ASHLAND A shland D aily T idings CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Ifears ( International News Wire Service» VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. • ' i MALARIA GERMS 1 Cannot survive three months in ■ the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure i domestic water helps. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1924 NO. <>(> ' TEN YEAR OLD BOY IS ON GREAT LION HUNT ---------- “ p 8 I 8 LONDON, Nov. 17.— 8 » Nov. 17. — The Kaibab 8 Ten-yea-r-old Eric King, 8 8 who hails from Minnesota, 8 8 deer drive across the 8 Grand canyon of the Color­ I 8 is going big game hunting 8 8 in Africa. Eric is accom­ 8 ado river, regarded as one 8 panying his father and 8 of the most stupendous 8 mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. 8 a herding tasks in western L, King, on a zoological 8 ; 8 a range history, will be un­ 8 expedition for the Univer­ 8 ______ ! a dertaken December 1 by 60 experienced cowboys C opco S ite of P o w e r P la n t « O w ens R iv e r V a lle y R a n c h ­ C o n d itio n s S im ila r to S la y 8 sity'of Minnesota and the 8 M em b er o f H ig h w a y G a n g I n s p e c te d b y C o m p an y o f ' 8 and 75 Navajo Indians, it e rs O p en F lo o d G a te s in in g of K a tz , W e a lth y 8 American Museum of Na­ 8 K ille d a n d G u a rd S e r ­ 8 tural History in New 8 was announced here today. A s h la n d B u sin e ss M en j8 G ia n t L. A . A q u e d u c t io u sly H u r t in F ig h t D ia m o n d B ro k e r _______ 8 York. George McCormick, vet­ 8 “Aw, n o t’ so 'm uch,” 8 “ K I D N A P P E D ” P O L IC E IN V E S T IG A T IN G « T R I P V E R Y E N J O Y A B L E “ eran Coconino county cat­ M IL IT J A I S R E Q U E S T E D PA RTY tleman, has the state’s was Erie’s bashful reply 8 --------- a ----------- 8 when asked whether he 8 Seven M embers of G ang M ake Armed Mob Standing Guard Over California-O regon P ow er Com- 8 contract to deliver be­ A lbert R osenblum , R eal E state I > 8 8 was thrilled by the pros­ 8 a tween 5,000 and 8000 deer pan y O fficials H osts to Forty Gaten. Thousands o f D ollars B roker Is Fourni Dead Good E scape A fter le a v in g 8 pect. “I’ve shot an alli­ 8 a across the great chasm as R esidents of City in M ater Is E scaping in S treet One Bandit Dead 8 gator in Florida. Of 8 a a humanitarian move to Forty Ashland Lithians, Kiwan- a save the animals from LOS ANGELES, Nov. 17. — LOS ANGELES, Nov. 17— A1-: 8 course we don’t consider 8 GRANITE CITY,fill., Nov. 17. 8 a starvation in the over­ alligators very terrible, 8 ians and members of the Chamber The immediate use of the Califor­ bert Rosenblum, a real estate op-j —Two men were shot and killed of Commerce were royally en­ a stocked Kaibab forest. nia National Guard, to be used in eratQr of this city, was found I 8 but I should thing a 8 while a third man was probably tertain ed at the copco plants Sun­ a More than 30,000 deer, it dispiersing a mob of one hundred murdered this morning, under i 8 snarling lion or a real 8 fatally injured la3t night, when : 8 a is estimated, now roam mad tiger would make a 8 eight members of a bandit gang, day, with General Manager and resident of Inyo county, who are circumstances almost identical 8 a the Kaibab lands. chap’s knees shake.” 8 which was believed to have “kid­ Vice President Paul McKee and standing watch over the opened with the sensational sdaying of i 8 Eric will spend his 8 napped” an entire dancing party Superintendent of Construction!8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - 8 , flood gates in the giant Los An Harry K*atz, wealthy musician and Í 8 eleventh birthday in the 8 at a road house several days ago, Carmack acting as the chief hosts geles aqueduct, from which water diamond broker, who was found I 8 jungle a few hundred 8 in the inspection of the gigantic valued at thousands of dollars -ought to repeat their perform­ dead in the doorway of his ¡ 8 miles from Nairobi. 8 ance at another road house near project which The California-Ore­ is escaping daily, was considered apartment several d3ys ago. