ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. GRID OUTFITS STAGE 7-7 TIE CONTEST HERE Game Filled With Thrills. 95 Yard Run Results in Lone Ashland Score BRYANT HERO OF GAME M edford lia s Edge, One Tied and A n other Game W on. T ussle Y esterday W as Even INAUG URAL PA R A D E IS AMONG PO SSIBIL IT IES tt ----------- a tt WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 « 28. — An old tim e In­ 8 » augural parade still is 8 « among the possibilities 8 8 for March 4. 8 u President C oo 1 i d g e 8 » w ants his inauguration to 8 « follow in general the 8 tí modest lines of th e H ar­ 8 » ing inaugural ceremonies 8 8 of 1921, but he will not 8 8 object if there is an elab­ 8 » orate parade in keeping 8 8 with the dignity of the 8 tí office. tí « When it comes to the tí « question of the reviving tí « of the inaugural ball the tí « President and Mrs. Coo­ tí tí lidge are standing pat tí u on their veto and do not tí tí expect to attend any so­ tí tí cial function on the even­ tí tí ing of March 4. tí 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 tí ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1924 K IM IS CLUB MEMBERS HEAR STATE LEADER LOS ANGELES WATER RAID IS ENDED A. C. Strange, Lieut. Gov. of Kiwanis for Oregon Is Speaker Here NO. 75 REPUBLICANS GIVE GATE TO FOUR MEMBERS La Follette, Brookhart, Ladd and Frazier Barred from All Future Meetings TRACES CLUB GROWTH LA FOLLETTE REBUKE D eclares Ideals o f Club H ave A t­ tracted A tten tion of Prom ­ inent Men of W orld G. O. P. Mem I mus Meet in Caucus, E lect Senator Curtis F loor Lender. Succeeds Lodge FALLS TEN STORIES IS NOW BACK ON JOB 8 ----------- a 8 TACOMA, Wash.. Nov. 8 8 28. — Jack Brown, a 8 8 watchman employed in 8 8 the construction of a new 8 | 8 hotel building here, is 8 8 hack on the job today 8 ! 8 after falling 10 stories 8 8 down an elevator shaft 8 8 Saturday. 8 8 Brown ran a wheel­ 8 Chief of Police McNabb 8 barrow of cement off the 8 Takes Two Medford Sus- 8 elevator and after drop­ 8 MEN SUSPECTED OP ROBBERY CAPTURED HERE :: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ping it, took a step back­ ward. The elevator had started downward and he tumbled off into space. A fter falling three stories he clutched the cable, wrapped his legs around it and slid to the ground a few seconds behind the cage. 8 8 8 8 8 Pects Into Custody are held in ja il Robbery o f Medford Second Hum I Store Laid to Captives. Driving Stolen A uto W hen Taken 8 “No organization in America 8 B attling fiercely for four has grown as rapidly during the WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. — 8 A. C. Dorner, 25, of Miles City, quarters, the Ashland and Med­ past ten years as the K iw anis” The Republican party mem ber­ 8 Mont., and Jam es Mack, 24, of ford High School football elevens said A. C. Strange, lieutenant 8 Oaklaud, Calif., were taken into ship of the United States Senate staged a 7-7 tie game in their governor for Oregon of the Ki­ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 custody at the junction of the todajf presented it’s organization tussle a t the high school field wanis International in his talk for th e coming session of Con­ highway and the Neil Creek road here yesterday The game was at the regular weekly luncheon gress which will be opened here about 1:30 o’clock this morning, replete with thrills, long runs, »of th e local Kiwanis club, held Monday, electing Senator Charles and lodged in the city jail, forward passing and line plunges today in the Hotel Ashland. C urtis of Kansas to act as it’s charged with burglary. adding variety to the tussle. Strange traced the growth of floor leader. Senator Curtis will When arrested the men were The Medford outfit relied the organization, from one small succeed the late Senator Lodge, driving an automobile, which mostly on straig h t football to club, with approxim ately fifty who died at his home in Boston they later adm itted had been make their yardage. Smashes di­ members, in Detroit ten years a few weeks ago. stolen in Portland on November rected at the line of the local ago, to the 1200 clubs with | • Two hundred ranchmen from the Owens Valiev t« r.n r« « ,» - ____ Senator Watson of Indiana was 26. The license plates which high school brought god results, nearly 100,000 members d is t r ib - ^ ^ ^ e d t h e h e ^ g a t M o f the Los Angeles waterworks, loc^ld near named as assistant floor leader were being used on the car, ac­ although on every occasion ex­ uted throughout the English I ? l ' l 1i ‘ I,.h.el was also a witness, and coast ports in order to supply the rels and kegs. B elletti was taken Tlie entry fee will be 33.00 per J liams. Arizona. Detrick has been two weeba aKO. American Christm as (trade, ex­ According to Baughm an, most o f . corroborated h er dau g h ter's evi- before Justice of the Peace Rob­ FORMER RESIDENT It was said by police a u th o r­ pen or 50- cents for each bird. in the grocery business in Ash porters, operating in defiance of the damage reported was c au se d . d~nce The plaintiff asks to he e rt Em m it immediately and upon DIES AT HOME IN land for about three years and ities here that the m inister and the American prohibition laws by w ater dam age to clothing, allowed to resum e h er maiden There m ust be a t least eight pens entering a plea of guilty was fin­ has built up a large business. He SOUTHERN CALIF. his young son would be interro- entered in order to conduct the are m aking a final cleanup be­ ed >500. In default of the same ' name of Lillian Snyder. states th at no definite plans for gatd concerning discrepancies in contest, but the num ber of pens: fore th eir business can be stop- RUTH GARRISON LOSES he was lodged in jail. Word was received here yes­ the future have been made but their stories of the circum stances will be limited to fifteen. E arlier in the evening the terday of the death of Mrs. Sad- ped by the provision included in ,FIGHT FOR FREEDOM gTJDAN TROOPS LOOT, he will take a much needed va­ surrounding the finding of Mrs. An advisory committee of ------- j M KILL IN HOSPITAL same squad raided num ber 327 die A. Nininger, widow of the a new treaty now being proposedj cation. Sheatsley's body. three, with R. O. Fowler, assis­ Commerçait street, where offic- late Charles E. Nininger. Mrs. a t W ashington« to which Canada I SEATTLE, Nov. 28. — R u th ' Kirby is taking immediate A final report by a local chem­ ! Garrison today lost h er fight to j LONDON, Nov. 28.