Tuesday, November 25, 1024 ASHLAND DAÏLŸ TtfiíÑOfl PAGE TWO And it i3 amazing the extreme the report of General Snow, but j $100,000 A YEAR courtesy th a t young officers are there is a need for greater a tte n -' FOR PLAYING BRIDGE now showing to strangers on the tiou to the organized reserves. ---------- (Established in i . ) _____ _____ .1 In the event of w ar 20,000 field LONDON, Nov. 24. — Four I voyages to and from India. artillery officers would be need- subalterns, belonging to a B rit-I, P ub lished Every E ven in g Except Sunday by ed, and only 7,889 reserve of­ ish regim ent stationed in India, THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ficers are now enrolled. There had been home on leave. Their ...................... Editor were 23,393 field artillery offic­ money diminished rapidly, and { kiurt R. Greer ....... — .Business Manager G eorge Madden Green ers in service during the World they were only too glad to take FICIAL CITTÌ PA PE R .................................... 2 Z ^ 2 i" ^ i" Tei ì « i ì ° l 5 Ì t i Ì W ar. Twenty units of the R. O. th e b o a t back to In d ia. OFF] red a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mail M atter T. C. are now in operation, and Aboard the ship they found an , Missille BIO FOOTBALL Ratei during the last year 6,434 Btu-{old man who was bemoaning the Game Thursday Subscription P rice, D elivered in City ? .65 state troops or national guardsmen. Soldiers, jn peace intinitives dents were enrolled, an increase of; fact th a t he could not indulge his: Three Months .............................................................................. ~...... J ? ! t m i e > should be the last word in last resort in matters ’ nearly 400 over the preceding { sole hobby— bridge. The experts Be a good rooter for the 6iZ Months ............................................................................................ “ ifl of this kind. j year. j would have nothing to do with home team. RAH. One Y ear ................................................................................................ The report also shows an in- the old man, because he was 3uch When there is actual violence or threatened violence B y Mail and -Rural R ou tes .65 creased activity in field artilleryI a terrible bore. Thereupon the One Month ............................................................................................ $ 1.95 against the persons or property of our citizens, and the in N ational Guard units. Upon young soldiers made him up a Three Months ........................................................................................ 3-50 situation is, or rightfully appears to be beyond the con­ If you get one of our S ix Months ............................................................................................ the outbreak of the W orld W ar table for bridge for the voyage. One Y e a r ......... ..................................................................................■■■;_ 6.59 trol of local law officers in maintaining or restoring order, Special Mince or Pumpkin They played all day and every there were 541 officers and 12,- DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES day untiU the ship reached India.: 975 enlisted men. The expan­ it is time for state or natonal police assistance. pies f o r Thanksgiving blngle insertion, per inoh ............................................................ * .30 sion, as a result of the war, call­ The old man expressed his deep ' Dinner you will also be a Y early C ontracts to the soldiers ajid left i WASHINGTON, .27% • Nov. 25. — ed for 3,247 officers and 79,917 gratitude One insertion a week ....................... - .................- ...................... AFTER THE W ORK’S DONE booster for them , with renewed and hearty .25 Piercing dank jungles in the Phil­ enlisted men, and at present there Two insertions a week ................................................................... .20 A\hen Aristotle long ago said that the right use of ippines and m aking epochal are eight brigades of divisional thanks. A few’ weeks later h e . Daily Insertion .......................................................... ...................... R a tes for Legnl and M iscellaneous A dvertising leisure was the chief end in education, he little dreamed m arches across the jungles and field artillery and ten regim ents died,. f i r s t insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. * .10 .05 that in our day this idea would be used in support of a morasses of thé l3thm us of P an­ of corps artillery w ith a to ta l; Im m ediately afterw ard the Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line 1.00 am a provide the American a rtil­ strength of 2,159 officers and ! youn men received a law yer’s Curd ef T h a »rx« n k s ................................................................................. nvijplea for a change in . education. Àtki4«AwÌAD Una ...................... ......................... 