teACffi T H R E E ¿ M fó A ftD D A Î L t TIDING« Thursday, N ovem ber IS, 1024 ■■ __ _____ U _ _ L ithian Party— . tily arranged and a delectable Prizes w ere awarded to Mrs. A. N. i The L lth ian s en tertain ed th eir luncheon w as served by th e pleas- H um phrey for five hundred and la d ies w ith a dance at the Civic ant h ostesses. An afternoon fol- Mrs. Eby for bridge. MANY W HO W A N T PHYSICIANS Club Tuesday even in g. The affair low in g w as spent in talk in g over! A pleasan t even in g was spent Cla-wifle«! Column Rates w as carefu lly planned and as a old tim es and renew ing acquaint- until a late hour when deliciou s One cen t the word each DR. H AW LEY— A bove Tidings resu lt everyth in g w ent o ff w ith - ance«. refreshm ents were served by the time. office. Pffone 91. out a hitch. A pleasant tim e w as T hose present were M esdames club ladies. E veryone present W hen you are su fferin g w ith To run every issu e for one spent dancing, interspersed w ith E lla Mills, A. E. K inney, Railph voted that they had enjoyed a rheum atism so you can hardly m onth or m ore, th e word DR. C. W . HANSON drinks of punch, and from the re- V ining, J. M. W agner, Granger, m ost d elig h tfu l evening, THANKSGIVING DAY get around ju st try Red Pepper each time. D entist ports a goodly quan tity of th is Fred W agner, C. H. Pierce, Eliza-! About >27.75 was cleared, w ill have the Special a tten tion given to pyor- j Rub and you T h an k sgivin g D ay — W hat does substance com bined w ith w afers beth Van Sant, E lla R ice of Port-! w hich sw ells th e club fund to rhoea. O ffice upstairs in B eaver Quickest relief known. FOR RENT it m ean w as consum ed. Music was furn-; land, J. H. Turner, E lsie C hurch-[ quite a larger sum. ■■ | B lock. P h on e 178-J. 2 3 3 - t f .! N o th in g jia s such concentrated. I i To th is great world w e’re living ished by L oveland’s orchestra and m an, Clay Myer of S eattle, Me-: _________• | are disappointed e a c h FOR R E N T :— Three room f u r -; ____________________________________ ! penetrating heat as red peppers. in? week because they delay a num ber of new dance pieces ConneHl, Nim s, E llen W agner ail uished apartm ent. P rivate bath.I DR. E R N E ST A . WOODS— P rac-i in sta n t relief. Ju st as soon as “ I k n ow ,” says Jack, a lad of six, of A shland and M esdames Young, w ere Introduced. P ractically Close in. A dults only. Phone 291L. ordering. Phone us for tlce lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano you apply R ed Pepper Rub you 62— 2 i throat— X -ray in c lu d ir g teeth , feel the tin glin g heat. In three A s good, fat nuts he sly ly picks— every L ithian w as present, ac­ N ellie M inkler, A lford and the your Friday Fish. M iles and w ife or a two h ostesses, Mrs. O ffice hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc m inutes it w arm s the sore spot “ Good th in gs to eat, and fun and com panied by his FO R R E N T -F urnished house- • tric k s.” friend. Mrs. Bush of Medford. 6. Sw edenburg B ldg., Ashland, through and through. F rees the ,1 keep in g room , also large fron t Shouts Jim , fourteen: “No school * ♦ ♦ The com m ittee in charge of the Ore. blood circulation, breaks up th e bed room . Phone 24 2 J , 153 O a k _________________________________ nor books. affair w ere V. D. M iller, Mrs. 8. B irthday D inner— the oil in your crankcase con gestion— and the old rheum a­ N. Main P h on e 107 street. 62— 2 j e . B. ANGELL— Chiropractic T ill M onday Morn — Ju st gam es A. P eters and Gerald W enner. A sum ptuous three-course tur­ becomes diluted with raw tism totrture is gone. and E lectro-T herapy. Office and ‘cook s’— ♦ • ♦ key dinner w as served at the ROOM TO R ENT— To a lady. R ow les Red Pepper Rub, m ade gasoline quicker. Save phone 48; residence 142. First No troublous th ou gh ts nor frow n­ P . E. O. M eeting— hom e of Mr. and Mrs. John D. 154 B. street. 