»Àtó THREE ASHLAND fiÁ ftf ftfitftC» ____ Monday, November if, 1024 P R O F E S S IO N A L i IN THE COUNTY COURT OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Albany has just opened a >60,- I THE STATE Of* OREGON C la ssified C o lu m n You will save by having your, Lal or fill your pan with Sw ift. 000 community hospital, for which STUDENTS VERSATILE FOR JACKSON COUNTY 5 X ‘ " . u V ”r ,n i r - ? ■ " ’ ,ess ,b “ J NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL the public subscribed >35,000 and Classified Column Rates PHYSICIANS SYRACUSE, N. Y., Nov. 17— the physicians of the city give PROPERTY horteninu. bo?« farther and Is One cent the word each ¡In the Matter of the Estate of; Versatility abounds in Syracuse ------------------- L- ■ — - ■ i ' ■■ wore nutritious. Detricks" 94-tf OR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings time >25,000. Civic and fraternal or­ John W. Herrin, deceased. Univerqitv office. Phone 91. ganizations contributed the fur­ To run every Issue for one NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE n ' 7 Take the employment office, for nishings. One of the phj-sicians C ftû IN CASHFi«*t Friz. That under and "by virtue of an? month or more, %c the word DR. C. W. HANSON order of the Hon. G. A. Gardner, instance. According to-records on gave the surgery equipment, wirth each time. prizes Dentist CALENDAR OF EVENTS Judge of said Court made and file at the ofTice, there are plumb >2,000. The building is modern, Everybody, Anywhere, FOR ANS­ Special attention given to pyor­ Cleans® thoroughly—then, Tuesday, November 18. Civic dated November 1st, 1924, I, the ers, barbers, masons, paper- has 21 rooms and wards, and is WERS IN EDICATIONAL GON- without rubbing, FOR RENT o . apply_ --- rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver Club w'ill meet at. club house at undersigned, as administrator of hangers, bakers, cooks, printers, a community monument. , TEST. Send stamp for Circular, ’ the estate of John W. Herrin, de­ Rules and Questions. SHEFFIELD 233-tf. 2:30. ceased, will, on the premises on chauffeurs, druggists electricians, FOR RENT— Furnished modern Block. Phone 178-J. ‘ Wednesday, November 19. Up­ and after December z2nd, 1924, bankers, carpenters, meat cutters Portland — Eight story annex LABORATORIES, Dept. 0, Aurora/ ▼ V a p o R u o 5-room Bungalow with garage. In­ DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ proceed to sell at private sale for and scores of others talented In to Congress Hotel will cost >200 - Illinois. per Valley Community Club will quire E. D. Briggs. 65— 4 tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano have an all day meeting at the cash, the real property belonging various trades and professions, 000. throat— X-ray Including- teeth. home of Mrs. Butler Walker. This to said estate., and described as waiting for employment outside FOR SALE ; Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc will be a dressmaking meeting. follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the southeast cór­ school hours in their best-suited FOR SALE — Six-room house. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Portland — Owing to great de­ Wednesday, November 19. Aux- ner of the Northeast Quarter of occupations. Modern with garage. One block Ore. mand for rooms, i.ew Med ; i arts , iliary to the Trinity Guild will Section 33, Twp. 38 S. R. 1 E of W. M. in Jackson County, Ore­ from new Hotel. Inquire 370 Har- —-------------- ------------------------------ meet at the Parish House. building will be built with eight gon; Thence .North on the section gadine street. 