ASftLiftfc ftAttf « u m » Mflis « « tai aiiMÍTIiflinilia» C lassified C o lu m n Librfcr? D epartm ent ........................ ................ 4,515.00 N O T IC E Street D epartm ent ............................................... 4,500.00 P rop osed B u d g et fo r th e C ity o f A sh la n d fo r th e V ear 1925 Sewer D epartm ent ............................................ .................. P R O F E S S IO N A L PHYSICIANS Classified Column R ates One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one m onth or more, the word each time. G e n e r a l D e p a r tm e n t E stim ated E xpenditures— 1025 STayor and Council .....................'..............I 550.00 DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings ! Salary— Salary— City A ttorney ......- .................................... 900.00 office. Phone 91. Salary— City T reasurer ............................................ 300.00 Salary— City Judge ................................................... 300.00 DR. C. W. HANSON Salary— Recorder ........................................................ 720.00 D entist Jan ito r W ork ............................................................... 160.00 140.00 Special attention given to pyor­ Dump ground expense ............................................ Engineering ................................................................. 100.00 FOR RENT rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver Surety Bonds ................... -.......................................... 77.50 Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. Street lighting ................. ’. ......................................... 5,000.00 FOR REN T:— 5-room furnish­ Indigents ....................................................................... 100.00 ed bungalow, lovely yard, fron t­ DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ Printing ................................................ 410.00 100.00 tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano ! Supplies for R ecordei’s Office ................. ing park on Granite street. E. T. 65.00 Staples. §7— tf th ro at— X-ray Includlrg teeth.: Insurance ........................... Fuel .......................................- ..................................... 60.00 Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc Auditing accts. Treas. & Recorder ......................... 50.00 FO R SALK 5. Swedenburg Bldg., A shland,, Telephones for Mayor and Council ........................ 189.00 10.00 Ore. : Telegrams ................................ FOR HALE: — Large electric Feed for elk ............................................................... 63.50 range, also coal oil range. Call DR. E . B. ANGELL— Chiropractic 60— 5th St. 69— 3*! and Electro-Therapy. Office P O L IC E D E P A R T M E N T phone 48; residence 142. First Salary— Chief of Police ............................................. 1,500.00 FOR SALE— Cheap if taken at once. 4-room house, lot 45x145 National Bank building. Salary— Night Patrolm an ........................................ 1,320.00 Special Police .......................... :................................... 1,500.00 feet, some fru it trees,. Inquire THE SOUTHERN OREGON Jail expense, laurtdry, etc......................................... *20.00 owner 156 Lincoln St. 69— 4* CLINIC 110.00 Accident insurance 1st National Bank Bldg. Car expense ................................................................. 660.00 WOOD FOR SA LE:— F ir a n d [ Medical Surgical Obstetrical Meals, rooms, etc., for prisoners ....>..................... 135.00 Spruce, 16 inch, $8; Hard wood Diagnostic X-ray Telephones and telegram s ......................................... 200.00 16 inch, >12. Delivered. Mountain R. W. Stearns, M. D. Supplies ........................................................................ 200.00 R. E. Green, M. D. Fuel Co. Siskiyou or leave order j R. W. Sleeter, M. D. a t Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. Office hours 2-5 p. m. E stim ated Inc«foe— 1925 50— 1 mo.* Phone 238-R in terest on funds .............................«..... 5Q.0.00 Licenses ...................................................... 350.00 WOOD FOR SA LE:— F ir and CONVALESCENT HOME Rent of city properties ...................... 100.00 Spruce. 16 Inch $8. Hard wood W here the sick get well. Fines .................................. - ..................... 400.00 16 inch >18. Delivered. Fountain Cottage Plan. Due from Fire Dept. F u n d..................... 500.00 Feul Co Siskiyou or leave orders We board and care for invalids Interest on securities .......................... 500.00 a t Beaver R eaity Co. Ashland. and old people. . 2,350.00 50— 1 mo.* M aternity Dcpt. Estim ated balance end of year ............................... 