[id »»lufdnyi November ÁSHLÁND BAÏLT Í ÍD $ ü i ■afi x m m m m m M ................................. » ♦ » » » «»♦»•»■»•»« From Medford— • U* dedication tablet oft the dam, AMERICAN HEROINE j ounlch. t j personal Queen ’ have a very unhappy way of mak- “ I can never forget a letter; of Greece and with the undying' ing themselves at borne iu AmerL m thanks of 1Ó1¿4 the ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F ry of which reads; “ Copco Power Plant,f I which Mr. Rambo wrote during: affection of the m ultitudes whom: can bodies, and some of us suf- Medford spent Sunday in Ashland Dedicated to Public Service. Thei § I the time of the siege,” states Mr. they had saved from otherw ise, fer for years for the privilege of with Mr. and Mrs. W aldo Klum. embodiment of broad vision; abid- ( having served the children, but H andsaker, who also was in Ash­ certain death. ing faith ; unflatering devotion; “ We had no thought of coming* it is worth it, and more. land last week. “ ‘I might as well steadfast courage; consummate go, and events of A Dally Chronicle of those who come R eco v erin g - w rite, for there is nothing else W est when reached New Y ork,” ! local Interest Clarence Lane, who has been skill; m asterful leadership and I can do. The bullets are whist- stated Mrs. Rambo. “ We camel is quite ill (or the pa». week w ith !'» “ » '“ 1 “ “ 1318-1322.” « ling by as I w rite.’ A few sen- ju st to help for a little while Iu intestinal (lu is improving a n d ! e» 'd th « ‘ he encoun- tences fa rth e r down he said, raising funds and then get back A . I tered in the construction of the Here Yesterday— able to sit up. I _ . . . « ‘Bang! There goes the cream again. However, we found th a t' _____ ! huge dam project inspired Mr. Elm er Biegel of H ilt, Calif., ALPHA CHAPTER • pitcher.’ ” Mr. Ram bo’s health had been so ! ! McKee of San Francisco, father of was in Ashland yesterday visiting H ere Sunday— No. 1 This lasted for days, but finally undermined th at it was impossible' Paul and Donald McKee, who are with his m other and sister. Mrs. Norman Mack of H ilt was ! the French drove off the T urks for us to return. Near East germs O. E. 8. actively connected with the man­ in Ashland yesterday visiting agem ent of the corporation, to j and the children escaped after __ _____ ______ ~_______ Stated communication to m o r­ D em onstration, all day Tues­ with friends. Not a new asset to Ash­ a long m arch to the railroad and w rite this inspirational message. row evening (Tuee.) Nov. 18, at day at E ast Side Grocery of a trip in cattle cars to Merslne The visitors, tired out by the land. We have had them 7:30 p. m. Initiation. Visiting Hoody P eanut B utter. Call and At Central Point— and out to tile Isle of Cyprus, unusual am ount of hiking razier on in our building for fifteen j ¡embers welcome. By order of learn the many new ways of us-1 Leo Ferguson and wife w e re : but feeling happy, then g ath er­ A fter this “ quiet” experience, W orthy Matron. ing peanut butter. 66— 1*! visitors in Central Point y e ste r-1 years. No extra charges. the Rambos returned to C on-; ed a t the guest house and en­ LEAH Jkl. CALDWELL, Secy. Our line of supplies best day. joyed songs, and refreshm ents stantinople, aw aiting a vessel to It is not too early to have your in Soul hern Oregon. Our bring them home, wrhen the brought to them by the hosts. To Rogue River— Christm as p o rtrait made. Darling i McGee’s Greek governm ent appealed to the { while they waited for the railroad Seed rye and seed vetch equipment second to none. Guy Good, Mark Real and Studio. 60— tf Miss Georgeanna Clift is w ork­ train td take them back to their N ear E ast Relief to help send George Baughman spent Sunday Our prices are 25 to 100 Seed oats and seed barley ing for a few days at McGee’s Dry w aiting automobiles. The train home fifty thousand Greeks Duck H unting— t>a the Rogue River fishing. per cent Itelow others. 