t u u ß POUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINÖ3 Local » P erso n al ffotes A D ally C hronicle of th o se w h o com e and go, and ev en ts o f local Interest A shland L odge No. 2ft A. P. & A, M. A Special communication, Thurs­ day evening, Nov. 13. R outine, business and work In the Second Degree. Light refreshm ents a fte r­ wards. Visiting brethern welcome. M. H. ELLIS, W. M.; W. H. DAY, Sec’y. 62— 2 To Meet— The Jacksonville County Coun­ cil will meet a t Jacksonville Sat­ urday afternoon and a num ber of ladies from Ashland are planning to attend. Pantorium Dye and Cleaning works— leave your garm ents at C o n fin ed to H om e— Orres Tailor shop, local agency. Miss M arjorie Pifield, clerk in 66— 3* McNair’s Drug Store, is confined to her home today on account of R eturns H o m o - illness. Carl I. Wills has returned to K lam ath Falls after a few days Let a t fill your pall with Sw ifu visit with his wife and little son Silver Leei lard. Costa less than at the Convalescent Home. «hortealag. u&w. fa rth e r and is more nutritious. D etnsks. S4-tf! Order your Thanksgiving suit at Paulseruds. 54-tf R e tu rn s H om e— W ednesday, N ovem ber 12, 1024 V isitin g H ere—■ H ere Today-— i At Hotel Ashland— WEALTHY VANCOUVER George&hha .Clift of K lam ath Carl Deal of H ornbrook was in • O ut-of-state people registered MAN IS ARRESTED Palls is in Ashland for a few Ashland this m orning a tte n d in g ! a t the Hotel Ashland are Mr. and days visiting with her mother, to business m atters. Mrs. C. M. W eaver, Centralia, • SAN FRANCISCO,, Nov. 12— Mrs. A. E. Hensley. W ashington; K J, McGinnis, Oak­ F. Anderson, wealthy Vancouver, New straig h t English models in land; Mrs. H. Clausen and M rs.' Klenzo Tooth Paste at McNair Overcoats, a t P aulserud’s. 54-tf H. Holling, Spring Valley, W ash­ B. C. ttorney, was arrested by Deputy U. S. M arshall today on a Bros. ington; H. C. Banks, Los Ange­ charge of violating the prohibi­ To San Francisco— les; G. E. Hollenbeck and fam ­ H as P o s i t i o n - Mrs. Leighton, who has ’been ily, Brawley, Calif.; Ji Penning­ tion daws. He was released under Miss G ertrude Scheideriter of living on G ranite street for the ton, San Jose; R. Sheriffs, San $5,000 bail. The arrest of An­ derson it is said will herald the the Belleview district, has a posi­ past two months left yesterday Jose; Chas A. Gerstbocker, San sta rt of a government drive, tion at the Convalescent home. for San Francisco. Francisco; W illiam J. Murphy, against the Pacific coast rum run-! Seattle; Joseph G. Fow ler and : ning ring th at controls the Quadra j It is not too early to have your W ith a victrola, the w inter d a y s; wife, K ansas City, Mo.; John and other ships in the liquor trade! Christm as p o rtrait made. D arling are filled with music and glad-.; Byrne, Boston, Mass.; J. A. Mas- Studio. 60— tf Í ness. The Rose. 60-62-64 cott, Pasadena, Calif.; M. P. C hat­ between the Dominion of Canada and the California coast. Secret field of Milwaukie; P. McHenry, w arrants are out for two other H ere— A ppointed Oommissionei Sacramento. men, one being Russell W hitelaw, Mrs. Ackers, daughter of T. Word has been received here Vancouver m illionaire, the feder­ Anderson of Fairview street is th a t J. O. Elrod brother-in-law For sale:— Good used piano, al officials adm itted. in Ashland from the coast and ex- of G. M. F ro st of this city has 60-62-64 pects to send her children to been appointed city commissioner easy term s. The Rose. school here. for P ortland by Mayor Baker. There is wisdom in reading .ids. Morton H ansen returned home In Town — Junction City, Waldo Anderson returned to last night from Mrs. Belle Kidwell of Burley, h it home In A lbany'thls morning where he visited his parents for Idaho is registered a t the Hotel Ashland here and 1# looking for after visiting here for a week. several days. a place to locate. Our line of chocolates and ‘ OLD RALLYING CRY Beat milk:— Linlnger’s Dairy, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Reduced prices on portrait« d u r­ IS HEARD IN IDAHO . Complete line .of Ashland Can­ ICc klng for P la ce— Among the many people who a e looking for locations here are 1’r. and Mrs. Schyler of Canada. 