-r-.- ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cnses out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ..........| MALARIA GERMS | Cannot survive three months in I the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure | domestic water helps. , The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ( International News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4 3. ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY ,NOVEMBER 26, 1924 NO. 74 ' LAME DUCKS TO QUIT • BISHOP MANNING DEFIED AT END OF SEASON BY BOWERY CHURCH HEAD 8 ---------- a 8 8 Bv Dick'Posev 8 WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 8 NEW YORK, Nov. 26. 8 8 26. — Eleven “ lame 8 , 8 — In defiance of Bishop 8 We thank Thee, God of Might, for all Thy blessings, I 8 Manning of the P rotest­ 8 8 ducks” were on the Sen- 8 That we have found so little to regret; 8 a te ’s roll today. 8 8 ant Episcopal church of 8 8 Five Republicans, live 8 We thank Thee for the gladsome joys behind us, 8 New York, dancing has 8 8 Democrats and one Farm - 8 8 been resum ed at St. 8 We thank Thee that, sometimes, we may forget. 8 er-L aborite won this des- 8 8 M ark’s in the Bowery. 8 8 crlption because th eir 8 8 A ritual service was 8 We thank Thee for the gentle showers of springtime, 8 conn missions will expire 8 8 held y e s t e r d a-y with 8 For genial s*un, and summer skies of blue; Return Game Tomorrow 8 a t noon March 4. due to 8 Federal Officials Turn Man Indian« in 8 Blackmail Defendant Claims Sinking of Battleship Is to 8 American 8 their failure to stand for 8 8 Over to Local Authorities We thank Thee for the waving wheat and corn fields, w arpath regalia, dancing, 8 Promises to be Best Tus­ be Made Subject of Re­ Indian Potentate Was 8 re-election or an adverse 8 8 singing and praying 8 to Face Check Charge sle Here This Season search by Experts For strength to plow the furrow straight and true. Found W ith Woman 8 vote at the polls. 8 8 while the organ played 8 Of the - R epublicans 8 DISAPPOINTMENT HERE 8 NEWTON IS ON STAND ARE IN FINE CONDITION 8 WITHSTOOD MUCH FIRE 8 like a tom tom. We thank Thee for the harvests we have garnered, 8 Senator Elkins, of W est 8 8 Last March, after 8 Htudent Rudy to S tage Gl*Bt Rally 8 Virginia, retired, while 8 A u thorities A dvance Theory That A irplanes, Torpedoes uixl Gun Fire 8 “ Eurythm ic services,’’ by 8 Memlx-r o f Royal Fam ily o f India For all the varied conquests we have won; Buspeet W as Friend o f F u g i­ 8 Senators Ball, of Dele- 8 in R ear of L ithian H otel Bite 8 barefoot girls, and “ abori­ 8 I sed in S in k in g Ship Ordered Duped by Clever Pair into We thank Thee for the strength’ning smile at parting, tive, Took M eans to W arn 8 w are; McCormick, of II- 8 Thia E vening, A ll W elcom e 8 ginal rites,” Bishop Man­ 8 D estroyed by Conferenoe Paying; to H ush Scandal For love that greets us when the day is done. of 8 8 linols, and Sterling, 8 ning deprived the church 8 McALESTER, Okla., Nov. 26— - r * In an attem pt to wipe out the 8 South D akota, were de- 8 WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. — 8 of Episcopal m inistration 8 LONDON, Nov. 26.— “ If ¡t feated a t the prim aries. 8 8 W. J. Smith, alias P orter, “ Nick” We thank Thee for sweet memories ever with us, stigm a of the defeat handed them The results of experim ents which 8 and St. M ark’s discon­ 8 possible for a gentlem an of col­ in their first tussle with the Med­ 8 and Senator Bursum, of 8 D’A utrem ont, alias J. B. McAl­ were perform ed upon the hull of 8 tinued it3 unique services. 8 or to turn green, that is what For hopes that bloom so richly just ahead; ford High grid artists, on Arm­ 8 New Mexico, met defeat 8 ester, who adm its leaving a trail We thank Thee for the kind words spoken to us, A fter the services yes­ 8 “ Mr. A. did.” This was the tes­ the incomplete battleship, W ash­ 8 istice Day, when they finished 8 in the general election. 