ASHLAND fc A îtt TÍDTNGS H a te fH fetts Saturdays Novem ber IS, 1024 ■Sìa and Thursday are: pleasant meeting at the church , was presented with a beautiful Illinois. * - » “How Shall Interstate Highways parlors last Wednesday. An in- electric stove which she accept- “Problems of Mountain Roaa Be Named and Marked?” by A. H. Construction,” by James Allen teresting program was given with ed, voicing her appreciation, Miss Jones has recently ah- 1 I Hinkle, Superintendent of Main- State Highway Engineer, Olympia, PH YSICIANS several vocal selections by Mrs. ClaMMlfied Colum n R ates nounced her engagement to Mr. 1 L. N. Woodside in her always ! tenance, Indiana. Washington. One cen t th e word .each DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings Alfred Stroud and the wedding charming manner as the opening “Urgent Need for Uniform "Convict Labor in Highway tim e office. Phone 91. Will take place Thursday, Novem­ number. Mrs. O. J. Stone of Traffic Laws and Public Safety Construction,” by R. M. Morton, To run every Issue for one ber 20th. Portland was present and gave Devices Throughout the United State Highway Engineer, Caliior month or mote, He the word DR. C. W. HANSON Delightful refreshments were an address telling of the work — —— ( States”, by Thomas H. McDonald, nia. Dentist FROM SONGS OF INNOCENSE each time. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 14. - chief> Qf Pub,ic that the Portland churches are served accompanied by much con­ Special attention given to pyor- (By William Blake) The tenth annual convention of, Unlted gtates Department of A versation and laughter. doing. Mrs. Stone is « former rhoea. Office upstairs in B eaver' Piping down the valleys wild. FOR RENT Those who gave the affair in the American Association of State ricuiture, Washington D C resident of Ashland and was prom­ 233-tf. Piping songs of pleasant glee, Block. Phone 178-J. honor of Miss Jones*-were Misses i Highway Officials opened here to-’ .i:iiiiii¡¡¡iii!iiiiiiniiiiiiiimimuiiiiiiiui«imitiii CONVALESCENT HOME ll'llilillllHIIIIIIIII! IlilllilinuillHUmillll Bedstead and chairs. 163 Union spent talking over^ old times. Washington, D. C. = ♦ * • at all, but a very close shave. The Where the sick get well. street. 62— 5* Many beautiful presents were re­ f’efflle” is a compromise between At the conclusion of the conven- g CA LEND AR O F E V E N T S C ottage P lan. ceived by Mrs. Roberts. tion the visiting engineer^ will be g FOR SALE— Wyondotte chick­ We board and care for invalids the new shingle and the old-fash­ Tuesday, November 18. Civic Season tickets for the Ashland Celebrity Course The gue3ts were Mr. and Mrs. taken by automobile from San B ens. L. E. Tracey, 763 Beach St. ioned affection for the chignon. Club will meet at club house at and old people. are on sale at the following places: McNairs, East E. E. Gall of Belleview, Mr. E. 61— tf The face is softly framed by the Francisco to Los Angeles over g 2:30. Maternity Dept. Side Pharmacy, Bolton’s, Elhart’s, East Side G. Roberts of .Medford, Mrs. Lulu hair, cut short, over the ears and the California State highway. Wednesday, November 19. Up­ Call 153 FOR SALE: — Tancred— Holly­ Van Wegen, Mrs. Roberts and temples. Grocery, Lane’s Store, Citizen’s, First National Among the prominent officials ¡j per Valley Community Club will wood cockerels, pedigreed, dams, I Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Randles. Ears, it seems, are returning of the association present are: have an all day meeting at the and State Banks and the Public Library. The BIONUMENTS * * * records up to 280, sire record F. R. White, chief engineer, ¡g to favor, after an almost complete home of Mrs. Butler Walker. This prices of season tickets are: over 270. The male is half your B eau tifu l R eception— ASHLAND GRANITE eclipse. It is “La Garconne” style, Iowa State Highway Commission, B will be a dressmaking meeting. Adults season tickets.......................... $2.50 flock. 112 Nutley St. Phone 456J. One of the most brilliant social short and boyish, revealing two president; F. Rogers, State High- I MONUMENTS Wednesday. November 19. Aux­ 58— tf High School season tickets.............. 1.50 B lair G ranite Co. iliary. to the Trinity Guild will events given since pre-war days delicate pink ears, embellished way Commissioner, Michigan, vice- 8 was the reception held at Mrs. with a long ornament. S. PENNISTON, Manager Children’s season tickets.................. 1.25 Some president; Frank T. Sheets, Chief | FOR SALE— If taken soon, meet at the Parish House. 