AAHTAND DAILY TIMNGB H o fe t t m m 55! Tuesday, November 25, 1024 WUi 978,000 injured, and more than tive attem pt yet made to get at | FOLEY PILLS REACH- $900,000,000 worth of property the causes and remedy for ac- ED THE SORE SPOT * * * ♦ damage caused by traffic m iihaps. ! cidents, according to Hoover. Mrs. Eden Reighard, South Estim ates indicate th at 1924 PHYSICIANS Luncheon— Officials pointed out th a t should Fork, Pa., w rites: “ I had been ClaMsifled Column R ates will show even a more terible the death rate during the next suffering with my kidneys and The home of Mrs. J. H. H e r-1 One cent the word each sey, 451 North Main street wa3i casualty list from this source, and seven years increase as during the ■ nothing ieemed to touch the ach. time OR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings the scene of a delightful two-i SYRACUSE, N. Y., Nov. 24 — Government officials deem it high last sim ilar period the annual loss lng Bpot untll j procured poLE Y To run every Issue for one office. Phone 91. Miss E dith Dodge, E ditor time to take steps to m ake the oi life would approach the total PILLS wIth wonderful resu lts.” course luncheon Thursday, Nov. month or more, H e the word Phone item s to h er at 89, between 20. The ladies of the 400 block “ There is no revoluation dawning highways of the nation less haz­ number of American soldirs kii.-t p OLLY PILLS, a diuretic stimu- DR. C. W. HANSON in surgery of the stomach. The, each time. S a. in. and 5 p. m. were guests. ed during the World War. The ,ant for (he kidney8 gently and Dentist medical profession i3 advancing ardous. A num ber of committees of Covers were laid fof eighteen num ber of injured Ì3 already al- thoroughly flush and cleanse the Special attention given to pyor­ step by step, but no great leap P o tt RENT the N ational Anti-Accident Or- most equal to th at of the Ameri- kidneys and lielp to elim inate and the decorations, favors and rh o e a . Office upstairs In Beaver forward has been taken because GOSSIPS ganization have held frequent can war-wounded. quotations were in harm ony with of the discovery of any single 233-tf. FOR RENT— 6 room uniurn- Bloek. Phone 178-J. By Claribel W eeks Avery poisonous waste m atter. Try a meetings during the past few , ----------------------- Thanksgiving. The delectable surgical m ethod.” lshed house. 63 Alida. Phone bottle today and you will be well DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ They t-»lk, and wonder th a t I do luncheon was served nt 5:30 after This is the comment made to­ months and have drafted reports Test Tensile Strength 240. 72— 3* pleased with the relief obtained. tice lim ited to eye, ear. nose ano not listen; which all entered into the spirit day by Dr. John Van Duyn, vet­ to be subm itted to the national of Limestone Beams The use oL FOLEY PILLS in­ th ro a t— X-ray Including teeth. I They stab, and wonder th a t I of Thanksgiving in games, music eran Syracuse surgeon and oldest conference. FOR R EN T:——5-room furnish ­ i creases kidney activity. Sold Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc j ed bungalow, lovely yard, fro n t­ am not cut; "The request for a national and conversation. W A SH IN G TO N , Nov 25 __ i , faculty member of the College of _ u • ‘5O- ¡everyw here. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, : They do not know th a t I am in ing park on G ranite street. E. T. Hostesses for the evening we^e Medicine, Syracuse University, t o , gathering for the purpose of bet­ Fatigue tests for eighteen heavy, L 9 9 my closet Staples. 67— tf Mesdames Hersey, Way and Miss Dr. H. B. Devine, of Melbourne, te r organization and co-ord'.nation limestone beams, testing their ___________ Ore. And th a t the door is shut. Dayton. of activities in the reduction of durability and resistance against j A ustralia. ~ FOR SALE DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic ♦ * ♦ accidents was proposed to me six heavy loads, are in progress at ' Dr. Devine declared before the and Electro-Therapy. Office They speak the names I love, to Fireside Supper— months, ago by a num ber of na­ the United States Bureau of FOR SALE: —— 800 ft. galven- American College of Surgeons in phone 48; residence 142. First do them h u rt; Mrs. John Finneran and Mrs. Standards. tional associations interested in ized pipe, 3-4 inch, one ton New York City th a t a system of BARGAINS National Bank building. They fBl the quivering a ir with O A. Paulserud entertained a rendering diseased