8 of bogus checks in various A r­ 8 terday Rev. Dr. William 8 timony offered by Montague New­ ington, before th a t vessel was And, better still,Tor kind words we have said. Two of the Democrats 8 kansas and Oklahoma cities and on the short end of a 14-12 score, 8 8 Norman G uthrie, rector 8 ton a s 'h is description of how the sent to the bottom of the A tlan­ the local high school eleven will 8 — Senators Shields, of 8 who declared himself to be Ray tic ocean, off Cape Charles, V ir­ 8 of the church, said th at 8 young m illionaire Prince of In­ tangle with the Medford outfit 8 Tennessee, and Dial, of 8 D’A utrem ont, wanted for train We thank Thee, God of Might, for all Thy blessings, ginia, yesterday, will be studied 8 lie had no intim ation 8 dia acted a few weeks ago, when tomorrow afternoon on the high 8 South Carolina, m et de- 8 robbery and m urder in Oregon, is by a special naval board, in con­ 8 from Riship Manning that 8 Newton, posing as the husband For freedom, peace and plenty in our land; 8 feat in the prim aries; 8 not to he taken in custody by school field. sidering the relative importance 8 he disapproved of the In­ 8 of the woman in the case, broke In their first mix, the local 8 Senator Owen, of Okla- 8 federal officers who arrived here We thank Thee for that faith that, scarcely knowing, of battleships and aircraft for­ 8 dian program . He s ta t­ 8 the prom inent Parisian hotel Gropes blindly through the darkness for*Thy Hand. ces in national defense. Secretary 8 ed, however, th a t even 8 into outfit outplayed the Medford 8 hom^, retired, and Sena- 8 Monday. He will be tu m id over bedroom and found “ Mr. A ” with gang from the start, but a couple 8 tors David I. W alsh, of 8 to the Muskogee county sheriff of the Navy W ilbur announced 8 had Bishop Manning ob­ 8 Mrs. Robinson. beautiful and of bad breaks went against them 8 M assachusetts, and Stan- 8 to answer bogus check charges 8 jected the p r o g r a m this morning. 8 well knqwii London society ma­ ruined all their good work and 8 ley, of K entucky were 8 there. 8 would have had to go on 8 tron. The secretary announced that put them on the wrong end of 8 beaten by Republican op- 8 torpedo shots, aerial attacks and 8 as scheduled “ ju st the 8 Posing in Muskogee as W. J. Newton today testified th at the ^core. Tomorrow, the lo­ 8 ponents a t the Nivember 8 Porter*, a m illionaire owner of gunfire experiments were used in 8 sam e.” 8 Mrs. Robinson was the author of 8 cals are determ ined to take ad­ 8 election. the test, and th at the experi­ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 the alleged >750,000 blackmail California property, the man ac- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 vantage of every break, and are 8 ments which were conducted had trap Into which it was hoped the ceeded in passing a num ber of confident they will even the score proved to be much more valuable prince would fall, and th at lie “ hot” checks and started to Cal­ on gams won and lost. than was anticipated when the himself was the brains of the ex­ ifornia with a custom er to whom The Medford ontfit will be ser­ ship wasi ordered destroyed. ecution of the plan. he proposed to trade a >5,000,000 iously weakened by the loss of The big ship, the moat m agni­ Newton testified that Mrs. apartm ent house. R ural R esid en ts W ill be R efused W. P. R h lian ls, Held on Rank Charles Van Scoyoc, their star ficent in the United States navy, Robinson had arranged to have Five governm ent inspectors W ater W hen Shortage Is on. H oldup Charge, Throw s Pep- backfield man, who died last was destroyed according to the the room door unlocked in order examined the prisoner today and P eop le May M ove in to City er in S h eriff’s Ryes week, following, an injury sus­ agreem ent made a t the arm s con­ that he might gain entrance. He declared he was not the man tained in practice. From all re­ ference in W ashington last year. stated th a t he walked into the wanted for the Siskiyou tunnel MEDFORD, Nov. 26. — At the KLAMATH FALLS; Nov. 26 — ports, the Medford boys are In spite of the fact th a t the ves­ room about six o’clock in the robbery. city w ater board m eeting Tuesday