T— _/ Aôtttm fe&ár moras Wednesday, November 26, 102 I number of important matters were matfer so entertainingly that i Ject in charge of Mrs. Fred Nell. ! decided. Among the many, the every one present decided to know more of the life of t h is ; i club endorsed the suggestion made “W ho D o” M eeting— La Grande — October build­ wonderful singer, who had ac­ The “Who Do” clase of the! that the singing of Christmas complished so much and who be­ ing peimits culled for expendi­ PHYSICIANS Cla*Mtfle*l Colum n R ates Methodist churqh met at the home carols be a feature of the holi- lieved so thoroughly in the gos­ ture of $41,600. Ona cent the ‘word each DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings of Mrs. J. E. Angwin Friday after-j day time, and the club will aid pel of hard work. Forty operas time ¡noon. A short program was given, hi every way. Mr. G. J l. Yeo is perfectly mastered was one of her office. Phone 01. M iss E dith D odgc, E ditor I during which Miss Berna H aight; to be asked to take charge in a To run every Issue lor one Thanksgiving Day service will P h o n e Item s to her at 3 9 , betw een played several selections on the general way. Much enthusiasm accomPll!ihment3. DR. C. W. HANSON month or mòre, He the word Apply thickly o » « throat— • be held at Trinity Episcopal cover with hot flannel— 8 a. ua. and 5 p. m . was displayed over the delight-! Roll-call was an interesting D en tist each time. piano in her tnimtable way. The Special attention given to pyor­ Church at 11 a. m. Everyone ful concert given as the first feature of the program, regular business meeting was held rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver cordially invited. The next meeting will be De­ and the annual Christmas dinner number that appears December FOR RENT ▼ V a r o R ub CALENDAR OF EVENTS Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. was planned and the date set for ft was highly recommended. A n -( cember 2ft, with Calve the sub- O w r 1 7 M illion Ja ra Y .a r ly Tuesday, December 2. Civic! FOR RENT— 6 room unfurn- Gas on Stomach nouncement was also made of the! the 19th of December. At this DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE Club meets at club house. lahed house. 63 Allda. Phone series of Sacred concerts to be Won’t Let You Sleep Dentistry Wednesday, December 3. Aux­ event the husbands are the in­ 72— 3* 240. ONE OF THE STRONGEST COMPANIES IN AMERICA vited guests. Following the busi­ given at the Presbyterian church, __________ Gas or local anesthesia for ex- iliary to Trinity Guild meets. the last Sunday of every month T ' Gas pressing on heart and other minor surgery. FOR RENT: 5-room furnish-! traction and Thursday, pecem ber 4. Elks ness meeting a social hour was Special attention given to straight­ organs sometimes causes a rest­ under the direction of Mrs, Vivian ed bungalow, lovely yard, front­ ening and care of children’s Ladies Club meets in club house enjoyed by the large number of N. Woodside. A report from Miss! ladies present. less, nervous feeling and pre­ ing park on Granite street. E. T. teeth. for regular card party. At the close of a pleasant Hicks stated that there were now I vents sleep. Adlerika helps any Above Citizens Bank Staples. 67— tf Friday, December 5. Rebekah afternoon refreshments were four musical magazines on file in Phone. Office, 151— Res., 201-J case gas on the stomach, unless Bazaar. VOR SALB served by the hostess, assisted by the library for the use of club . due to deep-seated causes. The * * * DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Prac­ FOR SALE: — German Police Mesdames Thurlow and Ada members. "The Musician” had QUICK action will surprise you. Thanksgiving party— tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano been newly ordered for the club. , puppies, 687 Beach St. Thomas Hartley. Because Adlerika is such an ex­ The ’‘White Elephants” en­ throat— X-ray including teeth. * * * Harris. 73— 7* Suggestions were made concern­ cellent intestinal évacuant it 4s joyed a Thanksgiving “ Parcel Office hoars, 10 to 12 and 2 tc ing the afternoon at the Civic wonderful for constipation — it Post” party at the home of Rev. B irthday Party— FOR SALE: — Fine fat Tur­ 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Last Monday evening the home Club, in which the entire program often works in one hour and and Mrs. V. K. Allison Friday keys. Mrs. Oskar, 83 Morton. Ore. of Mra. Turner was the scene of is given by the Ashland Music never griper.