I ’ ASHLANÖ Î)Àï£$ TIDING^ k o Vit IB I— ■ iriday, November 14, JtMi-l M M M « b o c a l » P e rso n a l Notes :i A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of local interest other rates in Jackson or Jose* Visiting H ere-: INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Ellington has been given a jo b ? miles; call at No. 40 Granite St. Mr> and Mrs. G earhart of Napa J pnlne Counties; you can be the PLANS ARE DELAYED and happiness reigns in the Elling- Apt. No. 3. 64— 2* .edge, Fhoae 21. Yeo, of course. California arMVed in Ashland ______ ton home. . -------- •------------------------------------- - _ »— — a ,—— • ^OR RENT— Furnished house« 30— t f : Wednesday and are visiting at the; SALEM, Nov. 14— Governor i keeping rooms, also large front ---------- ! i home of their daughter, Mrs. Carl I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Pierce and State T reasurer Myers i i bed room. Phone 242-J, 153 Oak H ere Indefinitely — ; McCune. They will remain fori m ajority members of the state* FOR SALE— If taken soon,' street. 64— 2 Mr. Snodgrass, father-in-law ofi about a week. board of control, at a meeting Newton apples, seconds, no w orm s. B. B. Kellogg, whose funeral w a s; --------------------------- held here Monday voted to defer; WANTED— Small second hand 75c per box; bring your own box; held yesterday, is in Ashland aqd FIR E ACCOMPANIES indefinitely the advertising for cook stove. Phone 341-J. 64— 2* corner W imer and Chestnut. expects to rem ain here indefinite­ BLAST AT JERSEY bids for the construction of the; No Program G iven. Lyceum 64- ly. new state training school for ________ Courses Art* E xp lained to JERSEY CITY, Nov. 14— Fire boys. W ANTED TO ItEXT— 100 acres Cliff Payne makes Drain which started with a terrific ex­ Body by Chuirman It was said th a t the governor; fenced hay land, inquire Box Fac- boards plosion in th e salt petre w’orks of and state treasu rer based their tory. 64__2* the B attelle and Renwick com­ action on the contention th a t the*________________________ ____ __I Since no program had been ar- Back to W ork__ pany, in the downtown industrial ranged for the Kiwanis Club state would be short of funds be- LO ST— Fem ale fox terrier, Miss M arjorie Fifield of the section early this morning, razed iuncheon held today at t he Ho- ' cause of the income tax law at the 'brow n and white. Finder phone I^exall Store has resumed h/ir almost an entire block of the le a d -¡tei Ashland, the meeting w a8! recent election. 268-J. C4— 2* work after a two days illness. ing industrial works in this city given over to the reports of corn- The records show, however, th a t ‘ _____ — z---------------------:----- — FOR RENT— 3 room furnish­ today. m ittees and a discussion of sev- the money with which to build the Not a new asset to Ash­ Prescription Druggists— McNgir ed apartm ent with bath; adults Following the explosion, the eral m atters of interest to the training school was appropriated land. We have had them Bros. only. Phone 263-R, or call at fire spread, to factories and,dw ell- members of the club, by the last legislature, and that in our building for fifteen Bldg. 64—2 iifgs on adjoining streets, a n d : a report yvas heard from the a p art of the fund already h a s ! Shook _________ __ ___________________ To Salem— years. No extra charges. continued to rage unchecked committee, working in conjunction been expended in the purchase of LOST, some time ago, Bible, Superintendent Geo. A. Briscoe throughout the morning. Four-j with several other committees i size about 4x6. concordance, maps, Our line of supplies best ieft jast evening for Salem where teen persons most of them iire -' from various organizations in the a subject index, etc.. passages well in Southern Oregon. Our fae wi„ attend a meeting of the men, were taken to hospitals suf­ city, in prom oting the lyceum m arked. Valued as keepsake. equipment second to none. text book committee. He ex- fering from smoke poisoning, courses to be given here. It was Finder return to Tidings office, Our prices are 25 to 100 pects to lie away about a week. from the smoke which came off explained th a t the course a rra n g ­ FUNERAL OF MRS. KINCAID MONDAY or Phone 479-J. Reward. 