¿PAflis ïoütt ÂfcÊLütô f ttf if îfôîMÔS Move«— Mr. Shaffer of the Twentieth C entury grocery has moved from G ranite stre et to Terrace street. Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ light you at The Plaza. 64— tf Befofe Sam H uff and son, Ted Huff, of B utte Falls were in Ashland yesterday on business. McNair R eturned H om e— C. D. Simon who has been vis­ iting here for the past ten day3 FOR RENT— Furnished house ! retu rn ed to his home in Haines In Ashland— at 298 H argadine St. Call a t 280 HATCHER Mrs. Grace Luman of Medford J last evening. H argadine or Phone 353J. 74-2* “ The Florist” arrived today in Ashland and will i 1070 Boulevard stay here until Friday with Mrs. ' Special, at Paulseruds. Suits Open on Sunday— We Deliver and Overcoats, $20. 73— tf Ellen Luman of W imer street who ' is seriously ill. Mrs. Elm er Leslie In M edford— of Medford will arrive Friday and Mrs. D. E. Palm er of this city rem ain w ith Mrs. Luman. was a visitor in Medford yester­ day on business. W IN T ER G ARDEN DANCE— or after the Ucdiiesday, November 26, game' Save $10.00, walk upstairs to Orrea tailor shop. 17— tf 73-2* W ith our modern equipment, we can make your portait at It will be easier and more en­ night as well as day. Sittings joyable to have your Thanksgiv­ evenings by appointm ent. 71— tf ing dinner a t the Plaza either be­ Darling Studio. fore or a fte r the football game. 74— 1 a superior polish for floors Word has been received here from Mr. and Mrs. O. J. R ath­ bun, who report th a t the w eather is warm and the sun shines every day, hut th at they would, give anything for a drink of Ashland water. THANKSGIVING See Dinner AT HOTEL ASHLAND Reservations are now being received for the special Thanksgiving Dinner 12 to 2 1». M. 5 : 3 0 to 7 :8 0 1‘. M. we PRICE $125 After all, the host Thanksgiving, is Thanks-living — Seleetixl Ford, Lincoln, Fordson D ealers DON’T Buy Tires E. R. ISAAC & CO. Buy Mileage Also Our Diamond Tires will give you more miles per dollar than you can get elsewhere. on Boulevard Candies, Fruits, Nuts, Groceries Soda Fountain Drinks, Milk Shake "Tlie Q uality Store” We guarantee them IV. f i r N. Service Station Agents for Cut and Potted Flowers BO ULEVARD and SHERM AN OLD FOLKS Mc- are as much benefited by a bath-a-dav as younger ones—providing there is proper bathing equipment S T A T IO N E R Y Nalr Bros. F or T h anksgiving— SEE OUR NEW Mr. andi Mrs. C. R. Cleveland will arrive In Ashland today to spend the Thanksgiving vacation I w ith Mr. and Mrs. Fifield. EATON’S HIGHLAND LINEN and CRANE’S LAWN in GIFT BOXES Priced at $100, $1.25, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00, $-1.00, $5.00, $6.50 Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ lig h t you at The Plaza. 64— tf In Ashlund— Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries Dr. and Mrs. Ralph' Stearns of G rants Pass and R. W. Stearns of Medford will be in Ashland to­ morrow to spend the day with H. A. Stearns and attend the foot­ ball game. ELBART’S Tamales, best In the city, “ The ! 60— tf ~ Jerry O’Neal 2 0 7 E. Main Protestantism There will be a Union Thanks­ giving service a t the Methodist church a t ten-thirty tomorrow, Thanksgiving, morning. Rever­ end M ergler will be in the pulpit. Special music has been planned. OYSTER COCKTAIL TURKEY A prophecy Splendid residence lot $75 on paym ents. The Staples R ealty which S A LADS I )ESSE R TS includes the and all the trimmings in United States our Delicious Thanksgiving Com pany. Usual big Thanksgiving dinner a t Nelda Cafe, $1.00. 74— 1 EVANGELIST T. L. THUEMLEIl Every man and woman in th e city should become ac­ quainted with w hat the inspired apostle saw, would come to the C hristian Stronghold in our county. Don’t fail to hear this most im portant and startlin g lecture, Thursday, Nov. 27, 7:30 p. m., a t the A dventist Church, Cor. 4th and C St. P urch ases Property— B ring Y our B ible Thanksgiving Phone 130 for Pow ell’s Cider. 63— Im o WHICH IS rh an k fn l for the patronage the citizens of Ashland and Vicinity h a v e given this store and we earnestly wish each of you of the Future of Union Service— «75ÍÍ? Books and Stationery The Prophet’s View Special prices on portraits d u r­ ing Nov., Darling Studio. 71— 5 FROM For them and for oth­ ers, a separate shower stall is inexpensive and convenient. Phone 188 Rose”. Thanksgiving Greetings Old people find bathing under a shower, easier than clambering in and out of a bathtub Select vours while the stock is complete We deliver the goods— Detricks 94-tf Mr. Barnes, grocer of Gold Hill, has purchased the K istler Bakery on the Plaza and will move his stock here. The deal was nego­ tiated through W. W. Robison, real estate dealer. Chevrolet have $1.00 Have ju st sold the Bergner block; but have another snap in business property. Staples Realty Agency. 