jug* fimnas — A shland dâilÿ M o s ■■■■■..................... .. Friday! November 28, 1024 PROFESSIONAL served a t th e close of a most Round doilies, cut from heavy the repairing, the kidnaper-' happy evening. unbleached linen, are painted in ! w orkers ab o constructed c e lla rs,, » * « oil, with fru it and leaves outlined where they held their prisoners PHYSICIANS Cl a** if led Column Rates P aris S tyle H int— in colored wools and edged with until the required ransom was One cent the word each PARIS, Nov. 28. — The old a plain crocheted wool border. paid. DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings time red-checkered cloth is to be seen The colors are in warm tones of office. Phone 91. To run every Isaac for one on the sm artest of Parisian tables orange-yellow' and brilliant green Goes to Jail for Friend, Miss E dith Dodge, E ditor these days. The high cost of and look very sm art on a wrell- month or more, Vic the word DR. C. W. HANSON Now Law Takes a Hand Phone item s to h er at 3ft, between laundering probably set the bal' each time. polished table. The napkins are Dentist 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. rolling. One chic woman gave a of plain lemon-yellow linen, with MANILA, P. I., Nov. 28. __ Special attention given to pyor­ luncheon, with colored table­ white hems. Orange and rose- FOR KENT The “ Damon and Pythias’’ of the rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver cloths, and so the fashion grew. colored cloths are very lovely, O rient have found even real CALENDAR OF EVENTS Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. FOR RENT— Furnished house One of the best linen shops in with a real w’edgewood black-and- friendship may get one, or tw’o, Tuesday, December 2. Civic at 298 H argadine St. Call at 280 1>R. G. C. PHETTEPLACE the Rue de la Palx has ln n e lie on white teaset— if one can afford into trouble. Club meets at clubhouse. D entistry H argadine or Phone 353J. 74-2* Aquinllno Kang Ko wras sen­ W ednesday, December 3. Aux­ sets of brilliant rose, blue, or­ it. Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ ange and green, with white hems. tenced to three months in jail for and minor surgery. iliary to Trinity Guild meets at FOR REN T:— 5-room furnish­ traction The centre of the cloth is of thin Special attention given to straig h t­ 7:30 at Parish house. violation of the opium law. Hi3 ed bungalow, lovely yard, front- ening and care of children’s 1 Thursday, December 4. Elks linen, with a check woven in friend, Kung Kai, adopted K ang’s Ing park on G ranite street. E. T. ¡ teeth. heavier threads, while the hems Ladies Club meets in clubrooms name and served his sentence for Staples. 67— tf Above Citizens Bank are of heavy white linen. The at 2:30. R egular card party. him. Now Kung is facing anoth- Phono, Office, 151— Res., 201-J FOR SALE Friday, December 5. Rebekah napkins are small, with the same 1 er term in jail for violating the DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ Bazaar. narrow hems of white. Others are penal code dealing with usurpa­ FOR SALE, TRADE, or RENT tice limited to eye, ear, nose ana of very solid handwoven linen, * * * SHANGHAI, China. Nov. 28. tion of another’s! name. •— 15 3-4 acres, Sanford prop­ th ro at— X-ray Including teeth. Teacup Club M eeting— em broidered in bright blue or — The chance arrest of a small erty adjoining Helman Baths, Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc The Teacup Club m et a t the b u tter yellow. A very pretty set bandit gang near Fukow, - in Addresses Assembly— recently owned by R. Derrick. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, church Tuesday afternoon and a has twelve-inch napkins button­ flonan Province, has ju st reveal­ Dr. Rebec, dean of the gradu­ Fine large city home, good barn, Ore. large attendance wa3 present to holed about the edge, with col­ ed th a t the bandits were using ate school at the University of free irrigation with one of the w itness the program for the ored thread and a small cut work a famed old Buddhist temple, Oregon gave an address to the oldest w ater rights in county. DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic w e re , m otif em broidered in one corner. on th e road between Fukow and high school assembly W ednesday and Electro-Therapy. Office afternoon. The parlors There is nothing better than this. Yellow-and-white dam ask cloth Yenling to hold captives pris­ m orning on higher education, em- phone 48; residence 142. F irst beautifully decorated with fe r n s 1 looks particularly