ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ASHLAND MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4 3. NO. 7d ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1924 SPIRITUALIST CHURCHES CLAIRVOYANTS PROBED ---------- p tt SACRAMENTO, Nov. tt tt tt 21. — A statew ide probe tt tt of spiritualist “ churches”' R tt mind readers, clairvoyants tt 8 and kindred cults operat- tt tt ing in C alifornia undeg R tt the guise of religion, with tt bringing ap- tt tt a view to » propriate court action for tt ! Convention Adopts Resolu­ tt their suppression, is the tt Haddon Hall Symphonic Teams Again in Field to of the National R tt aim Quintet to be Presented tion Which Restrains Gain Members for Cham­ / < tt Psychic Research league. tt Here This Eve Body from Activity ber of Commerce of Long Beach, which to- tt _______ 8 PRAISE LA FOLLETTE '» day filed articles of In- tt TICKET SALES SLOW ENDS NEXT TUESDAY corporation with Secre- tt ---------- r tary of State F rank C. tt Q uality of Perform ance This Year Fear L oss of P restig e if Fallera-! One H undred N ew M embers W ill Jordan. tt W ill Exceed Any of Past. lion Hhould Take up A ctivitJ« « Probably be O btained for Local tt The articles state th at R Best Talent O btainable W ith Any P olitical Party B ooster Body in P resen t D rive » the league proposes to R W ith a fair sale of tickets re­ EL PASO, Nov. 21. — Ameri­ tt gather evidence and place tt W ith th eir enthusiasm still un­ n it before the proper court, tt ported,* and with the members of can organized labor, the Ameri­ abated, the members of the team s tt state or federal, against tt the Haddon Hall Symphonic can Federation of Labor or any which yesterday started on an tt “ spiritualist c h u r c h e s, tt Q uintet on hand, everything is in of its branches, m ust remain free intensive campaign for new mem-! tt mind readers, mental tele- tt readiness for the opening number from all political parties, w hether ber3 of the Ashland Chamber ofi they be Republican, Democratic tt pathists, m ental thought tt of the Ashland Celebrity Course, Commerce, again today started or Independent, the executive tt projectionists, crystal gaz- tt j to be presented at the Armory out, determ ined to bring in more council of the American Federa­ tt ers, palmists, clairvoy- R this evening. members than were obtained yes­ Although it is reported by tion of Labor declared in unani­ tt ants, trum pet seances and tt terday. tt kindred cults operated R the committee that the ticket sale mously accepted report to the or­ Although no report was made ganization at the annual conven­ tt under the guise of rellg- 8 for the Course ha3 not been up to to headquarters last night, it tt ion by trick and device to tt expectations, it is believed that tion this morning. was stated th a t by noon yester­ tt At the same time, the council I « defraud the public to the R a large num ber of those who have day, twenty-five new members end th a t they be put in R not already purchased season lauded it’s action in supporting had been obtained. W ith the ¡R c o m m u n i c a t ion with 8 tickets, and tickets for the sing­ the Independent presidential can­ m embers of the team s working î K IP spirits.” R le number, will purchase their didacy of Senator La Follette, I until late yesterday afternoon, it The directors of the tt tickets at the door of the Arm­ with the declaration th a t the elec­ I U is believed th a t a t least twenty- I tt league are Ignatius Pren- tt ory tonight. Tickets purchased A bombshell was thrown tnto the aristocratic ranks of the blue tion was a signal of the success ! R five more new m em bers were ob­ bloods of New York and Newport by the announcement that Leonard dergast, John W. Willes tt throughout the day will entitle of Senator La Follette in fu rth er­ tained, bringing the total up to Kip Rhinelander, twenty-two-year-old scion oi one of America s oldest ! » and W alter W. Praul, all tt the purchasers to seat reserva­ and richest families, had eloped in New Rochelle, N. Y„ with Alice ing the interests of wage earners fifty, and making alm ost certain R tion without charge. The reser­ Beatrice Jones, daughter of a former hack driver. The girl bitterly and the people of the county in i tt of Long Beach. th a t a t least one hundred new ness. denied statements that 6he is a negress. Her father is a West Indian t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t vations will be made at the Rose general. members will be obtained before The funeral services will