ASHLAND - CLIMATE W ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In te rn a tio n a l VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND HAS VERY LOW FIRE LOSS FOR YEAR Insurance Rates Likely to be Reduced if Record Is Continued PER CAPITA 82 CENTS l^ ’partm ent Made I’p o f Three R egulars and Ten V olunteers. M aintains Ixow I x » sn * FE W E R RURAL CHURCHES SHORT SERM ONS URGED COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 14— Few er ru ral churches, shorter sermons and greater coopera­ tion between various denom­ inations is the aim of the American Country Life asso­ ciation, which closed its an­ nual conference here last night. The executive committee will meet in January to select a convention city for 1925. Den­ ver, Colorado, or Richmond Virginia, will probably be chosen, officials said. MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at AshlancL .Pure domestic water helps. News W ire Service) ASHLANB, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1924 POLICE SEEKING YOUNG WOMAN IN KATZ CASE LATEST PHOTOGRAPH OF GENERAL AND a. MRS. DAWES. NO. (»4 JERSEY CITY IS SCENE OF BIG FACTORY FIR E Dorothy Carroll Disappears After Telling Authorities of Threatening Industrial Section in Danger of Being Wiped Out by . "Great Blaze HER HUSBAND IS HELD BUILDINGS B L A S T a E D W om an A dm its B ein g “ Last S w eeth ea rt” o f Dead Broker, (iu n in H usband’s Room E n tire B lock s o f F actories Are Burned. Looters Ai\> Busy Ra d in g D eserted H om es GERBER DAM WILL BE COMPLETED BY DECEMBER FIRST BOY M ISSIN G FOUL PLA Y IS FEAR OF FATHER WORLD CONDITIONS ARE BETTER THAN IN 1914 NEW YORK, Nov. 14— Gen­ eral world conditions are more favorable than a t any time since 1914, Myron T. Herrick, am bassador to France, said today before sailing for Paris to resume his post after a va­ cation on his farm near Cleve­ land. “ The new world and the old are reflecting a spirit of confi­ dence and hope,” he said. “ It is the first tim e for a great many years th a t I have gone abroad in a happy mood.” Motorcycle Found in Ditch. Near This City by Pass- mg Motorist FATHER ON WAY HERE L on A ngeles Youth M ysteriously Drops from Sight Here. A u­ th orities Searching Ashland has a splendid chance LOS ANGELES, Nov. 14. - JERSEY CITY, Nov. 14.— The pearing foul play for his son, of having the lowest per capita Efforts by the police to solve the e n tire fire fighting departm ent ! who disappeared In this vicinity fire loss in the state or Oregon, m ysterious m urder of H arry Katz, of this city continued this a fte r­ several days ago, a Los Angeles according to inform ation given m aster musician and diamond noon to fight with desperation rnan this morning phoned Chief out this morning by Clint Baugh­ broker of this city, who was shot in an effort to check the con­ of Police George McNabb that he man, fire chief. W ith a figure in his apartm ent here on Mon­ flagration which is now th re a t­ would arrive in Ashland tonight far under the lowest loss of any day night, were fu rth er blocked ening to wipe out the downtown or tomorrow to help investigate incorporated city in the state, ac­ today when the police failed to industrial district here, with its ______ the conditions of his son's sud­ cording to figures compiled for G overnm ent Man Says W eather locate the w hereabouts of Dorothy immense m anufacturing plants Pl.ot^ ts A(pdnst ofrtclal Are den drop from sight. 1923, Ashland will but have to C arroll, beautiful young blonde C onditions Ideal for W ork and warehouses. j,al(1 B efore E xecu tive W hile The boy. whose name could not m aintain this average to establish woman, who was the self adm it­ on Project The damage already sustained n .leU(ls Rallv ,o be learned, was riding a motor­ a splendid record. ted, “ last aw eetheart’% f the slain it i3 estim ated, will run far Into cycle through from Ixos Angeles. In 1923, the per capita fire KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 14— man. the millions of dollars. Hundreds His father kept in touch witb SALEM, Nov^ 14. — Requests loss for the state, according to the W ith 90 per cent of the concrete Mrs. Carroll has been missing of workmen, employed In the for the removal of Richard W. him until he arrived in