PÁflS 1- h ÄMB Asfiúlró DÁÍlf fîDÎNGS fa mi ia T u es4 à ji N ovem ber Ì 8 , 1921 UN* the couple times the guests dinner models and a fte rn o o n ' leal difficulty in the operation of count of the many fumbles of the nesday, so bring your money, adjourned to th eir respective frocks, as well. i the oil pump which supplies the local team. homes. The ostrich takes the lead, us- oil burners it was impossible to All item s have been collected Tfce typ,n& roora has been »«P- PHYSICIANS Cla?«|fied Column Rates Those present were Mr. and ed in flounces and pompons, to heat the building. for the Rogue News and the ma-j p,ied with a num ber of new rec- One cent the word each Mrs. Will Dodge. Mr, and Mrs. make most attractive trimming. , i tcrial is on the nre«« T h a 1 or<^s for the use of the beginning DR. H AW LEY— ?.bove Tidings time Louis Dodge and family, Mr. Lon It does not appear as often in w e -e ^ c a rH e ro n ^ in ?>X^eriIU^ntS| paper will probably be ready for students. These records were v»- office. Phone 91. Monday noon. | hClP y° UDK ' V?' To run every Issue for one Edwards, Mrs. Ellen Galey, Miss colors as it did last season; but oratory Wednesday. T h f stu-j dtotributi°» M iss E dith D odge, Editor month or more, H e the word Mabie Galey, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. white ostrich, on white mousse- DR. C. W. HANSON Phone item s to her at Stt, betw een LeRoy Gandee, our new yell ' ________ each time. Galey and . fam ily and Mr and lin de soie,.ls as popular as ever. dents were experim enting to find; Dentist S a. m . and 5 p. in. Mrs. J. P. Dodge. out the content of certain foods, leader, is erecting a rooters sec-j Medford — Pipe arrives for A charm ing frock seen in the Ritz Special attention given to pyor­ * * * ballroom the other night had A few test tubes were b ro k e n , tion on the football field. In this irrigating Mira Vista orchard by FOR REXT rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver TH E QUIET L IFE B irthday D inner— bands of ostrich down the side of wbich afforded considerable way the rooters and band can get pumping system. w ater to be 233-tf. (By Alexander Pope) FOR RENT— Furnished modern Block. Phone 178-J. Thé home of Mr. and Mrs. J. the skirt, and a white chiffon aniU8fenient during the period. ! together and cooperate with their pumped 344 feet high at only 5-room Bungalow with garage. In- ' DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- Happy the man whose wish and S. Bonar was the scene of a v e ry 1 scarf, outlined with the ostrich, A regular meeting of the local ye,,lng and s,11*inK- w ,tb the little greater cost than gravity care quire E. D. Briggs. 65— 4 tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano delightful dinner Saturday in ' was worn with it. Still a n o th e r ,,.. help of Orville Hall, our form er ditch costs, A few paternal aces bound, honor of Mrs. M artha Howland, had black-and-white ostrich at i , * " as lle’d Ihursday, Noceni-, yell leader, Mr. Gandee says the th ro at— X-ray ln clu d irg teeth. FOR SALE Office hours, 10 to 12 aDd 2 te l Content to breathe his native a ir w’ho celebrated her 85th birthday the side, with a huge ostrich pom-, „ her 13, at 7:30 in the Pioneer section will be ready for the big P rairie City — W. G. Chandler In his own ground- on th a t date. Mrs. Howland is. pon at the belt. A green or red, a I With seven members pres­ FOR SALE: — W hite enamel 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, , . , . , e „. . r„.«r nn_, j of Canyon City buys Grant County The first part or of the the eve- eve- i fiSht on Thanksgiving Day. very active despite her age and ostrich fantasy often appears o n 1 ent. . m s t part Journal range, good as new. I. J. Hayes, Ore. Whose herds with milk, whose is able to attend to h er own bust- with froeks, and flowers made of ning was spent in cleaning jup th e 1 The Junior class is planning R. F. D. 1. Box 120. 66— 4* _________ __________________ fields w ith bread. Dll. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic ness interests. ostrich sprays are a novelty. These hal1 and Insta,lln& athletic equip- to sell candy at the game W e d - .