be Coinfectionary. All seats, with For a tim e, it was urged by a the campaign closes. held Monday at the Epworth M. tlie exception of the first three num ber of delegates to the con­ The twelve team s, composed of E. church in this city. Mrs. H ard­ rows on the lower floor, and the vention th a t the American Feder­ three members of th e Cham ber ing had been a member of that first two rows in the balcony ation of Labor either go on record of Commerce, and each headed by church since girlhood. The body may be reserved w ithout extra as being identified with the third a member of the board of direct­ will be placed beside th a t of the cost, other than the purchase party movement, or put another ors of the local booster organi­ late President, in a tem porary prise of the ticket. candidate into the field, on a zation, will work on the present receiving vault in the Marion The Haddon Hall Symphonic Labor ticket. campaign until Tuesday noon, at cemetery, until the H arding Quintet, the first of the four num ­ A ttem pt to Gain E ntrance to which time a report of the team s Upon the advice of Samuel Memorial is completed. bers to he presented here, is ra t­ B oom s by C laim ing to he Gompers, president, and a num ­ will be read at the Forum lunch­ R a le Throughout S tate A verages ed by musical critics throughout P olice O fficials eon of the Chamber, together A ssurance G iven Boys That Sup­ Love T riangle Case A ttracts Many ber of high officials of the or­ Mrs. H arding was born August Sligh tly H igher Than the country as one of the best gan ization,. it was decided th a t with the names of the new mem­ port, o f E n tire City W oittd he Curious P eople. Q uestions 15, 1860, at Marion, Ohio, the D uring 1928 organizations of its kind now per­ Claiming they were police of­ bers obtained. such action would weaken the Given Them in T u ssle W ritten on Paper daughter of Amos Kling, prom i­ forming. , Members of the team s this j position of the labor organization, nent banker and business man of ficers, and th a t they intended Paul Vernon, director of the SAI.EM, Nov. 21. — County th e little town, and a direct de­ searching the premises, two uni­ m orning stated they were high­ Members of the Ashland High j LONDON. Nov. 21. — The and lessen it’s hold, which the tax rations as announced by the 1 organization was formerly a scendent of an old Mennonlte dentified men last night created ly gratified by the m anner in school football squad, victors I spectators in the courtroom in leaders declared it had labored a mild sensation at the Columbia which Ashland people were re­ over the G rants Pass eleven here ' whk h a trial Is being held which for over a generation to obtain. state tax commission Wednesday member of (lie Cleveland Sym­ Pennsylvania Dutch family. phony Orchestra, one of the out­ Senator La F ollelte’s candidacy average a trifle higher thun last Mrs. H arding met W arren O. and Vendome hotels shortly after sponding to the campaign. Very Wednesday, were the guests of I *3 Pr yin8 into the illicit love of a standing orchestras of the East, year. Eastern Oregon counties H arding shortly after he had m idnight, when they demanded few of those asked to become the Kiwanis Club at their re g u -1 blaPk m ailing Indian Prince for was endorsed by the officials of while the rem aining members of generally show slight increases. purchased the Marion Star. The that they he given access to the members of the Cham ber have la r weekly luncheon held at the ' ^IrB- Maud Robinson reached such the organization, hut it was ex­ the company have been selected Tile ratios represents the percent­ declined the offer, according to Hotel Ashland today. fu tu re President wa3 working rooms. a stage of disorder this morning plained at the convention today age which the assessed valuation from the leading symphony or­ The first news the police de­ the members. It is stated by- the n ight and day to put his paper The assurance th a t the busi­ th a t questions were w ritten on. th at t,his action did not mean that of property hears to actual cash chestras throughout the country. partm ent received of the activ­ officials of the Cham ber th a t this on a paying basis, and the stru g ­ ness men of the city were behind paper to spare Mrs. Robinson's the American Federation of La­ value in paying taxes the coming The Celebrity Course this year ities of the men came from the feeling toward the organization gle was slow and discouraging. the team , and th a t everything j feelings. Mrs. Robinson’s