A shland hâilfi TWÖ daily tidings Friday, November 14, i(HH ■b Evolving from it a worktìbie . TAATTV t t ivr P c , delay in evolving workable consolidation plan. Summer uniform M ajor-G eneral’ If General Farnsw orth's sug- order a change in the Summer un- IN Nobody in Oregon is shouting for ah additional tax Farnsw orth. in his annual report ' gestions werG to be carrled out i t . iform of the Annv, (E stab lish ed In 1 8 7 6 ) to the Secretary of W ar today, I would m e a n th e scrapping of uni- ¡on gasoline. Nobody is palpitant over the fancied need recommends th a t some new and forms and cloth th at cost the ' of a motion picture tax or a cigarette tax. But a way to P ub lished Every E ven in g E xcept Sunday by more satisfactory m aterial be sub­ Government millions of dollars, certain public approval is opened to the legislature and THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. stituted for the cotton khaki now so there appears little likelihood .'the governor. That way lies in the reduction of state F razier & S on used in m anufacturing Summer that Secretary Qf W ar Week3 wi„ rf Greer • _Editor e * * lie orge Madden G r e e n . . . . . . ......... Business Manager j governmental costs. A potential means is the revival of uniforms. General F arnsw orth’s senti­ official city paper ..................................................... Telephone 39 the consolidation programme WASHINGTON, Nov. 14. -T he m ents are echoed by every private E ia ered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffic e as Second C lass Mall M atter total num ber of infantry officers in the Army, as well as by officers There will he a lady dem­ MAKE IT OUR DAY Subscription P rice, D elivered in City in th e United States A rm y, on of all ranks in the service; b u t.; Ore Month ..................................................................................................... 5 -65 onstrating Iloodv Peanut Before another November 11 rolls around, let’s get June 31, 1924, was 3,568, of it is pointed out, during the TLree Months .........................................................-............................. I-3 5 Butter in front of our Six Months ............................................................................................ 3.75 rid of this idea that Armistice Day is an exservice man’s whom 3,258 participated in the W orld W ar the United S ta te s ; O re Year ................................................................................................. 7.50 holiday. store het ween 1 and 2 World W ar, according to th e an­ made extrem nly heavy purchases, By Mail and R ural R ou tes o’clock Saturday, Novem­ It is bad, this idea that, we set apart certain days in nual report of Major-General and the Q uarter-m aster depots are O re Month ............................................................................................ 5 .65 1.95 Charles S. Farnsw orth, Chief of filled with thousands of hales of TLree Months ber 15th. I Six Months ....... .................................................................................... 3 50 the year, at which certain few of the community can go Infantry, to the Secretary of W ar,1 uniform s and cloth. 6.59 into some sort of personal ecstaeies, while the rest of us madte public today. for your Sunday Dinner. Ona Year Prime Rih of Beef and She wants all the children kick our heels or go to a baseball or football game. A comparison in the Reserve DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES .30 Single insertion, per inoh ............................................................ I in town to get a sample. other choice meat cuts. We have too much of^A¿mission Day for the Native Corps shows th a t there are now Yearly Contracts 23,245 ready to assume active .27% Sons and Columbus Day for the Knights of Columbus One insertion a week ................................................................... service when called, an increase .25 Two insertions a week ................................................................... Chickens and Rahhits Come one and all. and Christmas for the, Christians and the Fourth of July .20 of 1,435 during the year. Also Dully insertion ................................................................................. for the Daughters of the American Revolution. R a tes for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising during the year 1,965 graduaets F irst Insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 of Citizens' M ilitary Training If these holidays are not for all of us, and do not .05 Kuch subsequent insertion, 8 point lide Camps were appointed second lieu­ appeal to all of us, then let’s abolish them. ’ O» d of Thanks ...........................................................................