ' oie leading role, comes from a 8 ° °°i ** eggs per day. for the two principals in the in­ guests of the Chamber. Members forces, which have been mobilized m inority member of the board muaieal family long standing Announcement was made here vestigation of Fee’s death, and in various districts throughout of control, as a t this time T hom as; piotow, the composer, in w rit- of the football team, representa­ KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. 1.— this morning, th a t a meeting of these investigators declared his BOND OF BRITISHER tives of the various classes, and the country, and m ust make pub­ ORDERED FORFEITED lic apology, through the news­ radio ’ enthusiasts, which was to The b e lie f\h a t the Southern P a­ B. Kay. state treasu rer-elect,! jng tbe opera L’Ombra, wrote the members of the clubs and other m ysterious disappearance would ! baritone part for an ancestor of have been hedd in Medford this cific will establish a division takes office. furnish light on the Fee case. papers of England, for the In­ Mr. Carnahan was appointed toj c a rl Formes. Form es, even as a organizations at tbe high school .point on the Natron1 cut-off at SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 1— evening, and which a num ber of Fee was found dead a t the sults offered the B ritish flag. will be guests of the body a t tbe Ashland fans were planning to K irkford, sixty miles north of the position of state land board , u ttle fellow, was thinking of him- luncheon. foot of a tree, near his home, Federal Judge P artridge today or­ attorney six months ago. Since! seif as a great singer; he became here was strengthened today attend has been postponed. the only m arks on his body being dered forfeited, the $10,000 bail when the company purchased- 29 th a t time he has been active in a favorite pupil of Gigliana and O. R. Redfern, radio superin­ a slight bruise on one of his tem ­ of F. Anderson, Vancouver, B. C., JONES HELMCTED CARIO, Egypt, Dec. 1.— Lord acres of land at Fuego station, the appraisal of thate land loans in due time made a successful ples. The officers have been un­ attorney, aw aiting trial on a rum Allenby, B ritish high commis­ tendent for the seventh, district, in K lam ath. He succeeded Fred four miles north of K irkford. The debut in New Y ork, appearing decided as to w hether he died sm uggling charge, and who re­ sioner in Egypt, was confident who was to have addressed the' WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. — tr a c k . parallels thé right of way Fletcher. with the Century Opera Company from the effects of a fall, or was turned to his home with the per­ th a t th e quiet which yesterday meeting, was taken seriously ill Senator Jones of W ashington to­ of the S. P. Company officials de­ and other leading opera organi­ K illed, hut the killing of Wyann mission of the court. United lay over the country, would con­ in Medford th is morning, and it day loomed up as next Republi­ St. Helens — Plans drawn for zations. cline to comment on th e purchase. it is claimed, makes certain th at States A ttorney C arr told th e tinue. Two m embers o f the is doubtful w hether he will be can whip of the Senate. His ap­ Previously, K lam ath Falls had new city w ater reservoir, to hold he was m urdered. court th a t he was satisfied th a t Egyptian cabinet have resigned able to attend th e m eeting for been regarded as 4 probable lo­ 2,000,000 gallons. pointm ent will he made by Sena­ A storia — Pacific Pow er & Anderson had no intention of re­ The date upon cation for this term inal. due to the Egyptian acceptance several days. tor Curtis, new m ajority leader • - Light Company spends 6200,000 C ottage Grove— Bohemia Lum ­ turning here for trial. of th e B ritish term s of reprisal which the meeting will be held Oil showings are reported 20 to double power plant capacity. shortly, it is believed. ber Company sta rts new sawmill for th e assassination of Sir Lee will be announced later, it was Salem —~ C. j; Pugh. Inventor mile3 east of K lam ath Falls, at with 60 men. There la wisdom In reading ada. Stack. stated. to build canning-machine factory 150 feet depth. Tidings Want Ada bring result«, fh e Tiding’« Ada Bring Resalta WINTER FAIR ENTRIES CLOSE ON DECEMBER 5 FINAL SESSION OF CONGRESS IS UNDER WAY Premier Comedian Marries NEW ROLE FOR! STATE MATTER IS BEING URGED ALLEGED LIQUOR PEDDLER LEAVES ON DAY OF TRIAL NORTHWEST IS BENEFITED BY SCHIEF REPORT OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TO MEET EOCENE THIS WEEK p n ir n k n i . t ( I .,-. Ä .. Ä — J LAND OFFICER AT K. FALLS INVESTIGATORS SAY CONNECTED WITH FEE EGYPT HAS ACCEPTED T T ♦ F E î x __ — - TT— r TOMORROW IS TO FEATURE SCHOOL