ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of-ten of asthma. This is a proveu fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ( International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1924 Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4 3. CAN’T W E EVEN HOLD PLEASANT MEMORIES? J ACCIDENT WAS D EA TH CAUSE? JURY CLAIM S u » » « » » » » Arthur Page Killed When » Car Runs Off Embank­ » » ment, Official Verdict » HIS WIDOW TESTIFIES « » Dead Man W as on Way to Seattle » W here H e Was to Meet W ife. » Had Not Been D rinking » » The coronor's ju ry in the case » of A rthur Edward Page, who died' » W ednesday morning a few min-I » ----------- CHICAGO, Nov. 15. — Some public school alge­ bra textbooks using whis­ key, bear and wine ex­ amples are not apace with cu rren t times, according to ifa rt Hanson, member of the board of education here, who opposes use of the books by students. One book, ordered for a high school here, is 32 years old, and "looks like a b arten d er’s friend,’’ Hanson said. “ It is full of promblems of how much did this wine m er­ chant get for his sherry or how many barrels of whiskey could this man purchase for such an am ount.”*. • TWO BOYS WHO DISAPPEARED ST IL L MISSINO FIRST NEGRO TO BE ELECTED JUDGE. » 8 I » 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 California Youths, W h o 8 Dropped From Sight 8 Here, Not Found Yet 8 «FA T H E R S »! are here 8 Boys W ere l4»st Seen .W orking on « j Cycle at Side o f Road. Loral 8 O fficers W orking on Case 8 8 A nother day’s absence still 8 fu rth er shrouded in m ystery the 8 disappearance of Morris Graves 8 and Jack Burwick, Madera, Cali­ NO. (i.> 8 0 0 AR E REPO RTED K ILLED IN TREMOR ----------- 8 BATAVIA, Java, Nov*. 8 15. — The island of 8 Java has been severely 8 shaken by earthquakes 8 Already 300 persons are 8 reported killed and count­ 8 less num bers are missing. 8 The earth shocks ex­ 8 tended over W ednesday 8 Shooting Scrape Results in ,« and part of today. Many 8 Almost 150 in Attendance at Capture-of Members of « native towns of the 8 Dinner Given Here « Kedu district, a central 8 Gang, Fresno County Last Night residency of Java, have 8 TWO MEN ARE DYING » been destroyed by land­ 8 FINE TALKS ARE MADE ----------- I 8 slides. One village disap­ 8 peared into * the river. Taxi D river H eld; M em bers of 8 8 G rants Pass Man M akes Principal 8 The shock centered in n) Talk. Sons Explain D ifficul­ Escaped Convict Gang, C harg­ 8 the health resort of Wono- 8 ed W’ìth Robbt •ry. Murder ties of F ather an«] Son 8 sobo, where all the build­ 8 8 FRESNO, Calif., Nov. 15. — 8 ings collapsed. Almost 150 enthusiastic fathers 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 An escaped convict and a cou- and sons of Ashland, fathers and BANDIT OUTFIT IS BROKEN U P IN CALIFORNIA FA TH ER , SON BANQUET G ETS MANY MEMBERS stable of this section are report­ sons who have been made pals utes after he was crushed under-! 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 tt 8 8 8 ed dying from bullet wound an­ by the Y. M. C. A. movement here, neath an autom obile which had I fornia boys, who dropped from other member of an escaped con­ txfXJPGE EL g attended the F ath er and Son ban­ plunged down an em bankm ent on j sight here Friday. The fathers vict hand has been apprehended, quet given at the Y at the P res­ the Pacific highway near Siskiyou 1 of the two youths arrived here and a Los Angeles taxi-cab driv­ byterian church last night. Other negroes have been appointed to the bench, bat Albert B. Summit. Friday afternoon re­ this morning to assist thé local George, of Chicago, shown here with his wife and son, is the first of his er is being held by the sheriff’s That the affair was not entire­ turned a verdict th at Page had au thorities in the search for the 5 “Dnin< ®n «*• Republican ticket, be was h e re as th e re s u lt of a ser ly for the fathem nor entirely g s a s y f t w i s s t « . w s w a n s - ........- come to his death in the autom o­ missing sons. for the sons present, was indicated bile aceident and th a t the testi­ Graves and Burwick, 17 and by the tone of the talks made at mony showed Page had bean driv­ ! 