PAGE iPOVâ k ÀSfiLAfà ÔÀÎtY fôÔ ftSâ j íí T H E THEATER BEAUTIFUL To Medford— H. C. Galey was In Medford to­ day on business from this city. Today and Tomorrow Let ue fill your pall with Swifts «liver Leai lard. Costs less than shortening. Goc« fa rth e r and is m ore nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf IN Moved to Talent-— Leonard Lund moved the first of the week to Talent. He is w ork­ ing on the hotel here. Tropic Cruelties and D an gers, B iza rre adventures on desolate shores, horror and heart-gripping loneliness,—real as only this child genius can make them» Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ light you at The Plaza. 64— tf Save >10.00, walk upstairs to O rres tailor shop. 17— tf BIG, COZY LEATHER ROCKERS Paulseruds for cleaning and pressing. Phone 119. We call and deliver. 66-tf Sligh t O peration— Miss V irginia Frost underw ent a m inor operation at Dr. E. A. Woods office th is m orning and is getting along nicely. I Reduced prices on p ortraits dur­ ing November. D arling Studio. 60— tf Real hand tailored suits at O rres upstairs, where you have a fit. 70— 1* SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company ORPHEUM VAUDEVILLE Monday The leading vaudeville circuit of the world in Ashland. To K lam ath F a lls— E verett Acklin left late last evening for K lam ath Falls on business. B E N E F IT DANCE TONIGHT At Odd Fellows Hall. Admission 50 cents. Public invited. By I. O. O.. F. Committee. 70— 1 111 At Home — To Klamath Falls— Returns H o r n e - Return Home — trip was postponed for several Mrs. G ertrude H arris of Ober­ • W. B; Allen, local mail carrier Mrs. L. Jacobs returnetU to her Gerald G unter and Guy W ol-, days on account of the bad wea­ lin street Is confined to her home made a trip to Klam ath Falls last home in K lam ath Falls the first , cott returned home last evening ther. They will spentf Thanks­ on account of illness. S I night returning early this m orn­ of the week after visiting with from G unter’s homestead near giving with Mr. Kinney's m oth­ ing. her daughter, Mrs. J. E. E n d e rs' Butte Falls. They reported th at er. You will save by having your of this city for several weeks it rained all of the time they were: portrait made during November. Special Auto Accident Policy gone and there hasn’t been th at E xpected H om e —- Darling Studio. 60— tf for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo 1 much w ater in th at country for Have your suit cleaned and Miss Minnie Beaver, who 1» of course. 24-tf pressed this week and avoid the j several years. Tamales, best in the city, ’‘The teaching school near Roseburg, is Holiday rush. Paulseruds. 66-tf Rose”. 60— tf expected home - in a short time Bowl with two Gold Fish Free At Hotel— at E lharts. 70— 1 I and will spent the Thanksgiving A t G rants P ass — R eturn TtNlay— Among those at the Hotel Ash­ vacation with her parents, Mr. George Jenkins and Mesdames Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Colony, ’ land are T. Loey, Los Angeles; and Mrs. A. M. Beaver of Iowa The Ladies of Trinity Guild Sam McNair, Ed Thornton, Chap­ will give a chicken pie dinner who have been visiting Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pride, Boise street. pell made a trip to G rants Pass Saturday evening, 6 o’clock at Mrs. George G illette for so m e ; Idaho; H. B. Temples and wife,) today to visit Mrs. Cliff Jen k in s Parish House. Everybody invited. time are returning today to their , Chehalis, W ash.; Geo. Harkins. Mrs. D. H. Cobb, Miss E. E. Cobb, i T idings W ant Ads, l c a w ord. 69— tf home in Salem. Pickles, Sweet, Sour and Dill. Lakeview, Oregon. Ripe olive» in bulk. We deliver. Visiting Here— T heather Derby * rib cotton hose, all sizes, pair ....4 9 c Goose Hunting— E. E. Phipps and Mr. W ild left th is m orning for the K lam ath region where they will spend a short time hunting geese. You are welcome to compare m y Automobile rates w ith any other ra te s in Jackson or Jose­ phine Counties; you can be the Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. ' 30— tf Every Dress new this season; made of the wanted. Colors Brown, Black, Cocoa, and Tan Thanksgiving Sale of H’dk’rc’fs F irst showing of the new handkerchiefs for Xmas Gifts. You will find a wonder­ ful assortm ent here, both imported and domestic. « Free Gold Fish— E lharts. 