hus- bor actually favored the candi­ year, and are determ ined by the embraces best talent obtainable, Following a brief courtship, they Columbia Hotel, when a phone as a result of the constructive possihle would be done in o rd erI band is sueing for the recovery dacy of the Wisconsin Senator. state tax commission on the basis far above any that has been pre­ were m arried in July, 1891, over message, asking th a t an officer be work which has been accomplish- to make tlieir season a success! °F $750,000 which he calims he of assessm ents made by county sented in Ashland previous to th e strenuous protests of the sent out to arrest a man who edM in the city during the past was given to the boys by several was black mailed for. this season. In the past, the assessors. WHITE HOUSE FLAG bride’s father. In fact, the es­ was annoying the guests at the year, through the aid of th e of the leading men of the city, Sir John Simon, counsel for courses have been selected with The ratios for all counties, with AT HALF MAST FOR trangem ent lasted for nearly Hotel, was received by the night- Cham ber of Commerce. in talks delivered during the' th e defendant, the Midland Bank, MRS. W. G. HARDING those of 1923 also given for com­ the idea of profit making, but W ith an increased membership, luncheon. seven years. The m arriage cere­ watchman. H urrying to the hotel, obtained from Mrs. Robin:son a this season, a contract with the parison follow: mony took plaoe in the famous the nightw atchm an discovered th u s adding greatly to the influ­ Coach Hughes whose efforts ha3 confession th at the charm of the WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. — Counties— 1923 1924 Eilison W hite company, handling H arding house, at Marion, from th at the man had left soon after ence of the Chamber, it is felt largely been responsible for the dusky Indian Prince was so ir- President Coolidge today dis­ Baker ............................... 72 72 the artists, ha3 made it possible which Mr. H arding conducted his the phone call was made. A th at much more work in building success of the team so fa r this^ ristable th a t th eir misconduct oc- patched a telegram to George Benton ............................. 51 51 to select the highest class of en­ ‘‘‘front porch” campaign for the thorough search of the neighbor­ up Ashland can be accomplished, year, reviewed the work done so curred three weeks after she met tertainm ent, and in order to do C hristian, secretary to the late Clackamas ...................... 44 42 hood failed to reveal his w here­ and with this idea in mind, the fa r by the boys, and compared it blm at a Victory Ball in London, Presidency thirty years later. this, it has been arranged to make President Harding, extending the Clatsop ............................. 80 81 Mrs. H arding was a t the bed­ abouts. and the officer returned members of the campaigning with the past years. Hughes then , in 1919. the course a non-profit effort, H eartfelt sym pathy of Mrs Coo­ Columbia .........................75 76 side of her husband in the San down town. Almost immediately team's are w orking with renew ­ called upon W ayne Ramsey, I Mrs. Robinson withstood the lidge and himself, to Mrs. H ard­ Coos .................... with all the civic organizations 61 61 Francisco Hotel when the end another call was received, this ed energy, after th e ir m ore than m anager of the team , and Ram- ■ torm enting cross examination, to of the city participating in order ing’s relatives. Crook ............................... 54 57 came. This shock was appalling. time from the Vendome Hotel, successful day yesterday. sey thanked the Kiwanis club fo r: which she was subjected, deny- The President ordered th a t the Curry ............................... 80 80 •to make it a success. Again Mrs. H arding returned) stating th at two men were pound- the support they have given the ( >nK she was in need of money W hite House flag be lowered to Deschutes .........................50 49 to Marion, taking residence w ith i ing upon the door, dem anding team and the high school so far when the blackm ail incidents oc- half m ast until after the funeral, Douglas ............................. 68 66 Dr. and Mrs. Sawyer. The sudden 1 entrance, claiming they were po- At Moose Hall— curred. this year. which will be held in Marion, Gilliam ............................. 87 89 YOUNG HOME FROM death of her old physician came j u Ce officers. Again the night- The basket dinner for the W. R. Henry, coach of the G rant ............................... 