AsÊLAîib b À t i ì ftbßiÖ S PAöfe FOUft To Return S u n d a y - iny, November UH, lttili Leaves for C a r o lin a - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR REN T:— 5 rooms, pantry, In Town— Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Creeks were W alter L. Rasor left Tuesday bath. Compidtely furnished, 155 in town W ednesday and T hurs­ for C harlotte, N orth Carolina, ALFALFA HAY for sale. Mrs. ! 7 th. 76— 3* day shopping. They are located where he will work for his broth­ M. E. Day, back of Normal FOR RENT— Furnished house near the sum m it of the Siskiyous er, E arl Rasor in his musical school buildings. 75— 6* at 298 H argadine St. Call at 280 at Wall Creek, where Mr. Creeks studio. FOR R EN T:— Partly furnish H argadine or Phone 353J. 75-2* is superintending the re-decking ed 3-room apartm ent, 240 Ober­ of the Southern Pacific trestle. FOR SALE C H E A P :— Drum lin St. Inquire 227 Oberlin. Time makes cedar 72— 2* oven. Inquire Miss Coffee T idings! Cliff Payne office. chests. FOR SALE CH EA P:— Fireless T K A T E R M A tT Ifü Regular cooker. Inquire Miss Coffee Tid­ ings office. 75— 3* REGULAR Undergoes Operation— Mrs. 8. F. Thornton under­ Mr. and Mrs. O. Fansteel and went an operation at the Com­ Mrs. John P o tter will retu rn i Sunday to Southern California m unity Hospital W ednesday and after spending their vacation with i is doing as well as could be ex­ S. Patterson of this city. Mrs. i pected. P o tter will go to Oakland and | Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fansteel to ' M and ison. H ere From F alls— V. G. B arnthouse of Klam ath Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ F alls is in Ashland and will re­ light you at The Plaza. 64— tf main here for several months. Tamales, best in the city, “ The Here Indefinitely— Mr. and Mrs. S. C. H am aker | R ose”. 60— tf of K lam ath Falls are in Ashland At Grant.» Paa»— and expect to make an indefinite ¡| Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Holmes stay at the home of th eir son, journeyed to G rants Pass Thanks­ Mark Ham aker. giving Day and visited their son W. C. Holmes. W ith our modern equipm ent, we can make your p o rtait at Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ night as well as day. Sittings light you at The Plaza. 64— tf evenings by appointm ent. 71— tf Darling Studio. Im proving— Mrs. C. E. P ratt, who has been seriously ill, is reported to be H ere from E ugene— rapidly improving. Miss Luciie Perozzi of th e Uni-' versity of Oregon is spending sev­ We deliver the goods— Detricks eral days with h er parents, Mr. I 94-tf and Mrs. D. Perozzi of Granite street. Tonight THE grey's PRICES 11 W edding Show ers” R eturns to H om e— C. E, Dexter, who came herei Special prices on portraits d u r­ recently from Remington, Indiana! ing Nov., Darling Studio. 71— 5 received word W ednesday of the ’ | death of his m other and left fori In Dunsm uir— Mrs. Jam es H artley and fam ­ his home th a t evening. ily of 155 Central Avenue are Save $10.00, walk upstairs to visiting relatives in Dunsmuir Orres tailo r shop. 17— tf during the Thanksgiving holidays. Splendid residence lot $75 on W ith P arents— I payments. The Staples Retìlty Miss G ertrude Brown W’ho isi Company. teaching at Selma, is in Ashland visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | In M edford— L. S. Brown of Holly street. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore spent yesterday afternoon visit­ Have ju st sold the B ergneri ing in Medford. block; but have another snap in business property. Staples R e a lty ; Phone, 130 for Powell’s Cider. Agency. 72— tf i 63— Im o Return Home— Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Miles of A lturas, w’ho have been visiting here left yesterday for Sacra­ mento accompanied by Mrs. Jane C arter. In Ashland— Mr. and Mrs. Lois Weeden, W akefield and th u r H am aker this city w ith tives. Will Weeden, Miss Mr. and Mrs. E d;| Mr. and Mrs. Ar-I spent yesterday in friends and, rela­ Your portait will solve twelve Cliff Payne makes french ! gift problems for Xmas, Darling doors. Studio. 71— tf From Moon’s C a m p - In Ashland— Miss Mildred Gyger is spending Donald W right, who is atten d ­ the Thanksgiving vacation a t the ing the Oregon A gricultural Col­ home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lege is spending the vacation with Jackson Gyger of Neil Creek. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M W right. NOTICE:— The regular week­ ly dance at the “ W inter G arden” We have the suits and we can will be given on Saturday night, fit you.— Paulseruds. 73—tf this week, instead of Friday night. 75— 1 t ______ From E u g e n e - Frank W alker and Paul W ag­ Leaves for Los Angeles— ner who are attending the Uni­ Miss Constance McWilliams left versity of Oregon are in Ashland Tuesday evening for Los Angeles visiting with their parents over where she will make her home. the holidays. California Beach balloon dance Our p o rtrait equipm ent is equal Hot Springs Sat. $1 bills in bal­ to any in Southern Oregon. We loons, Quack’s Novelty Oregonian know we can please you, Darling 75— 2 Studio. 