b. ASHLAND CLIMATE itliout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ( International News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1924 ' Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4 3. OFFICIALS N 0 Ti WORRIED OVER STATE FINANCE Pierce Only One Hysterical Over Repeal of Income Tax Measure FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE Econom y in D epartm ents is Said to B e M eans by W hich D eficit w ill be Made up. SUMMER A FA IL U R E IX ENGLAND THIS YEAR LEER IS SOUGHT ON CHARGE OF MOVING BOOZE MEMBERS OF BALDWIN’S NEW CABINET. LONDON, Nov. 13— Sum- m er was a dismal failure in England this year. Officially, Summer begins in England on May 1 and ends September 30. Statistics re­ cently issued show th a t of {he Almost 100 Bottles of Liquor 153 days between- May 1 and Found in Death Car. September 30, eighty of them Authorities Notified. were w ithout rain, while on seventy-three of* them it rain­ CAR IS BROUGHT IN ed continuously. During th a t tim e only on fif­ teen days was the tem perature F in d in g o f L iquor Stren gthens T lieory T hat Men W ere In ­ above seventy degrees, while toxicated at Tim e of A ccident on twenty-nine days it did not reach the sixty degrees m ark. Upon the dicovery yesterday The num ber of hours of pos­ th a t J. Leer, companion of Ar- sible sunshine during the E n­ glish summer is 2,059. Ac­ • th u r Page, who was killed yes- cording to the statistics, the i terday in an autom obile crash at the sum m it of the Slskiyous, had actual num ber of hours the sun left for California, Sheriff Ter-j really did show itself was 660. rill wired California authorities in an effort to apprehend the missing man. Ninety-six bottles of liquor, in- NO. 63 A IR TABES TO BE FEATURE OF LIFE IN CITIES New Company Is Formed to Make Ships for Use in Large Cities 20 CENTS PER MILE W ill Cater to Joy R iding Propen­ sitie s o f Modern Youth, Head of Firm A sserts _ / HUMAN IS NOT WANTED AS AIR MAIL PARCEL SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 13— A fter he had been decorated with $718.OS worth of air mail stam ps in anticipation of an a ir mail trip to New York, Chester N. Weaver, San F ran ­ cisco automobile dealer, was ‘‘barred from the m ails” today by a ruling from Paul H ender­ son, second assistant post­ m aster general. Henderson said he sympa­ thized with W eaver’s desire to make the trip and Postm aster J. E. Pow ers’ petition in his behalf, but th a t the regula­ tions of the departm ent would not at present perm it accep­ tance of hum an beings as mail. W eaver hopes to get back what he spent for stamps. OFFICIAL COUNT FOR ASHLAND IS COMPLETE NOW Johnson Given Ninteen Vote Lead Over Pierce in Mayoralty Race AM ENDM ENT VOTE H ardy Leads F ield in Council R ace. Miss Riede R eceives 107 V ote Lead for R ecorder SALEM, Nov. 13— State offi­ NEW YORK, Nov. 13— W ithin According to figures contained cials, with the exception of Gov­ a year, a resident of any of the in the offclial tabulation of votes ernor Pierce, are not at all wor­ leading cities or suburbs of these cast in Ashland during the last ried as the result of reports scat­ cities of the United States may election, Johnson is gtvten a lead tered over the state th at many of hall an air taxi, via radio, puff of nineteen votes over his rival the state institutions and d epart­ a cigar in a wind-protected cabin, for the office of Mayor, Pierce. ments wiW be crippled because of and listen to a radio set, catching Johnson is credited with 859 the repeal of the state income ‘all the principal features of the votes while Pierce is given 840 tax law at the recent election. day, while a taxim eter ticks off votes. Consideration of the budgets of • • tw enty cents per mile. In the council race, H ardy led ____ „ . λ the various institutions and state e lu d e d w h lrh w e re Severn, h o t Fleets of fiying super-jitneys the field with 1523 votes, Bur­ departm ents has been in progress ties of pre-Volstead gin and bond­ c m m c H i w , g r f e SA M U K O h o a r e ì cave - have been planned for many of dic was second with 1235, Detrick here for some days and probab­ ed whiskey, were found in the the large cities of the