ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. 3‘his is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4 3. Believe ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 24, 1924 D’Autremont Captured CORRESPONDENCE COURSE IS O FFE R E D CAVALRYMEN MEN AND WOMEN IN NEWS OF THE DAY i NO. 72 ■ z RAINFALL TH IS: MONTH IS WELLl 8 . TO STANDARDIZE OLD “STITCH IN TIM E’ BEER WAR ENDS IN KILLING OF GANGSTER BOSS WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 24. — The Old-fashioned 8 stitch which “ In time 8 saves nina” is to be 8 standardized by the Unit- 8 ed States Government. 8 Stitches on everything 8 from coal m iners’ over-' 8 alls to pink, filmy under- 8 Total of 2.77 Inches Have ** things, the joy of the 8 Eddie Tancl Shot to Death flapper’s existence, are to 8 in Riot on Streets of Fallen During Month of be standard. 8 1 Cicero, 111. November in District ; :: ______ 8 Specifications adopted 8 * by the Bureau of Stand- 8 WAS A BOOTLEGGER CROP OUTLOOK GOOD --------- • 8 ards will be subm itted to 8 ‘C E nunigrant Creek Dam Certain to J »j a committee of manufac- 8 Indictm ents of P olice Chief, Cap­ Member of Gang Which Blew up Train Near Tunnel 13 « 'S- • X- be F illed This Year, Thus A s­ tu re rs for approval. Five 8 tains, L ieuten ants, Patrolm en Held by McAlester, Oklahoma Police. Was Taken * su rin g P len ty o f W ater stitches were chosen as 8 T hreatened A fter Inquest Into Custody by Police Following Attempt to Pass standards — the single 8 W ith one of the dryest sum ­ 1 a?-.- UA thread chain stitch, the 8 Worthless Checks. Admits Charge. CHICAGO, Nov. 24— W holesale mers In the history of Ashland two-third chain stitch, 8 indictm ents against police chiefs, safely past, the early rains which the over-edge chain stitch 8 precinct captains, lieutenants and McALESTER, Okla., Nov. 24—A man giving his have broken the long drouth, give the flat-seam chain stitch 8 patrolm en were threatened here indication th a t this section wMl name as Rav d ’Autremont, and who, police said, con­ and the lock stitch. 8 today, as Coroner Wolff of Cook be well above normal in tota'. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 fessed to having participated with two of his brothers in county invoked.a new method for rainfall for the year. Figures for the holdup of a Southern Pacific train at Siskiyou, Or., application of the Volstead act, in the month of November, compil­ connection with the inquest into October 11, 1923, in which four trainmen were killed, was ed by the local w eather observer, the death of Eddie Tancl, ex-pu­ Louis Dodge, show th a t already arrested here Saturday and was being held for Oregon gilist, and gangland’s sure shoot­ this month, the rainfall has to tal­ authorities. er, who was shot and killed here ed more than since 1921. A to ta 1 The man’s arrest resulted from his alleged attempt yesterday. of 2.77 inches of rain have fal­ to cash a worthless check. He is said to be wanted for “ If it can be shown th at the len during the twenty four days two men who killed Tancl, got similar offenses in Little Rock, Ark., Arkansas City, Kan., of this month in comparison with hi their supply of Illicit liquor from 1.24 in 1925, and 2.01 inches in and several other cities. His aliases, police say, include Tancl’g saloon, I shall recommend 1922. In 1921, old Jupe Pluvius A shland-K lam ath F alls Road l'n - J. \V. Porter, R. Smith and J. B. McAlester. th a t the coroner’s jury hold opened the clouds for a total of der Ju risd iction of Com m is­ While his finger prints were being taken in connec­ 3.72 inches during October, while Chief of Police Theodore Svoboda sion , 16,500 lbs. IJniit tion with the check charge, the man, police.said, express­ of Cicero, Illinois, as an accessory in 1920, this section w’as drench­ ed with 4.79 inches of rain d u r­ ed fear that his identity as d ’Autremont would be discov­ A weight lim it of 16,500 before the fact,” Coroner Wolff MES* MICHAEV ing the month. In 1919. but 2.13 ered, and made a clean breast of his connection with the B ritish Tr«»ops Rushed