« ASHLAND CLIMATE M ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years - VOL. XLVIII. ______________________________ ______ Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1924 W ANTS DIVORCE AND DINNER IS TO COST SANE AS FOR LAST YEAR : CURIOUS SWARM TO BLACKMAIL CASE, LONDON TELLS WHOLE WORLD 20« OF RICHEST MEN IN BABY MEMBER OP CONGRESS ---------- ft WORLD ATTEND BANQUET BUCYRUS, Ohio, Nov. 8 ---------- ft 25.— That his wife made 8 LONDON, Nov. 25 __ 8 him get his own break- 8 Two hundred of some of 8 fast and supper, and th a t 8 the w orld’s richest men 8 8 sat down to a banquet at 8 she insisted he turn over 8 8 his pay check to her in 8 the Savoy Hotel here re- 8 8 cestly. full every month,* are 8 8 8 8 claims made by John 8 The occasion was the 8 8 farewell banquet to Senor 8 8 Engelhorn, of Crestline, 8 8 Don A ugustus Edwards, 8 Local Merchants Give Prices'» in support of his applica- 8 Judge Clears Court Room 8 8 tion for a divorce. 8 Company Pressed to Keep Approximately Same as retiring Chilian Minister 8 When Crowd Fails to 8 to B ritain, and the com­ 8 Man Posing- as Member of 8 Englehorn fu rth er aver- 8 for Last Year Pace W ith Development Take Warning Gang- Claims He Did Not 8 pany was composed almost 8 8 red th a t ihis wife “ im- 8 in This Section Blow Mail Car 8 entirely of members of 8 TURKEY COSTS MORE 8 ported” into their house- 8 NAMES N O T GIVEN 8 hold her mother, her 3tep- 8 IS CALLED FRONTIER 8 the Latin-America Socie­ 8 AUTHORITIES ON WAY P ocketbook W ill Suffer About 8 father, her b r-o t h e r. 8 Curious T lirongs F all to Get 8 ty. 8 Sam e Slash This Season as Many M embers o f M embership 8 8 three step-sisters and an 8 Lionel N. de R oths­ 8 G lim pse of D efendants, Who ClainiH He W as in Jail in Oregon L a st T hanksgiving Day 8 uncle for him “ to sup- 8 8 child, one of the w ealth­ 8 D rive C om m ittee Absent,. R e­ A re Sm uggled in W hen Train W as Robbed in 8 p ort” ; th at several of his 8 8 iest men in England, pre­ 8 port H eld Over Tunnel 13 in Siskiyous 8 sided, and of the assem ­ 8 Your Thanksgiving dinner will ** wife's relations made p u r­ 8 LONDON, Nov. 25. __ The cost approxim ately the same as 8 chases at local stores, 8 handsome Mrs. Maude Robinson Southern Oregon is growing 8 bled guests at least tw en­ 8 M calester , okia., Nov, 25. last year according to figures by 8 charging them to Engle- 8 laid the trap through which an so rapidly th a t the California 8 ty of them could have 8 — Nick D’Autrem ont, held by po­ local grocers. Turkey is» selling 8 ì « horn’s account, with the 8 Indian Prince, recently arrived in Oregon Power Company Is hav­ 8 w ritten checks for 320,- 8 lice here has not yet been iden­ for tw enty cents on foot and 8 i " result th at his “ wages 8 the French Capitol, was found in ing trouble keeping pace with the 8 000,000, while a hundred 8 tified as Ray D’A utrem ont who 8 8 were twice garnished.” 8 th irty in the m arket. The price developm ent” were the words of 8 of them could have done 8 Nick says he is. In a confession her arm s in a prom inent P aris 8 W hen he and hi3 wife 8 hotel room, Montague Newton, of last year in the m arket was W. H. Crawford of the .sales de­ 8 the same for a quarter of 8 to Chief of Police McCully he de­ tw enty-eight, making a differ­ 8 separated, Englehorn de­ 8 London a life long friend of Mrs. partm ent of the power company. 8 th a t figure. The total 8 clared th at Oregon authorities ence of two cents. Potatoes are 8 clared, Mrs. Englehorn 8 Robinson testified in adm itting » An^ re w L Somers, Democrat, elected to Congress from the Sixth Crawford was the main speaker 8 of the wealth assembled 8 sought him on a charge of p arti­ two cents a pound, the same 8 and her parents “ stripped 8 his p art in the plot by which it District of Brooklyn, N. Y is shown here with his wife and their two at the Forum luncheon of the 8 at the banquet was esti­ 8 cipating in the tunnel mail train Mr‘ S° ^ r i be the baby of l,ie Congress, being only price as last year. Celery th at 8 the house of the fu rn itu re 8 was planned to obtain 3750,000 ih fZ » “. m ated to be 31,000,000,- 8 robbery and killing at Siskiyou J ear? ° ,d’ JUS? *lx da^ foung.