1 letter startin g that, as a token of lerym an with romance and ad ­ 30,209 men. O bituaries, per line In an article in the current number of one of our mag-j venture even in this day of pro­ his gratitude, the old man had { W H AT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING left them £20,000 a year— more azines the wiiter contends that the students who go into saic, systematized efficiency in “ All fu tu re events, where an admission charge is made or a than ?100,000 — between them. business and industry through the doors of a college w arfare, according to the annual eellectton taken is A dvertising. I No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. training get only the technical education required for rep o rt of M ajor-General W illiam J. Snow, Chief of Field A rtillery, DONATIONS their work. They get no training in the right use of their to the W ar D epartm ent. No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ ing or job printing— our contributions will be In cash.__________ leisure after the routine work of the day. For the vast D uring the last year num erous ¡majority of our boys and girls college doors never open trips have been made into the CHICAGO, Nov. 25.— One hun­ As one more year has passed and we look back over the w h y w i l l y e d i e ?— C a r a w a y from you all your tra n sg re s-: a t all, and only a relatively small number finishes even jungles by the different batteries dred and seventy million bushels past and think about so many things th at we should be nions, whereby ye have transgressed: make you a new h eart and a 1 the high school. In an age when most work is done by of the F ourth Field A rtillery, sta­ thankful for, and then we look forward to the next day for tioned a t Gatun. in the Canal of w heat will have been export­ new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel? For I have no some good things to eat. So we will quote only a few of the machinery, when even a good share of the remainder is ed from the United States by pleasure in the death of him th a t dieth. saith the Lord God: where­ Zone. One such trip constituted many things we have for your Thanksgiving. fore tu rn yourselves, and live ye.— Ezekiel 18: 31, 32. mechanical and routine, it is pointed out, these children a crossing of the isthm us by a January 1, according to the Sears Celery .................. 15c Granges, 35, 40, 50, 60c PR A Y ER :— We diaily rejoice, most m erciful God, th a t Thou Roebuck A gricultural Founda­ w iliest not th a t any should perish but th a t all should come unto should he given training which in later years would help complete b attery — the first time Grapes, per lb.........15c Lemons .. . ...........40c any unit of thez American arm y tion, Even with increased com­ Thee and live. them to make better use of their leisure time. petition from Canada this year, Walnuts ... .25, 30, 35c Heinz Apple Butter ha3 m arched entirely across (he Most parents and teachers will agree that this sug­ isthmus. the estim ated am ount will not be Peanuts ................. 25c ......................35, 60c CHRISTMAS SHOPPING gestion is worthy of consideration. We can ill afford to The object of the trip was lo decreased, the Foundation re­ Filberts ................. 20c Heinz Mince Meat Christmas shopping is both a science and an art. A neglect the fact that what use people make of their leisure determ ine the feasibility of tra n s­ ports. Grape Fruit, 2 for 25c .................... 35, 60c science, in that it calls for our best judgment of expendi­ time is very important both as a matter of social welfare porting artillery from the A tlan­ The largest week of the sea­ son ended October 25, with a to­ Fresh Dates, lb. ...20c Best Candy, per lb. 30c ture consistent with the social and temperamental de­ and business efficiency. While it is not proposed to re­ tic to the Pacific by means of pack tal export of more than eleven mands of the occasion. An art, in that the gifts we choose strict the individual in his pleasures, the community transportation. The m arch— only million bushels, not including sixty-five miles— was accomplish­ reflect the tastes and personality of the giver, and should should him to make these pleasures as wholesome as pos­ ed FRAZIER and SON after tw enty-three days of most flour. Combined exports of both 3 5 3 E. Main Street w heat and flour for the four P hon e 2 1 4 satisfy the needs or fancies of the recipient. difficult going. On some days sible for the individual and society. months from July to October, in­ This calls for some service somewhere, and from only a few miles could be made, clusive probably will run close to due to the difficult terrain and to somebody. Right here is where the merchants of Ashland The cannubial S. O. S. tands fot- Some One Sulking. the large am ount of bridge build­ 115,000,000 bushels. GOOD BREAD W ITH can be of valuable assistance; and this is one-of the best The phenomenal movement to ing, and tra il clearing through GOOD T U R K E Y reasons why we should do our Christmas shopping at arket has kept prices from Good neighborhood: Any place where the rents are too the tangled undergrow th which m showing any runaw ay tendency, home. If the local merchant does not have what you high. are inseparable from a Thanks­ had to be done by the men. Ac­ and will mean less pressure over giving dinner. We will supply tually, they had to cut their way want, let him order it for you. He will he glad to do so. the rem aining eight months of you with the most delicious through the forest primeval. The great question now before the country is, “ what bread in all kinds of loaves, as Usually the fiddler is paid by some one who didn’t In the Philippines the Twenty- the crop year. The am ount of well as the most tem pting shall I get for her, him, or it?” And don’t overlook the dance at all. w heat rem aining to be so’d, is a pumpkin and mince pies and fourth Field A rtillery, stationed more im portant factor in the out­ “ it,” for that means the baby, of course! It takes little all kinds of choice bakestuffs at Camp Stotsenburg, conducted look than th a t which has gone i of the highest grades, and to satisfy the baby, but it takes a lot to satisfy the giver The less pride a man has the fewer things he finds extensive explorations into the un­ into the hopper, according to the made from the purest and best that the baby is satisfied. known country in the interior to report. m aterials. it necessary to lie about. improve the artillery target-range Probably 125,000,000 to 140.