58— tt from red peppers, costs littte at yourself repair hills by N ational Bank building. ing lo o k s.” The P . E. O. m et at the hom e H air of Liberty street Monday any drug store. Get a jar at FOR R E N T— F urnished room, S w eet-sixteen Nan: “O, yes, I having the oil changed of Mrs. B. M. Shoudy on H elm an evenin g celebrating the birthdays once. Use it for lum bago, n eu ­ DR. BR O W N 107 Second St. P hon e 313-R . know : of Rev. Chaney and Mr. Hair, street T uesday evenin g. A ll of oftener; it takes but a few ritis, backache, s tiff neck, sore Chiropractor 50— tf m uscles, colds in ch est. A lm ost I’ll dance th e 'Trot’ w ith m y best the m em bers but one w ere pres' both of w hich occur that day. The minutes at 11 Years Practice beau— en t and a profitable even in g w as dinner w as carefu lly prepared Exam ination free. O ffice Vendom e 1 in stan t relief aw aits you. Be sure W IN D SH IE L D W IP E R S FO R R E N T — Furnished house, And then a-m otoring, o ff w e ’ll spent. P lan s w ere com pleted for and the table decorated with to get th e genuine, w ith the H otel. Lady A ttendant. F o r E very Car 478 B oulevard. 36— Im o go.' ’ a banquet to be given at the .chrysantheum s and a large tur­ nam e R ow les on each package. H ours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Dear G randm a’s th ou gh ts go to H otel A shland for the sta te or- key gracing the place by the host Phone 227 FOR SALE the past— ganzer and president of the P. m ade a pretty spectacle as the TH E SOUTHERN OREGON “ The years aye passin g, O, so E. O. T his banquet w ill be given gu ests were ushered into the d in ­ FO R SALE: — H eating stove. CLINIC BOULEVARD and SHERM AN fast.” B edstead and chairs. 163 Union th e tw en ty-first of th is m onth, ing room. An in terestin g evening 1st N ational Bank Bldg. S h e’ll see old friends— “Is tt th e at w hich tim e th e officers w ill bei was spent playing gam es and con- F o r E very Car street. 62— 5* M edical Surgical O bstetrical la st? ” D iagnostic X-ray versing. inspecting the local chapter. FOR SALE— W yondotte chick­ And m other know s that all m ust1 • • • R. W. Stearns, M. D. Bidden gu ests were Dr. T ilton ens. L. E. Tracey, 763 Beach St. R. E. Green, M. D. eat— P. T. A. Meeting— and fam ily, Dr. Gregg and fam ily F o r E very Car Pain and congestion is gone. 61— tf R. W. Sleeter, M D. An Interesting m eetin g of the and R everend and Mrs. Chaney Q uickly?— Y es. A lm ost in stan t re­ She sen ses w eary m ind a n d -feet— O ffice hours 2-5 p. m. lief from ch est colds, sore throat, For others* sake, sh e m ust keep Parent-T eachers A ssociation FO R SA LE: — Tancred— H olly­ P hon e 238-R^ of and daughters. and all other equipment backache, lum bago sw eet. wood cockerels, pedigreed, dam s, * * • A shland w ill be held th is evenin g for winter driving at CONVALESCENT HOME follow s a g e ntle And Dad, dead Dad! Turkey, Ice records up to 280, sire record Guaranteed to keep L adies A il Club— at the Junior H igh school. The W here th e sick get w ell. rubbing w ith St. cream — over 270. The m ale is h alf your The Ladies Art C lub card party I reports of d elegates who attended Jacobs Oil. C ottage Plan. B ills to be paid, disturb his the state convention in C orvallis w hich w as given at the Civic Club , Y our F eet W arm and D ry flock. 