2,200.00 Call 153 M ISCELLANEOUS WANTED — A congenial, neat elderly lady to share employed woman’s home, no expense. Com­ panionship desired. Mrs. Bullen W estern Union or 208L. 68— 3 L IB R A R Y D E P A R T M E N T E stim a ted E xpenditures— 1925 MONUMENTS 250.00 Fuel .............................................................................. 75.00 Lights ............................................................................ 65.00 Telephone and clock ............................................... 300.00 Salaries ........................................... - ......................... * ’ 300.00 Jan ito r ...................................................................... 200.00 Insurance ........... '■........................ - ........................ 100.00 Printing and supplies ........................................... 200.00 Periodicals ................................ ............................... 500.00 Improvem ents and repairs .................................... 100.00 Binding ...................................................................... 600.00 Books ......................................................... .............. 60.00 F u rn itu re ................................................... ............»• 50.00 Postage, express, freight & drayage .................. 75.00 Miscellaneous ........................................................... ASHLAND GRANITE MONUMENTS B lair G ranite Co. S. PENNISTON, Manager Office 175 E. Main Res. Phone 444-Y WANTED: — Milch cow and work team in exchange for feed ind keep during the w inter. L. I N I GIRL IN TROUBLE— May D. Bushnell, P. O. Box 502. communicate with Ensign Lee 66— 6* of th e Salvation Army at the WANTED: — Protect yourself WhReShield Home, 565 May- igainet rhe uncertainties of win­ fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. ter. We can assure you a good position In your own county, th a t PLANING MILL E stim ated Incom e— 1923 will pay you well. W rite us at From School Board ............................... Î S J 'J Î jnce. Nogar Corporation, 301 lORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Fines and other sources ...................... luu.uu ?ouch U!dg., Portland, Oregon. WORKS, Cor. Helman and 54— 18 Van Ness. 194*tf H om ecom ing— For success, try a Tidings W ant Ad. The C hristian church is observ­ ing Homecoming next Sunday j with a basket dinner. This is an annual affair and the committee has invited the form er m inister,! Rev. Mellinger to be present and This Is To deliver a message. Mrs. M ellinger: THE MEMORY OF will be present if it is not pos­ sible for the m inister to a tte n d .1 E d w a rd I. A fter thq morning service a bas­ ket dinner will he held and all M itch ell the members of the church a n d : (F a th e r of Charlea S. Mit­ their friends are invited to b e ’ chell), who died in W indsor present and bring a basket. I n ; ark, Chirdgo, Illinois, Nov. the afternoon a program of re e l-! P 21, 1U24. tatlons and songs will be given 1 Several messages have been re­ ceived by members who are not able to attend and these will bet read at the meeting. At the evening service Rev. j Clarence J. Swander of Portland will speak. Publicity & Chaut. P ark Dept............................. . 4 50.00 Park D epartm ent ............................... 4,405.00 Fire D epartm ent ................................................... 7,200.00 Cemetery D epartm ent .......................................... 100.00 Interest and Bonds D e p a rtm e n t'.......................... . Fridays Ji ovetto ber 2 Ì, 1924 31.550.00 22,365.00 Total am ount to be raised by levy ...................... $53,915.00 The original estim ates, as furnished by departm ent heads and which are in a large m easure a basis for the above estim ates, are on file in the office of the City Recorder and are made a part hereof. Ajiy person desiring to examine said original estim ates may do so at the office of th e City Recorder. I hereby certify th a t the foregoing is a true statem ent of the proposed budget of expenses for the year 1925, as adopted by the Budget Committee of the City of Ashland, Oregon, Nov. 18th, 1924, and pursuant to authority given by the Common Council at a m eet­ ing held the same date. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN, th a t the City Council will meet at the City Hall, Ashland, Oregon, on Dec. 2nd, 1924, at 8 o’clock P. M., then and there to discuss said budget and make the levy of the city taxes for expen­ >9,285.00 ditures for the year 1925, at which time and place any person in­ terested therein may m eet with the council and 'make known their objections to said budget and said proposed tax levy, if any they have. GERTRUDE BIEDE, City Recorder. Date of first publication, Nov. 20, 1924. ¿9__2 Grass Rockers —... W»L. reception which was given in the hotel at Ashland managed by 6,645.00 Henry Emery was very interest­ ing. She had many experiences 14,930.00 a t the K lam ath Agency which were harrow ing, as Mr. Apple­ gate’s work was with the Indians lisa E d ith D odge, E d itor on the agency and the renegades, P h on e ite m s to her a t 39, betw een Captain Jack and his band. 8 a. m . and 5 p. m. The story told by Mr3. Apple-1 gate was very interesting and the CA LEND AR O F EV EN TS 4,550.00 guests were sorry when she fin­ Saturday, November 22. P. E. ished. 