1 Goods Store during the absence jiatj suffered a wreck, but in short stranded on the beach at Batoum, Carl Carlson and Mr. B arr of of one of the clerks. Your hills and our books All kinds of mill feed, bay on the east coast of the Black time it arrived and ih e party -Mc- the Park Garage were hunting in Rubber aprons, 50c up. : Sea. So intense was the suffering and grain; groceries, pea­ mw hm started down the hill toward ÍOtMllc will tell. the Tule Lake district yesterday. Moving Here— N air Bros. 1 here, thqi w hen the Rambos at- nuts and pop corn. Thrall. In the gathering dusk, f t t o i o M. A. W atson of Oakland, who the trip was one of the most en- Mrs. W. E. Rambo of Baker,! tem pted to give away American Y ¡sited Here— Save WO.00, walk upstairs to has been at K lam ath Falls for a; joyable p arts of the day, especial- Oregon, who spent several year«' clothing in an orderly fashion C. H. B arnstable of K lam ath Orres tailor shop. 17— tf short time, is moving to Ashland Helene Biodo, licensed ly when p a rt way down Mount working jim ong the stricken - they were mobbed by the frenzied Come in and see ns. We Kails and his family visited the w ith his family from th a t place Shasta, snow-caped and with peoples of the near east. can supply you at right Mrs. people nod soldiers were callled lady assistant always in Reverend S. H. Chaney of this Hcre Sunday— and is locating on F ourth street. tw ilight darkening the eastern Rambo was a recent visitor i n ' to rescue the Americans. prices. Mr. and Mrs. John B arneburg attendance. »ity yesterday. slopes and the fading sun ilium Ashland. A recount of her ad- For eight months the Rambos and Mrs. M. E. Keijogg of Med­ Spends Week-end— inating the w estern slopes of Cali- j yentuTes while working with the were doctors, undertakers, nurses, Paulseruds Suits are exquisite­ ford were Ashland visitors yes­ Claus Kileinhammer who is a t­ fo rn ia’s famous m ountain, came < Near .East Relief is carried in th e ' coipforters; in fact everything to H. C. STOCK ly tailored. Let us m easure you terday. tending school here spent the into view the fifty thousand people whom news columns today. 66-tf Mort k'ian up now. razier on As the tra in pulled into Thrall, week-end with his parents at Ap­ ! they were loading into ships as Tamales, best in the city, “ The I a huge bonfire was roaring and plegate. ;------------------------------------- • fast as the Greek governm ent Phone 214— 333 E. Main St. 60— tf We deliver the goods -Detricka Rose” . everybody gathered around this could send them. Finally, all the dren and took the children as 94-tf At Gold Hill— preparatory to startin g the drive fast as funds would allow, al- survivors were on their ships New Car— Mrs. W illiam Myer and Miss! homeward. Needless to say W. A. M artin of this city p ur­ H arriett Hodges spent Sunday ¡everybody felt duly appreciative of though not so rapidly as the or­ starting for Greece, and the Ram- V latte Friends— phans flocked in. , bos returned to Constantinople, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cleveland chased a new Ford touring car the splendid hospitality which had Last year th eir oldest.son, Vic-J and then to America, with the f t Moon’s Lum ber Camp were in from th e H arrison B rothers Ford with relatives at Gold Hill. been extended them by the Copco tor, returned as a medical mis­ Ashland Saturday and Sunday vls- agency last week. officials. l Visit Here— sionary .to the spot where he was i.ing with friends and relatives. Phone 130 (or Powell’» Cider.! C. L Learned and children ot born. . Now his frequent letters Bread Making Forum Feature . tell th a t his closest associates, 6 3 - l m o 1 ‘l1’ ,C<’k,,r B utte <“ strlct were Complete line ol Ashland Can­ Delivered. (Cointlnv.ecF from page 1.) leading men in th eir communities, ______ Ashland yesterday visiting Mrs. ned Goods at Detrlcks. 94-tf were children with whom he play- j In Klamath Falls— ' Learned who underw ent an oper- J . O. M arrett and son of t h l j atio“ !