PACfe PÖti« Astrusi) BAttf «öäSöä H ere Today — R eturned to Ashland*— headed by the J. P. Morgan Com­ wellknown German inventor and tic route rem ains to be seen, for CUT THIS OUT — , STOLEN CAR POUND Marion Costley of Talent was Mrs. Mary W. Tipton, m other HERE BY OFFICERS pany, were eagerly bought off form er associate of Count Zep­ it is a big span; but, on the other IT IS WORTH MONEY in Ashland this morning on busi- of Mrs. J. B. Duncan has re tu rn ­ — ■ the m arket today. The demand pelin, has grave doubts as to the hand, in the future the journey ness. ed to Ashland and will make her A 1924 model, Chevrolet tour- equalled the heavy buying ex­ feasibility of transatlantic com­ from London to Copenhagen or home here. i ing car, owned by Ellsw orth perienced in the German recon-1 mercial flying by lighter-than-air to Christiania will be made by Send this ad and ten cents to Our p o rtrait equipm ent is e q u a l; Deering of Chico, California, was struction loan offering of two craft. seaplane.” Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., to any in Southern Oregon. W e ; found abandoned on W alker Ave­ months ago. On the other hand, he paints a Chicago, 111., w riting your name know we can please you, D arlin g 1 nue last night by B utler W alker rosy picture of the future possib­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY and address clearly. You will re­ Studio. 71— tf of thk' city, and turned over to BROOKHART DECLARED ilities of travel by heaver-thau- De Molay ceive a ten cent bottle of FOLEY’S Chief if Police McNabb. McNabb WINNER OF ELECTION; air craft, to which he ha3 now FOR SALE: — German Police HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND There will be a regular m eet­ We have the suits, and we can — telegraphed th e owner in Chico, turned his attention. puppies, 687 Beach St. Thomas for coughs, colds and hoarseness, ing of Lithla Chapter at Masonic fit you. 73— tf and this morning received an an ­ DES MOINES, Iowa, Nov. 25.— “ It is only a question of a few H arris. 73 7* also free sample packages of Hall W ednesday evening, N ovem -’ swering wire, asking McNabb to Senator Smith B rookhart was of-! years before it will be possible her 26. All members are urged In Medford—• state the condition of the auto­ ficially declared to be w inner in to travel generally ju st as safely WANTED: — Mending and FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic stim u­ to attend. mobile, the owner failing to state Mrs. E. D. Palm er of this city! sewing of all kinds. Martha lent for the kidneys, and FOLEY Ralph Robison, M aster Councilor was a Medford visitor yesterday I CHICAGO, Nov. 25. — The w hether or not he would come to Iowa’s Senatorial race by the ex-i by air as by railway, steam er or Akers, 300 Liberty. 73— 2* CATHARTIC TABLETS for Con- ecutive council of the state to­ motor car,’’ Dr. Rohrbach declar­ Russell Overocker, Sffibe. 72— 1 on business. stipation and Biliousness. These I United States, as the world's this city to take possessiin of his day, with 447,706 votes against j ed in an interview. “ To my FOR SALE: — Fine fat T u r­ wonderful remedies have helped ------1__ greatest country, is losing that car. 446,951 cast for Dan Steck, his mind the future in the air lies in { millions of people. Try them. Sold L eave Today— keys. Mrs. Oskar, 83 Morton. fo u are welcome to compare distinction, according to the democratic rival. the construction of all-m etal air- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hersey of my Automobile rates with any Sears ' Roebuck 73— 2* ' everywhere. A gricultural COOLIDGE URGES CONSER­ places and seaplanes. North Main street leave today ' - in Jacksoa or Jo se -1 Foundation, in Chicago. VATION OF TIMBER , oioer rates “ I have turned my attention to LABOR VOTES DOWN for San Diego where »they will I pbine Counties; you can be the ^ ie 2,(08,000 bales of cot- the construction of commercial POLITICAL MOVES Nov. 25.— Only spend the winter. i udge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course.: *on imported by England from the WASHINGTON. seaplanes made entirely of d u r­ most drastic conservation 1,400,000 30— t f ' “ all “ ports ports last year EL PASO, Nov. 24. — T h e ’ alumin. Three such machines are Chicken tam ales th a t will de ] • came from the United States, i measures, which m ust be put into American Federation of Labor being tested at Copenhagen and light you at The Plaza. 