A shland A S H L A N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) P u b lished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. P e r t R . G re e r .................................................................................................. E d ito r G eo rg e M adden G reen ...........................................................B u sin e ss M anager daily tidings Thursday, November 20, 19iU Judged by the reports from abroad siiice they set Care of Chautauqua Park 300.00 P u b lic ity ................................. 100.00 foot in London, the gate receipts have Dot been suffi­ cient to pay for one exciting nights entertainment in Paris, much less meet the common, ordinary expenses of such E s tim a te d b a la n c e end of fiscal y e a r A m ount to be ra ise d by levy .........’............................ a journey. , P A R K A» E P A R T M E X T hen the teams played in London, while the crowds E st h u n te d E x p e n d itu re s — 1925 J:abor ..................................................... 7,ooo.oo were not large, there was a slight compensation in the O F F IC IA L CITY P A P E R ............................................. ........... T e lep h o n e 39 • fciuered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mail M atter 1 « ____ „ . ■ PBCP OT O ne OI t i l e 1*05 til . , , . , „ princes. j\nd plaVlllg before “ F o u r th p a y m e n t on A sh la n d P rin tin g Co tr a c t in te r e s t on d e fe rre d p a y m e n ts Third p a y m e n t on Levi S te v e n ’s tr a c t in te r e s t on d e fe rre d p a y m e n ts Sew er, five c o n tra c ts .......... ................... . . S a la ry o f P la y g ro u n d S u p t.............................. . A ccid en t in s u ra n c e .................... E le c tric lig h t g lo b es .......................50.00 P la n ts , seeds, s h ru b s a n d flo w ers H ose a n d sm a ll to o ls ........;...;........ ......................... P a in tin g a u to ta g s ................ C ost of o p e ra tin g p a rk w o rk c a r 250.00 35.00 250.00 30.00 110.00 225.00 i4rt"nn A RELIABLE COUGH REMEDY W hy e x p e rim e n t w ith u n k n o w n 1.000.00 rem e d ie s fo r th a t co u g h o r cold 550.00 w hen you can se cu re F O L E Y 'S HONEY AND TA R COM POUND? 450.00 I t is a sa fe a n d re lia b le rem ed y fo r th e re lie f of coughs, colds, h o a rse n e ss E q u a lly b en eficial fo r young a n d old. Mrs. A nna C o rn e ll? B rid g eto n , N. J ., s ta te s : “ I bought F O L E Y ’S HONEY AND TA R COM POUND fo r m y cold a n d fin d i it g r e a t.” In s is t upon th e g enuine. R e fu se s u b s titu te s . Sold e v e ry ­ w here. Subscription Price, Delivered i. cn,--------------- l'°>'al Pr >nce«-i8 the value of that to be measured by the O ne M onth ..................................................................................................... $ .6 5 jcoarse and democratic standard of dollars and cents! 'I n ree M onths 95 5 1 And over in Dublin, what if less than twenty people S i M onths 3 1 .7 C q s Y e a r .................................' ...................................................................... 7.50—probably most of them on passes—turned out, did not 175 00 $ .651th? cables immediately inform the surprised and disap- l>ne M onth .................................................................................................... iK n 'n n 7 bree Months ................................................. ..... 7 ........... 1.95¡pointed American public that it was a religious holiday 50.00 6.x M onths 250.00 Ye!rn\ T 7777777.*7'27?777’777 c^o and that hence tl^ result was not entirely unexpected 1 riepaks tJe[hreeg b Padge7°rk car "•.............. L 03 — -- ________________________________ , HPlirx rlioiAO 4*z>liz-xcx _ A _ ____ i l i « i •• .......-................... 