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 here. gon Power company is construct­ today by Governor Richardson. Rosenblum’s body was found ing at the Copco sites in Northern With the receipt of a hurried Melville Norville, a guest at the in the street, in the center of the California. appeal from Sheriff Collins of house was killed, while an uni­ exclusive Wilshire district, net The delegation met at the Inyo county for troops, the gov­ dentified bandit, a member of the far from the spot where the body Chamber of Commerce at 7 o’clock ernor was expected to take the gang, was so seriously injured of Katz was found. Shnday morning and in a few requested action toward the su- thaX he died before the arrival of The coincidence which hag ex­ minutes 12 guest cars and several pression of the latest gesture of medical attention. cited the suspicion of the police,' Copco cars were headed for W inter F air Special Prem ium the Owen’s River Valley residents “Chicken” Ridge, a guard at making them believe Rosenblum’s L ists Carry P rizes D onated * Thrall, where the automobiles in their quarrel with the city of the road house, was seriously death is connected with the Katz B y Southern Oregon were parked and everybody Los Angeles over the water rights wounded when he attempted to slaying is the fact that both men on the Owens River. boarded the observation cars on battle the bandits. were shot with a .32 calibre au­ Secretary of the Chamber of the railroad line which runs from The mobs opened the gates in The gang entered the road tomatic pistol. From ai’.l indica­ State O rganization F iles Expense Commerce, John Fuller, announc­ Thrall to the Copco sites. The the aqueduct yesterday morning, house and ordered the members tions, Rosenblum was slain aft­ A ccount W tlh Secretary train was a powerful auto truck ed this morning that the work of after putting the guards to route, to get ready to leave. Ridge open­ er returning from an automobile o f S tate and observation trailer, in which putting the Chautauqua building and diverted the water back into ed fire on the gang, and Norville ride with his wife. He had ap­ the party was quickly taken to in shape for the Winter Fair wjll the Owens River Valley, in order obtained a gun from his coat and be started tomorrow morning. parently been shot while seated SALEM, Nov. 17.— The repub­ went to Ridge's aid. The bandit Copco No. 2, the site of t lie-n ew that their farms could be irri­ in his car, and his body then was lican state central committee ex­ gang, after the bandit had been electric generating plan which is Anyone who can spare the time to gated. aid in this work is requested to re­ thrown into the street. pended $42.727.41 in the inter­ shot, returned the fire, and at being constructed, This latest outbreak is simply port at the building at nine o’­ The car was found a few blocks est of the various party candidates the first volley. Ridge and Nor­ With General Manager McKee, a continuance of thé feud between from where Rosenblum’s body* during the recent political cam­ ville Superintendent Carmach, Donald clock tomorrow morning. Captain the ranchers of the once fertile went down. Additional Frame, Andrew McMillan. A. H. was picked up, streaked with paign, according to a statement guards who had been stationed McKee, Mr. Crawford and other Owens River Valley, which has ‘ blood. A bullet hole in the wind-i filed with the secretary of state about the house, in preparation Copco representatives acting as W lllitt, Fred C. Homes and A. H. been laid waste by the greed of shield indicated that the killers! Saturday. The statement was for just such an attack, arrived The jnystery of the identity of an aristocratic young woman at guides, the visitors were shown Joy will be on hand to direct the ' Los Angeles in her grabbing of I water rights, and the city of Los City Hospital, Welfare Island, New York City, was cleared when she had approached Rosenblum from; prepared by Phil Metschan, treas- upon the scene, hut the seven re­ the excavation where the new work- admitted she was the former Millicent Gilpin, of a socially prominent According to the secretary, th e ’ Angeles. Shooting scrapes, generating plant will be construct­ the front, and since Rosenblum's urer oi the committee, and John maining members of the gang ,n j Philadelphia family. Two years ago. she married Rodney Bathurst ed, the tunnel which will bring Klamath County Chamber of which several members of both Birch, said to be a cousin of Seymour Henry, seventh Earl of Bathurst, body was in a natural position. i Cochran, secretary. Subscriptions' made their escape In a waiting au­ the water to the turbin3 from the Commerce has sent a check for sides have