P àóe Ì bms I Classified Column Friday, November 14, 1024 PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS C la r ifie d Col am n R ates One cent the word each time To run every Issue for on6 month or more, %c the word each time. DR. HAWLEY— /.bove office. Phone 91. places and a Jolly tim e follow ed'm ay be the next European nation; ian autonomy, an Independent when the questions were fittingly to be ruled by a m ilitary dicta- form of governm ent separate nar- '♦ __ _ „ n u u ie u i. sepaiaie par auswered, causing much amuse- torship. liam ent, arm y and finances but m ent as each guest replied. j Tbat l9 the opl5,on of Ba, kan also claims j u n c t i o n over Sla- At the close of the a ftern o o n ' observers of the jumbled po,iti- ! vonia, Dalmatia. Bosnia and H er? sort It Is believed they would not, a federal government with each » ,, , “ hesitate to set up a dictatorship unit however, retaining powers «• <1 h2 T “ *2t ° bserVe” be" e? ' ! L t ^ i n ^ t h e A ^ e r i ^ n Union V * , ? h 7 American Ln.on. Tidings the guests wended their way caj situation in the kingdom of zegovina, Srem, and M ejdum orieJ \ .? V^. ?? tOD ' l>xP( re' ail DR.— C. W. — HANSON these happy affairs in the future, a situation which recently became steadily gaining more and more . & J uR oS la\ia will v * * * 1 more complicated than ever with ad h eren ts throughout the coun- ^onie a e tra te un on ol many - TO THOSE WHO FAIL D entist N ow ¡s th e tim e to buy sp ra y Gives Dinner— the resignation of M inister of ERNEST A. W OODS-Prac- m enting Mrs. O. J. Stone of Port- ' t ° , and years. 478 Boulevard. 36—-Imo and p a d s. N ew and u sed S e w ­ . . , , . . . . . . . . Minister was a General in the Ser- alterably opposed to the loss of tlce lim ited to eye, ear, nose ana But to him who tries, and who i land, form er resident of A shland? o , I . . . i bian Army — who claimed th a t| Serbian hugentony. As a last re- in g M uchines. A u to R o b es, etc. Call a physician. T hen begin th ro at— X-ray including teeth. FOR SALE iA lovely dinner was served ,by, xl_ » | 1 fails and dies,' em ergency” treatm ent w ith ----------- C * - — M V O I U I C H I W i l l i Army had been re-1 Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc I give great honor* and glory and the gracious hostess and a pleas­ FOR SALK, right quick, three an t tim e followed with m erry con-! Peatedly insulted and hooted at 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, tears. t days only— A good Ford touring versation occupying the hours. i by the C roatiarts-and other anti- Ore. V A P O R u b j car with shock absorbers, 3 good -_______ _____________________ O v e r J F M illion Ja ra U eeJ Y ea rly Complimented guests were Mrs. Serbian elem ents in the kingdom. Give glory and honor and pitiful tires, 1 fair tire, mud chains and D n - E> B- ANGELL— Chiropractic H .'G . Gilmore, Mrs. H erbert Mc- At Travmk recently a mob shout­ tears and Electro-Therapy. Office ed: ,4- other extras, right now >65.00, To all who fail in their deers sub­ C arthy and M aster H erbert, Jr., phone 48; residence 142. First Chet Keene, 271 Morton St., Ash­ “ Down w th the W allachlan the honored guest, Mrs. O. J. lime; N ational Bank building. land. 63— 2* kin^! Down with th e Belgrade Their ghosts are many in the van' Stone and the hostess, Mrs. A rascals! This is Bosnia h ere!” of years. G. McCarthy. DR. B R O W N FOR SALE— 3 feather beds, "The situation narrow s dowrn to C h irop ractor They were born with Time, in ad- --------------------------- good new duck feathers in new a fight for power between two op­ 11 Years Practice vance of Time. i WOBBLIES DRIFT OUT ticking, beds weight from 16 to Exam ination free. Office Vendome posing leaders — “ Mad” Raditch, 20 pounds each, Phone 27C-L, CONCRETE PEACEFUL Hotel. Lady A ttendant. j leader of th e Croatians, who is Oh, great is the hero who wins Mrs. Purdy, 107 4th St. 63— 2* H ours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. CONCRETE, W ash., Nov. 13— , fighting for C roatian autonom y in a name, FOR SALE: — H eating stove, Phone 227 But g reater many and many a Following exodus of nearly 1 5 0 'a Jugo-Slav super-state; and “ Sul- alleged Industrial W orkers of th e' ta n ” Pashitch, veteran Serbian Bedstead and chairs. 