Asawm pAitt « mots . PROFESSIONAL , Classified Column Classified Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one monlh or more, %c the word each time. FOR RENT 154 B. street. 107 Second St. Phone 313-R. 478 Boulevard. FOR SALB flock. 112 Nutley St. Phone 456J. 16 Inch 913. Delivered. Fountain Feul Co Siskiyou or leave ord« at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. 50— 1 mo.* ---------- ..——--------------«----------- MISCELLANEOUS WANTED:—-Regular roomers and borders. >10 per week. Phone 276L. 61— 3* WANTED: — Protect yourself against ibe uncertainties of win­ ter. We can assure you a good position In your own county, that will pay you well. Write us at once. Nogar Corporation, 301 Conch Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. 54— 18 DRESSMAKING and Tayloring reasonable prices, all work guar anteed. Mrs. B. Van Harden- berg, 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 mo.* DRESSMAKING and plain, sew­ ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 Oranite street. 60— 1 mo,.* WANTED: — To buy second nand bath tub. Must be in good condition. Miss Coffee, Tidings office. „ IT Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin Breaks Out Any breaking out of the skin on face, neck, arms or body is overcome quickest by applying Mentho-Sulphur. The pimples seem to dry right up and go away, declares a noted skin specialist. Nothing has ever been found to take the place of sulphur as a pimple remover. It is harmless and inexpensive. Just ask any druggist for a small jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur and use it like cold cream. When You Feel a C old Com= inc 0n[\ Take1 Laxative Brom Quinine to work off the cause ahd to fortify the system against an attack of Grip or Influ­ enza. A Safe and Proven Remedy. Price 30c. PHYSICIANS DR. HAWLh,r —Above office. Phone 91. Q ty Tidings DR. C. W. HANSON Dentist A WISH Special attention given to pyor­ (By Samuel Rogers) rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver ! Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. Mine be a cot beside the hill; A bee-hive’s hum shall soothe my ears; DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano A willowy brook, that turns a mill throat— X-ray including teeth. With many a fall shall linger near. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, The swallow, oft, beneath my thatch Ore. Shall twitter from her clay-built ! DR. E. B. ANGELL—-Chiropractic nest; i and Electro-Therapy. Office Oft shall the pilgrim lift the latch, phone 48; residence 142. First And share my meal, a welcome guest. National Bank building. DR. BR O W N Chiropractor 11 Years Practice Examination free. Office Vendôme I Hotel. Lady Attendant. Hours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone 227 Around y ivied porch shall spring Each fragrant flower that drinks the dew; '.•*»» And Lucy, at her wheel, shall sing In russet gown and apron blue. K C L E A N INSIDE For headache, constipation, indigestion, biliousness, bad breath, laziness and that worn out feeling, take two Chamberlain’s Tablets They keep men, women and children full of pep, health and happiness— because they keep them clean inside. 5 0 for 2 5 cenlt. Sold everywhere For a smooth share and quick service go to the Shell Barber Shop. Ladies and children get your hair bobbed and marcel­ led. W. A. SHELL, Prop. (32 A. St. Ashland, Ore the cold waves of January, 18$i; 1ft distress and the saving of life the slgfftU to te to axore than and maritime property. twice their feormal-strength, ex­ From end to end of the Unit­ perts said. ; ed States’ 10,00^ miles of coast­ “At the same time there w ere. line vessels and small boats of the deviations of many degrees in the Coast Guard patrol day and night apparent directions of the send­ watching and waiting for SOS sig­ ing stations, as indicated by the nals of distress that they may fly radio compass, even in the fore­ to the assistance of those in noon, when long wave compass trouble on the seas. bearings are generally free from While charged with the enforce­ error,” the Bureau of Standards ment of the Customs laws, which said. means that the Coast Guard has “The end of the series