■ P I B PROFESSIONAL Classified Column Classified Uolumn Rates One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. PHYSICIANS OR. HAWLEY—Above office. Phone 91. Tidings Miss Edith Dodge, Editor Phone items to her at 31), between S a. m. and 5 p. ni. AfiÄtm ftÀitt m ö n c nÆ . I, . . 1 1 . ■ . ïhursday, November 20, 1924 Il I . Hessfenauer hhd Mary Heilmahn CUT THIS OUT — Were united in marriage. Only the IT IS WORTH MONEY Send this ad atid ten cents to immediate relatives were present Foley & Co., 28351 Sheffield Ave.,! Mr. Hessenauer is a well known rancher in this community and i Chicago, lit, writing your name the happy couple will make their and address clearly. You will re­ ceive a ten cent bottle of FOLEY’S home here. HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND Auxiliary Meeting— for coughs, colds and hoarseness. The Auxiliary to the Trinity! also free sample packages of- Guild met at the Parish Hoyse FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic stimu last night and enjoyed their regu­ lent for the kidneys, and FOLEY lar semimonthly meeting. .While a CATHARTIC TABLETS for Con- short business session was held > stipation and Biliousness. These 1he meeting was in th® natUTe ° f Wonder,ul remedies have helped a social one. A very pleasant millions of people. Try them. Sold evening was spent playing Mah everywhere. Jongg and conversing. Delicious refreshments were served during the evening by the hostesses, Mes­ dames Milton Fraley, and W. H. McNair and at a late hour the • group wended their way home­ will drive out the ward. Pendleton — Umatilla county ships first full carload of turkeys to eastern markets. Klamath Falls — Klamath county votes $125,000 to com­ plete The Dalles-California high­ way. DR. C. W. HANSON Dentist Special attention given to pyor- i CALENDAR OF EVENTS rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver FOR RENT _____ — ■ -------- I Block. Phone 178-J. Thursday, November 20. D. A. IN ASHLAND 233-tf. FOR RENT — 3 room furnish- “ Tf I were do write a ed apartm ent, private bath. A dults DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—Pvac- "oTanut ^ tr e e r ” 6 ‘W ho’s W ho’ in Ashland, only. Phone 263R or call at tice limited to eye, ear. nose ano j. Saturday Nov 22.— Ladies of 68— 2 Shook Building. throat—X-ray including teeth. Trinity Gund_ 6 h ick en pie din- 1 would begin by listing Offlce hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc j ner> g o’tffock p. m. at Parish the persons who have FOR RENT:— 5-room furnish­ 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, House. cheeking accounts. ” ed bungalow, lovely yard, front­ Ore. Saturday, November 22. P. E. ing park on Granite street. E. T. Thus said a prominent Staples. 67—tf DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic I O. will meet at the home of Mrs. citizen who knows that a W. E. Blake. RIST watches for women, pocket watches and and Electro-Therapy. Office Monday, November 24. W. R. checking account gives FOR RENT: — 6-room un­ outdoor strap watches for men can be selected phone 48; residence 142. First C. club will meet at the home of furnished house, 63 Alida. Phone here in beautiful styles and at prices according to your one prestige, aiding him dinginess * in y o u r National Bank building. Mrs. O. B. Turner, 256 Sixth St. 299. 67—3* preferences. Salem — School budget for to be somebody in busi­ house Monday, November 24. Ashland 8251,000 and debt of 862,000 au­ THE SOUTHERN OREGON Christmas shoppers also will find here a wealth of FOR SALE ness and in his commun­ Music Study club will meet in thorized by school board. CLINIC jewelry, silverware, and articles of home decoration • 1st National Bank Bldg. the Armory at 7:45. Everyone in­ ity. FOR'SALE— Cheap if taken at, Medical which make very appropriate gifts at moderate prices. Surgical Obstetrical vited to attend. Your account is invited once. 4-room house, lot 45x145' Diagnostic X-ray Tuesday, November 25. O. E. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF feet, some fruit trees,. Inquire R W. Stearns, M. D. THE STATE OF OREGON S. Embroidery Club • at Masonic R. E. Green, M. D. owner 156 Lincoln St. 69— 4*, FOR JACKSON COUNTY R. W. Sleeter, M. D. Hall. Suit In Equity Office hours 2-5 p. m. Tuesday, November 25. W. C. FOR SALE: — White enamel ALIAS SUMMONS FOR Phone 238-R PUBLICATION T. U. meets at the home of Mrs. range, good as new. I. J. Hayes, Oregon Ashland, J. W. McCoy, as liquidating agent HANY WHO WANT Alice Jillson on Vista street. CONVALESCENT HOME R. F. D. 1. Box 120. 