112 N utley St. Phon e 456J. Rub th is sooth ­ W e board and care for invalids ing, penetrating oil 58— tf dream — w ill be given and a short program house Monday even in g was a de-j and old people. right on your chest B ut he g lid es bravely in the has a lso bejen p lanned. L ight cided success. About sixty-five { M aternity Dept. WOOD FOR S A L E :— F ir. and and lik e m agic re­ stream . Across from the New refresh m en ts are to be served at gu ests were present to spend the j lie f com es. St. Ja­ Call 153 Spruce, 16 Inch >8. Hard wood cobs Oil is a harm ­ T h anksgiving daw ns— and a t its the close o f the m eeting. Every tim e placing five hundred and 9-Story H otel 16 inch >12. D elivered. F ou n tain less lin im en t w hich birth. one w ho is in terested in this bridge. The clubhouse w as beau -| F eul Co Siskiyou or leave orders MONUMENTS quickly b r e a k s P eace seem s to reign all o ’er the work is asked to be present and tifu lly decorated w ith ivy and i “ at B eaver R ealty Co. A shland. chest colds, sooth es earth. ASHLAND G RANITE hear of th e work th at is being yellow clirysantheum s, m aking a 50— 1 mo.* th e inflam m ation of MONUMENTS sore throat a n d To everyon e in love, not fear done in other cities. cherry background for the guests. I breaks up th e con­ The m eaning of the Day com es B lair G ranite Co. « » ♦ MISCELLANEOUS gestion that causes S. PENNISTON, M anager clear. G ives Luncheon— pain. It never dis­ W A N T E D :— R egular room ers Office 175 K. Main W ith one accord, w ith than k s and Mrs. T. W. M iles and Mrs. Bush appoints and does not burn the and borders. >10 per w eek. Phone R es. Phon e 444-Y praise, skin. of M edford charm ingly en tertain ­ 276L . 61— 3* Get a 35 cent bottle o f St. Ja­ T heir voices to our Lord they ed w ith a one o ’clock luncheon at I N I GIRL IN TROUBLE— May cobs Oil at any drug store. THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL It raise. th e L om e of Mrs. M iles Tuesday W AN TED: — Protect yourself com m unicate w ith E n sign Lee has been recom m ended for 65 Finishing Today against rbe uncertainties of w in­ ELIZABETH YOCKEY afternoon. The tables w ere pret- e f th e Salvation Arm y at the years. ter. W e can assure you a good A shland, Oregon. MARY PICKFORI) in W hiteShleld H om e, 565 May- position in your own county, that fair A ve., P ortland. Oregon. w ill pay you w ell. W rite us at CALENDAR O F EVENTS W IT H H E R once. N ogar Corporation, 301 PLANING MILL C harm of W om an Thursday, Novem ber 13. P. T. Couch Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. D epends Upon New Tourist Hotel— A. w ill have jo in t council m eetin g 54— 18 iORDON’S SASH AND CABINET V ital G lands Tomorrow S atu rd ay at Junior H igh school. R eports W ORKS, Cor. H elm an and New Box Factory— Science has found that a d e ­ DRESSMAKING and Tayloring Van N ess. 1 94tl of d elegates at convention and Re-organized Cannery- ficiency in certain glands in ‘ reasonable prices, all w ork guar-j good program w ill be given . L ight w om en resu lts in m ental slu g­ Shale Oil Prospects— anteed. Mrs. B. Van H a r d e n -; T R A N SFE R AND E X P R E SS gish ness. irritab ility, despon­ refreshm ents. Blair Granite Extension. dency, forget fulniees and fa t­ berg, 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 mo.* Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. Tuesday, N ovem ber 18. Civic igue, tendency to sleep a great for SERVICE. club w ill m eet at clu bhouse at E very business in A shland for winter use . It may DRESSM AKING and plain sew . Experienced m overs and pack­ deal and m orning w eariness. 2 :3 0 . m ust benefit to som e exten t— Even the brilliancy and lustier ing. Mrs. D ale Day, 129 Granite save the purchase of a ers of household goods. D eal­ of the hair and the delicate L et’s all pull togeth er for still W ednesday, N ovem ber 19. Up­ street. 60— 1 mo,.