-r than Representative V Id Cham ber of Commerce, held at 8 000. Chapman. Republican, of Kentucky. * sold for twenty-five cents l a s t ! 8 bought on the installm ent 8 which was to be exported from the Hotel Ashland today. 8 October 11, 1923. year Is now selling at fifteen. 8 plan and not fully paid 8 eastern potentate, designated by The menu at the ban­ 8 Describing the process by 8 Posing as*a financier possess­ 8 the court as “ Mr, A.” for reasons Lettuce is reduced five cents and 8 for.” quet was an elaborate one 8 ed of unlimited wealth and seek­ which a kilow att hour of elec- is now ten cent«» a head. Cheese 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 trical energy is first developed, 8 of fourteen courses. of state. 8 ing to trade a 35,000,000 Oak­ has also gone down five cents then transm itted, and finally put 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 land, Cal., property, D’A utre­ It was at her invitation, New­ per pound. Eastern cranberries, to useful work, through the ef­ ton stated, th a t he burst into the mont, alta3 W. J. Porter, J. the favorite for all Thanksgiving forts of the power companies of | room, and im personating her hus*- Smith, J. B. McAfater and other dinners are twenty-five cents a the country, Craword showed the band, caused the Prince to pay self-styled titles, was arrested in quart. The scarcity of sweet po­ members present in what m an­ him hush money. He then con­ McAlester Thursday while a t­ tatoes thi3 year brings the price ner the electrical industry was tinued to obtain money from the tempting to pass a bogus check. up to ten cents, five cents more aiding in the development of Prince, upon the th re a t th at he He said St. Louis was his home than last year at this time. B ut­ would reveal the whole affair E ntry B lanks S ent Out for Dis­ N ational G uardsm en G ather at every other industry in this sec­ and sought communication with te r is fifteen cents lower this year tribution A m ong P ou ltry tion. The energy produced by B an quet Table. Old Tim ers should the Indian potentate in­ a woman, Lena Smith, at S trat­ and was selling for sixty cents the action of falling w ater must F anciers. F eatu res Slated form the authorities. ford hotel in th at city. This wo­ R ela te E xperiences at Thanksgiving time in 1923. S heriff D eclares to Portland Otti- first be harneesed, and then So intim ate has the trial be­ man, he said. wa3 his wife. The cérs He D oesn’t R elieve O kla­ R um ors That Game Had Ree,, Pineapple, marshmellows, ban­ transm itted to the custom ers be­ E ntry blanks have been sent come th a t spectators have been telegram was turned over to St. Seventy five persons attended hom a Robber D ’Autrem ont anas, dates, apples, oranges are the County Agents the joint m eeting of the old fore it can be of bny use to th e I C ancelled U nfounded, Accord­ Louis police. barred by the judge hearing the out to ing to Coach Hughe« practically the same price. The case. A few days ago, although throughout Southern Oregon for F irst Company c . A. C. and Bat- world, according to Crawford Federal rewards aggregating PORTLAND, Nov. 25. — “I ’m mince and pumpkin pies average the spectators w*ere allowed to distribution among poultry fan-, tery B. 249th company, 314,400 have stim ulated renew­ Coast ‘The only commodity the power “All rum ors to the contrary around twenty-five cents apiece. afraid the man being held in swarm into the court rooms, the ciers of this section, advertising company has for sale i^ electrical ed search for the D’A utrem ont A rtillery, held at the Armory Turkey this year will cost Oklahoma as a suspect in the Sis­ questions asked Mrs. Robiivson m atter has been prepared and energy, and our field of opera­ we expect to meet Medford trio and inspectors reported that here last night. The meetingl $2.56 for a dinner of five. With kiyou tunnel train holdup of last were w ritten on paper, and ans- distributed and the C hautauqua