66—4* for the United Slates National * * * Where the sick get welL Bank of Ashland, Plaintiff, WOOD FOR SALE:—Fir and vs. Missionary Rally— Cottage Plan. Spruce, 10 inch, »8; Hard wood 4< Friday afternoon a Missionary Victoria Mickelson, widow of Michael Mickelson; Eugenia L.{ 16 inch, $12. Delivered. Mountain' Rally will be held in Medford. and old people. Atkinson, widow of W. H. At-| Fuel Co. Siskiyou or leave order Maternity Dept. Delegates from all over the coun­ kinson; Sarah R. Fox, Fannie | at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. E. Fox McMillan, Susie L. Allen,! try will be present and Mrs.. Call 153 50— 1 mo? Mary E. Owen, Arthur Hankin.j Swoke, noted missionary from Edith Phipps, Maud Denny, | Portland will be present and give MONUMENTS FOR SALE: — 1922 Maxwell Herbert Crouch, Frank Crouch, i an address. Several other noted Willie Crouch, Clyde Crouch, J are disappointed e a c h touring car in excellent condition, I ASHLAND GRANITE Charles Crouch. Nellie Dickey, f week because they delay speakers are scheduled to speak Miss Coffee, Tidings office. Susie Kervin, Floyd Dickey, Lrf-j MONUMENTS that day and a very interesting la Payne House, Glenn Payne? ordering. Phone 11s for WOOD FOR SALE:—Fir aud | Blair Granite Co. meeting is being planned. This Ferest Owen, Glenn Owen.. Spruce, If. Ir.ch 88. Hard wood S. PENNISTON, Manager rally is in connection with the Margaret Owen Sparkman, Lot­ your Friday Fish. 16 inch 812 Delivered. Fountain Office 175 E. Main tie Owen, and to any and all Christian Church. Several car­ other heirs, known or unknown Feul Co Sisklycu or leave orders Res. Phone 444-Y loads of Ashland ladies are plan­ of either said W. H. Atkinson at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. ning to attend. or Michael Mickelson, or of any 50— 1 mo? 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE—May * * * IE only oats that cook into granular oatmeal.. of the Defendants, and as to N. Main communicate with Ensign Lee Phone 107 Nothing else like it. Meaty granules stimulate any and all persons or parties MISCELLANEOUS of th'e Salvation Army at the Entertains — claiming any right, title or in-1 digestion. Never cook sticky or pasty. Wonderful Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Randles of terest in and to the property ; WhiteShield Home, 565 May- flavor. More than a new oatmeal— a new cereal. this city entertained Mr. and Mrs. WANTED: — Mending and described in the complaint. fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. Norman Mack, of Hilt with a sewing of all kinds. Martha Akers. Defendants. Energy-buildipg corbohydrates, tissue-building pro- chicken dinner at their home Sun­ TO:—Maud Denny, Fatnie E. 300 Liberty. 67— 2* •— «*-« >» I,U K COfflüüö ‘ teins, a wealth of vital minerals. And New Style Fox McMillan, Susie Kervin. PLANING Mil A day. A very delightful dinner was OAFS H-0 takes only 2 to 3 short m inutes to cook —the Arthur Hankin, Willie Crouch. WANTED — A congenial, neat served, followed by a pleasant quickest cooking cereal— quick a s a flash! Clyde Crouch, Charles Crouch, elderly lady to share employed JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET afternoon 3pent in conversation. C o o k in Mary E. Owen, Forest Owen, crea m y WORKS, Cor. Helman and woman’s home, no expense. Com­ 2 t o 3 minutes Now » » * Glenn Owen, Margaret Owen Regular 11-0 Oats ’zjd uieM o f thig tw o Van Ness. 19^tf New S tyle H-O O ats (Q uick) \ Sparkman and Lottie Owen, of panionship desired. Mrs. Bullen kinds Hessenauer-Hoilmann— m ilk m a k es the above named Defendants Western Union or 208L. 68— 3 Standard fu ll aixe and w eight pkg.—w eight, 1 lb. 4 ox. The pleasant Boulevard home aU food, b etter, TRANSFER AND EXPRESS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE WANTED: — Milch cow and Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. of Rev. Dr. W. Oeser. Lutheran OF OREGON, You are hereby IttNestkb ALPINE pastor, was the scene of a very summoned and required to ap­ work team in exchange for feed for SERVICE. pear and answer the complaint of and keep during the winter. L. Experienced movers and pack­ pretty wedding Monday evening, the Plaintiff on file with the D. Bushnell, P. O. Box 502. ers of household goods. Deal­ November 17th when Mr. John Clerk of said Court at Jacksoh- vllle, Oregon, within SIX WEEKS 66— 6* ers in coal and wood. Phone • ------- \ . r from the date of the first publica­ ,n . • Ì CONSTIPATION OVERCOME tion of this Summons as required WANTED: — Protect yourself