country, ac­ third with 1176, Wiley fourth ly will be completed before the ear in which Pago was killed. It Brltlsh political experts declare, unless there is some untoward In- cording to Colonel H artley, Amer­ with 1711, W right fifth with end of the month. The state bud­ , i is .o aHeged th at Leer and Page i cldent 10 “Pset It,-the new Ministry of Stanley Baldwin has such a ma- ican flying ace during the world 1122 and Peters sixth with 1093. w,-rp «an W n 1 Jority In Commons that it will last for five years. Already they are seek- get commission, which, has under war, who is the head of a com- L iterary Digest Straw Vote Bal- sco bootl ggers’ ing untoward Incidents In the appointment of Winston Spencer Churchill, G ertrude Biede was given a 107 consideration the wants and nec­ who were operating in this ter- the maverick of English politics for twenty years, as Chancellor of the pany recently created to build and lots Opened by Postal Eni- vote m ajority over her rival for essities of the various institutions Hill Will Use Verdict in Proposing} ritory. Exchequer. Churchill Is an unbending foe of socialism, a free trader, distribute air cabs throughout the, plojees officials Declare the office of City Recorder, Miss and departm ents is composed of The discovery of th e H onor i n Bnd waa n ot even In th e Tory party until thia Section. Among other B ill to L egalize Sale of ---------- country. i lha 1 T 7 J ? 0 Ministers appointed by Mr. Baldwin are: Sir William Joynson-Hicks to Hazel Emery. Miss Biede re­ Governor Pierce, Secretary of} Light W ines, Beer the ta r adds strength to the tne- be Home Secretary, Neville Chamberlain to be Minister of Health, According to Hartley, the air- PORTLAND, Nov. 13— Tamp- ceived 928 votes, w h ile 821 v o te rs State Kozer and State Treasurer ory advanced yesterday th a t the Colonel L. C. M. S. Amery to be Secretary for the Colonies, Sir Samuel plane will combine the best fea- erillS with the straw vote ballots cast their ballots for Miss Emery. Myers. BALTIMORE, Nov. 13— A fter men were intoxicated at the time Hoare to be Minister, and Viscount Cave to be Lord Chancellor. tures of a variety of airplanes, which were being solicited before The results of the balloting W ith the elim ination of the pro­ tw enty hours deliberation, the of the accident. Leer stated he and will cost $35,000 to build. elcction by th e 'L ite ra ry Digest is follow. posed building programme for the ju ry in the case of Congressman had been driving all night, and The cost of the first machine will now under investigation by the Mayor next two years, abolition of a few Hill, who was charged with the was exhausted, but Mr. Jones, be exceedingly high, but H artley postoffice inspectors, it became Johnson ...................................... 859 unnecessary commissions and violation of the Volstead law, pro owner of the Jones Garage at the avers duplicate machines can he known yesterday. Ballots receiv­ Pierce .......................................... 840 boards and adoption of an econ­ hibiting the m anufacture and sale} sum m it of the Siskiyous, declar- constructed to cost only $3,000. ed in the east from Oregon and Conncilineu omy program m e in handling the^ of intoxicating liquor, returned a Jed Leer was intoxicated when he H artley asserted the new com­ California aroused suspicion when Hardy ........................................ 1523 sta te ’s business, ample funds wi.ll verdict of not guilty on all six 1 arrived on the scene of th e smash pany expected to cash in heavily large numbers, coming in bunches Burdic ...................................... 1235 be available within the 6 per cent counts of the indictm ent against The car in which Page was kill­ on the “ joy riding propensities were found to- be marked for the Dctrick ........................... lim itation amendm ent. 1176 Hill. ed was brought into Ashland last same candidate. of the American youth.” He says Peters .............................. In an apparent effort to create 1093 — i — The jurym en, before going out,} night by Terrill and employees J. M. Jones, Portland postm ast­ Wiley ................................ hysteria among the voters, certain were charged by Federal Judge; of a local garage It is being held Secretary M ellon Says A et as it E xp resses B e lie f E xtraordinary officials of the company are cer­ .1171 tain the adventurous spirit of the er stated yesterday th at the local W right ..................................... 1122 N ow Stands Is Confuq’n'g. S ession of C ongress Should newspapers during the last few I Soper to determ ine w hether Or. here, aw aiting word from state American youth will assure the office was not implicated in the Taylor .............................. .................................. 942 A ttorn ey G eneral A uthority be C alled March 4 days have been publishing a series; not the Wjne an d cider, which; authorities as to what will be success of the project, even m atter, but it became known at Phipps ............................ .................................. 823 of stories that the repeal of the were adm ittedly m anufactured by done with it. It is believed the though the staid business man least two postoffices in the state W olcott ................. income tax law had so crippled Congressman Hill, were “ intoxi-1 ear will be confiscated by the ..................................1026 WASHINGTON, Nov. 13— Sen­ WASHINGTON, Nov. 13— Con and bis wife decline to ride in the are being investigated. No state­ City Recorder the state ’s finances th a t it would eating in fact” . j state, and sold later at public gress will be asked by the treas-! ato r Borah of Idaho, who will; new “ taxi.” ments as to developments was Biede .......................................... 928 be impossible to retain after Ja n ­ The announcem ent by the ju ry auction. ury departm ent in the forthcom ­ succeed the late Senator Henry made by the local office of the Emery ........................................ §21 uary 1, more than a skeleton of of th eir verdict of ‘‘not quilty” Leer, if apprehended, will be ing session either to repeal or to Cabot Lodge as chairtpan of the} postoffice inspectors, but it was the present state government. Of­ was received by the immense returned to Ashland to face a m ake clear provisions of the tax Foreign Relations Committee of <’l(y T reasurer adm itted th a t the m atter was un­ Eubanks ................................. 1535 ficials who have investigated the crowd gathered in the courtroom 'ch a rg e of transporting intoxicat- laws relating to income tax re-} tbe bcnai©. expressed today his FIRST COMPANY der investigation. AND BATTERY TO financial condition of the state w ith wild outbursts of enthus­ ing liquor. J ogles was able to give turns. Park C om m issioners i belief th at an extraordinary ses- According to inform ation roach- HAVE BANQUET Jordan ............ 1333 branded these stories as untrue, iasm. Hill declared immediately the authorities here a fa ir.j ac­ Althougli the publicity provls-; s ’on °* Congress should be called ing Portland from the office of P eters ...................................... 1307 and said the governm ental de­ after the acquittal th a t he would curate description of the man. and ions in th e present law are to be ou March 4, in order to take up On November 24, the F irst' the L iterary Digest several p arts would continue to function use the trial and the ruling of; Terrill believes the California left by A ttorney General Stone for; several m atters which have arisen The official count for the coun­ Company C. A. C. and B attery B bunches'of ballots, which were In as in previous years. ty on the am endm ents which were judicial interpretation, the treas-, 8^ lce tbe convening of the last ses- Judge Soper as the basis for pro-1 authorities will be able to take will have a banquet at the Arm- post and it is believed tory ’ will not result in any rad ­ Clyde Young, who is expected 305 ............................................ .. Johnny Gruelle, well known possible then the treasury p ro -! tho N a tio n s of this country with home from Fortress Monroe, Va„ ical change in the present policy poses th a t definite legislation be Europe’ for several years to come, 306 3069 Ashland man, who underw ent an of the prohibition departm ent about the tw entieth of this month 307 ............................................ .. enacted to clarify the present la w .' " ere def*nitely worked out at; which will prosecute any h o m e!operalion for the removal of liis will be present and will tell of 308 1798 Secretary Mellon’s position with this conference- brewers who exceed the legal a iJ appendix recently a t the Com- his experiences the six weeks 309 ............................................ .. coholic lim it in their brewing, the niunity Hospital, was reported respect to publication of the re-} Tbe death of Lodge gave Borah training and schooling which he ! th e greatest power he has ever en- 310 ............................................ .. departm ent officials a v e rte d here' lb ’s raorning to be a little more tu rn s was represented as un- took there. 311 ......................................... cUanged and he will strohgly fav-' since it autom atically totday after word was received i coinfortab,e< after having spent a brought his appointm ent as head 312 ....... .................................... 4 677 th at Hill had been -acquitted onj ^air night. or a full repeal of the provisions, Declaring that Oregon was in 313 ............................................3130 all counts of his indictm ent in a Gruelle was operated upon fol- which were included in the last ° f the most powerful committee CONTRACT LET FOR nleed of an organization, which ! in the Senate. ’ ~ GI/ (ANT FLYING BOAT will list the promising mining Mellon said today he The Haddon Hall String Quar­ jury trial at Baltimore, Md., after lowinK an attack of appendicitis, tax law. 20 hours deliberation by the jury by B r- Swedenberg, on November understood th a t bids would be te t which will appear here No­ WASHINGTON, Nov. 13— A fields of the. state, in order that ----------------------_--- ■ 3, and improved steadily until introduced early in the session vember 21, the first num ber of contract for a flying coat, capable capital may be informed, and that j about a week ago, when he suf- looking to a repeal of the public­ AGED MAN KILLED a Bureau of Mines and Metals thç local Lyceum course was or­ IN AUTO SMASHUP of sustaining a {¡light from any should } fered a relapse. His condition be- ity sections. be formed in the state, Mr. ganized in 1921 from members of point on the Pacific Coast to Hon­ ’ came quite serious, but his Im­ The reaction on the recent pub­ Van De Bogard, Gold Hill mining the Cleveland Symphony Orches­ HERMISTON, Nov. 13— S. N. olulu has been let by the Navy De­ provem ent since th a t tim e has lication of retu rn s has been dis­ expert, who recently returned tra. The members are all of Haynes, 80, a resident of the Co- partm ent to the Boeing A ircraft been steady, and his many friends tinctly unfavorable to a contln- from the sessioif of the American Amerclan birth, and with one ex­ x. , , i lumbla district near this city, was in the city hope for his rapid re- uation of th a t policy, according kllled earty today w h(a an ant0.l Corporation of Seattle, Wash., it Mining Congress held in Sacra­ ception have received all their was announced here today. Other A fath er and sou banquet, a t } c'overy- to treasu ry official., who base moblI, drlven b Ca,., H addox. musical education in the United ships of the same type, having a mento. addressed the Porum lun­ their views on thousands of le t- ¡ co,„ ded wlth , h at w hkh Mr which fathers are supposed to bej ~ States. During the last two years The following indictm ents were crusing radio of 2,500 miles and cheon of the Chamber of Com­ te r , from taxpayers discussing the! Haynes waa rldlag merce at tho Hotel Ashland Tues­ this Q uartet has been m aking a the guests of their sous, and the ktCll/CQQAV PflklTrOT made public yesterday in the re­ a speed of 100 miles per hour, splendid record in Cham ber Mu­ sons the guests of th eir fathers,} |T |L fI L u O n I u U l l I L u l quest on. Coroner -Brown of Pendleton carrying five passengers, will be day. cent grand jury report which has sic Concerts. They have played will be held tomorrow evening at! Van De Bogard stated Califor­ been held for some time aw aiting was on the scene shortly after the built as soon as the success of the more than 150 concerts in some th e Presbyterian church. The accident and voiced the opinion first boat is established, it was nia had a very efficient organiza­ the return of Judge C. M. Thomas. 