10,380.00 O. will m eet at th e home of Mrs. A djourning to the home of Mrs. W. B. Blake. Monday, November 24. W. R. Peil the guests were served de­ a C. club will m eet a t the home of lightful refreshm ents from beautiful table decorated with , Mrs. O. B. T urner, 256 Sixth St. candlesticks and William W aite j Monday, November 24. Ashland Music Study Club will m eet a t crysantheum s. the Library a t 7:45. Hostesses for the evening were Tuesday, November 25. O. E. Mesdames Peil, McGee, McConnel S. Em broidery Club will meet at and H, A. Stearns. the Masonic Hall. Tuesday, November 25. W. C. T. U. meets a t the home of Mrs. Alice Jillson on Vista street. mJ--------11 ! PRO UP a Spai S p asm o dic Croup is frequently relie relieved by one application of- V I V C K R S a p q u b O v e r 1 7 Mili M illio n J a ra Us ’» a d Y a a r l y Ideal Christinas Gifts. Serviceable and inexpensive TH E ASHLAND FU R N IT U R E COMPANY 8 3 N. Main ♦ e-e-e-e o - o o e o e o o e e e e e ' e e e e e e e e e e e e e e i e e e e e e e e e e e e e ♦ Discussion H pHERE are times when we want ■ to discuss. We don’t want to he handed merely cold facts. We want to look at things from all sides. Talk ovpr your finances with the officers of this hank and get warm and friendly advice. ♦ * * 4,765.00 6 O’Clock W edding— A very beautiful wedding was held a t six o’clock at the T rinity Episcopal Church Thursday even­ 250.00 ing when Miss Virginia Jones be­ Alfred 4,515.00 came the bride of Mr. Amount to be raised by le v y ................................... DRESSMAKING and Tayloring j TRANSFER AND EXPRESS None Stroud in the presence of the fam ­ Estim ated balance ead of fiscal year -r reasonable prices, all work guar­ W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. ilies and a* few closest friends. S T R E E T D E P A R T M E N T anteed. Mrs. B. Van H arden- Rev. P. K. Hammond officiated. E stim ated E xpenditures— 1923 for SERVICE. Accident insurance .................................................. . JJ-J® ierg, 147 C entral Ave. 55— 1 mo.* Mrs. J. II. Shortrldge sang “ Oh, Experienced movers and pack­ M aterial and labor ...................................................... Prom ise Me” in a charm ing way, ers of household goods. Deal­ Salary of Street Commissioner .......... .................. DRESSMAKING and plain sew- accompanied by Miss M argaret ers in ’ coal and wood. Phone Truck and tracto r expense ................................... *^0.00 ng. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 G ranite Hammond. The bridal party 117. Engineering ................. .............................................. itreet. 1 mo,* marched in to the strains of the Telephone for Street Commissioner ................. J7.UU Office 89 Oak St. near Loehngrin W edding March. The WANTED: — Man and wife on 6,427.00 Hotel Ashland bride was on the arm of her )airy farm close to tovrn. At end E stim ated Incom e— 1923 brother, Mr. Fred Jones and was if Helman street, close to Green- T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ Miscellaneous .......................................... fer— Good team and motor Estim ated balance end of fiscal year 900.00 attended by Mrs. Elwood Hed- touse. Phone 369J. 69 3 burg her sister. Mr. Elwood trucks. G rod service at a rea- 927.00 H edburg attended the groom. • eouab?e price. Phone 83. The bride looked charm ing in 4,500.00 Amount to be raised by levy ............... v re a w hite dress and veil and the FE H IG E-R O A C n S E W E R D E P A R T M E N T E stim ated E xpenditures— 1925 m atron of honor was beautiful T ransfer — Express — Storage 200.00 Labor on sewer mains ............................................. 200.00 in lavendar and silver. Mr. Fred Hanling — Dray work of all Estim ated balance end of fiscal year ................. zoo.oo Jones gave the bride away. kinds. Quick motor service. Dry A fter the ceremony a wedding wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R (No levy) supper was served and the happy P U B L I C I T Y & C H A U T . P A R K D E P T . 37 5 B , St 112-tf E stim ated E xpenditures— 1925 couple left for Portland. Band ........................................................................... 600.00 ASHLAND PAINT CO Mrs. Stroud graduated last Care of C hautauqua P ark ............... *.................... 