PAGE FoUft ÁfiftLAÑfc DÁÍ l V 3E Saturday, November 22, --- — ■ — ................................. - To Corvallis—- REVEAL that ha intended staying the rest regular prayer m eeting; F r id a y r— six years a bushman in 4us- P rayer.” In compliance with the at 8 o’clock. Miss ByH Jarm on left last bOOTLEGGERS’ NAMES of the night. He was taken to higher-life consecration service, tralia. He has an interesting m es-1 usual custom and in accord with ing Reading Room open dai.y from evening for Corvallis where she —------- , , • Jail * and locked up. and this m orn. , You wiU fInd aU these meetings sage. H ear him stf the Methodist! the proclam ation of the President 2 u n til'5 p. m., excepting Sun­ w i|l attend Homecoming at the PARIS, Nov. 22— „ “ He knows tog, it was found he had been deeply spiritual and helpful, church Sunday evening. Miss' our Thanksgiving service will be days and holidays. 0. A._C.— Oregon game. them all, declared M altre Pierre turned loose with the rest of th e. Come and hear this Sunday morn- Edith Patterson is the leader for held next Thursday m orning jit Gide, counsel for Jerom e Max hoboes collected by the railroad ing sermon, and seriously con- the Epworth- League meeting at 10:30, Is at the Methodist On Busines» T rinlty Episcopal Church P h .« , alleged American bootleg. • police. • • «Ider the q n ealo n . "W hy N o t?- 6:15. i This a Union service ot church. all the Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond B T. Staples and L. A. Roberts ger and pirate, in refusing to di B. C. Miller, Pastor. 1 1 churches of Ashland. We h a v e ! On Business— Holy Community at 8 a. m. journeyed to Jacksonville this vulge the names of the rum -run­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY . F irst Congregational Church ! been favored above all the peoples, Church School a t 9:45. Morning F. D. W agner, local postm aster, morning and attended to business ning ring leader in the United W. Judson Ohlticld, M inister j of the whole world. Let us show service and sermon at 11. Even­ m ade a trip to Jacksonville this m atters there, Church of the Nazarene LOOK:— For Sale cheap— One ¡ States with whom he claims his Boulevard and Main street, j our gratitude. The public is cor­ ing service and sermon at 7:30. m orning on business. — Corner 4th and C street Ford car, in good condition or client is intim ate. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with dially invited to all these ser- Everyone cordially welcomed. O. R. Reeder. Pastor ----------- j Home for T hanksgiving— M Gide> who retflrned to Paris will exchange for house rent of classes for all grades and ages. I vices. Sunday school, 9:45 a. in. Chicken tam ales th a t will de-, Miss Lillian Reimer, who is a from Brest where Phaff was held four of five rooms w-ith bath, Bring your Bible. Mornjr.g ser-l light you at The Plaza. G4— tf, freshm an a t the Oregon A gricul-1 in ' prison pending a resum ption fairly close in. 391 Beach street. Preaching, 11 a. m. Evening: Young people’s meet- vice at 11: subject “ The G rand­ F irst Church o f Christ Scientist 71— 2* tnral College is expected home! of the hearing before a m aritim e Pioneer Avenue, South ---- lin g , 6:15 p. m. Preaching, 7:15 eur and Condescension of God: Here Y esterday— . for Thanksgiving. •' tribunal, refused to discuss re­ FOR SALE: — Barred (Thanksgiving) Junior Christian Sunday services at 11 o’clock. P]y-! P. m. Archie Chandler of Y akim a,' ports th a t Phaff had cabled Dis­ mouth rock pullets, also childs Endeavor at 4 p.’ m. C hristian Subject of lesson “ Soul and Prayer m eting W ednesday even­ W ashington, spent the day with Here Y esterday trict A ttorney Hayward in New Endeavor at 6:30. Evening ser- Body” . Sunday School at 10 o’­ L. G. Muller of Hilt was in York, offering to turn sta te ’s evi- steel crib. Inquire 160 Orange ing. 7:30. friends in Ashland yesterday on o o Ave, 71— 3* Young people’s prayer m eeting vice at 7:36; subject “ Standing clock. W ednesday evening meet- I1I3 way to San Diego. s shland i and yesterday shopping and j dence in a big booze smuggling i to r Life’s Ideal as Illustrated in visiting with friends. WANTED: — E stim ates for Friday evening. expose in retu rn for H ayw ard’s, D aniel.” Prayer An invitation to all, is extend­ the Life of Save $10.00, walk upstairs to assistance in getting him out of grading and cementing driveway meeting every W ednesday even­ Orres tailor shop. 17— tf From H ilt— AT HOTEL ASHLAND at Ashland Service Station. Dr. ’ ed by Pastor and People. the piracy charge here. ing at 