tions is confined to the territory Thursday, and we expect to heat the D’A utrem ont brothers had was in (he form of a banquet and turkey, sweet and Irish potatoes», year isn’t Ray D’A utrem ont, but wered in the same m anner, it building is rapidly being put into covered by our transm ission and them ,” Coach W alt Hughes of been traced to Oklahoma recent­ get together for the members of corn, cranberries, pumpkin and gosh how I hope he is,” Sheriff was thought th a t this method of condition for the W inter Fair distribution lines»,” were Critw- the Ashland High School stated ly. I he suspect held here re­ the old first company and the mince pie and miscellaneous C. E. T errill of Jackson county, examination would kill the curi­ which i3 one of the . biggest ford's words in describing the I morning in putting to rest fused to talk further a fte r ad­ foods, including pickles, jellies, where the crim e was committed, osity of the crowd, but since it events of the year in Ashland, present coast artillery company. great work, much of it accom-I a rum or th a t the game with the m itting Jackson county, Oregon, Major C. A. Malone of Ash­ salted nuta, mints and other in­ declared here. “ If he is I would failed, the justice ordered the this year promises to be bigger piished under serious handicaps, Medford outfit had been called w arrants included him. He Is land, in charge of the meeting, like to be the man who goes and cidentals, your Thanksgiving din­ which the power companies of the j off. The report had circulated held in close custody waiting de­ and b etter than ever before. A called upon severaj court rooms cleared. prom inent ner will cost you about 35.26 this gets him. There will be little country have accomplished. aiound the city, th at because of velopments and arrival of de­ Thousands of curious men and “ ationaly prom inent poultry ex­ members of both organizations in convicting the An interesting comparison of year. Last year the same din­ difficulty the death of Charles Van Scoyoc, tectives. women continued to crowd the Pe r t> H F - Collier has been re ­ for short talks. L ieutenant Clyde ner would have cost you about D’A utrem onts. We have as evi­ corridors of the building, b u t ! tained as a judge in the poultry the Pacific Coast with the Atlantic Medford star, the game had been Today D 'Autrem ont told a fel­ Young, who recently returned 5.10. A chart of prices» given by dence the autom obile they used were unable to obtain even a ' departm ent, special premiums from the East, where he took an seaboard was made by Crawford called off. Hughes got into com­ low prisoner th at he possessed and enough oth er evidence to local grocers follows: glimpse of Mrs. Robinson, or of lists, larg er than ever before intensive course in m ilitary tac­ at the close of his talk. It was munication with the Medford 3150,000 in government bonds fill th a t autom obile locked in a 1924 athletic authorities yesterday, and cash hidden near Tulsa, 1923 totaling nearly five hun B, was presented with a medal fro n tier had moved West, first to his charges through some tough but he said the robbery was com­ LOSER IN ACTION, down in th a t part of the coun­ obscot bay and river, sweeping ! dred dollars have been obtained, for faithful service and m arked Portland and San Francisco, fol­ practice sessions throughout the mitted by other lum berjacks than try ,” he said. ’“ I don’t w ant to up to rows of sum m er c o t t a g e s th ro u Sh the co-operation of the efficiency in the work of the Na­ lowing tlfe railroad routes, and week, polishing off the rough the men for whom rew ards are WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.— T he' and floating cellars and storage 1 K lam ath Falls, G rants Pass, Med tional Guard unit. th a t now it was closing the gap spots in the team play which ap­ posted by the government. South Fork Brewing Company of give the m an’s name, for he is i places. fird. Talent, Phoenix and other It was announced at the m eet­ between these two points, and C am bria count!