Tr’ aÄ-a —— —4. ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the .rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. (In tern ation al N ew s W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1924 Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. STRIKERS ARE CHARGED WITH BLOCKADING SWARM OF BE E S RA ISE HAVOC ABOARD VESSEL 8 I :: i » ! « 8 ' ** I n 8 8 Two Arrested for Picketing » at Big Construction Job, 8 Held as Trespassers LEADER MAKES TALK O fficial o f S trikers A nnounces W alkout Is S till on. A lthough Copco O fficials Contradict a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ---------- WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. — As an example of unusual occurrences that find th eir way into rou­ tine Government report may be cited a recent paragraph received from a ship which sends w’eatli- er observations at regular intervals to the Federal W eather Bureau. This ship, the Ameri­ can steam ship W est No- m e n tu m ,' en route from Yokohama to Portland, Oregon, was anchored off Davao, Mindanao, P. I., about half a mile from shore one July morning this past Summer Cap­ tain L. Oetting, who was on the bridge winding the ship's chronom eters, suddenly observed count­ less dark objects circling around the ch art room. Investigation showed that action was necessary, and the chart room doors were hastily closed, for the visitors were bees. Some m inutes later they located them selves on the top end of one of the ship's booms in front of the bridge. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 « 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 NOT GUILTY IS PLEA OF PAIR CAUGHT HERE CHIEF FIGURES IN NEWS OF THE DAY. NO. 76 ROBINSONS ARE IN BIG TRIAL Dorner and Mack to Face Grand Jury as Result of Plea in Court Here Questions Answered by Jury Are Satisfactory to Judge. Case' Is Dismissed THEFT IS DISCOVERED IS GIVEN CLEAN SLATE S to le B lanket from Ix>cal H otel. F our Now A w aiting N ex t Ses­ sion o f County Grand Jury P ublic Not Interested in T echnical P oin ts of Case, Fail to Ap­ pear W hen Session Opens SOMETIMES SOLDIERS JUST MUST SWEAR 8 8 LONDON, Nov. 29. — 8 8 B ritish m ilitary law rec­ 8 8 ognizes the fact th at sol­ 8 8 diers are liable to out­ 8 8 bursts of profanity, and 8 8 when a private of the 8 8 F irst Royal Dragioons 8 8 wa3 charged at an Ald­ 8 8 ershot court m artial re­ 8 8 cently with using In­ 8 8 subordinate language to­ 8 8 ward a sergeant, he was 8 8 acquitted on the ground 8 8 th a t the expressions he 8 8 used were “ common bar 8 language.” The 8 8 room 8 B ritish m anual of m ili­ 8 8 tary law, cited by the 8 8 defense in the case, says: 8 *‘A soldier frequently 8 8 8 uses violent language, 8 8 which Is a mere outburst 8 8 of m om entary Irritation 8 8 or excitement, w ithout 8 8 at all intending to be in­ 8 Allowance 8 8 subordinate. 8 m ust be made for coarse 8 8 expressions which a man 8 8 of inferior education will 8 8 use as mere expletives.” 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ENTRIES ARE COMING IN FOR POULTRY SHOW Several Fanciers Have E n­ tered Birds to Headquar­ ters of Fair Body Here ADVERTISING IS READY Posters Advertising F a ir l*repared by Mrs. Edna F orsytlie A l­ tra«-1 Favoni hie Notice E ntries for the poultry show LONDON, Nov. 29. The which will feature the Fifth An­ •amazing case of “ Mr. A.” came nual W inter F air to be held here to an end today as far as the December 9 - 1 2 inclusive have public Is concerned when the started trickling into headquar­ ju ry returned answ ers to six ters here, and w ithin a few days questions put by Justice Darling, it te expected th at the rush of exonorated Charles Robinson and last m inute entries will swamp his wife from conspiracy to ob­ the office force handling the tain money from the Indian po­ blanks. Poultry fanciers through­ tentate, and was discharged. out the state, and in many parts The judge announced he would of W ashington and California bear legal argum ents in private have signified their intentions of in the ju ry ’s answ ers at a later entering birds in the competition date. at the W inter Fair. It rem ains for opposing coun­ The largest single entry thus sel to argue w hether the Mid­ far received is that of S. K. H art- land Bank of London, defendant sock, well known p o u lfy raiser in the $625,000 suit brought by of Corvallis, who has forwarded Robinson, must pay the sum to a check for twelve dollars to the G L O R IA 9VAlXS0irg>. &D3? M3NTA. the plaintiff. The judge will local