* greater im provem ents. ers in coal and wood. Phone new battery later. beauty and so ftn ess of the skin per V alley Com m nnity Club w ill are im paired if the glands do 117. W AN TED: — To buy second have an all day m eetin g at the not function property. O ffice 89 Oak St. near band bath tub. Must be in good B utler W alker. A ccording to lead ing author­ ■home of Mrs. H A R R IS O N H otel A shland con d ition . Miss Coffee, T idings itie s the b en efits of glad tran s­ D ressm aking. B rothers, G arage office. plantation m ay be had w ithout W ednesday, Novem ber 19. A ux­ T. L. PO W ELL—-General T rans­ an operation; gland substance iliary to the T rinity Guild w ill Ford, Lincoln, F ord sen D ealers fer— Good team and m otor can be taken internally in tab­ for every make of ear. m eet at the Parish H ouse. let form . tru ck s. G rod service at a rea- G landogen, the new scien ti­ Friday, N ovem ber 21. D. A. R. sonab.’e price. Phone 83. First “ Penrod and Sam,” then “ Boy of Mine,” and fic gland tonic, prepared in w ill m eet at th e hom e of Mrs. now this great laughing hit! tablet form provides a sim ple P ell on G ranite street. m ethod of taknig glandular FEHIGE-ROACH Saturday, Novem ber 22. P. E. treatm ent. Gl’andogen for men T ransfer — E xpress — Storage —ALSO— O ur Phone 82 and wom en, E ast Side Phar­ O. w ill m eet at the hom e of Mrs. H auling — Dray work of all Main P la za Ashland m acy w ill supply you. Mail W. E. B lake. binds. Quick m otor service. Dry orders accepted. I f B ack H u rts or B ladder A chronicle of America, ' made bv •> Y ale University * wood o f all kinds. Phone 410-R B others, Also T ake a 375 B. St. 112-tf IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF L ittle S alts TH E STATE O F OREGON ASHLAND PA IN T CO FO R JACKSON COUNTY P IL E S A R E A BSO RBED D ependable S u it in E q uity Most folk s forget that the kid­ N E V E R TO R E T U R N ALIAS SUMMONS FOR P ain tin g C ontractors & D ecorators neys, lik e the bow els, som etim es F o r M iners, R ailroaders, M onday, N ovem ber 24 PUBLICATION SW ENNING & GEAR g et slu ggish and clogged and A fter years of p atient, pains­ J. W. McCoy, as liq u id atin g agent Loggers, F arm ers, and 57-1 mo.* tak in g effort on the part o f a need a flu sh in g occasionally, else Phone 408-J for the U nited S tates N ational H unters. Bank of A shland, P lain tiff, we have backache and dull m isery w ell know n doctor, a prescrip­ vs. In the kidney region, severe head­ tion has been found that w ill ac­ Victoria M ickelson, w idow of ach es, rheum atic tw inges, torpid Says H is P rescrip tio n tu ally heal P iles and absorb them M ichael M ickelson; E u gen ia L. liver, acid stom ach, sleep lessn ess A tkinson, w idow o f W . H. A t­ never to return. H as Pow erful Influence kinson; Sarah R. Fox, F annie and all sorts of bladder disorders. No man or wom an need su f­ E. F ox McMillan, Susie L. A llen, You sim ply m ust keep your kid­ O ver R heum atism fer another hour w ith any d is­ Mary E. Owen, A rthur H ankin, neys active and clean and the mo­ com fort, pain or soren ess arising E d ith Phipps, Maud Denny, m ent you feet an ache or pain in H erbert Crouch, Frank Crouch, *from rectal troubles— P iles— now •> Mr. Jam es H. A llen suffered for W illie Crouch, Clyde Crouch, th e kidney region begin drinking years with rheum atism . Many that th is w onderful prescription C harles Crouch, N ellie Dickey, lo ts of water. A lso get about four In th e te n y e a rs fro m 1913 to 1923, n et ea rn in g s Susie K ervln, Floyd D ickey, Lo­ tim es th is terrible d isease le ft him know n as MOAVA can be obtain­ ounces of Jad Salts from any good la P ayne H ouse, Glenn Payne, j f T h e C alifornia O reg o n P o w e r C om pany increas- ed for a m oderate price at any help less and unable to w ork. F orest Owen, G lenn Owen, drug store here, take a tab le­ first class drug store on the m on­ M 2 8 1 p e rc e n t. He fin ally decided, after years M argaret Owen Sparkm an, L ot­ spoonful in a g la ss o f w ater be­ ey back if d issa tisfied plan. of cea seless study, that no one can tie Owen, and to any and all fore breakfast for a few days and T h is constantly gro w in g use of electricity in other heirs, know n or unknow n Y ou ’ll be am azed to see how be free