-J--------- ------ WOOD FOR SA LE:— F ir and Whose flocks supply him with and Electro-Therapy. Office A sum ptuous rep ast was served ostrich flounces will probably be menL The rest of the meeting Spruce, 16 inch, >8; H ard wood a ttire ; phone 48; residence 142. First and enjoyed greatly, after which seen as long as dancing is so popu- was given over to atfci’etic stunts 16 inch, $12. Delivered. Mountain Whose trees in Summ er yield him many pleasant hours were spent , lar, for nothing is p rettier on a in which all participated. A good N ational Bank building. Fuel Co. Siskiyou or leave ordeT shade. in conversation. ; dancing frock than these soft, time was enjoyed by all and the Is This To Be in that cold corner or spot TH E SOUTHERN OREGON at Beaver R ealty Co. Ashland. In W inter, fire. meeting adjourned at 9:30. Those present were Dr. and feathery sprays. CLINIC in home or office js assur­ a Gland Age? 50— 1 mo.' Mrs. T. J. Malmgren, Mr,’ and Mrs. I Duck-breast was introduced last 1st National Bank Bldg. During the assembly Monday ed if you have one of our Surgical O bstetrical B ,est. who can unconcern’dly find K alstrom and Miss Alga Ander- year and appeared on many sport In a recent press dispatch, a FOR SALE: — 1922 Maxwell Medical D iagnostic X-ray Hours, days, and years slide son of Phoenix, Miss Gertie Haan clothes last Summer. This Win- afternoon silence was held for London physician stated that Universal Electric heat­ touring car in excellent condition. two m inutes paying tribute to the Golden A ge o f man bids W. Stearns, M. D. soft away and Miss Edna Goheen of A sh lan d , te r It will be j^sed on all kinds ers, juice ranging from Miss Coffee, Tidings office. R. E. Green, M. D. In health of body, peace of mind, and the complimented guest, Mrs. of frocks. If is particularly love- the death of Mr. Forsythe’s fath ­ fair to be the glandular age. R. W. Sleeter, M. D. $5.50 up. We have a er, whose home was in Ohio. He when salvation w ill be taken in Quiet by day. FOR SALE — Six-room house. Howland. ly, w ith shades of brown and Office hours 2-5 p. m. • tablet form . H e said further h ad ’ been ill for the past five dandy assortment of these. Modern with garage. One block Phone 238-R gold, when used with the various j that tile average man believes months but not seriously ill until that his th ou gh ts, action s and Sound sleep by night; study and R equest — from new Hotel. Inquire 370 Har- leopard fabrics. CONVALESCENT HOME Universal Washing ease gadine street. 65— tf The editor wishes -------- „ to get in Cock feathers are being u s e d . a week previous to his death. feelin gs are controlled by his Where the sick get w elt m ind. But it is possib le to Machines Together mix’d; sweet recrea­ touch w ith more of the parties for boas to replace the ostrich, F' . orsj,*be had Hie pleasure of Cottage Plan. show that m ind is itse lf under FOR SALE — 200 W hite Leg­ tion th a t are given by various g ro u p s1 boas of last season.. Molyneux is. v Slt!llg bis father in Ohio last th e despotic sw ay o f the duct­ and Vacuum Sweepers horn pullets (pedigreed tancred We board and care for Invalids And innocence, which m ost does in Ashland and would appreciate J trim m ing a black cape with wine- summer less glands, w hich gen erate in are conveniences which and old people. stra in ). Phone 17F11. G. D. Faris, the system th e chem ical fluids' please very much the courtesy of the rep cock feathers, which are very M aternity Dept. The first year typing class un­ on w hich depend h ealth , hap­ every housewife should 1145 N. Main. 65— tf hostess if she would cajl or w rite effective. This dressm aker is der the supervision of Miss K id­ piness and m orality. » Call 153 have. W ith m editation. her and tell her of the party and also Im itating feather trim m ing der is m aking rapid progress. FOR SALE — Rem ington No. G landogen, th e new S i|en - Thus let me live, unseen, un­ the guests present. In this way with narrow strings of tulle and gland tonic, prepared in 10 Typewriter, W ide-carriage. Forty words per m inute m ust be tifie MONUMENTS known; tablet form pi-ovldes a sim p le many parties will be printed beads a t the end. W hite tulle j operates like new. F irst offer of Thus unlam ented let me die; which otherw ise would be o m it-1 strings, with black beads a t the accomplished in the first sem ester m ethod o f tak in g glandular >50.00 takes it. BRIGGS & ASHLAND GRANITE treatm ent. G landogen, for m en Steal from the world, and not a ted. You can get in touch with ends, resemble feathers best, per­ with only five-errors or less. This and BRIGGS, Attys., Pioneer Block. MONUMENTS w om en, is obtainable at rate has already been made hy stone th è editor by calling 39 between haps, bu t tulle of all colors is 65— 4 E ast Side Pharm acy, w ill sup­ Blair Granite Co. many of the pupils and Miss ply you. Mail orders accepted. 