18 years of age, left their home Frank Purio, the escaped con­ the dinner, by both the boys and ing at the tim e of the accident, in Madera September 1, intend­ vict is dying. Constable Boyle may H unter Seriou sly Injured When the fathers. in contradiction to the previous Gun in H ands o f B rother Ac­ ing to tour Oregon and Wash- die, while Jam es Greeg, who es­ Opening the meeting, H. C. Coin m ission Sliou statem ents th a t Jack Leer, Page’s H ighw ay cid en tally D ischarged Nliould jngton on their motorcycle. They caped from Folsom Prison, at Galey, toastm aster, gave the first P lace F en ce at Turn in Order companion in the car, had been kept in touch with the parents Folsom, California recently with toast, his topic being, "Sharing driving. to .Safeguard Tourists KLAMATH FALLS. Nov. 15.— Life". Riley Pittinger, represen­ throughout the trip, until two Purio, is in jail on a charge “Of The jury were taken to the weeks ago, when they wired that m urder and highway robbery in Fred P arker, about 30 years of ting the sons present, made the scene of the accident, but no defi. The sharp curve on the Pacific they were on th eir way home, connection with the shooting age, a Standard Oil Co. employee first formal talk of the meeting. nite conclusion was reached as to Highway about a q u arter of a after a visit with relatives of from W oodburn, Oregon, was s e r-’ He explained the hardships and scrape. the way the autom obile had tu rn ­ mile south of The Log Cabin g ar­ Graves in Olympia, W ashington. A lbert W oodworth, a taxicab iously wounded by the accidental worries and the joya of ..Brlng_ ed over. Indications were th at age near Siskiyou Summit where According • to ’ the fath er of Leniency Asked in Case o f Jack Southern Oregon Clay Products driver is being held for inv esti-, discharge of a shot gun In the ing up F ath ers.” W. M. W right the automobile had been going at two autom obile accidents occur­ Graves, nothing fu rth er has been **’" — pany Loser in Suit to R e­ gation by lical officers, it being, hands of his brother George responded in behalf of the fath ­ M iller, .... W ho Robbed M edford i Com a high rate of speed when it left red thi^. week is a dangerous heard from them. Man. B lam e H om e alleged th a t he drove the ban­ P arker who resides near Rose ers explaining "The Boy Through cover M oney Paid for Stock the hisrhway, as it traveled for place, which many think the state The motorcycle belonging to dits about in effecting their es­ burg, Oregon, late Thursday Dad’s Specs.” possibly 30 feet along the in­ highway departm ent should safe- the missing .boys was discovered afternoon when the pair were re­ MEDFORD, Nov. 15. — Jack F. G. H art, G rants Pass min­ MEDFORD, Nov. 15. — A jury cape fron\ prison, and was a mem­ cline at the side of the road, plow­ guard by placing a fence to sh u tj on the side of the highway nine Miller, age 19 years, a resident Hn the civil suit of Miss Grace A. ber of the gang which aided them turning from a duck hunt near ister, made the main speech of ing through the dirt, before it in the em bankm ent. ' mi!es south of thia city by a pas- of Portland, Oregon, indicted for Myers, a school teacher, against in th eir holdups, which included the mouth of Lost river In the the evening. His topic was, turned over. W ednesday morning the auto- , sing m otorist, whose car wap th e holdup and robbery of Eli O, the robbing of several Japanese Tule Lake district. The charge “ Sharing (lie Life and Work of the Southern Oregon Clay P ro­ At the inquest held in the city mobile in which Page and Leer damaged. In going to the fence W aldron of this city, entered a ducts company, returned a ver­ families in this vicinity during of duck shot fired from a few the W orld.” In this talk be ex­ hall after the viewing of the body were riding went off at this point, i at the side of the road, in order feet distance passed entirely plained how the sons of today nlea of guilty in the circuit court dict yesterday in favor of Miss the past ten days. and the scene of the accident, Mrs. killing Page. Thursday m orning! to obtain a rail to aid him in his through P a rk e r’s left thigh, bare­ are the business men. the citi­ It is suspected that (lie gang Thursday afternoon when a r­ Myers, to the am ount of 1500.