72— tf Sponges and Chamois. the H A R R IS O N Brothers, Garage We sell Powell’s Famous Hot Tamales her home in K lam ath Falls Sat­ urday with her son, Bobby, who had his tonsils removed at the local hospital. Harrison Bros. Thanksgiving and NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY R eturned Saturday— Mrs. E. G. Davis returned to It will pay you to see Used Cars LANES CONFECTIONERY J. O. RIGG Tidings classified do the business At Santa Cruz— FULLER Floor Wax THURSDAY NIGHT. Salem building permits for O c - t Thanksgiving come to the Plaza tober were $256,000, passing 40 for your Thanksgiving turkey w estern cities in per cent of dinner. 74-—-1 gain. : ----------- ----- ----------------- •——— *Buy more flowers’ H ere Yeeterday— Vicks Salve, 35<\ Bros. At C entral Point— Working for Dairy— Cliff Payne hag Inland ladders W. W. RObison journeyed to George E. Pope started work­ Medford and Central Point to d a y ' ing last Saturday for the Liuin- R eturns Hons on business. ger Dairy company. Circuit Judge C. M. Thomas has returned to his home in Medford Our p o rtrait equipm ent is equal Special Auto Accident Policy and has resumed his work at to any in Southern Oregon. We for |5 .0 0 a year. Phone 21. Yeo Jacksonville. Judge Evans who know we can please you, Darling if course. 24-tf acted as circuit judge while Studio. 7 i __tf Thomas was in Portland has re­ W IN T ER GARDEN DANCE— ! turned to his home. R eturned Hoiuc— TH URSDAY NIGHT. 73-2* Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ilaniaker There Is wisdom in reading ads of Klam ath Falls have returned TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY home a fte r visiting at the home of Mark H am aker of this city for, FOR SALE, TRADE, or RENT several weeks. — 15 3-4 aores, Sanford prop­ erty adjoining Helman Baths, M e have the suits, and we can recently owned by R. Derrick. fit you. Paulseruds. 73— tf Fine large city home, good barn, Flowers are correct for free irrigation with one of the all occasions. Besides fo u are welcome to compare oldest w ater rights In county. my Automobile rates with any There is nothing b etter than this. brightening up a sick other rates in Jackson or Jose­ Will trade for business, city or room or a room at home, phine Counties; you can be the country property. W. H. T^ever- they convey a message, . udge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. ette, Medford Bldg., Medford. 30— tf 74— 51 words cannot express. A Joyous Thanksgiving Dinner -o- ALL DAY THURSDAY Our store will be closed all day tomorrow The LITHIA CAFE FIR ST STREET Returned Home— Mrs. I. K. D rake has returned from McCloud. Calif., to her home at the Suncrest Orchard aft­ er visiting her sister for some time. Usual big Thanksgiving dinner a t Nelda Cafe, $1.00. 74— 1 brings to us the joy of pros­ perity and the happiness of having had a part in the ad­ vancement of our city. Mqy your joy he equal to ours. Store Closed All Day THANKSGIVING DAY TONIGHT A t M edford— Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Tomlinson journeyed to Medford last eve­ ning to attend a dinner party given by friends. T H E THEATER BEAUTIFUL Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “In the H eart o f T ow n” Your portait will solve twelve gift problems for Xmas, Darling Studio. 71— tf It is a thing to he thankful for that we, here in the wonderful Rogue River Valley, never seem to suffer the business depressions, the serious loss of crops, the terrific storms that many other sections of the country have to contend with. KING’S 1924 REVUE IN “A DIVORCE CURE” F u n eral Y esterday— Sometimes we may think things are had enough, hut if we stop to compare, we, here, will find a lot to he thankful for. The funeral services for Mrs. Elzan Stanley of Sacram ento were held in Ashland yesterday. Mrs. Stanley was the m other of O. Booth of this city and the body, was shipped here from Sacra­ m ento. In term en t was in the M ountain View cemetery. New Dances—New Numbers—New Specialties A COMPLETE CHANGE O F PROGRAM . Marjorie King In Her Sensational “ DANCE ALLURE” and The Original California Poppy Girls’ Chorus We have the suits and we can fit you.— Paulseruds. 73— tf PICTURE PROGRAM Im p roving— Mrs. K atherine Morrison of Ashland street, who has been quite seriously ill is reported to be steadily improving. A ROARING FARCE COMEDY ggv GOODS A true detective story—“On Leave of Absence” tf Door« open 7:30 CALIFORNIA POPPY GIRLS at the VINING tonight Curtain 8:15 ittU