Office 89 Oak St. near The use of FOLEY CATHAR-jhy the Order of the Honorable C. agalnet the uncertainties of win­ Hotel Ashland TIP TAW lFTq will will hrine «needy date4 M- -Thomas, Judge said and Court, TIC TABLETS bring .speedy October 10 of 1924, If ter. We can pssure you a good position in your own county, that T. L. POWELL—General Trans- relief from constipation if taken you fail to appear and answei will pay you w'ell. Write us at fer—Good team and motor ! P™mptly. They are purely vege- within said six weeks, the Plain- -.f \ • tiff will apply for the relief de once. Nogar Corporation, 301 trucks. G >od service at a rea­ , table and act on the liver. Mr. manded in said complaint, to-wit: I John D. McComb, Lucas Co. Couch Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. That a decree be entered quiet­ 54—18 I sonable prtce. Phone 83. Home, Toledo, Ohio, writes: ing the title in the Plaintiff to a l “Have used Foley CATHARTIC strip of land 25 feet in width by FEHIGE-ROACH DRESSMAKING and Tayloring TABLETS in severe cases of con­ 173.3 feet in length lying paral­ Transfer — Express — Storage stipation to which I am subject lel to and 2D feet 6 inches distant reasonable prices, all work guar­ the south line of Lot 8 In anteed. Mrs. B. Van Harden­ Hauling — Dray work of all , and found them beneficial.” FO­ from Block 1, in the City of Ashland, The proceeds of the sale of this stock will be used berg, 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 mo.* binds. Quick motor service. Dry! LEY CATHARTIC TABLETS are Jackson County, Oregon, and that exclusively for new, income-producing additions to wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R easy to take, leave no unpleas­ you and each of you be barred YOUR PAWNERS DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ 37 5 B ,St. and betterments of property and equipment. IN PP.OCRESS 112-tf ant after effects. Try them. Sold from . clAming or asserting any interest, title or ownership In ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 Granite everywhere. the said strip of land, and for Street. 60— 1 mo,.* ASHLAND PAINT CO such other relief as to the Court THE STOCK THE COMPANY Dependable - '.i 'RF* may seem proper. The history of The California Oregon Power Com­ Painting Contractors & Decorators Par value $100 per share. Date of first publication: Oc- pany shows a substantial growth in facilities and tober 16th, 1924. SWENNING & GEAR Dividends*have been paid on The California Oregon earnings resulting from the large sums of money in­ Time to answer expires: No- Power Company Preferred Capital Stock each quarter Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.* vested in its properties and from the development of vember 28th, 1924. since issuance, without interruption, at the rate of 57 the territory which it serves. BRIGGS & BRIGGS, per share per annum. Dividend checks are mailed By E. D. Briggs, WOOD SAVYI NG every three months. Steady Growth in Customers Served Attorneys for Plaintiff. Proceeds of all securities sold are devoted exclusive­ Postoffice address: The territory nov/ served by The California Oregon WANTED—Wood sawing. Tel Wlien your back is sore and Pioneer Block, ly to additions to and betterments of the Company’s Power Company includes parts of Jackson, Josephine, 470-J. 63— lmo* lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheu- Ashland, Oregon properties. 38— Sthur Klamath and Douglas Counties in Oregon, and tism has you stif­ Siskiyou County and parts of Shasta and Trinity The stock is not assessable by the Company for fened up, don’t Counties in California. This is an area equal to the any purpose whatsoever. It is non-callable, and if pur­ Must We Grow Old? suffer! Got a 35 i combined areas of the States of Massachusetts, Rhode chased at the present price, yields a return of 7.14% cent bottle of old, Island and Connecticut. on the investment. honest St. Jacobs Vital Glands of Young Animals During the ten years from 1913 to 1923, the num­ It is exempt from Federal Normal Individual In­ Oil at any drug (Gladogen) Used to Restore ber of consumers has grown to the present t^>tal of come Tax. store, pour a little 18,225, an increase of 177%. Due to the increasing use Vitality* in your hand and It takes precedence as to assets and dividends over of electric power for industrial, agricultural and do­ rub it right on common stock amounting to $4,441,100 par value. This mestic purposes, the Company’s output has grown from your aching back, Scientists of international means that all dividends