t'A ÎÎÈ EÖÜtt kt A shland daily tjd I nöö * Thursday, Novem ber 13, 1924 To O akland— is based! visible in these machines, but the The method of starting was u n -| Two thousands bales of Oregon Miss Mabie Allison of the De “ That the Federal Government ! planes are thu3 named because usual. Elastic cords having been hops sold f pot Hotel staff spent la3t wfeek- for export to Great encourage and assist the States ♦ their method of moving is very attached to a hook at the prow, B ritain. end with friends in Oakland, Cal to m aintain adequate systems of much the same as th a t of a sail­ a num ber of young men caught ♦ public employment offices and to A D ally C hronicle o f th ose w h o com e and go, and even ts of boat. They m ust proceed in a the cord-ends and ran ahead. Here W ednesday— coordinate these into an effective local in terest ■ i z'£ za-g m anner like a boat tacking, while the machine was held at B. S. Allen, form er night m an-1 nation-wide service. WASHINGTON. Nov. 12.Radio tak in & advantage of currents of the back by another company of ager of the Depot Hotel and now “ That the States adm inister and antennas are not a menace to a ir’ Preferably contrary, in order youths . When the pilot gave the SAY IT WITH FLOW ERS with the car service on the Marsh-! support th eir own employment of-! Leave Ashland— property during thunder storms. to advance. word to let go, the men at the AND SAY IT WITH OURS. _ , i field branch of the Southern Pa- fices, subject to the term s o f ‘! A shland L odge No. 23 and m Mrs. i a Mr. v *« . auu is. W vv L. Jam p s of i This statem ent is made on the The trials of the Italian planes! l,ac^ loosed their hold, and those agreem ent with the Federal Gov- ' -rr ‘ cific was in Ashland W ednesday A. F . & A, M. | authority of the United States are specially interesting, as th eir, in front gave a final pull and 1/1 Van Ness avenue left Tues-' . . em in en t; and th a t the local gov o ,, . ! renewing acquaintances. Bureau of Standards, the Govern- two machines a r e 't h e result of threw themselves on the ground' Everything in the Greenhouse Special communication, T h u rs-' *or ^an Fran ciseo where they| ________________ em inent participate in the man-1 m ent’s scientific research labora- the studies and the actual con- at the sides of the machine. Ltne day evening, Nov. 13. Routine Wil1 sPend several days. agement of the offices in th e ir ' t structive work of ninteen students! The planes rose, and although business and work in the Second I ---------- communities through representa-j “ Radio Ili-Class Designing aerials cannot be re- of the University of Padua, who! they remained in the air but a l.egree. Light refreshm ents a fte r,' CUff Payne makes typew riter tion on th eir local Em ploym ent' gar(je5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo On Ju ry Duty— (vele) are not Ralph Billings of this city is omic structures, faces the problem Federal or a Federal-State-local t f course. 24-tf novelties that we have never shown before. For Outdoor Sports. L---- in Medford and Jacksonville on of caring for nearly 2,000,000 employment service, it is com­ Ivory goods in sets and separate pieces, leather Hoody Peanut B utter company ju ry duty. refugees of Grecian nationality. monly conceded th a t the form er is TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY A great variety ofe p a t­ v ant all little boys and girls of ______ ! To make room for these she has not at present feasible; and with tablet sets, sterling novelties, etc. WANTED— Young man wants terns, weaves and prices, Ashland to come out in front of Order your Thanksgiving suit been forced to clear Thrace and this we are in agreem ent. To 54-tf Macedonia of alien population and think th a t Congress, either now or work on ranch, 4 80 C hestnut St. and priced within reason. F ra z ie r’s store Saturday from 1 to at Paulseruds. 63— 2* ---------- j is settling h er Asiatic nationals in the im m ediate future, would 4 p. m.— Get peanut butter free, 1 appropriate >10,000,000 for • an Cherry Bark Cough R em edy.1 those regions. The expulsions Join Hoody's booster club and WOOD SAWING 25c. McNair Bros. to make room for refugees have employment service, an am ount t ?t a button free. WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel. ---------- merely resulted in the creation of estim ated as necessary to provide an adequate basis, is an idle 470-J. Here Today— more refugees and created ill -63— lino* I or Sacram ento— T he M en’s Store dream. Expediency demands By th e P o sto ffic e Tim Burke of the Stubbs Elec- feeling, Mrs. O. W. Long of 468 East Yi'A NTED— Experienced book­ Dulgar nationals in Thrace and combined Federal-State-local ad­ Main street left last evening for trie Company was in Ashland to-! keeper, address Box XZ care Tid-i m inistration. We m ust begin with i icram ento where she will visit day from Portland. He left this Macedonia protest th a t they are ings. 63— 3* w hat we have.” l • iends and relatives for a few afternoon for K lam ath where he being driven from th eir homes by will spend some time duck hunt­ the Greeks in a high-minded m an­ days. FOR SALE, right quick, th re e in g .. ner and charge th a t they are be­ O FIFCIALS NOT W O RRIED days only— A good Ford touring ing deprived of their crops and Tamalea, best in the city, “ The O VER STATE FINANCE car -with shock absorbers. 