A shland daìlì twìno ! Wednesday, November 19, 192-1 To Copco— • ; birdiS entered in tD's competition, Theodor« Russell left yesterday and special aw ards have been ar- for Copco where he expects to ranged for the contest. work. The special prem ium s to be awarded in the poultry classes are listed below. Special aw ards' Best Dozen W hite Eggs— 1 sack egg mash, scratch feed, corn or TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY wheat, Ashland F ru it & Produce Assn. for the rabbit classss, the egg lay- 5 ing contest and other features best W hite Bird in Show— 5 gal. can Zerolene, Standard Oil Co FOR SALE— Cheap if taken at will be ready for publication with- Best Colored Bird in Show— $2.50 in trade, Automotive Shop Best Display Bantams— $1 00 cash, F. F. W hittle. once. 4-room house, lot 45x145 ¡a a few days. To Boy or Girl winning most points, any breed— 1 setting W P feet, some fruit trees. A D ally C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and ev en ts of Inquire R ent Apartm ent Rock eggs, J. Larkin Grubb. local Interest AMERICAN CLASS owner 156 Lincoln St. 69— 4* To Lady exhibiting best W yandotte Pullet— 1 lb box candv A C Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Vinns of Niuinger. G rants Pass arrived in Ashland Best , Pe" ^ hi ,ee , T ly' Rocks— '■ F u ller < Secretary's , - I Ashland >5.00. Biggest Cockerel in Show— $1.00 trade, Fourth St Market WANTED — A congenial, neat today and have rented the Luke, Best Pen B. P. Rocks— $5.00, W. J. W arner, Postm aster, Medford, Biggest Pullet tn Show’— $1.50 trade, Loomis & Nelson Movetl— elderly lady to share employed M alta Comm&ndery No. 4 apartm ents, form erly occupied by, Best Pen R. I. Reds— $5.00, Victor Bursell, Co. Commissioner. To Boy or Girl winning most blue ribbons— 1 setting Ancona eggs, Mr. and Mrs. H arry Morris mov­ woman's home, no expense. Com­ Merton E. Thompson. K n igh ts Tem plar Mr. and Mrs. E T Merrill who' Best Pen Buif Plymouth Rocks— $5.00, Citizens Bank, Ashland, ed yesterday to the G. M. R obert­ panionship desired. Mrs. Rullen h av« rptnrnaad cÀ.on ti, ’ • i Best Pen W hite W yandottes— $5.00, State Bank of Ashland. M o air ^ iBTOnS’ b0y or Girl— $1.50 trade. W alcotts Grocery M asonic H all south for the win-, p est Display Am. Class— Jackson Co.. Medford Tribune, year’s sub- Best P air Toulouse Geese— $2.50, Medford Nat l Bank 7' W estern Union or 208L. son house on Almond street. 68— 3 ter. Mr. Vinns will do special' scription. Best Pai^ Embden Geese— $2.50, Medford N at’l Bank Stated Conclave, W ednesday Best Display Silver W yandottes— $5.00, Phoenix M ercantile Co. work on the new hotel. ^ C o u n ty ^ C h a m b e T ^ 0 ' J ° 3ephine County— >5.00, Klamath FOR RENT — 3 room furnish­ Greeting cards— McNair Bros. evening, November 19. Routine Best Display Jersey Black Giant— $5.00 drinking fountain, Monarch ed apartm ent, private bath. A dults Seed & Feed Co., Medford. business, also Red Cross degree. Best Exhibit, any variety, from Klam ath County— $5.00 Grants' Pas« Lea ve Tomorrow— Visiting Here— Best Pen Light Braham as— 5 gal. eycol oil, Associated Oil Co., Chamber. . r n ® only. Phone 263R or call a t All Sir K nights courteously in­ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney and Medford. Best Exhibit, any variety, Douglas County— $5.00, F irst N at’l Bank Shook Building. 68— 2 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Young from vited. G rants Pass. nanM> Mrs. G. G. Eubanks will leave to-' Best Pen Am. Class— $5.00 trade, E. R. Isaac & Co., Ashland, Southern California are visiting F. H. JOHNSON, E. C. morrow for Oakland whi>ro t U Best Kir<1 Am- c,aSs— 1 sack Cherro builder, Frazier & Son. Best Exhibit, any variety. Siskiyou County, Cal.,— $5.00, G rants WANTED: — le n d in g and W. H. DAY, Recorder. 67-2 with friends here. . y i Best B. P. FPock (p u lle t)— Studio Ashland, $3.50 fram ed picture, Pass & Josephine Bank. ’ M,anis sewing of all kinds. M artha Akers. will spend Thanksgiving with Best B. P. Rock Cockerel— Swift & Co., 1 Swifts premium ham, &ilVeComUmerce h ‘gheSt scorin« Bir<’ ia Show— Ashland Chamber of 300 Liberty. Ashland. 