t*\r.fc four ASHLAND D A IL Y T ÎD ÎX G 3 I Medford last evening to meet the Republican Central , Committee and R epresentatives Ralph Cowgill and John Carkin. Tuesday, Novem ber 1ft, 1924 half of the workmen at the Copco ity. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY camp3 voted to remain a t work, Daeschner entered the dip’o- members of the carpenters’ and matic service in 1887, when M. FOR RENT: — 6-room un­ • other organized unions, is con­ Paul Cambon wa3 Ambassador to furnished house, 63 Alida. Phone sidered by the Copco officials as London, and Daeschner became A D aily C hronicle o f th o se w ho com e and go, and even ts of ♦ ’ R eturned Today— 67—» • justification of their refusal to one of his secretaries. Later he 299. local Interest Miss B ertha Borrall returned grant the dem ands made upon became F irst Secretary at London OWNER W ILL SELL a good 6- j today from P ortland where she them. under Leon Bourgeois. During ♦»♦»»»♦» ♦ ♦ i » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •» •• « > • • room home at 399 Beach street. I has been spending the past few It was stated Monday th a t I. the World W ar he was Minister j Order your Thanksgiving T u r -[days. she was called there by the ' 67— 2* W. W. pickets were active in to Lisbon and later at Bucharest. ! Call. key. Phone Mrs. A. B. Chapman, illness of her sister, who is much Hornbrook, trying to persuade the For the past tw’o years he has Alalta Com m audery No. 4 1P11. 67— 4 improved. incoming laborers not to go to the ; been director of technical and ad- i FOR REN T:— a-room furnish­ K n igh ts Tem plar Copco plant, but th a t they were m inistrative affairs at the Foreign ed bungalow, lovely yard, front­ M asonic H all It is not too early to have your ing park on G ranite street. E. T. not m eeting with much success, i Office on Quai d'Orsay. R eturn H om e— I „ , __ . _ _ , i Christm as p o rtrait made. Darling 67—tf • & C. W. Johnson and Mrs. L. E. Twice M. Daeschner stepped out Staples. Stated Conclave, W ednesday i kt . , a n Studio. 60— tf 21 of the direct line of diplomatic evening, November 19. Routine i i G artin, brother and sister of O. promotions, once to be secretary business, also Red Cross degree. i II. Johnson of this city will re- Get your Christm as gifts at the j turn to Portland tomorrow after of Rouvier when he was Prein- : Ail Sir K nights courteously in- Macabee Bazaar Saturday at Ash- ier,- and again to fill the s a m e ! v Red. 1 a visit of about three weeks. land. Hotel Building. 67- post under Raymond P o in care; P. H. JOHNSON. E. C GET YOUR when the la tte r was Prem ier i n ■ W. H. DAY, Recorder. 67-2 In Medford— 1912. Mrs. Minnie O. PaVker of Ash-! If. re— M. Daeschner is a keen g o lf, Rudolph Valentino, and Bebe Daniels in a scene Prom the Paramount Picture Mr. and Mrs. Georgp Parsley, land was a business visitor in I player, which is still uncommon i • Monsieur Beaucaire* A Sidney Olcott Production PARIS, Npv. 17. — When M. in Paris. He also plays an excel­ f ormer Ashland residents, were in Medford yesterday. NOW PLAYING AT THE VINING Jules Jusserand, French Ambas­ lent game of tennis. Ashland today from Hornbrook. Chicken tam ales that will de- sador to the United States a n d ! Mrs. Josephine Applegate Mc- 64— tf dean of the diplomatic corps in Paulseruds Suits are exquisite- light you at The Plaza. l make the operations at Copco Callen, who died a t her home in DEPARTMENT CAN AND tailored. Let us m easure you DECIDE ON AREAS practically impossible, the Copco j W ashington, retires before the end j A KELIABLE COUGH REMEDY Oakland Sunday morning from an tip now. 66-tf To San Francisco— officials could not consider this of the year after nearly 30 years [ Why experiment with unknown Jim Bowers left today for San attack of heart failure was thfe of service in America, he will be WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.- -The special demand. widow of the late A. McCallen, Francisco where he will spend succeeded by M. Emilie Daeschner, i remedies for th at cough or cold I ’roin H ilt— D epartm ent of the Interior has the The release of class w ar pris- j when you can secure FOLEY’S founder of the F irst National one of the few French diplom ats Mrs. A. Leaners of H ilt was in a short time on business. authority to decide finally the area i oners is another demand which I HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND?j Bank of Ashland. Ashland yesterday shopping and of irrigation ' projects under th e ; the Copco officials could not con- financially able to accept the j It is a safe and reliable rem ed y , Following Mr. McCallen’s re­ Reduced prices on p o rtraits dur- a isiting friends. Carey Act, based on the needs of sider, since they have no juris- post. ng November. D arling Studio. tirem ent from active m anagem ent the land,'and available w ater, the diction over the release of pris- Mine. Daeschner, his w’ife, i n - ■ ,, for the relief „ of coughs, colds, i of the bank the family moved to herited an immense fortune from ; loarseueRh 'qually beneficial for 60— tf Childrens Books. McNair Bros. her family, the Krug». w„ r | d. ! y °un g n u ,l ol Here Today— children of well-to-do families. He un-American and they would not are living. Fred W. Kincaid, a son, of Monrovia. California and Mrs. Room and preparation room to be found be­ Special Auto Accident Policy Glen Hill of »the Hill Mercan­ shows consideration to- the poor grant any of the concessions re- died several years ago. H erbert Oakley of Los Angeles tween San Francisco and Portland. t r $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo tile company of Talent was in fisherm en and farm ers along th e ; quested. The fact th a t more than survive her. of course. 