65 tf E‘ ANGELL— Chiropractic stories instead of proposed six. Wednesday, November 19. High line between Sections 33 and 34, Lakeview— Half billion feet of and Electro-Therapy. Office t School Circle of P. T. A. will 60 rods; Thence West 40 rods; timber to be sold from Deschutes ♦ FOR SALE — 200 White Leg­ phone 48; residence 142. First ♦ meet at the high school at 3:15 Thence South 60 rods; Thence National Forest, under perpetual * horn pullets (pedigreed tancred National Bank building. East 40 rods, to the place of be- * In the afternoon. Everyone cor- rods> the strain): Phone 17F11. O. D. Faris, ♦ n. ginning, containing 15 acres,1 reforestation plan. dially invited to attend. 4 THE SOUTHERN OREGON there being a smaill house on the 1145 N. Main. 65— tf ♦♦ Thursday, November 20. Ladies land, 11 acres improved and 4 1 CLINIC In C old W ea th er Modford — During past year ♦ 1st National Bank Bldg. HP HERE are times when we want Elks Club will meet In club acres untlllable, of which he Is' FOR SALE — Remington No. Medical Surgical Obstetrical roms. H'O.fvO fruit trees p’anted in the owner in entirety in his own 10 Typewriter, Wide-carriage. to discuss. We don’t want to the oil in your crankcase Diagnostic X-ray right. Jj'Kson county. Thursday, November 20. D. A operates like new. First offer of R. W. Stearns, M. D. he handed merely cold facts. We A one-eighth interest in: The becomes diluted with raw R. will meet at the home of Mrs NW 1-4 of Section 8, Twp. 35 S. t >50.00 takes it. BRIGGS & R. E. Green, M. D. want to look at things from all gasoline quicker. Save BRIGGS, Attys., Pioneer Block. R. 2 W. of W.M., containing 160 R. W. Sleeter, M. D. Peil on Granite street. sides. Talk over your finances Office hours 2-5 p. m. 65— 4 Saturday, November 22. P. E acres. yourself repair bills by Phone 238-R A one-eighth interest In all the O. w’ill meet at the home of Mrs. with the officers of this bank and having the oil changed following ¡described property, the BARTLETT, the Furrier FOR SALE: — Heating stove, W. E. Klake. CONVALESCENT HOME same being situated In Twp. 38 S. get warm and friendlv advice. oftener; it takes but a few Bedstead and chairs. 163 Union t • • • Where the sick get welL New Theater Building R. 1 E. of W.M. In Jackson Coqn- street. 62— 5* minutes at ✓ ty, Oregon: I*. N. G. Club Meeting— Cottage Plan. The S 1-2 of NW 1-4, the SW Medford, Oregon The Past Noble Grand Club FOR SALE: — Tancred— Holly­ We board and care for Invalids 1-4, and the W 1-2 of the-SE 1-4, held their regular meeting at the Section 2, containing >20 acres and ofd people. wood cockerels, pedigreed, dams, home of Mrs. Frank Jordan of Maternity Dept. The S 1-2 of the NE 1-4, the records up to 280, sire record T h e C itiz e n s B a n k o f A sh la n d SE 1-4 of the NW 1-4, the N 1-2 Granite street Friday afternoon Call 153 over 270. The male is half your ------------- i ----- < ■■■ — Much was accomplished In regard of the S 1-2, the S 1-2 of the SW flock. 112 Nutley St. Phone 466J. subject to confirmation by the Ashland, Oregon to the bazaar to be given by the 1-4, and the SE 1-4 of the SE 1-4, Court. BOULEVARD and SHERMAN 5 8— —tf MONUMENTS Section 3, containing 400 acres. Rebekah Lodg? Friday, December Dated: November 1st, 1924. Lots 1 and 2, the S 1-2 of the WOOD FOR SALE:— Fir and ASHLAND GRANITE ‘ fifth. E. D. BRIGGS, NE 1-4, the SE 1-4 of the NW Spruce, 14 inch >8. Hard wood Administrator, MONUMENTS Mrs. Norma Reeder wa3 tnlt 1-4, the diagonal NE 1-2 of the 1-4 -■» ui. of the m e or» SW x-», 1-4, ana and tne the e . .. Ashland, Oregon 16 Inch >11. Delivered. Fountain Blair Granite Co. lated into the c’.ub in a fitting NE •* SB 1-4, Section 4, containing 378 Mon. Foul Co Siskiyou or leave orders PENNISTON, Manager manner, and a [laasant time was acres. . ■ -a- 1 at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. Office 175 E. Main enjoyed by ad The diagonal NE 1-2 of the 50— 1 mo.* Res. Phone 444-Y At the close of the afternoon NE 1-4 of Section 9, cooatining lovely refreshments were served 80 acres. 