7:30. The subject for the Mrs. Jack Widby and a party “ Phaff is not a pirate,” M. Gide W. Oeser, 358 E. Main St. 71— 1 next week is “ Unselfishness in Cliff Payne makes drain hoards. of friends were in Ashland from insisted. “ But he is a smuggler M ethodist Episcopal C’hurcli Special efforts are hein o «»• WANT TO LET a team of good H ilt yesterday shopping. and an associate of smugglers, S. J. Chaney,. Minister made to give our guests a work horses for their feed anti On Ranch— The Sunday School will meet and as such knows everything about M. W. W heeler of this city has Purchases Car— Flowers are correct for rr to r less than price of Sing- church service. Special music by Reservations should he bureau in the Chamber of Com- ing perm its. Nine W ashington 1 er »tone, also large cage. Park chorus choir. Mr. John Tyler, : math1 as early as possible. Everything for th ° fru it cake: merce building here y esterd ay ,1 cities, population 626,680, issued Hotel. 71— 1* said to be the g reatest convert S tart a CI locking Ac­ | • H A T C H E R j ever known to the Jerry McAuley count at this Bank today. citron, currants, raisins, orange which was about the same mini- J perm its for $3,123,309 ' j. | Our regular Turkey Dinner “ The Florist” Mission, will be the speaker at and lemon peel, dates, figs, etc. ber of such cars to be registered _____ Bay all your i will he served on Sunday as usual at once IO7O Boulevard the evening church service. Dr. We deliver. D etrick’3 Phone 62. with the bureau Wednesday. — Gold Beach C urry county Open on Sunday— We Deliver Jow ett said Tyler was» the most and never pay t h e m Medford Mail Tribune. votes $95,000 Rooseve’t High wonderful convert of modern twice. R eturn H om e— way bonds and $40,000 to pay off, times. A college man. a d ru n k ­ Special Auto Accident Policy w arrant indebtedness. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore re­ Cancelled Checks ard, gambler, and outcast— five turned Thursday to their home for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo tim es around the world as a hobo in Long Beach after visiting here 1 of course, 24-tf . End All Disputes for several weeks. HOBO GIVES LOCAL Your portalt will solve twelve; GENUINE ARMY ISSUE SERGE SHIRTS P O U C E MERRY TIME Chicken tam ales th a t will de- Rift problems for Xmas, Darling B aptist Church 64— tf Studio. 71—tf! light you at The Plaza. O. [>. long pants in all sizes. Navy I ilue Serge “ Can Pentecost be Reproduced ! ( Continued from page 1) Pants. to Day? If Not, why N ot?”' This! These numbers are great values. Combs and brushes. McNair! Teacup Club— to sleep in jail after he knew will he the them e for the S u n d ay ! Bros. The Teacup Club will meet at his story was being investigated, morning sermon. ’Ashland, Sêe Them at the The evening i Oregon the M. E. church parlors Tues- hut said he would get to his des-1 service will be evangelistic. Con-! MADE BY V isiting M other— day afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Ralph tluaTlon some way, and left the gregational singing is a feature of! H erbert MacKenzie of Portland Billings will be hostess assisted j City Hall at a good rate of speed ! these services. Especially large ' is visiting with his m other, Mrs. by Mesdames P ratt, M. E. McGee, j for a cripple. j crowds) are attending these Sun- A. McKenzie on Alida street. Thurlow, Charles Morton and M. | Soon after, th e -n ig h t crew at ! day evening services. Come and Biggest Little Store in Town E. Thompson. Every member Is a local restau ran t on A street, ’ make one more. You will be cor­ ‘‘America” ..............$1.50 Order your Thanksgiving Tur- j expected to be present. notified the police they had a dially greeted “ Sleepmeter” ....... 2.00 and welcomed. lcey. Phone Mrs. A. B. Chapman. i ---------- man who they wished removed, j Bible school 9:45, Young People “ Bunkie” ......... ,. . 2.50 the oil in vour crankcase 1F11. 67— 4 We put the chicken in our Ta- When the police arrived they 6:15, Evening services 7:30. becomes diluted with raw “ Big B en” .............. 3.25 ---------- i males at The Plazh. 71— 1 found Fam brough seated in the Tuesday evening. Bible study and gasoline quicker. Save place, and giving every evidence i prayer-band; W ednesday evening “ Bahv B en” ............ 3.25 Our p o rtrait equipment is equalI yourself repair hills by to any In Southern Oregon. W e| Tamales, bast in the city, “ The “ Pocket Ben” ..-..$1.50 know we can please you. Darling | i{ose ’ 60— tf having the oil ehangetl Reliable Timekeepers S U M M O N S IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Studio. 