Ashland, figures compiled in the office of placed and with w eather coudi- for three days, following her plants in this section, who had no further Price, member of the state game and then received the State Fire Marshall, was tions favorable to date, indica­ story to the police of having been homes in the immediate vicinity word from him. commission, W'ere taken to Gov­ slightly over twelve dollars. This tions point to completion of the threatened by a “ k iller“ acting are homeless, the fire wiping out The news first reached locirt ernor Pierce Tuesday and pre­ GENT % 3ÆR# CKA'B-VE 9 G A V E # D A W K loss was boosted by a num ber of Gerber dam, a governm ent pro­ for a Los Angeles business man entire blocks of homes along with ■ IU. ....... - , i n ------------------------------ authorities Sunday when a Med­ sented at an inform al conference the sm aller cities, where inade­ ject 20 miles east of Bonanza, by " ° m 8 e cba r&ed as being re- the industrial plants. Most of ford m otorist, whose car was in Portland. quate fire departm ents were December 1, is the prediction sp° " S e for m urder of the these families are virtually penni­ damaged, stopped at the side of 'Governor Pierce indicated after This Is the latest photograph of Vice-President-elect and Mrs. Chai m aintained, and in some of the yesterday of E. C. Coppen, con­ dead man. less, their entire savings having Gates Dawes, taken on the lawn of their «state at Evanston, ill., aftv» the conversation in which the pro­ the road about nine miles south The police also held Chase Car- larger cities, where fire losses are nected with the engineering de been lost In th e conflagration. he ilectioo. roll, husband of the missing wo­ usually proportionately larger partm ent of the local bureau of Five great factories, two of tests were presented th at he would of Ashland to make necessary re­ man, who adm itted to them th at than in small cities with efficient reclam ation. them the largest of their kind in take no action. He adm itted that pairs to enable him to reach Med­ he had shot and seriously wound­ departm ents. the world, and several immense Mr. Price's activities as game com­ ford. He walked to the side of W. D. Miller, contractor, has a motor- ed a man named Hughes a t Bak­ . _ _______ The per capita loss for Ash­ hauled the last of the cement, warehouses have been ravaged missioner had been discussed, but the roadway, and found Fear has been ex- lie declared th a t nothing had been! cYcIe with the California license ersfield,, after discovering Hughes by flames. land during 1923. was 32.88. sand and gravel, necessary to In company with Mrs. Carroll on thus far presented which would num ber 2-394 lying in a ditch, This m ark, almost ten dollars m anufacture the concrete and is pressed by officials of the fire w hat he described as a ‘ wild He immediately notified Chief departm ent th a t the immense lead him to ask a resignation. lower than the state loss for the now bending every effort to com party.” This shooting occurred of Police McNabb, and McNabb Friends of Mr. Price defended plant of Colgate a n d ’ Company, year, was a splendid record, but plete the project before the win­ several months ago, and Hughes him in the face of the opposing and State Traffic Officer J. J occupying two square blocks, this year the loss has thus far te r snow flies in earnest. When refused to appear against Carroll, might be destroyed, since it criticism, according to the govern- McMahon went to the. scene and been still further reduced. the huge stru ctu re is complete, Including all fires up to No­ 12,000 cubic yards of concrete claiming the shooting had been Road W ork in C alifornia R ated ( G overnor P ierce, Senators M cN ary' is in direct line with the course or. He said th at he had discussed recovered the cycle. McNabb then accidental. of the flames, which are as yet un-1 the protests with other members wrote the sheriff’s office in Sac­ vember 1, of this year, the per will have been placed. a s Part o f G reatest C onstruc­ and Stanfield and Several The police clairft K atz had been checked. determ ine I of the — „ game several ---- commission, -------- — M . ramento. in order - to --- - capita loss in Ashland was but tion Job o f E n tire State O