4N1 GIRL IN TROUBLE— iXfo MISCELLANEOUS The NE 1-4, the NW 1-4, the by the hostess. Mrs. Jordan, as­ diagonal NE 1-2 of the NW 1-4 communicate With Ensign Lee sisted by Mrs. An»a Long. WANTED: — Mending and of the 8W 1-4, the E 1-2 of the • f the Salvation Army at the Those present were Mesdames SW 1-4 and the N 1-2 of the BE ¿ewlng of all kinds. Martha Okers WhlteShield Home, 565 May- Jei.nie Gilbert, Molly Hunger, 1-4, Section 10, containing 500 300 Liberty. 65— 4* fair Are., Portland. Oregon. Mabel Roberta, Emma Myer, Ol­ acres. N 1-2 of the NW 1-4, the LOST, some time ago, Bible, ive Gowland, Norma Reeder, SW The PLANING MILL 1-4 of the NW 1-4, and the w size about 4x6, concordance, maps, •Josephine de Crocker, Emma NW 1-4 of the SW 1-4, Section 11, subject iadex, etc., passages well JORDON’S SASH AND CABINE! Wing, Leah Caldwall, Emma containing 160 acres. The NE 1-4, the E 1-2 of the marked. Valued as keepsake. WORKS, Cor. Helman and Jones, Anna Long, Laura Love, Mr’IIE only oats that cook into granular oatmeal. NW 1-4, the SE 1-4, and fhe E Finder return to Tidings office, Van Ness. 19Ítf Lena Nelson, Amy Moore, Edythe Nothing else like it. Meaty granules stimulate 1-2 of the SW 1-4, Section 21, or Phone 479-J. Reward. 64— tf digestion. Never cook sticky or pasty. Wonderful Phipps, Edna Stori and Mary Wil. containing 480 acres. i TRANSFER AND EXPRESS shire. flavor. More than a new oatmeal—a new cereal. The NW 1-4, the SW 1-4, the WANTED— Experienced book­ Whittle Transfer A Storage €o. • • * W 1-2 of the E 1-2, the SE 1-4 Energy-building corbohydrates, tissue-building pro­ keeper, address Box XZ care Tid­ for SERVICE. of the NE 1-4, and the E 1-2 of Delightful Party— teins, a wealth of vital minerals. And New Style the SE 1-4, Section 22, contain­ ings. 63— 3» Experienced 'movers and pack­ Mrs. J. K. McWilliams delight­ ing 520 acres. - * H-O takes only 2 to 3 short m inutes to cook —the (SDCKCOim ers of household goods. Deal­ fully entertained a group of her The NW 1-4 of the NE 1-4) and WATCHES and clocks repaired quickest cooking cereal— quick as a flash! ers In coal and wood. 'Phone friends at her home on Beach the N 1-2 of the N 1-2 of the NW g reasonable. Money returned If not Ask your grocer for free trial size package. 117. street Friday evening. Many 1-4, Section 27, containing 80 satisfied, M. A. Lassau, 217 N. acres. C o o k in : Now Office 89 Oak St. near pleasant hours were spent play-, Regular H-O Oats Main, near Methodist church. tw o And the NE 1-4 of the NW 1-4 ¡2 to 3 minutes kinds j New Sty,e H"° Oat* (O“ ««*) Hotel Ashland ing cards and conversing. The and the N 1-2 of the NE 1-4, Sec­ 63— 6* Standard lu ll size and weigh» p kg.—w eight, 1 lb. 4 oc. evening was .made doubly enjoy­ tion 28, containing 120 acres. 1 I Ti l WANTED: — Protect yourself T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ able by the serving of hot tamales —either a3 an entirety or in par- rn , ^ T> fer— Good team and motor at a late hour, by the gracious cels to suit the purchaser,— the l U l S .D U C IV S F a r l O r against the uncertainties of win­ terms of the sale to be cash or at t f trucks. G >od service at a rea­ hostess. ter. We can assure you a good least half cash and the balance H e a te r sonable price. Phone 83. Those present were Mesdames secured by a first mortgage on the position In your own county, that , . Emma Wing, Norma Reeder, Miss property sold. Any sale made is 13 a C om bined S t o v e a n d will pay you well. Write us at FKHIGE-ROACH once. Nogar Corporation, 301 Welch and Mrs. McWi’liams. Furnace Couch Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. . Transfer — Express — Storage 54__Hauling — D ray, work _ of all Birthday Party—*’ Ample heat-radiating ca­ kinds. Quick motor service. Dry A very delightful party was DRESSMAKING and Tayloring i wood of all kinds. Pbhae 41 pacity to heat the room in given to the members of the aflonflltla nrlnaa L « » » « 375 P St Wt" ' < «■ reasonable prices, oil all work guar 112-tf • younger set at the home of Mr. which it is placed—pow­ — th en in vest in o n e o f y o u r co m m u n ity ’s antee-1. Mrs. B. Van Harden­ and Mrs. A. C. Joy Friday even­ erful circulating capacity ASHLAND PAINT CO berg, 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 me.