lu n fe A M ttm n m t* M it« ftttte i. XVedne-xitt y , November 14», 1 9 2 4 M M m > iiTSft church serve dinner te the men. r matoes with this mixture and let Last night a large number were stand in a cool place until want­ present and after working for ed. several hours on the wood a boun­ PHYSICIANS C lassified Colum n R ates $8.95 tiful supper was served, which CARDINAL LOGUE DIES One cent the word each was greatly appreciated by all. BELFAST, Ireland, Nov. 19.— time. DR. HAWLEY— /-bove Tidings Following the supper a meeting Cardinal Logue died today in the To run every Issue for one office. Phone 91. Miss E dith Dodge, E ditor of the Epworth League was held Palace of the Cardinalate at month or more, %c the word P h on e item s to her at 89, betw een and “Win-My-Chum” week which Armagh. The death was due to DR. C. W. HANSON $8.95 per barrel each time. 8 a. in. and 5 p. m. is being observed now was dis­ feebleness and old age. Cardinal Dentist cussed and plans were made for Logue was elghty-four years old. Special attention given to pyor­ Columbia Hard AA’heat CALENDAR OF EVENTS its observance. FOR RENT rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver * * * Wednesday, November 19. Aux­ Flour Portland — .Oregonian will add Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. iliary' to the Trinity Guild will Elks Club — FOR RENT:— 5-room furnlsh- another story to Its famous new s-' ed bungalow, lovely yard, front- DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- meet at the Parish House. Every sack guaranteed The Ladies Elks Club will meet paper building. tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano 1 Thursday, November 20. Ladies at the club rooms Thursday after­ ing park on Granite street. E. T. throat— X-ray Including teeth. Elks Club will meet in club rooms. noon with Mesdames W. H. Bart- Staples. 67— tf Eugene — Estimated popula­ Thursday, November 20. G. A. ges and Don Whitney as hostess. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc tion of Lane county is 54.000, FOR RENT: — 6-room un­ gain of 17,654 since 1920. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, R. will meet at the home of Mrs. Thi3 meeting was postponed from Prunes 4 lbs. 25c furnished house, 63 Alida. Phone will Insure th e color and flavor of Peil on Granite street. last week on -account of The fun­ Ore. th is u nusual and piq u an t delicacy. 299. 67— 3» CASSEROLE OF LAMB Saturday, November 22. P. E. eral of B. B. Kellogg. Meetings In t h i m o rning sim m er over a 17 lbs. $1.00 WITH VEGETABLES DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic O. will meet at the home of Mr3. will also be held on the fourth m oderate fire till thick and rich. FOR RENT— Furnished modern and Electro-Therapy. Office W. E. Blake. Rem ove tho cin n am o n an d place and the eighteenth of December. 5-room Bungalow with garage. In­ Now is the time to buy spray in a ir-tig h t Jars \^hl!e hot. * * * Monday, November 24. Ashland phone 48; residence 142. First quire E. D. Briggs. 65— 4 Oven dishes are becoming more pumps, plows and harrows, Music Study Club will meet in thej Entertained— National Bank building. popular because the appearance of drills and all kinds of farm FOR SALE Armory at 7?45. Everyone invited The. Christian Endeavor S o -! the food Is more appetizing than II. A. Stearns 01 N. Main “JUS1 D IFFE R E N T ” THE SOUTHERN OREGON that prepared on top of the stove. implements. Fencing in every to attend. ciety of the Christian Church was | BA K ED APPLES CLINIC And experienced housewives who OWNER WILL SELL a good 6- style. Harness, collars, snaps, * * * entertained at the home of i t s 1 are using self-basting enameled 1st National Bank Bldg. room home at 399 Beach street. and pads. New and used Hew­ Medical- Surgical Obstetrical Civic Club— president. Miss Mabel Hager at i ware roasters, realize that this Call. 67— 2* Diagnostic X-ray In m ost localities apples a re About thirty-five were present 472 Scenic Drive Thursday even-1 utensil Is best adapted to meat ing Machines. Auto Rohes, etc. dishes where basting