t*AGB T H R E E Classified Column C lassified Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one month or mote, the word each time. ASHLAND D A ILY THONGS guests. A large turkey with the delicious foods th a t go with it was served and the afternoon PHYSICIANS following was pleasantly spent conversing. DR. H AW LEY— Above Tidings Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gow- office. Phone 91. land and Mrs. Ham ilton and fam- M iss E d ith D odge, E d itor ily. , | DR. C. W. HANSON Pitone item s to her a t 8 9 , betw een • * * D en tist PROFESSIONAL 8 a. m. and S p. m. lection was “ Dream er of Dreams" and the second,-'“ Woods in Au- tum n” . Both were beautifully rendered and thoroughly enjoy­ ed by all present. „ A fter partaking of delectable refreshm ents the club adjourned, The next meeting will be held Delember 9th. ,, E n tertain s a t Dinner— Special attention given to pyor­ Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Fraley en­ rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver 1 FOR KENT tertained with a delightful din­ CALENDAR O F EVENTS Block. Phone 178-J. 233-«.! FOR RENT:— P artly furnish­ -------- ------------------------------*-------- Tuesday, December 2. Civic ner at th eir home on Mountain ed 3-room apartm ent, 240 Ober­ Avenue Thanksgiving. A delic- DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE Club meets at club house. lin St. Inquire 227 Oberlin. D entistry Wednesday, December 3 Aux- i ious turkey dinner was served 72— 2* tra c tio n 1" a°nd “ m in o rS’' ^ g e r y J « la»T to ^ e Trinity Guild meets ¡ to the many guests present, fol FOR R EN T:__3 large fu rn ish -• Special attention given to s tra ig h t-, at 7:30 at the Parish House. i lowed by happy hours spent con ening and care of children’s i Thursday, December 4. Elks | versing. ed housekeeping rooms. Close in. teeth. Those present were Mr. and Ladies Club meets in club rooms Phone 242J. 75— 2 Above Citizens Bank Mrs. W illiam B arber and Mar-i Phono, Office, 151— Res., 201-J at 2:30. R egular card party. F irst P resbyterian Church shall, Josephine and Mildred j Friday, December 5. Rebekah FOR R EN T:— 5 rooms, pantry, J. C. Mergler, Minister Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Milton i bath. Completely furnished, 155 DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Prac-1 Bazaar, “ The Nation-W ide Task of the tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano ; • * * Fraley and Billy and Betty F ra ­ 7 th. 76— 3* C hurch” is the theme for Sun­ ley, Mr. W. L. Moore and Mr. { th ro at— X-ray including teeth. I M yer-Hubbard— day morning at 11 o’clock. Sun­ FOR RENT— Furnished house Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc W. Cedric Myer and Mrs. Au- Webb of Chicago who 13 visiting day School a t 9:45 a. m. follow­ a t 298 H argadine St. Call at 280 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, drey H ubbard were quietly m ar­ in Ashland. ed by morning worship. At 4:00 * • * H argadine or Phone 353J. 75-2* Ore. ried a t six o’clock W ednesday p. m. the Ju n io r C. E. meets, T h an k sgivin g D inner— FOR R EN T:— 5-room furnish- , DJU E B ANGELL— Chlropractl evening. November 26th by Rev. under the leadership of Miss A delicious Thanksgiving Din­ S. J. Chaney a t the Methodist ed bungalow, lovely yard, fron t­ and Electro-Therapy. Office Episcopal parsonage. Only Mr. ner w&s served a t the home of Hays. W estm inister Guild at ing park on G ranite street. E. T. phone 48; residence 142. First and Mrs. W illiam Myer, parents Miss May Benedict on Mountain 6:30 p. m. The book under con­ Staples. 67— sideration is “ China’s Real Re­ National Bank building. of the groom and Miss H arriet Avenue to a num ber of h e r . 