27 states, including most of the banquet is being held under the tion, and th a t Brtiish Columbia Bill Anderson on two counts, th a t the accident was due to the announced. TORPEDO DAMAGES leading musical centers from the auspices of the Y.M.C.A. has one of the best organizations non-support of children and con- HOME SQUAD SHIP carelessness on the p art of the The banquet is being held in Eastern Coast as far west as Den­ in the country. As a result, cap- ; fributing to the d. linquency of a Haddox boy. Mr. Haynes is su r­ ver and from New Orleans *to connection with the observance of ital is being attracted to those, minor. vived, by two sons in the east. SAN DIEGO, Nov. 13— Struck father and son week, which is be­ Canada. sections, in preference to Oregon} Alfred W aldron pointing a gun ■ A new historical essay contest, by one of her own torpedoes which Mr Vernon is a direct descend­ ing observed throughout the coun­ and W ashington, in which states at ^ rs- Clara Waldron. open to students between the ages after being fired from the ship, ant of the ancient English family try at this time. This week is ob- ; of fifteen and eighteen, has been circled in the w ater and camel CONDITION OF MRS. no inform ation is easily obtain­ Jack Miller for holding up Eli O. Walden. of Vernons, whose ancestral home served in an effort to get the able. Van De Bogart has been, ap­ HARDINGMS BETTER announced, by Susannc H. Carter, back to its startin g point, the was Haddon Hall, from which the fathers and sons of the country in­ pointed to attem pt the organiza­ William Virgil Ramsey and | county superintendent of schools. torpedo destroyer Paul Hamilton i - MARION, O., Nov. 13— The Q uartet derives its name. He has to closer touch with each other, tion of such a body in this state, Fied M erritt for the __ _____ „ of robbery ‘J The contest is being sponsored by received a damaged propeller condition of Mrs. Florence Kling held im portant positions as a to g e t th e fathers to make “ pals and it was in the interest of this. Enders store, Ashland, on October the Oregon Historical Society. s tru t during targ et practice off teacher, was a member of thei th eir «ons, sometMng which has} [he* San“ D l l g o ^ h « ^ ^ ste rd Z y ‘ ' Y T I campaign he addressed the local 15,h and the stealing of an auto NEW YORK, Nov. 13 That body. jin Ashland on November 3rd. Cleveland Symphony O rchestra been lacking throughout the, ............ aecnrdinr in word r ^ ! v Oa i tonig,lt in a bulletin issued by num b.,, or y e ars., » « « e d by ,h . i « l . , y for the t o . , je c e lv M here.; „ Car[ w gaw New York was used as a base byj Several other mining men made Sessions of the circuit court for several seasons», and has b een , )country ^or a .. . . . . essays. No one was injured in . the acci- sm ugglers who operated on a gi-j si,Ort talks on the conditions of started in Jacksonville yesterday exceptionally successful as a so ( CC° r 1Pg ° 6 “ g autho1 ltles | The subject for this contest i s : dent» and the ship is proceeding yeF‘ _________________ gantic scale, and flooded the tjie mjning industry of the state, ¡ “ The Hudson’s Bay Company a n d 'into th e harbor here unUer her. ' " mf Jones was w ith the Cincin-1 A U T 0 BELONGING TO United States with high priced} declaring Oregon to have ono Qf n a“ s X h „ n 7 o r c i ea. r . «oi Z l GR0VER LEACH TAKEN °™>” " A e e o rd in ^ » » P « » e , jewelry w ithout paying the duty the fineat outlooks ,Q the country| i BUTLER APPO INTED to the rule of the the contest, FROM STATION HERE required on this article, was learn- which will bg easily developed TO SUCCEED LODGE seasons, resigning from th a t cel­ essays are not to exceed 2,000 ed today when the customs agents' when capita, ifl attracted here ebrated organization to join the} An automobile, belonging to words in length. They are to be Nov. 13— W illiam here announced th a t they had. The fiowers with Which the D BOSTON, ’ ------ " «««« iu Haddon Hail Q uartet. night agent for !hand writ7 ea 'o r seized and identified