Hoover For more than sixteen months block. Inquire RFD 1, Box 107. portions of this field,” Secretary hate and fear; group of young people with a the stomach nerveless and allow’- said. the beams, tw enty-eight inches 72— 3* TH E SOUTHERN OREGON My soul is seeking God among fireside supper Sunday evening at “ In order th a t a national con-¡betw een supports, four inches One Dodge Touring CLINIC tng them to rem ain in the hum an FO R SALE — Rhode Island the stars, the Paulserud home on Oak St. body would obviate the necessity ference ou the subject might fu n c .1 wide and one and one half In-j One Bui’ek Touring 1st N ational Bank Bldg. Surgical Obstetrical Red Pullets. Phone 14F21, E ast Medical • ♦ * And does not even hear. tion to definite purpose, I appoint- j ches thick, have been subjected of dangerous operations. Diagnostic X-ray Chevrolet Sedan Main. 71— 3* E n tertain s Endeavor— ed eight special committees on to a load eqhal to tw’o-thirds of "Diseased p arts of the human R. W. Stearns, M. D. Chevrolet Coupe They think my little world should Miss C lara McDonough en ter­ stomach may be treated in such different im portant phases of the • th at required to break them, FO R SALE: — B arred Ply­ R. E. Green, M. D. fly to atoms tained the m embers of th e Con- a way as to be safely left intact, problem, the representatives he- j None of the beam» has broken Chevrolet Touring R. W. Sleeter, M. D. m outh rock pullets, also childs Or shrivel a t th eir nod; gregation-aj C hristian Endeavor ing chosen from all parts of the hut the average bending is .002 Office hours 2-5 p. m. as Dx. Devine asserts. Anything Dodge Delivery steel crib. Inquire 160 Orange Phone 238-R They do not know th a t I am in w ith a poverty party Saturday is possibly, I suppose. I am afraid country and embracing represen- inches. Ave. ' 71— 3» Buick Touring my clo3et, evening. The guests came dress­ however, there are not many tatives of the police official«, j --------------------- CONVALESCENT HOME WOOD FOR SALE:— F ir and Shut in with God. ed in rags and many am using surgeons who will advocate such highway and m otor vehicle com -, Tigard — Seven districts will Where the sick get well. Priced for quick Sales «. « « Spruce, 16 inch, $8; Hard wood custum es were present. The a disposition of gastric d istu rb ­ missioners, insurance companies, ; vote on building union high Cottage Plan. 16 inch, >12. Delivered. Mountain We board and care for invalids CALENDAR OF EVENTS evening was spent playing hard ances," Dr. Van Duyn said. safety councils, cham bers of com- sehool at Tigard. 0 — 0— o — o Fuel Co. Siskiyou or leave ordeT Wednesday, November 26. time games and a very enjoyable and old people. " It is much b etter to remove merce, labor unions, automobile ■x-y—■-. at Beaver Realty Co- Ashland. Past M atron’s Club will meet. tim e was experienced by the the ‘bad’ tissue of the food cavity associations and various other M aternity Dept. Instant Service on Ray- 50— 1 mo.* Thursday, N o v e m b e r 27. many guests. Call 153 even though the operation is of national groups. bestos Brake Inning Thanksgiving Day. At a late hour dainty refresh­ a highly complicated nature. "These committees have a m em -! The simplest and best way to stop WOOD FOR SA LE:— F ir and * » * m ents of sandwiches, chocolate Once th e infected area of the bership of 186 persons and c o v e r1 coughs, colds, croup, bronchial, MONUMENTS Spruce, 16 fr.ch >8. H ard wood ’ ’ and la grippe coughs is to take Feerrar-H arvey W edding— and cake were served and the stomach wall is taken out the the subjects of statistics, traffic ■ ‘flu __ W Y Y 16 Inch $12 Delivered. Fountain ASHLAND GRANITE group wended th eir way home­ The wedding of Miss Gladys control, construction and engin-1 C l l A M JD ILIA IP II O p atient may be reasonably sure Feul Co Siskiyou e r leave orders Chevrolet and Dodge MONUMENTS eering, city planning and zoning,! ward w ishing for more of these F eerrar, daughter of Mrs. Mary he is relieved of his troubles.” Sales and Service a t Beaver R ealty Co. Ashland. E v e r y u s e r is a f r ie n d B lair G ranite Co. J. F e e rra r of Gramercy Drive, happy affairs in the fu tu re. insurance, education, m otor v e -, 50— 1 mo.