— Rose Page, wife of the deceased, a big Studebaker owned by C a li- ; repair work, the m otorist discov- ranged, a n d ' was sentenced to w hat she asked for. The jury which was captured is the same ly missing the main artery and zens of tomorrow, and how it was testified th a t she had left Page fornia tourists, also went ofT at ered tbe cycie lying in the grass which recently held up a Japanese mangling the leg muscles in a necessary for the fathers of today serve two years in state prison deliberated about one hour. in San Francisco about three tills same point. Nobody was jn a ditch. He im m ediately no- by Circuit Judge W alter II. Evans cainp near Del Rey, a few miles frightful manner, to give these sons the proper in­ Miss Myers asserted that she weeks previous to the accident injured in the second accident, | tified c h ief of Police George Mc- The injured man was brought struction to enable them to carry from here, during which holdup of M ultnomah county. purchased $500 worth of stock and had gone to Seattle. Page although the car was badly Nabb( who took the motorcycle Miller, his attorney 3aid, had at $1 per share, from Dr. A. F. a Japanese woman was so badly to Klam ath Falls by U. S. Re­ on their future work. He advo­ was to have met her there and smashed up. , into Asbiand. McNabb then wir- been an inm ate of w elfare insti- clam ation Service employees from cated th at the fathers make W alter Kreese, who gave her a shot that she later died. then they had planned to go to It is thought that when the pd the sheriff's office in Sacra- after friends with tlielr sons, some­ Constable Boyle was shot in a the Lost river dredge tutions and the reform school,; w ritten agreem ent, th a t she would Missoula. M ontana, where her tourists have pulled the g ra d e , mento> to determ ine the owner- George P arker had gone to them thing whoch he explahie« has been due to bis parents being divorced J be returned the money, within gun duel with the bandits at Fow- m other lived, Mrs. Page testified, on the south side of the Siskiyous ship of the machine. when lie was nine years old and j ten days after demand, if she was 1 For, ten miles south oCliere, when for help, being unable to assist ■lacking in the past in a great since the Pacific Coast country and strike the 3traight-away at The .families of the missing pleaded for leniency for the y o u n g ’ not satisfied. The testim ony he came upon them while they his brother to his own car which many cases. clim ate was not suitable to her. the t^p and coming down on the youths, w orried over th eir ab­ A short program, filled with man. He said Miller tried to get showed th a t Miss Myers had filed were holding up an oil station. had been left near the scene of the She fu rth er testified th at her hus­ north side, they naturally speed sence, since no word had been accident. The P arker brothers Boyle ordered the men to hold up fun for both the fathers and sons, work, and had only four pennies! a demand, and th a t the direct- band was an electrician, but that up and are unable to stop when received from them , immediately their hands, and Purio opened had been hunting here for two was given after the dinner. In before the crime. ors a t a pieeting to consider the he had not been w orking at his they come to the sharp curve. notified McNabb they would ar­ The court questioned Miller at question, decided to refuse to ac­ fire. Boyle then fired on the days and were ju st preparing to the contest to determ ine the m o t trad e for some time and th a t she rive in Ashland to assist in the length, and asked why he had used quiesce to the request. gang, &nd Purio went down, but return to their homes tonight- bald headed man present, Guy did not know what he had been FRUIT ÏS SENT TO Suffering from the serious Crosby was awarded first prize, search for the boys. not until he had seriously wourtd- a gun in the robbery. The defense m aintained that doing the la3t month. She said hne in lbe contest for the short- CHILDREN’S HOME Investigations this morning dis­ “ Because I did not w ant to hit Dr. Kresse was pot an a u tlio riz -^ d Boyle. Other officer's c a m e , shock and loss of blood Parker they had beeir granted an in ter­ present, the son of V. D. closed the fact th a t the boys were him with a ‘sap’,” replied the ed agent of the corporation,"' and to Boyle's aid, ahd the remain-] was placed under the care of Dr. ( locutory divorce, but had continu­ Helping to make the lives of a geen work ing on th eir machine prisoner. A. Soule and Dr. F. R. God- Miller was awarded the trophy. th a t the agreem ent given Miss ing members of tlw' gang were ed to live