Là íiTattei - : ASHLAND —‘ n D A IL Y n — ■■ AsutÂiffl úÁií.V 'Híiíkíiá —ç- — T ID IN G ,» ? November 21, ÍOiii THE CHRISTMAS rem arked th a t in being defeated the loss was not his but Jackson To the Patrons of the Ashland This is A slilands Countys. A F eatu re Page Postoffice: The greatest task or Published Every Evening Except Sunday by ' Place To F ind The organization comes through the year in the Postal Service i s ’ F o r T elling the THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO; Articles of tim ely in te re st this campaign stronger than ever W hat I t W ants as you are probably aware, the: are welcomed under this head. Cooks A bout the before. It has the consciousness To E a t Sunday ........ E ditor I Problem of properly handling what Communciations m ust bear the Bert R. Greer ....... of power and the disposition to Good E atables George Madden Greeft ....................................................*aess Manager is known as the Christm as mail. signature of the author. _LI_J- I^ _ - - - . x ; wield th a t power unselfishly for OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ......................................;........... --Telephone 39 This has become increasingly im­ better governm ent through a re- Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second. Class Mail Matter portant as the service increases ■ united Republican party dedicated government. t in volume and as parcel po3t has; T,ie Jackson County Republican receive unselfish consideration and t Subscription Price, Delivered in City ■ to bringing back to Jackso When the County Committee re­ cooperation, if be desires it, in fund, and go to work. taxed all the resources of the de-| ^ en,Pal Committee walked out of ? .65 One Month .......................................................................... — JACKSON COUNTY REPUB­ Republican h e ad q u a rie rs^ h e “ d a y ! C° Unty responsihle representative organized after the May prim aries the honest effort that will be LICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Three Months ...................................................................- .................. 1.95 partm ent to handle. a platform was adopted and sub­ made to reestablish good will and after election busted but happy. 3.75 Six Months .................................................................... - ..... - ............. The postal serviefe is willing COMMISSIONS NAMED One Year ............... ............................................................—.................. » 7.50 scribed to by all of our candidates The fighting had been good, the and anxious to serve you and to By Mail and Rural Routes WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. — in which they pledged themselves, intelligent team work in the court victory glorious, our casualties house at Jacksonville. ’ vu‘, One Month .....................................................................- ............... — 5 .651 serve you prom ptly and p ro p e rly !. President Coolidge today named in the event of their election, to In Medford— 1 1.95 o r ’ but »,..* u it asks , your cooperation -k I ’ew- Everv man and woman on ; Three Months ........................................................................................ In this hour of victory we wish and U the . a ticket, from _ ... United States Commissioner of W. L. Duton, supervisor of the Coolidge to! cooperate with the republican or­ 3.50 t n the ovir.nt , * coopera- the ticket, from Coolidge Six Months ..............................f................................................ to say th at our hearts are soften­ census for the forest service, a r­ 2____ to t,ie extent th a t what Fish and H atcheries O’Malley and ! One Year .................................................................................... ganization in bringing harm on­ Conger, had been elected, except ___ ¡tio n is received will depend the Miller Freem an, publisher of the | ious coordination and economical ed even tow ards the defeatists in rived here today to take up the McMahon for sheriff, and as Joe DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES our own party. Our ranks are work of the agricultural census. fullness of the service rendered. him self refused to be down­ Pacific Fisherm an at Seattle as i and efficient adm inistration into Single Insertion, per inoh ............................................................ ? .30 open. All they have to do to put The work is being done through­ The departm ent appeals to you Yearly Contracts hearted, the committee naturally members of the International i the business affairs of this coun­ their name on the roster, fall into out the entire United States.— . 