officiate, covering the entry £}&*»:. ZACVUKJ/ PASHAS GENERAL AWLXTBY. I give his decision in about a fort- fee for twenty four birds. Other ° night. R ogu e V alley M illin g Pl.'inb Is sm aller entries have been re ­ D ^ hlo!u l,P a s t\ 0' handed to General Allenby, The case revolved around an T otally D estroyed by Fire. ceived, and from all indications, British High Commissioner, the reply to the twenty-four-hour ultimatum. , Egypt promises to pay Indemnity tor the murder of General Sir Lee a eged conspiracy whereby the Only P artially Insured the estim ate made earlier of Stack, promises to punish the gnilty, and offers to apologize, but rejects j rajah and the woman were trap- nearly six hundred birds being the other and more Important demands of the British. Gloria Swanson, ' ped in a Paris hotel and the po- MEDFORD, Nov. 29. — Fire placed on exhibition will^be eas­ * " " ,¡ 5 “ K 4 F,rt‘' S'“ 1 bee” “ »“ ate w rote two checks (or making a picture. Mrs. Mints Arbuckle is reported to have gone t o i » , rAAAA of unknown origin destroyed the ily verified. Paris for a divorce from “Fatty” Arbuckle, former motion picture star each t0 have the mat- three-story plant of the Rogue One of the best known and comedian. Her petition for divorce was filed in Providence, R. I., last te r bushed up. Valley Milling company, corner most capable poultry judges on January, but was withdrawn when her legal residence In Rhode Island Montague Noel Newton, form- of South Front and East Ninth the Pacific Coast, H arry Collier was questioned. r. . «• er British officer, a witness for streets shortly after midnight of Tacoma, lias been obtained to the bank, told of a conspiracy, Wednesday night, causing much select the winners in the poultry and asserted th a t Robinson and excitement and an estim ated loss division. Collier is president of his wife were parties to it. New­ of $25,000. the National Poultry Judge’s As­ ton, W illiam Hobbs, a law yer’s E. N. Vilm, who is puoprietor sociation, and recognized as one clerk, and a treacherousi aide de and operator of the Rogue Valley of the leading authorities in the camp, who betrayed the poten­ Milling company, having some country. Although judges for tate, obtained $200,000 each. time ago bought out the interests the other divisions have not been The ju ry went out the first of his brother, aud who is being selected as yet, the officials in tim e at 3:25 p. m. and re tu rn ­ deluged with sympathy by his charge of the Fair are in com­ ed at 4:40 p. in. On this occasion many friends and business men munication with several of the M arriage of Teacher to Pupil Does Investigators W orking on Origin it answered four questions as in general, besides estim ating leading poultry experts on the follows: N ot Com e U nder Jurisd iction o f B ig F ire W hich R avaged bis loss as $25,000, estim ates Coast, and it is assured th a t very o f S ta le Superintendent ’— Charles Robinson was not' Barns Late Y esterday th a t he carried insurance of $19.- capable men will be obtained to a p artn er to the conspiracy 000. (Til these positions. SALEM, Nov. 29. — J. A. RACE TRACK, TI JUANA, whereby money was obtained J. H. Fuller, Secretary of the Of this insurance be states that Churchill, state superintendent Mex„ Nov. 29. — More than five from the potentate. $10,000 was on the stock, and Chamber of Commerce, left this 2— Mrs. Robinson was not a of public instruction, will not take hundred carpenters were put to $9000 on the building and ma­ morning to distribute advertis­ party to such conspiracy. any part in the controversy re­ work at daybreak today, in an ch in e^’. Of his future plans ing m aterial throughout the 3— Ruch a conspiracy existed, sulting from the m arriage of effort to rebuild the six, eight Southern Mr. Vilm says th a t at present he Rogue River Valley. Rosemuinde Lee Shaw to her 17- hundred foot stables destroyed the scheme being to catch “ Mr. has none. Oregon will be flooded with lit­ year-old pupil. Clifford LeRdy late yesterday afternoon when a A.” and Mrs. Robinson in a com­ He knew nothing about the erature and posters announcing and obtain Samuelson, unless an investiga­ fire of undeterm ined origin took promising position fire which had wiped him out of the F air before the opening date. tion te requested by the Clacka­ toll of five race horses and did money from the former. Mrs. Edna Forsythe of this business, tem porarily, until 4— The potentate’s mind was mas county school superintend­ damage estim ated at $125,000. Thanksgiving morning, about 