163 Union time THE SOUTHERN OREGON street. 62— 5* Some pale-faced fellow’ who dies W orld yesterday under escort of. statesm an, who, though out of I CLINIC Sheriff Conn and his deputies, power is still the strongest Ser-j 1st National Bank Bldg. in shame, FOR SALE— W yondotte chick­ M edical S u r g ic a l O b stetrica l And lets God finish the thoughts Concrete, which for th ree weeks bian Im perialistic leader. He has ens. L. E. Tracey, 763 Beach St. D ia g n o stic X -ray had been declared under control behind him a secret m ilitary or­ sublime. 61— tf i R W. Stearns, M. D. of supporters of a strik e on conr ganization known, as .th e “ W hite R. E. Green, M. D. FO R SALE: — Tancred— Holly­ R. W. fleeter, M. D. And great is the man with a struction of a hydro-efectrlc plant H and.” wood cockerels, pedigreed, d a m s.1 Office hours 2-5 jp. fti. was a peaceful snow-covered town sword undraw n, King A lexander is trying to! Phone 238-R records up to 280, sire record; And good is the man who refrains today. bring ordier out of chaos. He con-; over 270. The male is half your ~ CONVALESCENT HOME from wine; None of the deported men tried sented to th e falL of Pashitch a n d ! 4 flock. 112 Nutley St. Phone 456J. | W here the sick get well. But the man who fails and yet to retu rn . Sheriff Conn said. to the participation in the Gov­ 58— tf Cottage Plan. still fights on, ernm ent of Davldevitch, a R a­ We board and care for invalids Lo. he is the twin-born brother of WOOD FOR SALE:— F ir and; is a combined Stove and We have a good Job printing de­ ditch henchman. and old people. mine! Spruce. 16 ‘r.ch >8. Hard w o o d ' partment. tf A lexander atte m p ted to talk Furnace * * ♦ M aternity Dept. 16 inch >12. Delivered. Fountain m atters over w ith Raditch, the Call 153 CALENDAR OF EVENTS* Feul Co Siskiyou or leave orders g reatest enemy of Serbian Ample heat-radiating ca­ Tuesday, November 18. Civic a t Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. dream s. Raditch refused to go to MONUMENTS Club will meet a t clubhouse at 50— 1 m o ? Belgrade until C roatian autono­ pacity to heat‘the room in ROUND R obert W urzburg, on e of th e 2:30.- which it is placed—pow­ my was recognized. He rem ains ASHLAND GRANITE co u n try ’s lead in g tire efficien cy m en , MISCELLANEOUS Wednesday, November 19. Up­ in th e provinces, still m aster of erful circulating capacity MONUMENTS grouped itse lf a body of tire experts, a m ­ per Valley Community Club will WANTED— Young man wants B lair G ranite Co. the situation. Alexander promis­ to warm two or three ad­ have an all day m eeting at the b itio u s to build a tire represen tin g th eir work on ranch, 480 Chestnut St. PENNISTON, Manager ed to secure revision of the Con­ joining rooms—that is the home of Mrs. B utler W alker. Thia com b in ed experience. Office 175 E. Main 63— 2* stitution if Raditch would come will be a dressm aking meeting. ability of this handsome, Res. Phone 444-Y T hey started early in 1923, w ith th e ideal to Belgrade. WA NTEIÎ-—Experienced book- ________ W ednesday, November 19. Aux­ compact porcelain enam­ of b u ild in g a q u a lity tire, irrespective of SOFIA, Nov. 14.