71—-tf; ---------- ottoner; it takes hut a few IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OF OREGON, You are hereby no­ Going South— " minutes at Mrs. O. J. Stone, form er Ash­ THE STATE OF OREGON FOR tified th a t . the City of Ashland H ere Y esterday— land resident who has been h e re } JACKSON COUNTY. is the holder pf C ertificate of Mrs. H arris Kird of Bozeman, for the past three weeks leaves City of Ashland, a municipal cor­ Delinquency No. 6249, issued on ! Montana stopped In Ashland Drag Sfar? ( Plaintiff Jan u ary 6, 1919 by the Tax C ol-[ I today for Los Angels to spend the poration, yesterday on her w^y to Berkeley vs. i w inter. Mrs. Stone has been lector of Jackson County, State and visited with Mrs. J. L. Olsen visiting Mrs. H. G. Gilmore and of Oregon, for the am ount of E state of Henry L. W hite, deceas­ of this city. other friends while here. $48.95, the same being the ed; L. A. Roberts, adm inistrator BOULEVARD and SHERMAN of said estate; Opal Gay H otten- am ount then due and delinquent Sm art new models in Ready-to- j We deliver the goods— Detricks roth, and H. L. W hite, Junior, for taxes for the year 1916 to­ w ear a t Paulseruds. 66-tf 94-tf sometimes designated as H arry gether w ith penalty, interest and J B. W hite, being the heirs and costs thereon upon the real p ro p -' Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, 2 5c, A t Roseburg— only heirs of said Henry L. W hite, erty assessed to you, of which I McNair Bros Mrs. George Gillette made a deceased, and all others claiming you are the owners as appears of short trip to Roseburg yesterday any right, title, estate, lien or record, situated in said county a superior polish foi A rrived Y esterday— and visited friends. interest in and to the real prop- and state, and particularly bound­ Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown of ed and described, as follows: ---------- erty hereinafter described, floprs Glendale arrived In Ashland yes­ Paulseruds Suits are ex q u isite-¡ Defendants, Lots numbered 23, 24, 25.! terday and will stay here for ly tailored. Let us m easure you! TO: Opal Gay H ottenroth and 26, 27, 28, 29. 30, 31, 32, and! some tlrpe. up now. 66-tf: H. L. W hite, Junior, sometimes 33, al, In E ureka Addition to ---------- designated as H arry B. W hite, be- the City of Ashland, Jackson' You are welcome to compare; I n Medford— ing the heirs and only heirs of County, Oregon. THANKSGIVING DAY HERE my Automobile rates with any About ten members of the De i said Henry L. W hite, deceased, YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI­ o th er rates in Jackson or Jose­ Molay journeyed to Medford last and all others claim ing any right, FIED, th a t said City of Ashland phine Counties; you can be the evening to confer with the M ed-; title, estate, lien or interest in has paid taxes on said premises It is difficult to stay enthusiastic Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. ford chapter in m aking arrange- and to the real property hereln- to r subsequent years with th>? at the football game unless you 30— tf m ents for the funeral of Charles after described, of the above nam- ra te of interest on said am ounts, are dressed to stand the ehill. \ an Scoyoc. 1 ed Defendants. as follow’s: BARGAINS Special prices on portraits dur­ Date Paid Tax Recpt. Amt. Our chocolate cream and choc-: ear 8 Tax R ate of ing Nov., D arling Studio. 71— 5 One Maxwell Touring No. FURNISHINGS FOP Til "j oíate caram els are made in Ash-J Int. 1917 Jan. 6, 1919 22098 One Dodge Touring $37.47 12 land. The Plaza. 71__i ; R eturn» Home— FOOTBALL GAME 1918 Oct. 4, 1919 18787 35.47 12 One Buiek Touring Mrs. Woods of Portland, who ! , -— 1919 April 5, 1920 10662 48.34 12 has been visiting at Shale City f o r 1 0 San * rancisc Chevrolet Sedan 1920 Mar. 26, 1920 8502 25.79 12 the past two weeks returned ; Mr' and Mra C’ H - Pieree a n d Overcoats and Raincoats Oct. 5, 1920 16936 25.79 12 Chevrolet Coupe Thursday evening to her home. ( Mr' and Mrs’ N’ H ’ Harrison left 1920 L eather Coats 1921 April 2, 1922 10243 26.48. Chevrolet Touring 12 ______ i this morning for San Francisco Norfolks 26.48’ Sept. 28, 1922 12 W arm er Underwear Phone 130 for ro w e ll’s C ider.! a? d Oakland where th ey win 1921 Priced for quick Sales April 4, 1923 9063 25.79 Wool Socks; Wool Vests 12 ! spend two weeks visiting with 1922 63— Im o Wool Gloves; Lined Gloves 1922 Oct. 5, 1923 19602 25.79 12 friends. O---O--- O—o Wool Glives; Lined Gloves 1923 March 31, 1924 8594 48.21 12 