64— tf per cent below others. the burning chemical plant. ed for Ashland this year is the ARE HEARD AI MEET OF ASHLAND KIWANB Return to Fossil— Mrs. F. D. Moore and son who have lived in Ashland for some! time returned to th eir home in! Fossil, Oregon. Mrs. Moore was president of the Ladies Aid and{ prom inent in missionary circles in' New straight English models in the Baptist Church while here. Overcoats, a t P aulserud’s. 64-tf It Is not too early to have your 1 'rom Vancouver— Christm as p o rtrait made. Darling Dr. A. A. Pampe of Vancouver, Studio. 60— tf W ashington, called on the R. E. Form al Opening— Detrick family yesterday. The formal opening of the new Complete line of Ashland Can­ G rants Pass High school which ned Goods at Detricks. s»4-tf has recently been completed, wilL be held this evening. A fine pro-! W inter Garden Dance— gram has been arranged and a There will be another public large crowd is expected. dance at the "W inter G arden” to- Let ue fill your pall with Swifts l.ight. The hall, which is in the Tuxedos and serges for dress A general alarm , turned in im­ best offered by the Ellison-W hite FOR SALE— Cheap, 1 W esting- Your bills and our hooks The funeral services of Mrs. W. M inkler building over McGee’s dllver Lea: lard. Costs less than wear. Paulserud’s. 54-tf mediately a fte r the fire broke conipauy, and since it was of such house electric range, 3 burners will tell. I R. Kincaid will take place a t 3 ‘ store, has been newly decorated shortening. Go«« farther and is out, brought out all the city’s fire high class, will require a lot of and double oven, a real bargain, o’clock Monday afternoon at the 94-tf R esign s P osition — i nd is In fact a “ W inter G arden” more nutritious. Detricks. fighting equipm ent, and every boosting in order to make it a 10 G ranite St. ‘ 64— 1* i. nd those who have attended pre- Miss V irginia Jones, who has am bulance in the city. financial success. It was explain­ Dodge funeral chapel. Mrs. Kin­ J ious dances there acclaim thcm ^ tu rn s Home — FOR SA L E — 1924 ..Chevrolet been working at C arter & Mills ed th a t although the courses are caid „died very suddenly at her Helene Biede, licensed Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barnthouse, Aery enjoyable affairs. The has resigned her position. Miss When Ellington appeared in beinS brought here under a per- home on Neil Creek last Saturday touring car, >.450, driven 5000 lady assistant always in Interm ent will be in l tusic and floor are fine and the Mrs. Cleo Mast and Son, Mel­ Opal Harvey will take up her the police‘court the next day th e » centaSe agreem ent, th a t it would morning. the mausoleum. »czy, com fortable atm osphere bourne Mast, returned home last Work attendance. jew elers furnished a lkwyer to be necessary to raise at least >200 i take these dances very attractive evening from a three weeks trip I IN CASH F irst Priz< defend him and asked th a t the to pay for the staging of the four j 64— 1 5° San Diego, San Francisco and P P T 7 F C Í *s $2,000. t r.d well attended. 