70-1 Priced 15c to 75c each H. C. STOCK Mortician Women’s $1.19 to $1.25 heather hose in a variety of shades at 98c 54 inch Chiffon Broadcloth, $4.00 value in Black, Brown and Navy $2.95 $1.50 silk and wool hose at . .$1.25 Women’s winter weight cotton Unioii Suits; 34 to 38 sizes . .$1.19 A table full of Wool Goods that have been selling at $1.49, but which includes goods that formerly sold up to $3.00 a Yard, all now at, yard, $1.25 200 Pieces of Choice Toilet Articles— on sale a t 1-3 to 1-2 less than regular prices. Values $1.25 to $4.50 ju st Ihree prices 98c, $1.39 and $1.98 YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE 25 per cent HERE Drummer’s samples of Linen Towels, Table Cloths, Lunch Sets, Tea Towels, Bath Towels, Mercerized Table Cloths, and many other items—all at November Sale Dresses • 25 Per Cent LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES Thanksgiving Sale of Coats Buy your W inter Coat here Saturday—Every * • Gar- ment going at Greatly Reduced Prices $19.75 Coats now $22.50 Coats now $25.00 Coats now $29.75 Coats now $14.95 $18.50 $19.95 $23.98 $34.50 Coats $37.50 Coats $45.00 Coats $59.75 Coats now now now now E. R. ISAAC & CO “The QnaUty Store” $24.50 Dresses at $19.75, made of twilleen, in navy and new shades of tan, some spec­ ial values at ..................................... $19.75 • i $19.75 values in dresses are now ..$16.75 $16.75 values in dresses are now . .$15.75 Priced Now $27.95 $29.95 $36.50 $47.75 40 to 44 sizes .......................... $1.25 Mallison’s Black Silk Chiffon Velvet, 40 inch width, beautiful quality as Mallinson’s goods always are. $6.00 quality, $5.00 $7.50 quality $6.75 ‘ ‘ -o-------o- -o- -o- Women’s Umbrellas, fast colored ‘Gloria.’ $3.50 values ...........$2.98 Same in children’s sizes ....$ 2 .3 5 Wool Coatings up to $6.50 at $3.49 Toilet Ware Thanksgiving Sale of Fine Linens Helene B iede,. licensed lady assistant always in attendance. 54 inch Serge, $3.95 quality $2.49 Thanksgiving Sale of “Ivoritex” The Ladies of Trinity Guild will give a chicken pie dinner Saturday evening, 6 o’clock at Parish House. Everybody invited. 69— tf Not a new asset to Ash­ land. We have had them ill our building for fifteen years. No extra charges. Our line of supplies best in Southern Oregon. Our equipment second to none. Our prices are 25 to 100 per cent below others. Your bills and our books will tell. ! Children’s 85c Wool Hose ...,7 5 c AVo.75 NOVEMBER SALE ON UNDERWEAR NOVEMBER SALE ON HOSIERY NOVEMBER SALE ON FURS w o rn NOVEMBER SILK SALE $3.48 values in. Canton Crepe, Satin Back Danton, $3.35; extra heavy Crepe de Chine, $3.48 Satin Faced Niagara Crepe; $3.48 Spiral Crepe at, yard ......................... $2.95 $3.85 Satin Faced Doveskin Crepe, $5.00 bro­ caded Spiral Crepe at, yard ..............$3.49 $3.00 values in heavy Crepe de Chine, all the new shades, selling at, yard $2.50 $2.25 Crepe de Chine now $1.95 Due quality Crepe de Chine in seven good shades for underwear and dresses $1.35 Satin Bengfile, a new knitted silk with satin face, $2.35 value $1.98 $8.o0 Brocaded Georgettes $6.95 $2.25 Silk Shirtings going at $1.49 36-inch-Flesh Color Radium Silk $1.45 $3.-18 Quality Printed Silks $2.95 $2.50 to $2.95 Quality Printed Silk $1.98 -o- Coats and Suits IN A NOVEMBER SALE Mild iall weather has forced us to give you December prices in Novendier on coats— $16.75 Coats at .............. ............$13.75 $19.75 Coats at .............. ............$16.75 $24.50 Coats at .............. ............$18.75 $29.75 Coats at .............. ............$24.50 $34.50 to $39.75 Coats at ............$29.75 $44.50 to $49.75 Coats at .$39.75 $54.50 to $57.50 Coats a t ..................$44.50 $64 50 to $69.75 Coats a t ..................$54.50 $75.00 ( ’oats at ................................. $64.50’ $100.00 Coats at ............................... $84.50 Children’s Coats All Marked Down 18 Good Tailored Suits at Half Price saw