of cold the duty of trying to stem the waves in January did not at once tide of smuggling liquors, officials restore transmission conditions of the service are much jfrouder of to the uniformity of Autumn and their accomplishments in life-sav­ early Winter, but left a condition ing work. of Instability, which persisted Other Duties through the comparatively mild Included in other duties are cold of February and early March. the following: “During this time the signals The destruction and removal frequently fluctuated, going to of wrecks, derelicts and other high values for a few hour3 and floating dangers to navigation. then returning to normal, with­ Extending medical aid to Amer­ out any obvious connection with ican vessels engaged in deep-sea weather conditions. After March fishing. 19 these Irregularities entirely Operating as a part of the navy ceased, and transmission again in time of war, or when the became normal.” President may direct. Observations on other long­ Enforcement of laws reflating to wave stations indicated that these Quarantine and neutrality. large variations do not occur at a Suppression of mutinies on mer­ distance of fifty kilometers, that chant vessels. they are large at 250 to 300 kilo­ Enforcement of law to provide meters and are again less at 400 for safety of life on navigable to 700 kilometers. waters during regattas and mar­ According to bureau experts, ine parades. there is at present no' definite ex­ Protection of game and the seal planation of this prenomenon. The and other fisheries of Alaska. cause is said to be evidently at- International Ic.e Patrol in the mostpheric, and the connection vicinity of the Grand Banks off with the cold waves suggests that Newfoundland. President Coolidge will issue either the part of the atmosphere concerned with the signal varia­ anexecutive order probably next tions lies much below the Heavi­ side layer — 80 or 100 kilometers — or that weather phenomena are correlated with atmospheric action at much greater heights than has been hitherto supposed. month, making an official aselgn>! meat of the Coast Guard cutters to the duty of protection dr navi­ gation in December, January and Fi LSARE February, the danger months for coastwise shipping. Annually the President makes this assignment of duty. g- — T H E MOST ECONOMICAL and satisfying WINTER FUEL Diamond Briquets The cleanest and most satisfying fuel on the market. The village church, among the trees. THE SOUTHERN OREGON Where first our marriage vows CLINIC 1st National Bank Bldg. were given. Medical Surgical Obstetrical With merry peals shall swell the Diagnostic X-ray breeze, R. W. Stearns, M. D. And point with taper spire to R. E. Green, M. D. heaven. R. W. Sleeter, M. D. • • • Office hours 2-5 p. m. Phone 238-R CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday, November 13. P. T. CONVALESCENT HOME A. will have joint council meeting Where the sick get well. at Junior High school. Report of Cottage Plan. We board and care for Invalids delegates at convention and good program. Light refreshments. and old people. Thursday, November 13. Ladles Maternity Dept. Elk3 Club will meet at club Call 153 rooms. MONUMENTS Tuesday, November 18. Civic club will meet at clubhouse a t , ASHLAND GRANITE 2:30. MONUMENTS Wednesday, November 19. Aux­ Blair Granite Co. iliary to the Trinity Guild will S. PENNISTON, Manager meet at Parish House. Office 175 E. Main Friday, November 21. D. A. R. Res. Phone 444-Y will meet. VNV.G IRL ÎN ¿ROUBLE— May Saturday, November 22. P. E. commnnlcate With Ensign Lee O. meeting. WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. — • * • ef the Salvation Army at thé Cold waves increase the power WhiteShield Home, 565 May- Study Club— of radio signals to more than twice fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. The Ashland Study Club had a their normal strength, according very interesting meeting at the to studies just completed by the WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 1 .