into Sudan , pounds has been placed on the stated this afternoon. EEVHARRX" MT. T O Î D lé K J M E * B U l/A C R C K E R , inches fell during the entire Ashland-Klamath Falls Highway, The shooting of Tancl is the train robbery. He wanted local officers to get the reward in Order to Cope W ith A n y month, while in 1918, 3.15 inches culm ination of a number of fights according to an announcement Prince Rocknedidne Mirza fladjar, ol the royal family ot Persia, O utbreaks by E gyptians offered for his arrest, he said. was the total rainfall contributed which have taken place during a has reached New York for a tour of the United States. Mrs. Michael made by the Oregon State High Morris, of Concord, Staten Island, N. Y., has been sentenced to thtrty by Mother N ature during the way Commission this morning. “ beer w ar” which has been eon- CAIRO, Egypt, Nov. 24. — days in Jail for bolding the hands of her olne-year-old stepdaughter, month. “ I hold one of the d'A utrem ont This w’eight limit has been plac­ ducted among the powerful beer Zaghloul Pasha, prem ier of the Florence, against a hot stove. Declaring that her dead husband In brothers, wanted for S. P. train As a resuft of the exceptional­ bandits who have had several fa­ Egyptian government, resigned fluences her in her every act, Mrs. Bula Croker, .widow of the late ly fine rainfall during November ed in accordance with the plac­ robbery in Siskiyou tunnel in Oc­ tal scrapes recently through this Richard Croker, former boss of Tammany Hall. New York, has returned this morning, after an all night from her Irish estates, still wearing widow’s garb, though her husband of this year, the farm ers of this ing of weight lim its on a number tober, 1923.”— J. R. McCully, secticn. conference with members of his has been dead several years Rev. Harry M. Posdlck. Baptist pastor section are optimistic as to good of highways throughout the state chief of police, McAlester, Okla. Tancl was shot and instantly cabinet. The cause of their con­ of the First Presbyterian Church of New York City, will give up nis crops for next year. The fine which have come under the ju ris­ That terse message, received killed by two men, who are al­ patorate March I rather than accept the Presbyterian Creed of Faith ference was the tense situation yesterday by United States Mar­ rains have made possible fall diction of the highway commis­ leged to have obtained liquor in as demanded by church leaders He Is a Modernist in Egypt, following the killing of shall Hotchkiss, electrified fed­ plowing, and conditioning of the sion. For vehicles having a tire width a “ blind pig” run by Tancl in Cic­ Sir Lee Stack, British m inister, eral officials here, who see in land, which should insure fine of less than th irty inches, the fol- ero, The men met Tancl on the the arrest first results in a year’3 P ortland er G ives Local Lad th e and th e fee lin g which has been crops. street in Cicero, and after a short aroused by this outbreak. Ahmed sdarch for the fugitive bandits The Em igrant Creek dam, con­ low’ing ruling has been madte: altercation, took out their guns, W orks but G ets Draw for His Pasha, form er m inister of com­ and m urderers who blew up the structed during the past sum­ “ For any vehicle having a total and started shooting. Tancl a t­ Trouble. Carp B eats H uger munications in a past cabinet, has mail car of Southern Pacific pas­ mer, by the Talent Irrigation Dis­ tire width of less than thirty tempted to return the fire, but baen designated as premier. senger train No. 13, O ctobeW ll trict, has been filling more rapid­ inches, the concentrated weight in By Tut Jackson complished, and so immediate was Five hundred thousand pounds last year in tunnel 13, near Sis­ ly than was the wish of the men pounds bearing on the surface of Little Joe Gorman of P o rt­ his pocket, a bullet from the gun sterling, has been demanded by kiyou. the most fiendish crime in in charge of the big project. Al­ the highway at contact with the land, substituting for Frankie of one of the drunks pierced his the governm