plays such an a b u n d a n t a t practically all seasons, R. W. Stearns, M. D. at the Civic Club meeting which ing. As this was the time for. important part in the flavor and b u t they a re inclined to be better FOR HALE: — White enamel SAY IT WITH FLOWERS R. E. Green, M. D. was held at the clubhouse yes­ the monthly business meeting, the ; browning of the roast. And after a t th is p a rtic u la r tim e of th e year. range, good as new. I. J. Hayes, R. W. Sleeter, M. D. AND SAY IT WITH OURS. terday. The regular business first part of the evening was turn­ the meal is cooked, enameled ware P e rh a p s no one fru it lends Itself R. F. D. 1. Box 120. 66— 4» Office hours 2-5 p. m. to serving in m ore varied ways and is most easily cleaned, no matter meeting was held and the salute ed over to business. Phone 238-R a baked apple do esn 't necessarily how thick the gravy. WOOD FOR SALE:— Fir and to the flag with the change in Various games were enjoyed the A wholesome baked dinner con­ m ean th e usual kind th a t Is served CONVALESCENT HOME Everything in the Greenhousf Spruce, 16 inch, >8; Hard wood, it which has recently been made, rest of the evening and a guess­ sisting of meat and vegetables can a t b r e a k f a s t B aked apples filled Line Where the sick get w elt 16 inch, >12. Delivered. Mountain; wa3 repeated. Miss Hicks then ing contest caused much amuse­ be prepared in a self-basting w ith tem p tin g dain ties would never Cottage Plan. Fuel Co. Siskiyou or leave ordeT Hi-Class Designing told several incidents of the mean­ ment. Miss Elsie Crowson, Miss; enameled ware roaster, whleh saves fall to m ake an ap p eal as dessert. We board and care for invalids! considerable time. All the real Select six large firm, ta rt apples, at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. Gargle with warm salt water ing of the American flag to others, Marie Gorman and Charles Put- work is in the preparation—the and old people. core an d p are them ab o u t ono- 50— 1 mo.* — then apply over throat— ‘•HATCHER • THE FLORIST” in observance of flag day during cooking only requires an oven of man won prizes on this contest th lrd of th e way down from th e Maternity Dept. 1070 Boulevard Phone 118 Better Book week. Miss Hicks and Mis3 Hazel Walters won the the proper temperature and timing. stem end. Placo them w ith th e FOR SALE: — 1922 Maxwell Call 153 Wipe two pounds of lamb should­ peeled su rfa c e up w ard In a deep Open on Sundays We Deliver stated the fact that 33 years ago consolation. touring car in excellent condition. er or neck chops with a damp enam eled w are dish th e vitreous, ▼ V a r o A uo last Thursday the Ashland Li­ O v r 1 7 w i i o n j a r , U—d Yearly At a late hour refreshments^ cloth, trim, aprinkle with salt, p orcelain-like su rfa c e of w hich Miss Coffee, Tidings office. MONUMENTS brary Association was formed. were served by Mrs. Hager, as­ pepper and flour and brown quick­ m akes it perfect for this use. M ake ly in a hot, greased frying pan. a sy ru p of one cupful of su g ar FOR SALE — Six-room house. During these thirty-three years sisted by Miss Eunice Hager. ASHLAND GRANITE Place in a self-basting roaster and d one an d one-h alf cupfuls of Modern with garage. One block Mrs. E. V. Carter has been con­ MONUMENTS 50.00 takes it. BRIGGS & before serving. ► OLD FASHIONED ~PLANING MILL agent for the Lyceum course was Artro Swingle, Arthur Cooper BRIGGS, Attys.. Pioneer Block. BAKED BEANS 65— 4 introduced and described the James Briggs, Everett Redifer. JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET course. The musical numbers by ♦ * * TRY THIS GREEN FOR SALE: — Tancred— Holly-1 WORKS, Cor. Hetman and Mrs. Aitkens were enjoyed very TOMATO CONSERVE Style Hint—- B aked beans, p rep a re d w ith wood cockerels, pedigreed, dams, | Van Ness. 19^tf much and she charmingly respond­ bacon, m ake a very desirable one- j PARIS, Nov. 19.. — Fashion records up to 280, sire record dish dinner. It Is especially nice ed to the encore. Asking for vol­ spells fans for the coming Win­ over 270. The male is half your| TRANSFER AND EXPRESS By this time of the year most unteers to help sell tickets to the ter, and this means feathered housewives have all sorts of de­ fo r busy days when one doesn’t “ Use Your Credit With Us” w an t to spend too m uch tim e in flock. 