1 volution.” Senior C. E. meets at FO R SALE Hodges were present. „ friendB Thursday noon. A fter the THE SOUTHERN OREGON 6:30 p. m. At 7:30 the program A fter dining a t the Myer home turkey dinner accompanied by, CLINIC of Sacred Song will be given, FOR SALE C H E A P :— Drum 1st N ational Bank Bldg. the couple left for A storia and many other delicious dishes the j ' directed by Mrs. Vivian Wood- oven. Inquire Miss Coffee Tidings M edical Surgical O bstetrical Portland for a short honeymoon. guests spent many happy hours j side, with Miss Imogene W allace D iagnostic X-ray office. Upon th eir le tu rn to Ashland telling stories and conversing. ; R W. Stearns, M. D. Guests for the day were A rth u r j at 1 ie organ they will be at home in the Chat- A L FA L FA HAY for sale. Mrs. R. E. Green, M. D. R. W. Sleeter, M. D. tin cottage on H argadine street. and E arnest Cooper and Mr. and M. E. Day, back of Normal T rinity Episcopal Church • • • Office hours 2-5 p. m. Mrs. Jojin F. Leggett and son. school buildings. 75— 6* Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond Phone 238-R * * * Thanksgiving Dinner— Holy communion a t 8 a. m. FOR SALE CH EA P:— Fireless Mr. and Mrs. W illiam M?yer D in n er Party— CONVALESCENT HOME Church school a t 9:45 Morning cooker. Inquire Missi Coffee Tid­ entertained with a tu rk ey dinner Mr. and Mrs. Jack True were W here the sick get well. Thanksgiving Day at th eir home hosts a t a delightful Thanksgiv­ service and ferm on a t 11. Even­ ings office. 75— 3* Cottage Plan. The table was ing dinner a t th eir home on E ast ing service and sermon a t 7:30. FO R SA LE, TR A D E, o r R E N T , W e board aDd care for invalIds on High street. prettily decorated and a delicious Main street Thursday. Guests Everyone cordially welcome. and old people. — 15 3-4 acres, Sanford prop­ dinner was served. who were present to enjoy the M aternity Dept. erty adjoining Helman Baths, Guests to enjoy the affair were delightful affair were Mrs. Mary F ir st Church of Christ, S cien tist Call 153 recently owned by R. Derrick. Pioneer Avenue, South Messrs and Mesdames G. F. Bil­ E. Grubb, Mildred Grubb, Miss Fine large city home, good barn, Sunday service at 11 o’clock. MONUMENTS lings, Ralph Billings, Homer Eunice Grubb, Mr. and Mrs. free irrigation w ith one of t h e , Subject of lesson “Ancient and Billings and John, R uth and Jean Beecher Danford and family, Mr. ASHLAND GRANITE oldest w ater rights in county, [ Billings and Misses H arriet and Mrs. J. Larkin Grubb and Modern Necromancy, Alias Mes­ MONUMENTS There is nothing b etter than this. merism and Hypnotism, De­ Hodges and Hilda Hansen. family and C. C. W alker. B lair G ranite Co. W ill trade for business, city or * • • nounced.” Sunday school at 10 * • * S. PENNISTON, Manager country property. W. H. Lever- o’clock. D inner P a rty — D inner G uests— Office 175 E. Main ette, Medford Bldg., Medford. W ednesday evening meeting at Mr. and Mrs. John R. Edwards Mrs. Emma Oedfer and Miss 8 o’clock. Reading Room open R es. P hon e 4 4 4 -Y « 74— 5 entertained with a five o’clock Linda Oeder were dinner guests daily from 2 until 5 p. m., ex­ FOR SALE: — German Police ANY" GIRL IN TROUBLE— May dinner at th eir home on Third at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. communicate With Ensign Lee street Thursday evening. The N. Woodside on Pine street at cepting Sundays and holidays. puppies, 687 Beach St. Thomas of the Salvation Army at the them e of Thanksgiving was car­ one o’clock Thanksgiving Day. H arris. 73— 7* F irst C ongregational Church W hiteShield Home, 565 May­ ried out in decoration as well as A fter thd delicious dinner the WOOD FOR SALE:— F ir and W. Judson Oldfield, Minister, in the dinner. fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. group attended the Ashland-Med­ Spruce, 16 inch, $8; H ard wood Boulevard and Main street. Following the dinner a pleas­ ford football game a t the local Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with PLANING MILL 16 inch, |1 2 . Delivered. Mountain an t evening was spent telling field. ’ classes for all grades and ages. > Fuel Co. Siskiyou or leave order stories. Those present were Mr. • • • JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET a t Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. Bring your Bible. Morning ser­ and Mrs. N athan Simpkins, Mrs. WORKS, Cor. Helman and 50— 1 mo.