/, Pennsylv»nU ’ " Ot ° ffICer’ bUt h® haS deV° ted Southern Oregon m erchants and ing, th a t the food for the ban­ th a t the Rogue River Valley was peared against G rants Pass here the past year to a personal seach Wednesday. The boys failed to GOMPERS TO AGAIN lost in the United States Suprem e' Cham bers of Commerce, and quet had been prepared by H. in the path of this advance. BR ITAIN JO INS AMERICA for the bandit, and has been perform up to their usual stan ­ Court today an appeal to review , . , xl_ these special aw ards, in addition O. W olcott, Leslie R. Phillips and LEAD LABORITES A num ber of committeemen dard against the Josephine Coun­ and set aside an injunction ¡8. : 7 ° r k * ^ in th a t p a rt of the coun­ to the reg u lar prizes, are certain Clifford Yarborough. Nov. 25. — Satur- who have been workiug on the ty athletes, and as a result they he left Oregon he s said sued by a lower court, p ro h ib it-! try. " When ? e” h,e le(t Oref">n a ld ! d a LONDON, y EL PASO, Nov. 25 — Samuel to a ttra c t a record entry list. m eeting of “ th *w e "•**»«* British v»u- cab ine the continued hr.-,win„ „ , th at he be,ieved the b an d its' . y s ----------- “ -* Chamber of Commerce dr.ve were have been given plenty of stiff Gomper3, who has head the believed A num ber of volunteers are beer on the ground that tt w J r WOuld be found in Oklahoma, j inet devel°Ped nothing new re- MAN DIES FROM BURNS absent from today’s luncheon. practice since th a t time. American Federation of Labor in the C hautauqua v « a . ; „ : M , b . i? o h b . Z ' ? ’ “ - - * * ’ Mexico. Ib o tn e ia , circies w orking LEBANON, Nov. 25. — Albert Those com m ittee members re­ Prohibition ui new niCAicu, ' - - —------- forty Medford handed the locals the almost continuously for 1 th at he could keep on th eir tra il j *be ^ee^ nS seem s, to be th a t the building today, getting the big Connet died a t 1:45 P. M. in the porting stated they had obtained law. short end of a 14-12 score in their four years, was reelected presi­ stru ctu re ready for the indtalla Lebanon hospital as the result of tw enty-eight new merabres during until he tracked them down,” i governm ent’3 action in throw ing first mix. Armistice Day, a l­ dent at the closing of the pres­ Sheriff Terrill also c o n ferred ! aside the labor m inistry’s treaty tlon of the equipm ent to be used burns this m orning from an ex­ the recent drive. though it was conceeded the lo­ ent session of the Federation’s the W ithin a a I6V few days, plosion of gasoline in building a with officers here in regard toi witb tbe sov^et governm ent has in .lu ° r Fair. a *a‘ Y*iain Clyde Young, who recently re­ cal outfiit showed the best foot­ convention here today. With four men arrested in Jackson B rlU ta In lin e wlth »»■’ “ P e«ed to h a re th e build fire in a kitchen stove. He pour­ ing ready for occupancy, and ed some gasoline on kindling to turned from F ortress Monroe, ball. A Couple of lucky breaks Oompers, the entire executive , Am erica’s Russian policy. county as robber suspects then all w’ill be ready for the sta rt the fire in the stove, and W est Virginia, where he took a which went against them, tu rn ­ council of the Federation was said the Portland officers w*ere course In m ilitary tactics, gave a ed the tide in favor of the Med­ returned to office. poultry to be shown. when he touched a match to it short account of his trip, checking up to see if the quartet, ford gang. Hughes has his o u t­ There will be several feature the stove was blown to frag ­ known as the “ green-shirt ban­ Johnny Gruelle, member of the fit on edge for the coming tussle, events in connection with the ments. dits, ’ because all wore vivid organization, who has been ser­ and the boys are confident of poultty show this year, excluded green shirts, operated in this iously ill for the past three weeks, their ability to harid the Medford in which will be an egg mying ARM ED BANDITS STAGE city. Two of the men, Jam es W ednesday, December 3, the was welcomed back into the fold w arriors a neat trimming. With contest. Special coops will be DAYLIGHT HOLDUP high school anniversary play, Kelly and Frank Vader, have by members of the body, when he over a w’eek of rest, behind them, provided for the birds entered SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 25.