thers Are U nder Fire C ontractors excavating t h e .shot with a 32 autom atic and a Looters are reported as being : of whom were present when the. the ownership of the cycle, eighty-two cents per capita, over north canal and1 the lateral sys­ gun of th a t description was found active in the deserted homes, go-1 criticism s were made. He mcn-| 1 he father of the missing hoy two dollars per capita lower than tem by which w ater from the YREKA, Nov. 14. Probab- PORTLAND, Nov. Ï4. — From ing into these places before the 1 tioned the name of William T. Leej waa notified by the Sacramento in C arroll’s room. Carroll read­ the loss during 1923. canal will be distributed through­ ily adm itted ow nership of the ly no piece of construction in authoritive sources it was learn flames reach them, and removing — as being among — «— of Klam ath - — Falls authorities, and ■ - lie itnmediatqly No fires have been reported in out the Langell division, will be weapon, but claims it has not been the state of California outranks] ed today th at the s ta te legisla- anything of value which they are those who had taken the m atter went to Sacramento, where he the city since November 1, thus through by Christm as, Mr. Cop- out of his rooju for several in im portance the w’ork th a t was] ture will investigate the liquor verified the ownership of the ma­ leaving but a month and a half pen said, unless ilnforseen ob­ months, and That he only kept It done last sum m er on the Pacific activities of Governor Pierce, W. able to carry away. The police up with him. force,, most of which has been chine. This morning, he notified “ I have been asked to take a in which to m aintain this record. stacles such as w eather intervene. there for protection. Hughes was highway north of Redding. Not Herwig, Superintendent df the stationed at the scene of the fire . band in the m atter several times McNabb of hts intentions of This m ark was sent here this The upper -eight miles of the shot in Bakersfield w ith a 32 only is this construction of in­ Anti-Saloon League of Oregon, has been instructed to “ shoot to ! since a resolution was adopted by coming to Ashland in order to aid year, in spite of the fact th at the north canal, which is being ex­ calibre autom atic and it is alleged terest and benefit to the whole and State Prohibition Agent Cle-j k ill” any of these looters caught sportsm en in the W illam ette val­ in the search for his son. ' w ater pressure w a s' the lowest cavated by governm ent forces, by the police th a t this is the same state of California but to the na­ aver. in the act. „ ____ _________ _ ___ . The motorcycle was not dam- ley against Mr. Price,” said ___ Gov ever recorded here. The dryest will be completed on or before gun as was used in th a t shooting. tion as well a3 the Pacific high­ The inform ation is a t hand Dynamiting buildings, in the ernor Pierce. “ Nevertheless, I have aged> tlnis doing away with any way is recognized as the greatest th a t the Anti-Saloon League em­ year on record made it almost May 1. course of the flames was started nothing "to say. 1 theory that the youth wa3 in ju r­ international highway in the ployed detectives W einberg and impossible to keep the pressure early this afternoon. Several C ontract for the construction MRS. HARDING IS ed iu the rmasliup and picked up world, connecting Canada with a , a. Im m ediate cause for the action Hugo, who aided by state funds, up to an adequate m ark. of turnouts, checks and flumes on blasts were unsuccessful, the • . _ . REPOSTED BETTER Mexico across the breath of the endeavored to trap Federal Pro­ .. ! against Mr. Price was said to by a passing motorist. According to Baughm an, th^e the east side lateral system of the flames jum ping the gaps th u s ,. , , . Oregon authorities have been United States. It also is the most hibition Agent3 in wrong doing, , , , . , . , . ' have been his charge a t a sports- largest fire of the year was the north canal has been recently let form ed, but the work is to be con-i , „ MARION, Ohio, Nov. 14, — international and to investigate the personal tinued meu 8 meeting in Eugene a month notified by McNabb, to endeavor conflagration which destroyed to Jam es Brockway for 33980. Mrs. W arren H arding, who has nearly completed conduct of Senators McNary, Stan­ ' __________________ , ago th a t Captain A. E. Burghduff, to locate the missing boy. This the Putnam B rothers establish­ Mr. Brockway must have the job been seriously ill for the. past highway. The construction work this year field and Collector of Customs ■ state game warden, and M. L. will be a difficult thing to ac­ ment on Holly street in July. This completed by June 30. several days, suffered a bad heart FORMER ASHLAND GIRL; ,tyckmao. 