—- 02% in the Reserve Cofps, or F razier & S on O bituaries, per line As-well compel our banks and stores and public of­ tenants N. Main P h on e 107 given certificates of eligibility. Phone 2 1 4 — 3 5 3 E. Main St. W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING fices to cose on May 5 because certain of our citizens General Farnsw orth said, in his ‘‘All future events, where an admission charge is made or a have Mexican ancestry, and would like a holiday at that report, th a t he had noted a mark-1 collection taken is Advertising. DESERVES No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. time. ed increase in the record of the DONATIONS Better Bread Than Mother Or just as well spot up our calendar with dates for various infantry units he had in­ ITS NAME No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ spected m arksm anship. From op­ Used to Bake all our varied ancestry of racial or other affiliation. ing or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. inions he had gathered from the But to be specific about Armistice Day. heads of camps and schools where can be obtained at the Lithia DISCOURAGED SCHOOL SPIRIT It is not, never was and never should he an Ameri­ m ilitary training was being given, Bakery, as our bread, roils and A few nights ago when the local school students can Legion Day or a Disabled Veterans’ Day or a World he reported, he ascertained th at other products have th a t delic­ there is a continuing and spread­ ious, appetizing flavor th a t makes gathered back of the Lithian hotel site, a ’big bonfire was War Veterans’ Day. • I ing interest in Reserve Officers’ our bakery goods so universally It ’is an anniversary for all of us. tbp scene of a pep meeting which was held for the pur­ Trainng Camps among educators, sought for. pose of arousing a deeper interest in the football team Let’s prepare for it in 1925 in this spirit. as well as an increased interest All of our products are made from was to battle the following day with the Medford Let’s be grateful if some veteran of St. Miliiel bv his among the students themselves. the best m aterials obtainable. Among recommendations Gen­ This was followed by a serpentine march on Main ¡wound stripes reminds us of our duty to the past and eral Farnsw orth makes is the e s-1, •treet, in which the large number of students joined hands our lessons for the future. tablishm ent of a crack com pany of Make it our dav. ftnd in serpentine fashion marched along the street. C Ö F>V R IG H T.A -R »E .C T infantry at W est Point in order to! During the march some impatient automobile driv give practical instruction and ob- The grandmother who used to die when the team servaton to the cadets there. He came along and, instead of waiting a minute or two « » until the students completed their march, the drivers played at home is the gay lady with bobbed hair in the also requested th a t serious con­ sideration be given to the m anu­ arere in “ too big a hurry” for this and interrupted the third row of the bleachers. facture of rifle and machine-gun parade, dispersing the students and breaking up the am m unition. Since the end of FOR march. Personally, we don’t believe the sFory about the the war, lie reported, very little 15c Qt.; 50c Gallon r It is splendid to see the students get out in such large I ben who developed a taste for clay and is now laying am m unition of this class has been m anufactured because of decreas­ fcumbers to arouse more enthusiasm and interest in sports i brick. < ► ed appropriations, and as a total and on the few occasions they do get out to make a demon-! ------------------- ------- 3 Del Monte Tomatoes ..................... ..........$2.00 doz. 152.632,750 rounds of .30' cali­ stration, they should he encouraged, instead of being dis- ( ^et little Willie give out the words of his spelling of Sweet Chocolate Curtis Ripe Olives, pints .............. ............. 20c can bre and 54.652,950 rounds of .45 lesson. Your amusing efforts to sy>ell will make him re­ 20c lb.: 2 lbs. 35c couraged and having their parades broken up. calibre am m unition was needed :: Van Camps Oval S a rd in e s ......... . .3 cans for 50c member the right wav. annually, exclusive of any The few minutes it would have been necessary for : Kipper S n a c k s ................................. .. 3 cans for 20c am ounts required to build up a the autoists to wait until the parade had finished would ¡o Campbell’s Beans ..................... •.. ............. 10c can reserve supply for emergency, the Cocoa ............. 3 lbs. 25c Virtue may be its own reward, hut it doesn’t make not have? been any inconvenience and it would be well to p Van Camps H o m in y ....................... ............. 