* ing. The party was given in hon­ fastest-grow ing enterprises to warm two or three ad­ Dependable DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ Painting Contractors & Decorators or of Mr. Barnard Joy, who cele­ joining rooms—that is the brated his birthday on that date. ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 Granite SWENNING & GEAR A pleasant evening was spent ability of this handsome, Gross earnings of T he California Oregon P ow er 5J-1 mo.* dancing and playing various » —of— street. 60— 1 mo,.* Phone 408-J compact porcelain enam­ Company today are One M illion. Dollars a year games. Refreshments at the close eled Parlor Heater. ALL DESCRIPTIONS x ’ greater than the gross earnings for 1913. WOOD SAWING of the evening added mtlch to Revenue-producing assets — solid structures of WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel. the enjoyment of the guests, who I’»urns any kind of fuel. A were loathe to depart at the ap­ 470-J. 63— Imo* wood, steel, copper and concrete—now reach n ear­ Get yours now while our pointed hour. ‘G iant” for heat. Yet, it ly twelve million dollars—over seven millions more stock is complete The guests were Misses Vir­ costs no more than old- than tw elve years «go. ginia Frost. Katherine Pittenger, style stoves. In brown, Marion Leach, Thelma Perozzi, In eight years, the volume of electricity produced H ere’s Grandmother’s Rec­ mahogany* blue or gray Irma Beck, Letha Miles. Mary by this com pany h as quadrupled. Electric energy ipe to Darken and Galey and Messrs Riley Pitteng­ S im p s o n ’s porcelain. from the eight Copco pow er houses operates entire er, Albie Beck, Robert Wright, Beautify Faded H air H a rd w a re Gaius Crosby, Philip Bryant, Ray­ sawmills, runs mine machinery, irrigates thousands mond Carson, Earl Nutter, Barn­ o f productive acres, supplies pow er for domestic uses THE ASHLAND FURNITURE That beautiful, even shade of ard, Adena, Richard and Eliza­ and lights the lamps o f streets and homes in forty-four COMPANY ' W in c h e ste r S to r e dark, glossy hair can only be had beth Joy and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. 4B — a 88 N. Main prosperous and grow ing communities. by brewing a mixture of Sage Tea Colds and catarrh yield like Joy. » ♦ « and Sulphur. Your hair is your magic to soothing, healing anti­ charm. It makes or mars the septic cream that penetrates Harvey Feerrar Marriage— face. When it fades, turns gray through every air passage-and re­ Word was received In Ashland or streaked, just an application lieves swollen, inflamed- mem­ recently of the marriage of Mil- T h e dem and for hydro-electric pow er is only in or two of Sage and Sulphur en­ branes of nose and throat. -Youi bum Grefeory Harvey to Miss hances its appearance a hundred­ clogged nostrils open right up and •Gladys Feerrar Tuesday, Novem­ its infancy. T he California Oregon P ow er Company fold. already h as a definite m arket for the output of new you can breathe freely. Hawking ber 11th at Los Agigeles, Calif. Don’t bother to prepare the and snuffing stop. Don’t stay The groom attended school here pow er plants and additional extensions now under mixture; you can get this famous stuffed up and miserable. and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. construction. old recipe improved by the addi­ Get a small