300.00 M entho-Sulphur, a pleasant year from the Ashland high Dependable 100.00 •earn, will soothe and heal skin Painting C ontractors & Decorators Publicity ...................................................................... school and has a great many tat is irritated or broken out 1,000.00 friends who wish the couple every SWENNING & GEAR 550.00 happiness. The groom is an en­ ith eczema; th a t is covered with Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.* Estim ated balance end of fiscal year gly rash or pimples, or is rough 450.00 gineer a t T ennant and after sev­ Amount to be raised by levy ................................... r d ry .' Nothing subdues fiery eral weeks the couple will be at WOOD SAWING P A R K D E P A R T M EN tin eruptions so quickly, says a home there. E stim ated Expenditure«— 1925 oted skin specialist. WANTED- -Wood sawing. Tel Labor The members of the bridal .......................................................................... ? ,000.00 250.00 The moment this sulphur pre- 470-J. 63— Imo* Fourth paym ent on Ashland P rinting Co tract party were Mrs. Jones, m other of 35.00 : interest on deferred paym ents ............................... aration is applied the itching the bride, Mr. Fred Jones and 250.00 Third payment on Levi Stevep’s tra c t ............. :ops and after two or three ap- Paul Jones, brothers and Mr. and 30.00 1 Interest on deferred paym ents .......................... lications, the eczema is gone and 110.00 Mrs. Hedburg, Mr. and Mrs. Tay­ Sewer, five contracts ............................................... le skin is delightfully clear and j 225.00 Salary of Playground Supt................................... lor and Mr. Higdon, Mrs. P. K. ¡1100th. Sulphur is so precious as | 140.00 Accident insurance ................................................... Hammond, Misses Elizabeth Car­ 50.00 Electric light globes ............................................... skin remedy because it d estro y s. te r, Isabelle Silver, E sther Coun­ 176.00 j Plants, seeds, shrubs and flo w e rs .......................... le parasites th at cause the b u rn -! ter, Irm a Bess, M argaret Dough­ 150.00 Hose and small “tools ............................................... lg, itching or disfigurem ent. 50.00 Painting auto tags ................................................... erty, R uth A itken, Edith Dodge, lentho-Sulphur always heals ( Cost of operating park work car .....................?.. 250.00 M arguerite Hammond, and Mrs. 200.00 I Repairs to three bridges ........................................ rzema rig h t up. Shortrldge. i Building one new bridge ........................................ 160.00 A small ja r of Rowles Mentho- e e * • I R etiring one Im provem ent Bond .......................... 1 ,000.00 ulphur may be had at any good I Interest on m provem ent Bonds .......................... 600.00 D. A. R . M eeting— rug store. F irst payment on Schomp tra c t .......................... 500.00 The D. A. R. held th eir regu­ i Interest on deferred paym ents ............................... 240.00 la r m onthly m eeting at the home The Tiding’« Ads B rine Results 11,405.00 of Mrs. Applegate’s. The m eet­ L etterheads, statem ents, t o ' ing was opened with the salute E stim ated Incom e— 1925 your order at the Tidings Office. : From sale of cups ............................. 800.00 to the flag. Miss Hicks, Regent We have a good Job printing d e -' P u t y o u r b o y in Auto camp fees and fees from presided and reports of com m it­ Schomp shelter houses ............. 6,200.00 partm ent. tf 7,000.00 tees was read. Mesdames Schu- TWO HORSE BRAND A m ount to be raised by le v y ............................. ..... 4.405.00 erm an, Peil and Andrews were Estim ated balance end of fiscal year .......................... appointed as a B etter Film com­ N one F IR E D E P A R T M E N T m ittee. A budget committee con­ E stim ated E xpenditures— 1925 sisting of Mesdames Schuerman, Salary of Chief .......................................................... 1,500.00 McCracken and Stearua was ap­ Salary of two drivers ............................................. 2,880.00 pointed to take care of the bud­ V olunteer firem en .................... 400.00 get. Mesdames W allace, Andrews Accident insurance ...................................................... 205.00 Telephone ...................................................................... 30.00 and Anderson were appointed as Supplies ...................................................................... 327.50 a flag committee to take care Truck expense ............................................................. 250.00 of the distribution of the flag Chief’s expenses to Convention ...................... ...... 40.00 Three T urnout Suits ................................................. 