112 Nutley St. Phone 466J. j Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. Lyceum, Mrs. Fuller spoke for ones in large number. lightful conserves, preserves and th e p rep a ra tio n of a m eal. But. as 58— t f ’ for SERVICE. a few minutes. Bands of feathers, ostrich or jams already stored away for every housew ife who has tried has Experienced movers and pack winter use. So this is just the discovered, m aking good baked Mrs. Louis Dodge, vice-presi­ WOOD FOR SALE:— Fir and ers of household goods. Deal­ dent of the Oregon Parent-Teach­ marabout, have been the most time to turn attention to green beans Is so m ething of an arL Spruce, 16 Inch >8. Hard wood which, really have many Pick over an d wash two cupfuls ers In coal and wood. Phone ers Association gave the main ad­ popular trimming for the Summer tomatoes, possibilities. of dried w hite or kidney beans the 16 Inch >12 Delivered. Fountain months, and now that Winter is 117. A conserve is one delicious way evening before, and put them to dress of the afternoon, touching Here feather fans of corresponding Feul Co Siskiyou or leave orders; of preserving the versatile tomato. soak in cold w ater, enough to Office 89 Oak St. near upon points that are vitally in­ or contrasting shades will be A modest at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. supply of this sweetmeat cover. In th e m orning boll th e Hotel Ashland teresting to every club woman. taken from the bottom drawer can be made with four pounds of beans, ad d in g one tablespoonful of 50— 1 mo.» i tomatoes. salt. W hen th e skins loosen and T. L. POWELL— General Trans-1 She told of the aims of the as­ and put to use on formal occas­ green Slice the tomatoes and remove tu rn back, rem ove from th e flro MISCELLANEOUS sociation and what they have ac­ ions. Ostrich feathers are always the seeds as far as possible. Then a n d drain. fer— Good team and motor complished in child welfare work. popular, the long, waving ones, scald them for just a moment, trucks. G >od service at a rea­ H ave ready ope h a lf pound of WANTED: — Milch cow and The statement that of the five with drain well and chop fine. Slice sliced bacon, one m edium sized halfcurled tip3 in deeper sonable price. Phone 83. work team in exchange for feed million illiterates in American, tones. One chic Parisienne, at the four lemons also and remove the onion, one a n d one h alf cupfuls and keep during the winter. L .; three million of them are Ameri­ premiere of “La Chauve Souris.” seeds, cover with cold water and tom atoes a n d tw o tablespoonfuls of simmer till tender; then chop them FEH1GE-ROACH D Bushnell, P. O. Box 502. can born, and that illiteracy is last week, was carrying a fan in together with one pound of seeded molasses. ‘with the use of thin putty, makes a solid-plastered A deep enam eled w are b a k in g 66— 6», Transfer — Express — Storage six times as great in localities the burnt-orange shades; and an­ raisins. Cut ons half pound of dish is m ost desirable fo r p v p a r ­ wall—strong, file-resisting, practical, economical, Hauling — Diay work of all where child labor, is countenanc­ other smart spectator, in black crystallzed ginger Into minute ing beans, because it is proof LOST, some time ago, Bible, kinds. Quick motor service. Dry it does away with tin* dirt and mess of plastering. pieces, but do not chop IL Mix ag a in st acids in vegetables and will ed, show that a great deal of size about 4x6, concordance, maps, wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R work is necessary along these velvet, had one in superb shades all together well, and drop in a n ot affect o r be affected by th e subject index, etc., passages well few tiny pieces of stick cinnamon. tom atoes. Also, being dainty a n d 375 B ¿St. 112-tf lines, Mrs. Dodge also spoke in of blue. Columbia Board is an OREGON PRODUCT made marked. Valued as keepsake. Swans’ feathers are making up Add four pounds of sugar, stir vig­ c h in a -lik e In a p p e ara n ce it can bo used as a serving dish. brief of the juvenile work in the many of the new fans. They look orously and let stand overnight. in Portland; particularly adapted for Finder return to Tidings office, ASHLAND PAINT CO Because of the fruit and veg­ Cover th e bottom of a b a k in g county and urged that more at­ —Making an extra room in the basement. or Phone 479-J. Reward. 