on the Preferred Stock must approximately twenty-six million kilowatt-hours in and the soreness prominence declare that the vi­ be paid in full before any dividends may be declared 1913 to one hundred and fifty-two million kilowatt- and lameness is tal glands of young ¡mimals have on the common stock; and that the Preferred Stcck hours in 1923—an increase of 475%. Take Glass of Salts if Your gone. has a claim on the assets of the Company prior to the In addition to its local consumers, the company en­ In use for 65 remarkable powder of renewing common stock. The equity in assets back of the Pre­ Back Aches or Bladder joys a large and advantageous wholesale contract years, this sooth- vitality, toning up the entire sys­ ferred Stock amounts to more than $9,000,000.00 as of demand from other power companies, thus greatly Troubles You i n g, penetrating tem and building up nerve force. May 31, 1924—over two and one-half times the par expanding and diversifying its field. oil takes the pain value of the Preferred Capital Stock now outstanding. Dr. Arnold Lorand says in his right out and ends Increase in Facilities Upon the completion of the^ new Copco power When you wake up with back­ the misery, It is absolutely harm- hook, “Old Age Deferred,” In The company owns and operates eight hydro-elec­ house, the new Link River power house, and other ache and dull misery in the kid­ loss and doesn’t burn the skin. speaking of the glands: ' ‘We must projects now commencing construction, approximately tric plants in Southern Oregon and Northern Cali­ insist upon the enforcement of ney region it may mean you have fornia. In building these hydro-electric plants, natural FNe Million Dollars in new and productive property their functions, if changed by age been eating foods which create resources are developed which will be productive will be added to the company’s physical assets. or disease, by means of extracts forever. acids, says a well-known author­ The stock may be purchased in any amount from obtained from the similar organs The Company’s main trunk high tension and distri­ ity. An excess of such acids over­ one share upward. bution lines at the end of 1923 were 1550 miles in of healthy young animals.” works tlie kidneys in their effort It may be purchased either for cash or on our special length. Mr. James H. Allen, of 26 to filter it from the blood and Glandogen, the new scientific savings plan, namely, $5 per share as first payment, The actual investment in the construction of these Forbes St., Rochester, N. Y., suf­ they become sort of paralyzed I gland tonic, prepared in tablet and $5 per share per month. Interest is not charged by facilities has increased from $4,787,624.35 in 1913 to fered for years with rheumatism. and loggy. When your kidneys! form provides a# simple method the company on unpaid balances. $11,752,616.19 in 1923, exclusive of valuable water rights and intangible assets. Many times this terrible disease get sloggish and clog you must of taking glandular treatment. Interest is paid by the company, however, on all left him helpless and unable to relieve them, like you relieve your ; Glandogen, for men and women, j partial payments under the savings plan at the rate Immediate Future Development of 6% per annum. Interest checks are mailed to work. East Side Pharmacy will supply bowels, removing all the body’s j The Company is now engaged in building a new subscribers under the savings plan every three months. you. Mail orders accepted. He finally decided, after years urinous waste, else you have Red Pepper Rub takes the 4,250 horse-power plant on Link River at Klamath from sore, stiff, aching Subscribers who find it necessary to cancel their Falls, and an additional power plant with a generating of ceaseless study, that no one backache, sick headache, dizzy “ouch’ It cannot hurt you, and joints. capacity of 40,000 horse-power at Copco on the Klam­ installment subscriptions will be allowed a refund of spells: your stomach sours, ton- can be free from rheumatism it certainly stops that old rheu-1 FOLEY PILLS REACH- all payments made, plus interest earned, either in cash ath River, together with an important extension of its until the accumulated impurities? gue is coated and when the matism torture at once. ED THE SORE SPOT or in paid-up stock. (A deduction of $1.00 per share high-tension lines. A large part of this increased pro­ When you are suffering so you commonly called uric acid dopos-i weather is had you-have rlieuma- will be made to cover the expense of cancellation.) duction