33 Swedenburg’s beautiful Boulevard Office 173 E. Main wear it with bangs, like the Dolly Thursday, November 20. Ladies Highway Engineer Illinois Depart- S Newton apples, seconds, no worms | n Four High Class Attractions! Res. Phone 444-Y Sisters did in Deauville last Sum­ ment of Public Works, treasurer; B Elks Club will meet in club rooms. home Friday afternoon. 75c per box; bring your own box;, During the hours of two and mer. Others follow Raquel Mel- Charles M. Upham, State Highway B Thursday, November 20. D. A. Buy a Season Ticket and Give Yourself a Real corner Wimer and Chestnut. I N I G IRL IN TROUBLE— May five the spacious rooms were fill­ ler and part it in the centre. A Engineer, North Carolina State | R. will meet at the hom.e of Mrs. 64— 2i Treat. _____________ _____________________ 1 com m unicate w ith E n sig n Lee Peil on Granite street. ed with beautiful gowned wbmen kind of fluffy pompadour, with the Highway Commission, secretary,13 WOOD FOR SALE:— Fir and ’ o f th e Salvation Arm y at the Saturday, November 22. P. E. who were hapçy to welcome Mrs. hair parted on the side and fluff­ and W. C. Markham, of Washing­ Friday, Nov. 21st is the First Entertainm ent W h iteSh ield H om e, 565 May- Spruce, 16 $8. Hard wood O. will meet at the home of Mrs. Swedenburg home after a Euro­ ed up high over the forehead, in ton, D. C„ executive secretary. fair A ve., P ortland . Oregon. 16 inch $ l i . Delivered. Fountain MiHiiiiffliiiiiiiniiifliiiifl^ pean trip of several months. a kind j>f fringe which is becom­ W. E. Blake. Today’s meeting was featured Feul Co Siskiyou or leave orders • • » The tea table, most exquisite ing to a few faces. Chignon3 are by the reading of an address of PLANING MILL at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. with its centerpiece of crysan- small, if there are any at all, and welcome to California from Gov­ M eeting C hanged — 50— 1 mo.* JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET The Daughters of the American theums, choice china and gleam- placed high or low as preferred. ernor Friend W. Richardson, of W ORKS, Cor. Helman and Revolution will hold their meet- Silk wigs, with jeweled earring this State. silverware was charmingly MISCELLANEOUS Van N ess. 19^tf ing Thursday evening, November presided over by Mesdames W loops, show that some of the coif­ An interesting report on “Some H. McNair and P. S. Provost. feurs are looking to the future, Features in the Construction of LOST, some time ago, B ible/ 20 instead of Friday which is the . t , T R A N SFE R AND E X P R E 8S Those who assisted Mrs. Swe when women may be wanting hair the Wendover Cutoff in Utah” j su e about 4x6. concordance, map,J * 8W regular meeting date. The denburg in receiving were the to cover their bobs. Emile is subject index, ete., passages well change in schedule is due to the was given at fhe morning session for SERVICE. marked. Valued as keepsake.'; fact that the P. E. O. will have a Mesdames Mattern, Pratt, Robin­ showing long plaits, encircling the by Howard C. Means, chief e n -1 Experienced movers and pack­ Finder return to Tidings office/, banquet and will entertain state ette and Peil, each in their ap­ forehead and binding the hair gineer of the cutoff. , - ers of household goods. Deal- turned under the nape of the • I or Phone 4 79-J. Reward. 64— tf officers and as a number of peo­ pointed place. In the afternoon the several ers In coal and wood. Phone The guests are very glad that neck. He says they may be at­ __________________________ j ple belong to both clubs it was committees and sub committees of 117.. L O ST — Female fox terrier/ decided to change the D. A. R. Mrs. Swedenburg has returned as tached to any head, no matter the association got down to busi­ Office 89 Oak St. near brown and white. Finder phone meeting. The organization will she has always been prominent how short the hair. ness and reported on the various Hotel Ashland meet at the home of Mrs. Pell on in sod*1 and club circles and ex­ 268-J. 64— 2* subjects under investigation dur­ You are welcome to compare erts a great Influence along this Granite Street. ing the past year. T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ W ANTED TO RENT— 100 acres n y Automobile rates with any line. fer— Good team and motor Among the papers to be read fenced hay land, inquire Box Fac- other rates in Jackson or Jose­ M ission Study Class— * * * before the general morning meet­ trucks. G tod service at a rea­ tory. 64— 2*j phine Counties: you can be the The Mission Study Class met Lovely Shower— sonable price. Phone 83. ings of the association tomorrow at the home q/ Mr° J. W. McCoy' A very beautiful shower was udge. Phone 21. Yeo. of course WANTED— Small second hand: 30— tf Thursday afternoon ana spent the given by six of Miss Virginia cook stove. Phone 341-J. 64— 2* FEHIGE-ROACH Transfer — Express — Storage time studying the fourth and fifth Jones ffiends at the home of WANTED— Experienced book Dray work of all chapter of the book “Of One Miss Edith Dadge Friday evening. keeper, address Box XZ care Tid- .