200. .00 The dispatches are not clear as to exactlv what iin- ! Bullding one _ ___ new « bridge 150.00 DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES » .30 ¡toward condition made the I>ris stay so short-lived; but I mteiesf on m p ro v e m e n t B onds ............................. ........ 77777:7 1,000.00 è . t g l e in se rtio n , p er t o o ? .7 7 — “ 7.T72L.......777.......... 600.00 c ». insertion » week ............................. 27 h «*. R ig h te d Parisians simply do not { X S T Ä S Ä U ? : = = ! S j. 240.00 .25 J * o in s e rtio n s a w eek like baseball, that not having become accustomed to the .20 l a i i y in s e rtio n ......................................................................................... game, even that great love, which tlie Lafayette squadron R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising 11.405.00 E stim ated Incom e— 1925 I rat In se rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e ......................................... I .10 in this country assures us is brimming over in the heart F ro m s a le i of . cups ............................... 800 00 I ich su b s e q u e n t in s e rtio n , 8 p o in t lin e J S S S T lMertl0°' 8 1>°‘“t “°e -------- ---------- r .05 S of «”« 7 Frenchman for everything and anything Amer- A u to cam p fees a n d fees fro m ( tu tu a rie s , p e r line 7,000.00 02H lean, could not prevail upon them to spend the necessary - b ch o n .p s h e lte r h o u ses .............. 6,200 00 A m o u n t to ES ra is e d by l e w francs to get a ticket. W H A T C O N ST IT U T E S A D V E R T ISIN G 4,405.00 E s tim a te d b a la n c e e n d of fiscal y e a r 77777777... “ A ll f u tu r e e v e n ts, w h e re a n ad m issio n c h a rg e is m ad e o r a N one The truth of the matter is that the promoters of this P v E ’? K 1>A R ï M E N T co llectio n ta k e n is A d v e rtisin g . trip failed to take into consideration the very well known No d isc o u n t w ill be allo w ed R e lig io u s o r B e n e v o len t o rd e rs. E stim ated E xpenditures— 1925 S a la ry of C h ief ......................................... ;................. . 500 00 human fact that what is sauce for the goose is not beef­ S a la ry of tw o d riv e rs .......... DONATIONS 2 88ft no No d o n a tio n s to c h a ritie s o r o th e rw ise w ill be m ad e in a d v e rtis - steak for the pussy cat V o lu n te e r fire m e n .................... 7777.77777777777 4 0 0 .0 0 It'M o r jo b p rin tin g — o u r c o n trib u tio n s w ill be in cash . Styles in amusements differ as well as stvles in man-' TeiCephoneDSUrance’...................... n .............. 2®®?° ners. •supplies ..... 77777777777.................................... JS-JJ N O V EM B ER 2 0 T ru c k exp en se .............................. ....................... 3 -< .5 0 is th 250.00 l a n d , a n M d IG h HTY ig h is A R th M y :— r ig T h hou t h a n h d a . s t J a u s m tic ig e h ty a n d a rm ju : d g s m tro e n n t g a re th y e j "5.inC’ to his friends with all the C h ie f’s expenses t o C o n v en tio n 7 40.00 .............. h a b ita tio n of T hy th ro n e : m ercy a n d tr u th sh a ll go b efo re T h y face. U C U iailO B S OI a Southern Luropean Would be regarded T h re e T u r n o u t S u its . 53.00 T h re e p a ir bo o ts ........ ............................................ — P salm 89: 13. 14. 19.50 as on. his way to the asylum. F u e l ...................................................................................... P R A Y E R :— G re a t is th e L ord a n d g re a tly to be p raise d , In 50.00 O s u p p lie s ....... ........ 777................................ A South Sea islander, who offered his seat to his D ffice ti.e c o u rts of T hy h ouse w’ill we p ra ise T h ee c o n tin u o u sly . 25.00 ray ag e, e x p re ss, fre ig h t 7777777...................... 