* • « • » S. PENNISTON, Manager Los Angeles and Milburn G. H ar­ Waf’lowa — Forest Service will hid es and public relations.” Office 175 E. Main The Macabees had a very suc­ spend $90,000 opening m ountain vey of Santa Ana was one of the MISCELLANEOUS Reports of the com m ittees will Res. Phone 444-Y interesting events of November cessful bazaar in th e room at road from Toll Gate northw'ard soon be ready for submission. i SALESMEN:—-Will guarantee 11, the ceremony taking place the Hotel Ashland form erly oc­ to Goodman Springs, W ashing­ They represent the most exhaue- salary $50.00 per week and fu r­ uny g ^ rl in T rouble —»day at high noon in th e Church of the cupied by the Hotel garage. Home ton, 80 miles. communicate with Ensign Lee nish automobile to several men made candies, salads, pickles, Angels, Los Angeles. ef ttie Salvation Army at the selling excellent Ford accessory. The beautiful Episcopal m ar­ cakes and fancy work of all kinds WhiteShleld 'Home, 565 May- riage service was read in the were sold and a goodly profit was Address Salesm anager, Box 1886 fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. Granville, Ohio. 72— 1* presence of forty guests, all close realized. The ladies of the ba­ friends and relatives of the bride zaar worked very hard for some LOST on Main St. red and ~PLAN IN G MILL and groom. There were no a t­ tim e previous to the affair and gray beaded bag. Reward. Find­ THINK OF tendants and the bride wa3 given much credit is due them for m ak­ er leave at Tidings office, 71-tf JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET BUILT FOR in m arriage by her m other. Miss ing it a success. The money will WORKS, Cor. Helman and WANTED — One or two office F e e rra r chose an emsemble suit go into the general lodge fund. Van Ness. 194tf in black and rose with becoming • * * or high school girls to share Biggest Little Store in Town nice apartm ent on East Main St. h at to harmonize for h er cus- Shower— TRANSFER AND EXPRESS WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.— In Inquire Mrs. Purdy, 107 4th St. Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. tume. A delightful shower was given —X5 an effort to decrease the appall­ AND Phone276L. 72— 2* at the Anderson Creek school Im m ediately following the for SERVICE. ing loss of life in traffic accidents, Experienced movers and pack­ ceremony the guests motored to house Friday evening to Mr. and Secretary of Commerce Hoover DRESSMAKING and Tayloring ers of household goods. Deal- Hotel Vista Dal Arrogo, Orange Mrs. John Leggott. Mr. Leggett has called a national conference reasonable prices, all work gu ar­ ’• I ers In coal and wood. Phone Grove avenue, Pasadena, where has been conducting services in on street and highway casualties, anteed. Mrs. B. Van H arden­ a beautifully appointed luncheon th a t community and the shower berg, 147 C entral Ave. 55— 1 mo.* 117. 'awaited them . J u st a fte r the was given to show the apprecia­ to meet in W ashington December Office 89 Oak St. near DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ bride had cut the cake and the tion of the congregation, The 15, 16 and 17, Hotel Ashland Official Statistics show th a t in dessert course was being served affair was in the n atu re of a can­ ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 Granite 1923, 22,600 persons were killed, street. 60— 1 mo,* T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey eluded their ned fru it shower and quantities ,--------- u y ------------ — fer— Good team and motor friends by a clever ruse and de­ of this were presented - to the parted by m otor for the north couple. A program was given track s. G >od service a t a rea- CONSTIPATION OVERCOME for a fo rtn ig h t’s trip. during the evening and delicious eouable price. Phons 83. The use of FOLEY CATHAR­ Mrs. Harvey who has been the refreshm ents were served. About TIC TABLETS will bring speedy Our Phone 82 It Has B een D one, So Scores of incentive for many pre-nuptial forty people were present. Main - Plaza Ashland FEHIGE-ROACH relief from constipation if taken ♦ * * A shland C itizens Say. events, is (a graduate of the Uni­ Transfer — Express — Storage promptly. They are purely vege­ California Homecoming— Hauling — Dray work of all versity of Southern table and act on the liver. Mr. The Homecoming day a t the John D. McComb, Lucas Co. To get rid of an aching back, kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry and a member of Kappa Alpha C hristian Church was successful Home, Toledo, Ohio, w rites: The sharp twinges, wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Theta sorority. Mr. Harvey is a Delta Upsilon in every way, and a large num ­ "H ave used Foley CATHARTIC The tired-out feelings, 375 B S t . 