53.00 code. a n d l o t s o f r o o m Three pair boots ........................................................ 19.50 • Mrs. Fielding was voted a Fuel ............................................................................... 50.00 A N E W C h C C IF THEY mem ber of the Mount Ashland Men, Women and Children Treated Office supplies .......................................................... 25.00 P A IR I n L L K R IP chapter, transfered from Santa Y non-surgical, soothing treatment Drayage«, express, freight .......................... ............ 20.00 A I SO M A K E R S O P Monica. for Piles and other Rectal and Co­ lon disorders Is given persons from twe TWO-HORSE Brand Waist Overalls The program was one of the 5.80 B ride” was giFen mo3t en tertain ­ E stim ated E xpenditures— 1925 Reedsport — Umpqua mills buy Care of Mountain View Cemetery ...................... case of Piles or refund the patient’s fee. 300.00 ingly by Mrs. I. D. Applegate. She My new Seattle offices are now prepared ; 866,000 feet tim ber from Sius- Labor, Ashland Cemetery 65.00 told of the trip from her home to care for patients from ; law national forest. Supplies 60.00 in Pennsylvania to Oregon, by Puget Sound and British way of the Isthum us of Panam a. Columbia Districts. Send 425.00 today for FREE booklet. They were first taken to New E stim ated Incom e— 1923 Sale of lots 326.00 York City and took the boat D E A N . M D - In c . there. H er wedding trip and the Amount to be raised by levy ............................... 100.00 kTTlX offices ; 12 Estim ated balance end of fiscal year ...................... None Quit 0 wfjo A Good T h in « - DON'T AlISS IT. IN T E R E S T AND B O N D S D E P A R T M EN T • E stim ated E xpenditures— 1925 Bend your name and address plainh Interest on $ 3,000 Original Sewer Bonds........ 135.00 written together with 6 cents (and thi Interest on $175,000 Auxiliary W ater Bonds...... 8,750.00 F or a sm ooth shave •lip) Io Chamberlain Medicine Co.^De Interest on $ 6,000 P ark Bonds ........................ 262.60 Mofnea, Iowa, and receive in return » and quick service go Interest on $ 56.500 Refunding Bonds ............. 2,667.50 Preferred Stodk yields Dial package containing Chamberlain’» to the Shell B arber Interest on $ 5,500 Im provem ent Bonds ......... 330.00 Cbugn Remedy for cougns, colds, croup Interest on $ 37,000 Refunding B ancroft Bds... 2,220.00 Shop. Ladies and bronchial, “flu” and whooping coughs children get your hair tickling throat: Chamberlain’s Stom 14,365.00 and ach and Liver Tablet« for stomach trou bobbed and marcel­ General Bond Sinking Fund 8,000.00 blee, indigeetion, gassy pain* that crowc led. the heart/rbiliousness and constipation ask an y Amount to be raised by le v y ................................... 22,365.00 Chamberlain'« Salve, needed in ever* Estim ated balance end of year .................. ............ None family for burns, scald«, wounds, piles m e m b e r cfco u r W . A. SH ELL, Prop. Estim ated income ...................................................... N one and «kin affection«; these valued family >32 A. St. A shland, Ore organization . SUM M ARY median«« for only 6 cent«. Don’t mi« it General D epartm ent ............................................ >10,380.00 A Successful Treatm ent For COUGHS and COLDS T h e C itizen s B a n k o f A sh la n d Kecozcmvuded by the Manufacturers of A shland , Oregon TANLAC For sale by all fiood drujuslsts X3ÍT1 FIERY, ITCHING SKIN Buy Now and Save Money THE BEAUTY OF YOUR TABLE DEPENDS ON THEM BOYS BIB OVERALLS MADE JUST LIKE DAD5 Pure Linen Table Cloths, each $7.00 FDRWORK OR PLAY Lovely Designs—72x72 inch size Napkins to match, size 22x22, price per dozen .......... ......................$8.40 P !e n ty o f P o c k e ts M F I N E L IN E N S I I Mercerized Damask, 66 in. wide, a yard ........................................... $ .70 Pure Linen Fancy 7 piece Luncheon sets, each ........................... $4.90 Colors—Lavender and White, White and Gold, Blue and White Size 60x60 in., Napkins 15x15 in. Pure Linen Cloths, each ....$ 3 .8 5 Size 70x70 inch Tulip and Pansy Designs. Pure Linen Huck Towels, size 18 hv 31 inches, each ................. $ .50 Pure Linen Damask, 72 in. wide, a vard ...........................................$2.60 Pure Linen Fancy Towels, price each ........................................... $ .50 Pure Linen Damask, Lily of the Valley Design, 72 in. wide, a yard ...........................................$3.15 Be a Real ‘Gobbler’ of These Wonderful Values By insisting on the Lion’s Share Pequot Pillow Slips Pequot Sheets Comfort Challies 42x36 Each Size 72x90 each 36 inches wide, yard 39c $1.65 17c Palmolive Soap Phoenix Silk Hose Silk Thread CALIFORNIA a bar a pair 100 yd. Spools, each OREGON POWER CO M PA N Y 8c 90c 13c 7.14% Golden Rule Store Phone No. 3 ASHLAND, ORE. Elks Bldg.