bottle of Ely’s J. A. Harvey of this city. He Is U SE tion of other ingredients at a Cream Balm from your druggist. a graduate of the University of A n investm ent n o w in the new issue of The small cost, all ready for use. It Is Apply a little in the nostrils and Southern California and is now • California Oregon P o w er Company 7% Preferred called Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur get instant relief. Millions en­ practicing law in Santa Ana where Stock (yielding 7.14% a t its price-of $98 a share) Compound. This can always be dorse this remedy known for more the couple will make their "home. opens to you the opportunity of sharing in this depended upon to bring back the than fifty years.' There are many friends here who steady grow th. natural color and lustre of your wish the couple every possible hair. happiness. Everybody uses “Yyeth’s” Sage For a smooth shave and Sulphur Compound now be­ and qu'ck service go P-iidleton — Umatilla wheat cause it darkens so naturally and to the Shell Barber crop estimated at 4,500,» 00 bush, evenly that nobody can tell it has T o m ake this investm ent convenient for all of its A n d Learn W h y it is C alled els for îî-24 Shop. Ladies and been applied. You simply dampen custom ers the Company offers an unusual Savinas children get your hair th e “ B est b y T est” L eavener ’ a sponge or soft brush with it Investm ent Plan. 5 bobbed and marcel­ and draw this through the hair, . • — i 3 s/s times those . of amt other led. taking one small strand at a deposit of $5 per sh are and paym ents time; by morning the gray hair o $5 per share per m onth will m ake you an ow ner W, A. SHELL, Prop. has disappeared, and after an­ »32 A. St. Ashland. Ore Cocoa, 3 1 inone of the fastest grow ing enterprises in Southern .25c other application it becomes beau­ Oregon and N orthern California. tifully dark and appears glossy Sweet Chocolate, CALIFORNIA OREGON! and lustrous. POWER. COM PANY 2 lb s. .................. . . . 2 5 c C ié t ll c V ’ UTS-SORES cks Discussion IV. & N. Service, Station convinces Style H-O is truly a breakfast delight J F OATS COMPARE T H IS W IT H TH E G RO W TH OF YOUR OTHER PROPER! w a f a Thanksgiving Roasters IF HAIR IS TURNING GRAY, USE SAGE TEA HEALING CREAM IS A QUICK RELIEF FOR NASTY HEAD COEDS Netv expansion is your opportunity Success on bake-day is is not a matter o f Ixick— C A 1 C IM E F THE WORLDS GREATEST BAKING fiOHfDFB *4.. We have a good Job printing de­ partment. 1 SAY IT WITH FLOWERS AND SAY IT WITH OURS. Everything in the Greenhousr Line Hi-Class Designing “HATCHER THE FLORI8T” 1070 Boulevard Phone 118 Open on Sundays We Deliver e r fit CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER ~ COMPANY fy fa n d S ta lk y n U t 7.14% ask any Shredded Cocoauut, ,b............................... 25o Kraut, 15c quart, 50c gal. r U K U ITCHING, BLIND BLEEDING OR PROTRUDING Market H. A. Stearns •1 If. Main 7.14% 1 I for your savings THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Offices : n T^W ; Roseburg PIl -FS Yreka VDOR PARTNERS D R U G G ISTS refund m oney if it fails to cure. Special directions enclosed w ith each package. Y our druggist will order it. (Also put up in old style Tins, 60c.) OREGON Medford Grants Pass Klamath Fall. CALIFORNIA It is now put up in collapsible tubes with detachable pile pipe making it very easy to apply. Choice. Newtown Apples . $1.50 box m e m b e r orour a g a n fc a tta n Letterheans, sAtements, t o your order at the Tidings Office, j PAZO Ointment A Guaranteed Remedy ! Dunsmuir T H E CALIFORNIA OREGON P O W E R COMPANY IN PROGRESS MEDFORD, OREGON A s k a n y m em b er «♦—u886? 61* 1 m e “ fonnation about your 7% Preferred Stock and special partial paym ent plan. w e ir e d of o u r organ ization ■“ Di* m ail this coupon — today! N am e. cAddrasa.