2 7 % 'and seeks to impress upon you could not be. In a little speech to ¿Fisheries Commission to p ro v id e ! ty. One insertion a week ................................................................... line, subscribe to the campaign Medford Mail Tribune. .25 i the importance, of m ailing C hrist­ for a treaty between Canada and Two insertions a week ................................................................... This committee, a fte r being in the executive committee he said .20 Daily insertion ............................................................................... the United States for the preser­ close personal contact with these mas parcels early. Do not neglect th a t the campaign had been a Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising vation of halibut fisheries on the candidates for the past m onth, properly packing your parcels and First insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. ? .10 splendid experience: a lot of fine northern Pacific. plainly addressing them for these .05 Each subséquent insertion, 8 point line ................................. observed their loyalty, their high i things had been said about him, The Hostess Who Has 1.00 things mean much in the safe and Card of Thanks ................................................................................. sense of honor, their ability to the Republican organization, had .02% expeditious handling of all mails, Obituaries, per line ............................................. .......................... Unexpected Visitors stand the gaff, firm ly believes tpat loyally stood by him, and th at Orders from the Postm aster- it could count him as a member WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING these pre-election pledges will be "All future events, where an admission charge is made or General are th a t all work in post, for life and at th eir command and redeemed. Now ¡s the time to buy spray is not inconvenienced If she collection taken is A dvertising. offices, including carrier service, ready for duty day or night. Thai pumps, plows and harrows, The lone dem ocrat elected by No discount w'ill be allowed Religious or Benevolent ordens. has “Sally Ann’’ bread in ___________________________________________ _____ ________________ shall be discontinued a t 11 o’- he still had a good job and plenty republican votes we feel sure will j drills and all kinds of farm the house. Ami she can feel DONATIONS I clock on Christm as m orning, ex- of work to do. In closing, he e x -: implements. Fencing in every assured that the guests will No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis-j cept auci, a <, ahsobitelv h a p a c ! pressed the sentim ents of the en style. Harness, collars, snaps, ing or job printing— our. contributions will be in cash. ’ y enjoy this most delicious of sary for dispatching outgoing first, tire com m ittee when lie modq^tly i and pads. New and used Sew­ breads, too. NOVEMBER 21 class mail and newspapers and ing Machines. Auto Robes, etc. GREAT AND TR U E:— Ascribe ye greatness unto our G od." He receiving but not working incom- early, and the postal services is the Rock? his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgm ent: a I jn _ majj promise to ápeed the* Christm as God of tru th and w ithout injquity, ju st and rig h t is he.— Deuteron Shop early, wrap securely, ad­ mails. omy 32: S, 4. dress fully and plainly, and mail F. D. WAGNER, Postm aster. (Established in 1876) ■ ■ THE FORUM I. . — M arket Basket ■! I PEIL’S CORNER F ranklin’s Superior Bread Litliia Bakery HEAVENLY WORK A ju s t God, says Dr. C harles W . E lio t of H arv ard , would not inflict on one of his creatu res eith er eternal torm ent or eternal rest. F o r him self, a t least, an ever­ la stin g freedom from w ork would not he heaven. “ To m e,” he says, “ such a heaven is unthinkable. M y g reatest happiness is in pleasurable activ ity . Jo y in w ork is m y ideal of existence, here or h e re a fte r.” T his m ay not harm onize w ith the ideal of a lot of Dr E lio t’s fellow -Christians. R est has been p erh ap s the th in g chiefly associated w ith heaven in the m inds of C hristian folk from the beginning, when they have con­ tem plated the life hereafter. Yet reason, hum an n atu re THE WORLD'S GREATEST and religion all suggest th a t p erh ap s D r. E lio t is rig h t, and his a ttitu d e is n o t so exceptional as it seems. , To any norm al child, inaction is torm ent. The c h ild ’s notion of happiness, like the H arv ard sa g e’s, is usually M illions o f Bake-Day Tests During activ ity , in some form or other. P erh ap s it is so, too, the Past 35 Years Prove I t w ith really norm al and h ealth y grow n-ups. People sel­ dom tu rn