67 VIRGINIA SCHOOL 70 Ohio, Sunday. as another and distinct shock. It j watchman hurried to the scene, C hristian Church next Sunday second team made a short talk, 60 Although President and Mrs. Harney ............................. 59 was soon after th a t she suffered but again it was found th at the wili be held a t the Moose Hall. com paring last year’s eleven with Clyde Young, local post office 64 Coolidge will be unable to leave Hood River .................... 63 th e third serious recurrence of men. had left. This is the annual Homecoming the team which represents the employee returned home yester­ Jackson ............................. 61 W ashington, the pressure of busi­ 61 thq kidney ailm ent, and Dr. Carl A visit to every hotel and room ­ day and a large crowd is expect­ Ashland High school this year, ness at present being too great Jefferson ...........................67 71 day from Fortress Monroe, Vir­ Sawyer, don of the form er W hite ing house in the city, and a search ed. pointing out the strength of the 67 ginia, where he took an eight to perm it them getting av.ay, the Josephine .........................66 House physician, called in spe­ of the railroad yards and the outfit this year. Barton Frulan, 70 weeks course in harbor defense P resident’s naval aid will be sent K lam ath ...........................71 cialists. A slight rally came ju st streets failed to uncover the men, a member of the squad was the 69 work. Two courses were given, COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 21.— to Marion to lend any aid needed Lake ..................................66 before Election Day, November although an accurate description next speaker. He also thanked “ Mrs. C. Sheatsley, wife of the in arranging the honoring of the Lane ................................ ,54 53 the anti-air craft and harbor de­ 4, 1924, and she was able to re­ of one of them was given to the the business men for their sup­ pastor of the L utheran Church*! ia te wife of President Harding. Lincoln ............................. 86 87 fense. Both of these courses in­ ceive the re tu rn s th a t showed the police at each of »the hotels visit-1 port. 53 cluded orientation, gunnery, m a­ of this city, crawled into th e fu r­ Secretary of the Interior, and Linn ..................................53 election of her husband’s old ru n ­ ed. A ssuring the hoys th a t they nace in the basem ent of her home Secretary of W ar W eeks will rep- Malheur ...........................54 56 terial. target practice and tactics. ning mate. President Coolidge. The man described was stated would have the support of the Monday afternoon.” 56 Twenty-six people from all over i resent the President a t the fun- Marion ............................. 58 to be about six feet tall, and to Kiwanis club for the final games 75 the United States took the course. Thia was the opinion voiced by ; eral of Mrs. H arding, it was an- Morrow .............................72 weigh about 225 pounds. He was on their schedule, V. O. N. Smith city detective Cox, who has been j nounced at the W hite House early Multnomah ...................... 57 55 wearing a wide brimmed black was the next speaker. J. II. F u ll­ w orking on the case since Mrs ■ today. 44 Polk ..................................45 h at and a black overcoat- The er w’as the last speaker to be Sheatsley’s rem ains were found 84 Sherman ...........................85 — ---------- ------------- hotel keepers described him as called upon in connection with burning in the furnace in t h e ; 86 Tillamook ........................ 86 The biggest sm oker of ‘the the high school grid outfit. He having black hair with a medium 70 U m atilla ...........................69 year, including a tu rk ey raffle, declared the boys would win basem ent of her home, by her six- j complexion. 79 Union ............................... 77 teen year old son, yesterday. The search for the men is still a beer and crab feed, and twenty from Medford next Thursday, and 63 Wallowa ...’....................... 62 Local authorities have sent j being continued, but it is believ­ four rounds of boxing and w restl­ th a t every m em ber of the K i­ 73 Wasco ....*......................... 72 representatives to PariSs Ohio, t o ; ed they have drifted out of the ing will be staged by the Ashland wanis club srould be on hand to 47 W ashington ....................48 interrogate relatives of the dead It cost the Jackson county wing city. Lodge No. 944* of the Elks to­ 76 cheer them on. W heeler ...........................7F woman, in the hope th a t they of the republican party $1497.23 morrow night. Paul Vernon, leader of the may be able to furnish some 56 Yamhill ............................. 