ent of England, for recent Oregon crim inal annals. though much w ater lias been ill- tread of the two wheels of any Webb, spotted Johnnie Carlson 1 i the assassination of Stack. Ac- ! heart. The men who did th$ Telegraph wires hummed with ; of Spokane, via Gold Hill, fifteen i cording to the word received by R esum e of Indu stries of Southern S hooting A fter Sundow n R esults lowed to run out of the reservoir one axle of such vehicle shall not shooting escaped in an automobile messages to federal postofTice in­ formed by the big dam, approxi­ exceed the product of the sum of Oregon W ill be G iven by pounds, and then handed the lo-i the . „ Egyptian government, „ ¡„ in A rrest of Nine Nim rods. which was standing near by, and , , this spectors in the eastern Oklahoma mately fifty feet of w ater has the tire widths of the two wheels Speaker. Y oung to Talk cal boy a neat pasting in their . , , M ust F ace F ed eral Court up to a late hour today had not i indem nity m ust be paid by check, district and officials there were , been backed up Em m igrant of such axle, m ultiplied by 375 four round bout which h e a d l i n - . . , . . . - been taken into custody. speeding to McAlester to attem pt x«n . i immediately. A brief note, Creek, thus assuring th a t the pounds; and on any vehicle hav- W. H. Crawford, form er head ed the b U a t the E lk s sm oker whlch conealned th |9 dem and. al»o . KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 24. It is believed by local officers positively to identify the suspect. reservoir will he filled to i t s cap ng a total tire width of 30 inches, here Saturday night. Carlson o lh er demand3 °< Industrial D epartm ent of — Nine Tnle lake hunters are th at the killing of Tancl was the W hether identification will be acity of 8,000 acre feet during ind more than 30 inches the con­ showed all the holds known to ' — ’ Chamber of * Com- “ the P ortland sadder but wiser men today fol- result of well laid plans on the established will be known w ith­ th a t the lands of Sudan be eva­ w restling, but failed to do a merce, now with the California, lowing th eir arrest on the even the coming w inter. The reserve centrated weight in pounds bear­ part of hi.? enemies among the in a few hours. Inspector Wel’der cuated by the Egyptian forces. Oregon Power Company, w tl be ¡ng of Thursday last when Ray supply of w ater will make cer­ ing on the surface of the highway bootlegging fraternity of this sec­ whole lot of fighting, although of the Portland office indicated. These demands have been p ritest- the chief speaker at the Cham- C. Steele, United States Game tain th a t no such drouth as wa" at contact with the tread of the tion. So quickly was the act ac­ D’A utrem ont was captured in Gorman worked on him from ed by the Egyptian governm ent experienced here this year wil1 wo wheels of any one axle of such sta rt to finish. in a note dispatched to London I this district, assist- complished, and so im m editae was the shadow of the grim walls of , tomorrow at the Hotel Ashland, i ed by Marion Barnes, deputy again visit this section.. vehicle shall not exceed the pro The first round was tam e, Gor­ early this morning. the Oklahoma state penitentiary, Records for the rainfall during duct of the sum of the tire the escape of the m urderers, th at Crawford will give a re3um.e of state game w arden, arrested the which holds perhaps more daring man feeling out Carlson, while any idea of a chance killing has the industries of Southern Ore­ nimrods and charged each with November have been kept here widths of the two wheels of such outlaw s than any sim ilar institu ­ the focal lad showed plenty of been abandoned by the police. LONDON, Nov. »24. — Two gon, and th eir connection and violation of the law’ by shooting since 1902. These records in- axle m ultiplied by 450 pounds. tion in the country. He was a t­ respect for the doughty little battalions of B ritish troops have As a result, the underworld is be­ 3.47 inches; 1916. elude: 1917. beneficial efFect3 upon the state a fte r sundown. The roadways