3 good th eir cattle. Save >10.00, walk upstairs to Rose”. 60— tf tires, 1 fair tire, mud chains and Orres tailor shop. 17__tf ! B ulgaria has a Grecian popula­ (Continued from page 1) other extras, rig h t now >65.00, tion of about 50,000, but the B ul­ You will save by having your be heavg diversions to the general Keene, 271 Morton St., A sh-(, garian Government doesn’t see fit t o rtrait made during November. From Iloiiibi-ook— land. 63— 2*> state fund of moneys appropriat­ Mr. Baker of the firm of Dunn to retaliate. Darling Studio. 60— tf Meanwhile, the peoples of the ed by the last legislature but now and B aker of Hornbrook was in WATCHES and clocks repaired l>tHTM Home— Ashland with his family today on Lea6ue of Nations, because it has unused. reasonable. Money returned if not ! Among these diversions will be! satisfied, M. A. Lassau. 217 N. I failed to act in the face of re- H arry Silver of the N atural business. ______ j peated appeals. H atred for the approxim ately $50,000 by the Main, near Methodist church. 'a rb o n ic Company returned home j T urks grows apace and across the Oregon state hospital; between lis t night from a w eek’s trip to In Town— k 1- i 63- Portland. E thel M. Braenkow of Tacoma' borders of the Roy Balkan coun- $40,000 and $50,000 by the east-' __ __________ ern Oregon state hospital; nearly) FOR SALE— 3 feather beds, is in Ashland for a few days on tries the flames of inter-racial $50,000 from the state home f o r i good new duck feathers in new passion are being fanned high. See P aulserud’s special on two- business. the feeble minded and $50,000! ticking, beds weight from 16 to This problem of refugees may rants-suita, all wool, >23.75. 54-tf easily become a question th a t the th a t was appropriated for the, ^0 pounds each. Phone 276-L, Ibc; He Phone 130 for Pow ell’s Cider. A. M. Baldwin of Santa Cruz is great powers will have to handle m aintenance of the battleship Mrs- Purdy, 107 4th St. 63— 2* Delivered. 63— Im o in Ashland registered a t the Ho­ if thev desire to keep peace in the Oregon. Balkans. O ther financial sources th a t tel Ashland. will assist the state in m eeting its R eliev es O perator— obligations w ithout exceeding the David P. Gibson, telegraph op- From W ashington— 6 per cent lim itation am endm ent < rato r of Dunsmuir is in Ashland Emil Zahl and Al H eldner of «- i will be increased fees from a num ­ lelieving Mr. DeHass, who is tak ­ Yakima, W ashington, are in Ash­ C opyright 1923 O regon City W oolen Mill» ber of state departm ents, and a n , ______ _____ .... v .......... ing a week’s vacation. land for a few days. excess of more than $300,000 ’i n ' ^ e T °r,epiece-Guaranteedfortwoyears income tax collections over the: Let hr fill your pall with Swift« In A shland— $1,250,000 th a t was originally es­ silver Leo» lard. Costs less than F. J. Paul of Seattle is in Ash­ r: tim ated. rhor toning. Guew farther and Is land visiting today. i iore nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf ’ There also will be added to the NEW YORK, Nov. 12. — The state ’s revenue approxim ately From S eattle— establishm ent of a free nation­ $700,000 of uncollected income Try “ 93” H air Tonic, guaran­ C. Hascold and wife of Seattle wide public employment service, taxes for 1924. Although the a t­ teed. McNair Bros. were Ashland registered fn service- at the in Hotel A,h> today J g ° Vn St£lteS torney-general has not yet ruled in co-operation with the Federal as to w hether this unpaid tax is 1 F o r Cleveland— and local government», for the collectible, other lawyers h a v e i* ^ C. H. Nickerson of this city L eaves T onight— ! benefit of men, women and juniors said th a t it is an obligation to the 1 'ft yesterday for Cleveland, O., G? y C‘ rey ' eateS 1O" i8 l,ti 111 Walk8 »<' “ it“ ». Is recon,- recom- state and will have to be paid. for an Indefinite stay. He also 7 " "X the Russell Sage F „ „ „ . intends to visit San Francisco, visit relatives and friends for dation in a 600-page report on o’a Salt Lake and Chicago on his way about a week The problem of super-broad­ employment methods, needs and < ast. agencies, made public here today casting, like any other