— Ju g o slav ia^ Raditch not only w ants Croat- keeper, address Box XZ care Tid- GIRL IN TROUBLE— May iliary to the T rinity Guild will! eled Parlor Heater. cost. ings. j 63— 3* í communicate with Ensign Lee meet at the Parish House. Thursday, November 20. Ladies' of the Salvation Army at the T h at ideal h as been “ lived” in to C-T-C WATCHES and clocks repaired Burns any kind of fuel. A W hlteShield Hbme, 665 May- Elks Club will meet in club Tires from th e b eg in n in g . Up and dow n reasonable. Money returned if not) fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. rooms. “ Giant” for heat. Yet, it th e Pacific C oast, C -T -C ’s have gained th e satisfied, M. A. Lassau, 217 N. Friday, November 21. D. A. R. costs no more than old- confidence of tire dealers and m o to rists. Main, near Methodist church. PLANING MILL will meet at the home of Mrs. sivle stoves. In brown, 63— 6* We believe in C -T -C ’s. You w ill, too, JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Peil on G ranite-street. mahogany, blue or gray w h en you u se th em ! Saturday, November 22. P. E. WANTED: — Protect yourself WORKS, Cor. Helman and porcelain. O. will meet at the home of Mrs. against the uncertainties of win Van Ness. * 19^tf i W. E. Blake. ter. We can assure you a good * * * TRANSFER AND EXPRESS position In your own county, th a t will pay you well. W rite us at Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. E n te r ta in s— THE ASHLAND FURNITURE RRORS are human. No better for SERVICE. One of the prettiest luncheons once. Nogar Corporation, 361 COMPANY way of avoiding errors and Experienced movers and pack of the season was given by Miss Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 8 Í N . Main ers of household goods. Deal­ Grace H. Cham berlain a t the their tragic consequences has been 54— 18 ers In coal and wood. Phone Civic Club house Tuesday in devised than a good bank. We so­ DRESSMAKING and Tayloring 117. honor of Mrs. P. S. Provost, chair­ licit your account to assist you in reasonable prices, all work guar­ O U R STO M ACH Office 89 Oak St. near man of the social committee of avoiding errors. antee*!. Mrs. B. Van H arden­ Hotel Ashland s s a ftS iK S h ta a is !!!* the Civic Club. The members of berg, 147 C entral Ave. 55— 1 mo.* the executive board and chair­ Alwayt And relief in -------------------------------------------------I r. L. POWELL— General Trans men of the standing committees DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ C H A M B E R L A I N ’S fer— Good team and motor | wero tbe bid(len guestg ing. Mrs. Dale Day. 129 Granite , TA B LET S trucks. G md service at a re a ­ At a tastily arranged table de- ■treet. 60— 1 mo,.* •weeleB yoar stomach sad breath—only 25« sonable price. Phone 83. corated with fruits and autum n •WANTED: — To buy second leaves the fourteen women were FEHIGE-ROACH hand hath tub. Must be in good seated and served a delectable condition. Miss Coffee, Tidings Transfer — Express — Storage meal. Clever questions in verse Ashland, Oregon office. Hauling — Dray woik of all form, each applying to the per­ kinds. Quick motor service. Dry son for whom it was intended, wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R were found a t the individual 375 B. St. 112-tf V 'C K S PEIL’S CORNER This Buck’s Parlor Heater “ L i v i n g ” a n id e a l in to C -T -C tires! J A Min ran E R R0 R S S CORDS and BALLOONS (without rim or wheel change) Leedom’s Tire House The Citizens Bank of Ashland CLEARANCE SALE o i SHOES Costs Little and Overcomes Trouble Almost Over Night ASHLAND PAINT CO Dependable Painting C ontractors & Decorators SWENNINC, & GEAR Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.