— J. K. Bolton. evening with Jimmie Briggs, and 73— 2* a delightful surprise party in Study Club. This will occur on DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic --------------------------- the Misses Ruth Anderson and honor of Mrs. Turner and Miss March the 16th. FOR SALE: — 800 ft. galven- and Electro-Therapy. Office i R e l i e v e S i c k l l C S S Mildred Harris in charge. Various Hazel Emery. The party was oc­ Mrs. E. O. Smith was in charge ixed pipe, 3-4 inch, one ton phone 48; residence 142. First jolly games appropriate for the casioned by the birthdays of these of the program hour and as a block. Inquire RFD 1, Box 107. National Bank building. season were Indulged in, Artro ______ t___________ two women, and their many 72— 3* truly delightful opening number' Swingle, Charles Putman and TH E SOUTHERN OREGON friends brought the refreshments Miss Imogene Wallace played Miss Elsie Crowson tying for first WOOD FOR SALE:— Fir and CLINIC and planned the affair. Games “Life’s Eventide,” a composition honors in a Cornucopia memory 1st National Bank Bldg. Spruce, 16 inch, $8; Hard wood W hen you take out insurance,you are buying and music occupied the hours written for the organ, by Prof. Surgical Obstetrical Dr. Serge Voronoff, an inter­ test, while Artro Swingle again 16 inch, $12. Delivered. Mountain Medical protection. The more complete the protection, H. G. Gilmore on his eighty fifth Diagneetic X-ray national authority on glands,, covtered himself with glory by which were much too short. Fuel Co. Slaklyon or leave order the greater the value you get. W est Coast Life Toward the close of the evening birthday. It was very beautiful R W. Stearns, M. D. says: “The brain, the nerves, the writing the most cleverly word­ at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. provides for every contingency— all in one R. E. Green, M. D. lovely Refreshments, chief among and won appreciative applause ed Thanksgiving telegram. The muscles, as well as the liver, the 50— 1 m o? perfect policy. It gives you th is: R. W. Sleeter, M D. I kidneys and all other organs exchange and opening of the them a huge birthday cake, were and thanks that the club was per­ Office hours 2-5 p. m. If the insured dies from natural causes, WOOD FOR SALE:— Fir and ■ would be incapable of playing any parcels with which each guest served. The cake was beautifully mitted to hear the selection and Phone 238-R decorated with small pink can­ the company pays . . . $5,000 so sympathetically interpreted. Spruce. 16 tr.eh $8. Hard wood ; useful part without the aid of the came provided, proved to be the CONVALESCENT HOME dles. The book “The American Pri- 16 Inch $12 Delivered. Fountain If the insured dies from accident, the I ■ glands. The functioning of our jollient event of the evening. Where the sick get w elt Those present were Me3dames ma-donna” was under discussion company pays . . . $10.000 Fenl Co Slaklyon er leave orders Supper partners were found by organs is no more than the re­ Cottage Plan. Wilhite, Oskar, Gearhart, Schwan, at this meeting, led by Mrs. E. O. at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. sult of the activity of our glands, matching colored advertisements In case of permanent total disability, the com­ 66— 1 m o? We board and care for invalids and when the bodily functioning representing articles of good apt Hood, Clapp, Parr, Crandell, Smith, who began the story of i pany will and old people. is disturbed, the cause, in most to be found on the Thanksgiving Brown, Yerian, Northrup, Cozart, Louise Kellogg, covering her life ! M aternity Dept. MISCELLANEOUS 1. W aive all premium payments cases should be sought, not in the menu, after with a tray lunch of Shell, R. Clapp, Hobbs, Hale, and work until her success w a s; Call 153 Stevens. Jennings, Sanford, 2. Pay $15 per week for one year; and in addi­ assured. Miss Estelle Jones be- ' condition of the organ itself but sandwiches, cake and cider was WANTED: — Mending and Moore, Sherard, Wolcott, Trom- tion ban with her career during the j MONUMENTS in the condition of the gland served. sewing of all kinds. Martha ey, Linn, Turner and Emery and Cival War and discussed her work I 3. Pay $50 per month for life; and During the short business ses­ which controls It.” Akers, 300 Liberty. 