1 >ey are registered at the Hotel 4 > bland. )n £ TMEATiJS BCAlifiTA Todav - - Tomorrow DOROTHY VGRDOn o f HftDDOI? HhLL* m Trem the romantic novel b y C harles TTUyor CLtaptri by ZU a/dtm ar c/1 '’M arshall Tleilan ^Production S^tc^mphy by Chariot Jiashar Qorgeously beautiful Mary Pickford in her most beautiful picture. A splendid romance that Tings true in every minute detail. Real love wins over great obstacles and in spite o f intrigue, treachery, treason. Abounding in thrills, action and comedy. Monday, Nov. 24 Starts Orpheum Jr. Vaudeville 0202020002010001000200010201020001020200000102010101020002005300010100000100664800532353534853485348485323485353485302 The Call for Warmer Togs is Here >1 Ted H er H. S. Newton and family have moved from Talent w here they h a re been living for the past year, t r their home on Fifth street In A.-ihland.. Thomas Newton, the •en, has sold out his oil station lr Talent and returned to Klam­ a th Falls. Every ad has a message. Those splendid silk dresses from our New York house that you have come to know as wonderful value at $16.75 and $19.75. However in line of greater value giving for November they are going to be priced at and We Have and Abundant Supply We offer unusual values in Kiddies Knitted Dresses, Coats. Capes, Hats and Toques. Our knitted dresses are beauties. Fur trimmed, shirred waist, full skirts, very clever, and in colors of rose, blue, coral and jade. Sizes 4 and up at $16.75 dresses.........$15.75 $19.75 dresses.........$17.50 $5 50 -o- REMEMBER THIS STORE AS THE PLACE TO BUY your Coats, Dresses and other garments; your Silks and Wool Dress goods during our NOVEMBER S ALES -o- C hildren’s Coats Children’s coats in a grand assortment of polo, Bo­ livia, Tutones, Velours, Plaids. Every wanted material in good heavy weight for warmth. Our range in sizes is complete. Either fur or silk trimmed, lined or unlined. All good colors and well made; priced at $3.75 ° $16.50 00010202000202010102020 This Buck’s Parlor Heater ia a combined Stove and Furnace Ample heat-radiating ca­ pacity to heat the room in which it is placed—pow- ?rful circulating capacity *o warm two or frhree ad­ joining ro'oms—that is the ability of this handsome, compact porcelain enam­ eled Parlor Heater. ANOTHER NOVEMBER SALE SPECIAL BAGS 1-4 Off A line of drummers’ samples, the finest line we have eve-r had, all under-arm styles and values from $3.00 to $15.00 $3.00 ones a t . . __ . . . .$225 $15.00 ones at . . . . . . ___ $1125 and intermediate prices all in proportion •’»urns any kind of fuel. A ’Giant” for heat. Yet, it c osts no more than old- >tyle stoves. In brown, mahogany, blue or gray porcelain. ASHLAND FU R N IT U R E COMPANY 83 N. M ain MEN—We suggest that .you get busy on these for Christmas Gifts OUR JUNIOR MISSES HATS Child’s Polo Kitted Sweaters. Fur collar and cuffs, belted waist, diamond knit in shades of jade, coral, tan, brown and blue. Sizes 6 to 14, at are made especially for girls 8 to 14 year«! of age. Size and shapes adapted to those ages have ju st arrived. They a re good autum n shades and all lined. S e lf- supporting brims and snug fitters. Priced from $5.00 $ 1 18 Girls’ Woolen Flannel Dresses in colors of brick, jade, navy, tan, stone, cocoa, brown and mixed plaids. All hand-filled seams and cut on beautiful tailored lines. Button trimmed with detachable collars and cuffs. Some carry embroidery work of clever designs. These are priced from $4.95 to $12.50 Other items of equal value are to be seen in our ready to wear dept. Girdles and Bandeaux 39c each SHOP AT Knitting Yarns of Every shade in differdnt Grades Now on Sale •W here Y our D ollar H as M ore Cent«’ «-n