«*AQÉ FOUÊ ASHLAND D Á ttfc Short Vacation— 1 : 1 b M ed fo rd - a protection to the fruit grow- Nate Bates was a Medford vis- . Due to the fact th a t the high ers, but a discrim ination to which 1 itor yesterday and called on , school building could not be 3ome of the small growers have heated this morning school was been to a total loss. To the ex- friends in th a t city. dismissed and. the students are cess rate charged per m eter the first year the m eter was install­ Special Auto Accident Policy enjoying a short vacation. ed, the w riter started using the for 1 5.00 a year. Phono. 21. Yeo w ater for irrigation and the cost of course. 24-tf M oving— per month would run from 150 H ere Today— Mrs. Ida Crandall and small Mr, Moores of Talent was in In M edford— daughter of the Virginia Cafe are to $65 per acre, in which the Ashland this morning attending K. K. Candee of this city was moving from the Allen ap art crop would not have any more to business m atters. in Medford Saturday attending to m ents to the Casebeer house on than sufficient am ount of mois ture. So irrigation had to be business interests. • the corner of C and Third Sts. reduced to a minimum, which Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ light you at The Plaza. 64— tf Your portait will solve twelve R eturn Yesterday— m eant a total lt>3S to fru it grow' gift problems* for X m as' Darling Mr. and Mrs. Dave W hittle ers and whlch 13 a Very expen‘ Jointease, 60c— McNair Bros. Studio. 71— tf who spent the last week in Port-i sive work in the upkeep for evëry land and Corvallis attending . . . . . In regard to the w ater m eter A t G rants P ass— In Town— Homecoming, returned to Ash- , ... , , ,, . . , . system, tile w riter believes it Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G unter Gene C ottral of K lam ath Falls land yesterday. , would be economical providing it spent yesterday at G rants Pass was in Ashland for the day Sat­ was on a legal scale. That all visiting friends. urday, retu rn in g home in the eve­ Alpha Circle Meeting— w aterusers should be on a m eter ning. The Alpha Circle of the O. E. or all on a flat rate. The m eter Save >10.00, walk upstairs t o , 9. will meet Tuesday afternoon users pay for- every gallon of Orres tailor shop. 17— tf Tamales, best in the city, “ The in the banquet room of the Mas­ w ater they use, while the people Hose”. 60— tf onic Hall for a social time. Bring on flat ra te are getting the ad­ P urchases C a r - your own work. Members and vantage of paying a very small Vine Oden of this city has From M edford— visitors are urged to be present. am ount in proportion, when we purchased a new Ford touring Miss G ertrude Carlton who is should be evenily taxed car through the Ford agency. employed in Medford was in Ash­ Stock Lake—- The w riter has had the sad land yesterday visiting friends 49,000 Eastern Brook tro u t experience for three years of us­ Paulseruds for cleaning and and relatives. were put in the Lake of the ing only one tap during the pressing. Phone 110. We call and Woods during the season from the m onth of April for only 14 days. deliver. 66-tf We deliver the goods— Detricks state Crooked Creek hatchery ac­ The am ount charged was $14, 94-tf cording to the K lam ath News. A while the people on flat rate Alarm Clocks, McNair Bro^. large quantity of other fish were were using the w ater fr»e of At Silver Laki also put in the lake. charge. Duck H unting— Mr. an<^ Mrs. W alter K ittridge I tru st our new adm inistration Carl Carlson and W illiam K err left last W’eek by auto for Silver R eturn Home— will give the taxpayer a more spent Sunday in the K lam ath re­ Lake, where they will spend Mr. and Mrs. Jess P ark er of ju st, fair and legitim ate service. gion duck hunting. Thanksgiving with relatives. Bly who have been visiting Yours respectfully. friends and relatives in Ashland OSCAR GUSTAFSON. Thanksgiving dinner is not Paulseruds Suits are exquisite­ for the past two weeks returned complete w ithout a brick of ice They GORMAN, CARLSON DRAW IN cream, some after dinner m ints ly tailored. Let us m easure you to their home Saturday. up now. 66-tf expected