20 per cent off on all m illinery case be dropped. The M agistrate numbers. m i Z i i b ö o |H1 ì «o Tiajuans. They visited the old at Mrs. Simons. H. C. STOCK The members of the m em ber-, Hood RiYer— Total of 202 2, Everybody, Anywhere, FOR ANS­ 63— 2 let the prisoner out on suspended Missions in California and re ­ Morticitui 'Jukes Position— cars apples and 119 cars pears ail- ship com m ittee were in s tr ia te d , WERS IN EDUCATIONAL UON- sentence. John Churchman, who recently ported a wonderful trip. by President H enry Enders, to ready shipped from this district. TEST. Send stam p for Circular, In Town— « m eet and consider the names o f , with estim ated 1509 cars of ap- 1LLD. leturned from a six m onths trip J .R. Bell of C arter Creek is in ASHLAND H.AS VERY LOW io Portland, has taken a position several prospective members. » pies yet rem aining. i h h 11 o | s FIRE LOSS FOR* YEAR Ashland today on business. Reduced prices on p o rtraits dur- In Detrick's Groceteria. iOg November. D arling Studio. (Continued from page 1) O rder your Thanksgiving suit 60— tf Special Auto Accident Policy a ilrä S e at Paulseruds’. 54-tf Fire 'M arsh all’s office th at ,• r >5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo a rate wra r is im m inent, it is prob- <*f course. 24-tf From South— From Siskiyou— able th a t Ashland, with a rem ark- Miss M arjorie G illette has -re­ J. H. Reiseinger and fam ily of ably low per capita fire loss, will turned home from San Francisco l l a y Applegate— 72x90 full size, Saturday 81 inches wide, Saturday, Made of good quality sat­ for women in brown onlv, where she visited for several Siskiyou were in Ashland today obtain a reduction. The only football game this weeks. j shopping. The Ashland fire departm ent is week end in G rants Pass will be yard een, Saturday pair Saturday pair made up of Chief Baughm an and 1 he game tomorrow afternoon with two regular firem ent, in addition Chicken tam ales th at will de- At Applegate— the Applegate high school. The 64— tf I J. W. McCoy of the F irst Na- to ten volunteers who respond to game has been slated as a prac­ light you at The Plaza. — 1 tional Bank is spending the day calls in the city. The departm ent tice game for the locals, who have Rave >10.00, walk upstairs to in the Applegate district on busi­ has but one piece of apparatus, si game coming up soon with Ash­ a chemical wagon with a combin­ 17— tf ness. land and they do not want to lose Orres tailor shop. ation pumper. th a t contest In view of a possible Visits Here— «¡¿feat of Medford at the hands Leases Property— 36 inch white Outing of the A shlanders.— G rants P a ss1 C. D. Simon of Haynes, Oregon, F ran k H endricks, form erly of 81x90, söld regularly at is in Ashland visiting with his two Courier. Ashland, lias purchased the Dr. Flannel, 29c yd. regularly, $1.98, Saturday, eaeii sister, Mr. J. D. Mars and Mrs. Jarvis property on Helman Street At the Saturday, yard Tamales, best In the city, "The Nelson. and is moving to th a t place from STONE CHURCH, Rose”. 60— tf Talent. 5th und East Main Street Chicken tam ales th a t will de l!«*fdth Poot^— light you at The Plaza. 64— tf Stops Here— Friday and Saturday, Nov. 14 Word has been received in Ash­ and 15, at 7:80 p. ni. Mrs. Squire, form erly of this; land th at the health of S. B. “ K antleek” R ubber Products. city, stopped in Ashland today on* .‘ toner, now living in Santa Ana, McNair Bros. her way to Dunsm uir and visited; Evangelist California, is very poor. He has friends . M a r k a . w il l i s l een confined to his bed now for R eturn— fancy colored stripes, of St. Louis b month. The Stoner’s were Ash­ 66x80 double cotton Blan­ F. E. Russell and Theodore To Los Angeles— value, Saturday, each land residents a few years ago and a converted infidel will preach Russell returned home yesterday ket, $3.48 value, Saturday Mrs. A rth u r Abbott* and Miss t re very well known here. the from W atsonville, Calif., w h re e 'E th a A bbott have gone* to Los pair. they ^attended the funeral of Miss Angeles where they w ill.v isit for Old Time Religion with You will save by having your Maude Russell. several weeks. "Power” t o rtra lt made during November. Darling Studio. 