73— 2* ASHLAND G RANITE Glandogen, the new scientific sion which followed plans for var­ Mifses Earla Turner, Edna Willis, from that on, until she reached 4. Pay $5,000 to the beneficiary when insured Aleta Cozart, Bernice Cozart, and the zenith of her powers. MONUMENTS DRLSSMAR1NG and Taylorlng gland tonic, prepared in tablet ious other social affairs were dies B lair G ranite Co. reasonable prlces, all work guar- At this point the Club enjoy­ form provides a simple method of made, among them a “hog-kill- Virginia Crandell. 5 . If disability involves loss o f limbs or sight e • • S. PENNISTON, Manager antee-1. Mrs. B. Van Harden­ ed a group of three numbers ef­ taking glandular treatment. ing” breakfast at the Plaza at as result of accident, the company will pay Office 175 E. Main berg, 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 m o? fectively played by Miss Berna Glandogen, for men and women, 8:30, December 21, to which only Music Study Club— $5,000 immediately in cash in addition to Res. Phone 444-Y The Ashland Music Study Club, Haight. “To A Water Lily” from members of the White Elephant is obtainable at East Side Pharm­ other benefits. DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ Mrs. J. H. Fuller, president in the Woodland Sketches; “The Idyl,” acy. Mall orders accepted. class are to be invited and at ANY GIRL IN TROUBLtt— May •rary disability as a result o f either (In case o f tempora ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 Granite chair, convened promptly at 7:45 Opus 39; and “A Song” from Sea which time the toy pig hanks will sickness or accident, it, the company pays $25 per week communicate With Ensign Lee street. 60— 1 mQ? for a limit of 52 weeks.] be opened and the money in them Monday evening in the parlor at Pieces— all by MacDowell. In re­ ef the Salvation Army at the sponse to hearty applause MissI turned over to the church treas­ the Library. WhlteShield Home, 565 May- CREAM FOR CATARRH "efl Service That Endures’* Daring the business session, in Haight played “To a Wild Rose.” urer as part of the classes con­ fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. opens pnostrils Mra A E. Woods continued the tribution toward the new church which reports were read, bills allowed and suggestions made, a review of the singer’s life as told PLANING MILL Tells How To Get Quick B elief building. from Head-Colds. I f s Splendid! - After the appropriate country by herself and wonderfully in­ LEAVES YOU FOREVER JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET sausage of tenderloin breakfast teresting it all was. Each one on INSURANCE COM PANY WORKS, Cor. Helman and H9HS QfftCS-SAN FSANCIK« the class plans to walk in a body the program was thoroughly pre­ In one minute your clogged Van Ness. lO^tf Deep Seated Uric Acid De to the church for Bible school. pared and presented the subject (Opportunity available to experienced Life nostrils will open, the air pas­ posits Are Dissolved and TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Insurance salesman as District Manager). sages of your head will clear and This class is exceedingly proud of the Rheumatici Poison Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. you can breathe freely. No more its record, having grown from thé hawking, snuffing, blowing, smallest to one of the largest and Starts to Leave the Sys for SERVICE. the most active classes in the A ll the beauty creams on earth tem Within Twenty-four Experienced movers and pack­ headache, dryness. No struggling Christian Bible school during the W est C oast L ife I nsurance C o . can't give you an active liver. for breath at night, your cold or 60» M arket Street. San Franc 1 k o ers of household goods. Deal­ Hours. Q m d r m < n . ~ W u X vm i obligation on my part, past few months. Keep your stomach sweet and , 171-4 5 ers in coal and wood. Phone catarrh will be gone. reminds us that Ashland s e n d m e m ore in /o rm o A o rv • • • Every druggist in this county is our liver active. You will , •4 •«•»f Get a small bottle of