charm ing, with W ill trade for business, city or oner while negotiating with their phasing the necessity of knowing and flowers. Mrs. N u tter gave country property. W. H. Lever- N ational Bank building. one of the solid yellow' luncheon families for ransom. a very Interesting reading en-I w hat course to take before en­ ette, Medford Bldg., Medford. sets. Red-and-white tablecloths, Police raided the temple Im­ tering college. titled “ Thanksgiving Day A. D. | THE SOUTHERN OREGON 74— 5 ____ CLINIC 1622, which was enjoyed by all. ■ checked like old-fashioned Ma­ m ediately after the arrests and FOR SALE: — German Police [ N at,onal Bank Bldg. Miss B erna H aight played sev -( dras, are very cheerful and look took a num ber of other members _______ . _. I Medical Surgical Obstetrical eral selections1 on the piano In especially sm art with white-and- of the gang, including the chief­ PUPPÍ63, ^587 Beach St. Thomas Diagnostic X-ray H arris. 73— 7* her usual charm ing way. A gold dishes. The Maison de tain, a w ealthy citizen of Yenling W. Stearns, M. D. j are soon “nipped in the bud” guessing contest followed and Blanc is showing very attractive into custody and released a score R. E. Green, M. D. * without “dosing” by use of— R. W. Sleeter, M. D. Misa Nellie Ewen received high sets in heavy Basque linen, check­ of prisoners at the same time. WOOD FOR SA LE:— F ir and Office hours 2-5 p. m. The w ealthy Yenling Chinese honors with Mrs. Jennie Gilbert ’ ed in red and blue, yellow apd Spruce, 16 inch, $8; Hard wood Phone 238-R blue, and other lovely combina­ had been contributing money for second on the list. 16 inch, $12. Delivered. Mountain ▼ V a p o R ub tions. The linen never wears out, O p t 17 U ecd Yearly the repair of the temple during CONVALESCENT HOME Five new members were added Fuel Co. Siskiyou or leave order they say, and w'ashes like a hand­ the last year and had his own W here the sick get w e lt to the list, Mesdame3 H. E. H art­ a t Beaver R ealty Co. Ashland. Cottage Plan. ley, J. W. F raser, John D. Hair, kerchief. The napkins are not workmen on the job, so th a t 50— 1 mo.* We board and care for Invalids Misses Carol Mitchell and Nellie: as large as the usual French ones nothing unusual was suspected. WOOD FOR SA LE:— F ir and and are generally fringed. Ewen. While m aking slow progress in and old people. Spruce, 18 Inch $8. H ard wood Maternity Dept. A pleasant afternoon was spent • 16 Inch $12. Delivered. Fountain Call 153 and at the close light re fre sh -, Feul Co Siskiyou or leave orders m ents were served by the hos­ MONUMENTS a t Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. tess, Mrs. Ralph Billings assist­ 50— 1 mo.* ed by Mrs. W. C. Thurlow, C. E. ASHLAND GRANITE P ratt, Charles Morton, H. E. Mc­ MONUMENTS MISCELLANEOUS Gee and M. E. Thompson. Blair Granite Co. The m eeting was held Tuesday DRESSMAKING and Tayloring S. PENNISTON, Manager instead of Thursday, the regular reasonable prices, all work guar­ Office 175 E. Main meeting date, on account of anteed. Mrs. B. Van H arden­ Res. Phone 444-Y Thanksgiving Day. The Decem­ berg, 147 C entral Ave. 55— 1 mo.* 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May ber m eeting will be postponed DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ communicate with Ensign Lee and will be resum ed the third ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 G ranite of the Salvation Army at the Thursday in Jan u ary as usual. street. 60— 1 mor* WhiteShleld Home, 565 May- fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. E n tertain s a t D inner— Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Allen and PLANING MILL Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Mason were fORDON’S SASH AND CABINET guests at a charm ing ’ dinner WORKS, Cor. Helman and party given W ednesday evening Van Ness. 19^tf at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Dodge on the Boulevard. The TRANSFER AND EXPRESS table was beautifully decorated, Broken Out Skin and Itch­ Whittle Transfer A Storage V o. a fitting background for the de­ for SERVICE. licious dinner which was served. ing Eczema Relieved - Experienced movers and pack­ Following the dinner a very at Once evening wa3 rpenr ers of household goods. Deal­ pleasant around the fireplace telling ers In coal and wood. Phone For unsightly skin eruptions, 117. stories and conversing. rash or b)otches on face, neck, ♦ * * Office 89 Oak St. near arm s or body, you do not have to TN 1923 a group of tire experts from the E n tertain s at Cards— Hotel Ashland Ideal