th e ir th o u g h ts heavenw ard -until they are sick •A L E S a y , TIMES THOSE OF A N T OTHER BR A N D c r tired or disappointed w ith life; then rest seems to be the g re a t desideratum . A fte r death, no doubt, there will he rest fo r them , in some abode or other. B ut a fte r they are “ rested u p ,” from the labors of earth , will not the eternal urge move them to action again, like a vigorous child new ly risen from sleep? fhere’s No Substitute— None Just as Good as C A U JM tr baking powder HOW SHALL THE ZR-3 BE USED? The ZR-3 m ight have fo r its m otto the refrain of the p o p u lar song, “ W h a t’ll I D o ?” A t any rate, the burden of th e N avy D e p a rtm e n t’s days is rap id ly becoming, “ W h a t’ll we do w ith th e Z R -3?” To begin w ith, the g reat Zeppelin is a stric tly com­ m ercial ship. But she is also under stric tly jn ilita rv ju r­ isdiction S uitable uses for th is m ightiest of dirigibles range everyw here from a north p o lar expedition to c a rry ­ ing mail from New Y ork to London or from Los Angeles to Honolulu. I t seems th a t g reat num bers of people are interested in the m a tte r and are sending th eir proposals to the N avy D epartm ent. T here are o th er com plications, too. As fa s t as enough helium can he m ade, the ZR-3 is to be inflated w ith th a t non-inflam able gas instead of w ith the d an ­ gerous hydrogen. B ut Dr. H ugo E ckner, head of the Zep­ pelin com pany, calling a t the N avy D epartm ent to say farew ell before retu rn in g to Germ any, gently rem inded the navy a ir chief th a t experim ents w ith the helium should be m ade before any final program was settled on lo r the ZR-3, because the A m erican gas has a m aterially low er liftin g ratio th an the hydrogen used by the Z e p ! pelin company. T his need not be a stag g erin g problem , however. If th e ZR-3 and airsh ip s of its type are going to serve a v al­ uable purpose in the world, surely the N avy D ep artm en t will discover w hat it is. I f not, then the sooner th a t is learned, the b etter, and in eith er ease the ultim ate de­ cision will be w orth the price. SINKING BATTLESHIPS A bom bshell was throw n tem p o rarily into the naval disarm am en t program by the injunction suit b ro u g h t ag a in st the N avy D epartm ent, to p revent the scran pin * of the new battlesh ip W ashington. The destruction of th a t w arship was agreed to by the U nited S tate s in th e W ashington conference, as p a rt of the ad ju stm en t by w hich the 5-5-3 naval ratio was to be established. Ap­ p a re n tly it is to he sunk as planned, hut the real issue is not yet disposed ef. * . . The taxpayer, in sp irin g th e injunction proceedings, insisted th a t the U nited S tate s was d ro p p in g below her authorized ratio, and needed the W ashington to help keep A m erican n aval stren g th equal to G reat B r ita in ’s as the W ashington p act provides. F u rth erm o re, • he charged th a t w hile the U nited S tate s has been lapsin'* from its authorized stren g th . G reat B ritain lids been su r­ passin g th e stren g th set fo r both. Such a p ro test tends to reopen th e whole d isarm a­ m ent question and calls new atten tio n to the d isarm a­ m ent program . T here is dissatisfactio n in this countrv w ith w hat both B ritain and Ja p a n are doing w ith th eir navies. T here is some dissatisfaction, too, am ong the o th e r pow ers to the treaty , F ran ce and Italy . A new conference m ay be needed before long to • lear up the m atter and establish stro n g er “ sanctions ” A n obvious defect of the present arran g em en t is th a t every pow er is left so largely to itse lf to determ ine how fa r it m ay go in building and scrapping naval vessels Tt is h a rd to see how the system can be kept w orking sm oothly w ith o u t some in tern atio n al body, representing all the naval pow ers concerned, to pass ju d icially on such m a tte rs, and let the w orld know w hat ©very pow er |s doing. . would not be so popular unless it was really If you want choice Tur SATURDAY SPECIALS S U P E R IO R AT S C H U E R M A N’ S keys, Ducks, Geese or Chickens The ORDER NOW Franklin Bakery Phone 199 W e will have a plenty for all, hut in ord er to gel the best quality, you should ord er a fowl im ­ m ediately fo r you r T hanksgiving D inner Eagle M arket N. Main Phone 107 10 Bars C rystal W hite ....... ............. ................42c ................74c None Such Mince M e a t ....................... ........15c pkg. S & W Bulk S ultana R aisins . . . . ..........10c lb. S n id e r’s Red Kidney Beans ........ ........15c can Van C am p ’s Oval S ardines ............. ........15c can G rape Ju ice (concord) Q u a r t s ......... ................58c Hall Gallon Tea Garden Syrup ... 