PA O k t HKKB A m m but# £3» ■ÉB «««à« Monday; November 24, 10*24 NOTICE { lows! That portion of Lot Five, Bess, Marian Leach, Thelma Per­ curled brim of pale felt, with a tempted suicide by throwing her- To the TALENT IRRIGATION Royal Orchard more fully des- ozzi, Irma Beck, Mabel Hagar, black velvet hat is stitched with ! self in the path of an automo- DISTRICT, and to all freehold-; crlbed as follows: Beginning at Linda Oeder, Edith Dodge, Lthe,i gold thread and completed with a bile because she was ’’tired of era, legal voters, and assessment the S. E. corner of said Lot Five, PHYSICIANS Wheeler, Zipora Blurtenfeld and soft brush, or pompon, with gold- life and disappointed in love.” payers of said district, and to all j of said Royal Orchard, running Cla^Uied Col ant n Rates persons interested in the lands thence N. 175 feet; thence W. Messrs Henry Homes, Wilbur dusted points. • ' Police say the girl, who fir t One cent the word each lying within said district and 200 feet; thence S 19 deg. 50’ JV. Tucker, John Galey, Riley Pitten- Fuchsia and violet tones prom-j gave her name as Copeland, at- time OR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings within the boundaries of the ter­ 531.4 feet; thence S. 215 feet; gér, Gaiu3 Crosby, Lawrence ise to be very popular for Win- tempted to end her life several thence S. 89 deg 33’ E. 380 feet Miss Edith Dodge, Editor To run every issue for one ritory described in this notice. office. Phone DI. Wagner, Marcus Woods, Aibiei ter wear. There is plenty of color weeks ago. to the point of beginning con-| You and each of you are no­ Plione items to her at 89, between month or mote, the word Beck and Barnard Joy tified that VIRGINIA WILSON taining 4.7 acres more or less. DR. C. W. HANSON in the smart hatshops, although.! The attempt was frustrated by 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. each lime. * * * and CLEMENTINA L- WILSON (About one-half acre will be for Dentist i as usual, many chic women will' the alertness of Homer D. Yingst. i the owner of evidence of title to dwellings and yard.) Surprise P arty — Special attention given to pyor- the herein below first described | You are further notified that continue to wear black and soni*’ driver of the car, who swerved FOR RENT A deligh tful surprise party was bre brown shades. The finer quickly to one side and avoided rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver body of land as petitioner has | tjje ANDERSON ORCHARD BLACKBIRD given on Saturday afternoon ( Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. filed with aaid Board of Direct- c O M P A N Y b y its Yice-President models have a magnificlent bru3h striking her. He took her to (By John Drink water) WANT TO LET a team of good _________________________ ors of Talent Irrigation District F. CAMPBELL PENNEY and its from three to five-thirty by the of osprey in some vivid color, full Jefferson Hospital and reported work horses for their feed and OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- in Jackson County, Oregon, their Secretary H. S. ANDERSON, th~ jje comea on chosen evenings, Rosebud Class of the and sometimes long. The draped the occurrence to the police. care. Inquire 107 4th St. Phone tice limited to eye, ear, nose ana written and _ duly signed an ac . Sunday School for their former velvet turban is being offered for; ..............____ My blackbird bounUfu,. and ,in g, ____ _____ ;___ knowledged petition praying that 276L. 71— 2 throat— X-ray Including teeth. said land be included within said • Cribed body of land as petitioner Over the gardens of the town j teacher, Mrs. Letta Eastburn. The afternoon wear, often with & cur-! FOR RENT:— 5-room furnish­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc district Said respective land is iiag fiieodge, H. is now on the very top of the liat, reasonable prices, all work guar­ ers In coal and wood. Phone Township 38 South, Range 1 West Volume 107 at Page 354, Deed S. Sanford, Emil Pell, J. M. Wag­ anteed. Mrs. B. Van Harden­ lit of the Willamette Meridian, and Records of Jackson County, Ore­ ner, F. D. Wagner. Ralph Vining, Leontine is showing a charming; berg, 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 mo.* from said point running thence; gon, and running thence East 330 Gordon MacCracken and the panne model, with a flat ribbon Office 89 Oak St. near South 380 feet: thence East 114 feet; thence Southeasterly along h t bow on the very peak of it. A hat Mra E v CartGr Hotel Ashland DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ feet; thence North 380 feet; the City Limits of the Town of. nostess’ Mrs- *• Cartep. of mole-gray plush has a narrow ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 Granite T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ thence West along the center of Talent 960 feet; thence West 330 the County Road 114 feet to the feet to the East line of the Pacl-j Surprise Party street. 