* Crft€. CALIFORNIA ORIGON POWER •COMPANY TMerredStodkyields 7.14% D uring the past 10 months, 1219 vessels entered the Portland; port, with a tonnage of 2,361,742 j tons. This gave almost four- ships for every working day, with , an average tonnage of 2,750 tons.' a sk a n v m em ber of our oiganization es W. A. SHELL, Prop. »32 A. St. Ashland, Ore Men, Women and Children Treated Everything in the Greenhouse Line Hi-Class Designing “ HATCHER THE FLORIST” 1070 Boulevard Phone 118 Open on Sundays We Deliver Y non-surgical, soothing treatmenl for Piles and other Redtal and Co­ lon disorders is given persons from two to over eighty years of see, thus proving the mildness o f my metnods. My success in treating thousands o f men, w om en and children enables me to con-1 fide nt ly G U A R A N T E E to cure any case o f Piles or refund the patient’s fee. i My new Seattle offices are now prepared to care for patients from Puget Sound and British Columbia Districts. Sen M today for FREE booklet. D E A N . M D .In c L etterheads, statem ents, t o your order at the Tidings Office. * Men’s Barry Shoes, Special, $5.00 Pair * 15 FIRST STREET Specializing in Chop Suev, Noodles and steaks at all hours of the day - « will open Saturday evening • Brown and Black calfskin dress shoes in a good range of sizes. Regular $7.00 and $8.00 values, close out at, p a ir ............... ............................................... 55 00 Men’s Work Shoes $2.58 Pair Black and Brown work shoes, Regular $4.00 val­ ues, Special, pair .. ................................. ................ $2.58 NOVEMBER 15fh Everybody welcome. You will feel at home here and assured of fair treatment and excellent service Bov’s School Shoes $1.98 Pair Brown calfskin shoes, sizes range from 12 to 2 Ladies’ Shoes Special $3.98 Pair Ladies’ straps and oxfords in kjd suede, patent and calfskin, a good range of sizes, regular $5.00 to $9.00 values, for quick close out, p a ir ...............................$3.98 For a smooth shave and quick service go to the Shell B arber Shop. Ladies aDd children get your hair bobbed and marcel­ led. AND SAY IT W ITH OURS. L ith ia C a fe f ■ Wc must niukc room for more complete lines, even as much in demand as these Shoes are, the broken size ranges make a complete clearance neeessarv. The WOOD SAWING WANTED— Wood saw ing?"Tel.' 63— lmo* Any breaking out of the skin, 4 70-J. even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying Ashland— Annual w inter poul M entho-Sulphur, declares a not­ try show to be held here Decern ed skin specialist. Because of its her 9 tot 11. germ destroying properties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin irritation, soothes and heals the ec^ma right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torm ent w ithout delay. Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small ja r of Rowles Mentho- Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. SAY IT W ITH FLOW ERS ■ I.CES: » C A T T L E O F T IC E » : -----------1 Shflfcr BuNi AB&xgt! “A PILLOW FOR THE BODY” Ladies’ Straps and Oxfords, $2.85 Pair is the best description of the luxurious softness and comfort in a Sealy Mattress. There are four outstanding features in a Sealy mattress—tuft­ less, all cotton, aire-weave process and one- giant bait. Ladies Kid One and Two Strap Shoe $1.95 Pair If you want a finely-constructed, hand- tqjlored bed bottom that renders lasting satis­ faction, insist on the Sealy. Ladies' House Slippers, 79c Pair SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company “ Use Your Credit With U s” Bring in your window sash, we do the glaz­ ing free. Black and Brown kid with Cuban heels, pair $2.85 Colors—rose, blue, brown, gray and other popu- lar colors, all sizes. Golden Rule Store P h on e No. 3 A SH L A N D , ORE. E lk s B ld g . , j