been killed or ser­ and of the Earl of Duncan. Two months ago, she declares, he de­ it is believed they fired upon him' to t,le campaign totaled $47,072 tomobile. i Tlie major expenditures, as 3et intake on- the Klamath river far. $25.00 to be used a3 special prem­ iously wounded, and the dynamit­ serted her, sick and penniless. without warning. ther upstream. At this end of iums for the Winter Fair. It is ing of the Los Angeleg aqueduct An in v e stig a tio n has been out in the statement follow: TNATTfP’iM J. BALI. TO the tunnel, the drillers are work­ specifically indicated in the con­ were episodes in the water war. started by the local police depart­ Contributions to the na­ B E H E L D ON M A R C H 4 ing in solid granite and are ad­ tribution. that the premiums shall Several months ago the fued ment in order to determine if tional republican com­ vancing an average of 15 feet in be awarded in the White Leghorn broke out with new fury when WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.— The Katz and Rosenblum were bnsi- mittee ............................ $12,000.00 Contributions to the the tunnel each day. The tunnel and Rhode Island Red classes. representatives of Los Angeles inaugural ball will he held In ness associates or friends, in or The special premium list is now were driven out of the valley by is several hundred feet above the der to still further tighten thej Multnomah county and Washington next March 4. when spot where the turbins will be the largest and best ever offered armed ranchers, who threatened President Coolidge succeeds him­ evidence now in their possession 3d cone ressional district by the Winter Fair body, and the them with death If they return­ located. self, but the affair will be unoffic­ that the same parties committed committe® .......................... 5,^00.00 After this the party was taken secretary states That it will be ed. Soon after this, the aqueduct both killings. Publicity and advertis­ ial, and for charitable purposes. through the bunk houses, mess ready for publication early this was badly damaged by an explos- ing 7,987.45 It was announced from the White M cthodist a n d C ongregational halls and other buildings of the week. Office, including salaries, ftm which was attributed to the Sub stantial In crease Otfrr 1928 C hurches C om bine E ven in g house here this afternoon. The C O L D S N A P IN E A S T Contributions from Ashland, ranchers, whose farms were settlement. * The Lithian Octette rent, postage, express, Season Is Show n in F igures Services for Y ouths President and Mrs. Coolidge will M A K E S F O L K S S H IV E R telephone, telegrams and was so persistent in singing Medford, Grants Pass and Klam­ worthless without the water which Com piled by Foregter attend, according to the announce­ “When do We Eat” that the mess ath Falls merchants and civic or­ Los Angeles was taking from the supplies ............................ 7,704.25 ment. The Union evening services of NEW YORK, Nov. 17— With hall attaches rushed their pre­ ganizations 'have been received, Owens River. Speakers’ bureau ...... 2,078.30 PORTLAND, Ore , NoV. 17. — the Congregational and Methodist the thermometer r e g s t e r i n g Circularizing voters .... 2,495.06 parations for dinner and a little and with the fine premium list, Visitors in the 22 national forests churches, held last evening in the eighteen degrees, fourteen degrees before 12 the “Chow” call sound­ it is expected that a record num­ A notation attached to the in Oregon and Washington num­ Methodist church, attracted a below the freezing mark, the ber of exhibitors will show their ed and everybody gathered in the statement read: bered 2,181,532 in 1924, accord­ large attendance from everyone ) weather bureau here today an- mess hall, when Chef Charley and birds here this year. "It has been impossible for ing to reports made here Saturday interested in the Boys’ movement nounced thls the co,dest wentber his assistants served a very en­ this committee within the 10 days to George H. Cecil, district for- aata u . ^ ln thia city’ according to leaders experienced in seventeed years fjxed by jaw for filing its report joyable dinner. ester. The visitors increased | Cf the Y.M.C.A. here. After all appetites had been 605,222 over 1923 and 1,151,560 ' Before a fine crowd, the sev­ here. This cold snap »¿allows to complete the payment of all closely upon the