7 city lias been painting the post­ ent, Mr. Churchill announced re­ Jam es Coffroth, owner and op­ so unsettled by the circum stan­ o’clock, no one having thought ers, to be used in advertising the cently. erato r of the track here announc­ ces of the discovery th a t his ac­ to notify him while the building Fair? Her work has attracted Mrs. Samuelson is an instruc­ ed immediately after the fire th at tion in parting with checks for was burning, and later, until that wide spread attention, the beau­ to r in the Canby schools and her he would endeavor to rebuild the £300,000 was not voluntary. tiful posters receiving favorable hour. Justice D arling then asked the m arriage to her youthful pupil stables in order th a t the big race The fire had gained much comment wherever they are put has caused considerable unpleas­ meeting, which was opened on ju ry three more questions and headway and the interior of the on display. Mrs. Forsythe is now an t comment there. It was said Thanksgiving Day, m ight be con­ sent it back, first perm itting the large building was all in flames working on a new set of posters jurors, who included two women, th a t she had been asked to re- tinued. when it was first discovered which will he ready for d istribu­ sign, but had refused under the At least tw enty five bead of to have tea. The new questions about 12:15 a. m. Thursday, and tion within a few days. term s of her contract which p ro ­ horses, among them sdme of the asked were: The entertainm ent features for then prom ptly reported to the (A) — Did the Midland Bank vided th a t she could not be re­ finest thoroughbreds in the coun­ fire departm ent, which was quirk- the F air have not been complet­ moved for causes other than in­ try, are still at large, roam ing of London, in paying the check, ly on the job. When the firemen ed, but it has been announced efficiency and immorality. N eith­ the hills near the race course. obey the m andate under which it arrived the structure wa3 all that the night of December 12 er of these charges had been pre­ More than five hundred horses received it? ablaze and the roof about ready will he carnival night. Several (B ) — Was the inscription on ferred against her, it was said. were driven from th eir stalls unique features are planned for to fall in. the check signed by William Mr. Churchill said he recently when the fire was discovered by W hile they could do nothing that nlglit, with the probability was requested to take some ac­ a stable boy retu rn in g after a Hobbs or the law firm? in the way of saving the building, th at a dance will wind up the (C) — Did either Hobbs, who tion in th e affair, but th a t he in­ visit to the old town of Tia festivities. made away with the money now yet they played several stream s formed the com plainants th a t the Juana. of w ater on it and a t the same controversy was one to be hand­ An investigation has been claimed by Robinson, or Hobbs’ firm intend to tran sfer the rights! time played stream s on the near- led by th e Canby school board. started by the Mexican Federal Even though the Clackamas au th o rities and private investi­ of the £150,000 check to Robin- by dwellings, which for a time were also threatened with de­ school superintendent should ask gators retained by Coffroth, in a n ' son? struction — so much so th a t the Mr. Churchill to revoke Mrs. effort to determ ine w hether or j families either moved their be- Samuelson’s license to teach in not the fire was incendiary, and ' lingings out, or had prepared to Oregon, she would be entitled to if so, by whom it was started. It do so. a hearing before the state sup­ is believed th a t some bettor, W hat made the fire in the mill erintendent of public instruction. crazed by the loss of his money, building so hard to extinguish If the state isup|erintendent of may have decided upon this form WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. — was its large quantity of stock schools should find the revoca­ of revenge. A nother theory ad­ The proposal for an American of finished and unfinished flour. tion w arranted, Mrs. Samuelson vanced by the investigators te adherence to the W orld Court Is 1 run of the mill, grain and brand then would have the right of ap­ th a t some drunken visitir at the BOURBONS WILL BE doomed unless the Republican ; stock. The firemen played peal to the courts. barns may have dropped a light­ FRIENDLY TO G. 0. P. Senators, either- now in office or PORTLAND, Nov. 29. — Ex­ stream s on it for over five hours. those who have been