8tate hatchary , uper. complish. since the boy’s name has consisted of th ree main con-. M cFarland, and Prohibition tyrec- fire, the only total loss sustained Before next spring, contracts spell last night, but was b etter tracts.’ The Reddlng-Bayha unit, ’ to r Linnville. lacking, but IS BURIED IN CALIF, lutendent, were responsible for the and description are - --------— — during the year, caused destruc­ will be let for Installing of cul­ today. She is still weak, and the Bayha - Halfway creek unit J The work has been going on for The funeral services of the be- 1038 of 7,000,000 eggs at the Dla- there ,s a Possibility of his being tion am ounting to >2500. The verts, bridges and turnouts on the takes but little nourishm ent, ac­ __ a Lake _ . u t . . hatchery . > in . the f/klin/l nv>i rati’Ft .-two along x the V. _ high­ and the Shasta river-Oregon lin e ; over a year, according to the in­ loved daughter of Mrs. B. M. Sher-j i — found u somewhere mond tro next largest fire caused a loss of north canal and lateral system, cording to h er physicians. unit. The first contract provid-! form ation, and the members of man, Maude ( “ Peggy” ) May Rus- summer. way by police officials. 3800. This was the fire which Mr. Coppen said. • i — ed for ten miles of twenty-foot the investigating committee have The charge was aired at a destroyed the Green home on sill, were held from the Borland A nother step toward the com­ EVANGALIST WILL concrete paving and the other i definite proof of the actions of the C hapel, , a T , u esd « j „ Eighth street, during May. ay a fte rn o o n , a t 2 meeting of the state game com- a I a I (nA no pletion of the entire Langell val­ SPEAK IN ASHLAND two io« for « a I total of + twenty-five ( men who will be Investigated, ac m., Rev. J. Miller Ice, Pastor mission in P ortland Monday and Chief Baughman has made ap­ ley project was taken Saturday miles of grading and surfacing, , cording to the source from which plication for a lower insurance of the F irst Christian church, o f-!a ^ter 8ome discussion A protest against the establish­ and is reputed as being a fpree-j paving ten miles of road from from M ilton-Freewater, Oregon, of Mann, Mingus Aitken and Ted perts in fish work, have agreed the contract. to study the facts of the Diamond ment of acreage in the Lower ful, em phatic speaker, who knows ju st north of Redding to Bayha. Df. G. D. Newson, the K lam atlr Menzel. lake loss and to fix responsibility. Klam ath lake basin for a bird re­ Present at the funeral were her his subject. This construction was in pro­ county health unit, recently es-j MAN FOUND DEAD It has been charged th a t Mr. serve has been received by the father, F. E. Russil, of Ashland, In his sermons, W illis will take gress all sum m er and necessitat­ tablished, now has a definite head! COLUMBUS, Ohio. Nov. 14 — The who will devote his full time to! Ore., Lois Russill, of Pasadena, Bi'ice had hampered the efficiency Klam ath Sportsm en’s association Maid3 at the local .Y. M. C. A. up the work of answ ering the ed an annoying detour. Theodore of the game, departm ent and that from the Klamath Drainage dtis- today found Jacques W ard, 23, of members of a movement, who, contract has been completed this the betterm ent of health condi­ Calif., her brother, The communication out­ Russill, of Ashland, Ore., Ellis B. his criticism, made at a large pub­ trict. Dr.' Granger, W ashington, a resident W illis claims, deny, the “ Efficacy fall and traffic now is traveling tions in K lam ath county. lines In sketch the stand of the lic meeting, had been evident of __ _______ — over the ten miles of twenty-foot Newson, was accompanied by Dr. Russill and family of San Jose,. of the building, dead on the floor of the Blood.” Drainage district on the proposed H. S. Capps, connected with th e' and her cousin Annie Fitzgerald, I m isunderstanding in the commis- The sermons are open to the cement concrete. of his room. Death was either government move to recreate low­ Commencing where this con­ state health departm ent, who will of Stockton.