gems worth} tab ,eg. were decorated were doJ Butler. chairm an of the Repub’l- Cheesman is a native of Oberlin, the Pacific F ru it Express, Mas. w ritten on one side of the paper, National Committee w was ap­ $250,000 in many p arts of the nated by the Sanders Floral Com-1 Ca" NationaI a. »»- Ohio, and received his Principal stolen Monday night from in fro n t’ with a marg'jn\n o w e d . TheV am e Residents in the Jenny Creek country. pointed today by Governor Cox to training in Oberlin, Boston, and of the Southern Pacific station! and address of the „ date of pany, according to an announce­ region, 25 miles east of Ashland, It took the m urder of Mrs. m ent made by John Fuller, sec succeed the late Senator Lodge in • Berlin. Germany. While Mr. W il­ llOl’C i hirth, and name of the school at- are petitioning the postoffice au­ Teresa Mors recently and the m ur- retary of thc ,oca, organlzation. the United States Senate. B utler liams is the youngest member of . ac 1a driven the car from, tended1, are to be w ritten on a sep- Five hundred and fifty-five au- thorities for the establishm ent of der of H arry Katz this week, both » _________________ will serve until the next state elec­ th e Q uartet, his playing is bril­ the Ice Plant to the station, a n d ;a ra te sheet to accompany the es- tomobileS were registered at the a new office to be known as of which s'ayings took place in ’ tion, two years hence. liant and m ature in the highest was in the yard office at the lat- sayf The essay shall be certified local camp grounds during Octob­ W hite Star, at the service sta­ Los Angeles, to supply the miss-j MAN LEAPS OFF degree. He is descended from a ter place for a few minutes. When by an instructor in the institn- er, according to Park Commis­ tion and store of th a t nam e ju st ing links in the chain of evidence,; BRIDGE, DROWNS T. R. JR. WILL GO fam ous family of Chicago m usi­ he returned to where he had left! tlon attended by the pupils, sioner Frank Jordan. In these beybnd the A shland-Klam ath which led to the wiping out of cians. ON HUNTING TRIP his car It was gone. The police! All essays m ust be delivered to ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 13— Blanche W ebber Vernon, pia- were notified immediately, and the Oregon H istorical Society 253 cars were 1603 tourists. Eighty- Falls highway crossing of Jenny the smuggling ring, and to the seven of the cars remained here Creek, and six miles from the flight of a man named Medianski, A fter throw ing his lunch k it in OYSTER BAY, N. Y„ Nov. 13 niste, travels with the Q uartet on authorities throughout the coun- M arket St., Portland not later for more than one day. A large K lam ath county boundary line. ahead of him, an unidentified man who is now en-route to a foreign Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, de­ to urs and is available as assist- try were informed of the theft, than March’ 1, 1925. Four prizes per centage of the tourists are us­ Lum bering activities in th a t re­ country. jumped from the draw span of feated republican nominee for ing a rtis t for perform ances of The car has been traced as trav-j have been offered, $60 for the ing the cottages instead of camp* gion and many new homestead the W est bridge over the Chehalis Medianski is .said to have been governor and Mrs. Roosevelt will trios and quintets, as well as ac- ellng south, but no fu rth er infor-j firat prize; $50 for the second nig out, due to the unusual cold location are given as reason why the arch conspirator of the ring. river here today and was drown- leave within a few days for a com panist for solos where such m ation has been received here o f . prize; $40 for the third prize and weather which was experienced b etter mai|l facilities should be and wa3 responsible for most of ed in the deep w ater of the chan hunting trip in the South Caro­ m ight be desirable. the w hereabouts of the thieves. $30 for the fourth prize here during October. provided. the robberies. nel. lina m ountains. IS ACQUIRED OF F v i s c G x r y r v . . . INCOME PUBLICITY IN LENGTHY SESSION IS DESCENDENT OF FIVE INDICTMENTS ABE RETURNED GÏ T TO GIVE FATHER IS RESIDENTS PETITION FDR NEW PDST OFFICE r 9