Ely’s Home Otite« 117. I« il4 is | e repaid with sparkling authorized to say to every rheu­ Ca» Cream Balm from your druggist Upper Valley Meeting— has many advantages and e d by eves—clear, smooth, healthy ! O San w n FraacM Office 89 Oak St. near matic sufferer that if a full pint The Upper Valley Community now. Apply a little of this fra­ skin—and a breath with the i Hotel Ashland bottle of Allenrhu, the sure con­ odor of Spring. grant, antiseptic,. healing cream Club held their regular meeting improvements for which queror of rheumatism, does not T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ in your nostrils. It penetrates Wednesday at the home of Mrs. show the way to stop the agony fer— Good team and motor through every air passage of the F. H. Walker. Dressmaking oc­ we should be greatly will do it Get 60 of these pink reduce swollen joints and do away trucks. G >od service at a rea- head, soothes the inflamed or cupied most of the morning and tablets for 25 cts. Take two to-night. with even the slightest twinge swollen mucous membrane and part of the afternoon. The wo­ thankful. eeuab?e price. Phone 83. SoW everywhere of rheumatic pain, he will glad­ ----------------& . . men accomplished much and felt _________ relief comes instantly. ly return your money without FEHIGE-ROAGH It’s just fine. Don’t stay stuf­ the meeting very successful. Dur­ comment. Transfer — Express — Storage fed up with a cold or nasty cat­ ing the afternoon Misses Francis We Join Allenrhu has been tried and Hanling — Dray work of all arrh — Relief comes so quickly. and Rosina Gallatin gave a dem­ tested for years, and really mar­ kinds. Quick motor service. Dry onstration of the making of prune velous results have been accom­ wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R bread. Miss Ada Brewster, home! with all other citizens and plished in the most severe cases 376 B ,S t. demonstration agent gave a talk 112-tf where the suffering and agony on styles and lines. ! enterprises in expressing was intense and piteous and where ASHLAND PAINT CO The next meeting will be held thanks for these blessings the pAtient was helpless. D ependable at the home of Mrs. Huxley De­ Mr. James H. Allen, of 26 For­ Painting Contractors & Decorators cember 9th and candy making will which have been so boun­ bes St., Rochester, N. Y., the dis­ SWENNING & GEAR I . _ --------“ ■W! coverer of Allenrhu, who for many Phone 408-j 57-1 mo.* Drink Lots of Good Water tifully bestowed upon years suffered the torments of All Day, Also Take Salts WOOD SAWING Coughs acute rheumatism, desires all suf­ Ashland. Occasionally ferers to know that he does not Brings rest in the day WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel want a cent of anyone's money time and sleep a t night. When your kidneys hurt and 63— Imo* unless Allenrhu decisively con­ 470-J. Since 1S72 your back feels sore, don’t get quers this worst of all diseases, scared and proceed to load your and he has Instructed druggists tc stomach with a lot of drugs that guarantee It as above in every excite the kidneys and irritate the is relied upon by people every* Instance. entire urinary tract. Keep your where for bronchial, “flu” and East Side Pharmacy Is my ap­ whooping coughs, croup, tick­ kidneys clean like you keep your pointed agent In your city. If you ling throat and troublesome bowels clean, by flushing them live out of town I’ll gladly send ni^nt coughs. No narcotics. with a mild, harmless salts which you free particulars. Kidneys cause backache! No! Benefits both children and grown-ups. Your backache is caused bv lum­ helps to remove the body’s urln- SW 9 T his year don’t w ait for th e bago, rheumatism or a strain and ous waste and stimulate them to the quickest relief | their normal activity, oil to congeal and half-lubri- is soothing, pene­ The function of the kidneys is trating St. Jacobs to filter the blood. In 24 hours cate bearings, cylinder walls, Oil. Rub it right on your painful they strain from it 500 grains of back, and instant­ acid and waste, so we can readily etc. D on’t overw ork your ly the soreness, understand the vital importance of stiffness and lame­ keeping the kidneys active. From Ashland sta rte r and risk having to ness d i sappears. Daily to Portland.............................. 