112-tf of Stanford U niversity and a ber of out-of-town people were TABLETS in severe cases of con­ You m ust reach the spot— get graduate of the Law College of present. Mrs. W. L. M ellinger of stipation to which I am subject ASHLAND PAINT CO at the cause. the University of Southern Cali­ Chico was present and gave an Dependable In many cases *tis the kidneys. and found them beneficial.” FO­ fornia. He is now associated interesting address Sunday m orn­ Painting C ontractors & Decorators Doan’s Pills are for weak kidneys. LEY CATHARTIC TABLETS are with his father, John A. Harvey, ing. She told some very in ter­ easy to take, leave no unpleas­ with a beautiful and use­ SWENNING & GEAR Ashland citizens testify. Ask Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.* in the practice of law in Sania esting church history and stated an t a fte r effects. Try them. Sold your neighbor! ful .Ana where he and his bride will th a t Rev. Mellinger first occupied everywhere. Mrs. Shell Hayes, 195 Laurel establish th eir home following the pulpit in Ashland twenty-one WOOD SAWING Toaster Waffle Iron St., Ashland, says: “ I h a re al­ the retu rn from th eir honey­ years ago. Pictures of the church Um ways found Doan’s Pills a good Percolator th a t pere taken some years ago WAXTED- -Wood sawing. Tel moon. kidney remedy. I had attacks of Mra. G. H. Yeo, of this city, a proved of great interest to the 63— Imo* 470-J. or other electrical appar­ kidney complaint and my back sister of Mrs. John A. Harvey, congregation. A fter the services atus. ached and pained dreadfully. I the group adjourned to the Moose felt dull and tired, especially Hall where a basket dinner was W c w ill be glad to lay a n y ­ Science Says Glands m ornings. The action of my kid­ served to one hundred and sixty th in g a sid e uni il C h ristm a s for neys was irregular. I used Doan’s eight people, not counting the Are Responsible for you. a superior polish for Pills and it was not long before Health and Strength members who served the dinner. floors they gave me relief. They The Young People’s class took strengthened my back and kid­ Activity of certain glands is re­ care of the dining room work and neys.” sponsible for the strength, cour­ the church wishes to extend to If Your Back Aches or Blad­ Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t age, fighting power and nerve them th eir h eartfelt thanks for der Bothers, Take a simply ask for a kidney remedy— force of men, is the latest opin­ th eir excellent work. This class 240 E ast Main St. Little Salts ion of science. Berman has gone also decorated the church. get Doan’s Pills— the same that In the afternoon a program so far as to analyze and classify Mrs. Hayes had. Fotser-M ilburn The American men and women the vtaiious types of ring favor­ consisting of songs and readings Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. No. 42 m ust guard constantly against ites and famous fighters of his­ was given. Rev. Clarence F. kidney trouble because we often i tory, and shows th a t such men Swander of Portland gave an ad­ eat too much rich food. Our ! as George Dixon, B at Nelson, dress followed by Ta vocal solo blood is filled w ith acids which Jack Dempsey and Napoleon by Bobby Burdic. As an encore the kidneys strive to filter out; were possessed of unusually ac­ M aster Burdic played a select­ Ç lid i t ' -’/(¿i' r a 'IN’’ u they weaken from overwork, be­ tive glands. ion on the piano. The reading come sluggish, the elim inative It is the function of the glands by John F. Leggett was greatly i tissues clog and the result is kid­ to pour into the blood th eir vi­ appreciated. Many letters from The heat of red peppers takes ney trouble, bladder weakens and talizing secretions which stim u­ absent members were read, all the "ouch” from a sore, lame a general decline in health. late vitality and energizing force. telling of th eir reg ret th a t they hack. It can not h u rt you, and W hen your kidneys feel like G’andogen, the new scientific could not be present. V. K, Alli­ it certainly ends the to rtu re at lumps of lead; your back h u rts or gland tonic, prepared in tablet son and Floyd Putnam sang a once. the urine is cloudy, full of sedi­ form provides a simple method very beautiful duet, which was W hen you are suffering so you m ent, ‘or you are obliged to seek followed by a reading of Mrs. can hardly get around, Just try relief two or three times during of taking glandular treatm en t. Leggett. Reverand Howe of Red Pepper Rub, and you