ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS ASHLAND D A IL Y .Monday, November 17, lifcU T ID IN G S ment of the United States, and Soviet Russia was useful Ashiand, Oregon, consisting of ap place of beginning, containing ap-! the windows perpetually shut-I 7 acres. ou i - v (festabiuhed in I«?«) • «s a rhetorical conttast. But once she was there, it be-1 Pr you fSrthe? notified that l proximately You are further notified that d She slept,by day and never came the thing to fight. The Lenines and the Trotzkvs! LAURA v edwards . fred - BERT ANDERSON, the owner or’. Went out uatil ulSbtfall, taking P u blished Every E vening Except Sunday by c f this world are much more'malicious enemies than are derson , l .^ ^RA phillips ,A a . holder of evidence of title to ths care to return before the daw n.! THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. herein below first described body; T h e v f u r t h e r , , y fUFther Stated that she Anieri^ns, even if they have the stigma of Wall Street. BELLE ANDERSON, and DORA of land as petitioner has filed with! E. WIGHT, the owners or holders said Board his written and duly] Spent vaat suniR 0,1 Purchasing bert R. Greer ........................................................................................Editor The regrettable fact is that always the reformers of of evident oAitie to* the herein signed George Madden Green ..................................................... Business’Manager and acknowledged petition black swans and sombre-colored — ¡the Goldman type hurt the “ liberty” they preach and below first described body of land praying that said land be included flowers. She hated all things white j OFFICIAL CITY PAPER . ......................................... - - - T e le p h o n e 3 9 i d m n ; w • n ,, . x, , - j - Feelin’ frolicsome! as petitioners have filed with said within said district. Said respec-No such an extent that she even A shower bath will “pep” _ sign _ tive land is described as follows: Board their written and duly anyone tingling spray Emma Goldman makes no mark against the tvrannv ed ,and acknowledged petition The East 16.54 acres of a 36.54 ordered that when snow fell in quickens up. the The circulation and is Subscription P rice, D elivered in City _ * r> • . n i l .i * praying that said land be includ- acre tract in Section 11,-Town- her domains it should be covered Ona Month ...................................................................... ..................... $ .65 oi soviet Russia. But in England or the United States, ed within said district. Said re­ a healthy stimulant for every i ship 38, South, Range 1, West, with cinders and coaldust. Three Months function. You can pick out spective land is described as fol- Willamette Meridian, formerly * 3^75'actua,,y free countries, she and her kind work continu- lows the fellow who enjoys his owned by Geo. Alford, and record­ Coo Year.................... ....... -....................■ shower “bath-a-day.” His step ..................... 7.50 ously, and with some-effect, to destrov * the liberty * with Lots One and Two of the Royal ed in Volume 106 at Page 516, H v Mail %1 a .II and n tir l R f u l R ou tes 1 • .» 11 /» By R n ural is springy and you just know Orchard Tract. Section 22, Twp. deed Records of Jackson County, Ona Month ............................................ ....................... „..........t......... $ .651 which all of us are endowed. that he’s always “fit as a fid­ 38 S.-R . 1 W,, W. M., Oregon. Oregon. Three Months 1.95 ! dle.” You are further uotified that N ow is the tim e to buy spray Month. ------------- --- v\ñl F °r many Years in Eur°Pe, Switzerland, the only fully LAURA Each of the tracts of land s o , V. EDWARDS, G. N. Ü03 Year "T . ............................. 6 ¡o lree country on the continent, has been the refuge of the ANDERSON, FREDERICK P. petitioned to be included are pum ps, plow s and harrows, Ask us about shower bath Jackson County, Oregon.! d rills and a ll kinds o f farm installations. They are inex­ display advertising K ate » ------- dissatisfied, the political restive and the anarchistic of BURRALL, L. A. PHILLIPS, A. within pensive. You are further notified that] im plem ents. F en cin g in every BELLE ANDERSON and DORA tííLgle Insertion, per inoh ........................................................... $ .30 all repressive countries. There never has been any show­ E. WIGHT, the owners or holders the aforesaid petitions have been style. H arness, collars, snaps, ’ Yearly Contracts for hearing and consideration i ing that radicals have accomplished political reforms in of evidence of title to the herein set Doe insertion a week ........................................ .......................... at a regular meeting of the Board! and pads. New and u sed Sew« i below first described body of land Two insertions a week ................................................................... any country of Europe. Switzerland was not made “ free” as petitions have filed with said of Directors of said Talent Irrl-I in g M udlines. A uto R obes, etc. J ’ l>aHy insertion ................ ........ ................................................... gation District to be held at th e 1 by any radicalism, but by a moderatively progressive ele­ Board their written and duly sign­ office Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising of said Board of Directors,! ed and acknowledged petition fc:rst insertion, per 8 point line ................................. _ ............. $ ment among its own citizens, working through centuries praying that said land be includ­ at Talent, in Jackson County, Phon e 13B 2 0 7 B. Main Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................. within said district. Said re­ State of Oregon, on the 2nd day of political advance. But when the" nests of anarchists ed Card of Thanks ............................................................. ................... spective land is described as fol­ o f December, 1924< at the hour V tatuarles, per line ....................... ....................:_________ in Switzerland recover a little from their terror of czars lows: That portion of Lot Five, of 10 o’clock A. M., and you and Royal Orchard more fully des­ each of you and all persons in­ or police bureaus, they start to work to corrupt the poli­ cribed WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING as follows: Beginning at terested are hereby ifotified to ap­ “All future events, where an admission charge is made or a tical stability of Switzerland, the land that has given the S. E. corner of said Lot Five, pear at said time and place, and et Ueetion taken is Advertising. . pf said Royal Orchard, running show causa, if any you have, why them refuge. So in England, always free and always tol­ thence No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. N. 175 feet; thence W. said petitions, or any of them erant, and usually rather indifferent to the mouthings 200 feet; thence S 19 dec. 50’ W. should not be granted. DONATIONS This notice Is given by the un­ No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ ■of extremists, there arises ever so often a group of ram­ 531.4 feet; thence S-. 215 feet: dersigned secretary of said Board thence S. 89 deg 33’ E. 380 feet ing or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. pageous foreigners, utterly unable to make headway to the point of beginning con­ of Directors pursuant to law and is the best description of the luxurious softness 4.7 acres more or less. an order of said Board. against the actual tyranny of their own land, to repay taining DATED: Nov. 7, 1»24. (About one-half acre will be for AN AMERICAN HEROINE and comfort in a Sealy Mattress. There are four O. ARNSPIGER, » and yard.) Almost*by chance, the writer learned last week of the British kindness with an uproar against the “ bourgeois” dwellings outstanding features in a Sealy mattress—tuft­ Secretary of Baord of Direct­ You are further notified that ors of Talent Irrigation Dis­ the ANDERSON O R C H A R D presence in Ashland cf an honest to goodness heroine and virtues of the British nation. less, all cotton, aire-weave process and one- trict. Emma Goldman was removed from the United States COMPANY by its Vice-President, BOARD the result of the interview, which we had with Mrs. AV. E. giant halt. OF DIRECTORS O F F. CAMPBELL PENNEY and its not for her crimes or for her unsocial activities, but for TALENT IRRIGATION Secretary H. S. ANDERSON, th e ! Rambo of Portland is found on the news pages. Someone, DISTRICT owner holder of evidence of If von want a finely-constructed, hand- the accidental reason that she happened to be an alien, somewhere, must be woefully lacking in new instinct that By w. j. hartze L l , title to the herein below first des­ tailored bed* bottom that rende’rs lasting satis­ the community was not widely informed on the coming I hll<\ . a^?n.s can removed from the United States by cribed body of land as petitioner President. • F. W. HERRIN, Director has filed with said Board his j faction, insist on the Sealy. i f this remarkable woman, and audiences which shouldi?011 ,|l\ H ia P^oc®sse*’ If she had been an American cit- written E. T. NEWBRY, Director and duly signed and ack-j have taxed the churches in which she spoke, should have izen, she would either have been tried and sent to prison, nowledged petition praying that 60- 4 mon. said land be included within said; o r she would have been left free, probably the lattef. counted it a privilege to do this woman honor. district. Said respective land is; But in principle, she is good riddance. Radicals are described as follows: That cer­ As it was, she made a few addresses ’ before some tain orchard at