mildest Novem- obligations incurred and to ob­ thoroughly satisfied, V. D. Mil­ over 1922. eral boys* organizations &ave her day in twenty years. ler, president of the Lithians, and tain receipted vouchers therefor. * In announcing the statistics, parts of their mid-week meet Additional vouchers covering out- which showed tnat more people ings. l a T r e p X n t e d by6 JamOis L (Continued on page 4} PORTLAND, Nov. 17. — By “ " S 8tandIng and unpaid claIms wH1 camped, hunted and picnicked in Scouts wag represented by James' complaining that the big news­ An announcement of interest snow of the season swirled out Showing a complete reversal of the national forests* during the Hutter, who gave the Scout Oath. of a leaden sky this morning over be filed subsequently.” papers of the state are unfriend­ to the theatre-going public, as form over that which they dis­ season just closed, Mr. Cecil Troop two was represented by Other expense accounts filed well as the occasional amusement played here a week ago, the Ash­ Chicago, but soon turned to rain with the secretary of state here ly to the methods pursued by pointed to the lower proportion George L. Cleaver, state prohibi­ i seeker of Ashland is that the land Lithians’ football team hand­ of “man caused” forest fires. Al­ James Hartley, who gave the under a rising temperature. Saturday follow: . * Scout Laws. Rev. Oldfield, past­ tion commissioner, Governor I Vining theatre, in keeping with ed the Roseburg Elks*a 27-0 E. J. Stock, secretary though there were 1972 'fires dur­ or of the Congregational church, Pierce is attempting to arouse j its policy of always endeavoring spanking on the Roseburg grid­ ing the season, compilation re­ Oregon Workmen’s Com­ support among the church peo­ gave a short talk on the necessity to secure for its patrons the ut- iron. In the first tussle between cently showed that all but 236 re­ pulsory Compensation ple to prevent the legislature i most in motion pictures and stage these clubs, the Roseburg gang sulted from, natural or industrial of the parents taking stock of the league ...............................$2,513.25 from ham-stringing Cleaver when attractions, has been placed on finished in front with a 6-0 score, causes.- boy’s power in the family, giv- Harriet Lane Richards, the session opens in January. KLAMATH FALLS. Nov. 17— the route of the World’s greatest after -one of the fastest games Oregon showed 1,032.282 visi­ tjlg him"a just place in the house­ republican, presidential Governor Pierce, democrat, is Ray Gallagher, a former employe vaudeville circuit, the Orpheura. ever staged on the local field. tors to its 14 national forests for hold. elector ............................... Nothing confronted by a Legislature almost Five standard acts will compose Albie Beck, president of the The Roseburg outfit, outweigh­ 1924, which was an increase of of the Pelican Lumber Co., is un­ Axel Lundell, socialist- exclusively republican. The gov­ the first bill, which will be given ing the Ashland gang almost ten 386,661 over the 1923 number. High Y, told of that organization’s der arrest, charged with posses­ labor, presidential elec­ ernor has filed about every office here Monday, November 24. Fol­ pounds to the man, started their On Oregon’s national forests there efforts to present programs which tor ................................... Nothing sion of liquor, resisting an officer within his gift with democrats, lowing this show, the Junior Or- line plunging game, the one which were 122,872 campers 43,263 will help the high school boy in R. Robinson, socialist- « and disturbing the peace, pre­ KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 17.-— ' and now he is assuring the audi­ pheum vaudeville w’ill become a won them their opening contest summer hotel and resort guests. his daily work. labor, United States sen­ ferred by Patrolman Robert regular weekly feature of the here. The Ashland line, how­ 739,092 transient motorists and O. F. Carson, president of the At the special school bond elec­ ator ................................... Nothing ences which he addresses in Jones. Gallagher was arrested at church buildings that parties are theatre. ever, did it’s stuff, and several 127,051 other miscellaneous visi­ Y.M.C.A., summarized the work tion Thursday Klamath voters ex- F. G. Buchtel, secretary- a local rendezvous on Commer­ obsolete; that they are things of It might be added that Junior times in th esearly periods of the tors. presed a decisive approval of the of the local Y, stating the reas- treasurer of “Kay for cial avenue, known as “Casey’s,” Orpheum the past and should not be con­ vaudeville is usually game held the Roseburg outfit $150,000 expenditure necessary The Mount Hood national for­ qns for the efforts of the large Treasurer club” ............. 