elected to Mrs. Samuelson was employed ed m atch or cigarette into the in­ The building was thoroughly office have a sudden change of WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. — in newspaper work a t Eugene for flam able m aterial used there, am ination of finger prints dis­ 00366634 covered on a hammer, was ex­ gutted, and its walls are render­ heart, Senator Swanson, Demo­ I The Democratic party will adopt several months a few years ago, thus startin g the big blaze. } a friendly attitu d e toward the pected to reveal late today to de­ ed useless. It is regarded as a crat of Virginia declared here and is well known to a number tectives w hether Ole Broten, 40 complete loss. Of the stock it is today. present Republican adm inistra- of Salem residents. FORMER RESIDENT years of age, a bachelor, and a thought only a small quantity of j tion's legislative proposals in the Dr. F. G. Swedeoburg gave a Swanson, leading pro-league DIES IN PASADENA contracting brick mason, was flour stacked In one corner, and Senator said he would abandon i “ lame duck” session of Congress very interesting talk to the Scouts FORUM WILL FEATURE m urdered, or w hether he ended on which the firemen played his previous efforts to force the ! which will get under way on W ord was: received here yes- CHICAGO. Nov. 29— William Monday, it was announced here of Troop No. 2 a t th eir regular ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL his own life. His body, with the stream s, was saved. consideration of the H arding - t e r d a y o f the sodden death of th ro al F ahy, form er ace of postal in­ today by Senator Robinson of meeting Friday evening concern­ Fortunately an American - Hughes proposal in Congress at The program for th e Forum Mrs. D. W. Cool,dee. a form er ing some of his experiences dur- |n |||a hoU , r00m spectors In the Chicago district, A rkansas, Democratic leader of France fire pumper, which with the coming session, unlets the • ing his European trip. He was in luncheon of th e Chamber of resident of th is city, in her home I and Jam es Murry W est, well the Senate. Its operator, had arrived here Republican members of the Sen­ here. ■ Europe at the time of the Inter- Commerce, to be held! at the Ho­ in Pasadena, on November 18. known and powerful W est Side The ham m er in question and j W ednesday night for a demon- ate changed their “apathetic a t­ 1 national Scout Jam bouree, a te l/ Ashland next Tuesday wjill Mrs. Coolidge was a sister in law political leader, and conf issed a safety razor blade were found j stration to he made Friday, was titu d e.” I: Scout event very sim ilar to the feature the activities of the A b I i - of J. R. Casey of this city. beer runner, m ust serve twenty- YOUTH BREAKS ARM beside th e body. The police are I available and put Into use with H arding, with the aid of Sec­ The Coolidge family te well Olympic Games, and on several land High School, according to an five years each in the Federal IN FALL AT PLAY occasions came in contact with •' announcem ent made this morn known In Ashland, since they re | positive in their belief th a t Bro- j ¡ts dem onstrator at the fire, and retary of the State Hughes, for­ ten was m urdered, holding the wa8 very valuab’e assistance pnitentiary at A tlanta, Ga., for m ulated a plan by which the ing by J. H. Fuller, secretary of sided here for some time, several Jam es Baughman, six-year old American Scouts,, the resu lt th a t theory th a t it would be almost to the firemen, as it enabled country could take an active p art th e ir p art in the two million dol­ years ago. he has a pretty good opinion of the local booster organization. impossible for a man to deal him- j them to have heavy pressure all lar Roundout mail robbery which son of Clinton Baughman of this in the W orld Court, and it was Members of the football team Boy Scouts. I t was as good as city broke "his, collarbone at the self two heavy blows on the top the time. took place several m onths ago. believed this plan would have of this year, representatives of a movie to hear “ Doc” tell about BRITISH OPEN FIRE of the head with a ham m er, after The destruction of the mill been carried out, had not P resi­ Federal Judge Cliff passed sen­ shoulder yesterday morning when the four classes, the debating ON SUDAN REBELLION he had cut his own throat. building removes a landm ark of dent H arding died. tence on the two m*m today. Fahy he fell off a table in his home, i w a,k,n« ,lve miles from the de‘ Following team and other organizations of Hc