together, and had not number of unfortunate children j.riday afternoon. Hugh B arron, V. D. Miller rendered a vocal ‘‘W here did you learn th at Myers was therefore not binding. taken into custody a few miles , dard in Klam ath Falls and over sought a final decree. She said a little brighter, the local W. C. wbo residea near the spot where word ‘sap’,’’ queried the , bench. The plaintiff undertook to show out of Fresno, where they had two hours were required on the solo, and responded to an en­ h e r husband carried no life in­ T. U. recently made up and ship- the cycle was found, noticed them operating table last night to re­ core. C. V. Howell, director of “ I read about it,” the youth re­ th a t Dr. Kresse had received a fled after the shooting. surance and th a t the automobile ped a barrel containing fruit, t o ' attem pting to get the machine move the shot and shreds of the Y. M. C. A. in Ashland gave joined. commission lo r the sale. which w’as smashed up and which the Children s Farm Home at Cor- j8tarted> but could not state w heth- clothing from the injured m an’s a shadow stunt, entitled. “ A Scene PE O PL E AR E H ELPLESS The court then passed nentence A deposition was introduced has been confiscated by the state vallis, according to Mrs. W. R .; er tbeir effort3 were successful. leg. P arker has a wife at Wood­ in the Doctor’s Office” and later AS H ILLSDALE BURNS with ^words of kindly adm onish­ from C. W. Van Horn, a form er belonged to her. It was her un­ Davis, president. burn who will be notified of the led the group in singing. j A sidecar, which was attached ment. The charge was reduced solicitor oV th e |company, now derstanding. she testified, th at Local m erchants greatly assisted to tbe motorcycle when the boys from assault, to commit robbery, PORTLAND. Nov. 1 5— W oth no accident today, " l < I The dinner was prepared by out of the state, in which he set Page had intended to drive his the local organization in m aking jeit bome> Was missing when the first serious hunt- q( t,)p Pre8byterlau w ater or fire fighting equipment,! This is the to assault with a weapon. the ladi fo rth th a t Dr. Kresse had made car, a sedan, and leave her car up the contribution, the m er_; machine was t found near, here, accident reported in the church, and it was a splendidly Miller was represented by At­ the sale. This was at variance witli which to cope with the! in storage in San Francisco. As chants giving alm ost half t h e ' a itbougb bedd#ing and other ma- Klam ath district during the past arranged affair. The committee torney F ran k DeSouza, who was w ith the testim ony of Dr. C. T ‘lames, owners and tenants of a fa r as she knew. Jack Leer w ork­ fru it and other delicacies which terialg Were found untouched, appointed by the court to defend Sweeney, an officer of the con jusihess block of Hillsdale, near year when ten of thousands of in charge of the meeting is very ed for a drug store in Los An­ were sent to the home. deer and duck hunters have been grateful to the ladles who gave • ¡ t ¡s beHeved by local a u th o r­ him. cern, and the plaintiff's counsel here, stood by helpless while geles and th a t he and her hus­ in tlie hills and m arshes almost tlieir co-operation in making the ities th a t the youths, unable to m aintained in th eir argum ent to , flames destroyed a garage and band had not been in the habit MEDFORD CHAPTER sta rt th eir cycle, and being w ith, meeting a success. the ju ry , th a t Dr. Sweeney had j grocery store, and #a two-^tory daily. of taking trips together. Her out money, decided to sta rt for KNIGHTS PYTHIAS testified Van Horne had made the dwelling, causing damage esti- husband had not taken more than ALTA WOOD WINS ENTERTAINED HERE home on foot, hoping to be pick­ sale. mated at $40,00u here today. ten drinks in the eight years they PIMLICO, Mr., Nov. 15— J. ed up by passing m otorists. • - A ttorney W. E. Phipps, a n o t h e r ---------------------------- had lived together, as far as she W idner’s distance king, Altwood, About th irty members of the sh eriff B arnett of Madera coun- j official of the company was called MRS. HARDING IS knew. Mrs. Page was accom­ K nights of Pythias of Medford ■ ty has been notified to wire any won the sixth race of-the feature as a witness, and explained the REPORTED WORSE $10,000 Pimlico handicap here panied by Jean Ewen. her brother were in Ashland