Talent, Oregon,] Sunday Schools and some small church sendees, but left useful, and in fact necessary to our political well being. known as the “George Anderson, the larger part of the community life uptonched. The But her sort of radicalism is never creative. And it never, Orchard,” containing forty-five (45) acres more or less and more “ Use Your Credit With Us” i ommunity is poorer because the inspiration of her mes- in its ravings, injures the people it attacks, or attracts fully described as follows: Begin- the people from*whom it could get any effective support iring at the Northeast corner of ; ige was not felt by the children of the schools and by Lot Five of the Royal Orchard as Bring in your window sash, we do the glaz­ in any war on tyrants. the men and women of the city. Some of us are so same Is platted and recorded in VIENNA, Nov. 17.— The story ing free. the office of the County CleFk of of a countess who hated every­ 1 usy earning our daily bread we sometimes forget that Jackson County, Oregon, running 1 eroism of the quiet, but nevertheless effective type, is Honesty in advertising? Then why hasn’t the wax thence North 89 deg., 38’ West, thing white, and who spent years feet; thence South 0 deg., of her life ahd a fortune trying Hill strong in the world man in the clothing window knock knees and a paunch? 1318 42’ East, 771 teiet. to a point near, to make everything black, was the East bar.k of Anderson Creek; (old in the Viennese courts recent­ therce South 4 deg., 11’ East, 186 ly when relatives of t£e late MAKE FARCE OF “ HOME BREW” RIGHT The average American doesn’t wish to be rich. He feet; thence South 10 deg., 50’ AVhen Congressman John Philip Hill of Maryland only wants a million or two. West, 240 feet; thence South 12 countess Anna Fery, who had been deg., 24’ East, 242 feet; thence left out of her will, brought a suit Clouted Thursday in the Baltimore court, “ AVell, boys, South 16 deg., 59’ West, 205 feet.] against a Hungarian count to ; ou can make all the wine you want to now,” he express- Government furnishes free bulletins on almost every­ to a point where the east bank of j whom she had left everything. Anderson Creek intersects the « d what will be, doubtless, the general reaction of the thing except how to reduce taxes. The relatives stated that every center line of the County Road; ] eople of the United States to the court decision and the thence a|long said center line of year she spent more and more road South 89 deg., 33’ East, trying to make everything black. ,,-iry verdict regarding the making of “ home” wine. It is almost time to let Dad catch you knitting him said 1358.5 feet to a point which is In her home at Graz Castle she the Southeast corner of said lot “ Home produced wine” would matter little in the oedroom slippers for Christmas. Five of said Royal Orchard; always wore black and kept all reneral question of intoxication throughout the United thence North 1634 feet to the > lates. But wine produced in pretended home produc- How glorious it is to glare at a copper when one is point of beginning, containing fifty acres more Or less: EX­ ' on may he a means of making still further inroads into carrying a quart bottle of vinegar. CEPTING, from the above the following described real property: live practical prohibition of alcoholic liquor traffic. Beginning at the Southeast cor­ And while it is quite possible that this decision will Alter election thought: “ And the wind ceased and ner of said Lot Five of said Royal Orchard, running thence North j ot be contested, it is unthinkable that the effectiveness there was a great calm.” 715 feet; thence West 200 feet; • f the eighteenth amendment can be defied by such a thence South 19 deg., 50’ West, 531.4 feet; thence South 215 feet; * usual decision on the wording of the Volstead enforce- NOTICE You are further notified that thence South 89 deg., 33’ East I To the TALENT IRRIGATION i .ent law. DISTRICT, and to all freehold­ Mary ELIZABETH LEWIS, the 380 feet, to the point of begin­ Just as “ pre-war” stock has been a cover for mani- ers, legal voters, and assessment owner or holder of evidence of ning, containing five acres more ] of said district, and to all title to the herein below firat de­ or less. 3old violations of the prohibition act, so “ home brew” payers scribed body of land as petitioner You are further - notified that DESERVES * jEADYROOFlHGS persons interested in the lands has filed with said Board her C. C. BOND, the owner or holder w ill be unless Congress takes definite steps to enforce the lying within said district and written and duly signed and ac­ of evidence of title to the herein within the boundaries of the ter­ ITS NAME ♦ ignity of the law and the constitution. knowledged petition praying that below first described body of Bear Underwriters’ Class B label, — that means adequate ritory described in