W. P. Richards., form er Klam ath downcast by Van Scoyoc's death, Director o f D irigible M anufactur­ morning, and found the Prince In McAlester, Smith, alias Por­ evening an ordinance was passed Falls hotel man, and now being sel was nearly completed a t the but far from being demoralized, A, C. Strange, L ieutenant Gover­ in g F in n Says This Country tim e of the conference, it was and Mrs Robinson in a com­ ter, registered as J. B. McAlester prohibiting the sale of w ater from held in Woodland, Calif., on a nor o f O regon, W ill M ake Ad­ are working harder than ever to Will Control Construction agreed that, it would he destroy­ promising position. According to of New York. He was arrested the city system for domestic or charge of bank v e l ^ r y , made a dress at Luncheon Friday insure a victory. Van Scoyoc’s ed, and by an order of Congress, Newton, Mrs. Robinson flew* into while purchasing a railroad tick­ irrigation purposes to anyone out­ desperate attem pt to escape Tues­ spirit will be with them tom or­ NEW YORK, Nov. 26 — Dr a rage, and the “ Prince turned wa« taken off the Virginia coast A. C. Strange of A storia, Lieu­ et, for which he tendered a side the corporate lim its during day afternoon according to a dis­ and fired upon. row, and the locals will have Karl Arnstein, designer of the green” with Newton demanding twelve men to play against, ac­ ten an t Governor of Oregon of the c h ec k 'fo r >100. Receipts in his the sum m er m onths when w ater patch received here ZR-3, arrived on the George six thousand dollars from the In ­ For two days, the big vessel Dashing pepper in the eyes off cording to reports from Medford. Kiwanis clubs will be a guest at possession indjeated that he re­ restrictions are in effect. W ashington yesterday with a dian potentate aw “ hush money” . This action by th e w dter com­ Sheriff J. W. Moore, Richards and j withstood the hardest fire of the The locals w ent through their the regular wekly luncheon if cently passed a check for >1000 staff of 12 engineers. They will A tlantic fleet, several airplanes, Finally, after several minutes of Kiwanians, to be on a fu rn itu re firm in Little Roek mission was not wholly unexpect­ Joe Duncan his form er employe,! and torpedo fire, before finally go to Akron, O., to begin con ­ last practice session last night, the Ashland fierce arguing, the Prince gave and will take it easy today, in held at the Hotel Ashland F ri­ for the purchase or a bill of ed as the board had, when It went also held on suspicion of bank going to the bottom, literally structing, in the name of the him a check on a London hank "— furnishings which he claims he into the office two years ago, robberies throughout California, riddled with shot. order to he in the best shape pos­ day. Goodyear-Zeppelin corporation, for the money and then left. Strange is one of the best left in the store when he secured refused to allow w ater to be used alm ost gained their liberty from sible for th eir battle. The boys I ater, according to Newton, he An injunction against the des­ huge Commercial dirigibles for have had over a week's rest since known Kiwanis Club officials on a few hundred dollars cash on the outside for commercial orchards. the county jail. passenger and mail service, di- and Mrs. Robinson again th re a t­ truction of the W ashington was The present order applies to , Richards called the sheriff to th eir last game, which they won the Pacific Coast, and much of w orthless paper. mestic and trans-A tlantic. ened the Prince with exposure un­ both domestic and irrigation p u r­ his cell on a pretense of w anting asked in the D istrict Court of the It is believed the man in cus­ from the Grants; Pass eleven, and the success of the clubs in this “ I am certain th a t the ¡ighter- less more money was forthcom ­ D istrict of Columbia, and in the Coach Hughes states his boys are d istrict has been due to his ef­ tody here simply posed as D’Au­ poses, sc th a t the people who are to talk w ith him and then threw Supreme Court of the United than-air craft