-! If you are losing sleep over the annual problem of and to open a tra il from Camp 000,000 bushels more w heat was! Christmas giving, wliy not step into one of our home A hick town is a place where people make casual Stotsenburg to the west coast of sent to inspection points this 1 stores and confess your troubles. What the storekeeper conversation about tiieir souls. C O * Y * lw H T , the island of Luzon. As far as year than last, while the increase or salesperson will do for you will be a revelation! It is known, they were the first troops in the crop was only 70,000,000 Add Dictionary of Smiles: As widely traveled as a to reach the sum m it of Mount bushels, the Foundation points his business to make timely and pleasing suggestions to Pinatuba. out. The inference drawn from you. Even worry saved is money gained. Modern mer­ free-versifier’s manuscripts. The im portance of this explora­ the report is th a t there is con­ chandising is more than “ waiting on” customers and work cannot be overestim ated siderably less w heat on farm s Considering that we’re legally dry, i t ’s truly remark­ tion selling goods; it consists in selling the right goods to the according to General Snow, as it than there was a t this tim e last right party. A sale that displeases the eutomer is a dead able liow hard liquor isn’t to get. keeps the artillery in excellent year. condition for service. The trail loss to the merchant. A sale is a cold, crude transaction Every citizen should join the movement for better also should prove of m aterial unless there is service and value behind it. Besides, after value to commercial interests. Christmas there is always the question of exchanges, re­ jail conditions. He might be there liimself some day. During the last year the Twen­ fittings, etc., to which the home-town store will give care­ ty-fourth Field A rtillery also com­ hi3 precious belongings. ful attention. pleted a march over the old Gov­ Joseph Caillaux, ex-president of But there is more to the point than this. There is the Council, W’ho has been tem ­ ernm ent trail, known as the “ Eba lias meant the best shoes T rail,” from Camp Stotsenburg to to hundreds for several not a store, (we venture to assert) in Ashland that will porarily banished from Paris, was Olongapo, the naval station, by allowed to retu rn to the capital not gladly assist you in every reasonable way to solve decades. way of O’Donnell. Jungle growth for the funeral of his great your Christmas problems with the same care and pru­ had obliterated the old trail, and friend who held him in greatest dence that you exercise in your own affairs. Rather sym pathy and adm iration. During the construction of a new one was necessary. strong statement, but we make it boldly, gladly and the last few years of his exile The field artillery made good truthfully. This paper stands foresquare for fair dealing PARIS, Nov. 25. — Shall the he visited La Bechelterie and had progress last year, according t o , in business relationships, and we would rather make a body of A natole France 'be plac­ many an interesting and lively in the Pantheon, F rance’s discussion of politics. mistake in assuming the right than sin in assuming the ed W estm inister Abbey? This is the Clemenceau the “ Tiger,” wa3 wrong. question th a t is all im portant alone one of Anatole F ran ce’s best You do not lieitate to put your will with your lawyer, since the death of the great friends and they were always, both vour monev with your bank, vour life in the hands of your French w riter. N aturally h.e de­ delighted to m eet a t some din­ doctor, your innermost secrets in the confidence of your serves the most honored resting ner. place of the land. But there seems friends. Why hesitate to put your Christinas shopping to be some doubt if this simple “ L iteratu re,” Clemenceau once said of his friend, “ is his Ingres troubles in the hands of our merchants? Let us try it philosopher w’ould have desired violin, ju s t as politics was once this year. If one of them goes wrong to the extent that such honors. Many, many times m in e .'. Only, I adm it th a t he is a there is a gross betrayal of public confidence on his part, he repeated to his family th a t he wished only the sim plest funeral The Tidings will, if necessary, take an everlasting crack with no official ceremonies. Never­ at him for the next fiftv-two weeks! theless the French nation accord­ ed him a splendid burial and his funeral was probably the most FALSE ECONOMY AVe will have a plenty for all, but in order to impressive th e land has seen for Among all the ups and downs of life there is one many get the best quality, you should order a fowl im­ a day. There were no priests struggle-that is common to us all; that is the constant or pastors, but speeches by im­ mediately for your Thanksgiving Dinner. MADE BY need for determining where expenditure should stop and p ortant political and literary men. saving should begin. We have heard a lot about false The quais along the river were May all the people of our community have economy; also a lot about forming the saving habit in black w ith crowds of people and N. Main P h on e 107 school children followed th e pro­ Multiplied Joys This Thanksgiving Day public and private affairs. There is a happy medium to be cession to th e cemetery picking “ America” ...............