15c can question was one which dem and­ remember this when the students again want to use the you bullet proof if the dry agent thinks your quart of ed the attention of the W ar De­ vinegar isn’t vinegar., ;; Phone 155 201 Main St. g treet for a “ pep” parade or meeting. partm ent. Sii redditi Cocoanut The American doughboy, a sar­ »___ - ............ T___ Special 25c lb . torial sight to behold in the Sum­ The world progresses Once ,mud was 'used to make EVIDENCES OF PROHIBITION BENEFITS mer time, is to become more of a Evidences of the success of prohibition in the United houses. Now it is used as a political argument. fashion-plate among the m artial States is rapidly multiplying. In 1923 mutual saving men of the world. Salem— Liquidation of farm Recognizing, w hat o rd in a ry , H. A. Stearns I anks opened about 500,000 new accounts and reported a 61 N. Main loans feature the state banking' civilians have long contended, i et gain of more than $500,000,(XX) in deposits. During situation, according to field sec-1 th a t the American soldier looks •¡he same period building and loan associations added retary of State B ankers' Associa, slouchy, sloppy and totally un­ 3.early $600,000,000 to their assets and showed a growth tion. prepossessing in his ill-fitting A b H L A N D D A IL Y n i 1 1 U 1 b FI Fine Grain-Fed Lamb SUPERIOR Eagle Market Bread The Franklin Bakery that team. Phone 199 Lithia Bakery ers Barrel of Fresh SCHUERMAN’S SPECIALS KRAUT S a tu rd a y i *-♦ Plaza Market FARM S E C O WILL BE KEPT INVIOLATE! Food Value of Wheat Flour Always Retained—if you use «.f 838,736 in their membership. At the close of the year CHICAGO, Nov. 12.— Inquiries •¡here were 10,800,000 accounts in mutual savings hanks regarding the special agricultural s nd 7,202.880 members of building and loan associations. census which will be taken as of ’The valuations of real estate have increased more tliaji Jan u ary 1, 1925, have been pour­ into the office of the director L.0 per cent. In New York city the assessed valuation of ing of the Sears, Roebuck A gricul­ .v50 properties formerly occupied by saloons, lias increas­ tu ral Foundation from farm ers ed 62 per cent. This real estate valuation increase means who are wondering w hether or several billion of dollars in added wealth to the nation. ! not complete replies to the enum ­ erators will be to th eir own best Such gains in a year or two forcibly impress* a high­ interests. These farm ers fear th a t ly significant lesson concerning the purposes to which the if they value th eir land or their workingman’s dollar is now being devotoed. It cannot live stock a t full w orth this in­ I e attributed to higher wages because the cost of living, form ation will be used to their »is shown by the purchasing power of the dollar, does not disadvantage by the assessor. On every question sheet the warrant such a saving. Government prints the promise: MORE MARRIAGES AND MORE DIVORCES There were more marriages in the United States in 3923 than there were in 1922, and there also were more divorces, more in number and an increased percentage. The Department of Commerce announces that, ac­ cording to returns received, there were in the United States, for -the calendar year 1923, 1,223,825 marriages performed and 165,139 divorces granted. For the calen­ dar year 1922, 1,123,045 marriages and 148,815 divorces were reported. The increase in marriages for 1923, with one county jacking, over the number reported for 1922 is 94,780, or 8.4 per cent. Nebraska is the only state in which there was r. marked decrease in 1923. The divorces reported for 1923, with three counties lacking, show an increase of 16,324, or 11 per cent, over i he number reported for 1922 . In Kansas there were 20,876 marriages in 1923, and 19,705 in 1922, an increase of 1171. There were 3720 di- \orces in 1923 and 3439 in 1922, an increase of 281. The gain in per cent o f divorces in Kansas was small. A W AY TO PUBLIC APPROVAL ' The inform ation reported on this schedule will be treated as stric t­ ly confidential under all circum ­ stances, and it will not be used as a basis of taxation or com­ m unicated to any assessor. The in stitu te officials have ad­ vised the farm ers to make a full inform ative report, as they state it is very im portant for the full success of this farm census th at correct figures be given. The institute points out th a t this will be the ficst time th a t a farm census other than the usual decennial census has been taken. Shifts in farm population, land values and values and other fac­ tors have taken place so rapidly during the past few years that the census of 1920 is now out of date. s NOTICE O F DISTRICT M EETINGS 4tli Street Market The choicest cuts of all kinds of meats. Also oui Season tickets for the Ashland Celebrity Course own make weiners and bo­ are oil sale at the following places: McNairs, East logna. We would suggest Side Pharmacy,’ Bolton’s, Elhart’s, East Side you place your orders for Grocery, Lane’s Store, Citizen’s, First National . B turkey, ducks and geese for Thanksgiving. • and . State Banks and the Public Library. * The prices of season tickets are: Adults season tickets...........................