24-tf Ashland today on business. She is survived by W. R. K in­ river, who warn him of the ac-| No charge for use of Slumber room or caid, husband of A shland; D. W. tivities of th e -police. He recent­ TERRIFIC GALE IS H ere Y esterday— I'hmeral Chapel, Kincaid of A shland; Mrs. Mary Tamales, best in the city, “ The ly found two girls who had been CAUSE OF DEATHS Mr. Bailey, engineer of the Hose” . Howard, Medford; Mrs. Alice 60— tf bathing in the river near Galatz Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Cook, Ashland; E ttie Morris, Ash­ and whisked them away in his; NEW YORK, Nov. 18. — W ith Company from Portland visited I.adies Aid M eeting— land; R. W. Kincaid. A shland;! seventeen deaths in the wake of speedy boat before they could i he Ashland office yesterday on Mrs. Daisy W hitney of A neorage.! Thfe Ladies Aid of the Metho­ an ice tepped gale, w arm er w eath­ make an outcry. l.is way to K lam ath Falls. Alaska; Mrs. M artha F ru it, Mc­ dist Church will meet at two- er was predicted foiv today and Minnville; E. L. Kincaid, Ashland; th irty tomorrow afternoon at the Funeral Directors Paulseruds for cleaning and home of Mrs. A. A. Marske at the! I tomorrow. Four deaths were re- Mrs. Mabel Corbett, Sacranjento; ■ Tax reform ers propose cigarette Day Phone 212— Niglit Phones 255-R, 2«2-J i ported here as being due to the Tresslng. Phone 119. We call and corner of Allison and Sherman Mra. Maude Henderson, Seward, tax of 2 cents per package. cold, and six were killed in au­ Mrs. Louis Dodge, I.ady A ssistant deliver. 66-tf streets. j A laska; Mrs. Bertha Blackaby. tomobile accidents which were the Ontario, Oregon; Mrs. Irene Avent I » -< -0 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ result of the high wind while W O BBIA E» F A IL TO PRO ­ In A shland — Mississippi. Macabee Razaar and Food Sale MOTE COPCO STR IK E seven perished at sea in the te r­ R. E. Krego, m anager of the Sat. at Ashland Hotel Building, rific gale which whipped the K lam ath Falls office of the P a c i-: 67— 1 (Cointlnued from page 1.) lie Telephone and Telegraph Corn-! w ater. A sixty mile an hour wind clip­ pany was in Ashland y e ste rd a y 1 For T h a n k s g iv in g - The demand th at all California ped off street signs, raged over products be boycotted is under­ and diet his m other who was re ­ Miss Isabelle Barron, daughter turning from the north. They of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barron,! seacraft, and lifted pedestrians stood to be the result of the ac­ who were unfortunate enough to tive w ar which California has made the retu rn trip last night. is expected home soon and will be out, off their feet. waged against the I. W. W. Since spend the Thanksgiving holidays; You are welcome to compare the Copco operations are financed here. my Automobile rates w ith any UNION MAN SHOT to a great extend by California »■•her rates In Jackson or Jose- O v er 1OO,OOntana, was in Ashland for a sv days this week looking for a nation but as he did not find e he has gone to G rants Pass lere he may possibly locate. picture- BOOTH TARKINGTON’S Æ S IS 'X i RUDOLPH B ringing your com m unity th e best in M usic, Opera and Drama Series j>f four: Vernon’s Quintet (symphony) Nov. 21 Flotow Opera Co. (opera comique) Dec. 9 The Cinderella Man (4-act comedy drama) Jan. 15 Fenwick-Newell (recital group) Jan. 29 Season T ickets: A dult 9 2 .5 0 , H igh School 91-50 C hildren 9 1 .2 5 No W ar Tax - T ickets w ith reserved seats at “T he R ose C onfectionery” $1J9 $£.98 Our line of matched sets, “ Ready Made” , is complete. W q have just received these and the new designs are beautiful. They are sized 54 by 54, hemstitched, squared and .shrunk, with half dozen najikins. Priced at JALENTINO $4 95 ¿ Monsieur Beaucaire" SEASON TICKETS FOR $1.49 Our Linen Napkins are of the same grade linen. They vary in patterns to suit. Sizes 22x22 in Sixes or Twelves. They are price/1 at 50c and up famous action—romance The Boosters Are Buying Now Ashland’s Artist Series $1.39 We now present In either white or colors,, and 72x72 cloth. I. * , Buy Your Thanksgiving Linen in our All-Linen Department COMING Monday, November 24 f ' Orpheuin Jr. Vaudeville -Main Floor 75c Balconv50c Seats now selling We urge you to make reservations early. ! ll !S New Shipment Ladies Satin Hats just in C o m p a n y W here Your D ollar H as More C ents’ Full Size Wool- < 'loth Comfort hats at $2.75 ■ -e