to visit for the week-end MAIN GO IN ELK’S SMOOKER or salted nuts from The Rose with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Driscoll (Continued from page One) Confectionery. Order now. H ere Today— of Klam ath Falls before retu rn - 7 72— Mon. Wed. in the first roifnd, but the bell E. C. Buchanan and Mr. Bailey, ing to Bly. came to his disgrace, and he had engineers of the Portland Tele- a L eave Thursday — to do it all over again. The Mr. and Mrs. J. G.. Ambrose phone and Telegraph Company are M other Form er T eacher— second round was over quick. expect to •leave Thursday for in Ashland today on business. Mrs. Howard Ewer, m other of Kennedy had no desire to even Southern California to spend the the triplets who celebrated their s ta rt th is fram e, b u t his seconds Our chocolate cream and choc­ w inter with friends. third birthday yesterday a t th eir olate caram els are made in Ash­ home in Portland, was form erly pushed him out to tak e it. Three 71— l Miss Laura McCormick, who or four feeble leads, and he took Chicken tam ales th a t rill de- land. The Plaza. a couple and w ent down. It was 64— tf light you at The Plaza. tau g h t for a num ber of years in one of th e n eatest dives ever ex From F a lls — the Ashland high school. A pic­ Thomas Newton of Klam ath tu re of the triplets appeared in ecuted in a local ring, according Splendid residence lot J 75 on to old fans, the Medford boy payments, The Staples Retalty Falls was in Ashland yesterday both the Sunday Oregonian and showing the gr!aee of a Pavlowa visiting friends. Company. the Portland Telegram accom­ in going down. New barrel of K raut, 15c panied by a story about them. Ray R uger had plenty of quart. D etrick’s. Phone 62 We For Day — heart, but not boxing knowledge, Miss R uth York who Is teach­ deliver. C lose A uto Camp — and as a resu lt he took a bad ing school a t W imer was in A sh­ The G rants Pass auto camp will beating from Young C arpenter of land yesterday visiting friends. At Applegate— Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dennis, Mr. close down the first of the Roseburg in the curtain raiser. m onth after the most successful C arpenter opened a nasty cut Our p o rtrait equipm ent Is equal and Mrs. Oskar and son, Dennis, season since the camp was es­ over the local boy’s eye in the to any in Southern Oregon. We spent yesterday in th e Applegate tablished, The attendance last first round, land then kept th e cut know we can please you, Darling district. night showed th a t the travel is open, by landing at will on the ■Studio. 71— tf injured optic. C arpenter failed Have ju st sold the B ergner still holding up and th a t the to show much, for he h it Ruger to u rist business is becoming a block; but have another snap in H ere Y esterday— enough tim es to knock over the proposition. There Mr. and Mrs. Charles Judkins business property. Staples R ealty year-round S tatue of Liberty, but his blows 72— tf were seven autom obiles th ere last of K lam ath F alls spent the day Agency. night. F or the season there were seemed to lack authority. Ruger in Ashland yesterday and a tte n d ­ 5200 autom obiles registered. The stood up under the beating, and ing the Home coming affair at From A p p le g a t e - ►.was in there trying ju st as hard Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Milam and camp Is proving to be an excellent th e C hristian Church. a t the final bell as when the bout son, Vernor, of Applegate were means of getting people to stop started. W ith h little training, Sm art new models in Ready-to- in Ashland yesterday and»attend­ in G rants Pass while passing the local boxer should give Car­ wear at Paulseruds. 66-tf ed the Homecoming a t the Chris­ through th e country many stop- penter a m erry tussle. ing for several days at a tim e.— tian Church. Clarence and Edw ard Kell, G rants Pass Courier. A t H ilt— sixty pound bruisers of Gold Mr. and! Mrs. F. H. W alker and Htll, w restled ten m inutes to a Have your suit cleaned and A sked To Send FVuit— Jan ie W alker spent yesterday at draw. These youngsters showed pressed this week and avoid the H ilt visiting Mr. and Mrs. N or­ Holiday rush. Paulseruds. 