64— tf much like chicken feathers, but etable Acids contained in this mix­ dish w ith som e slices of bacon, add Dependable tention be paid to this, citing sev­ ture and the necessity of its stand­ h alf th e beans, salt, pepper a n d take any color and blend well Palutlng Contractors & Decorators —Building a sleeping porch. WANTED: — Protect yourself eral instances where juveniles with any kind of stick. And, after ing 1» a utensil overnight, an en­ h a lf th e onion and tom atoes. Add SWENNING & GEAR —Finishing part of the attic. ameled ware preserving kettle th e second lay e r In th e sam e order. against the qnfertainties of win­ Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.» were treated unjustly,. She c I ob - all, it is the sticks that give the should be used. The porcelain­ P o u r over th e m olasses and boil­ ter. We can assure you a good —Improving walls and ceilings of, a house. ed her talk with the statement of fan one-half its real value. There like surface of the enameled ware ing w a te r to cover. B ake for position In your own county, that Calvin Coolidge regarding the are tortoise-shell and ivory and is proof against these acids and three hours In a moderate ovea. —inclosing a porch or dividing a room. WOOD SAWING will pay you well. Write us at need3 of America today and urg­ bone ones to match the feathers. —Fixing up a den, study or playhouse. once. Nogar Corporation, 301 WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel ed that we try to better child wel­ Rare fans have sticks inlaid with TOMATOES STUFFED. Chop finely a bit of garlic and Couch Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. 470-J. 63— Imo» fare conditions. and many other uses. AY hen interested call and see A LA NIÇOISE . some parsley, with three small seventeenth century figurines 54— 18 Following the delightful pro­ PARIS, Nov. 19.— Select twelve done in gold. Pheasant-til fans 1 peppers. Season well and mix with the hoard ami let us tell you more about it. gram, refreshments were served have the bird’s head mounted on small tomatoes, round and firm. the cucumbers. Add oil and vine­ DRESSMAKING and Tayloring with Mesdames E. V. Carter and one of the ‘outside sticks. And Make an incision around the stem gar and mix well. Fill the to- reasonable prices, all work guar­ Homer Barron presiding at the parrot feathers are clipped and through this opening removt anteed. Mrs. B. Van Harden­ tables, decorated with huge bou- straight across the top with one the water and seeds. Season witl berg, 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 mo.» quests of yellow crysanthemums. much longer tuft of feathers in salt and pepper and add a little ‘Tn the Heart of Town” The hostesses for the afternoon the middle. Then there are those oil. DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ were Mesdames Emil Peil. E. V of osprey, arranged in three tiers, ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 Granite Cut into small pieces a large Carter, Homer Barron and L. S. with the last one ending in a cucumber. Salt and let stand for Street. 