20.00 wife or tried to do her work, would likelv have his head cut oif. PATRONIZE THE LYCEUM 5,800.00 ! E s tim a te d s h o rta g e , en d of fisc;. 1 y e a r ................ •„ 1,400.0011 The Ashland lyceum series starts here Friday night If baseball is to he made popular in foreign countries, find it is to he hoped that those who are devoting their l will not be through such exhibition tours, but by the in­ A m o u n t to be ra ise d by levy ’,200.00 1 C E M E T E R Y D E P A R T M E X T 7 me to making this civic entertainment course a success troduction of the game among the young, getting them­ E s tim a te li E x p e n d itu re s — 1925 i ill he encouraged by a hearty response in the form of selves and their parents interested in its fine points and C are o f M o u n ta in View C e m e te ry ............ L a b o r, A sh la n d C e m e te ry ’ .............' . ¿ n n r large audience at the initial performance. z developing a picturesque and effective vocabulary to he .............................8:JJ Ashland can not expect to have the class of enter­ directed especially at the umpire. 425.00 tainments which are shown in the larger cities, but we And when the Little Giant starts off with such an E stim ated Incom e— 1925 i ;ust remember that if it was not for the willingness of amh.tious program, he will get farther from Paris and S ale of lo ts 325.00 »-.me of our citizens to undertake the management of lv- also need no longer he worried with the tiresome work of A m o u n t to be ra ise d by levy ... . E s tim a te d b a la n c e end of fiscal y e a r .7777777 100.00 «t urn and other entertainment courses, we would have far thinking up alibis. IN T E R E S T AND B O N D S D E P A R T M E X T Jess than we do get. • E s tim a te d E x p e n d itu re s — 1925 It ’s an ill wind which blows nobody good Mavbe it I n te r e s t on ? 3,000 O rig in a l S ew er B o n d s......... 135.00 The Lyceum entertainers are said to be splendid r e s t on $ 1 7 5,000 A u x ilia ry W a t^ r B onds 8,7 5 0 .0 0 performers in their various capacities, and everybody was the hot air given off b}- the politicians during the laet I I n n te te r e s t on $ 6,000 P a r k B onds . . . . . . 262.50 I n te r e s t on $ 56.500 R e fu n d ng B onds «iiould make an effort to attend all, or as many as pos­ campaign winch kept Injun Summer so balmy. 2 ,6 6 7 .5 0 I n te r e s t on $ 5,500 Im p ro v e m e n t B onds ......... 330 00 sible of the entertainments. in te r e s t on $ 37,000 R e fu n d in g B a n c ro ft B ds... 2,2 2 0 .0 0 In Alabama a man sickness." recently w Z Ïb eth T s first w o X months-spell of sleeping 14,365.00 G e n e ral B ond S in k in g F u n d A REAL BUY AT-HOME APPEAL 8,000.00 ^ ' . aba” a ca8ts twenty-tonr ™‘- o - r i h , In one of the advertisements in Wednesday’s Tid­ A m o u n t to be ra ise d by levy .................... 22,365.00 E s tim a te d b a la n c e e n d of y e a r ings reference was made by a merchant to “ do6r knocker” Non’e E s tim a te d incom e N one 1 osiery salesmen, adding that his stock of hosiery includes 8 I M M A R Y G e n e ral D e p a rtm e n t ........................................... » ...$ 1 0 .3 8 0 .0 0 i .erchandi se that is as cheap and of as good quality as N O T IC E L ib ra ry D e p a rtm e n t .......................................... 4 515 00 that sold hv salesmen who come to a N town; • stay * a few Proposed Budget for the City of Ashland for the Year 1925 S tre e t D e p a rtm e n t ................. I ¿ ’s a ft’iift S ew er D e p a rtm e n t ........................ 77..... ......... ______ ♦ ays o rweeks and then are gone. G e n e ra l D e p a rtm e n t P u b lic ity & C h a u t. P a r k D e p t......... ............ 450 Oft The Tidings understands the merchant was inferring c,„. _ »T P a r k D e p a rtm e n t ..................................................... 