has already been contracted for, in the case Mrs. Ellen Reighard, South Its. were dissolved in the joints tic twinges. The qrine is cloudy, can hardly get around, just try of the new Copco plant, and it is estimated by the . The stock is listed on the San Francisco Stock and Company that the new facilities alone will increase its t^ P*ruick" gt areiiefyOknown. Fork, Pa., writes: “I hhd been and muscles and expelled from full of sediment, channels often Bond Exchange. net earnings by more than $400,000.00 a year. get sore, water scalds and you are , Nothing has such concentrated, suffering with my kidneys and the body. With this idea in mind he con- obliged to seek relief two or three penetrating heat as red peppers. nothing seemed to touch the ach suited physicians made exper:-, times during the night. ¡Just as soon as you apply J^®d ing spot until I procured FOLEY T H E R EC O R D O F T E N Y E A R S’ G R O W T H ments and finally compounded a' Either consult a good, reliable Thrle minutes PILLS. with wonderful results.” Gross Operating and Net Earnings without Kilowatt Hours Year Value of Physical Prop­ prescription that quickly and physician at once or get from warms the sore spot through and FOLLY PILLS, a diuretic stimu Generated Revenue Maintenance Deducting Interest or erties (not including completely banished every sign your pharmacist about four ounces through Pain and soreness are iant for the kidneys, gently and Depreciation Expense water rights, etc.) and'symptom of rheumatism from of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon gone.^ good dru?gist for a • thoroughly flush and cleanse the 26,485,359 $203,515.03 $143,746.67 $347,261.70 1913 $4,787,624.35 to eliminate his system. I ful in a g,ass of watcr bofore ja r o*f Rowles'Red’ Pepper Rub; kidneys and help to 152,124,781 $775,940.81 $1,370,544.78 $594,603.97 1923 $11,752,616.19 He freely gave his discovery, breakfast for a few days and your Be 8ure to get the genuine, with poisonous waste matter. Try a 1 i 1 he called Allenrhu to oth- kidneys may .then act fine. This the name Rowles on each pack- bottle today and you will be well ' famous salts is made from the a%e- -----r— ^ — ^ pleased with the relief obtained. ers who took it, with what might The use of FOLEY PILLS in- be called marvelous success. Aft- acid of grapes and lemon juice, s creases kidney activity. Sold > v he decided to' combined with lithia, and has er years of . urging a______ ____________ everywhere. let sufferers everywhere knowj been used for years to help clean! voante attention but a and stimulate sluggish kidneys,' Offices: Roseburg, Medford, Grants Pcss, Klamath Falls, Oregon / Yreka, Dunsmuir, California about his discovery through the coughing child needs also to neutralize acids in the For a. smooth shave newspapers. attention. system, so they no longer irri­ and quick service go “The blessed relief this m ar-: tate. thus often relieving bladder Used and recommended since 1872 to the Shell Barber velous prescription quickly give«! weakness. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY C H A M B E R L A IN ’S Shop. Ladies and has made for it thousands of MEDFORD, OREGON Jad Salts is inexpensive, can C O V G H .R E M E D Y children get your hair friends,’ ’says East Side Phar­ not Injure and makes a delight-; stops alarmin g croup coughs, eases Please send me full information about your 7% bobbed and marcel macy, who has been appointed ful, effervescent lithia - water stuffy, wheezy breathing, raises chok­ or man this coupon Preferred Stock and special partial payment plan. led. agent -in your city. It is Mr. Al­ drink. Drink lots of soft water. ing phlegm easily, allows restful sleep. Benefits both children and len’s own discovery. Name . ... ..................... By all means have your physician grown persons. W. A. SHELL, Prop. examine your kidneys at least Keeps bottle in your home a» the tin»« 132 A. St. Ashland. Ore Address ................ ........................................... ........... -... Tidings Ads brings results. twice a year. No Narcotic». Sold everywhere. “Who’s Who" Gift Watches From Your Favorite Gift Store Kalsomine W J. O. RIGG First National Bank o. H. JOHHSOH Fish A real sensation New Style Eagle Market H"0 T THE CALIFORNIA OREGON v POWER COMPANY * . k Preferred Capital Stock / / O Price $98 per Share YIELDING 7.14% * Say s Allenrhu Surely Conquers LI RED PEPPERS WILL HEAT m PAINS OF CRYING CHILD A' THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Ask any member of our organization, —today!