“ the Community Hospital took first place in th e competi­ ed in the orphanages in India.I tive bread m aking contest a t the Jonteel Soap, 25c. McNair Bros. "“They never cease talking of you, j city wefe visitors in K lam ath I iecent y- Livestock Show. A movement whom they claim as th eir m otherI is now on foot here to send them Duck Hunting— w Falls Saturday. ! FOR SALE: — W hite enamel E ast, where they will compete as much as I do, and they have I F. J. Murphy and Tim Burke Notice to all sports: Ashland go°d as new’ L Hayes, w ith oth er team s for the national ju s t a£ good cause,” he w rite s.; made a trip to the Tule Lake “ for while you gave me life, you ; 66— 4* championship. < ountry duck hunting yesterday Rod and Game club will hold its R- F ’ D’ X’ Box 12°- P rune bread, th e product with saved th eirs.” sind returned with a large quan­ annual Mdse, and Turkey shoot, Finally, after thirteen years of which they won th eir prizes, will Sunday, Nov. 23rd, at its grounds. tity of ducks. service in an enervating climate, RUSINESS MEN ARE be the feature of the luncheoh to ­ 2 miles north of town. 64— 2* with insufficient food, the strain GUESTS OF ELECTRIS SITE morrow. Special Auto Accideht Policy became too much for Mrs. Rambo and priées are for >5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo In Ashland— and w ith her husband and sons, mado to encourage (Continued from page )) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY of course. 24-tf Mrs. P eter G arrett, form erly of she returned to this country. a big sale this city, is in Ashland visiting H enry- Enders, president of the WANTED: — To buy good, ‘ Five years ago, when Mr. Paulseruds for cleaning and with friends until after Thanks- Kiwanians, gave short talks as­ healthy Rabbits. Mrs. A rth u r Kee­ Rambo was m inister of the C hrist­ pressing. Phone 119. We call and l giving. She is visiting Mrs. Waldo suring the Copco officials th a t nan, Pioneer R estaurant. Pheonix. ian Church in Baker, they listen­ deliver. Kjlum of th is.c ity and Mrs. Clar­ Ashland had {he friendliest feel­ Ore. 66— 2* ed to Rev. J. J. H andsaker, N orth­ ence Fry of Medford. west Regional D irector of the ings tow ard the California-Ore­ $16.75 COATS $13.75 Resigns Position— LOST — Fem ale fox terrier, Near Ea9t Relief, appeal for w ork­ gon Pow er company. Paul Mc­ Miss Josephine B arber has re­ Resigns Position— Kee responded, saying th a t the brow n and white. F inder phone ers for the N ear East. $19.75 COATS $14.75 Warm, heavy sweaters signed her position in D etrick’s 64— 2* Miss Louise Ridley has resign­ interest shown by the Ashland 268-J. .“ You need not te li us anything Groceteria. ed her position as stenographer boosters in the Copco's project $24.50 COATS $19.75 that make a trip out into WOOD FOR SA LE:— F ir and about i starving children,” they for Staples R ealty Company and was inspiring to them and would Spruce, 16 inch, >8; H ard wood said, in asking for an appoint-! Chicken tam ales th a t will d e­ is now engaged at the Vining assist them to carry on th eir work $34.50 to $39.75 COATS $29.75 any kind of weather coin 16 inch, >12. Delivered. Mountain m ent to the Near East. “ We have* light you at The Plaza. 64— tf Theatre. had "them die in our very yard, j to g reater successes. Fuel Co. Siskiyou or leave order $44.50 to $49.75 COATS $39.50 in India.” “ And,” said Mr. Ram ­ fortable. A song toast was given by Chef a t Beaver R ealty Co. Ashland. bo, w ith an affectionate smile a t ! At Klamath Falls— Returns Saturday— Charley, Superintendent Cormack 50— 1 mo.* $54.50 to $59.75 COATS $44.50 Frank B arneburg and wife of his wife, “ I have often had t o ! — «■- A. H. P rach t and party return- other Copco officials by the ih is city made a trip to K lam ath ed Saturday from a duck hunt in Lithian Octette and then a large FOR SALE: — 1922 Maxwell shake this girl to make her eat j Falls yesterday a n d visited lower K lam ath touring car in excellent condition. enough.” “ How can I eat w ith , crew of workmen a t the site were lake. Thfey friends. •• those starving children outside?” • Miss Coffee, Tidings office.. given the mess hall. The Octette brought back many ducks. “ You m ust eaT,” I said, “ or! gave them several songs, aldo. WANTED: — Milch cow and otherwise we can't serve them .' , Reduced prices on portraits d u r­ Fishing— Following, the p arty hiked work team in exchange for feed ing November. Darling Studio. A rrangem ents were soon m a d e , Among those fishing on the across the hills to the point where and keep during the w inter. -L. 60— tf Rogue River yesterday were .Nate the first tunnel comes out on th e by which the Rambos were to sail i D. Bushnell, P. O. Box 502. for the Near East, which they I Bates, Bert Moses, It. E. Detrick other side. The tunnel plan is 66— 6* Here Today— - reached in August, 1918. that