— Two pla- ta n t county agent as chairm an, ers say they came upon Tim N ininger died in Los Angeles yes­ will be asked to subscribe. and possession of the business ist on blood found in the p a r­ So easy is it to smuggle liq u o r. escape from the insane ward of toons of gudanez troops at Khar- will have charge of this class. Griffith and B ert Bailey busily terday, Mr. and Mrs. Amos C. Trap nests will be provided and has moved here with his family, sonage has removed any suspic­ pouring three jugs of alleged N ininger of this city left imme­ into the United States, and so the W alla W alla state peniten- tou m utinied today, it was re­ a regular record kept of eachj He is located at the Reed prop- ion that the blood might he th a t rare is the capture of one of the tiary w here she has been confln- ported a t the office of the Homej moonshine into the sewer. The diately for Los Angeles. bird. Feeding will he according erty on Scenic Drive. of a human, when the chem ist liquor running ships, th a t t h e ; ed since her tria l for m urder of Secretary. The m utinous troops j timely action of the squad sav­ The family is well known in profits of the exporters have been Mrs. Douglas Storrs, wife of the attacbed announced th at he could find no K hartou and the hos- to the latest approved m e t h o d --------------------------- ed about a half-gallon for evi­ Ashland, having lived here for and form ula of tiie Oregon Ag- START DEMONSTRATION trace of human blood in the sam- dence. The two men were plac­ a num ber of years before moving immense during th e period pro­ man she loved, more than five • pital and killed three doctors, CAIRO, Egypt, Nov. 28. All pies subm itted to him. « hibition has been in effect in years ago. Presiding Judge Gil­ one of whom was a British citi­ ricu ltural College. ed in jail, and will appear before to California air and land forces of the British The theory was first advanced I Three premiums have been of- America. Several m erchants en- liam denied her petition for a Justice Em m itt tomorrow m orn­ Mrs. N ininger has not been gaged in the wholesale liquor j sanity hearing on the ground zen. The uprising was finally h alt­ fered for this contest.. For first, arm y in Egypt today began a th a t Mrs. Sheatsley had crawl­ ing for a hearing. well during the past year and Her business before the advent of j th a t the plea contained no evi- ed when the B ritish forces tu rn ­ prize, a gold watch and chain 1 dem onstration of force through- ed into the furnace, but th is th e­ State officers, Burke, Snyder death was not unexpected. She and Stephens with the deputy is survived by five children. A prohibition in the United States dence th a t h er m ental condition ed I th eir guns on the troops and has been donated. For second. out the country as a sequel to ory was exploded when it was sheriff, composed the raiding C. N ininger of Ashland, Mrs. M. have become m illionaires, owning had improved since her com m itt­ quelled the uprising. The m u­ premium the Southern Oregon the m utiny of two platoons of found, upon an analysis of her lungs, th a t there was no carbon- several ships, and large stocks m ent. The case which attracted tineers wrecked the hospital but Poultry Association has con- i Sudaneze troops party. R. H arrell, Mrs. Frank Hommett, a f Canadian and Scotch liquor. monoxide gas contained in them. nation wide attention, due to the suffered heavjv casualties from tributed 310, and for third prize, Mrs. M. M. Carl, all of Santa Ana, Here Yesterday— the Ashland Chamber of Com­ It is claimed there are a t least fact th a t Miss Garrison invited the B ritish guns. H ave R eturned— C alifornia; and Mrs. Clifford Mingus Aitken who is attend­ Here From Con-all is— merce has contributed 35.00. Mr. and Mrs. a . H. Hays of Johnson of Fillm ore, California. fifty spots on the coast of Cali­ Mrs. Storrs out to lunch and put ing school .at Berkeley arriv»ed In A slila n d - Cleon Caldwell who is attend­ fornia alone, upon which illicit poison in her fru it salad. 151 N ursery street have returned in Ashland yesterday noon to w it­ ing the Oregon A gricultural Col­ Mr. and Mrs. W etheford of Cor­ At G rants P ass— liquor may be landed, eith er by from a two w eek’s visit in P ort­ In M e d f o r d - vallis are in Ashland spending taking the liquor off the ships in ness the Ashland-Medford game lege is. in Ashland spending the Mrs. J. E. McCracken spent Bend — The Dalles-California land and Brownsville. They re­ Louis Dodge made a business lighters, or by running the boat several days w ith Miss A nnette Thanksgiving Day with friends in an spent the day with his parents. week-end with his m other, Mrs. highway entrance north of city turned W ednesday. trip to Medford this morning. into dock. W etherford at the Model Cottage. G rants Pass. He is returning this evening. being paved. Evelyn Caldwell, and friends. IEN INDICTMENTS ARE RETURNED BY FALLS GRAND JURY FLOTOW OPERA WILL F CELEBRIS COURSE SUIT IS STARTED TO CLEAR TITLE LAND ANNOUNCE PREMI TO BE T LIQUOR LADEN SHIPS READY TO SAIL WITH II SHEATSLEY AND SDN QUESTIONED ABOUT DIFFERENCE IN EALE LOCAL TO