^aU? ng Blood” which is being reviewed The guests assembled at seven- TRY ALL BREADS ings. 63— 3* kinds. Quick motor service. Dry by the class this year. About thirty and spent several merry wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R 112-tf ten ladies of the Presbyterian hours playing card games and WATCHES and clocks repaired 375 B. St. church were present and had a talking over old times. At a late reasonable. Money returned if not The choicest cuts of all hour the group were ushered into pleasant afternoon. ASHLAND PAINT CO satisfied, M. A. Lassau, 217 N. * « « “ Sally Ann” Bread with a prettily decorated dining room kinds of meats. Also our Dependable Main, near Methodist church. with green and white the color own make weiners and bo­ all others and take your 63— 6* Painting Contractors & Decorators Wednesday Club Meets— The Wednesday Club had a scheme. At this time Miss Jones logna. We would suggest SWENNING & GEAR choice 57-1 mo.* WANTED: — Protect yourself Phone 408-J you place your orders for against rbe uncertainties of win­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE turkey, ducks and geese SU M M O NS ter. We can assure you a good WOOD SAWING “In the H eart of T ow n” IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OF OREGON, You are hereby no­ position In your own county, that for Thanksgiving. WANTED— Wood sawing Tel THE STATE OF OREGON FOR tified that the City of Ashland will pay you well. Write us at is the holder of Certificate of 6 3 - l m o . JACKSON COUNTY. once. Nogar Corporation, 301 470-J. We sell $5.00 coupon Delinquency No. 6249, issued on City of Ashland, a municipal cor­ Couch llldg., Portland, Oregon. poration, Plaintiff January 6, 1919 by the Tax Col­ books for $4.75 54— 18 lector of Jackson County, State vs. crJl Estate of Henry L. White, deceas­ of Oregon, for the amount o f ! DRESSMAKING and Tayloring fuc 4th STREET MARKET $48.95, the same being the ed; L. A. Roberts, administrator reasonable prices, all work guar­ Phone 37 of said estate; Opal Gay Hotten- amount then due and delinquent anteed. Mrs. B. Van Harden­ roth, and H. L. White, Junior, ‘for taxes for the year 1916 to­ berg, 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 mo.* For 65 years, millions have sometimes designated as Harry gether with penalty, interest and DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ rubbed soothing, penetrating St.j r White, being the heirs and costs thereon upon the real prop­ ing. Mr3. Dale Day, 129 Granite Jacobs Oil right on the tender j on, heirg of sald Henry L White> erty assessed to ydu, of which THE GARMENT _ spot, and by the i ' , atreet. 60— 1 mo, * formerly time they say Jack deceased, and all others claiming you are the owners as appears of T H E LA FR ANC E F U R record, situated In said county Robinson — o u t any right, title, estate, lien or WANTED: — To buy second MFG. CO. comes the rheu- interest in and to the real prop- and state, and particularly bound­ hand bath tub. Must be in gooff Now located 173 Park, matic pain and dis­ erty hereinafter described, ed and described, as follows: condition. Miss Coffee, Tidings Corner Yamhill, kitty-corner tress. St. Jacobs Defendants. Lots numbered 23, 24, 25. Stage Terminal, Portland office. Oil is a harmless WE SPECIALIZE in 26, 27, 28. 29, 30. 31, 32. and TO: Opal Gay Hottenroth and rheumatism a n d REMODELING OF FURS. 33, all in Eureka Addition t o ( pain l i n i m e n t H. L. White, Junior, sometimes SKINS TANNED, DRESS­ the City of Ashland', Jackson RAW which never dis- designated as Harry B. White, be- ED, PLUCKED and DYED a P P oi n t s and j the heir3 and only heirs of County, Oregon. Portland, Oregon doesn’t burn the _ YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI­ skin It t a k e s said Henry L. White, deceased, pain, soreness and and all others claiming any right, FIED, that said City of Ashland st’ffness from ach-! title, estate, lien or interest in has paid taxes on said premises ing joints, muscles and to the real property herein­ for subsequent years with tli»1 - aEd bones; stops after described, of the above nam­ rate of interest on said amounts, sciatica. lumbago, as follows: backache and neuralgia. 