fottìi fHREÈ AtóÁírh b i t t i Hßötöl SÄ ASHLAND D A IL Y T ID IN G S Classified Column (Established Ih 1876) Published Every Evening Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. B ert R. Greer ....................... George Madden Green ................................... .Business Manager OFFICIAL CITY PAPER ......................................................Telephone 39 Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter Classified Column R ates Ono cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. Miss Edith Dodge Editor Phone Items to her at 39, between! 8 a. m. and 5 p. in. oturday, Xuvcniber 22, 1024 the hotel the guests adjourned to the home of Mrs. J. M. W agner large bear which left its m a rk s 1 ? where the guests inspected the on some of the cabins. Geese,, ? chapter, and where a very pleas- ducks and swan abounded. The ♦ an t evening was spent, i party reported that the lake was f Those present were Mesdames beautiful with the snow and theyj * L° Uls Dodge’ W E - B ,ake> p - K. hope to make up a party during ” H ammond’ T u rn er’ J. M. W agner,' the holidays and make the trip ' F. D. W agner, Denton, Fred , on snow shoes. Engle, J. W. McCoy, Ira Shoudy, j ■ -12._____ B. M. Shoudy, B. C. F o rsy th e ,' Missps Eva and Minnie Poley, M arguerite Hammond and M rs.! TRY ALL BREADS McCready of Forest Grove and M bs Grimsby of Portland and Mrs. L. N. Woodside. Subscription Price, Delivered in City FOR RENT One Month .................................................... , ...................................... $ 65 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Three Months .................................................... ;................................. 1.95 I OR R EN T:— 5-room furnish­ Monday, November 24. Ash­ Six Months ............................................................................................ 3.75 ed bungalow, lovely yard, front- land Music Study 'Club will meet One Year ............................................................................................ 7.50 j ing park on Granite street. E. T. | a t the Library a t 7:45 By Mail and Rural Routes One Month ........................................................................................... $ .65 Staples. 67— tf Monday, November 24. Ladies Three Months ........................................................................................ 1.95 A rt Club will meet at the Civic 61x Months ............................................................................................ 3.50 FOR SALE Luncheon— club house. “ Sally Ann” Bread with One Year .................................... 6^50 Mrs. Will Dodge charm ingly en­ all others and take your Tuesday, November 25. O. E. FOR SALK: — Large electric DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES range, also coal oil range. Call S. Em broidery Club will meet at tertained a group of her friends choice (Single insertion, per inoh ............................................................ $ .30 at a one o’clock luncheon at her 60— 5th St. 69— 3* the Masonic Hall. Yearly Contracts W ednesday, November 26. Past home on thq Boulevard Friday. One insertion a week .................................................................. .27% FOR SALE— Cheap if tak en at M atron’s Club will meet. "iwo insertions a week ............... 25 The table was tastily arranged j D ally insertion ................................................................................ .20 once. 4-room house, lot 45x145 * • * with yellow crysanthem um s and R ates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising feet, some fru it trees*. Inquire Ladies Art Club— gleam ing silverw are. A fter en­ F irs t insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 owner 156 Lincoln St. 69— 4* joying the delicious three-course The Ladies A rt Club will meet E ach subsequent insertion, 8 point line ........................................... 05 luncheon served by the hostess 8; Hard wood evening. The evening will be noon doing fancy work and con­ spent doing fancy work and a WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING 16 inch, $12. Delivered. Mountain short business session will prob­ versing. “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a Fuel Co. Siskiyou or leave ordeT collection taken is A dvertising. Bidden guests were Mesdames ably be held. Hostesses« for the at Beaver R ealty Co. Ashland. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. B. R. Greer, W. L. Maxey, and evening will be Mesdames Louis 50— 1 m o.’ H. K. Tomlinson. Schwein and Clinton Baughman. DONATIONS • * * • * * No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ WOOD FOR SA LE:— F ir and ing or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. Spruce, 15 ! $8, H ard wood P. T. A. Meeting— Postponed— The high school circle of the 16 Inch $12 Delivered. Fountain The chicken pie dinner which j NOVEMBER 22 Feul Co Siskiyou or leave orders Parent-T eachers Association met was to be given tonight a t the ASA’S PRA Y ER:— Lord, it is nothing with Thee to help, a t the high school Thursday Parish house has been "postponed. w hether with many,, or with them th a t have no power: help us, O at Beaver R ealty Co. Ashland. afternoon. Due to th e1 fact th a t 50— 1 mo.* Lord our God, for we rest on Thee, and in Thy name we go against this m ultitude.— 2 Chronicles 14:11. the m eeting had to be postponed At Lake — MISCELLANEOUS from W ednesday on account of Lake of the Woods enthusiasts the football game only a small of this city will be interested to WE CONGRATULATE THE WOMEN WANTED: — Milch cow and attended. Miss Grace know th a t Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, A corps of “ door knocking” hosiery salesmen, who work team in exchange for feed group Cham berlain gave the main ad­ Mr. and Mr3. Underwood of Klam­ were operating in this eitv during the past week, have and keep during the w inter, L. dress of the afternoon speaking ath F alls and party made a trip departed and, it is reported, they stated before leaving D. Bushnell, P. O. Box 502.. on Educational Week. She gave a to the Lake of the Woods about 6«— 6* w onderful address and one th a t a week ago. They found eight “ that the women of Ashland would not buv their hos- should be heard by everyone who inches of snow on the road to WANTED: — Protect yourself lerv.1 * | '•IRE quality—or the against the uncertainties of win­ is at all interested in this work, i the lake and fourteen a t the lake It is also reported they said the Medford women ter. We can assure you a good Miss Betti Kessi was present level. The w ater has risen about A lack of it—is mighty quickly discovered! You were “ difficult customers,” too. position Ju your own county, th a t and explained the Lyceum course, two feet and everything is in can’t fool a motorist! This is a real demonstration of loyalty, and we con­ will pay you well. W rite us at The December m eeting will be dis­ good shape. There had been no once. Nogar Corporation, 301 pensed with and the next m eeting A tire, then, th at in two gratulate the women of Ashland and the Rogue River Couch short years of m anufacture Bldg., Portland, Oregon. will be held Thursday, January can become so popular as to valley generally for refusing to assist in tearing down 54— 18 15. outsell any other tire made * * * the local merchants’ trade and in building up some dis­ In an exclusively Pacific DRESSMAKING and Tayloring Postponed— Coast plant m ust have the tant organization’s profits. stam ina th at drivers seek! reasonable prices, all work g u ar­ When the women of this city emphatically tell these anteed, Mrs. B. Van H arden­ The W. C. T. U. will not meet C-T-C’s have done just th is week oh account of the prox­ that! outside salesmen, calling from house to house, that Ash­ berg, 147 C entral Ave. 55— 1 mo.* im ity of Thanksgiving. The o r - 1 BUILT FOR C-T-C tires start with land women are loyal to Ashland merchants who handel ganization had planned to meet DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ superior material and work­ the same products, they are to be congratulated. ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 G ranite a t the home of Mrs. Alice Jill- m anship—finest long staple E g y p tia n combed cotton street. 60— 1 mo,.* son on Vista stre et but practical­ cord, highly tested rubber! ly everyone will be too busy to They are hand bu ilt—cured TOMORROW’S EDUCATION WANTED: — Man and w’ife on attend, so it was decided to post­ on air! AND This has been education week and considerable at­ Dairy farm close to town. At end pone the m eeting until a Their massive non-skid of Helman street, close to Green­ date which will be announced tention has been directed toward the schools, with many house. treads afford surprisingly Phone 369J. 69— 3 later, long wear—and safety! parents visiting the local institutions. * * * One of the most important announcements in con­ Preparing For Razaar— nection with education week which has come to The Tid­ The Rebekah Lodge is w orking ! hard preparing things for th e ba- j ings is a circular which shows that education is the con­ zaar to be held December 