wa3 playing and in some fell, I to G»e hotel a t Venice, fol- Broten told the elevator boy many years. It was originally hte death, the attitude of many and W est, although they were at the institution will be guests of KHARTOU, Egypt. Nov. 29— in the hotel yesterday “ Don’t let built about 40 years ago as the first suspected of the robbery, striking the floor with h is ' lowinS a guide who couldn’t un­ th e Chamber at the luncheon. B ritish artillery today razed anyone in my room, they are go­ A. A. Davis mill, it is said. Then of the supporters of the plan w ere later released from custody shoulder. He was taken imme- • derstand American lingo, con- Music for the m eeting will be fu r­ houses in this city where Egyptian ing to kill me.” The operator it passed into the hands of H. O. changed, and as a result, there when they proved, w hat the Fed­ siately to Dr. Woods and an X-ray stantly in danger of losing ttack nished by students of th e high sdldiers, members of th e outfit said th a t Barton had been drink­ Nordwick, who operated it for a te little chance of the m easure eral officiate considered an ade­ was taken showing the bone to ° t the guide a t one end of the passing. procession and Mrs. Swedenburg school. Which was m utinied, took refuge. ing and was badly intoxicated time, and then disposed of it to q u a te alibi. L ater, new evidence be broken, He is much Improved The H arding - Hughes plan Fburteen Sudanez soldiers were when he made the statem ent, so the Vilm Bros. Rogue Valley a t th e other end of the line, and which was introduced into ihe today. called for a modification of the There’s a message in The killed during the firing, and the nothing was thought of the mat- always expecting th e hotel to be , ----------------------- ------------------------ - Tidings Want Ads. remaining members surrendered, ter. (Continud on page Four) (Continued on pace 4> There is wisdom in reading ads. ju st around the next corner. (Continued on Page Four) YREKA, Calif., Nov. 29. — A.^C. Dorner r and Jam es Mack, Charges of special deputy sher­ irWst the ™ o men arW sted here early iffs herding working men into the yesterday morning by Chief of camps of the California-Oregon Police McNabb, and in whose pos­ Pow er Company against the session wa3 found a quantity of blockade established by the merchandise stolen from a second strik ers at Hornbrook, the arre3t hand store in Medford, together and subsequent release of two with an autom obile which it is men alleged to have been pickets alleged they had stolen in P o rt­ near Copco on the statem ents by land, yesterday pleaded not guil­ the company th a t the strike was ty to the charge of stealing the over and of the strike commit­ automobile, and were bound over tee th a t the strike was in full to the grand jury. bloom, are the latest develop­ This plea will enable the Med­ m ents of the labor differences a ford police officials to file on the company's construction a charges against Dorner and Mack a work on the K lam ath river. in Justice of the Peace Taylor’s 8 Jack J. Dalton, aged 40, and court in Medford, charging them R. E. Wood, 27, were arrested with grand larceny, in connection by Special Deputy Sheriff Bow­ with the robbery of the second ers above Thrall on the Copco hand, store in th a t city. line Tuesday, but when they It was discovered yesterday were brought to Yreka yester­ afternoon th a t the men had stolen day m orning they were released. a blanket from the Hotel Ashland It is said th at the men were A rriving in this city late T hurs­ posting strike signs on the com­ day night, they registered a t the pany’s right-of-way and th a t they local hotel and. went to their were arrested as trespassers. K lam ath F a lls Territory W ill be room. In a few m inutes they ap­ Both sides have issued state ­ B enefit ted by A ddition o f peared in the* lobby, declaring ments. O. G. Steele, division man­ KOO4) Acres of T illab le Land they had forgotten an engagem ent ager for the company, declares in N orthern California, and th a t th a t the crews are almost full. KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 29— they would have to leave, but “ We have w ithin 50 men of ru n ­ A nother 8000 acres of Klam ath soon a fte r they left, it was dis­ ning full crews and this differ­ county’s potentially fertile land Is 5 covered a blanket in the room ence is because of the normal to be placed under w ater. Such was missing. When McNabb pick­ fluctuation in a large group of was the message emblazoned on ed up the two