from rheum atism until the your kidneys w ill then act fine. of eith er said W . H. A tkinson hom es, industries a n d fa rm s is b u t one o f m a n y r e a ­ accum ulated im pu rities, com m on­ quickly it acts. B lessed relief o ft­ or Mil ichael M ickelson, or o f any- T his fam ous sa lts is m ade from in ly called uric acid deposits, were en com es in an hour; even sons w h y n ea rly t w o m illio n A m e r i c a n i n v e s t ­ o f th e D efendants, and as to th e acid of grapes and lem on dissolved in the jo in ts and m us­ cases of lohg stan din g w ith pro­ any and all persons or parties o r s h a v e a lre a d y chosen electric lig h t an d p o w er ju ice, com bined w ith lith ia, and claim in g any right, title or in­ cles and expelled from the body. fuse b leed ing, Teallly w onderful securities for th e safeg u ard in g o f th e ir funds an d Is intended to flush clogged k id ­ terest in and to th e property W ith th is idea in mind he con­ resu lts have been accom plished. described In the com plaint, neys and help stim u late them to m o n th ly savings. sulted physicians, m ade exp eri­ Sim ply ask E ast Side Pharm acy D efendants. activity. It also helps neutralize m ents and fin a lly com pounded a for a sm all box of MOAVA SU P­ TO :— Maud Denny, F an n ie E. th e acids in the urine so that they F ox McMillan, Susie K ervln, prescription that q u ’ckly and com ­ POSITORIES, being careful to no longer irritate, thus helping to A rthur H ankin, W illie Crouch. p letely banished every sign and follow «the sim ple d irection s that Clyde Crouch, CharleB Crouch, relieve bladder disorders. sym ptom of rheum atism from his com e in each box. Mary E. Owen, F orest Owen, Jad Salts is inexpensive; m akes system . Glenn O wen, M argaret Owen a d elig h tfu l effervescent lithia Sparkm an and L ottie Owen, of He freely gave his discovery, Sim ple M ixture fo r w ater drink which everybody th e above nam ed D efen d an ts 1 which he called A llen rh u, to oth ­ T h e C alifornia O reg o n P o w e r C o m p an y ’s 7% IN TH E NAME OF TH E STATE 3hould take now and then to help Gas on Stom ach ers who took it, w ith w hat n fg h t f OF OREGON, You are- hereby P re fe rre d S tock yields a dividend re tu rn o f 7.14% on keep th eir kidneys clean. boots and be called m arvelous success. A fter 1 sum m oned and required to a p -’ Waterproof Sim ple buckthorn hark, m ag­ $100.00 p a r v a lu e sh ares, o btainable b y d irect p u r­ A w ell-know n local druggist pear and answ er th e com plaint of years of urging he decided to let high top shoes that work­ nesium sulph, c. p., glycerine, th e P la in tiff on file says he se lls lo ts of Jad S alts to ch a se from th e C om pany a t $98. w ith the; sufferers everyw here know about fo lk s w ho b elieve in trying to his discovery through the n ew s­ etc., as m ixed in A dlerika, helps Clerk o f said Court at Jackson-* ers and sportsmen need. correct kidney trouble w h ile it papers. He has therefore in struc­ any case gas on the stom ach, un­ v ille, O regon, w ithin SIX W EE K S' All sizes in stock. For full information about our special M onthly from th e date of th e first pub1ica-! It only trou ble. By all m eans ted the E ast Side Pharm acy to less due to deep-seated causes. tion of th is Sum m ons as required' Paym ent Plan for investments of #5.00 a month or have your physician exam ine your dispense A llenrhu w ith the under­ The pleasant and QUICK action by th e Order o f th e h o n o ra b le C.