35 cent ed Defendants. bottle guaranteed by all druggists. Year’s Tax Tax Recpt. Amt. Rate of Date Paid Classified Column PROFESSIONAL K T TO DISCUSS In Cold Weather Roof Leaks J. O. RIGG W. & N: Service Station THE MOST ECONOMICAL and satisfying WINTER FUEL •Diamond Briquets The cleanest and most satisfying fuel on the market. 4th Street Market • Compare We will be glad to make deliveries of Diamond Briquets immediately for your winter supply. Lithia Bakery Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. RUB PAIN OUT OF Valuable Illustrations for Advertisers Letterheaas, statements, t o your order at the Tidings Office. Colleen M o ore ¿¡The P e rfe c t Flsvpper^ At the VINING Sun. & Mon. Let ue fill your pall with Swifts Silver Leai lard. Costs less than shortening. Uoea farther and la more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf SAY IT WITH FLOWERS AND SAY IT WITH OURS. Everything in the Greenhousf Line Hi-Class Designing “HATCHER THE FLORIST” 1070 Boulevard Phone 118 Open on Sundays We Deliver For a smooth shave and quick service go to the Shell Barber Shop. Ladies and children get your hair bobbed and marcel­ led. 1917 1918 1919 1920 1920 1921 i 1921 i 1922* 1922 1923 Jan. 6, Oct. 4, April 5, Mar. 26, Oct. 5, April 2. Sept. 28, April 4, Oct. 5, March 31, 1919 1919 1920 1920 1920 1922 1922 1923 1923 1924 No. - 22098 18787 10662 8502 16936 10243 9063 19602 8594 Int. $37.47 35.47 48.34 25.79 25.79 26.48 26.48 25.79 25.79 48.21 * 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Said Estate of H. L. White, de­ failure to do so, a decree will be ceased, and Opal Gay Hottenroth rendered foreclosing the lien of W. A. SHELL, Prop. and H. L. White, Junior, heirs said taxes and costs against the 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore of said estate, as the owner of land and premises above named. This summons is published by the legal title of the above des­ cribed property as the same ap­ order ot the Hon. C. M. Thomas, pears of record, and each of the Judge of the Circuit Court of : persons above named, ' ARE Jackson County, State of Oregon, HEREBY FURTHER NOTIFIED, and said order was made and dat­ that the Plaintiff will apply to ed the 3rd day of November, 1924. j the Circuit Court of said county The date of the first publication I and state, aforesaid, for a decree of the summons is the 15th day foreclosing the lien against the of November, 1924. All process and papers in this property above described and proceeding may be served on the , mentioned in said certificate, and YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMON­ undersigned, residing within the ED to appear within SIXTY DAYS State of Oregon at the address j after the first publication of this hereafter mentioned. BRIGGS & BRIGGS Summons, exclusive of the day By Wm. M. Briggs, ' of said first publication, and de­ Attorneys for Plaintiff. fend this action, or pay the íA any amount due as above shown, to- Postoffice Address: íbercíc our j gether with the costs and accru-j Pioneer Block çttganîxfltinn ed Interest, and In case of your! Ashland, Oregon 65-6 Sat. J Do you know that The Daily Tidings has an illus­ trated advertising service from which advertisers may procure cuts free for practically every business and for almost any item of merchandise or service which your business requires? H ow T h a t fo r d W ill Periornr W hen E quipped w ith a N ew Stromberg Carburetor and " Hot Spot S ta r ts Easy o B etter P erfo rm a n ce CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY P rice C om plete $ 1 5 .7 5 7.14% ask memi These illustrations, which we furnish free, are also valuable in making up your printed forms, for an illus­ tration makes the printed page more alluring. M o re P o w e r a n d P ep and z s /F u r t h e r o n E v e r y G allon of Gas TWènrd Stock yields For instance, thé Christmas trade. Whether it is musical instruments, jewelry, furniture, groceries, elec­ trical apparatus, toys, flowers or whatever it may lie, The Tidings illustrated service contains just the illustration which you need to make your advertising more attractive and more productive. Whether you want illustrations for your newspaper advertising or for your printing, we have just what you want. Phone us and we will he glad to show you proofs of what vou need. LEEDOM'S - TIRE HLJJSE The Ashland Tidings Across from the New 9-Story Hotel Phone 39 IH tel PSPHP1