$1.50 found, and wise is the man and lucky the governmental up flowers th a t fell for precious “ Sleepmeter” ...........2.00 “ B unkie” ................ 2.50 souvenirs. unit that finds it. Anatole France, like most great “ Big B en” .............. 3.25 Regarding expenditures in government, Lieutenant men, was extrem ely m odest and “ Baby B en” .............3.25 Governor George R. Lunn, of New York, hits the nail tim id. He was a man who, at squarely on the bead, and bis quotation is worth reading. heart, liked great political m ani­ “ Pocket Ben” .. -..$1.50 He says: festations, but felt exceedingly Reliable Timekeepers a/ 9 “ We want economy, but that does not consist always ill at ease before a crowd. Not in cutting down taxes, nor in lack of expenditure. Some­ accustomed to speaking In pub­ he formed the habit of w rit­ times big expenditures are the essence of true economy. lic, ing his discource3 and while he Sometimes we have wliat we call a ‘political economy’ read them his voice and hands Eastern or,Western Cranberries, 25c lb., 2 lbs. 45c pzw f M a n f meeting, where a man who is running for Office shouts trem bled. 4 lb. package Seedless Raisins 45c that taxes must come down, and he pulls them down in Timid, too, he was w ith wo­ Currants, Figs, Dates, Citron, Orange and Lemon his speech. He gets into office, and in order to make good men, so the story goes. He sel­ Peel dom spoke to women, except his he does cut expenses by every rule of false economy. He „ , , . , tt x J x-1 1 very old friends, and regarded Dodgee’s Fruit or Vegetable Salad 25c per can vetoes all needed improvements. He cuts down until he them Hke a spectacle( WOndered Brazil nuts, Walnuts, Filberts, Pecans, Almonds has a budget that is less than his predecessor’s and he j a t them and became indifferent at and Coeoanuts thinks he has done a big thing. What happens? The next alm ost the same moment Vegetables of ’nest quality. Celery, lettuce, Cauli­ man to follow him says the same thing. He fails to repair An Epicurean — skeptical and and NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY indulgent, even in the face of na­ flower, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Tur­ the old or to build the new. ture. In reality France did not on Boulevard nips, Parsnips, Onions 8 lbs, 25c “ The time will soon come when shame will bum the love the country and his charm - Replacement Parts laee of every citizen of the state because of the failure to • jng “ Becheiierie” where his last Knight’s Mince Meat, 25c lb. For Every Car do the thing that ought to have been done, and some brave days were spent. I t was th e w ar Candies, Fruits, Nuts, Groceries None-Sueh Mince Meat, 20c lb. soul will have to do it all in one year. That is what we th a t chased him from the Paris Soda Fountain Drinks, Milk Shake Heinz Plum Pudding which he adored, for he feared for call political economy. That lets human beings suffer in his valuable collections, p arts of Prunes, 4 lbs., 25c—17 lbs., $1.00 We sell Powell’s Famous Hot Tamales state institutions for the safe of speech. which were plundered by the Ger­ New Navel Oranges—all sizes How often have we seen this happen! Yet it has one mans of 1870. He left for the redeeming element. If it were not for this “ political Touraine as the Germans were Agents for Cut and Potted Flowers Paris. Chance took and parts service economy,”—in other words—if it were not for the fact approaching him to the old chateau w ith its that people hold the restraining power and pull the check lovely surrounding gardens. He reins on government expenses, our officials might run us bought it for a song and installed into public debt, trusting in cautious successors ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS ! headlong to pull us out. much better violinist than I ever was or will be.” For the present Prime Minister, Again let us send out a call in trumpeting blasts for! H erriot7~F rapc7did not seem to hold much esteem. Politically, he that worthy companion, Happy Medium. {found.him too “ pale, to luke-warm too reactionary.” Speaking of one CALLING FOR TROOPS of the M inisters’ books he once When a handful of men, unarmed, assemble to pro­ said: test against some grievance, or even against some erron­ “ H erriot will never have any eously supposed grievance, it is going too far to call out style. He cares too much for the DO NOT Ï T The Franklin Bakery Phone 199 WHEAT EXPORTS Frazier & Son Litliia Bakery W. L. Douglas E . MAY YET BE BURIED OVERLAND Shoe Shop ALARM CLOCKS We Are Thankful If you want choice Turkeys, Ducks, Geese or Chickens For a Prosperous Year The Friends That Made It Possible The Good Will of the Community Our Opportunities to Serve ORDER NOW! “Westclox” EAGLE MARKET First National Bank Ashland, Oregon SPECIALS McNair Brothers Tires and Tubes Accessories Thanksgiving LANES CONFECTIONERY Leedom’s Tire House THE PLAZA MARKET