industry of the ing. This demand the Indian in the best of condition. They forts. According to a letter re­ trem ont in order to gain notor­ now using w ater outside of the pepper in his eyest Duncan then States, but in both tribunals, the world will be centered in Amer­ official met. and still later, an­ realize they have a real battle ceived by local officials several iety, knowing th a t the Oregon au­ city will not be able to obtain grappled w ith the sheriff, w rest­ injunction wasi refused, and ac­ ica,” said Dr. Arnstein. “ You other sum of “ hush money” was days ago. Strange will give a re­ thorities held the finger prints w ater even for household uses ling away his revolver while in sight. Finally, when their de­ cordingly, the W ashington wa3 have here all the best conditions paid. Hughes was far from satisfied sume of the work accomplished of Ray D’A utrem ont, and th a t a during the restricted season this Richards started to walk out. ordered destroyed. for dirigible m anufacture— Cap mands became too ridiculous, the Deputy R obert Woods and two w ith the showing his charges by the club during the past year, comparison of his prints with summer. ital, engiueering talent and a Prince faced exposure and went The board was very reluctant others overpowered R ichards and made in th eir mix with the and an outline of the work now those of the bandit would immed­ favorable public spirit. I hope to the police with hii story New­ G rants Pass eleven, for after a being undertaken by the various iately clear him of any suspicion. to come to this decision, but with then hastened to the assistance of SEAL SALE WILL BE to make America my home for­ ton and Mrs. Robinson immed­ new connections required by. in­ Monroe who was having a desper­ STARTED HERE NEXT real start, the boys let down, and clubs under his jurisdiction A nother theory offered by the ever.” iately were taken into custody, It is expected th at a large local police is th at D’A utrem ont creased building inside of the city ate time with Duncan. The two ad a result bareiy managed to MONDAY, ANNOUNCED A mild mannered man man of and freely adm itted obtaining nose out the visitors. As a result, num ber of Kiwanians from Med­ is a friend of the prisoner in jail it was forced to the conclusion would-be escapers were placed in 37 years. Dr. Arnstein smilingly the money. The A anti-Tuherculosis Seal spoke of great fleets of helium the gang got plenty of exercise ford and Klam ath Falls will be here, and th at the man who was th a t there would be a greater seperate cells and Monroe taken The curious crowds which have during their practice sessions, in attendance at the meeting here captured wished; to warn him th a t shortage if w ater as the city to a hoftoital for treatm ent of his sale wil start in Ashland next filled gas bags which in the near swarmed to the trial since it’s and Hughes now has the eleven Friday. The Medford club has the officers were near. The few built up and th a t It was only fair eyes and a broken jaw received Monday. A new feature this year future will get the cream of the opening, were again today barred running according to Hoyle. The already notified local officers that days which he has been held as to the citizens of the city who when Duncan hit him with the is the mail sale. L etters contain­ passenger and mail business of from the court room, hut contin­ rough spots in team play have a large delegation of Kiwanians D’A utrem ont have given the real pay taxes th at they be given the revolver he had obtained from the ing seals are’ being sent to every­ the world. ued to flock about the corridors, sh eriff’s holster. one with self-addressed envelopes been smoothed out, and the boys will be on hand from th a t city, fugitive, if he was near here, first uf,e of the w ater. For ten years his war the busi­ hoping that they might obtain a By cutting off the outside users and it is expected th a t as many for the rtu rn of any seals that are ness of designing the succession glimpse of the two defendants. are going in great style. plenty