which come un­ ing combed in an effort to bring tem pting to purchase a railway Portland battler, and kept far been ordered into Sudan to re­ 1915, 3.05 inches; i as a whole. The Forum luncheon away to prevent any der this new ruling are: Two of these enmeshed by the 1.73 inches; i q ? . „ 2.78 - 8 , ' ................. - - .................... ticket to California when Chief enough out men suspected of being mem­ place the Egyptian troops which meetings have been devoted to game sleuths are local men, one; I 91*, 1.22 nc es, ■ , • < ; Alsea Highway; Ashtand-Klam- fighting. The round resembled McCully arrested him, identifying bers of beer running gangs. have been ordered out by the discussions of the individual in­ RrUPSt M it ftdllpm Klpmath Thulia iPCllGS, 1912, 2.») 1 i f»tli ’nlla Wtcrhurov Ernest Mitschlem, K lam ath F a lls' ath N Falls Highway; fan Coos s Pov^ Bay him as one of the Siskiyou ban­ Mutt and JefT waltzing in a bowl J B ritish w ar office, it was an- 2.06 inches; 1910, 6:59 inches; dustries during the past few business man and the other Al­ Roseburg Highway; Corvallis- dits by means of circulars issued of noodle soup, Carlson show-1 nounced h ere this morning. months, and C raw ford’s talk will bert Schmidt of Merrill. Five 1909, 7.42 inches; 1908, 1 48; N tw port Highway; KlamatiTCra- ed his best stuff in the second by the railw ay company offering be a resum e of th e subjects taken Medford men who gave the 1-907, 1.80 inches; 1906, 2.54 ter Lake Highway; K lam ath Falls- 31000 rew ard for arre3t of the canto, pasting Gorman with a up at these meetings. neat rig h t which rocked the names of H erbert Tillie, W. G. inches8 1905. 1.08 inches; 1904, Lakeview Highway: McKenzie d'A utrem onts. ' P ortlander. Gorman cut loose Clyde Young, of this city, who Domergue, J. Jensen, W. T. Wil­ .95 inches, the sm allest rainfall Highway; McMiunville-Tillamook (Continued on page 4) : with a couple of wild swings recently returned from the East, son - and Edw ard Coy, were recorded, 1903, 8.10, the heavi­ Highway; M edford-Crater Lake which caught the ¡local boy on where he took an intensive course caught in the net. L. B. Joys of est rainfall recorded and 1902. Highway; Mt. Hood Loop High­ . the whiskers, ¡and slowed him up in m ilitary tactics, will give an Portland was still another. The 3.27 inches. way; Prineville-Lakeview High­ 1 perceptably near the close of the account of his trip. Young has ninth m an’s name was not as­ way; Roosevelt Coast Highway; I frame. i been actively identified with the certained although officers have The Dalles-California Highway; MEDFORD. Nov. 24.— Frank The third round was a w rest­ local company of N ational Guard, his license num ber. W illam ette Highway; W illam ette Vader, about 23 years old, and Shooting a fte r, sundown as an ling match, Carlson obtaining holding the rank qf first lieu­ Valley-Florence Highway. Raypiond Stone, about 20 years, offense has so fa r not been con­ several headlocks, with Gorman WASHINGTON. Nov. 24.— The tenant. the two young men arrested here attem pting to work up a defense: Southern Pacific company lost in A final report will be made to sidered a m ajor dereliction by tho last Monday on suspicion of be­ for the S trangler Lewis Special. | the United States Supreme Court th e body by the membership com­ court and offenders are usually Hillsboro — Farm ers of W ash­ ing two of the quartet of yeggs 11 Carlson fouled the P o rtlander ¡at j th eir suit to recover compensa- m ittee, now campaigning the city) punished by a com m ensurate ington county have ordered 300,- who blew the safe in M. D. Bow­ E. T. Allen, proprietor of the tbe ¿lose of the 3ession> and a.’