* vice at 11; subject. “ Standing Anna W illiams, Miss Georgie A lpha Circle— Van Ness. 194« Coffee and Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ The Alpha Circle of the O. for Life’s Ideal as Illustrated in MISCELLANEOUS E. S. spent a very pleasant and the Life of D aniel” . Junior wards. „ T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS profitable afternoon Tuesday C hristian Endeavor at 4 p. m. * * * DRESSMAKING and Tayloring W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. with Mrs. Looseley and Mrs. C hristian Endeavor at 6:30. E n tertain at D inner— for SERVICE. reasonable prices, all work guar­ Blake acting as hostesses. Evening service at 7:30; subject Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Coombe en­ anteed. Mrs. B. Van H arden­ Experienced movers and pack­ The prim ary object of the “ Valid Reasons for Being a tertained a num ber of their berg, 147 C entral Ave. 55— 1 mo.* ers of household goods. Deal­ friends a t a charm ing dinner m eeting was to pack and prep are' C hristian.” Prayer meeting every ers In coal and wood. Phone DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ party at five-thirty Thursday for shipm ent the donations of W ednesday evening a t 7:30. The 117. ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 G ranite evening. The Thanksgiving canned fru it, jam and jelly t h a t ; subject for next week is “ Pray- Office 89 Oak St. near street. 60— 1 mo,* motif was carried out through the m embers had contributed for er as a B attlefield.” If you are Hotel Ashland the delicious dinner th a t was the Masonic and E astern Star not in attendance a t some other Many enjoyable hours home. Many cans of fru it were church or Sunday school a cor- T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ served. fer— Good team and motor followed. Guests for th e even­ donated to add to the en jo y m en t, dial welcome aw aits you here at For a smooth shave trucks. G >od service at a rea- ing were Mr. and Mrs. R. E. De­ of those confined to the' home. the Congregational church. and qu’ck service go An agreeable surprise was trick and Miss Helen Detrick, souab.’e price. Phone 83. to the Shell Barber planned by th e hostess and the Mr and Mrs. W allen and small M ethodist E piscopal Churlch Shop. Ladies and members were entertained by two son and Mrs. Esbensen. S. J. Chaney, Minister FEHIGE-ROACH children get your hair * * * vocal selections by Mrs. Fred The Sunday School will meet Transfer — Express — Storage bobbed and marcel­ Neil charm ingly accompanied by at 9:45. Classes are provided for Hauling — Dray work of all Thanksgiving D i n n e r - led. Mrs. A. E. Woods. The first ee- all ages and all are welcome. The One of the prettiest of Thanks­ kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry W. A. SH ELL, Prop. wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R giving dinners was given at the 112-tf home of Mr. and Mrs. George >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore 375 B , St. 8 U M M O N S IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Loosley on Oak street Thursday IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OF OREGON, You are hereby no­ ASHLAND PA IN T CO when they entertained a num ber THE STATE OF OREGON FOR tified th a t the City o | Ashland D ependable of their friends. The tables is the holder of C ertificate of P ainting C ontractors & Decorators were exquisitely decorated in JACKSON COUNTY. City of Ashland, a municipal cor­ Delinquency No. 6249, issued on SWENNING & GEAR pink and green and a sum ptuous poration, Plaintiff Jan u ary 6, 1919 by the Tax Col­ Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.* meal of tu rk ey and the embel­ vs. lector of Jackson County, State lishm ents th a t go with it was W O O D SAW ING served by the gracious hostess. E state of Henry L. W hite, deceas­ of Oregon, for the am ount of same being the The guest list included Mr. and ed; L. A. Roberts, adm inistrator 348.95, the Pain and congestion is gone. WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel am ount then due and delinquent of said estate; Opal Gay H otten- Quickly?