of time for again getting during the time when restrictions The student body of the high more will be on hand from Klam­ under cover. not needed. Anyone not receiving of w ar and peace Zeppelins tu rn ­ * ■ > - The crowd was outw itted yes­ are in force it is expected that NO HUMAN BLOOD IS school will stage a giant rally in ath Falls. It is hoped to make a letter is asked to help the ed loose upon the air at Fried- terday when the authorities FOUND BY EXPERT cause by purchasing from th>? they will dig th eir own wells, or hack of the Lithian Hotel site the luncheon Friday one of the richshafen on Lake Constance smuggled Newton and Mrs. Rob­ in the case of some, will petition this evening It was announced largest of the year, and officials ARBUCKLE’S WIFE children, who will canvass the and of accompanying them on inson into the court room througli COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 26.— to be taken into the city. yesterday th a t the rally would of the local club hope th at all town with the exception of the trial fllght3 He designed the ill- an ante room used by the judge. ASKS FOR DIVORCE -That he had not yet found any The step taken last night, it is be held at the high school field, members of the Kiwanis clubs in business district, or at one of the fated ! French reedrd.-breaker, understood, will mean a loss of evidence of hum an blood as the . but this report was wrong. Songs, the d istrict will attem pt to be PARIS, Nov. 26. — Mrs. Ar- booths. Dixmude, the model of the result of his tests seeking to yells and stunt features will he present in order to welcome the m inta Arbuckle, wife of F atty revenue to the city of approxi­ clear the m ystery surrouirding j Everyone assisting in the sale American Shenandoah, and the staged for the benefit of the state officer to this section. Arbuckle, who was the central m ately >2500 a year, but it is the death of Mrs. C. Sheat3ley,; is helping to put over the Anti- newest record-holder, ZR-3. With team . Everyone Is invited to a t­ figure in the Virginia Rappe expected th a t this am iunt will furnace victim, the wife of a j Tuberculosis work th a t is so im­ the Friedrlchshafen works about tend the rally, which It ia claim- PHETTEPLACE HOME m urder case in San Francisco a be made up by the new homes in L utheran m inister, was declared p ortant in the state and com­ to he dism antled in accordance ed will be the biggest of the year. few years ago, today asked the the city in the conn,« of the pres­ today by Dr. H. Brundage, local m unity and is doing a splendid with the Versailles' treaty, he SCENE OF DINNER year. AND CARD PARTY Seine tribunal court to gran t her ent This thing in aiding the national and comes here as the technical action was taken at this pathologist. P A P E R IS INDICTED a divorce, charging th a t the for­ brains of an industry being tran s­ county health work. Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Phetteplace mer movie comedian had desert­ time in order to allow the ou t­ ferred to America for perpetua­ NEW YORK, Nov. 26. — The were charm ing hosts at a dinner ed her over a year ago. side users to make other prepara­ PRIEST KILLED W F W tion. On W ay to T ennant— K ing’s 1924 Revue which was CAR SKIDS IN DITCH New York H erald-Tribune was and card party given at their tions for w ater before the be­ “ It is wonderful that America booked by H. B. H urst, for two Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stroud yesterday indicted on three home on W imer street last even­ ginning of sum m er restrictions. SEATTLE. Nov. 26. — R ev .’ arrived in Ashland last night on ' gives us this opportunity to con­ days engagement at the Vining counts, under the revenue law, ing. Futurism was the them e of developing the Zeppelin- Theatre, gave its initial perform ­ Michae< O’Callaghan, pastor of their return from a honeymoon I tinue for publishing the income tax re ­ the party, carried out in decora­ COYOTE SUSPECTED the Holy Rosary Catholic church i type airship, he said. “ My only ance last nigiit to a large audi­ spent in Portland. They will go ; turns. This is the first test case tion and am usem ent. Hawaiian OF HAVING RABBIES here was instantly killed early to Tennant this evening and will I regret is th a t Count Zeppelin was ence. The offering was a farce started in this district. music was enjoyed at the close not alive to see the realization comedy, “ The S tork,” and kept this afternoon, when his auto­ m ake their home there. The heads of a coyote and a of a very pleasant evening. of his dream — the flight of one the audience in laughter and a calf thought to have rabbles have mobile skidded off the highway GuetHs for the evening were of his dirigibles across, the A tlan­ happy mood from the time the been sent to Stanley Jew ett, head in th e dense fog a few miles Messrs and Mesdames F. C. Dil­ tic as achieved by the ZR-3. curtain went up until it was rung of the trappers survey of wild an­ north of K ent, and plunged into lard, G. M. Green, A. E. E rick­ a ditch. O’Callaghan was re tu rn ­ down on the finale. The show imals by Roy P arr, local game son, Henry Enders, John Enders, ing from church services at Au­ was opened by the California WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 — warden, and a report is expected CHARLIE AND BRIDE W illiam Briggs, Dr. and Mrs. burn. Two other priests with Poppy Girl chorus in new and The executive committee of the ON WAY TO AMERICA w ithin a few days. R. L Burdic and Dr and Mrs. him a t th e tim e of the crash were beautifully designed costumes Anti-Saloon League of America, F a rr was called to th e Nim Phetteplace. NOGALES. Ariz., Nov. 26, — uninjured. and this was followed by several headed by Wayne B. W heeler, to­ Charley property on Antelope last Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Chaplin, vaudeville acts above the aver­ day presented to President Coo­ evening to investigate suspicions ' ’ • ■ NOTORIOUS GUNMAN m arried yesterday a t Empalme, Strike ballots have been sent age in whirl» clever dancing, lidge, a resolution calling atte n ­ PORTLAND CENSORS KILLED IN SEATTLE tion to the need throughout the of rabbies in th a t section. About Mexico, a suburb of Guaymas, singing, monologues and musical to 6000 locomotive engineers and ORDER FILM CLOSED th ree o’clock in the m orning sev­ TILLAMOOK, Ore., Nov. 26.— ' were expected to arrive here to­ numbers were introduced. The firem en of the Pacific coast di-j country for various reform s in eral days ago a coyote came to SEATTLE, Nov. 26. — W ith P O R T L A N D , Nov. 26. — Rumors which claimed th at Rosie day, enroute to Hollywood. The acta all went "ober big indicating vision of the Southern Pacific it the enforcem ent of prohibition the ranch and then went to the Charging th a t the picture was and Irene Roseck, two small girls couple stated last night th at they the shooting here last Tuesday that the audience enjoyed this and outlining a legislative pro­ became known yesterday. of Karl Peterson, 38, notorious gram which the League desires Hansen property where it was dom inated by a “ subtle n asti­ who were burned to death in the have abandoned their proposed part of the program. The ballots are returnable De­ killed. Since th a t tim e seven ness” the Portland Board of fire which destroyed their home yachting trip off the west coast gunman, with a crim inal record passed. The musical comedy show tvas cember 5 and were sent out fol­ goats, th ree hogs and a calf have Censors today ordered Pola Ne­ yesterday morning, were the vic­ of Mexico, which it was stated Interspersed with girl num bers extending over two continent^, The resolution particularly lowing the failure of officials of the police believe they have clear­ urged the adoption of the Cram- died from what is thought to be g ri’s ' “ Forbidden P aradise” off tim s of foul play, were discount­ before the m arriage they would ; with a complete change of elab­ the brotherhood and railroad of­ ed up a num ber of holdups and ton bill, which would unite the the effect of bites from the coy­ the screen a t a local theatre. ed today, when