this notice. said land be Included within said land as petitioner has filed with The immediate effect of the decision would be to You and each of you are no­ district. Said respective land is fire protection and low rates of insurance. said Board his written and duly j tified that VIRGINIA WILSON i ake it necessary for every attempt to enforce the law to and CLEMENTINA L- WILSON described as follows: Beginning signed acknowledged petition Carey Asbestos Ready Roofings not only resist all sort« of a point 170.7 feet East of the praying that said land be includ-,1 j o through all the steps of presenting an “ original” case. the owner of evidence of title to at weather conditions but smoke, fumes and fire as well. Northwest corner of D. L. C. No. cd within said District. Said res-i the herein below first described The entire burden of proof would be on the Govern­ body of land as petitioner has 55, Twp. 38 S., Range 1 West, pective land is described as fol­ Carey Asbestos Ready Roofings come in several finiah^ WL M., and running thence. Bast lows: Beginning at a point on ment to sljow in each particular instance that the liquor filed with said Board of Direct­ 171.9 “white top”,—slate surface and smooth finish. feet: thence South 380 feet; the Pacific Highway which is the ors of Talent Irrigation District . ossessed was not merely ot a high alcoholic strength, in "Jackson County, Oregon, their thence West 171.9 feet; thence Northwest corner of the property Call on us for samples and prices. 380 feet to the place of described in Volume 109 at Page 1 nt that it was in fact “ intoxicating.” A peddler of 40 written and duly signed and ac­ North beginning, containing 1 1-2 acres, 436, Volume 94 at Page 472* “ A R o o f fo r every b u ild in g .” knowledged petition praying that more or leas. I er cent whiskey could go through the form of pretend­ said 1 • Volume 107 at Page 354, peed land be included within said „ You are further notified that Records of Jackson County, Ore­ ing that his liquor was not intoxicating, and that lie pre­ district. Said respective land is G. C. MURPHY, MOLLIE SONG- gon, and running thence East 330 as follows: Beginning pared it for his own home. The Government could not described at a point 15 feet East of Sta­ ®R ®nd MR. and MRS. J. M. feet; thence Southeasterly along KERBY, the owners or holders the Citye Llraits of the Town o f 1 »•how, by alcoholic test, that it was intoxicating. It would tion 959 plus 95 Talent Irriga­ of evidence of title to the herein Talent 960 feet; thence West 330 tion Canal, on the North line of below first described body of feet to the East line of the Paci­ Lave to produce a person that had been intoxicated by a Donation Land Claim 46, Twp. land as petitioner has filed with fic Highway; thence Northwester­ 38 S. Range 2 West, Willamette tample of the same liquor. . * Meridian, Said point bears North said Board their written and duly ly along said East line 9 60 feet to The effect would be to make a farce of the law. • i 89 deg. 52’ East 252 feet from signed and acknowledged petition praying that said land be included the Northwest corner . of said And so Congressman Hill, a Wet, knew when lie glee- Donation Land Claim; thence fol­ within said district. Said respec­ J-illy shouted in court, “ Now, boys, you can make all the lowing 15 feet below the center tive land is described as follows: line of the Canal, South 25 deg. Approximately 35 acres of land ’.ine you want to.” 06’ East 110.0 feet; thence South located In the Southerly half of Any one who pretends to himself or to the public that 10 deg. 49’ East 260.0 feet: the following described tract of South 12 deg. 15’ East land: Beginning at the SE corner ibis is a defense of the law knows better. It is use of the thence TK2 310.0 feet: thence South 37 deg. of D. L. C. No. 45 in township 39 south, range 2, east of W. M. in letter of the law to pervert the entire spirit of it. 17’ East 120.0 feet. Leave canal running thence North 23 deg Oregon; thence North 40 chains Congress has the power to see that a reasonable limit and 46’ East 600.0 feet; thence North to a stake for corner; thence West is placed on home brew, just its on any manufactured 89 deg. 16’ East 160.0 feet: thence 20 chains to a stake for corner; WITH HER South 3 deg. 14’ West 180.0 feet: thence South 40 chains to a stake i.quor. thence South 37 deg. 28’ East for corner; thence East 20 chains to the place of beginning, -con­ New Tourist Hotel— If one half of one per cent is reasonable for commer- 170.0 feet; thence South 5 deg. taining 80 acres of land, more or East 170.0 feet; thence South < iel purposes, it is reasonable, as an executive limit, for 38’ 37 deg. 09’ East 200.0 feet: less. The exact acreage to b e 1 New Box Factory— irrigable’ lam e brew purposes. thence South 26 deg. 50’ East determined when the Ke-orawiized Cannery— land survey