516.48 late Thursday night. In making shown in towns three times the sidered. The governor is pre­ Finding their line est led all other national forests number of business men who are to provide a new Central school U. S. Page, in support of the arrest Jones used the butt of 3ize of Ashland, and this city is for downs. senting this argument in the hope building on the High street prop­ 150.00 his gun to such an extent that very fortunate in being able to plunging failed- to gain, the Rose­ in Oregon in totals with 666,128. backing the Y.M.C.A. work hero. erty recently, purchased by the Thomas B. Kay ............. that the church people, ostensibly The Crater lake forest was next The opening /three-minute rit- Gustay Anderson, repub­ Gallagher was taken to a local obtain such high class entertain­ burg eleven opened up with an unfamiliar with politics and gov­ school board. The final vote aerial attack, but the great de­ with 81,427 and the Deschutes uaj of the Beaver Pioneer Club lican, judge of circuit hospital after incarceration, and ment. Junior Orpheum is usually ernment by political parties, will showed 155 favorable and 34 fensive work of the Lithian’s third with 57,513. of the Methodist church, under court, 8th judicial dis­ 14 stitches had to be taken in selected acts from the regular come to his aid when he has his against. backs smeared most of the passes The eight national forests in the leadership of John Mills, was 34.00 trict ................................... his scalp. Gallagher claims to j Orpheum circuit, which have open 4 0-day battle with the republican The new building (wlll provide Washington drew 1.149,254 visi­ presented. attempted. Homer Jamison, secre­ have made no resistance to thej dates, and which are used in thea- lawmakers under the broqze dome Varying a line plunging game tors in 1924 or 218,561 more than Secretary C. V . Howell of the ample facilities for the growing tary-treasurer Anderson of the capital building at Salem. officer whatever, and says hej très where one and two day ser- with forward passes, the Lithian’s 1923 and 576,988 more than local Y.M.C.A. closed the eve­ school population here, which has for judge committee...... 75.60 To his church audiences, since only had “hadf a pint on him, vice is required. The shows are shoved the ball over the last 1922. The Wenatchee forest show­ already taxed the capacity of the ning services with a short talk on Bruce Dennis, republican the election wherein everything which wasn’t worth fighting up to the standard of the usual Roseburg chalk mark four times. ed the largest number.681,970 old Central school and likewise his work among the boys here. state senator., 12th dis­ and everyone that the governor Orpheum theatres, rated as the Three points were added by place with the Rainier forest second being responsible for sending an over.” trict ........................... :...... 75.55 advocated was defeated, Mr. overflow of students to the Riwr-j Following the arrest Jones left best circuit of it’s, kind in the kicks after three touchdowns, but with 208.078 and the Snoqualmie R. W. Hagood, demo- Pierce is making no mention of side school. According to Princi-.^ • the prisoner in the city jail and country. third with 122,475. The totals for the fourth attempt fell abort. cratic, state senator, pal J. P. Wells the Klamath f S T E A M E R I S F L O A T E D the probability of much of his returned to his beat. Meeting The local outfit completed six Washington showed 124.928 13th district ................. 10.00 patronage being taken from him. A F T E R H IT T I N G M U D school population ha*i increased Officer Lee Craft he reported summer hontes out of ten passes tried, two of campers, J 2 9 0 George W. Joseph, re- The burden of his sAng is the nearly 50 per cent in the past that he had been compelled to which resulted in touchdowns. visitors and guestk 32.183 sum­ ABTORIA,^ N ov . 17. — The two "years, and the dangerous traf-i ' 1?’