$2.50 High School season tickets.............. 1.50 Children’s season tickets.................. 1.25 Four High Class Attractions! Buy a Season Ticket and Give Yourself a Real Treat. THE WORLD'S G R E A T E S T BAKING POWDER F o r o v e r a th ird o f a c e n tu r y it has m a d e g o o d in e v e r y k n o w n te st SALES a1/ . TIMES THOSE OF ANT OTHER BRAND 4th STREET MARKET Phone 37 uiìlIHlH k? a IfsJ W'"" 'NR, Today and Tomorrow Unless we mistake greatly the public temper, there ••.nil be no enthusiasm in Oregon at any efforts by the coming legislature to devise new taxes. If the legisla­ ture will concern itself with efforts to cut the expenses of state government it will find public approval. One plain and certain measure to that end would he the consolidation of over-lapping state boards and bu­ reaus and the elimination of superfluous ones. When Ben AV. Olcott was governor he appointed a commission to make a study of this subject. The commission reported a plan and alternatives of detail to the legislature. Mean­ while Governor Olcott had been succeeded by Governor Pierce. The new governor seemed to have no definite idea as to what consolidations should be made or how, The combination of such stars as LLOYD HAMIL­ although he had been a member of the Olcott commission Ilmprovement of the roads In said lie gave the legislature nothing definite on which to work. r X s e ^ h ^ l r ° L 7 p r ° X TON and BEN ALEXANDER could result in nothing but i good picture and lots of laughs. ALSO hree separate on the general subject of eonsolida- to come before said meetings, lion were presented hut none of them got anywhere. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregron, ‘Jamestown” ' here was a deal of thrashing around over the subject this 5th day of November, 1924. A Chronicle of America made bv Yale University G. A. GARDNER, 1 ut the resiilts of it all were nil. County Judge. The coming legislature will have an opportunity to VICTOR BRUSSEL, i adeem this record. The Olcott commission report is still County Commissioner. Monday Nov. 24, Starts Orpheuni Jr. GEO. ALFORD. i omewhere in the archives. If it be brought out and used County Commissioner. Vaudeville Seat Sale Opens Tuesday us a basis there ought not to be great difficulty or great 58— 2 Frl. hills We sell $5.00 coupon books for $4.75 CAUJMHET Friday, Nov. 21st is the F irst Entertainm ent ROAD Road D istrict Number 2, Jack- son County, Oregon. Notice is hereby given th a t in pursuance of a petition duly and legally signed by more than three free holders and legal voters re­ siding in Road D istrict Number 2, Jackson County, Oregon, and duly and legally presented to the County C ourt of Jackaoh Coun­ ty, Oregon, a d istrict road meet- ing of the legal voters of said dis- trict num ber 2 will be held at the County Poor Farm In said D istrict, in Jackson County, Ore. gon on the 25th day of November, 1924, at the hour of 2:00 o’clock P. M. on said day for the purpose of levying a special road tax not to exceed 10 mills on the dollar on all taxable property, w ithin said road D istrict for the special »♦♦♦»» 31 Stores 20,hCenluryGrocery 31 Stores Kill th at tax the ordinary grocer is forced to exact for rendering credit and de livery service. Chop off from seven to ten per cent of your grocery bill—Buy the 20th Century Way—Pay yourself for th is service. Offerings Saturday and Moi day, Nov. 15tli and 17th, 1924 T homson Seedless Raisins 3 pounds . . . . “ **** Swansdown Cake Fl<7 1' - package ....... 34c Ivory Soap( regular 10c size 5 bars ........... OQp fcWU Pineapple, standard whole slices, large cans, each - - - - 29c (one can free with a dozen) Pure Lard, Criseo 3 ih. can . .T....... ■ lmlk’ 3 pounds .... 65c Adirondack Cane and Maple syrup full qts............ CCp WVV Walnuts, Grovers fancy Budded Franquettes, pound - - 40c Pancake flour, Olympic or Flapjack large pkg. 25c, Olympic No. 10 sack. . New Peels, finest quality, Citron 60c lb. orange,lemon 35c lb. P. & G. White Naptha Soap 10 bars 39c IL O. Oats package . 15c Almonds, fancy soft shell pound . . : . . . . Vim, best patent flour* Less than wholesale, 49 lb. sack $2.09 20th Century Coffee, “ The Perfect Blend” The quality is far above the price. Roasted daily in our own plant, p o u n d ......................................................................45c Southern Oregon Convenient Locations A SH LA N D ’ 374 E. Main St. MEDFORD 31 N. Central Ave GRANTS PASS 509 G. St.