— W atsonville Para-! 9*on- from n atu ral eauses or from an public and all interested are in­ er K lam ath lake as a bird reserve. jaronian. The entire history of the arg u ­ tract leaves off the Nevada Con­ assist him in getting established MEDFORD, Nov. 14— A young overdose of medicine, physicians vited to attend. The local sportsm en’s associa­ ment has been reviewed, includ­ tracting Company has a contract in the county health unit head­ man with a new light colored ov­ said. tion has been sponsoring the es­ ing the action of th e commission for grading and surfacing another q u arters in the court house. ercoat tied in a bundle, and w ear­ at the meeting Monday. It has tablishm ent of a bird reserve on ten mile3 of road to Halfway ing a good brown overcoat, ap­ GIRL GETS $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 creek. This contract will am ount been further charged, according to the lower lake for three years. It FO R BROKEN H EART parently homeless, was taken into IJT H IA CAFE TO OPEN AT to abont $572,000 and is 80 per reports, th a t Mr; Price’s interest has held th at there were certain custody near the public m arket 15 F IR S T ST R EE T TOMORROW cent completed.. The contractor in concessions at C rater Lake had lands in the affected section th a t a t 2 o'clock Thursday morning by PORTLAND, Nov. 14. Har- is expected to be through before made him unsuitable for the posi­ are unproductive and could he Patrolm an Sunderm an, who took riet Neff> who sued D r- Raymond L. A. Nickerson and Ed Covol- flooded over w ithout loss to the the first of the year. tion on the commission. W atters, Portland chiropractor him to the police station in ac­ This work, although coming ing have completed, refurnished rural element. Its recommenda­ for $50,000 h eart balm and cordance with the local police pol­ and renovated the building a t 15 under th e classification of recon­ tion is to flood over the unpro­ icy of at night putting all home­ breach of promise, was awarded F irst street and tomorrow eve­ WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.— The struction, is some of the most ductive lands and protect the ad­ $15,000 by a ju ry in the circuit] less or penniless men in the city A jury in the circuit court] spectacular and interesting on thè ning will open the L ithia Cafe! D istrict of Columbia Supreme jacent fertile lands by dikes. court here today prison, ra th e r than have them at hearing the civil suit of Charles state system. .The old road was and Chop Suey P arlo r which will Court today dismissed the s u i t ' large about the city. Morris against J. G. W alker, both reasonably good for a m oderate specialize in chop sueys and brought by William Shearer of FASCISTI IN ITALY The night was cold and hence of . Ashland, to decide the owner­ traffic but abounded in sharp noodles, as well as staple grocery! New York, who asked for an or- FACE BAD OUTBREAK the locked city prison cells were ship of a sorrel mare, aged six curve3. W ith the increase of foods. They will conduct a res-] der restraining Secretary of the KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 14— all filled with w anderers for .. , . t ’ : t nw n n w u , years, returned a verdict W ednes­ traffic to 1000 cars per day the ta u ra n t which will have the home Navy W ilbur from destroying the T h isto ric old b a tti« .!,.,,. W . . b l n , - 8,>“ e * * '‘O ™ " « * . L °.ND° N’ NOV- “ night lodging,” so Patrolm an day afternoon in favor of the de­ old road 'became not only inade­ atm osphere. Both are experienc-' historic old battleship, W ashing- , , been condemned, , , »0 , years, Mrs. H enrietta Melhase, der the direct control of Mussolini Sunderm an after taking the pack­ ton, which . has fendant. The value of the quate but dangerous due to the od restau ran t men. prem ier-dictator for the past year j . the W «T ashington 1 • x Arms » age from the young man left him under con­ Klam ath pioneer, who