W ith our modern equipment, Do you w ant a nice Christm as Said E state of H. L. W hite, d e -1 failure to do so, a decree will be Instant Service on Ray- we can make j’our portait at Everything to keep you warm when you are out­ present? See th a t A shland-m ade: ceased, and Opal Gay H ottenroth rendered foreclosing the lien of I night as well as* day. Sittings furniture at Wicks. bestos Brake Tailing 66-MWF and H. L. W hite, Junior, heirs said taxes and costs against the evenings by appointm ent. 71— tf doors this winter at prices you want to pay. of said estate, as the owner of land and premises above named. Radio Good— the legal title of the above des­ This summons is published by S p ed al Meeting— Last night was an excellent one cribed property as the same ap­ order of the Hon. C. M. Thomas, The Burnide Corps, W. R. C. for distant radio concerts accord- pears of record, and each of the Judge of the Circuit Court of Across from the New Chevrolet and Dodge will have a special m eeting at the i ing to several local enthusiasts. persons above named, ARE Jackson County, State of Oregon, The Men’s Store Sales and Service 9-Story Hotel I. O. O. F. hall Monday at 2 o’- j Guy Good reported th a t he heard HEREBY FURTHER N O T IFIE D ,' and said order was made and dat- By the Post Office clock p. m. The d e p artm en t: an excellent concert from Beau- th a t the Plaintiff will apply to (ed the 3rd day of November, 1924. president, Mrs. Nellie M. All-j mont Texas. He also heard sev- the Circuit Court of said county The date of the first publication dredge will be present to inspect ■ eral other far-aw ay cities, and state, aforesaid, for a d e cree ! of the summons is the 15th day th e organization,. The meeting j _____ foreclosing the lien against t h e ! I of November, 9 1924. called for at the home of Mrs. To Visit Relativ property above described and All process and papers in this | T urner on Monday has been post­ Mrs. W. S. Ball and Mrs. W. m entioned in said certificate, and proceeding may be served on the j pone»^ and every member Is to re­ H. W enner left last night for YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMON­ undersigned, residing w ithin the t port a t the hall. Em m ett, Idaho, where Mrs. Ball ED to appear w ithin SIXTY DAYS State of Oregon at the address will visit with her daughter, Mrs. after the first publication of this hereaftej* mentioned. Have your suit cleaned and F rank Moore and family and Summons, exclusive of the day BRIGGS & BRIGGS pressed this week and avoid the Mrs. W enner will visit her of said first publication, and de- By Wm. M. Briggs, Holiday rush. Paulseruds. 66-tf daughter, Mrs. Laura B. Knox fend this action, or pay the A ttorneys for Plaintiff. and family. am ount due as above shown, to­ Postoffice Address: Turkey and chicken, both, at I gether with the costs and accru­ Pioneer Block the Plaza Sunday, 75c. 71— 1 ! The T id in g’« Ads B ring R esu lts ed interest, and In case of your Ashland, Oregon. 65-6 Sat. Letterheads, s ta te m e n t, t o A ttends Game— your order at the Tidings Oifice. Miss A nnette W etherford, do­ We have a good job printing de- mestic science Instructor In the nartm ent. tf local high school left yesterday for Corvallis where she will a t­ — P resen tin g— The Two O riginal Coinediatis tend the U. of O.— O. A. C. game. Thanksgiving Dinner 'Buy more flowers* Save Time Save Money First National Bank ALARM CLOCKS The Arinv Goods Store “Westclox” In Cold Weather McNair Brothers W. & N. Service Station FULLER Floor Wax ASHLAND vs. MEDFORD J. O. R IG G USED CAR Automotive Shop Leedonfs Tire House M IT C H E L L S Monday Nov. 24 3:15 Sharp T H E T H E A T E R BEAUTIFUL euro Vaudeville 5 ACTS Your Engine Starts A , more easily in winter if you have the proper kind of oil and if it is changed frequently. CALIFORNIA W. L. Douglas SHOES ° will suit you if you want highest quality OVERLAND, Shoe Shop OREGON POWER COMPANY "Preferred Stodkyields 7.14% ash any member of our oiganization • We will he glad to advise you as to the oil which your engine needs and to assist in making your winter motoring more pleasant. V alvoline Oils T he ASHLAND SERV ICE STA TIO N Dr. O eser and Son 2—Herskind i—Rice & Cady “ CARTOONS A LA CARTE” CHARLES MARION 3—Gates & Finlay — IN— “ THE INSTRUCTOR” I —Madelyn Young And Her Southern Singers 5 ACTS — IN— “ AM I RIGHT?” »great 1 dran« of -The Amaranth Sis­ toda) ters & Col RUPERT HUGHESl Present ‘A VAUDEVILLE FANTASY Remember—Just One Show—8:15 Sharp—Reserve Your Seats Early Seats now selling Main Floor 75c Balcony 50c