240 East Main St- Tell where I lie. the hours of eight and five or used in this m anner. S. PENNISTON, M anager R uth Anderson made the rate in FOR SALE: — H eating stove, • • ♦ phoning 282-J in the evening. ’ W orth uses rhinestones with a five m inute speed test of for ! Office 1 7 5 K. Main Bedstead and chairs. 163 Union CALENDAR OF EVENTS • his ostrich fringes, m aking a glit­ R es. Phon e 444-Y street. 62— 5* W ednesday, November 19. Up­ Study Club P arty— terin g symphony for evening ty-seven words per m inute and three errors. It is believed byj IN I GIRL-IN TROUBLE— May per Velley Community Club will One of the largest social affairs wear. W hole capes of ostrich FOR SALE: — Tancred— Holly­ communicate with Ensign Lee have an all day m eeting a t the of the season was given last night feathers, dyed to m atch the even­ Miss Kidder th a t many of the wood cockerels, pedigreed, dams, • f the Salvation Army at the home of Mrs. B utler W alker. This at the Civic Club house when ing gown, are being shown at the class will come up to this stan­ records up to 280, sire record WhiteShield Home, 565 May- will be a dressm aking meeting. Mesdames W agner, J. W. McCoy sm art shops, and hats are show­ dard in the fu tu re weeks. over 270. The male is half your fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. W ednesday, November 19. Aux­ and W ilm er Poley entertained the ing much feather trim m ing as flock. 112 Nutley St. Phone 456J. A lbert Myers was elecied iliary to the T rinity Guild will Ashland Study Club. This was in well. 58— tf Freshm an basketball m anager for PLANING MILL meet at the Parish House. the n atu re of a regular m eeting the coming year. Myers is hope­ WOOD FOR SALE:— F ir and JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET W ednesday, November 19. High but was given in the evening with ful of getting the class champion- Spruce, 16 'r.ch >8. Hard wood WORKS, Cor. Helman and School Circle of P. T. A. will meet a special program . About one j ship and intends to get his team 16 inch >12 Delivered. Fountain school a t 3:15. hundred ladies were present to ▼an Ness. 194tf a t the high together immediately. Feul Co Siskiyon or leave orders Everyone cordially invited to at- while away the -hours doing fancy! at Beaver R ealty Co. Ashland. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS tend. work. A fter a short tim e M rs.' The Ashland high school second 50— 1 mo.* Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. I Thursday, November 20. Ladies Peil, president of the club an­ These notes are w ritten "for j team was defeated by the Apple-j th is paper by m em bers of 32 A. St. A shland, Ore certainly seems to end the tig h t­ salts is made from the acid of ness and drive the congestion and grapes and lemon juice, combined soreness right out. with lithia, and has been used N othing has such concentrated for ten years to flush clogged penetrating heat as red peppers, kidneys and stim ulate them to and when heat penetrates right activity; also to neutralize the down into colds, congestion, ach­ acids in the system so th a t they ing muscles and sore, stiff joints no longer irritate, thus often re-» relief comes at once. lieving bladder disorders. ui j . Jad Salts can not injure an y - Me"’ W° mM 8nd Treated The m om ent you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling one; make’ a delightful efferves- ' lV iX n2.450,276. October 1923 called ■i We have a good Job printing de­ for 1679 buildings w orth >2,136,- partment. tf 360. PROFESSIONAL Classified C olum n W A RM TH T he A shland E lectric Shop MOTORMATES Ashland Hi Notes Sustained Qual Compare L ith ia B akery Tickling Throat C H A M B E R L A IN ’S' COUGH REM EDY1 Associated Oil Company QUART DF WATER A DAY HELPS KIDNEYS Valuable Illustrations for Advertisers RED PEPPER HEAT BREAKS BAD CHEST Qi/îe 1 \ CALIFORNIA [OREGON POWER COMPANY Do you know that The Daily Tidings has an illus­ trated advertising service from which advertisers may procure cuts free for practically every business and-for almost any item of merchandise or service which your business requires? 7.14% oiganization These illustrations, which we furnish free, are also valuable in making up your printed forms, for an illus­ tration makes the printed page more alluring. always re a d y always sw eet a jo y to th e - ïùaent housewife It s Nestle’s ALPINE The Ashland Tidings Phone 39