60— 1 mo,* fer— Good team and motor point of beginning, containing one fic ^OR a shingle to carry this label it must successfully pass four Highway: thence Northwester-' One of the most delightful exacting tests that show unusual fire-resisting qualities. For in­ trucks. -G >od service at a rea­ acre more or less. ly along said East line 960 feet to For a smooth shave i son ab?e price. Phone 83. stance, one of these tests is the placing on the roof of a firebrand of You are further notified that place of beginning, containing ap­ parties of the younger set was given Saturday evening when two 8” x 16” white cedar shingles, thoroughly ignited on both sides Mary ELIZABETH LEWIS, the proximately 7 acres. and quick service go and placed slightly away from the roof to allo.v air to pass under­ owner or holder of evidence of ¡ Miss Thelma Perozzi was surpris­ You are further notified that to the Shell Barber neath. Then a current o f air, equal to a 12-mile-an-hour wind, is FEHIGE-ROACH title to the herein below fir3t de­ BERT ANDERSON, the owner or ed at her home by a number of Shop. Ladies and turned on and allowed to continue sc long as the firebrand bums. Transfer — Express — Storage scribed body of land as petitioner holder of evidence of title to the ber friends. A pleasant evening This has never yet burned through Carey Asbestos Slate Shingles. children get your hair Hauling — Dray work of all has filed with said Board her herein below first described body Flowers are correct for was spent dancing and playing written and duly signed and ac­ bobbed and marcel­ kinds. Quick motor service. Dry of land as petitioner has filed with The Carey Asbestos Slate Shingle is heavier, stiffer, more durable. knowledged petition praying that said Boafd his written and duly various games. A toy automo­ all occasions. Besides Write for our booklet, “ Before You Build.” led. wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R i gajd ian(j be included within said signed and acknowledged petition bile was presented to Miss Kath­ brightening up a sick B , St. 112-tf district. Said respective land is praying that said land be included W. A. SHELL, Prop. 375 ________ _____________ __ | described as follows: Beginning within said district. Said respec­ arine Pittenger for proficiency room or a room at home, >32 A. St. Ashland. Ore at a point 170.7 feet East of the tive lai^d is described as follows: in filling the names of e»« ASHLAND PAINT CO they convey a message, Northwest corner of D. L. C. No. The East 16.54 acres of a 36.54 into a story. Dependable 55, Twp. 38 S., Range 1 West, tract in Section 11, Town­ Clever methods of chosing words cannot express. Painting Contractors & Decorators W. M., and running thence. East acre ship 38, South, Range 1, West, partners caused much amusement 171.9 feet; thence South 380 feet; Willamette Meridian, SWENNING & GEAR formerly Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.* thence West 171.9 feet; thence owned by Geo. Alford, and record­ among the guests. Dinner part­ North 380 feet to the place of ed in Volume 106 at Page 516, ners were chosen by auctioneer­ H ATCH ER beginning, containing 1 1-2 acres, deed Records of Jackson County, ing and some of the bids ran very “ The Florist’ ’ WOOD SAWING more or le3S. Oregon. high. At a late hour delicious 1O7O Boulevard You are further notified that Each of the tracts of land so Open on Sunday— We Deliver Wood sawing. Tel g . c . M urph y , mollie song - petitioned to be included axe refreshments were served. WANTEI Guests for the evening were Clogged Air Passages Open 470-J. SLATE SHINGLES 63— Imo* ER and MR. and MRS. J. M. within Jdckson County, Oregon. 47-F KERBY, the owners or holders Misses Katherine Pittenger, You are further notified that at Once— Nostrils of evidence of title to the herein the aforesaid petitions have been; Mary Galey, Isabelle Silver, Irma below first described body of set for hearing and consideration ; Cleared land as petitioner has filed with at a regular meeting of the Board! J -------- said Board their written and duly of Directors of said Talent Irri-l If your nostrils are clogged and signed and acknowledged petition gation District to be held at the! praying that said land be included office of said Board of Directors,1 your head stuffed because of cat­ within said district. Said respec­ at Talent, in Jackson County, arrh or a cold, get Ely’s Cream tive land Is described as follows: State of Oregon, on the 2nd day; Balm at any drug store. Apply a Approximately 35 acres-of land of December, 1924, at the hour T he California Oregon Power Company offered little of this pure, antiseptic, germ located In the Southerly half of of 10 o’cflock A. M., and you and 2,000 shares o f its 7 % Preferred Stock to its own destroying cream into your nos­ Try Grandmother’s Old F a­ the following described tract of each of you aud all persons in-' land: Beginning at the SE corner terested are hereby notified to ap- ‘ employes. The issue was immediately o v e r s u b ­ vorite Recipe of Sage trils and let it penetrate through of D. L. C. No. 45 In township 39 pear at said time and place, and Tea and Sulphur How good it feels. Your head scribed . south, range 2, east of W. M. in show cause, if any you have, why and membranes. Instant relief. Oregon; thence North 40 chains said petitions, or any of them Almost everyone knows that to a stake for corner; thence West How good it feels. Your read should not be granted. | — o f— Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly 20 chains to a stake for corner; is clear. Your nostrils are open. This notice is given by the un­ thence South 40 chains to a stake compounded, brings back the na­ dersigned secretary of said Board You breathe freely. No more haw­ ALL DESCRIPTIONS Operators tending the