last night to at-j inform ation received on the case by-laws of the board of directors. •In-law of P ortland, who however tend the special meeting of th e ’ ¡n th a t 3ectton, while the local this afternoon. Despite rain and In order th a t the people of B ert Orr wa3. also called as a MARION, Ohio, Nov. 15. was not asked to testify. snow and a heavy track, Alta- Ashland organizatiin and exem- au thorities are lending every ef- Mrs. W arren G. H arding s le p t1 . G Dr. Swedenburg, who view the plify the work ,here. Following fort in th eir search in this see­ Ashland may be more thorough­ witness. inn,» i ., m „»„I,* ...,* wood covered the distance of two Considerable time was devoted y little last night, but held ly acquainted with the work th a t corpse at the hospital, testified the regular business meeting mu- tion. and a quarter miles in three min­ is being conducted among th e by opposing counsel to argum ents ' her own in her fight for life, an th a t death m ust have resulted sic was furnished by several Ha-1 Thirty-five men have signified utes and fifty-seven seconds. boys in this city, and in observ- on legal points involved, and the • official bulletin from her bedside from a fractured skull, although waiiau boys. H arry W ortman of! BEASTS CONTINUE their intention of taking the trip his chest was badly crushed and ’ FOLLOWING BLAZE ance N ational F ath er and Son motion of the defense for an in- ] stated early this morning. to Copco tomorrow. Business men Medford gave an excellent ad J SEEK INDICTMENT __________________ JERSEY CITY, Nov. 15. —»j Week which is ju st coming to a structed verdict was denied by : ho had suffered severe bruises. of Ashland who intend making OF RING’S LEADER Chief of Police McNabb told of dress followed b j an int< i it siting Expjosion8> fOn OWing yesterday’s close, the M ethodist and Congrft- the court. the trip are asked to meet at the , |re c(mtlna(,d , „ G gattonal Churches ot this city will • 1 ■ " ■ ■ ” ■ ■ • 1 1 .1 — " talk by M ill Gore, al.o ot Had- SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 15— (Continud on page Four) Chamber of Commerce rooms at lord. The m eeting was closed: PU m es .till raged in the combine th eir Sunday evening Indictm ent of a powerful San seven o’clock sharp. This in­ with a large banquet. About sev­ ruin3 of factories and tenem ents services in the Methodist church, YALE TRIMS PRINCETON Francisco politician who is alleg­ cludes members of Chamber of NOTRE DAME LEADING enty-five were present. which were laid waste in the where short talk s on the boys’ ed to have received money run­ Commerce, Lithians and Kiwan- greatest fire the city has ever ex­ work will be given. ning into the hundreds of thou- ians, who are all planning to PRINCETON, Nov. 15.— Yale KINCAID FU N ER A L TO perienced. Two thousand persons The program of the evenfng will upset the dope here today and sands of dollars from rum run-, have representaUveg makg the B E AT TWO O'CLOCK are homeless, and it is estim ated consist of varied explanations of defeated Princeton 10-0 before ners in return for "protection” trip. At the Chamber of Com­ th at the property . damage will the different boys’ organizations. a great crowd. Stout kicked a 42 will be sought from th e new, fed- The fqneral services of Mrs reach six million dollars. merce rooms instructions will be W HITE PLAINS, New Y ork,, ________________________ The opening ritu al from a Pio- yard field goal, and threw a for- Nov. 15.— It was discovered here ' * ra ^ grand th a t he has found no wholesale scale was exposed here* land to qscort the delegation. in charge of the boys’ work here,! the Cornhuskers. At the m id d le! pears the follow ing, statem ent: waY in which Canadian citizens today with the a rre st of J. Z ottar-j Upon their arrival at Copco ella, well known Cleveland attor-j : who were indicted this week in I EL PASO, Nov. 14. — A plea will give short talks, explaining of the second period, the score ( ««George Jones, (colored). Jones m arried Elizabeth B row n.’ connection with the alleged " li- 1 they will be shown the main fea­ ney, who was taken from his fo r'L ab o r to enter politics to t h e i thp' work th a t has been complet-] was Notre Dame 14. Nebraska G tures of the California-Oregon extent of regaining control of the ed already, and th a t which still N ebraska scored first, when the a wbBe