is made. • 180.0 feet; thence South 45 deg. There is no moral difference between the drinking 00’ You are further notified that Shale Prospects— East 220.0 feet; thence South 89 deg. 26’ East 450.0 feet to the T. W. SANFORD, JAS. HERSEY of wine made at home and of wine made in a factory. Blair « Granite Extension. side of Griffin Creek; thence and CARRIE HERSEY, the own- ! The same rules should apply, especially if the ‘ ‘ home ’ ’ West ers or holders of evidence of tit le • South 2 deg. 24’ East 1,426.7 Every’ business in A shland is made a cloak for illicit trade. feet to a point on the South line to the herein beldw first described i m ust b en efit to som e extent— of said Donation Land Claim, said body of land as petitions h a v e : L et’s a ll pull togeth er for still Congress should put the law on an effective basts to point beipg 15 feet East of Station filed with said Board their w rit-: greater im provem ents. meet this court decision. 924 plus 28 on the Canal; thence ten and duly signed and acknow-1 89 deg. 26’ West 763.0 feet ledeed petition praying that sard And the people of the United States must know that South to the West side of the County land be included within said dis-j trict. Said respective land is H A R R IS O N he enforcement of law should be put into the hands Road; thence North 0 deg. 12’ described as follows: A strip of 2,182.0 feet; thence South Brothers, Garage < f men who mean law enforcement, not “’getting bv” East 89 deg. 41’ West 1,301.0 feet to land 346 feet wide North and The Ford Coupe is the lowest South lying South of Tract No. 26 .the center of Griffin Creek; with decisions. Ford, Lincoln, Fordson D ealers priced closed caron the market— of “Ashland Acres” and West nr thence along West side of the Mountain Avenue in the City e f 1 yet one of the most satisfactory. Creek North 19 deg. 43’ West 453.5 feet; thence South 89 deg. EMMA GOLDMAN, IN LONDON Coating less to buy and maintain, every dollar invested 52’ West 932.2 feet to the point Emma Goldman, hysterical in London over her dis­ of beginning, containing 64.7^ brings greatest returns in comfortable, dependable traveL . acres, less 1.72 acres for.Griffin appointing experiences in Soviet Russia, is probably ex­ Creek. ercising her imagination when she tells of approaches You are further notified that Sturdy, long-lived and adapted to all conditions ¿littered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mail M atter) * tr(*n£tll6n til6# Sort OI tJ runny tiiut they dGnO’UnCO. t t 8.x PEIL’S CORNER Jerry O’Neal “A PILLOW FOR THE BODY" SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company HATRED OF M EMBinERED LIFE SUPERIOR Bread The Franklin Bakery Phone 199 Ashland Lumber Co. ASHLAND is Now Sitting Pretty M ore C o m fo rt Sor Less Money an.v American official for her return to the United S i S S 5 5 ™ ’ ,K i tates. \\ e have not observed any yearning on the part herein below first describefi body land as petitioner has filed with » f any faction in American public life for the lady’s pres- of the Board of Directors his writ­ < nee in this country. There may be some difference of ten and duly signed and ac­ knowledged petition praying that .»pinion here regarding the legality of the tactfulness of her said land be included within said • xpulsion. But there is no haunting void that needs to district. Said respective land is described as follows: Beginning 1 o filled by her presence. at a point 628 feet East of the Emma Goldman’s experience in Soviet Russia is not Northwest corner of Donation Land Claim 55 in Section 16, i ..rprising. It was in fact, foretold when she was sent Township 38 South, Range 1 West ¡.broad. It was reported, perhaps not truthfully, that she of the Willamette Meridian, and from said point running thence ) ad admired the Soviet regime from a distance, but South 380 teet; thence East 114 « readed any intimate relation with it. The fact is now feet: thence North 380 feet; 1 ndisputed that her experience was not a happy one. She the thenCe We8t alonR the center of County Road 114 feet to the vould jje enthusiastically busy in denouncing the govem- point of beginning, containing one 1 acre more or less. . Let Us Save YourCar A\ ith Expert Aiemite Lubrication FIRESTONE TIRES— . —VALVOLINE OILS OESER’S ASHLAND SERVICE STATION The C oupe» I n rd o r S edan Tudor Sedan 'to u r in g C a r R unabout • S685 590 295 265 On open models demount, able rims and starter are $85 extra. of roads and weather—it meets every need of a two« passenger car. Steadily growing demand and the resourcesand facilities of the Ford Motor Company have made possible a closed car, at a price millions can afford, rightly do- signed, carefully built and backed by an efficient service organization in every neighborhood of the nation. ZUJ prices f. •. b. Detroit D e tr o it & • • N E A R E ST AUTH O RIZED FORD D E A L S ’^