Dr. Menu, Uni­ take before returning to Holly­ orate costumes for each. ficials to discuss proposed better­ burglaries which iccured during law enforcem ent work into one ote. This decision came after three versity of Oregon pathologist, wood. “ Skinny” LaMont, hilled as m ent of working conditions. the past month. viewers had sanctioned the run after an investigation of the scene bureau; and which would place seven feet of comedy, took the The strike would tie up traffic Peterson who is known as the AVIATORS KIIAJED of th e picture. house by storm in his act and th e Ì of the fire, and an autopsy of from Portland to El Paso in­ “ barefoot b u rg lar,” was killed in all the Federal agents under the AMERICA PART OF the bodies of the children, de-j FORT RILEY, Kansas, Nov. 26. TRIPLE AGREEMENT civil service' regulations. introduction of his eccentric and cluding Ashland and would af­ a gun battle with Detective Kush. 8 d a re d th a t the girls had been — Captain Beddinger and Ser­ hairpin dances, while Miss Mar­ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 The poor w ork now being 8 fect not only the Southern Pa­ He is believed to have operated WASHINGTON, NOV. 2 6 — The 8 8 suffocated. No P ap er Thanksgiving geant Aslop fell 300 feet, and jorie King delighted the audience cific but the El Paso Southw est­ extensively in Portland last sum ­ shown bv the prohibition enforce­ United States.*, A ustria and Hun­ 8 Following its usual The cause of the fire still re­ were burned to death yesterday, in her in her interpretative dances 8 m ent officials!, according to t h e , ern and Arizona and E astern. mer. Two loaded pistols and a resolution, was claimed as being gary today entered a tri-p artite 8 custom there will be no 8 mains a mystery to the police a u ­ when the tank of th eir airplane which are different from any ever Southern Pacific officials plac­ quantity of am m unition was caused by the knowledge th a t agreem ent, by which it is provid­ » issue of the Tidings on 8 thorities of this city. Defective exploded. seen in thi3 city. H er costum es ed the demand for an increase in found on hipi. any official can be dismissed a t ed th a t a mixed commission will ¡ 8 Thanksgiving, Thursday, 8 w iring was first believed to havej were georgeous and her dances th e hands of the labor board, re­ any time. The resolution claims be established in order to settle 8 November 27. Advertisers 8 started the blaze since the father Returned Hrom North—- w*ere the last word in grace and fusing to discuss the m atter on In A shland— th a t the officers knowing this to ' all claims growing out of the 8 desiring space in F rid ay ’s 8 of the girls claims the lig h ts' Mr. McNeil of the firm of Hoo­ the ease with which her dances these grounds when officers of A. H. Bower of the Ralph be a fact, attem pt to “ get aW they world war. 8 paper are requested to 8 went out ju st before he discover-! ver & McNeil returned home last are executed places her in a class th e brotherhood of locomotive Schneelock Company of Portland 8 have th e ir copy in this 8 ed the blaze, but this theory was evening from Eugene where he of a finished artist. can out of the office” for they firem en and enginemen sought a was in Ashland today visiting Lane county clay successfully 8 office this evening. 8 discounted by the fire depart- spent the past few days on busi­ realize they may be w ithout a conference. local business men. made into pottery in Canifornla.. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ( m ent officials today. position within a few days. ness. Every ad has a message. ASHLAND HIGH WILL TAKE ON MEDFORD HERE SUSPECT HELD IN EAST IS NOT D’AUTREMONT T h a n k s g iv in g MEDFORD WILL NOT SELL WATER TO ANY KIWANIS LEADER IS TO BE HERE WEEKLY MEETING RESULT OF GUN FIRE WILL BE STUDY SUBJECT STAGE DESPERATE TRY FOR FREEDOM PRINCE TURNED GREEN STATES ALLEGEDCROOK AMERICA TO LEAD KING’S REVDE DE 1924 SCORES BIG HIT IN EIRST SHOW RAIL S I R BI S P i , IS Pill 10 BALLOT ANTI SALOON LEAGUE HANDS RESOLUTION IN BURNING ARE ' DECLARED UNTRUE