} more, telephone any member o f our organization— w ill surprise you. B ecause Adi- M. Thom as, J u d ge of said Court, kid n eys at lea st tw ice a year. stan din g that if the first pint bot­ dated O ctober 10, 1 9 2 4 , and if or sim ply clip and mail the coupon below. is such an excellen t intes- i CALIFORNIA OREGON j tle does not show the way to com ­ lerika ____ , , . . . you fa il to appear and answer The ow nership of the secu rities plete recovery he w ill gladly re­ cuant it is w o n d erfu l, Wjt tjin ga}(j s j i w eek s, the P lain- PO W E R C O M PA N Y , o f great public se n d e e corpora­ turn your m oney w ithout com ­ for constipation— It often w orks tiff w ill apply for th e relief de- T H E CA LIFO RN IA O R EG O N POW ER C O M PA N Y m anded in said com plaint, £o-wit: tio n s by in dividu als has reached m ent. in one hour and never grip es.- T hat a decree be entered*quiet- Now is the tim e to prepare for Offices: a stage w here w e can properly E ast Side Pharm acy is my ap­ J. K. Bolton. idg th e title in th e P la in tiff to a th e h u n tin g season— get your say th at such public u tilities are pointed agent in your city. If strip o f land 25 fe e t In w idth by gun and am m unition in readi­ OREGON really “publicly ow n ed .” That is, you live out of tow n I’ll gladly 173.3 fe e t in (length lyin g paral­ ness. F a ll fish 'b g season is Roseburg Medford Grants Pass Klamath Falls th ey are owned today by m illio n ,1, you Particulars T idings A ds brings results. lel to and 20 fe e t 6 Inches d istant approaching, all kinds fish in g from the south lin e o f L ot 8 in tack les here. CALIFORNIA of stockh olders and bond hold­ Block 1, in th e City o f A shland, Yreka Dunsmuir ers instead of by a com paratively A G ood T h in g - D O W M ISS IT. Jackson County, O regon, and th at you and each o f you be barred few persons as in the past. from cla im in g , or assertin g any fiend jonr name and address . InteregL HOe or ow nership in written together with 5 cents (and thu ( theTsaid strip of land, and for •lip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co.^Da TH E CALIFORNIA OREGON POW ER COMPANY For a sm ooth shave Moines, Iowa, and receive in return a such other r e lie f as to the CBurt yourpakiners N ew assortm en t o f R em ington MEDFORD, OREGON and quick service go trial’package containing Char.berlain’« can bo prevented by ap­ m ay seem proper. I N PR O G R ESS k n ives ju st arrived. N o two D a t e o f first publication: Oc­ to th e Shell Barber Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup | k n ives alik e. Please send me full information about your 7% Preferred bronchial, ‘‘fin” and whooping coughs | plication of proper roof tober 16th , 1924. Shop. Ladies and and tickling throat; Chamberlain’s 8tom-' Stock and special partial payment plan. Tim e to answ er expires: N o­ covering. children get your hair ach and Liver Tablets for stomach trou­ vem ber 28th, 1924. BRIGGS & BRIGGS, bobbed and m arcel­ bles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowc* the heart,* hiliouf>nes8 and constipation B y E. D. Briggs, Nam e. led. Chamberlain's Salve, needed in ever» A ttorn eys for P la in tiff. —or ¿Mail this coupon H unting and F ish in g L icenses family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles 1 P o sto ffice a d d r e ss: W. A. SHELL, Prop. and skin affections; these valued famiij P ioneer Bdock, —today! KS2 A. St. Ashlahd, Ore medicines for only 5 cents. Don’t miss i t 1 Ashland, Oregon 38— Sthyr Classified Column PROFESSIONAL STOP RHEUMATISM WITH RED PEPPERS 'pciety Fish in Cold Weather Eagle Market Stromberg Electric IV. 6 N. Service Station AWAY; STOP PAINS Weed De Luxe Chains Radiator Covers Boots and Shoes OVERLAND LEEDOM’S TIRE HOUSE Shoe Shop ASH LAND is Now Sitting Pretty “Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall” Have Your BATTERY Overhauled E X ID E Batteries Murphy Elec. Co. OF W ATEM T TIMES ‘‘Jamestown” Buckhect Boots Orpheum Jr. Vaudeville PROFIT FROM SAVINGS T w o m illion investors have found it! $9 to $14.50 7.14 % and a m on th ly paym ent plan Guns and Lots of Ammunition < Roof Leaks J. 0 . RIGG Pocket Knives Army Goods Store Ask any member o f our organization