5th. necting link between the Yesterdays and the Todays. The m eetings are being held at The circular continues: “ If there are schools and com­ Mrs. B utler W alker’s home and Stop drugging! Rub soothing, CORDS and BALLOONS munities which are still in their yesterdays, education­ penetrating the pleasant afternoons are be­ St. Jacobs Oil right (without rim or wheel change) ally, because of lack of facilities, such as trained teach­ into your sore, ing spent in doing fancy work and Our Phone 82 Much is being stiff, aching joints, telling stories. ers, modem buildings, adequate equipment, improper safe­ Hain - Plaza Ashland and relief comes accomplished and all indications guards, ajnd concern for health, morals, thrift, safety instantly. St. J a ­ point to a very successful ba­ cobs Oil Is a harm - and citizenship, then these conditions exist because of 1 e s s rheum atism zaar. Compare S A L E S M A N’ S SAMPLE LINE OF Toys No Two and Games Alike—Great Variety—Selected W orld’s Best Toy Markets from Bring in the Children Make Your Selections Early—While Stock is Complete Toilet Goods—- Drug Sundries ELH ART’S Books and Stationery Lithia Bakery REVIVAL BEGINS TOMORROW 11 A. M., at the Stone Church . 5th and E. Main Sts. ASHLAND, ORE. Evan. Mark A. Willis of SI. Louis, Mo. E v ery n ig h t ex cept M onday, 7 :3 0 p. m. W e P ra y fo r Hie S ick.— J a s . 5 :1 4 , 15 Come One Come All C - T - C ’ s a re record t ir e s ! B A T T E R IE S Fords, Chevrolets Smaller Cars $13.00 RUB THE PAIN A W Murphy Elec. Co. nr Do You Need LIME HYDRATED LIME FIRE BRICK CEMENT PLASTER FIRE CLAY Clay Tile \ \ i have them in stuck—most of them mi ear load basis We are here to serve you Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. LEEDOM’S TIRE HOUSE lack ot local initiative and sentiment. “ Such handicap is unfair to the child, unnatural to the ambitions of parenthood and un-American in its very existence. “ In the g/atitude of your prosperity, let your in­ quiring mind determine the Educational Opportunity of ) oui community and pledge your influence and support to officials that your schools may be placed in the very today of todays and ready to meet the demands of the T omorrows. ’ ’ The circular further places the following principles after Education: The foundation of progress; the hack- hone ot morals; the enemy ot crime; the conservator of the home; the essential of citizenship; the capital for a liveli­ hood; the inspiration for living. Ashland is proud of its schools, its teachers, and its school leaders and The Tidings feels sure the citizens of Ashland will always he ready and willing to stand with them for the realization of the Tomorrows edu­ cationally. AN UNNECESSARY SACRIFICE linim ent w h i c h never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. Get a 35 cent bottle of St. J a ­ cobs Oil at any drug store, and in a moment you’ll be free from pain, soreness and stiff­ ness. In use for 65 years for rheum atism , sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache sprains. F o r a sm ooth shave and quick service go to th e Shell B arber Shop. Ladies and children get your hair bobbed and m arcel­ led. W. A. SHELL, Prop. >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore River Rises— The Rogue last night took a Sudden upward trend and this morning had reached a flood stage of 12 feet or ju s t about the same a3 th a t of the previous rice. W ith 1.10 inches of rain falling during the past 24 hours aided by a warm wind which took the snow off the lower hills, the Rogue’s rise was rapid. It s ta rt­ ed to recede this morning, how­ ever, after reaching th e seven- foot stage a t the crest of the Savage Rapids dam. When this am ount of w ater is pouring over the dam a much greater rise i3 experienced in those portions of the river w here the current is now so sw ift.— G rants Pass Cour­ ier, Much as we admire the youngsters who go shouting about the streets and trooping into the school houses, taking sunshine and happiness with them, most of us are far too careless in allowing our little ones to take risks of accident. The statement just made by the American Red Cross that 20,000 children under 14 years of age are killed in accidents each year in the United States is appalling. Big figures are hard to comprehend. B>ut when we think of each one of these innocents sent to the slaughter of carelessness, we can realize what a sum of poignant grief has been cast up. E \er\ mother who has lost a child has a constant sorrow. But it is not alone in suffering that the nation loses. Twenty thousand hoys and girls cut off before their