7:00 A. M- Drink lots of good water— you Don’t stay crip­ m ake expensive repairs. Daily to E u g e n e............................... 12.00 Noon pled! Get a 35 can’t drink too much; also get Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, cent bottle of St. from any pharmacist about four backache, stiff neek, sore muscles, Daily to Roseburg............................... 4:15 P.M. Jacobs Oil from ounces of Jad Salts. Take a table­ strains, sprains, aching joints. C hange to free-flowing, low your druggist. A spoonful in a glass of water be­ When you are suffering so you 12:00 neoa Mid 4:15 p. m. Stages connects moment after it is can hardly get around, just try “co ld -test” Z ero len e lu b ri­ applied you’ill won­ fore breakfast each morning for to Portland following morning. der what became a few days and your kidneys may Red Pepper Rub. can ts as recom m ended in th e Nothing has such concentrated, of the backache or lumbago pain. then act fine. This famous salts We take passengers for all way points; for further In use for 65 years for lumba­ Information and tickets call Hotel Ashland office phone penetrating heat as red peppers, go, backache, sciatica, neuralgia, is made from the acid of grapes Zerolene C orrect Lubrication 47. and when heat penetrates right rheumatism or sprains. Absolute- and lemon juice, combined with down Into pain and congestion^ ' ly harmless. Doesn’t burn the lithia. and has been used for FARE ASHLAND—PORTLAND $8.20 C h art for th e w in t e r lubrica­ years to help clean and stimulate skin. relief comes at once. clogged kidneys; also to neutral­ Just as soon as you apply Red tion of your car. ize the acids in the system so Pepper Rnb you feel the tingling they are no longer a source of ir­ heat. In three minutes the sore ritation, thus often relieving blad­ H ead for th e Zerolene sign spot is warmed through and der weakness.. through and the torture Is gone. a t dealers, garages or S tand­ Jad Salts is Inexpensive; can Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made not injure; makes a delightful ef­ from red peppers, costa little at ard Oil Service Stations and fervescent llthla-water drink any drug store. Get a jar at which everyone should take now once. Be sure to get the genu­ m ake th e change to w in t e r and then to help keep their kid­ ine, with the names Rowles on Any breaking out of the skin, neys clean and active. Try this; lubrication today. every package. also keep up the water drinking, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying and no doubt you will wonder STANDARD OIL COMPANY For a smooth shave a little Mentho-Sulphur, says a what became of your kidney By all and quick service go noted skin specialist. Because trouble and backache. (California) to the Shell Barber of its germ destroying properties, means have your physician exam­ Shop. Ladies and this sulphur preparation instant­ ine your kidneys at least twice a children get your hair ly brings ease from skin irrita­ year. bobbed and marcel­ tion, soothes and heal» the ecze­ Molalla — Eastern & Western led. ma right up and leaves the skin Lumber Company lets contract clear and smooth. W. A. SH EL L, Prop. It seldom fails to relieve the tor­ for 21 miles railroad to take 1,- The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet I SI A. S t Ashland. Ore ment and disfigurement. Suffer­ 000,000,000 feet of Clackamas ers from skin trouble get a little county timber to Portland mills. on the Box. Look for this Rains have improved pastures jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur 30c. from any good druggist and use Signature Tidings Want Ads bring results. In western part of state. It like a cold cream. be the feature of the day. * s • PROFESSIONAL Classified Column V IC K S min Through Glands Says Scientist ^ RHEUMATISM W est C oast L ife Thanksgiving L ADIES! i Chamberlain’s Tablets FLUSH OUT KIDNEYS R EU EFÆ C H A M BER LA IN 'S C O U G H R EM ED Y m RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS PAINS IN A FEW MINUTES Ashland Laundry Travel By Motor Stage Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably FIERY, I B ECZEMA HEALED RIGHT DP BV Demani BROM y QUI RIME A Safe and Proven Remedy for Colds, Grip and Influenza. ZEROLENE W ZM ZHt LUBRICANTS i