- tion for alleged in ju rities to it’s in search of new members for J I n this ca3e, however, a 000 pounds sodatoj and pyratol, e r’s drug store at Gold Hill and TILLAMOOK, Ore., Nov. 24. Hotel Ashland, has purchased the; though the blow had plenty of rig h t of way along the shore be- the cham ber. Twelve team s h a v e ; signal hardship exists. All de- government explosives, during also stole val uable stock from the B ergner building a t 21-23 E . ' authority, Gorman failed to stop, tween Bar View and Garibaldi, been w orking since Thursday, and fendants m ust appear before the { Rosie, aged 11; >aad Irf ne^ store late Sunday night, part of Roseck ; Past year. Main street, according to infor-, bu^ bored jn still-faster. Oregon, restfltin& from the con-1 a ccording to reports a substantial federal court in Sacramento, j daughters of Joseph which was found on them a t the m ation given out this morning Coming out for the last frame, struction by the jgovernment of ' gain will be made in the mem- California, the arrestin g officer J of this section, were burned to time of their arrest, were a r­ a t th e E. T. Staples realty of- both boys cut loose with every- j the United States of a break- ' bership of the loca.1 organization happening to be a federal re p re -' death early today, when fire des raigned in Judge Justice Taylor’s troyed their home while they flee, through which concern the thing they had Carlson got in 1 w ater Qn tbg north g,de entrance ag the result of th eir work. sentative and the alleged viola­ court Saturday afternoon on the were asleep. deal was handled. several punches which were ques- to Tillamook Bay from the Paci- Irving E. Vining and J. H. Ful- tion occurring over the line in charge of burglary. Their m other is in a hospital The building which was form-j tionably low and this low punch-' fjc Ocean. ler, secretary ot th e local cham-l 8l» '8 °< California. Sacram en­ Each was held to the grand in this city at present with a erly occupied by the Chevrolet, jng seemed t o wake Gorman up ____ tr° m The breakw ater was built to t s , , were guests ot the Medford I t0 ls ovcr 300 “ » « ju ry in 32000 bail. week old baby,. Defective w iring j agency, was purchased by O. T. j for he tore in and gave th e locaj • keep heavy breakers from dam- Kiwanis club a t luncheon today here. Two other men, one of whom is believed to have caused the B ergner about three years a g o ., b a ttier the work3e He took the J aging coast property during named Kelly had a large am ount fire, since the father of the two: KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 24. It was a t th a t tim e thoroug i y , round a8 far as {rom here to stormB. The construction work of nitroglycerine on him and who girls said there was no fire in — George Womack, charged with remodeled, and four apartm ents | Hoboken an d had Carlson sw ay-' necessitated the removal of sev- MRS. HARDING IS were arrested by Chief McNabb the house at the time when the vjoja tjng Hie federal prohibition were provided on the second ing about with the heebie jeehies eral hundred feet of track own- 60,000 Crows Bite Dust BURIED W HILE of Ashland Monday, thought In U. S.-Canada Contest MARION MOURNS blaze started. He was m ilking in j jaw on tbe Klam ath Indian res- to be the other two are floor near th e end. Gorman took Carl- ed by the Southern Pacific com- members of tlie barn when the electric lights ervation, who has been at large Bergner, a fte r selling the \ in- son in this fram e like Grant took pany. Suit was brought to force Va., Nov. MARION, Ohio, Nov. 24. — went out suddenly. for (be pj3t four months, has the yegg gang th a t raided the ing T heatre letese to the present Richmond, but the bout was call­ the company to move the track- 24 GORDONSVILLE, __ p or kiling more crows Mrs. Florence Kling H arding was According to Roseck, when he bepn taken in custody at Sprague Bower’s store at Gold Hill. How­ owners, left Ashland several ed a draw. It may be th at since age, after th e rig h t of way had thap any Qf the other 700 en m onths ago. He recentlly re tu rn ­ the boys met a t catchweights, been refused. The court granted triea Jn &n in tern atio n ai Crow- today buried beside her illust- reached the house, it was a mass r jver by Indian Officer Shadley ever, no formal charge has been made against them as yet, and ed for a short visit, and it was tbere was an ag reem ent as to the action, and the track was shooting ^ n te g