t»AGE TWÓ ÁSÉLÁÑ1) Ó Á it t TíDrAÓS A. S H L A. 13 D A I L (E stablished in 1876) M * T^ I D I jN” (x S Toda\ physical education does not aim simply to' 400,000 keep healtllV students fit, hut seeks tile physically haildi- I Prague .Monday, November 04, 1924 men is revealed by a “ is to the body w hat friction is semi-official newspaper, to the machine, and will wear out Published Every Evening Except Sunday by ter for it. tu re ’s way of keeping the body “ Swearing becomes then not a in health, acting as a safety valve wicked act at all, but ra th e r Na- to the em otions.” THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. i£>r,e' !"as;,ag.f ° r reSt ,,r.Rpecial/ xcrcife recommended accord- --------------------------------------------- ,------------------------- mg to their respective needs. South Slavla has a standing arm y of 135,000 and a war strength of 1,000,000. Roumania has a standing arm y of 125,000 and a w ar strength of 2,400,000. Poland, which is not a member of the Little Entente, but is more or less bound to it due to treaty obligations, has a standing arm y of 230,000 and a w ar strength of 2,000,000. “ W ith a war strength of 6,- 400,000 and a standing army strength of 640,000 men, the L ittle Entente, is a force to be reckoned w ith,” comments the newspaper which also points out Jy. Frazier & Son “ Fear produces in beasts all the conditions favorable to great R ntered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second Class Mail M atter S o . \ C r \ 1 1110 C llflllg C 111 1110 SCllOOJ t t t t l t u d o t o w a r d physical effort. The stim ulation SuUcriptkm Price. Delireml In Clt, ' ¡’.upils1’ Physical needs, ft means fewer breakdowns under This store will be closed all day Thursday, of the heart and lungs is necess­ One Month ................................................................................ ........... $ .65 the school regime. It often insures a steady improvement ary to enable the animal or pri­ Nov. 27th., for Thanksgiving Three Months 1.95 ____ __ in the physical condition of backward or weak students. mitive man to make the supreme fill Months 3.75 Please get your order in early, for we want to effort to fight or escape, and the One Y e a r ........................................... "................. ............................. 7.50¡It must also mean a good deal more happiness during increased activity of the endoc­ get your orderout in good shape that you may have one Month ..............“ L * 1*“ and ......................... $ .65 ack