giant generators at Copco for corner; thence East 20 chains king or snuffling. Head colds and tural color and lustre to the hair to the place of beginning, con­ of Directors pursuant to law and an order of said Board. power plants know that fourteen thousand custom­ catarrh yield like magic. Don’t when faded, streaked or gray, taining 80 acres of land, more or DATED: Nov. 7, 1924. ers get power and light over Copco wires. stay* stuffed up, choked up and' ^ear8 ago the only way to get less. The exact acreage to be O. ARNSPIGER, Get yours now while our determined when the irrigable miserable. Relief is sure. ! this mixture was to make it *at Secretary of Baord of Direct­ Men on duty throughout the system come to 1 home, which is mussy and land survey is made. stock is complete ors of Talent Irrigation Dis­ You are further notified that trict. realize best the enduring assets o f the Company—• troublesome. T. W. SANFORD, JAS. HERSEY BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF Nowadays we simply ask at and CARRIE HERSEY, the own­ assets o f rock, steel, concrete, and o f never-ceasing TALENT IRRIGATION any drug store for ‘‘Wyeth’s Sage ers or holders of evidence of title power! DISTRICT and Sulphur Compound.” You to the herein below first described By W. J. HARTZELL, Engineers, accountants, linemen, cashiers, offi­ will get a large bottle of this old- body of land as petitions have President. filed with , said Board their writ­ F. W. HERRIN, Director cials— all these knew, intimately, the security and time recipe improved by the ad­ ten and duly signed and acknow- E. T. N E W B iY , Director dition of other ingredients, at ¡edged petition "praying that said 60- 4 mon. earning power o f their investment. T h ey had in sid e very little co3t. Everybody uses land be included within said dis- kn ow ledg e o f its value. this preparation now, because no i trict. Said respective land is “ possibly UH tt a t , on Vee“ N o r M Tidings Want Ads bring results. ' darkened your hair, as it does so South lying South of Tract No. 26 naturally and evenly. You dam-¡of ‘ ‘Ashland Acres” and West pen a sponge or soft brush with i Mountain Avenue in the City of Ask any one of these members of the Copco organ­ U und draw ibis ,bro „g b y „ „ r ** ization today how you can buy Copco Preferred and as a hair, taking one small strand at You are further notified that Stock, yielding 7.14% for your idle futfds or a time; by morning the gray hair LAURA V. EDWARDS. FRED­ Preventive monthly savings, on monthly payments as low as #5 disappears, and after another ap­ ERICK P. BURRALL, G. N. AN­ DERSON. L. A. PHILLIPS, A. a share. Or clip and mail the coupon below. plication or two, your hair be­ BELLE ANDERSON, and DORA comes beautifully dark, thick and E. WIGHT, the owners or holders glossy and you look years young­ of evidence of title to the herein Laxative TH E CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY er. below first described body of land as petitioners have filed with said Offices: Board their written and duly sign­ ’H ERE are times when we want BELGIUM W IL L SE E K ed and acknowledged petition < OREGON to discuss. W e don’t want to AN $80,000,000 LOAN praying that said land be includ­ Medford Grant* Pass Roseburg Klamath Fall* ed within said district. Said re­ be handed merely cold facts. We WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.— An spective land is described as fol­ CA LIFO RN IA lows: want to look at things from all Yreka Dunsmuir issue .of Belgium official obliga­ Lots One and Two of the Royal sides. Talk over your finances tions totaling about $80,000,000, Orchard Tract. Section 22, Twp. covering the needs of the Central 38 S. R. 1 W , W. M., Oregon. with the officers of this bank and Government and the colonies, is You are further notified that get warm and friendly advice. TH E CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY anticipated within the next six LAURA V. EDWARDS. G. N. YOUR PARTNERS ANDERSON. FREDERICK P. MEDFORD. OREGON The-First and Original months according to information BURRALL, L. A. PHILLIPS, A. IN PROGRESS Cold and Grip Tablet received by the Department of BELLE ANDERSON and DORA Please send m e full information about your 7% Preferred i commerce. E. WIGHT, the owners or holders A Safe and Proven Remedy Stock and special partial paym ent plan. Belgium conditions, from th e: of evidence of title to the herein The box bears this signature Government standpoint and that belo’ r„fAr3t describ®d body of land , , , . , . .; as petitions have filed with said Name. of private business, was reported BOar(j their written and duly sign Ashland, Oregon — or mail this coupon as unpromising. ed and acknowledged petition t praying that said land be includ­ — today! Price 30c. Tidings Want Ads are go-getters ed within said district. Said re­ spective land Is described as fol- Classified Column PROFESSIONAL w HOOPING COUGH V I ▼ V Your Engine Starts Valvoline Oils The ASHLAND SERVICE STATION Dr. Oeser and Son What “Class B” label means to you — I *Buy more flowers’ Ashland Lumber Co. END CAT T ASBESTO INSIDE INFORMATION DARK AND BEAUTIFUL Thanksgiving Roasters T H E SE M EN KNEW Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store Influ* enza Take*® A SK T H EM Discussion Brom The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ask any member of our organization