will the night; if you suffer .with sick Glandogen, for men and women, Medford then spoke co n g ratu lat­ have the quickest relief known. headache, or dizzy, nervous spell3, is obtainable at I3ast Side P h arm ­ ing the local church on th eir un­ f I ’ N othing has such concentrating, acid stomach, or if you have rheu­ acy. Mail orders accepted. dertaking. The last num ber on penetrating heat as red peppers. matism when the w eather is bad, the program was a reading by Ju st as soon as you apply Red begin drinking lot of good soft Mrs. Mellinger, who does excell­ Pepper Rub you will feel the tin g ­ w ater and get from your pharm ­ ent work along th a t line. At 'new spaper heading there is a ling heat. In three m inutes it acist about four ounces of Jad first she refused to give a read­ story of hum an need or weakness w arm s the sore spot through and Salts. Take a tablespoonful in c ing b a t after much pet^uasion — psychology if you call it that. through. Pain and soreness are a glass of w ater before breakfast L consented. Valuable jewels tem pt even UJltl Lt J gone. for a few days and your kidneys , This concluded the program honest servants to steal. Crooks Ask any druggist for a ja r of may then act fine. for Homecoming and everyone posing as servants make rich Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Be sure This famous salts is made from present felt th a t the day had hauls— they find your valuables to get the genuine, with the name the acid of grapes and lemon easy to steal. been w orth while. Rowles on each package. j juice, combined with lithia, and You Need Protection Table and Six Chairs, $80.85 j has been used for years to help It is SAFEST to keep cash and For a smooth shave | f lush and stim ulate clogged kid- Y non-surgical, soothing treatment; jewels w here they will not tem pt j Here is a handsome walnut Italian dining set at a reasonably low for Piles and other Rental and Co- i and quick service go neys, to neutralize the acids in a hitherto honest servant. And it Ion disorder« is given persons from two' the system so th a t they no long­ price Six-foot extension dining table, has heavy 42-54-inch top. is NECESSARY to protect your­ to the Shell Barber to over eighty years of age, thus proving self from the crook in servant’s Shop. Ladies and er are a source of irritation, thus the mildness of my methods. Chairs are beautifully designed, with blue leather seats. Buffet can guise. children get your hair often relieving bladder disorders. My success in treating thousands of men, i also he furnished to match. You must see this suite to realize what Jad Salts is inexpensive; can women and children enables me to con-' B urglary Insurance issued by bobbed and marcel­ value we are offering at this price. not injure, m akes a delightful fidentlv GUARANTEE to cure any the H artford Accident and Indem -i led. effervescent lith ia - w ater drink case of Piles or refund the patient's fee. - nity Company will pay for such offices are now prepared loss. TWemdStodk yields W. A. SHELL, Prop. and belongs in every home, be­ My new Seattle Table can also be furnished in eight-foot size if desired. to care for patients from »32 A. St. Ashland, Ore cause nobody can make a m istake tet Sound and British This Agency SELLS Insurance by having a good kidney flush- Columbia Districts. Send and GIVES SorvLee. today for FREE booklet G rants Pass — Mines of Jose- ing any tim e’ By a11 means have phine county reopen since rains your physician examine your kid­ provide w ater power for opera­ neys at least twice a year. Estab. 1883 member ci our tion. Large gold yield predict­ Real E state & Real Insurance e d for w inter. 41 B. Main St. Phone 211 Tidings W ant Ads bring results. Journeyed south to attend wedding. PROFESSIONAL Classified Colum n th e 1 U SED car Stop Coughing A utom otive Shop W hen You Wish Good Serviceable Warm Boots, E TO COT TERRIBLE AOTO DEATH TOLL B A T T E R IE S Fords, C hevrolets Sm aller Cars $13.00 Shoes and Clothing The Army Goods Store NOTORHATES Murphy Elec. Co. R eaching T h e Spot Delight Her C hristm as Quality FULLER Floor Wax J DRINK_MRE M R J. 0 . R IG G T he A shland E lectric Shop Associated Oil Company RED PEPPERS STOP 4 B ack of E very Such FCBCEMTKEFTy »I tt « Not L« C. Aast .5.1U4 i. IMarad' E at Y our T hanksgiving D in n er on T his Italian D ining Set 1PILES Men, Women and Children Treated M CALIFORNIA OREGON-POWER COMPANY 7.14% ask any oiganization B illings Agency Swenson-Pecbler Furniture Company