60— 1 mo,.» Instantly Opens Every Air Brown. lovely curling swirl of graceful two hours. Press in a cloth. Passage—Clears Throat, Too * * * feathers. Charming black-and- Methodist Dinner— white fans come in short, downy If your nostrils are clogged and The men of the Methodist duck feathers; and peacock tails your head is stuffed because of Church met at the church parlors nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a last night and brought in the will make you a handsome fan, little pure, antiseptic cream into church wood. This is an annual if you aren’t superstitious. With white lace gowns some your nostrils, It penetrates event and after the wood is smart women are carrying white every air passage, sooth­ brought in the ladies of the Irritation and Breaking Out through lade fans, with mother-of-pearl ing and healing swollen, inflam­ sticks. Cunning little gauze ones, Often Healed Over Night, ed membranes and you get in­ spangled with .bees or butterflies, AYith Expert Alemite Lubrication would not he stant relief. • Says Skin Specialist are on display in a window of the so popular unless Try this. Get a small bottle it was really Avenue de l’Opera. Painted ones, Any breaking out or skin Irri­ of Ely’s Cream Balm at any drug FIRESTONE TIRES— with one large flower cut out to tation on face, neck or body is store. Your clogged nostrils open make the edge petal-shaped, and overcome quickest by applying right up; your head is clear; no —VALVOLINE OILS perky ones, in birds, are attrac­ more hawking or snuffing, dry­ Mentho-Sulphur, says a noted skin tive. specialist. Because of its germ ness, struggling for breath is destroying properties, nothing gone. You feel fine. Astoria — Standard Oil storage has ever been found to take the tanks and pipelines being rush­ place of this sulphur preparation ed at Port of Astoria. that instantly brings ease from the itching, burning and irrita­ Baker,— Ore from recent Sal­ M M depends on hou) you fe e tt tion . mon creek discovery shows up to Mentho-Sulphur heals eczema If you do not feel good, full , >6,000 gold per ton. right up, leaving the skin clear of pep and the joy of living | x Union high school proposed —nine times out of ten it’s I and smooth. It seldom fails to for Milwaukie. your liver. relieve the torment or disfigure­ Hogs at union stockyards pass­ Laxative ment. A little jar of Rowles ed 10-cent market last week. Mentho-Sulphur may be obtain­ ed at any drug store. It is used Salem building permits for O256,000, passing 40 two tonight. Feel good in the mom- western cities In per cent of gain. ing. Get a package of 50 for 25 eta. Classified Column PR O FESSIO N A L S P E C IA L Appetizing Autumn Plaza Market P E IL ’S CORNER ORETHROAT V IC K S BIG, COZY LEATHER ROCKERS SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company Columbia Plaster Board EBEAM WILL CLEAR A » I I P HEAD Earson-Fowler Lbr. Co. l et Us Franklin’s I»- Superior Bread Save YourCar , S U P E R IO R The F ra n k lin B akery P lione 199 U A P P IN E S S CHAMBERLAIN’S i TABLETS Sold eooryivhere I CALIFORNIA t OREGON POWER COMPANY Preferred 5todk yields 7.14% ask any member or our organization Bromt Quinine, For a smooth shave and qu'ck service go to the Shell Barber The First and Original Shop. Ladies and ; Cold and Grip Tablet children get your hair Proven Safe for more than bobbed and marcel- ! a Quarter o f a Century as led. effective remedy for I an C O LD S, G R IP, IN F L U ­ W. A. SHELL, Prop. I ENZA and as a Preventive. $32 A. St. Ashland, Ore The box bears this signature Portland — Star Lodge, Odd Fel.ows, will build >35,000 hall on Borthwick street.- O E SE R ’S ASHLAND SERV ICE STA TIO N Price 30c. Pendleton — Umatilla county budget for 1925 is >518,413.70, or >300.11 less than 1924. Grass Rockers Ideal Christmas Gifts. Serviceable and inexpensive THE ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY 83 N. Main Discussion Sallow complexions—often, the result of improper digestion— USE ‘HERE are times when we want to discuss. AVe don’t want to Le handed merely cold facts. AVe want to look at things from all sides. Talk over your finances with the officers of this hank and get warm and friendly advice. THE WORLD'S C B E A » BAKING PQW L for nutritious healthful foods — watch your complexion improve 11 M I— a Va TIM— THOSE OF ANY OTKEH B&A m O I * T he C itizens B an k of A shland Ashland, Oregon ¡1 1 * * * * ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ >♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦♦♦♦♦ ♦-