4,405.00 E stim ated E xpenditures— 1925 F ire D e p a rtm e n t •....... 7 nn « 550 ihat an itinerant hosiery salesman is working Ashland o a a ry — M ayor a n d C ouncil ........................ C e m e te ry D e p a rtm e n t .........77777777::::::77:: 100.00 .............. — • s.nd that he thinks the activities of this outside salesman 2 S T S S i Iiould he discouraged. 31.550.00 300.00 in te r e s t a n d B onds D e p a rtm e n t 22,365.00 720.00 It is difficult to discourage their activities, as it is J a n ito r W o rk .................... ......................*................ 160.00 ro u n d expense T o ta l a m o u n t to be ra is e d b v .le v y i.¡most impossible to reduce the steady stream of money D E n um g in p e e g rin $53,9 1 5 .0 0 140.00 g .......... ................................................ T h e o rig in a l e s tim a te s , a s fu rn is h e d by d e p a rtm e n t h e a d s "and .' hicli flows to the mail order houses, but the advertis­ S u re ty B onds ..... 7777777777.................................. 100.00 w hich a re in a la rg e m e a s u re a basis fo r th e above e s tim a te s , a re on 77.50 e t lig h tin g ................................ ............................. file in th e office of th e C ity R e c o rd e r a n d a re m ad e a p a rt h e re o f ing merchant was using the right tactics—proving that S In tre d ig e n ts .......................................................... 5,0 0 0 .0 0 A ny p erso n d e s irin g to ex a m in e said o rig in a l e s tim a te s m ay do so ) o lidd merchandise just as good, if not better, at prices P r in tin g .............. ........................................................... 100.00 a t th e office of th e . C ity R eco rd er. I h e re b y c e rtify t h a t th e fo re g o in g is a tr u e s ta te m e n t o f th e which are as low as those offered by the itinerant. There insPuPra?cef°r Rworde‘’s O " ^ 777777777: 410.00 100.00 p ro p o sed b u d g e t of ex p en ses fo r th e y e a r 1925, as a d o p te d bv th e 65.00 " is no maudlin sentiment or.appeal to the “ trade at F u e l B u d g e t C o m m itte e -of th e C ity of A sh lan d , O regon, Nov I S th 1924 50.00 a n d p u r s u a n t to a u th o r ity given by th e C om m on C ouncil a t a m eeL J Dme” spirit in this merchant’s advertisement, hut it Teilni”8 ac?t8, Treas- & Recordw”;............... 50.00 ing h eld th e sa m e d a te . M8y°r &Ud C°Uncl1 ... 7777777: 189.00 1 light be well to remember that back of the local mer- Telegrams3 T 0 A L L PE R S O N S IN T E R E S T E D 10.00 i H E R E IN , t h a t th e C ity C ouncil w ill m ee t a t th e C ity H all, A shland • hant’s willingness to compare goods with the itinerant F e e d fo r e lk .77777777 ..................................... 63.50 O regon, on Dec. 2nd, 1924, a t 8 o ’clock V . M.. th e n an d th e re to is the valuable idea that the local merchant is here to d isc u ss sa id b u d g e t a n d m ak e th e levy of th e city ta x e s fo r evnen i e a r 1 9 2 5 ‘ a t w h ic t P lace a»“ 39,285.00 » lay, that he will make adjustments and that you know S a la ry — C hief o f P°oHce ° E D E P A “ ™ E te re s te d th e re in m ay m ee t w ith th e co u n cil a n d m ak e know n t h e ir ' lcm, while the outsiders are really unknown to vou S a la ry — N ig h t P a tro lm a n 777777T....................... 1 320 Oft haveCtl°nS tO Sai<1 ”ldget and said Pr °P osed ta x levy, if any th e y ’ T h e re is w isdom In re a d in g .ids. U SE D CAR BARGAINS . One Maxwell Touring One Dodge Touring One Buick Touring Chevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Coupe Chevrolet Touring Priced for quick Sales i !*“ ^ = S S ^ n..::........ = J a il expense, la u n d ry 7 = 222- etc."*77.77’.......................... A ccid en t in su ra n c e • .............................. 