— Yes. Almost instant re­ 470-J. 63— lm o* Mrs. C. V. Loosley of K lam ath lief from chest colds, sore th ro a t,1 Falls and daughters, Carol and roth, and H. L. W hite, Junior, for taxes for th e year 1916 to ­ backache, lumbago F rancis Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. sometimes designated as H arry gether w ith penalty, interest and follows a g e ntle FRENCH NEGOTIATE Fred Neil and Kay and Jean B. W hite, being the heirs and costs thereon upon the real prop­ rubbing with St. FOR DEBT PAYMENT Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Dunn of only heirs of said Henry L. W hite, erty assessed to you, of which Jacobs Oil. Rub this sooth­ Medford, Mrs. Hall, Orville and deceased, and all others claiming you are the owners as appears of ing, penetrating oil WASHINGTON, Nov 28. — Dorothy Hall, Mr. Ray Jilb o n of any right, title, estate, lien or record, situated in said county right on your chest A fter a lapse of more than two Ashland and F ran k B urns of interest in and to the real prop­ and state, and p articularly bound­ and like magic r e - ! years, the French government ed and described, as follows: erty hereinafter described, Sacramento. lief comes. St. Ja- . . ,, , .. . ♦ * * cobs Oil is a harm- has actually begun prelim inary Defendants. Lots num bered 23, 24, 25, less linim ent which negotiations looking toward a d - , D elightful Dinne; TO: Opal Gay H ottenroth and 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and quickiy b r e a k s justm ent of her war debt to the! Mr and Mrs E E MiUer of H. L. W hite, Junior, sometimes 33, all in E ureka Addition to chest colds, soothes United States, it was officially [ c h ,1Prb strf,Pt were hosts at a designated as H arry B. W hite, be- the City of Ashland, Jackson ’earned here today. ’ ® de’Vfhtful Thanksgiving dinner ! ing the heirs and only heirs of County, Oregon. sore th ro at a n d The French debt is in excess of served a t noon T h an k sg iv in g ; said Henry L. W hite, deceased, oreaks up the con­ YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI­ gestion th at causes four billion dollars, None of Day Members of the family were and all others claim ing any right, FIED, th a t said City of Ashland pain. It never dis- the accum ulated interest has title, estate, lien or Interest In has paid taxes on said premises and does n°l burn the been paid. Jules Jusserand, re- and to the real property hereln- for subsequent years with thg? 8 Get a 35 cent bottle of St. J a ! turning am bassador has already j after described, of the above nam ­ ra te of interest on said am ounts, cobs Oil at any drug store. It bad one conference with Secre- ed Defendants. as follows: has been recommended for 65 tary of the T reasurer Mellon on years. Y ear’s Tax Date Paid Tax Recpt. Amt. the m atter and another is like­ R ate of No. Int. ly. Jan. 6, 1919 1917 22098 STATE MUST MAKE 537.47 12 FHowers are correct for 1918 Oct. 4, 1919 18787 GOOD BOND DEBT 35.47 A 8K S SPECIAL SESSION 12 all occasions. Besides 1919 April 5, 1920 10662 48.34 12 WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. — A brightening up a sick 1920 SALEM, Nov. 28. Mar. 26, 1920 8502 Protest- 25.79 12 . . special session of Congress after 1920 Oct. 5, 1920 16936 ing the necessity, but realizing . . . ., . , room or a room at home, 25.79 12 I, was the only m ean, of s a v in , J ’ C° “ 8 “ S™ “« “ ™' April 2, 1922 10243 26.48 12 they convey a message, 1921 the credit of the state, the enter- p f ’ J l 'J*? r Wpa t0 1921 Sept. 28, 1922 26.48 12 . . . , .. . . President Coolidge by Senator words cannot express. 1922 April 4, 1923 9063 gency board today authorized a . .. . 