67— 2* It is not too early to lrave your Mr. K inney’s mother. They ex- A shland Lodge No. 2 3 pect to be away for about three Best Pen B- p - R°<“ k— 1 set Champion spark Plugs, K ruggle Bros., Christm as p o rtrait made. Darling Champion Male Bird in Show— $5.00, Jackson County Creamery. Ashland. . A. F . & A , M. Studio. 60— tf weeks. Best W hite Plym outh Rock Cockerel— 2 lbs. tea. Mason Ehrm an, Special communication, T hurs­ Medford. « Duck H unt— . i Best R. I. Red< Pullet— Large sack H. O. Mush, W hite House Grocery. day evening Nov. 20. Third de­ G reatly Improved — Frank and V G. B a rn th o u se 'Be8t W hite W yandotte'C ockerel— 2 lbs. butter, Ashland Creamery. gree. Official visit of inspection Johnny Gruelle, who has been Pen 1 g rit & charcoal feeder, M. C. Lininger by D istrict Deputy Grand Master confined to the hospital for some I and Harold Radcliffe of Portland Best Ezra M. Wilson, of Medford. Sup­ time is very much improved and exPect 1° leave tomorrow for the Best Pen R. I. W hites— 1 dry mash hopper, Simpson H ardware. per ab 6 o’clock. Visiting B reth­ able to sit up. Tule Lake country on a four day' Best Jersey Black Giant Cockerel— $2.50 trade, Carson Fowler. Pen W inning 2nd Premium Barred P. Rocks— $2.50, A McMillan. duck hunt. ren welcome, and the member­ Best Pen Black Jersey Giants— $5.00, F irst N at’l Bank, Medford. ship in general urged to attend. Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ Best Exhibit R. I. Reds— $10.00, K lam ath County Cham ber of Com­ M. H. ELLIS, W. M., light you at The Plaza. 64— tf Text Books to be Used in merce. JV. H. DAY, Sec y. Eest Exhibit Barred P. Rocks— $5.00. G rants Pass & Josephine Bank State Selected by Board ! 68—»2 Here Sunday— MEI). CLASS Miss G ertrude Brown, who is Best Pen W hite Leghorns— $5.00, H. W. Fram e, Talent. (Continued from page 1) In S alem — Best Pen Black M insrcas— $5.00, State Bank, Central Point. teaching school at Dryden was i n ! ___ Best Pen Anconaa— $5.00, F irst N at’l Bank, Ashland. 1 Dr. Mattie Shaw returned home Ashland for a short time S u n d ay ' ual’ Beuiam in Sanborn Co. Best Display Med. Class Jackson Co.-—Medford Mail Tribune year’s Physics Manual, Millekin and the last of the week $fter visiting evening. subscription. ______ Gale, published by Ginn and Co. friends in Salem for a few days. Best Bird Med. Class— 100 lbs. Egg Producer, Rogue Valley Milling Co., Medford. Reduced prices on p o rtraits dur- Stone-Mills H igher A rithm etic, Best W hite Leghorn Pullet— $2.00 trade, Army Goods Store. Paulseruds Suits are exquisite­ ng November. D arling Studio.' B«njam ine Sanborn company. Best Ancona Pullet— 3 lb. can Coffee, Hardy Bros. ly tailored. Let us m easure you 60— tf Hills and Ford’s Firat Spanish Best AT $ .00 AT .50 Pen Med. Class— ceiling fixture, Ashland Electric. AT .89 ---------- j Course, D. C. H eath and Co. tp now. 66-tf Best Ancona Cockerel— 1 box guaranteed hose, M itchell’s Clothing In A shland— j F irst French Book— Greenberg, Store C. V. McAllister is in Ashland ' Chase Merrill Co. Best Brown Leghorn Cockerel— Floor scraper, Emil Peil. T Cliff Payne makes bug bodies. All Silk Hose, 240 A lull fashioned Silk Our famous S95 qual- Black Minorca Cockerel— 1 inner tube for auto, Leedom’s Tire this week on business from Cen-I Second French Book — Green- Best Shop. A t Hospital— tral Point. berg, Chase Merrill Co. needle, 11 strand, 20 Ilose of wonderful 39 ¡tv favorably known hv Best Leghorn Cockerel other than white or brown— 1 box Schrader Mrs. O. B rothers of Hornbrook ---------- | The suplem entary readers of . guage, made on ' new a lot of Ashland women Valves, L. H. Jacks. to at the Community Hospital in meh boot, called “ The high speed machines, lor its long wearing Save $10.00. walk upstairs to French and Spanish have been Best Pen Brown Leghorns— $5.00, G rants Pass Cham ber of Com-' merce. A fhland undergoing medical Orres tailo r shop. 17— tf adopted but the list is w ithheld the first used in this qualities. A big range Best Exhibit W hite Leghorns— $10.00, K lam ath County Chamber of bell-ringer’s death.’ treatment. - ■■ for the purpose of checking. Commerce. country. of colors. To B akersfield— Supplem entary readers: Best Exhibit Brown Leghorns— $5.00, F irst N at’l Bank, G rants Pass' We deliver the goods -Detricks Lincoln R eaders by Davidson Best Ancona Cockerel— 1 bag Egg Mash, H. G. Enders wholesale. Leslie Heer left yesterday for 94-tf Bakersfield where he expects to and Anderson, published by TURKEY SPECIALS Laurel Book Co.: work during the winter. Best Pen Bronze Turkeys— $10.00 Elec, desk lamp, Peoples Elec-' trie, Medford. V isitin g D aughter— The Lincoln Third Reader. Best Bronze Turkey Gobbler Jackson Co, -1 year’s subscription. Mrs. Lottie Pelton of B street .89—$ g .2 5 The Lincoln F o u rth Reader. Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ Jackson Co. News. has gone to Portland where she light you at The Plaza. 64— tf The Lincoln F ifth Reader. Best Bronze Turkey Hen, Jackson Co.— 250 business cards, Jackson will visit her daughter for the Co. News. The Lincoln Sixth Reader. Best wearing Chiffon Hose we w Inter. Best Pen Bronze— $5.00, B.P.O.E., Ashland. Row, Peterson company: In A shland— Same quality as 895 know of. Both are same construction Best Pen W hite H olland— $5.00, B.P.O.E., Ashland. The Prim er, Free and Tread­ Mr. Hathaway, representing Best Pen N aragansett Turkeys— $5.00, B.P.O.E., Ashland. at $ 0 .4 5 but cheaper, one has lisle top and foot Special Auto Accident Policy the Lum berm an’s T rust Company well. To Lady Exhibiting Best Turkey Gobbler— $4.50 carpet-sweener J t' r $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo of P ortland was in Ashland to­ F irst Reader, Free and T read­ P. Dodge & Sons ’ ' and the other is all silk. i f course. 24-tf day on business. well. Best Turkey in Show— $5.00, K lam ath Countv Cham ber of Commerce Second Reader, Free and Tread I Biggest Turkey in Show— $5.00, Ashland Cham ber of Commerce P e t urns Home— ALL OTHER CLASSES Sm art new models In Ready-to- well. L. E. Turner, form erly of the Boy or Girl exhibiting best W, P. Rock— 1 setting W hite P. Rocks Third Reader, Free and Tread­ wear a t Paulseruds. 66-tf R. H. Paxson, C en tral Point. Good E ats Cafe of this city has well. Boy or Girl exhibiting best W. P. Rock— 1 setting B P Rocks returned from a visit in Hood For Dunsm uir— F o u rth Reader, Free and Tread­ A. H. W illett, Medford. s • . . r F a Y a l a GQQD.Ç L iver and is living in Medford. well, Biggest Duck in Show— $2.50 trade. Provost’s Vacuum W asher Albert G uthrie and E arl Sny F ifth R eader, Free and Tread­ Best Bantam s shown by Boy or Girl— $1.50 Accident Ticket Biliines (Ter returned today to Dunsmuir Agency. P aulseruds for cleaning and well. where they will work this w inter. 1 resslng. Phone 119. We call and Seventh Reader, Briggs. deliver. 66-tf Eighth R eader, Shyrock. Rest Exhibit Ducks in Show— $2.50 in trade, Golden Rule. Tamales, best In the city, “ The A m erican Book' company. K S S Rose”. 60— tf M eeting P ostponed— C arpenter’s Around-th-W orld The meeting of the high school with the Children. On Business— circle of Parent-T eachers was C arpenter’s New Geographical J. W. Ju ry of G rants Pass was held over until tomorrow on ac- R eaders: ther rates In Jackson or Jose­ will locate in the south. phine Counties; you can be the . udge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. Bronchial Salve, 35c— McNair 30— tf Bros. —Remember— Vernon’s Quintet (symphony) Nov. 21 Flotow Opera Co. (opera comique) Dec. 9 The Cinderella Man (4-act comedy drama) Jan. 15 Fenwick-Newell (recital group) Jan. 29 Season Tickets: A dult $2.5«, High School $1.59 Children $1.25 No W ar Tax Tickets w ith reserved seats a t “ The Rose Confectionery” The New Silk Knit Cabardine leuiain in P o r t l a n d - < >n Business»— W ord has been received here Dr. Green, member of th e 'P o rt­ hat the condition of W. Cooper, land Livestock Board was in Ash­ ho Is at a sanitarium in Port- land for several days on business tnd, is unchanged. Mr. and Mrs. the first of the week. ooper will rem ain there for averal months. Don’t forget Macabee food sale and bazaar Sat. Nov. 22. Ashland Fou will save by having your Hotel Building. 68— 1 rtralt made during November, rllng Studio. 