t, R . L .T u r n e r , of rious husband, the late President Of flames, and he was unable t o . Woniacl; is accused of having H arding, while all Marion joined get into the building. Neighbors jntoxjcaHng liquor in his posses- they are heing held at the county while he was a visitor here th a t how the decision was to go. moved, but the railroad company, Culpepper won the grand prize in m ourning. TweAve thousand aided in putting down the h’aze. s,on and introducing it to the jail. the transaction was completed. In the semi-windup. C hick: immediately filed suit, claim ing ' of 3100. Thirty-three States were persons passed the bier b e fo re . The body of one of the girls was reservation on July 4 of this Allen has not m ade public his! j^ennedy proVed to the assembled much damage had been done th eir W ARSHIPS ORDERED the funeral hour. The body was found in the s'tairway, while the year plans in connection with the m ultitude th a t Flopping Freddie business in th a t section, and th a t represented in the contest. TO EGYPTIAN PORT More than 60,000 crows fell carried over the same course other vras discovered in bed. It i Womack, when taken in cus- building, but it is believed he will Fulton is not the only diver pass­ the company had not been ade­ during the contest in the United LONDON, Nov. 24. — Three which President H arding was ¡3 believed th a t the la tte r girl fody, waived prelim inary exam in- rem odel and renovate the struc­ ing as a box-fighter. The Med­ quately paid for the damage. States and Canada. Idaho led in did not know the building was a tjon and W as bound over to the warships, and two destroyers borne fifteen m onths ago. F lor­ tu re, m aking it a first class busi­ ford boy started looking for a The case was finally carried to the num ber killed. have been ordered to Egypt, the al tributes came from all parts on fire, and was overcome with federai grand jury in Portland ness block. soft spot to light on as soon as the suprem e court, w here the smoke while asleep, while her under $1000 bond. Unable to adm iralty' announced this a fte r­ of the country. The purchase price of the th e fight started. A fter taking a decision was against the railroad sister, aroused by the flames, a t'im e e t the bond, the accused was noon. The w arship Benbow a l­ Portland shipped one-third of building was not made public, pair of love taps from Kid H arris company. K lam ath F alls — Prelim inary tem pted to get outside but was committed to the county Jail, ready ha3 arrived at Alexandria, but the valuation of the proper­ all wheat exported from United of Southern Idaho, he went down States in 1924, or 26,000,000 survey begun on 36-mile road overcome in the stairs, and was awaiting- the arrival of a deputy where the rem ainder of the fleet ty is said to be 318.000 accord­ burned to death. are now on their way. from Chiloquin to Beatty. ing to local real estate men. (Continued on Page F o u r) There Is wisdom in reading ads bushels. marshal from Portland. WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. — Correspondence school lessons in riding are now available to of­ ficers and men of the U. S. Cavalry, according to the annual report of Ma­ jor-G eneral W. A. Hol­ brook, Chief of Cavalry, to the W ar Department,. Geheral Holbrook re­ ports th a t teaching men to ride bucking broncos and other fine points of the gentle a rt of doing gymnastics on the back of a horse has been given « close attention during the ** year and th a t as a result « of the “ learn to ride by 8 m ail" courses success has 8 come to 533 reserve of­ ficers, 65 enlisted men of the N ational Guard, 18 enlisted men of th e reser­ ves and 18 civilians. The cavalry corres­ pondence school yell is: “ Let ’er buck. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 BY BKT F 0 fi » . • j .-.- (EIG HTLiM n IS PLACED ON MANY STALL HIGHWAYS SLAYING DRAW IN MAIN GO ON ELK’S SMOKER W. H. CRAWEORD WELL DUCK HUNTERS ARE VIOLATIONS AT FALLS SUSPECTS HEED ON H E R BUSINESS BLOCK IS SOLD 10 HOTEL PROPRIETOR ED DEATH IN HOME HELO IN KLAMATH F E: 1 0 4 .2