25.79’ 12 , . ... . Borah of Idaho this afternoon 1922 Oct. 5, 1923 19602 deficiency appropriation of 318,- __________________ 25.79 12 1923 March 31, 1924 8594 516.89 to meet payments and in­ 48.21 12 H A T C H E R terest due Monday on state Irri-J Pendleton — Umatilla wheat Said E state of H. L. W hite, de- failure to do so, a decree will be gallon district bonds. The fail-j e3tunates at 4.500,000 bushels,: “ The F lorist” ceased, and Opal Gay H ottenroth rendered foreclosing the lien of 1070 B oulevard ure of the Ochoco, W arm Springs, 2,500,000 less than 1925 but Open on Sunday— We Deliver and H. L. W hite, Junior, heirs said taxes and costs against the Slide and Summ er Lake irrigation bringing more money, of said estate, as the owner of land and premises above named. districts to meet this obligation, the legal title of the above des­ This summons is published by due to their inability to collect cribed property as the sam s ap­ order of the Hon. C. M. Thomas, taxes, has throw n the burdon o n , FO LEY P IL L S REACH ­ pears of record, and each of the Judge of the Circuit Court of ED THE SORE SPOT the state, the board stated. persons above named, ARE Jackson County, State of Oregon, Mrs. Ellen Reighard, South HEREBY FURTHER NOTIFIED, and said order was made and d at­ His Wife “ Talked B ack” Fork, Pa., w rites: “ I had been th a t the Plaintiff will apply to ed the 3rd day of November, 1924. Teacher Whipped Her suffering with my kidneys and the Circuit Court of said county The date of the first publication ---------- ! nothing seemed to touch the ach- and state, aforesaid, for a decree of the summons is the 15th day STANFORD, Ky., Nov. 28. — ing spot until I procured FOLEY foreclosing the lien against the of November, 1924. Convicted of whipping his w ife ,! PILLS, with wonderful resu lts.” property above described and All process and papers in this who was also his pupil, Melvin FOLLY PILLS, a diuretic stimu- mentioned in said certificate, and proceeding may be served on the W right, Lincoln County school lan t for the kidneys, gently and YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMON­ undersigned, residing within th e teacher, wa3 fined 5500 and sen-! thoroughly flush and cleanse the ED to appear w ithin SIXTY DAYS State of Oregon a t the address tenced to three months in j a i l , kidneys and help to elim inate a fte r the first publication of this h ereafter mentioned. here. poisonous waste m atter. Try a Summons, exclusive of the day BRIGGS & BRIGGS W right gave his wife a w h ip -. bottle today and you will be well of said first publication, and de­ By Wm. M. Briggs, ping because she “ talked back” pleased w ith the relief obtained, fend this action, or pay the A ttorneys for Plaintiff. ask any to him in class. The use of FOLEY PILLS in­ am ount due as above shown, to­ Postoffice Address: member of our creases kidney activity. Sold gether with th e costs and accru­ Pioneer Block q g aniTAtfop fh e Tiding’s Ads Bring Results everywhere. ed Interest, and In case of your Ashland, Oregon. 65-6 Sat. i pastor will speak a t both the morning and evening church services. There will be special music by the chorus choir. The evening service will be evange­ listic with an opening song ser­ vice. Come and help to sing the song3 you like to sing. "The Loyalties of My Life” is the topic for the Epworth League meet-, ing at 6:15 Sunday evening. All are cordially invited to all the meetings at the Methodist church. ' Church o f th e N azarene O. R. Reeder, Pastor Sunday school 9.45 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Evening service: Young peo­ ple service, 6:15, Preaching ser­ vice, 7:15; Prayer meeting Wed­ nesday evening, 7:30. Special re­ vival service beginning Decem­ b er. 7, Rev. Mr. D. L. WallaQe, Evangelist. The B aptist Church Which is G reater — Reason or F aith? Theme by the pastor Sunday morning. This sermon will help you if you are a doubt­ er. In the evening the young people will hold an evangelistic service, lead by Howard Geer. Howard is a very interesting and helpful speaker. The whole pro­ gram will be worth your hear­ ing— young people ushers, sing­ ers, speakers, the whole sermon in the hands of the young- peo­ ple. Sunday school 9:45 a. nr. Prayer m eeting W ednesday even­ ing. Bible study and prayer band Thursday. Tarry meeting Friday. You will receive a welcome at any of these sermons. We will especially be glad to welcome you a t our Sunday metings. B. C Miller, Pastor Do Not Observe The Sabbath.” t Savior. Hear Me, Buck, sung by The C. E. are in at very in te r­ Mrs. Vivian M. Woodside; An­ esting contest. 