. a ° SeUa ° r’ __ great loss the state will suffer if “sap” a man, and had locked him Another touchdown was added by mer hotel guests, 132,077 picnick­ steamer Georginia Jlolph w a s .................. - - J « ~ « - i 13tn district ................... » ,.2 0 Cleaver is kicked out of office bv fic situation at Ninth and Main up. When Craft went off duty straight line plunging which car­ ers and 856,776 transient mo­ i C. S. Stowe, in behalf of flouted here this morning at high a bunch of unregenerate republi­ street has become a serious m en-, at midnight he looked in the cell ried the baH almost the length torists. . P ’ t(d$, after running aground in a ace-to the safety of the children cans. The figures did not include of the field, while the fourth came to see how the prisoner was get­ _ x , publican candidate for After listening to one of the Frances and Rosina Gallatin, as the result of a forty yard run visitors to the Rainier and Crater mud bank last night. No appar­ attending the old Central aehool ting along. Finding Gallagher ent damage has been noticed since I t h a s been p o in ted o u t t h a t . governor’s political talks In the covered with blood and still champion bread makers, by virtue by an Ashland halfback who In­ lake national parks in the two Ole ship was released from t h e ' tbe old school proper!v has ac-' 289.25 . ......................... churches the audience is suppos­ states. - bleeding from a severed artery of their victory over, other bread tercepted a Roseburg pass. « IBUQ. ..a , . ,, increased „ . Cus C. Moser, republi- 4 qHired a “ substantially v ed to go home with the impres­ The Roseburg outfit is seeking in the head he at once called; making teams at the recent Port- can, state senator, 13th The Japanese steamer, Rakura valuation from a business prop- sion that only Governor Pierce’s medical aid. Chief Humphrey ap-i land Livestock show, will be a return game, and according to Word was received here yes­ Maru is now undergoing repairs erty standpoint and preliminary d5atrict ............................. Nothing : “yes-man,” Cleaver, prevents the peared at about this time, and guests at the Chamber of Com-] Jim Bowers, manager of the lo- terday of the death of Mrs. Mc- to damages received herie late steps have already been made to j Charles S. Bilyeu, demo- ' demon rum from drowning every ordered the man removed to th e1 merce Forum luncheon at the H o -tCal outfit, they will be accommo- Callen, mother of Andrew McCal- last night, when she parted an-j put the block on the market and , cratic- s*ate senator, 1 living being in Oregon and saves j dated as soon as an agreement hospital, and after his wounds tel Ashland tomorrow. len of this city, and former Ash­ chor and drifted into the Tokuku whatever sum is realized from 219t district ......... .......... 10.35 the home and fireside from being The Misses Gallatin, students upon a date can be reached, were attended ordered him tak­ land resident, died at her home Maru, another Japanese steamer this sale will lower the outlay Mark D- McCallister, re­ Ewept away by a flood of liquor. at the Ashland High School took en to a hotel room, deeming that in Berkeley yesterday morning. lying- at anchor. The Rakuro necessary for the new building as Publican, representative, his condition was such that it first prize for bread making at Eugene — Eugene ranks fourth Lane county clay successful­ Her son left Immediately for Maru was cut in several plaees authorized In yesterday’s election 1st district ...................... Nothing was a risk to again lock him in the Jackson County Fair, and then ly made into pottery in Califor­ Berkeley and full particulars will ¡ above the water light In the star. --------------------------- j H. S. Poisal, democratic, , in Oregon city bank deposits, with • cell. be received later. Toknku Maru. (Continued on Page Four) nia. Classified Ads Bring Results representative, 1st die- $7,489,325.65. RANGE HISTORY TO BE MADE IN D E ER HERDING 8 ----------- ft » » FLAGSTAFF, A r i z„ BUSI N E SS MEIf A R E GUESTS AT ELECTRIC SIT E ----- WATER FIGHT IS AG AIN RAGING IN CAL IFOR NIA SOCIETY GIRL CHARITY PATIENT. MAN IS FOUND MURDERED IN LOS A N G ELES SLA Y GUEST IN RAID ON ROAD HOUSE I» T E FOR ANNUAL EXHIBIT SPENT HZ.7Z7.41 £ BOYS SUBJECT OF FORESTS PAST YEAR IT IN CHURCH HERE; LITHIAN’S OUTFIT EASILY WINS FROM IÜ SAVE CLEAVER IN IL BATTLE PLACE APPROVAL BE FORUM FEATURE ;