20.00 OUR ILLITERATES C ar ex p en se ............ ........................ ....................... 110.00 ‘ According to figures compiled by the Federal gov- i m s s ^ ..... ^ ' 7777.......... T e lep h o n e s a n d p te le r g ra ............... (lnment, thp percentage of illiterates (persons of ten Teienhroom8- S u p p lies .......... .................................. 200.00 \ ears of age or over, unable to write any language, not 200 .0 0 necessarily English in the United States is six. In Ger­ . . x , E stim ateti Incom e— 1925 many, two-tenths of one per cent are illiterate; Ijenmark in te r e s t on fu n d s ...................... 500 oo .1 vo-tenths; Switzerland, five-tenths; England, one and in R te n . s e s e .......................... , ...................... 350.00 ouu.w « 'ght-tenths and France, which stands nearest the United! f S ................. J®®-®« » fates in this discreditable showing, has only four and D ue from F ire D ept? F u n d 77777777” 500 00 in te r e s t on s e c u ritie s ............................... 5 0 0 ^ 0 l ine-tenths per cent illiterates included in her population. Illiteracy is not confined to any one section of our E stim a te d b a la n c e en d of y e a r ............................... l^ O O 00 country hut it is heavier in rural communities than in the larger cities. Nor is it to be attributed to the foreign L IB R A R Y D E P A R T M E N T » orn, for there are twice as many native horn illiterates E stim ated E xpenditures— 1925 ns those of alien birth. Fuel ...................................................................... 250 .0 0 L ig h ts In many parts of Oregon, illiteracy persists through T elep 75.00 h o n e a n d clock ......... 65.00 Jack of accessible schools. In Jackson County the work­ S a la rie s ............................................................................... 2,3 0 0 .0 0 300.00 ing population in lumber eamps, orchards, packing houses j In a n s u i t ra o r n c e .................................................... .................................................. 200.00 and cannarics carry along children who can earn a wage P r in tin g a n d su p p lie s ............................. io n no 1 uless persistently and emphatically followed -up these P e rio d ic a ls ....................................................... :77.:::: . 200 00 Im p ro v e m e n ts a n d re p a irs .................... \ . . 500 00 lamihes often avoid from six to ten weeks of school in Io»!1“8 ™ 14,00 Die fall and nearly as many in the spring. Sometimes F u r n itu r e ......... ........................... 5 0 0 .0 0 50 .0 0 ;.ney are “ .just going to move” and unless the school P o sta g e , ex p ress, fre ig h t & d ra y a g e ................... 50.00 75.00 erk is keen, more time is lost before the lAove is made M iscellan eo u s .............. . hen the receiving district is slow to gather the children E stim ated Incom e— 1925 into the school, and as a result, many of these children F ro m School B o ard .................................. 150.00 <-o not attend a half year, fail to pass, repeat the process F in e s a n d o th e r so u rc e s ........................ 100.00 the next year, and so on and so on. 1 E ' er-V new family coming into a town or neighbor­ hood should he at once seen in regard to school attendance. A m o u n t to be ra is e d by l e v y ....................................... E s tim a te d b a la n c e end of fiscal y e a r ...................... 1 he school census taken often stirs the family indiffer S T R E E T D E P A R T M E N T stim ated E xpenditure»— 1925 . uce to school privilege, hut by that time, two months A ccident in su ra n c e E ........................................................ 90.00 VI I *' . " '', llavc 1,1 “nr county today fourteen year M a te ria l an d la b o r .............................................. ;........... 