66-tf \ The m embers of the Order of a great knowledge of the bone % the E astern S tar will please no­ m an Mack. crushers art, and it is doubtful tice th a t the time for sending if any sixty pounder will accept V isitin g H ere— canned fru it to th e Masonic and You are welcome to compare O. H. Newton of K lam ath Falls E astern S tar home has been ex­ their challenge which Was issued my Automobile rates with any is In Ashland visiting with his tended. Anyone having jam, or j a t the close of th eir match. ether rates In Jackson or Jose­ M artin Bowers of Gold H il1 parents, Mr. and Mr3. H. S. New­ jefily or canned fru it of any kind phine Counties; you can be the ton on A street during the week. is requested to send it to the refereed all bouts, and in the Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. final tussle he had his work- Masonic Hall not later than picked out for him prying ap art 10— tf Bad Fog— Tuesday afternoon, November 25. the two boxers. He kept the boys * It was reported this morning T?e _C.O“ - i tte! ? aJ in?,_ln going"in"al?the'fights? ^though At Hugo— th a t the fog near Medford was so the packing and shipping will be E. E. Phipps spent the day at he was unable to keep Kennedy Hugo looking after business m at­ thick that it was impossible to see there to receive it. from taking his flop. fa rth e r than a block. Motorists ters. who were in Medford and Gold BANDIT TAKEN IN OKLAHOMA Special prices on portraits dur­ Hill yesterday reported a very FOR FEDERAL OFFICERS ; thick fog and stated th a t it made ( Continued from page 1) ing Nov., D arling Studio. 71— 5 driving difficult. Articles of tim ely interest« The em phatic statem ent of are welcomed under this head. In Ashland— Chief McCully in the telegram re­ Communciatlons m ust bear the Mr. andi Mrs. J. B. W ebster of Rack on J o b - ceived here, to the effect th a t he Don Spencer, local postoffice signature of the author. T alent were in Ashland Saturday was positive of the identity of evening shopping and visiting employee is again at work after a '""■R couple of weeks spent in Jackson­ friends. About four years ago when ville on ju ry duty. Court is ad­ w ater m eters were in ^ a lle d on Phone 130 for Pow ell’s Cider. journed this week bu t will prob­ orchard tracts in this city for th e saving of city w ater, it was not 63— Imo ably be in session next week. THE FORUM Spend W eek-End— Miss Beth W right, Frank W right and Glenn P ru it of Klam- rnath Falls spent the week-end in Ashland visiting with Miss Opal Harvey. Ideal Christmas Gifts. Serviceable and inexpensive TH E ASH LAND FU R N IT U R E COMPANY 8 8 N. Main «m* lift ■mil jrai .............. .I I. ASHLAND vs. MEDFORD Ashland Hi Notes M IT C H E L L S The latest idea the Juniors, have had for m aking money is The Kiwanis Club of Ashland, selling football baloonsu. A good gave the local team s a banquet many were sold the day of the Friday noon at the Hotel Ashland. Both football team s, the coaches Mr. Briscoe and Mr. Forsythe, our - m anager and cheer leader were present a t the affair. The luncheon was thoroughly enjoy­ ed by all who attended and dur­ ing the course of the prograrff. ^ v e r a l prom inent citizens and a K iw anians spoke, also several players and the manager. The Kiwanis Club seems to take a genuine interest in the varied athletic activities in our high K iw anian s B an quet Players The Men’s Store By the Post Office IHHüi ilŒÜIHIIIIIIII! M il ioti ;: T H A N K S G IV IN G N ow is th e tim e to buy spray pum ps, plow s and harrow s, d rills and a ll k inds o f farm im p lem en ts. F en cin g in every sty le . H arn ess, collars, snaps, and pads. N ew and used Sew ­ in g M achines. A uto R obes, etc. 4 PEIL’S CORNER T O N IG H T Beautiful BRASSIERES AND ; 5 B I -* ONLY ACTS Wonderful values are being offered for this Thanksgiving Sale— 5 Opening Number O RPH EU M Silk Dresses made of Satin Back Crepe, Canton Crepe and Crepe de Chine. $19.75 and $22.50 value. V A U D E V IL L E W ITH THE RUPERT HUGHES’ PICTURE a Sale Price $14.95 “True as Steel” BANDEAU Cliff Payne m akes cupboards. Grass Rockers : THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL W ith our modern equipment, we can make your portait at night as well as day. Sittings evenings by appointm ent. 71— tf D arling Studio. At H otel— Among those registered a t the Ashland Hotel are F. Armour, Vancouver, B. C.; J. B. Saint, Vancouver. B. C.; W. Price and Wife, Spokane; A lbert Neighbor, Moscow, Idaho; O. S. Stanley, Yakima. W ash.; W. L. P ettit, Se­ lah, W ash.; C. H. Oidieen, Hono­ lulu, H. I.; H. A. McKinnan and wife, Ohio. Monday, November 24, 1824 .................. g j - j y 1 L -L . ■ the man he holds, led officials school. , Grants Pass game. The juniors the Ashland High School are go- here to believe th a t at last a In this way the school is en­ also netted a nice sum from their! ing to leave Sunday evening for capture had beeii effected. At a b led to get into closer touch candy sale on the athletic field Chicago where they are to repre­ various times, in Various places, j with the men of Ashland, and on W ednesday afternoon. sent Oregon, advertising Oregon other men have been arrested on | they, likewise with us. We are s prunes. They are to bake bread suspicion of complicity in the sineerely thankful to them for Although it rained almost con­ in the International Bread Bak­ robbery, but in none has the a r­ this interest and the heart with tinually during W ednesday’s ing _ Contest. So Oregon feels very resting officer appeared so cer­ which they stand behind us in our grid battle and a cold wind blew proud in being able to send rep- tain th a t he hold a d ’A utrem ont. many and varied school activities. with b itter intensity, a large j resentives. The Gallatin girls will Chief McCully sent his dispatch crowd of onlookers and boosters j be accompanied by Mr. H C. Sey- to Frank Minto, chief of police High School Paper Gut for both team s were present t o ' more, state club leader, Mrs. Sey- at Salem; Chief Minto imme­ The third issue of the Ashland see G rants Pass defeated by the more and Miss Helen Dustin of diately forwarded the mesage to High School paper, the “ Rogue Ashland eleven by a score of 13 Portland. United States M arshall Hotch­ News,” was distributed among t h e , to 10. kiss, who telegraphed McCully subscribers Tuesday. This last is- Considering the w eather con- The regular debate m eeting was to hold d’A utrem ont until post- sue proved to lie the best this ditions, G rants Pass had a fine office inspectors arrived. year, so far, as to arrangem ent showing of people who rooted for held last W ednesday night at Three D’A utrem onts are w ant­ and contents. The coming game their stubbornly fighting team 7:30 in Professor Briscoe’s office. Mrs. Galey conducted the m eet­ ed for the crime, Roy and Ray, with Medford, on the tw enty sev -; until the last, ing with argum ents in favor of tw ins, and Hugh. enth was the editorial fe a tu re ,, Thfe Ashland High School was the negative side of the district The D’A utrem onts were first while the news, special features dismissed at 2:30 and the stu ­ debate question which is: “ Re­ accused 12 days after the rob­ and jokes were of the very best. dents in the grade schools, who solved th at a graduated Income bery. - Judging from the papers, we could bring statem ents from their tax is a desirable feature of a The train was held up shortly should have a wonderful annual parents giving them permission state system of taxation.” after noon, S. L. Bates and M. this year. to go to the game, were dismis­ Seng, firem an, m urdered, then The question: ‘ Resolved th a t sed a t the same time. the new system of outside reading the mail car was blown up with The Hi Y m et at 7:30 T hurs­ — O— i3 better than the old system,” nitroglycerine, the explosion kill­ day evening in Pioneer Hall. The ing C. F. Daugherty, mail clerk, whole m eeting was devoted to The main topic of conversation was debated. Riley Pittenger and C. O. Johnson, brakem an, ru sh ­ athletics and everyone had a good is the big game next Thursday Marion Leach upheld the affir­ mative, the negative being up­ ed tow ards the scene of the ex­ time. and a huge crowd is expected. plosion from the rear of the