64— tf 729,000 from Egypt, 44,000 from effect immediately, will prevent decided today definitely it would will shortly be put on a commer­ At B utte Falls— Brazil and 535,000 from other the absolute disappearance of all take no share w hatever in form ­ cial route, which is as yet being On B u sin ess-— | Mr and Mra- J E W elch and countries, principally India and of A m erica’s great forests within LeRoy Fields of the Moon and T' L ' P° We11 spent SatUr j Peru. In the period from 1909 a period of less than fifty years, ing a new political party in the kept secret. “ The world has not yet realiz­ Fields Lum ber company on Dead day and t U" day VisUing frie n d sl to 1913 England got three- President Coolidge revealed in an United States. The convention voted down two resolutions ask ­ ed the potential possibilities of Indian was in Ashland yesterday J n a ______ s* address which opened the Na­ i fourths of her cotton from Ameri- ing the im m ediate form ation of commercial aviation. If the mon­ and today on business. Special prices on portraits d u r - '> ’ Last y ear'8 Percentage shows tional Conference on the Utiliza­ a district Labor Party. ey were forthcom ing we could fly but a little more than one-half tion of Forest Products. ing Nov., Darling Studio. machines, with 150-foot wing The President pointed out the Special, at Paulseruds. Suits coming from this country. THREATENED ATTORNEY spread, eapable of carrying forty and Overcoats, $20. 73— tf R epresentatives of English cot­ need for the creation of an ade­ Improving— PORTLAND, Nov. 24. — Mrs. persons, and equipped, if neces­ quate forest reserve, in order to Mr. Loui Stai of Mt. Shasta ton m anufacturers state th a t un­ cope w ith the cut-off which is Amelia Olsen today threatened sary, with dining rooms. J u st received new pack smok . less the United States can furnish ed Boneless herring, salt mack- City’ who bas been confined to more cotton at a cheaper price, taken from the forests every year the life of Loyal McCarthy, P o rt­ “ W hether or not airplanes will .50 erel, Alaska herring, smoked t the Community Hospital for th e more vigorous steps will be taken The danger of the annihination of land atto rn ey , by flashing a pis­ ever be used on the cross-Atlan- tol on him. The woman was dis­ Chinook salmon. Kippered sal­ past week is rapidly improving to supply their needs elsewhere. the lum ber industry, the third arm ed, and turned over to the mon, Bloaters, Anchovies and India, according to the Foun- largest industry in the country at Peggy O’Dare dresses are such as appeal to Phone 130 for Pow ell’s Cider. police. She is said to have had codfish. “ We D eliver” . Phone 63__lm Q ! dation, is the greatest cotton pro­ the present time, unless some a disagreem ent with the attorney those who want better dresses. 62. Detricks Grocerteria. ducing country next to the Unit- means of re-foresting the cut over over a fee. lands is started in the near fu ­ I ed States, with the possible ex­ D oing W ell— ture, was shown by the p resi­ N ew Cars— -o ------ o- ception of China, which grows no Ethel Hudnell, who was oper- i dent. He urged th a t the mem­ The H arrison B rothers Ford exportable surplus. bers of the Conference co-operate agency received a carllad of ated on Sunday at the Commun­ A newly organized cotton ity Hospital is reported to be in building up a forest reservej Ford cars this morning and are Also a new lot of those growing corporation is expected doing well. which will prove adequate f o r 1 unpacking them. to cut in fu rth er on our share of w o n d e r f u l l y clever future years. There is a wonderful AT HOTEL ASHLAND the export trade. This corpora­ dresses from New York, A llenrhu, $1.50. McNair Bros. variety of styles here Sava $10.00, walk upstairs to tion, which has contracted for popularly priced at Buyers Eagerly Take Orres tailor shop. 17— tf I the building of the Sudan Dam, and all at special Reservations are now being R eturned I^ast N ight— French Loan Bonds $15.75 to $111.75 has made arrangem ents for the prices. W. C. Thornton of Portland, i received for the special Cliff Payne makes drain construction of a railw ay in who has been at the Community NEW YORK, Nov. 24. — boards. Thanksgiving Dinner N orthern Africa, and is expected LONDON, Nov. 24. — Despite Hospital undergoing treatm ent Bonds of the hundred million to increase African cotton pro­ for the past week returned home ! dollar French Republic loan, of­ the successful crossing of the At­ At K lam ath F a lls— 12 to 2 P . M. duction a t least 100,000 bales, last evening. He was accompan fered by the syndicate which is lantic by the ZR-3, Dr. Rohrbach 5 : 3 0 to 7 :3 0 P . M. A dozen and a half Mrs. Avery of the local restau r­ Two hundred thousand bales are ant made a trip to Klamath Falls ied by his» wife. now grown in sections of Africa good tailored suits m + m m i m m m m »»w e ♦ this morning and expects to re­ outside of Egypt, which normal- Half Price < ► W ith our modern equipment, tu rn tomorrow. ly produces 1,200,000 bales. we can make your p ortait at Three methods are advanced Sittings Have Just sold the Bergner night as well as day. ; by the A gricultural Foundation pM8lble dethrone. block; but have another snap in eventags by appointm ent. 71— t ( , t0 prevcnt Darling Studio. business property. Staples Realty m ent of King Cotton. New and Agency. 72— tf cheaper fertilizers to effect the Improving Slowly— necessary economies; a united a t­ Mrs. Sadie Stratton is reported tack to stam p out the bollweevil, nor do not claim to he fifty or one hundred per I d A shland— to be slowly improving and is Mr. W hite of Weed was In cent below others; we, however, guarantee our or economy coming from improv­ Ashland yesterday and today able to sit up p art of each day. ed machinery, and improved prices as low and in many cases lower than any looking over the local box fac­ Crutches are being made for her farm ing systems which will pro­ Undertaker jn the County. tory. He made a trip to Medford and she hopes to be around on vide cotton labor production them in a short time. th is morning. work the year around, instead Our stock and equipment is among the of only six to eight months are best and our Funeral Chapel is a model, an in­ Special Auto Accident Policy the three “ lifesavers” offered. Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ spection will convince you. light you at The Plaza. 64— tf for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo “ We m ight be forced to use a of course. 24-tf combination of all of them ,” We also have the only Fire Proof Slumber K antleek Rubber Goods. Mc- Foundation experts conclude. WINTER GARDEN DANCE— N air Bros. Room and preparation room to he found be­ THURSDAY NIGHT. 73-2* A storia — City will widen tween San Francisco and Portland. A ddresses Club— Sm ith’s Point road at a cost of I. E. Vining, president of the Visit ing H ere— $22,000, pave reservoir road at Mrs. W. L. Mellinger of Chico, No charge for use of Slumber Room or cost of $30,000 and spend $7500 S tate Chamber of Commerce who came to Ashland to attend Funeral Chapel. on W illiam sport road. made a trip to Medford yester­ See them in o»m windows; see them in our cases. Look them over; trv day and addressed the Medford Homecoming Day at the C hrist­ them on, and you will hear a chorus of O. K .’s and Alls all over’ the Banks — W ork begun at Cor­ Kiwanis Club at their regular ian church is spending tlie week stoic. No wonder they go wild over such dresses—the verv embodiment in Ashland visiting friends. luncheon. nell Gap, on m arket road to As- of eharm itself. The showing of these embrace such materials as torih and Vernonia. Dense Fog— Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Cantons, Satins, Flat Crepes, Failles and We deliver the goods— Detricks A cold dense fog has been Funeral Directors 94-tf A RELIABLE COUGH REMEDY ( harmeuse. The size range is verv complete. hanging over the city and valley Day P h on e 2 1 2 — N ight P h on es 25 5 -R , 282-J In A shland— tue Why experiment with unknown the past two days, m aking the Mrs. L ou is D odge, Lady A ssistan t W. J. Eastm an, specialty man average w eather during th a t time remedies for th at cough or cold for the Ford Motor company of the coldest of the early w inter when you can secure FOLEY’S The Georgette is made with Portland was In Ashland today. season. Sunday’s maximum was HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND? fluted lace on panel effects and He was accompanied by Mrs. 40 degrees “and“ this * m o rn in g ^ ! 