— In PLANING MILL home of Mrs. J. M. Wagner on U. S. Bureaq of Standards. the spectacular warfare of the Observations were made on day­ United States Coast Guard against fORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Oak street Monday afternoon. An WORKS, Cor. Helman and excellent half-hour talk was given light signals from the «long wave the tidal wave of liquor that has iTuqRY Van Ness. 194tf by Mrs. MacCracken on the lives trans-Atlantic stations at New flooded the shores of the country PICKFOR.D in of Davis, Secretary of Labor. Brunswick, N.. J., and Tucker- since the prohibition amendment •OOAOUUY oeRnon Jacob Reese and Edward Bok. town. N. Y. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS • went into effeet, sight has been of n eo o o n Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. The subject was capably handled The signal strength was found almost lost of a function of this Now P la y in g A t Vining. and of great interest. Mrs. F. G. to be uniform during most of the romantic arm of the naval ser­ for SERVICE. Experienced movers and pack­ Swedenbnrg gave a review of “In­ year, as was to be expected from vice. ers of household goods. Deal­ timate Portrait of Robert Louis the moderate distance of trans­ That function comprises the ers in coal and wood. Phone Stevenson” which is a new book mission, but with the coming of rendering of assistance to vessels of Stevenson’s life and is worth 117. while reading. Mrs. Swedenburg’s Office 89 Oak St. near review was very interesting. The Hotel Ashland roll call for the afternoon was T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ a quotation from Robert Louis fer— Good team and motor Stevenson and many and varied trucks. G >od service at a rea­ were the ones given. At the close of the afternoon sonable price. Phone 83. From Ashland Mrs. Wagner pleasantly surpris­ Daily to P o rtla n d .............................. 7:00 A. bi- ed the club by serving dainty re­ FEHIGE- ROACH Daily to E u g e n e ................................12.00 Noon Transfer — Express — Storage freshments honoring the two new Daily to Roseburg ..........................« 4:19 P M Haaling — Dray work of all i members, Mrs. Gordon MacCrack en and Mrs. Perozzi. It is not us­ kinds. Quick motor service. Dry 12:00 nooH and 4:15 p. m. Stages connects wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R ually the custom of this club to serve “ refreshments so the after­ to'Portland following morning. 375 B. St. 112-tf noon at Mrs. Wagners home was HOSE We take passengers for all way points; for farther delightful in every way. ASHLAND PAINT CO E information and tickets call Hotel Ashland office phone • • • Women’s Burson Heather Dependable 47. Stocking. Sohi Regularly Homecoming Day— Palutlng Contractors & Decorators at 59c The Christian Church has plan­ SWENNING & GEAR FARE ASHLAND-PORTLAND 18.20 Phone 408-J 67-1 mo.* ned Homecoming Day November 23. At this time all former mem- ber3 of the church have been in­ O N E O F A M E R I C A S S T R O N G E S T C O M P A N IE S We will be glad to make deliveries of Diamond Briquets immediately for your winter supply. C arson-Fow ler Lbr. Co. “In the Heart of Town’’ ERRORS E R R O R S are human. No better way of avoiding errors and their tragic consequences has been devised than a good bank. We so­ licit your account to assist you in avoiding errors. OTHER IOSS IHAN The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon Stock Reducing Sale! Travel By Motor Stage Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably :: ' M ore Special B argains fo r th e Last T h re e Days of T h is G reat Sale— Come! “ W earwell” SHEETS Size 81x 0 0 . T WILL STOP CATARRH Clogged Air Passages Open at Once—Nose and Throat Clear Barrel of Fresh óní dream, of T h ere’s n o secret about good b ak in g— w h e n y o u use C A U /M ir THE WORLD’S G R E A T E S T BAKING POWDER T he leavener that American housew ives have relied upon for over a third o f a century SALES r/a TIMES THOSE OF ANY OTHBH EBAN9 36” Daisy MUSLIN «6x 8 0 , 1OO per eent Pure W ool. Com es in Block P laid s all colors. Sold Reg- B leached, fin e q uality, yard 1 Z • IOC 70 inch B leached D am ask. Sold R egularly at $ 2 .1 8 yard Comfort Challies WOOL HOSE 3,1 Inches w ide, all new pat- tern, yard Children's Wool Hose in Brown Heather, Ribbed. Sixes 6 to IO $1.95 $ 5 ,0 0 0 if you