Christmas Gifts. wait for relief from to rtu re or -■ East began manufacture of a tire that Mrs. George Rose charm ingly em barassm ent, declares a noted D L. POWELL— General T rans­ Serviceable and entertained at her home on Alli­ was to represent their combined lifetime skin specialist. Apply a little fer— Good team and motor son street Tuesday evening in inexpensive experience. M entho-Sulphur and improvement trucks. G >od service at a rea- honor of Mesdames P o tter and show's next day. No pain« were spared to make that tire the souab.’e price. Phone 83. THE ASHLAND FURNITURE Fansteel, form erly the Misses Because of it3 germ destroying most worthy tire on the market in material, Lillian and Rose Patterson, who COMPANY properties, nothing has ever been FEHIGE- ROACH workmanship and actual service in mileage. are in Ashland for the Thanks­ 83 N. Main found to take the place of this Transfer — Express — Storage giving vacation. Their massive non-skid treads affords sur­ sulphur preparation. The moment H auling — Dray work of all prisingly long .wear and safety! . The close friends of the honor­ you apply it healirig begins. Only kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry Today that tire is the best sailing tire made those who have had unsightly wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R ed guest were presented to en­ joy the evening 3pent playing in any exclusively Pacific Coast factory. It is skin troubles can know the de­ 375 B , St. 112-tf cards and conversing. Mrs. the C-T-G! light this M entho-Sulphur brings. George G illette won high hôn- Even fiery, itching eczema is ASHLAND PAINT CO We are proud to represent the C-T-C tire in ors and Mrs. George Cram er won dried right up. this town. Stop in and let us put one on your Dependable car. Get a small ja r of Rowles Painting C ontractors & Decorators the consolation price. Delicious refreshm ents were M entho-Sulphur from any good SWENNING & GEAR 57-1 mo.* druggist and use it like cold Phone 408-J cream. WOOD SAWING Classified Column HELD CAPTIVES IN B V I C K S Beautiful Designs and Colorings HE new patterns in Armstrong’s Linoleum are J- here. -Plain colors and jaspé effects for living- room and dining-room floors; marble blocks and ipset tile inlaids for sun porches and halls; small all-over matting and carpet designs for bedrooms; colorful tiles for bathrooms and kitchens; also Armstrong’s Linoleum Rugs. Armstrong’s Linoleum is tn n o u se made of cork, linseed oil, and Armstrongs burlap. We recommend it for Linoleum quality and wear. Let us show you our line while our stock is fresh and complete. t a *4 SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company ABYS COLDS See Our STEEL RANGE Simpson’s Hardware IGHT Winchester Store “ Use Your Credit With U s’’ A N N O U N C IN G a new winter gasoline/ OUR motor’s gasoline requirements are different in winter than in summer. To meet them exactly, the Standard Oil Company has perfected a new winter Red Crown gasoline. Quick starting 1—your motor will start at once. 100% Power! The new winter “Red Crown’ ’ is balanced so you gain quick start­ ing without sacrifice of power or mileage. Fill with the new winter “Red Crown” today from any red, white and blue pump in tow n—at Standard Oil Service Stations and at dealers —“in every w ay a better gasoline.” Y STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) ~ In every way a O nly results can w i such a re c o rd ! WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel 470-J. 63— Imo* EXECUTOR’S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T hat the undersigned as execu­ tor. will sell at private 3ale at a decided bargain on liberal term s, the John M. Clausen g ar­ den lands consisting of some Men, Women and Children Treated three or four acres of Ashland Y non-surgical, soothing treatment Creek bottom land fronting on for Pile» and other Rectal and Co- the westerly side of Oak Streep enons from twc and bordering on Ashland Creek , thus proving on the w esterly side of the prem ­ my methods. ises. My success In treating thousands of*men, There is a good w ater right women and children enables me to con­ fidently G UAR AN TEE to cure any belonging to the property, and a case of Piles or refund the patient’s fee. confortable house, barn and out­ My new Seattle offices are now prepared buildings thereon. The sale will to care for patients from garden imple­ Puget Sound and British include certain Columbia Districts. Send ments, and an abstract showing today for FREE booklet a good m arketable title free and clear of encumbrances, will be furnished. The income derived from products harvested on the property during the year 1923 was some $2000.00. The executor is anxious to F or a smooth shave close this estate and will th ere­ and quick service go fore sell the property at an a t­ to the Shell Barber tractive price. W. J. MOORE. 