depart­ R eturned Home— as the resu lt of a five-year study m ent of progress, will be settled Reduced prices on portrait* dur­ Mrs. Ella Rice, who has been! which took the Foundation’s in- upon the principle of public ser­ ing November. D arling Studio. visiting with lief m other, Mrs.! vestigations into more than sev- vice. Ultimately, perform ance, 60— tf Mary Dunn of this city for the! en ty cities of the United States not opinion, will determ ine the E very B ottle past week, returned last evening and Canada. direction of progress in the radio GUARANTEED < »Id S c a l e s - to her home in Portland. The full report is being sub­ a rt. $ 1 .2 3 — to— « 2 .3 0 An old gold scatles now on dis- m itted to President Coolidge and 1 lay in the window of the Cali- At H otel— ! to the Governors of the States. lornla-O regon Power company ig High Pass road r e - 1 Among the out-of-state people' The ,m portance of the Fouuda- ' Eugene a ttractin g considerable attention surfaced and now in excellent tio n ’s studies in thi3 field becomes registered at the HoteJ Ashland Zfrug Sforo t trora passers-by. The scales, own- w inter condition. are R. W. Poe and wife of We­ apparent when it is recalled th a t id by S. S. Bullis of this city, natchee; R. W illiams of San a prelim inary statem ent made were form erly used by the Sterl­ Francisco; Thomas Lindsay, Spo-! CoDvripht- tost t Irrotin Citv W o o le n M i l l s 8GVeral Weeks. ago showed ing Mine of Jacksonville as far th a t unemployment is no longer kane; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Allum, la c k as 1860 and are said to C. P. Cleveland, C. J. Hill, Mon­ an occasional problem, but a con- fave weighed over two million treal, Canada; Paul , stan t phenomenon affecting large dollars w orth of gold in their Pasadena; G. C. Goìden' a n z i a n i - 1 numbera of w orkers in com- 1 munity. day.— Mail Tribune. ily, San Francisco; F ran k McAr­ The principal recom m endations dle, E. B. Gregory,, Mrs. A. D. You are welcome to compare are summarized as follows by Gregory of Seattle; J. L. Hughes Shelby M. H arrison, D irector of m y Automobile rates with any and wife, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. the D epartm ent of Surveys and e th e r rates in Jackson or Jose- Campbell and son, Vancouver, B. Exhibits of the Russell Sage in ln e Counties; you can be the C.; R. C. Sanders and famiiy, Foundation, who was in charge of . jdge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. Twin Falls, Idaho. the studies on which the report 30— tf L io e a l; P e rs o n a l flo te s i t A IN M N STATES G ifts of J e c u e lr y are treasured through the years to come, an everlasting token of the deep regard of the giver. ÏO PERFECÏ For a Fine Gift Line Mitchel I’s O. H . J O H N S O N Get Your Oregon City Blankets Here! We have a wonderful line of these Genuine All-Wool blan­ kets on hand, in colorings that are beautiful. Full size, double, heavy, fluffy, and warm; made of “Pure Virgin” wool, the kind t h a t is non-irritating and double-lifed. They come in plaids, plain or striped. Selling AT THE PAIR I-WIOE. SERVICE TO LOCATE JOBS FOR IHE IDEE $16.00 Oregon City Heavy Single Blankets of shaded hair line, plaids; full sized and silk lined, they come in burnished shades of rose, blue preen gold and tans. Selling at $11.25EA1 Oregon City Blankets for Children’s Beds They come in the same grades as the iarge blankets. Sizes 42x54 at $5.501 Baby Blankets in McNair Brothers Plain White with stripe border; double size; pure virgin wool, priced at $3.50 Oregon City Auto Robes Absolute Facts Are tlie only sort we ever use in our advertisements. <•'rants P ass Wilis— In the game between Grants 1 asa and Roseburg Armistice Day « rants Pass won by a score of J 3-0. According to the G rants' • ass Courier, the boys had the I ill for at least tw o-thirds of the 1 me and Roseburg was unable to! hold when they started down the Leld In the second q u arter for the J rst touchdown. Following that i me they ran away from the l.o seburg team. Sweet cream for whipping and «offee— also fresh milk, aWtayg ca ice at the Plaza. 239— tf We deliver the goods k__ -Detrlcke 94-tf We reiterate that our prices are as lowr and frequently lower than "those of any other firm in southern Oregon. Convalescent Horae Terms reasonable 153 Granite St. Tel. 153 i. P. Dodge & Sons Reliable House furnishers in dark plaids; fringed ends; Mt. Shas­ ta weight; extra warm and full size. Priced at each $11.25 . Oregon City Camp Blankets dark shades; full double; pure Virgin wool; heavy duty quality. Priced the pair . $9.50 , Oregon City Indian Robe Blankets High colors; pure wool and beautiful patterns. Priced each at $8.90 and $9.90 BUY YOUR BLANKETS AT c r m jLj tn n c j •W here Y our D ollar H as More Cent*’