71— tf W alter Miksche who is attend­ ing Linfield College is spending • the Thanksgiving vacation with his parents. From A lbany— Robert High who has been working at Albany Is In Ashland for a few days. FOR R EN T:— 3 large furnish­ ed housekeeping rooms. Close In .’ Phone 242J. 75— 2 T he most is the comedv Interesting E vent Receiving Vaults -SAT. ONLY— 'THE pASifS£f" for the next M tS tN T C D BV A D O E P ^Z U IO R «JÇSSE ULASKV . ‘'WILLIAM de MILLE Production B e rry C o m pson A dolphe M enjov .E lliott D exter Z a Su Prrrs From C orvallis— Ermole Carlon is spending the Special, a t Paulseruds. Suits | week-end in Ashland from Cor- and Overcoats, $20. 73— tf vallis where he is attending school. I H om e for H olidays— G Çpara mount <■ (¡picture A masterpiece of laughs, surprises and good sense. From the play “ Spring Cleaning,” by F red­ erick Lonsdale. Not a new asset to Ash­ land. We have had them in our building for fifteen years. No extra charges. Our line of supplies best in Southern Oregon. Our equipment second to none. Our prices are 25 to 100 per cent below others. Your bills and our books will tell. Ten Days at T his Store Will be a R apid F ire December Coat Clearance Helene Biede, licensed lady assistant always in attendance. B eginning S aturday at H. C. STOCK M ortician WOOD WOOD VISIT WOOD “TOYLAND” 4 foot fir, seasoned cord wood, per cord On The Balcony $9.00 SATURDAY 12 inch fir wood, per tier $3.25 W here you will see a large and com plete L ine of Toys of every description. Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. COM E! “In the Heart of Town’’ Bring the Children I Ç>HOOVER It BEATS... as it Sweeps “Mamma Dolls” that walk and talk as it Cleans PRICED, SPECIAL OPENING SALE, SATI RDAY 98c, $1.25, $1.4! EACH Spend Day Here— Medford Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. Percy Evans o f . D. Mills and Mr. and: Mrs. Klam ath Falls spent Thanksgiv­ F ran k B arnthouse were Medford ing Day in this city with frie n d s.1 visitors yesterday. Millinery a t half price a t Mrs. We have the suits, and we can Simons. 26 South Pioneer. 73-2 fit you. Paulseruds. 73— tf To R eturn Home— Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cooper In A sh la n d - Thomas A||0k>rf of the Oregon who have been in P ortland are A gricultural College is spending retu rn in g home and expect to a r­ the week-end with friends in Ash­ rive in several weeks. They are land. now visiting a t Eugene with rela­ tives. Mr. Cooper has been at a You are welcome te compare sanitarium in Portland and his my Automobile rates w ith any condition is quite serious. other rates in Jackson or Jose­ W aterm ans Inks. McNair Bros. phine Counties; you can be the A rm ands Face Powder, 50c— Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. 30— tf McNair Bros. Guests of Friends— In MedfortL— Miss Agnes Bateman, of P o rt­ Mrs. May Greene is spending land, who is teaching school in the week-end with friends in Med­ K lam ath Falls is the house guest ford. of Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Batem an of 8pecial Auto Accident Policy V ista street during the Thanks­ for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo giving vacation. Miss Batem an is of course. 24-tf the cousin of I. R. Bateman. Books and Games PRICED, SPECIAL SATURDAY) 5c, 9c, 12c, 23c, 29c, 44c E 1 It’s Time to Buy Yours! Extra Special When some neighbor tells you of the many virtues of The Hoover, doesn’t something within you ask, “ When am I DOLLS going to buy M IN E !” DOLLS And then on the next cleaning day doesn’t the broom seem heavier than it used to; your arms more tired; the dirt endless? me THEN I T ’S TIME YOU HAD THE SAVING AID OF THE HOOVER- easiest of terms. HERE are times when we want to discuss. We don’t want to be handed merely cold facts. We want to look at things from all sides. Talk over your finances with the officers of this bank and get warm and friendly advice. T The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon The NEW HOOVER, with its 10 great improvements. And two dimes and a penny each day, paid monthly, will make SAVE YOUR SALES SLIPS The Hoover yours before you know it. We will clean one of your rugs FREE— Phone us. Your chance to get a Beautiful Doll at a very small cost to you. Don’t miss this offer and as for D o llsand Doll Things— You know L ittle Girls. COME! Select your D oll now. K id bodv Dolls, B isque D olls and Dressed D olls NOW. You can purchase it at once on the Discussion DOLLS W ith $35.00 in Sales Slips, your choice of one of these dolls. Val­ ues $8.00 to $10.00 3ÜJ FOR .............................................. $ 1 .7 5 W ith $20.00 in Sales Slips, your choice of one of these dolls. Values $4.00 to $6.00 FOR ..................................................... $ 1 .2 5 f Z £3 m fc? cn n L j •Where Your Dollar Has More Cents* HANDKERCHIEFS for X m a s Gifts with band embroidery 25c, 35c, 39c, 45c, each W ith $15.00 in Sales Slips, your choice of one of these dolls. Values $2.00 to $4.00 FOR ..........................................................05<- E. R. ISAAC & CO “The Quality Store'