men near here, E. men. We will absolutely have the page of achievem ent of the T. Allen cf the hotel looked over no dealings with the so-called “ Em pire A w akening” when offi­ the stolen articles, and discover, strik e committee, which is com­ posed of I. W. W. agitators at cial word was announced W ednes­ ed the missing blanket. It is pos­ H ornbrook. We will complete day afternoon th a t contracts for sible th a t a th eft charge will be th e mammoth construction job the Shasta View and Malin Irrig a ­ lodged against the men on this w ithout the interference of hired tion districts have been awarded. count. Representing an expenditure of trouble m akers.” W ith th e capture of these two “ Jo e ” Connolly, chairm an of between $150.000 and $200,000 men, and th eir com m ittm ent to th e strik e committee at H orn­ and affecting from 50 to 75 de­ the county jail a t Jacksonville, brook, gave an exclusive state ­ term ined land-owners, the pro­ there are now four suspects, a r­ m ent Thursday. "W orking con­ jected irrigation districts presage rested in Ashland, aw aiting the ditions have not been improved continued growth and expansion next session of the grand jury. a t the camps and the w orkers of the K lam ath country. These men are, Jam es Kelley, con­ have left by popular vote. Re­ The contracts have been w rit­ fessed robber of the Standard Oil liable inform ation has been re­ ten, the aw ards let and all that Company office here and John ceived at the strike headquarters now rem ains are a few trifling McDonald, his companion, who is daily th at the company is hard legal technicalities before the being held as a m aterial witness, pressed for miners and has its long cherished dream of these and Dorner and Mack. man catchers out m isinforming progressive communities becomes The next regular session of the men regarding the strike condi­ a reality. grand ju ry will be held in Feb­ tion but it is not meeting with The Shasta View Irrigation ruary, and unless an extra gath­ any success. d istrict contract is to be aw arded ering of th a t body is called before “ There is also a deputy sher­ to C. T. Darley. The Malin Irri­ th a t time, the men will be held iff stationed at Hornbrook who gation district contract goes to in custody nearly three months has been trying to get men to go the K lam ath Lake Land and Live­ before indictm ents can be re tu rn ­ to Copco and take the places of stock company of California^ Of­ ed against them. the strikers but he is meeting ficial confirm ation of this action It is possible th at Kelley may w ith no success. was received through W. C. Dal­ be connected with th e robbery of “ We have no objection to the ton, representing the districts. the Gold Hill drug store, which deputy being in Hornbrook but W ork has already been started occurred a few days before his we suggest th a t the sheriff of on the two projects, it was an- capture here. Two suspects tak- Siskiyou county instruct him not nounced this afternoon, and with * en in Medford in connection with to m isrepresent the strike to the all prelim inaries out of the way, the la tte r robbery, are believed men he approaches dally. “ This is the tw elfth day of the the actual construction work will to be pate of Kelly. «trike and we are out to w in.” get under way immediately in Sheriff Calkins declares th at order th at the land might be pul NOTED COMPOSER OF he has instructed his men to as- under w ater at the earliest pos­ OPERA FOUND DEAD aum e a neutral attitu d e in the sible moment. Sim ilar to the land lying w ith­ BRUSSELS, Nov. 29. — Gia­ trouble but to let no one start in the K lam ath Irrigation district, como Puccini, noted operatic any disorder. W hile the strike is in progress th e 8000 acres at Malin and j composer died early today a t the num erous men are seeking lodg­ Shasta View are of a rich d e e p ' age of 65 years, according to a ing in Yreka and free beds have sandy loan. The Jand lies a bit ¡re p o rt received here. The mes- been at a premium for the last too high for the installation of i sage stated th a t Puccini succumb- few nights. The men, for the the gravity system, hence the con-' ed to the ravages of a th ro at in­ m ost part, decline to say w hether| tracts call for pumping units for, fection. • they are strikers or are looking ^both districts for a job. E OF NEARLY $25,000 TWO PROJECTS ARE TWO ARE SENTENCED FDR COMPLICITY IN ROUNDOUT THEFT E OF ” TO TAKE PART IN IL F BURNED STABLES AT POLICE ARE PUZZLED BY DEATH OF OLD WORLD COURT SAID 10 BE BOOMED BY