fit underneath the and Gene Hastings. They rep o rt­ very novel, there being two tu n ­ O. L. Laphan of the tractor de­ In the m idst of. sojne of the i nels connected by a large siphon ed th at the fish were biting fair­ most beautiful scenery in the I edat or that are splendid partm ent of the Ford Motor Com­ ly well. whjch carries the w ater from a world in the famous m ountains pany was in Ashland today from point ju st below the Copco pjant lor wear about the house. of Cilicia, a few miles from the Portland. No. 1 to the new site fa rth e r down Returns Home— birthplace of the Apostle Paul, the river. Mrs. Guy Cary retu rn ed home Mr. and Mrs. Rambo were placed In order to hasten the work on Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ this morning after spending the In charge of an orphanage which the second tunnel, an addit, or light you at The Plaza. 64— tf week-end with friends iu San had been run by the Germans i sub-tunnel was driven into the. Francisco, where she did some before the war. side of the m ountain about half Sm art new models in Ready-to- shopping. “ We are sending you to H a r-, way between the two ends, and in w ear at Paulseruds. 6C-tf Held a prisoner for three weeks ounieh,” stated C. V. Vickrey. this center location two crews by the T urks in Cilicia and fac­ Secretary of the N ear E ast Relief, j Mere Over Week-end— are working, in addition to the H ere Today— Mrs. Alice M. Young, county re­ crews on each end, which makes ing death from the plague on the “ because it is a quiet place, and . C. W. Lewis, who operates the WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN DRESSES corder of Yreka, was in Ashland four crews w orking on this one eastern coast of the Black Sea in we are sending younger w orkers freight line between Y reka and ad u lt years, going as a bride to over the week-end celebrating the tunnel nearest the new plant site. BOTH SILK AND WOOL to places of danger.” « ticotts Valley was in Ashland to ­ India, there to share her last crust birthday of her daughter, Mrs. H. T hat H arounieh was not exact­ The w ater at the head of the day visiting his m other at, 64 H. Mayberry, and th at of Howard tunnel. fuA herest up the river Is with the starving thousands dur­ ly a “bed of roses” was shown T hird street. Mayberry. The Men’s Store to be diverted from the river into ing .great famines, rem aining in by the fact th a t w ithin a few India until she was carried out weeks of the Rambos arrival, By the Postoffiee the tunnel by a dam across the fon are welcome to compare j stream . At this point, and also on a stretcher; these are only a great m assacres were perpetrated my Automobile rates with any ....R eturned Saturday— Mr. Campbell, Oregon m anager * t the new plant site huge rock- few of the experiences of Mrs. w ithin a few miles of them , and other rates In Jackson or Jose­ Rambo of Portland, who was a phine Counties; you can be the of the Pacific Telephone and Tel-j crushing plants have been con- visitor ln Ashland last week. To the Turkish arm y besieged H ar- 4 , udge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course egraph company returned to Portal structed, as the company will thus this woman have come more ex­ be able to m anufacture all the 80— tf land Saturday. sand and rock for the cement periences and more tests of char­ acter than come to the average work. Rorn— Traveling Throufb— From the river to thff level of of us In a dozen life-times. Men J. W. Vanderford and wife of W ord was received here S atu r­ the main Copco plant there is a and women of her spirit have Payette, Idaho, stopped in Ash day of the birth of a seven pound steep incline and a tram w ay has made the name America a syno­ land for a few days last week on boy to Mr. and Mrs. Lyon Law­ been constructed up the side of nym for all th a t is generous and th eir way to the north. They rence of Albion, Idaho. Mrs. the m ountain. When, given th eir unselfish throughout the world. THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL were very much interested in Lawrence was form erly Miss choice of riding up the tFam or Mr. and Mrs. W- Rambo Today—COLLEEN MOORE in Ashland and wish to locate here if Grace Leslie of this city and has hiking it up the river, ihany »of reached the city of Damoh, in they can find a suitable place. many friends here. Mrs. Anna the p arty preferred the hiking. th e C entral Province in India, In Miller, graudm other of Mrs. Law­ Then the main plant was in- ’91. T heir th ree sons were born Do you w ant a nice Christm as rence has been visiting her In ’ spected. This was completed in in India. Shortly a fte r th eir a r­ present? See th a t Ashland-made Albion and is now retu rn in g to 1922, bu t m any of th e visitors rival one of In d ia’s periodic fam ­ fu rn itu re a t Wicks. 