60— tf To G rants Pass— Mrs. Grace Bechtell left last M usic— night for G rants Pass where she large am ount of new music been received by the G rants was called by the illness of her concert band and th a t or- daughter. zatlon will s ta rt work on it nee. In the shipm ent are a At B utte Falls— Gerald G unter and Guy W alk­ s num ber of high class selec- er went to B utte Falls this m orn­ i from operas. The band ex- ing for a two or three day’s stay i to put on a concert some- at their homestead. durlng the dinter and are ticing every Monday night— Im proving— its Pass Courier. C. H. Pierce, who has been ill Let us fill your pall with Swift* at his home for the past few days Iver Leaf lard. Costs less than is improved. ortenlng. Goew farther and is ore nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf At H o m e - Miss K am a Nixon is confined to her home on account of a se­ iturns to A shland— i Miss Bess Briscoe, who has vere case of poison oak. e n a t the bedside of her moth- in F ort K lam ath for the’ past R ents H ouse— ro weeks has returned to Ash- II. J. Davis has rented the nd where she is attending Dennis house on C alifornia street hool. Miss Ida Briscoe has gone through the Ashland R ealty Co., take care of her mother. and will move in the first of De­ cember. Phone 130 for Powell’s Cider. Delivered. 63— Im o To L ocate H ere— C. H. Rodgers and family a r­ proved— rived in Ashland yesterday from Word has been received th at Colorado end expect to locate s. E arl Fraley, who has beer here. Near H ilt they were throw n y sick a t h er home in Redding from 2he road over an em bank­ much improved. Mrs. C. W. ment when th eir car was hit by iley of this city is In Redding another. They were not h u rt btft h her and expects to stay for the car was badly damaged. era! weeks. a- Costume Slips and Petticoats of Trico Knit in all shades are here. These are the new fall weaves, particularly adapted for winter wear Thanksgiving Sale of FINE LINENS SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL LINENS FOR THIS THANKSGIVING SALE Pure Linen Damask, yd. Pure Linen Cloths, each $ 2 .7 5 Colored Linen Lunch Sets, each $ ^ .7 5 $ g .4 8 70 inches wide, heavy double Damask in fruit pattern with dot. Reg ular value $2.98. G8x(i71/» inches, made in Ireland. Several pat- terns to select - from. Regular value $5.98 ea. Cloth and six napkins, all hemstitched ready for use. Regular val ne $5.98. Silver Bleached Damask, yd. Pure Linen Napkin, dozen Pure Linen Damask, yd. $1 .98 $ y .4 8 70 inches wide, finest quality. Heavy weight, Sold . Regularly $2.25 yd- 22x22, dinner size nap- kins in good assortment of patterns. Sold Reg ularly $8.00 doz. $ | .95 70 inches wide, good medium quality.’ Come Rose pattern. value $2.48. Regular T hanksgiving Sale of Ivoritex T oilet W are The Costume Slip is made with self-straps, shaped waist line and pleated flounces. Sizes 34 to 44; all colors; priced to sell a t 200 pieces of Ivoritex Toilet articles bought direct from the m anufactur­ er—now on sale a t 14 to y2 Less Reg­ ular Prices. $3.95 THE TRICO KNIT PETTICOATS are very fine silk knit, with tucked ruffled flounces of contrasting shades and embroidered designs. All sizes and colors. Priced at $2.50, $2.98, $3.50, $4.50, and $5.50 Our assortment is very large and your choosing will be very easy Iv o r ite x T o ile tw a r e $1.25 and $1.50 Values now, each $2.00 Values now, each $2.50 to $4.50 Values now 98c $1.39 $1.98 Lot 1 Includes Lot 2 Includes Puff Boxes, H air Receivers, H air Pin Stand, Vases, Combs, Perfum e Bottles, Buffers, Manicure S e t s , Scissors and -Shoe Horns. Trays, Hair Brushes, Pin Cush­ ions and Jewel Boxes Lot 3 Includes SHOP AT New Line of Vanity Sets Just In Fancy Kid Gloves in all colors are here f Z C3 m / Í 7 A 7 t / •Where T o ar Dollar Has More Cents' (see window display) Mercerized Dam­ ask, yd. 88c 64 inch Damask, with colored border. Sold Regular $1.25 yard. Hand Mirrors, H a i r Brushes, Jewel jlo x es, and Picture Frames E. R. ISAAC & CO. “The Q uality Store” Mercerized Dam­ ask, yd. 69c 64 inch Damask, fine quality for family uue. Sold Reg. 79c yard