train A fter coming so near to win- held by Roland P arks and Barn- and was shot down. Several pas­ The English IV class is taking ning on Armistice Day and not! aid Joy. A decision of two to one sengers were injured by the ex­ up the study of Tennyson’s “ Idylls having won a Medford game was given in favor of the affirma- plosion. The bandits escaped. of the K ing” and the members of sii»ce 1921, the student body is tive. __o __ the class have been preparing all ready for a real battle. themselves) by reading tales of It should be an evenly matched I Mlsa W eatherford, practice TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY King A rthur and the K nights of game, with lots of thrills, the big hou8e teacher of Ashland High, game of the yeai;. the Round Table. is planning to motor to Corvallis LOST on Main St. red and — O— on Friday evening to attend the gray beaded bag. Reward. Find­ The Forensic society m et Mon­ Rosina Gallatin, a senior, and | home coming week end, at the er leave at Tidings office, 71-tf day evening at 7:30 in the high Frances Gallatin, a sophomore of A griculture College. FGR RENT— 6 room unfurn­ school building for the school ished house. 63 Alida. Phone spirit meeting. Two short spirited stunts open­ 240. * 72— 3* ed the meeting. These were fol­ S A L E S M E N W ill guarantee lowed by a lesson in judging de­ salary $50.00 per week and fu r­ bate and al lthe membrs of the nish autom obile to several men society judged the debate— “ Re­ selling excellent Ford accessory. solved, T hat yell rallies promote THANKSGIVING DAY HERE Address Salesm anager, Box 1886 b etter citizenship.” The vote was Granville, Ohio. 72— 1* 14 to 6 in favor of th e affirm a­ It is difficult to stay enthusiastic tive. WANTED — One or two office at the football game unless you The next meeting, to be Novem­ or high school girls to share are dressed to stand the ehill. nice ap artm en t on E ast Main St. ber 25, will be devoted to the tryouts determ ining which stu ­ Inquire Mrs. Purdy, 107 4th St. Phone276L. 72— 2* dents shall have the honor of ap­ pearing before the Assembly the FURNISHINGS FOR THE next day. FOR SALE: — 800 ft. galven- FOOTBALL GAME ized pipe, 3-4 inch, one ton The Sewing 1 class have just block. Inquire RFD 1, Box 107. the undergarm ents 72— 3* completed Overcoats and Raincoats which they have been working on L eather Coats • as one of their projects for thia Norfolks semester. Warmer Underwear The work is very good, and Wool Socks; Wool Vests they had a fine display of their Wool Gloves; Lined Gloves Sweaters; Flannel Shirts handiw ork in the sewing room. The garm ents showed individual­ These notes are w ritten for ity in design. Everything to keep you warm when you are out­ this paper by m embers of the The class is now working on journalism class a t th e local cotton dresses, th a t will be suit­ doors this winter at prices you want to pay. high school able for school wear. Ky» Curtain 8:15 Sharp Balcony 50c Main Floor 75c Thanksgiving Sale of Coats Seats Selling Fast Such as you would be pleased to re­ The Lowest Prices We Have Ever Offered at This Time of the Year ceive as Christmas gift or that you could be assured would be as equally acceptable T U E S D A Y and W E D N E S D A Y by one wlio you wish to remember with a “King’s c* Review of 1924” dainty gift. Gossard and De Bevoise Brassiers Coats Priced Now » * $19.75 $22 50 $25.00 $29.75 A snappy program featuring Marjorie King, famous New York S tar and the California Poppy G irls’ Chorus. C o a ts ................... Now $14.95 C o a ts ................... Now $18.50 C o a ts ....................Now $19.95 C o a ts ....................Now $23.98 $34.50 $37.50 $45.00 $59.75 C o a ts ................... Now $27.95 C o a ts ................... Now $29.95 C o a ts ................... Now $36.50 C o a ts ................... Now $47.50 Complete Clrange Each Day . T u e s d a y ....................... “The Stork” Wednesday - - - “A Divorce Cure” One Show at 8:15 General Admission ........................... ...2 5 c and 50c a Children’s Coats All For Less E. R. ISAAC & CO “T he Q uality Store” ■ á■ •j I s ■* =4 -1 1 ! H a