66-MWF her home in the East. had not seen it. The huge dam, ines broke out and thousands of Tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday impounding w ater to the depth children were desolate.;. W ith In Shanghai— of about 120 feet in the K lam ath funds contributed from America Duck Hunt— Adoln'i Zukor W Jesse LLasky present W ord has been received by M. R. Matthews, R. A, Crook River and the generating plant the Ram bo’s, although w ithout K l * » ': friends here th a t W’yman Stew art of The Dalles, E .W . W ard, A. M. w ith the huge turbins provided experience in relief or orphanage 1 Or'“ work, pu t the homeless people to form erly of this city and a grad Hall and Hugh Dugan of Bend very interesting. uate of the Ashland high school is and O. E. Dews of Ashland com­ One of the points of interest is work building homes for the cliil- now in the war zone in China. He prise a party of hunters enjoy­ states th a t on rainy days rain ing the shooting in the Tule Lake I checks are givei> and there is no country.— K lam ath Falls News. « > fighting. He also states th a t he intends to retu rn home in several Has Station House— m onths and may possibly go Gold Hill is now “boasting a through Ashland. 4 SIDNEY OLCOTT «weveno* Station Housfe for the police. Not iju ite a Police Station in the sense for Ashland Have your suit cleaned and King of hearts and swords in the days when France!! th a t the city bred people under­ pressed this week and avoid the was mkingdom of love and villiany—Rudolph Valentino’s j| Holiday rush. Paulseruds. 66-tf stand the te rm ’ as the “ statio n ” is now used as a detention house, most romantic role. His first production in two years. but th e little building alongside Return Home— 4 numbers—Concert, Opera and Drama. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Bebb, nee the old Kell Garage has been fit­ Opening Number Ashland Armory A wonderful assortment for you to choose from R oberta W ard, returned to Ash- ted up as an office for the police Seat Sale opens Tomorrow for Friday, November 21 4 lxnd from* B ritish Columbia late on the highw ay., Tourists can be 4 to 16 Years ORPHEUM JR. VAUDEVILLE • Bunday night. Their apartm ent brought there to aw ait the state Vernon’s Symphony Quintet Monday, Nov. 24 at the Frftncis B utler on Granite officers instead of locking them Huy Your Tickets Now! Be a Booster. up; the traffic officer can stop stre et W&s nicely decorated for Main Floor 75c Balcony 50c ¡| PRICES 4 hem by their many friends. They there and get warm this w inter, RESERVil your seats EARLY e “The Quality Store" Seasons: Adult, $2.54»; High School, $1.50; Children, $1.00 'W e a tly enjoyed th eir trip north, his records will be kept there and No War Tax It will be used as an Inform ation ♦ > > » ♦ ♦ ♦ « > ♦ M M » •» 4 » > » » ♦ > » • » ♦ » > * ♦ reach Ashland again. bocal ì P erso n al J4°tes Receiving Vaults F & S F & S Sweaters for A Lot of Coats Winter Wear Must Go Out This Week English Jacket Sweaters B l!Y READY TO W EAR NOW ! At a Great Saving M itch ell’s Ok *• $19.75 Dresses . .Priced now $15.95 $22.50 Dresses .. Priced now $19.75 $24.50 Dresses .. Priced now $21.50 $29.75 Dresses .. Priced now $25.50 $32.50 D r e sse s.. Priced now $27.50 $34.50 Dresses .. Priced now $29.95 < WINTER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER—BUY YOUR COAT NOW FOR LESS ‘THE PERFECT FLAPPER” $19.75 C o a ts ___ Priced now $14.95 RUDOLPH " / alentino We Want The Best Ashland’s Artist Series m ‘Monsieur Beaucaird $22.50 Coats-___ Priced now $18.50 $25.00 C o a ts___ Priced now $19.95 $29.75 Coats now $34.50 Coats ___Priced now $27.95 50 C o a ts ___Priced now $15.00 C o a ts ___Priced now Children’s Coats all Reduced E. R. ISAAC & CO.