201 E .’Main St. $8.95 We Deliver Phone 155 S P E C IA L $8.95 per barrel Frazier & Son Columbia H ard W heat F lour E v ery sack guaran teed Cherro Egg Mash, per cw t........................................... Cherro Mix Feed, 75 lb. sack .......................... Cherro F atting Mash, per cw t....... •.................... Cherro Flour, the best on the m arket for the money Oil Meal per cwt..................................................................... Rye Seed, per cw t............................. ¡5 $2.30 $2 23 $3.30 «.» Vetch Seed, per c w t.................. ..."..... .."Z"?ZZ"A A "77jZ3O Eastern Cranberries, no waste, all good P ru n es 4 lbs. 25c Fiyc’s Mince m eal, sweet potatoes, squash and delicious apples. Get ready for voijr T hanksgiving dinner. 17 lbs. $1.00 W e w ill deliver it right to your kitchen Plaza M arket H. A. Steam s » 61 N. Main Phone 214 FRAZIER and SON 8S8 E. Main Street 2 0 th C E N TU R Y whole hams MONEY SAVING FOOD DEPOTS in Oregon and Washington. Chock full of good wholesome, appetizing food stuffs, will help you solve the problem of what to serve Thanksgiving. Your most conveniently located 2GTII CENTURY STORE IS 374 E. Main Sä 4 DAYS OF SPECIAL PRICES provide luxurious thanks- Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, NOVEMBER 22nd, 24th, 25th and 2Cth »-economical,too ’ * SHORTENING—Only the finest, per pound ............................................. 20c C A M P B E L L ’S SO U PS — F am ous , for Q uality—Tom ato, at 3 for 25c All others, each .......................10c M INCE M EA T—F inest hulk, lb 25c S H R IM P—New pack, can 19c Nothing finer than a Frye’s “Delicious” whole Ham for the great American festival. It is ideal for baking because it is just choice, tender, grain-fed pork, cured in hardwood smoke by the ex­ clusive Frye process, to preserve the natural juices and delicate texture and develop the rich mild flavor. LAYER F IG S —J u s t packed, 11». 20c R A IS IN S — F resh — T hom pson’s Seedless R aisins in bulk, 3 lhs.29c 25 pound boxes ...................$2.25 CHOCOLATES—P ound ...........25c WALNUTS—Large E xtra Fancy Budded—1924 crop, lb.........................40c SLIC E D P IN E A P P L E —L arge 2 ’/2 cans, stan d ard , e a c h ................29c B for ......................................... $1.69 D R ()M E l) AR Y D A TES — N e w Stock—P k g ...................................20c ALMONDS — 1924 Crop — P a p e r shells, pound ............................ 29c FR E N C H CREAM S—Pound . .29c «JELLO—Any kind, e a c h ...........10c M ARSCHINO C H E R R IE S —3 oz. hottie ........................................... 15c MAZOLA O IL —P in ts * ................27c Q uarts ......................................... 49c R IP E O LIV ES—In bulk, p in t 25c O Y STERS—A & L—No. 1 cans, tin s ........................................... 35c C H E E S E —F u ll C ream —lb. .. ,30c O EST ’S M A RM A LA 1 )E —B ot tie ........................................................19c No par boiling is necessary with a Frye’s “Delicious” Ham—the meat is so mild and tender. To delight family and guests with baked Ham that will be voted “just perfect ” tcore the »kin half way through the fat, season with ground cinnamon, dove» aryl mustard, sprinkle with brown sugar and bake like a pork roast in a covered roaster with just enough water to make steam, allowing fifteen minutes to the pound. A d o ve o f garlic inserted next to the bone will add flavor. YOU WILL FIND FRYE’S “ DELICIOUS” BACON AS GOOD AS FRYE’S “ DELICIOUS” HAM CPTSCO—3 lb. t i n s ................. 73c 6 lb. tins ............................... $1.42 Cl tfPANTS—Royal Club—Large l>kg..................................................20c B A K E R ’S PREM IUM CHOCO­ L A T E -^ . Ih..............................19c SI NM AID R A IS IN S — 2 large Pkgs.............................................25c LEMON and ORANGE P E E L S — pound .........................................35c C U R TIS P lM E N T O S -e a c h ...1 0 c B U R N E T T ’S V A N IL L A - 2 oz. hottie .........................................35c G R A PE F R U IT — Van ( ’a m p ’s pack—Can ................................... 10c CLU STER PATSIXS—New pack, each ............................................. 19c CITRO N —H ighest G rade—lb. . ,60c 20TH CENTURY COFFEE, 45c POUND—HIGHEST GRADE A on ean save 10c a Ih. and get the best. Roasted in our own R oaster d aily Fresh Fruits and Vegetables That Meet approval at surprisingly Low Prices -7 Buy Ham* and Bacon by tbi* Brand Name—you will find them “EVERYTHING THE NAME IMPLIES” Really There Isn ’t a B etter Place to Buy Groceries STORES CONVENIENTLY LOCATED 24-28 20th C E N T U R Y GROCERY 374 E. MAIN ST.