57 to conduct the last campaign, ac­ Johnnie Carlson of Spokane Cleveland Symphonic Q uintet, the MEDFORD, Nov. 21.— Charles thread which will enable them to cording to a report filed with the and Frhnkie Webb of Portland first VanSeoyoc, son of Dr. and Mrs. num ber of the Ashland LOS ANGELES. Nov. 21. — county clerk, by Bert Anderson will headline the boxing bill. Celebrity Course which will ap­ clear up the m ystery of Mrs. C. C. VanSeoyoc and who is CHEMIST TO GIVE Inform ation which wa3 supplied W ednesday. Of this am ount, These boys are reputed as being pear here tonight gave a short Sheatsley’s death. president of the senior class of REPORT ON DEATH The story of Rev. Sheatsley, by police authorities of San F ran ­ >1085.52 was expended in news­ fast steppers, who have plenty of talk on the relation of music to the Medford high school and one OF OHIO WOMAN cisco by Ernest Booth, “ arnonia paper advertising in the press of experience, and should furnish the life of the average American. husband of the dead woman, in of the star players of its foot­ regard to his movements during bandit” who is being held in jail th e county. * -• ' r h: “ hthp,en‘y ° X erX : ' h 7 ■“ > COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 21. — ball team, Lies in a serious con­ in the northern city, which The rem ainder was expended PORTLAND, Nov. 21. — Clay­ m ent while they are doing th e ir' . . tlieir . . . in, the .. I correct in every detail, local po- j Booth ment while they are doing ' ball each . had place declared would solve th e 'W ith the principals of vhe case dition at his home on South Or­ ton Kirk, Indian lawyer, was to ­ stuff. Russell C arpenter and as follows: th a t too much football was lice declared today, a fte r a (m ystery of who killed H arry) in Canton, the furnace mystery ange street. He had been quite High school band, $10 for day sentenced to eighteen months B attling R uger of Ashland a r e ' ' world, ^ ba but searching investigation which ■ Katz, w ealthy'diam ond banker of j in which Mrs. Addie Sheatsley ill ever since the Medford-Marsh­ in the Federal penitentiary at down in the semi-windup. Both music. was burned to death, was at a field football game with a had Service Men’s Republican lea­ Leavenworth, Kansas, by the Fed»- are clever youngsters, and f I th a t both were absolutely essen-^was conducted yesterday. T h e 'th is city two weeks ago, was cold and rheumatism^ *n t ^ie t ’le ^4,rnan *>e* confirm ation of Sheatsley’s story branded as “ pure hunk” by the stand still her today. gue, $25, for oratory and m arch­ eral Court here today for selling pleasers. Chick Kennedy of Med- Wednesday his condition be­ C. Long, local chemist, was to Katz was by the police relieves him of any police here today. and giving liquor to two Indian ford and Young H arris of Los ing. ' ing, etc. came worse, and about 5 a. m. suspicion of being implicated in slain in his Los Angeles a p a rt-! deliver his report on the examin­ Subscriptions to the N ational girls on the K lam ath Indian res­ Angeles will tangle in the special yesterday it was critical for a the d e ath ,a n d leaves only a sui ments, and so far the police have ation of the lungs of Mrs. Sheat- Republican, the official publica­ ervation. event. Kennedy, is "well known REVIVAL MEETING time, but was improved through ynable to unearth a clue as sley late this afternoon. If car- tion of th e party, to carry its gos­ K irk was convicted of the among the boxing fans of South­ TO BE HELD SUNDAY cide clue for the police to work I been the day. His father. Dr. C. C. to the identity of his m urderers, bon monoxide gas is found in her on. pel into the far corners of the crime in October, 1923, but slip­ ern Oregon, while H aris is rated VanSeoyoc, who has been taking Assistant Captain of detectives. lungs. Long said, the evidence An old time revival cajnpaign ped b a it when granted a stay of as one of the best boys perform ­ county. Chapman of the Los Angeles po-l will be th a t she crawled into the treatm ent for his health for the For telephoning and telegraph­ execution of his sentence. He was ing around th e Southern Califor­ will begin at the Stone Church, IDAHO SCHEDULE IS past six weeks at a Kingsbore, force, said early this a fte r-'fire . F ifth and E. Main