60— tf All denom inations invited You are welcome to compare We deliver the goods -Detricks my Automobile rates w ith any •4 -tf R eturns Home— V. O. N. Smith returned home yesterday noon from a w eek’s Fine quality bleached, business trip to Portland. W hile 28c regularly, Saturday, there he attended the Livestock All pure linen in colors va i’d bhow. H ere Today— Mrs. Rose Page, wife of A rthur Page, who was killed in an auto- l iobtle accident Wednesday, ar- j ’ved In Ashland today to attend the funeral. Receiving Vaults Comfort Bat ‘ Wearweir Shee tin g Sateen Bloomers Heather Hose 89c Outing Flannel Wo are going to make Saturday 23c Blankets $2.95 The Banner Day of Our Stock Reducing Sale! Wearwell Sheets $1.48 Bath Towels Linen Toweling Handkerchiefs Novem ber Sale See P aulserud’s special on two- ran ts-su its, all wool, >23.75. 54-tf of Here Yesterday— M. H. Schammel, traveling au­ d itor for the Southern Pacific was In Ashland yesterday visit- lag at the local yards. -o- Returns Home— Mrs. O. W inter and Miss Mabel Russell returned last night from Miss R ussell’s ranch near Mt. LhaBta, where they have been visiting for the past three weeks. SA TU RD A Y to WEDNESDA ; Y - NOVEMBER 16, 1024 Soup— Chicken Noodle Salad— Shrimp Salad Relish— Celery and Ripe Olives Choice of— Roast Oregon Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Fried Spring Chicken, Cream Sauce Raked Young Chicken with Dressing Stewed Chicken with Dumplings Pried Belgian Hare, Country Gravy Veal Porterhouse Steak, Mushroom Sauce Creamed Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes Bread and B utter Dessert: (Choice of) Apple or Pum pkin Pie A La Mode Pineapple Tapioca with W hipped Cream Chocolate Cake Ice Cream with W afers Coffee Tea Milk The PLAZA p. m. in black, brown and log cabin, $1.25 value, S atur­ day, pair of Our G reatest Sale Cotton 'Damask * 58 inch wide. Sold regu­ larly at 65c yard, Satur- dav vard 20% Discount SA T U R D A Y COAT SALE $16.75 COATS $13.75 $19.75 COATS $14.75 $24.50 COATS $19.75 J $34.50 to $39.75 COATS $29.75 COME! ‘ \ In colors for Lingerie, 48c yard regularly, S at­ urday van I 36 inches wide” in fanev • * stripes, 30c yard regular­ ly, Satunlav vani 24c F u r th e r R ed u ctio n s on all Ready-fo-tVear Women’s Silk and Wool Others at prices from $10.00 up. Lace Cloth Outing Flannel 48c Amongst the lot are some very fine Baum Marten chokers and larger black and brown fox, $67.50 furs at $54.00. • and Extra Specials on Sale Saturday The Last Day 94c AT I 0 - Surprise Bargains Silk and Wool Hose Ì > • SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER From 12 noon to -Ü- For the next few days we will have a special lot of fur chokers sent to us for a special sale Notice to all sports: Ashland Rod and Game club will hold its annual Mdse, and Turkey shoot, Sunday, Nov. 23rd, at its grounds. 2 miles north of town. 64— 2* 75c 15c FURS Phone 130 for Powell’s Cider. Delivered. 63— Im o with embroidery in cor­ ner, 20c value, Saturday, each fo r S a tu rd a y Children’s Coats all Reduced D resses. $19.75 Coats ....................................Sale Brice $14.95 ALL GOING FOR LESS $22.50 Coats .................................... Sale Price $18.50 Made of the $25.00 Coats .................................... Sale Price $19.95 New Materials Saturday * $29.75 Coats .................................... Sale Price $23.98 With Fur $34.50 Coats .................................... Sale Price $27.95 Collars Every Garment New This Season $37.50 Coats ................. Sale Price $29.95 $45.00 Coats .......... Sale Price $36.50 All Sizes 4 to 16 years $44.50 to $49.75 COATS $39.50 aw $54.50 to $59.75 COATS $44.50 See the Drummers’ Samples in Bags. ONE-FOURTH off Pequot Sheets Size 81x90 Each $1.69 E. R. ISAAC & CO. “The Quality Store” 36 inch Daisy Muslin Bleached, Fine Quality yard 16c