talents could flower or their faculties he developed have lessened the quality of our citizenship for the next genreation in a measure that it is impossible to compute. This should not be. U SED CARS Such an easy thing it is to warn a child that he must he careful. So little trouble to provide training in the We have at the present habit of discretion. Burns, falls, auto and other vehic­ time a very good stock of ular accidents, drowning and poisoning exact the heaviest used cars to select from to 1. A certain number of such occurrences are always Several Coupes, Tourings, R un­ abouts and Light Deliveries. avoidable accidents. But the proportion of them that can These cars are in gond ru n ­ be traced hack to carelessness on the part of the child or ning condition and are priced some adult is large. Let us have a care. Our children right. It will pay the used car buyer must not be m the silent army of 20,000 that reproaches to investigate a t this time. the nation. How about the new Thir­ teen plate Ford-Built Bat­ Wayne Wheeler says “ there are only three million tery at .................. $16.50 drinkers left in the country but they get too much nub- hcity.” They get too much liquor. H A R R IS O N Many a man thinks himself a philosopher just be­ Brothers, Garage cause he remains cheerful in spite of aches and pains suf Ford, Lincoln, Fordson Dealers fered by his wife. P Elks Ladies Club— The Elks Ladies Club m et at th eir club rooms Thursday a fte r­ noon for th eir regular fo rtn ig h t­ ly card party. Seven tables of ladies were present. The prize for bridge was won by Mrs. R. 8. Brown and for five hundred was won by Mr®. A. L, Lamb. The reg u lar business m eeting was held but no im portant business was transacted. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames B artges and Don W hitney. • * « Fraternal Brotherhood— The F ratern al Brotherhood had th eir reg u lar m eeting at the Moose hall Thursday evening. This m eeting was for only the mem­ bers and a large attendance was present. A pleasant evening was spent playing games and dancing and a«t a late hour a delicious weinie supper was served. It was decided to have a Thanksgiving invitation dance W ednesday, No­ vem ber 26, The com m ittee in charge of the affair Thursday evenings were Mr». Barnes, Mias Afton Madden and Mark True. ♦ * * E n tertain Officers— The P. E. O. entertained Mrs. McCready, sta te president and Miss M arthine Crimsby, inspec­ to r with a delightful banquet at the Hotel Ashland last evening. The tables were prettily decorat­ ed w ith yellow and white m ak­ ing a dainty background for the dinner. Following th e banquet at Mothers Housework would tire her less, if she could comfortably enjoy a bath-a-day. Install a modern bath­ room—sanitary, easv to clean and keep clean. Mother will appreciate this convenience as much as the children enjoy the pools and showers at school. Our terms are reason­ able and include time pay­ ments, if you wish. Jerry O’Neal Phone 138 207 E. Main CASTING PLASTER Red and Cement Brick “ In the H eart of Town” ONE SH0W¡ 8:15 SHARP THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL GENERAL Admission 25 and 50c ¡KING’S 1924R E V U E TUES. & WED, NOVEMBER 25 & 26 ALL STAR CAST Presenting Metropol­ itan Musical Comedy Successes, also Big Time Vaudeville Acts Tues. HThe Stork” Wed. UA Divoree (hire” A fast Snappy Company of 15 People Clever Singing and Dancing Comedians, Petite Ingenues and Soubrettes, Sweet Tenor Juvenile A FROLIC IN FUNLAND COMPLETE CHANGE EACH NIGHT If You Thanksgiving Roasters scanned the headlines of a hun­ dred newspapers today you would be astounded at the prevalence of robbery. B urglars and thieves are work­ ing everywhere. They invade any home where cash or jewels are likely to be found. Your home may be entered any day. —of— When You Leave Home ALL DESCRIPTIONS Every door and window should be locked — th a t’s precaution. But precaution simply helps keep the burglar out— it doesn’t make good the property or cash he steals. Get yours now while our stock is complete Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store B urglary Insurance issued by the H artford Accident and In­ dem nity Company will pay for such loss. M arjorie King Direct from I he Follies and Shubert Produc­ tions, N. Y., in her DARING EXOTIC DANCE SENSATIONS with her bevy of the Original California Poppy Chorus This Agency SELLS Insurance and GIVES Service. Billings Agency Estab. 1883 Real E state & Real Insurance 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 ? ill Interperative and Jazz Dances and Costumes