streets Sunday ing upstate, $334.66. arrested two months ago by a nia metropolis. ORDERED SUSPENDED lice noon th a t a check of B ooth's' Mrs. Sheatsley is the wife of a ! California, sanitarium 100 miles WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. — deputy sheriff of K lam ath coun­ S. A. Nye, $140. F u rn itu re, a davenport and a morning, according to an an­ story showed it was wlioly fabri- Lutheran m inister here. H e r , from Los Angeles and who had Gordon Stout. $14.50. ty in New Mexico. The deputy floor lamp will be given away at nouncem ent made here today. The In terstate * Commerce Com- t h e ' charred body was recovered from j been expected home the first of made up in M. T. Edwards, $50.05. sheriff was on a visit in the the smoker. Turkeys, hams, ba­ Mark A. W illis, an evangelist mission today ordered the suspen­ cation, the furnace of her home by her next w’eek, was sent for. Note, F irst National Bank, southern state, when he recog­ cons, sugar- and other things for from St. Louis, Mo., will conduct sion of the proposed new schedule mind of the jailed man, who The illness of the popular sixteen year old son. $105. nized K irk and took him into cus­ the Thanksgiving Dinner will be the m eeting, which will be con­ increasing the rates on grain pro­ hoped to get some favorable pub­ young man is not due to brain ducts from Idaho and W ashington licity which m ight enable him to Mr. Anderson observes th a t all tody. given away to members a t the ducted upon interdenom inational Hogs at union stock yards pas­ fever physicians decided today. of the incumbrances have not lines, and open to all who are in- points to the Pacific coast. The obtain his release from the coun­ meeting. There is much regret in the high sed 10-cent m arket last week. ty jail at San Francisco. , been liquidated, but they will be Pendleton — U m atilla county Admission to the sm oker is by terested in the subject. Special suspension order runs from No- school student body over his ill­ w hen the contributions are all budget for 1925 is $518,413.70, membership card only it has been music has been arranged for the vember 21, 1924 to March 21, ness. Tidings Want Ads bring results. There is wisdom in reading ads. in from missing precincts. meeting. 1925. or $300.11 less th an 1924. announced. TREATMENT OF CANCER CLAIMED tt tt PHILADELPHIA. Nov. R 21. — A pparent cures R said to have been effected R in cases of cancer were R dem onstrated to the E ast­ tt ern Homeopathic associa­ R tion today. The results R were described by Dr. R Frank C. Benson, Jr., as Death Comes at 8:55 A. M., 8 the most marvelous he had ever seen, but he cau­ in Home of Dr. Sawyer, R R tioned the physicians that Her Physician R no final opinion would be until after ex­ MARION IS SHOCKED ttR reached perim ents lasting five R years more. City of H er B irth, W hich P resi­ The basi3 of the tre a t­ R d en t H arding Brought into ment, which recently was R History,* G rief Stricken tt discovered by physicians MARION, Ohio, Nov. 21.— Mrs. R at the H ahnem ann hos­ pital, consists of a radium Florence Kling H arding, widow) R emanation. I « of the late President Harding, “ Unlike form er radium died a t 8:55 this morning at the : R i« i treatm en ts,” Dr. Benson home of Dr. Charles Sawyer, her R said, “ the present one physician here. R does not attem pt to des­ In spite of the fact th at her death has been im m inent for R troy cancerousi tissues. days, Marion, the city of her R Instead, th e diseased tis­ birth, which the late President R sue is aparently restored and his wife brought into his­ 8 to norm al.” “ The substance used in tory, was shocked into numb R tt the treatm ent is a pro­ grief and quiet bereavement. R duct of the disintegration Mrs. H arding had grown slow­ R of radiujn and rem ains ac­ ly worse alm ost hourly f o r . the R tive only 27 days. All past week, following a lingering illness due to kidney trouble. She R forms of m alignant tum ­ had been in a semi-comatose con­ R ors appeared to respond dition since W ednesday night, R to the rays. finally lapsing into unconscious­ R R R R R R R R R R R R R MRS. HARDING IS DEAD AFTER LONG ILLNESS r CAMPAIGN FOR NEW MEMBERS WILL CONTINUE 1 SOCIETY DAZED AT RHINELANDER J v ELOPEMENT. ----- FIRST NUMBER OF CELEBRIT Y COURSE READY LABOR NOT TO TARE PART IN ANY POLITICS ’ — TAX RATE IN THIS TENNANTS IN TWO TO H I S OF HI IL L OF ALL SUSPICION ELKS PLANNING BIG SMOKER Ï0 BE HELD II Î1497.23 DURING POLICE REFUTE ALL F IS CRITICALLY ILL INDIAN SELLER OF