3,3 1 0 .0 0 Old child,-e.i ,1, the second and third grades, because of S a la ry of S tre e t C o m m issio n er ................................ 1,500.00 T ru c k a n d tr a c to r exp en se ....................................... 440 00 t.:e travel o il and avoid school” habit. Every person E n g in e e rin g ................................................. 60.00 27.00 aware of suel, conditions can help in tlie work against the T elep h o n e fo r S tre e t C o m m issio n er < ontinuanee ot this shameful illiteracy.. THE SAD EXPERIENCE OF THE BASEBALL TOURISTS (If the Ancient Alariner, it is written* A sadder and a wiser man He rose the morrow morn. And the members of the New York Giants and Cln- ago 3 White Sox, whose widely heralded tour was to take them around the world, but lias ended ingloriously in j ’aris, know exactly how he feels. • Pet Bear Kills Child * as Playmates Watch ¡1 5,645.00 CH ICO, C al., Nov. 20.— R e v e rt-!| 14,9 3 0 .0 0 in g to sa v a g e ry , a fo u r-y e ar-o ld p e t b e a r, w e ig h in g 400 p o u n d s, c h a rg e d dow n on a g ro u p of c h il­ d re n a n d k ille d G e o rg ia P e p p e r, | th re e , a t D u rh a m , as h e r p la y ­ m a te s lo o k ed on. w 4,550.00 10,3 8 0 .0 0 (No levy) I11 C o ld W e a t h e r the oil in your crankcase becomes diluted with raw gasoline quicker. Save yourself repair hills by having the oil changed oftener; it takes hut a few minutes at 4,7 6 5 .0 0 W. & N. Service Station A u t o m o t iv e S h o p C hevrolet and Dodge S ales and Service Shoe Shop GENUINE ARMY ISSUE SERGE SHIRTS O. I), long pants in all sizes. Navy Blue Serge Pants. These numbers are great values. • See Them at the The Army Goods Store Biggest Little Store in Town ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ VICTRObfl Victrola is a gift which favors all. It satisfies every­ body’s individual preference in music and enter­ tainment. It brings happiness to the whole family. As usual the demand for Victrolas has started early and will increase right up to Christmas itself. Make vour selection of instruments and appropriate Victor Records early. W e D e liv e r W h en Y o u S ay Come in tonight; we are open evenings. Convenient terms arranged “T H E R O S E ” PHONE 213 145 E. MAIN * THANKSGIVING GRAB BAG SALE Friday, N ovem ber 21 and Saturday, N ovem ber BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Each Bag contains from 15 to 2(f 250.00 _______ i 4,5 1 5 .0 0 I N one B A T T E R I E S BUILT F o rd s, FOR 4,5 0 0 .0 0 200 .0 0 P U B L IC IT Y & C H A U T. PA R K D E P T . _ . E stim ated E xpenditures— 1925 i BaDa .............................. ..................................................... 600 .0 0 T w e n t v - f i v e c e n t s to T e n D o ll a r s C h e v ro le ts C O N D IT IO N S O F SA L E : W ith e a c h p u r c h a s e o f S e v e n ty -fiv e c e n ts y o u a r e 5,427.00 927.00 different articles A t le a s t o n e a r tic le in e a c h b a g th a t re ta ils fro m S m a lle r C a rs A m o u n t to be ra is e d by levy ....................................... S E W E R D E P A R T M E N T E stim ated E xpenditures— 1025 L a b o r on se w e r m a in s ................................................. 2 0 0 .0 0 E s tim a te d b a la n c e e n d of fiscal y e a r ................... 200 .0 0 OVERLAND Instant Service on Ray- hestos Brake Lining G E R T R U D E B IE D E , C ity R e c o rd e r D a ^ ^ ^ ^ s t _ _ p u b l i c a t i o n , Nov. 20, 1924. ¿9_2 • E stim ated Incom e— 1925 M iscellan eo u s .............................................. 27.00 E s tim a te d b a la n c e e n d o f fiscal y e a r 900.00 ‘•d W . L . D o u g la s SHOES for tlie men who want quality and FREE! $ 1 3 .0 0 Murphy Elec. Co. Our Phone 82 Main - P laza e n t i t l e d t o o n e G r a b B a ir A shland ast Side Pharmacy