woman. They have three (la ° r tru s t” investigation, can be berth in a Pullm an car after he Power Company work and will be Rockne second varsity fumbled j chijdren and in tb j8 vicinity have extradited and no attem pt to ex- had arrived from W ashington, D. BREMEN, Germany, Nov. 15.; public schools was made today rem ains to be done. entertained at a banquet. The a t critical moments in. the open­ always posed as whites. C. Stamps aggregating five mil- -G erm any has gallantly surren- by John Frye, editor of th e Iron j tia d ite them will be made. L ithians are planning to take ing period. R hinelander and his bride of a! C arr sa!d he could see no pos- I lions of dollars had been printed. ; dered to America her heritage of Moulders Journal, before a ses- fLEWIS NOT TO BE , ---------------------- ,— and were ready to be distributed supremacy in dirigible construe- sion of the m etal trades dep art-, LABOR CANDIDATE month slipped away from their ex-i sibi ity of complications with their octet so that music is as- throughout the coifntry, J. C. H a r .\io n , which the form er country o b -; ment of the American Federation! ---------- RRAKEMAN INJURED pensive apartm ent in New Roch- British authorities over the ar- 1 sured. It is understood th a t an per, head of the investigation tained from Count Zepplin. de- of Labor here. -Brakeman Shaw of this city is elle today, and went into r e tir e - 'r e s t of F. It. Anderson, Vancouv- extensive program has been plan- INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, Nov. bureau said following the arrest' signer and m anufacturer of the Frye said the schools were now 15.— “John Lewis is going to the going around on crutches a3 a m ent in order to'avoid newspap- er attorney. Anderson was a rre st-' ned and that the day wl11 be filled who ed two days ago by federal agents , " i! b '»teresiing features, of Zottarella. lighter than air machines. conducted by boards of trustees American PederaXiin of Labor con­ i resu lt if an injury sustained when ] ermen and photographers 11 necessary th at everyone It is believed none of the Dr. K arl A rnstein, chief en- ( not in sympathy with w hat the vention strictly as a delegate and alighting from a train at Sisson bave besieged them since the a n -¡w h o waited all night for him a t a be on hand promptly at seven stam ps had been distributed gineer of the Zepplin Company, unionists are endeavoring to do. not as a candidate for the presi­ several days ago. nouncement of their wedding fashionable hotel. A fter his ar- o’clock a t the Chamber of Com­ throughout the country, the offic­ who constructed the ZR-3. to- The sheet m etal w orkers have dency, officiais in charge of the rest it was learned there was no early yesterday morning. merce rooms so that there will be ials expressing the belief th at the gether with twelve experts of the demanded th a t the American national headquarters of the Unit­ Medford — During past year Members of New Y ork’s elite. w arrant for him but he was held gang had merely printed t h e 1 company, sailed for America to- Federation of Labor suspend the ed Mine W orkers of America de­ 100,000 fru it trees planted in the social elect, today indicated and in a few hours was indicted, no delay in getting started, stam ps, and gotten them ready for day, where they will go to Akron, Carpenters branch of the Federa- clared today in responce to re ­ Jackson county. to newspapermen th at society was distribution, failing to distribute ( Ohio, to direct dirigible con- tion for defying the union laws ports th a t a boom had been laun­ G rants Pass — Orchard Ave., Eugene— Eugene ranks fourth not a hit pleased with the mar- them until they had enough on structlon for a new company and for refusing to affiliate with ched advocating the candidacy of Clatsop county cranberry crip rlage of the w ealthy youth to the in Oregon city bank deposits with paving completed at cost of $10,. hand to Insure a good revenue, formed In America. the building trades. is 17,644 bushels, worth $80,000. cabm an’s daughter. $7,489,325.65. .836. the m iner chieftan. EB SCENE OF SEVERAL • BAD AUTO CRASHES SHOT IN HUNTING AT KLAMATH FALLS MEDFORD BOY BANDIT BILKED TEACHER IS PEEADS GUILTY, IS GIVEN5500RETURN GIVEN 2 YEAR TERM ON STOCK PURCHASE EXPLAINED HERE T T BRIDE OF WEALTHY ER FOUND TO BE A NEGRESS UNCOVERED IN EAST ZEPPLIN EXPERTS ARE ON W HERE