die from natural causes . $10,000 you accident DAMASK 58 Inch Mercerized Damask. Hold Regularly at tt5c yard 48c LINEN DAMASK Here is what »W est Coast Life Per- feet Protection Policy will give: BLANKETS 70x80 Heavy Cotton Blan­ ket s in beautiful plaid pat- tern; pink, blue, tan, grey, yellow and lavendar. Sold Regularly $5.48 pair $9.75 15c Qt.; 50c Gallon Plaza Market BLANKETS ulafly at $10.50 KRAUT If your nostrils are clogged and your head stuffed because of ca­ Sweet Chocolate tarrh or a cold, get Ely’s Cream 20c lb.; 2 lbs. 35c Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this pure, antiseptic,1 germ destroying cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate Coeoa .............3 lbs. 25c through every air passage of your head and membranes. Instant re­ lief. ? Shredded Coeoanut How good it feels. Your head Special 25c lb . is clear. Your nostrils are open. You breathe fredly. No more hawking or snuffling. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. H. A. Stearns 61 N. Mate Don’t stay stuffed up, choked up and miserable. Relief is sure. Each $1.48 39c The box bears this signature EEP YOUR BODY vited to father herd and have a reunion. A big basket dinner will be served and every member who is now present has been request­ ed to send a message to be read ' before the gathering. The committee consisting of V. V. Hawley, Ed Hunt, Mrs. Frank Swingle, Miss May Benedict and Mrs. Ed Kilgore have been in­ structed to invite a former pastor to be present and have .invited Rev. W. L. Melllnger, who was pastor of the Christian church here for nine years. No answer has been received from hi as yet so it is possible that he can not attend. • • • W. C. T. U.— The W. C. T. U. had an inter­ esting meeting at the home of Mrs. Leavitt on Chestnut street yesterday afternoon. A committee was appointed to send food to the Farm Home with Mrs. Lulu How­ ard, Alice Jillson, and Will Davis as members. This committee ’Will pack the fruit and see that it is sent to the home. A large amount of fruit was donated and the W. C. T. U. wishes to thank those who so kindly gave the fruit and Mr. Kaegi of the White House for keeping it there until it could be packed and sent. Mrs. Angell was present and told of her experi­ ences in W. C. T. U. work in Washington. She gave an excell­ ent talk and one that will be re­ membered by those hearing her. Refreshments were served by the charming hostess, Mrs. Lea­ vitt assisted by Mrs. Jillson. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Jillson on Vista street. Wednesday, kuvehiber 12, 1024 rtm 18c 69c COATING 54 inch all W ool C oating in tan and brown. Sold R eg ­ ularly at $ 3 .9 8 yard COMFORT BAT PILLOW CASES Size 72x99, fu ll size W earw ell P illow C ases, 42 and 45 inch. Sold R egular­ ly nt 4 5 c each. 94c 39c In case o f permanent total disability the company will 1. W aive all premium payments 2. Pay you $25 per week for one year; and in addi­ tion 3. Pay you $50 per month for life; and 4- Pay $5,000 to your beneficiary when you die 5 . If disability involves loss o f limbs or sight as a re­ sult o f accident, the company will pay you $5,000 in cash, immediately, in addition to all other benefits. (In case of temporary disability as a result of either sick­ ness or accident, the company will pay you $25 per week for a limit of 52 weeks.] The coupon below will bring you complete information about this remarkable policy. Your own common sense will tell you that you should at least investigate what it will do for you. There is no obligation. Just send the coupon— BUY YOUR WINTER COAT NOW at a Great Saving Coats P riced n o w ___$16-50« $19.50, $21.50, $22.50, $29.75, $33.50, $39.50 Every Garment Well-Made—and of the Materials W anted WOMEN’S DRESSES ALL REDUCED Made of Both Silk and Wool “A Service T h a t Endures ” W est C oast L ife $19.75 Dresses now $24.50 Dresses now INSURANCE C O M P A N Y HOMg omet-«AM (Opportunity available to experienced Life Insurance salesman as District Manager). $16.50 $19.50 169-45 $29.75 Dresses now • $34.50 Dresses now $29.75 Children's Coats A ll Reduced s e z c tA L BARGAINS EACH DAY L R> ISAAC & GO ‘The Quality Store” SURPRISE BARGAINS EACH DAY