— •‘The Charm School” will be pre­ been held for the Jack3on county the players will be in the pink appeared for luncheon. in this contest, and special Two arm ed, and masked bandits sented at the high school audi­ grand jury, and the other two of condition, and should be at aw ards have been obtained for today held up Mrs. J. W arren in torium . This» is reported to be as m atertel witnesses. They are the top of their game when they the w inners of the competition. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 25. — her Ioan office in a downtown one of the best plays th a t has accused °f blowing the safe of clash with Medford. Blood stained articles which were E n tertain m en t features a»e be­ building and escaped with 36000 TOKIO, Nov. 25. — Japan is been produced here for some the Martin-Bower drug store at The student body of the High ing prepared for the nights of in notes-and currency. The rob­ time. The students have been , ®°^d Hill, obtaining 3200 in loot, found today by authorities, who extremely doubtful of the suc­ School will stage a giant rally in December 11 and 12, to be given bery took place at noon, when the examined the home of the Rev. w orking hard for the past six j a Standard Oil office a t Ashland, the rear of the school tomorrow cess to be attained by another in connection with the W inter building was practically deserted. weeks. Miss Ethel W heeler, of and are suspected of a store rob- C. Sheatsley, where Mr3. Sheats- night, to which everyone in the disarm am ent conference, accord­ bery a t Arlington. When c a u g h t' ley 8 charred body was found in F air, according to the officials the English departm ent at the city is invited. A big bonfire, ing to all indications here. The in charge. high school la coaching the play i Kel,y is said to have had enough the furnace a week ago, were yells, and school songs will fea­ foreign office today expressed a subjected to a num ber of experl- nitroglycerine in his possession and reports th a t the catA is a very No cases will be tried in the tu re the rally, which will end in willingness to send delegates to ments, in an effort to learn BANK ASSOCIATION such a conference in W ashington good one and all indications to blow a daren safes, circuit court today, as Judge a big serpentine. w hether the blood was th a t of a WILL MEET TONIGHT in case they should be summon­ point to a very successful play. Thomas has ju st returned from hum an being or the blood of ed by President Coolidge. How­ This play was produced in mo­ BUSINESS AGAIN ON Portland, and is busy signing or­ ZR 3 ARRIVES TO The members of the Jackson some rabbits which the m inister ever, it was pointed out th a t tion pictures, the leads taken by HAVE NAME CHANGED public sentim ent in Japan would CONSTRUCTIVE BASIS cleaned the day before the ' and Josephine County Bank Asso- The K ing's Revue of 1924 ders and arranging the calendar W allace Reid and Lila Lee. The rem ainder of the week I ---------- i ciation will meet this evening at tragedy. prevent fu rth er concessions by featuring Majorie King, famous The cast of characters are as will be given over to equity and WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. — WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. — The investigators also expected the Hotel Ashland. Members of New York star, and the Califor­ , divorce cases, the jury having Swimming leisurely along in a that n a t i o n ’ s representatives American business has passed to go today to Lithopolis, O hio,' the- association from Medford, follows: along disarm am ent lines. Austin Bevans .... Vernon McGee the “ re p a irin g ’ state, and has where they will question a wo­ G rants Pass, Gold Hill and Jack ­ nia Popple Girls Chorus, will , been dismissed until next Mon- leaden sky, the giant dirigible The people of Japan were ex­ George Boyd ........ LeRoy Gandee . now entered the era of construe rn!