75— tf Shop. Ladles and i children get your hair bobbed and m arcel­ Dallas — Dallas Planing mills led. new industry, wiH open here in W. A. SHELL, Prop. December. »32 A. St. Ashland, Ore Now is the time to buy spray pumps, plows and harrows, drills and all kinds of farm implements. Fencing in every style. Harness, collars, snaps, I and pads. New and used Sew­ ing Machines. Auto Robes, etc. Grass Rockers better gasoline „Quick Starting 1OO% pow er BC“ CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS CO RDS and BALLO O NS ( w it h o u t r im or w h e e l change) PEIL’S CORNER Leedom’s Tire House M Letterheads, statem ents, t o your order at the Tidings Office. ' We have a good Job printing de- partm evt. tf ------- j Portland — Federal hunters have killed 2.000 coyote3 in Ore­ gon since August 1. c° I» . nstipation m ust be avoided, or torpid liver, biliousness. Indigestion and gassy Valus result. £a»y to take, thoroughly cleamuig C H A M B E R L A IN S TABLETS DUver disappoint or nauseate—25« Citte, CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COM PANY Thrferred Stock yields 7.14% ask any member ofour caganization KEEP VITAL GLANDS IN BALANCE SAYS PHYSICIAN Regain Health, Strength and Vigor by Restoring The Important Glands to Normal Activity New Scientific Discovery, Glandogen, Provides Simple Method of Taking Glandular Treatment In an interesting interview , Dr. Samuel J. Staub, according to a recent dispatch, said th a t people suffering from th a t “ below p a r” feeling, accompanied by loss of ap­ petite, sleeplessness, l o s s of weight and so forth, can be set rig h t by having the balance of th eir glandular secretion restored. “ There is n<^ reaction to the treatm en t,” asserted Dr. Staub. “ U nderstand this is not a m atter of unnatural stim ulation, but is simply a process of restoring a balance among the many ductless glands of the body which control the speed and extent of all our bodily processes.’’ PHYSICIANS AND SCIENTISTS OF INTERNATIONAL RE­ NOWN EXPLAIN FUNCTIONS OF GLANDS At a recent medical convention in Chicago, Dr. Roy Upham, P res­ ident of the American In stitu te of Homeopathy, stated th a t because of the intim ate connection of the nervous system with th e glands, many sufferers from nervous dis­ orders were receiving rem arkable benefits from glandular tre a t­ ment. He fu rth er stated th a t this glandular treatm en t could be tak- äh? en by m outh like any other medi­ cine, and th a t an operation is not necessary. Dr. Serge Voronoff, an in tern a­ tional au th o rity on O rganother- aphy, has said: “ The brain, the nerves, the muscles, as well as the liver, the kidneys and all other organs would be incapable of playing any. useful p art w ithout th e aid of the glands. The func­ tioning of our organs is no more than the activity of our glands, and when th e bodily functioning is disturbed, the cause in most cases should be sought, not m the condition of the organ itself, but in the condition of th e gland which controls it.” Dr. Arnold Lorand says in his book, “ Old Age D eferred,” in speaking of the glands: “ We m ust insist upon th e reinforce­ m ent of their functions, if chang­ ed by age or disease, by means of extracts obtained from the sim ilar organs of healthy young anim als.” GLANDULAR T R E A T M EXT (GLANDOGEN) CAN NOW BE TAKEN IN CONVENIENT TABLET FORM H undreds of men and women are now turning to glandular • treatm ent to help regain lost: strength, vigor, vitality and h e a lth ’ Since Science has prepared a gland* treatm ent in simple compact tab­ let form — Glandogen— it is a sim­ ple m atter to tak e glandular treatm ent. Glandogen is scienti­ fically prepared in two different forms, one for men and one for women, from the vital glands of healthy young anim als, combined with other efficacious ingredients. East Side Pharm acy will supply you. Mail orders accepted. - GLANDOGEN, THE ORIGINAL GLAND TONICI Straight from St. Louis Buster Brown and Famous Dog Tige Bringing a pilot’s message right “ out of the air” to The Parents and Children of this city and community Through the courtesy of GOLDEN RULE STORE ASHLAND, OREGON Friday, Dec. 5th, Vining Theatre, 4:15 P. M Free Admission Tickets can be had by calling at the store