was sev- equine was fixed a t $150, but ac­ many curves and narrowness. rence n naval av ai u e a iy , erely burned when a can of gaso and a Is trem bling on the in the corridor, while he went out YREKA, Cal., Nov. 14— Joe cording to A ttorney Newman of ference W ilbur asked treaty. for the dismissal, line exPloded a * her home Wed-j very verge of a wide-spread anti- again to make his rounds. Pappas, suspected of making the defense, three tim es th a t sum CONDITION OF JOHN dem onstration, dispatches When the officer returned the moonshine whiskey was captured i will be expended in legal chan- MEXICAN CABINET . jGRUELLE REPORTED saying th a t he was merely c a rry -i nesday’ was î®P°rted a8 resting Facisti from Rome, received here today, t,lis mom ing. She is ex­ corridor was empty, the man who last night in his m ountain home nels, to find out who is entitled MUST CHECK GUNS AS BEING NO BETTER ing out the will of Congress in easily indicate. ordering the ship to be scrapped, pected to recover. later proved to be an overcoat near here after a pistol battle to buy the oats, The caused uyi by; accepted the **»c explosion was vauocu Fascist! deputy was shot MEXICO CITY, Mexico, Nov. The condition of Johnny Gru- since th a t body had accepted the thief having pulled back th e catch witb constables from,. Siskiyou The controversy embodies the term s of the arm s conference, and static electricity as Mrs. Melhase down in Castellam ere yesterday, 14. — All members of the next elle, well knovyi Ashland resident, lock of the outside door and dis­ county and Indian agents from following facts. „ --------- j ----------- and a serious situation existed at Mexican Cham ber of Deputies will is-still very serious, according to these term s specified th at the was cleaning a woolen dress in appeared. K lam ath Falls. Ore. H e” was Morris alleged th a t he loaned i kitchen of her home. Melvin Mesgao, where ex-service men are Then the officer went into the charged at MacDoel, Cal., today the m are to W alker, and' has not be asked to check their firearm s advices from his bedside a t a lo­ W ashington be destroyed. at the door of the cabinet cham­ cal sanitarium . Gruelle underw ent S hearer’s attorneys, immediate-! Smith, a youth and Firem an A. O. actively working against the Fas- police headquarters office and un­ with intent to commit m urder. been able to get her back. ber. President elect Calles in­ an operation for the removal of ly after the decision, filed an ap- Dunn tore through a screen door clsti. rolled the package he had pre­ Pappas said th a t when the of­ W alker claimed th a t he bor­ dicated this edict to be one of the his appendix several days ago, Prem ier Mussolini is alarm ed, peal with the Columbia Court of and dragged her to safety from viously taken from the prisoner, ficers appeared he thought they rowed the horse, and th a t W alk- and was recovering nicely until first acts after taking office. The according to the dispatches, but Appeals, and they state th a t If the flame-enveloped kitchen. disclosing a new white or cre am 'w ere robbers ¡Mid opened fire up- e r’s sister-in-law owed him a move will be made in order to complications set in. Although It was explained that the moving they get an adverse decision at --------------------------- colored overcoat, which had un-j on them. W hen his wife fainted, claim, and th at it was agreed th a t atop shootings which have occur- th ere is little danger of his death, th at tribunal, they intend to carry, P ortland— Park rose w ater dis. of w arships to San Rena was not doubtedly been stolen from some he surrendered. He denied he e w a s tt) take the m are in lie u |r e d frOm tim e to time during the his physicians are worried over the suit to the United States S u -, trict asks for bids for 500,000 In anticipation of fu rth er com­ one. had sold liquor. of the claim. meetings of the deputies. his failure to rally. preme Courts gallon steel w ater tank. m unist outbreaks. PRICE IS ÏD STAY ' N GAME COMMISSION ; e I I ,... I 10 BE QUERIED IN NEARLY COMPLETED LIQUOR ACTMIIES t PROTEST IS FILED II K. LAKE T WITH COAT BOY ESCAPES FROM TO O SEÏÏLE OWNERSHIP E MOONSHINER AFTER PISTOL FIGHT k V l 111Q V/ X CX I i l l O 1 .C /U I V I V U W ) U llll