11 is a safe and reliable rem edy Eastm an who is making her first minimum was 30 degrees. The ] for the relief of coughs, colds. side drape; ruffled tops, lace trip into this p art of the state. density of the fog. especiallv l a s t ! hoarseness Equally beneficial for trimmed slips to match. Dress She states th a t she is greatly evening and this m orning render-1young and old’ Mrs' Anna Corne11 and slip in amber color. Priced pleased pleased with this coun­ ed careful driving a necessity. Bridgeton, N. J„ states: “ I bought at try E arly this afternoon the fog j FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR $ 50 lifted and the sun came out. — COMPOUND for my cold and find Tamales, best in the city, “ The Medford Mail Tribune. it g reat.” Insist upon the genuine. Rose”. 60— tf Refuse substitutes. Sold every­ where. There is wisdom in reading .ids. Splendid residence lot $75 on paym ents. The Staples Redlty Company. ü. S. FAST LOSING £ AS P e g g y O’D are A SPECIAL LOT just sent to us at special prices so that we can sell them at 8 75 to *24 Thanksgiving ZEPPELIN EXPERT SWEATERS Dinner OF OCEAN FLIGHTS Prices Lower Than Others i We Are Not Inclined to Boast; Big Showing of Beautiful Dresses FOR THE THANKSGIVING BALL Here you will see the new creations in Ball Room Dresses; soft blending colors, draped in artistic lines that lend charm and easiness of fit. J. P. Dodge & Sons 29 i Orchid Crepe Georgette Silk evening dress. Medium com­ bination with lace handing in­ sets and fluting supports at the sides. Priced at $ .50 R esign s P osition — Miss Pauline Grieve, who has been connected with the Chamber of Commerce for five years, has resigned and will give up the work about December 15th. She does not state w hat she will do, bu t has several splendid offers. — Medford Mail Tribune. WINTER GARDEN DANCE— THURSDAY NIGHT. 73-2* M any Covered W agons— Two more covered wagons a r­ rived in G rants Pass yesterday from Detrick, Idaho, making eight th a t have arrived from th at place. Four more are on the way. The drivers made the trip In real pioneer style having come here for the purpose of estab­ lishing homes. They were in­ terested in the G rants Pass coun­ try by the Chicago Land company which has sold tracts to a m a­ jo rity of the arrivals. There are many other residents of the Idaho city who are looking to G rants Pass as their future home, i according to late arrivals and it appears th a t a good portion of th e D etrick population will settle) here.— G rants Pass Courier. Your portait will solve twelve g ift problems for Xmas, Darling Studio. 71— tf R eg isterin g Cars— Fourteen out-of-state cara were registered yesterday at the] local bureau. The day before that, 21 were registered. Four­ teen is about the average for a i T H E THEATER BEAUTIFUL TONIGHT and TOMORROW ONE SHOW A DAY i p n I H IT 11 0 H ill I 22 STARTING AT 8:15 P. M. King’s 1924 Revue A new show and complete change of Program each night. “ And what is so rare as a gift like this” Crepe de Chine evening dresses in Fauve color, rivnon and rose trim. A very effective combin­ ation. Priced at $ .50 A, 24 Flowers are nature’s greatest gift—why should they not he yours too. They reflect the giver two-fold—his care and thought of selection—his sense of fineness and del­ icacy—both are recognized at once. Satin dresses in different shades; all well made, proper­ ly tailored and designed for service, as well as looks. Pric­ ed at Q.95 to Flowers are a fitting gift for Thanksgiving 15—PEOPLE—15 In a breezy, merry, w hirly girly Musical Comedy th a t has made a decided hit in all the principal theaters on the coast ‘T H E S T O R K ’ A m etropolitan success th a t is interspersed with Exotic dancing. Specialties, high class Vaudeville Acts and a bevy of the original California Poppy Chorus Girls. Also a Comic Picture Children 25c Adults 50c Tomorrow—“ A DIVORCE CURE” We have a large selection for yo»u to choose from, including chrysanthemums, carnations, sweet peas, snap dragons, nar­ cissus and violets. Faille Silk dresses in dark shades; neatly tailored and trimmed in needlework; con­ trasting material of silk and lace. Priced at 35 aril Our cases and racks are loaded with wonderful dresses, which makes your choosing much easier. Phone us your order and we wiltdo the rest Shop for new dress iwi your j»uui uvw lu ess at a i THE ASHLAND GREENHOUSE Phone 120 Also potted plants, including, cyclaman, pramulas, chrysanthemums, cherries, and all varieties of ferns. Special Discounts being offered on all Ladies’ Coats < I > M » New Costume Slips now on the hangers in all colors $3.95 C a m p a n •W here Y our D ollar H as More Cents'