® who, ¿aid to have lunched at sonville are expected to be in a t­ show a t the Vining Theatre to- day ZR-3 which was recently acquir- tremely antagonistic to the agree­ night and tomorrow night. The I The\ caieud ar for ju ry ____ _____ Germany, _______ and made a Davfa» McKenzie....Grayden Crews tive enterprise. Secretary of Com- e(} from „ xi i. „„ „ , „ the Sheatsley’s the day of the tendance. Dinner will be served Vhow billed for tonight is “ The, beginning Monday, December cases, ments made by their representa­ 1st, record breaking flight across the Jim Sim pkins....K enneth Hobson merce H erbert Hoover stated to- tragedy. Her name is being with- at six o’clock followed by the reg­ tives at the first conference, S to rk ” while the bill on for to ­ is as follows: Tim Simpkins ...Robert Redwine day in pointing to the present ac- held by the local police officers ular business session. A tlantic ocean from Freiderich- where the naval ratio of 5-5-3 morrow night is “ A Divorce Homer Johns .... R obert W rig h t, tivity in W all Street as a posi- Swingle vs. Medfird Irrigation 8hafen arrived in the National Mrs. Sheatsley’s body was I was agreed upon, but were final- C ure.” District. Ellse Benedotti .... E lbert Greer [ tive indication of the loosening found in the furnace by h er six­ Capitol today for her baptismal Uy rcconclled to (he term s CALIF. HAS FOREST F IR E The K ing’s Revue has been State vs. Woods. Miss Hays ............. Marion Leach of the purse strings fo American teen year old son when he re­ ; ceremony which will complete her ELSINORE, Cal., Nov. 25, — playing the cities of Southern Then came the episode of the Pauley vs. Avery. Miss C urtis ........ Thelma Perozzi ( investm ent money, which has turned home j transfer to the American govern­ from school. A A d k n stro u s forest fire is raging Oregon for United States closing her gates the past several State vs. Eli Dahack. ®allL Bcyd ......T i f i -be_en _he,d tigh! ly duri.ng the p a s t! chemists“re“port made posiHve the ment. uncontrolled 22 miles east of weeks, and is claimed to be one , , t0 the People of Japan. This Hollywood Orchards vs. D en-. Tl,e b,8 „hip . hove , inio M uriel ............. Caryle Van Dyke few years, and especially during fact th a t the woman was dead eight r „ „ sed , great har(, here, and is threatening the of the best shows of It’s k in d 'to nis, Kimball & Pope. E thel ............... - ...... Velma Clapp i the past six m onths, aw aiting a when her body was placed in the before one o'clock this afternoon, Pachanga Indian settleifient, ac­ have appeared in this section. ing throughout the country, State vs. H attie Smith. Alix ................. Dorothy Kellogg guarantee of safety in an election ’ four hours after her departure which has been fanned by the furnace. H er husband’s actio», cording to word received from The cast of fifteen people sup­ Lillian ............. aCrollne W arner which promised to put affairs Cunningham & A lenderfer vs. from L akehurst, N. J., her home on the day of the tragedy nave forest rangers. The en tire Elsi­ porting Majorie King are all high press Therefore, the officials of Mary ...................... Alice Ferguson upon a stable basis. hanger. Mrs. Coolidge will been traced down, and the offic­ nore w atershed is threatened, and class» perform ers, while Miss King Petch- Dotsie ............. -....... Marie Davies Wiley vs. Southern Pacific Co. j christen the dirigible with her the Japanese government can see ers have released all charges also the great Pauba cattle Is a well known musical comedy — j no success in another conference, Madge ........ - ....... Evelyn Taylor Tidings W ant Ads are go-getters against him | new name “ Los Angeles” this! In which the people of America ranch. star. Every ad has a message. afternoon. take a leading part. MEMBERS OF OLD 0 A 0 10 BE STAGED SOON MEET AI BANQUET T L IO BE GIVEN SOON AT RAPIDLY S A Y S ■ D’AUTREMONT CLAIMS ALIBI WILL SAVE HIM MEDFORD GRID MEN 10 MEET LOCAL E ARE SULL PROBING JAPAN IS DOUBTFUL BE STARTED AGAIN E TO IGHT .1