4 4 were present them, The King of Glory, J. A. last Sunday evening. Evening P arks; Sermon, The Morning sermon at 7 :3 0 ,. subject, “ The Hymn, Psalm 3; Hymn No. 250; W orld's G reatest Dective.” Benediction: Organ Postlude. Mits Imogene W allace at the Organ. , Sacred Concert Sunday evening’3 Concert of Sacred Song inaugurates a series th a t will be given throughout the year, at the F irst Presbyter­ ian church, under the direction of Mrs. Vivian M. Woodside. It is the present plan to have these concerts the last Sunday even­ ing in each month. The pro­ gram for th a t of Sunday, Novem­ ber 30, 7:30 p. m. follows. Organ Prelude; Hymn, No. 9, verses 1, 2, 3; Anthem, Rejoice Greatly, W oodward; Prayer; Anthem, The Lord is My Shep­ herd, Sm art; Anthem, Great is The Lord and Marvelous, Ron­ ald Diagle. Scripture Reading, Psalm 3, 1-8; Anthem, I ’m a Pilgrim-Lu- debuehl; Violin Solo, Cavaterla, Raff, played by Mrs. C. V. Ho­ well; Anthem, The Lord is Great, J. A. P arks: Offertory, O Your Home Town Store Pays Dividends Every dollar spent in Ashland pays you divi­ dends, as it is used to make this town a better place for you to live in. “ Buy At Home” First National Bank Ashland, Oregon ‘Ashland fs Our Town— Let’s Boost it!” TRY ALL BREADS Compare “ Sally Ann” Bread with all others and take vour choice Lithia Bakery DON’T Buy Tires Buy Mileage Also Brighten up the House for Christm as with new wall paper, paint or kalsomine J. 0. RIGG Our Diamond Tires will give you more miles per dollar than you can get elsewhere. We guarantee them IV. & N. Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN ■BBl Church o f Christ The Home Coming day ser­ vices were a great success. A packed house greeted Mrs. Mel- linger of Chico, Cal., at th e ' m orning service. One young lady made th e Good Confession a t the evening service and will be im­ mersed at the evening service next L ord’s Day. Services a t next L ord’s Day at : the regular hours. Bible school' a t 9:45 a. m. Subject of the m orning sermon “ Why C hristians' Tidings W ant Ads bring results. Oeser’s Ashland Serviee Station Associated Gasoline quick starting, even in coldest weather Do not neglect crankcase draining. of charge We do it free Dr. Oeser and Son Travel By Motor Stage Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably From Ashland Effective Nov. 30th Daily to P o rtla n d .............................. 7:00 A. M- Daily to E u g e n e ............................... 12.00 Noon 12:00 noon Stage connects following morning. to Portland We ta k » passengers for all way points; for further inform ation and t’ckots call Hotel Ashland office phone 47. FARE ASHLAND—PORTLAND $8.20 RUB CHEST COLDS AWAY: STOP PAINS ‘Buy more flowers’ CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER ~ CO M PA N Y Valuable Illustrations for Advertisers Do you know that The Daily Tidings has an illus- 4 trated advertising service from which advertisers may procure cuts free for practically every business and for almost any item of merchandise or service which your business requires? For instance, the Christmas trade. Whether it is musical instruments, jewelry, furniture, groceries, elec­ trical apparatus, toys, flowers or whatever it may he, The Tidings illustrated service contains just the illustration which you need to make your advertising more attractive and more productive. These illustrations, which we furnish free, are also valuable in making up your printed forms, for an illus­ tration makes the printed page more alluring. Whether you want illustrations for your newspaper advertising or for your printing, we have just what you want. Phone us and we will be glad to show you proofs of wliat vou need. TnfirrtdSto&yields 7.14% The Ashland Tidings Phone 39 li-iFwrrLii-p«: