-?—■*< ä=a. ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ■ jb A shland MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ( International News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. OFFICIAL COUNT : FOR COUNTY IS? FINALLY READY Medford Precincts Count Is Left Out in Total Com­ piled by County Clerk VERIFY OLD ______ COUNT « » « » » « » » 8 a » I» C onger H as Large*» M ajority of, It « T h ose R u nning w ith O pposi­ 8 tion , H artzell Second » The official count on all of­ » ficers, excepting for the city of « Medford, was completed yester­ » C R IM IN A L A L W A Y S R E T U R N S TO SCENE a LOS ANGELES, Nov. 12. — There were two Ju n e m onths param ount in the life of Mrs. Jam es G. T urner, it was revealed here during her divorce suit trial. The first June was like this: A youth, a maid and a flivver beneath a tree. Love words, kisses, and then they were m arried. Miss Gladys Starkey be­ came Mrs. Jam es G. T urn­ er. The second Ju n e went this way: Same youth, same fliv­ ver, same tree and a dif­ ferent girl. They kissed, but Mrs. T urner and a private detective or two interrupted the lovem ak­ ing. « 8 8 :: :t :: » ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1924 COOLIDGE MAY CALL ANOTHER ARM S MEETING $40,000 FOR GIRL HURT IN CRASH. »! « 1 NO. 62 LINK SOUTHERN SLAYING W ITH M’COY KILLING DOGGIE HAS FA LSE ONES TO TEAR U P HIS MEAT • ----------- 8 LONDON, Nov. 12. — 8 False teeth for dogs is 8 the latest. Professor F. G. 8 Hobday, vqterinary sur- 8 Albert Mors Questioned byj» Police in Connection 8 8 With Katz Murder « British Government Waiting « for President to Decide on Conference Date 8 _____ «¡WANT TO CO-OPERATE a » »See R eady E scape from N oxious a P rotocol A greed to at G eneva a B y F orm er P rem ier » 8 DIAMONDS ENTER CASE » _______ i 8 Safety D eposit Box of Dead Man 8 W ill be Opened in Order to » D eterm ine E vidence in Case i » geon to King George, re­ cently fitted two dozen false teeth to a favorite terrier. Impressions were taken in the ordinary way, and the false set was fit­ ted with springs and wires as in hum an dentistry. The cutting edges were reinforced by platinum foil and gold solder, and the animal was able to te ar a m utton chop to pieces and crush the bone w ithin two days of hav­ ing the teeth fixed. MEDFORD HIGH 8 8 « 8 8 CLASH BY 14-12 a 8 Breaks Decide Game in Fav­ or of Home Athletes. 8 Locals Play Best Ball ' 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 KATSER IS LOCAL STAR F ailu re to Kick G oals Ix>ses (»aine for A shland Squad. Return G am e H ere ______________ _ ]» LOS ANGELES, Nov. 12- tt Fourteen to twelve in favor of I, Linking Los Angeles’ latest m u r-i» 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 the Medford football team, was der mystery, the slaying of H arry j the official score and verdict when Katz, celebrated music an and the tim ekeeper’s whistle blew at day by County Clerk Florey and j 8 diamond broker of this city, and! the end of the Armistice day shows a num ber of changes i n ; 8 gridiron battle Tuesday a fte r­ the alleged lover of many worn-1 the totals from the unofficial re ­ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 noon on the Medford field, but the en, with another cf the city’s un-j turns published, but they do not unofficial and alm ost universal solved crimes, police of the Los; affect the general results.. opinion, even among some of the The vote on president was the Angeles departm ent today sum­ most enthusiastic Medford root­ largest ever cast in Jackson coun­ moned A lbert Mors for question-1 ers, was th at the Ashland aggre­ ty, being 9239 this year as ¡ng in connection with the slaying gation played the brainier game against 7288 in 1920, an increase of Katz here yesterday. Much W ork Com pleted W hich and th a t the visitors made more of 1951. Morse is the divorced husband W ill Aid County in A ttracting yardage than the Medford players The largest total vote c/3t for E V A 2 T E IJsr& E Jg g ¿ ¿ y of Theresa Mors form er antique Travel in Com ing Years did. county officials was on sheriff, dealer here, for, whose m u rd e r The Medford team, seemingly 9115, next highest county judge Norman Selby, better known to KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 12.— embued with the idea that their 8871. Just as a jury was being sworn In to hear testimony in Miss Eva the world as Kid McCoy, is being W ith five projects finished or WASHINGTON, Nov. 12 — Steinberg's $10(\000 suit against the Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Co., held in jail h e re .' ' defeat of the G rants Pass team Of the state officers who had A rthur P age D ies W hen Car nearly so, the county road build- which had earlier defeated the Turns T urtle. Com panion, President Coolidge is only aw ait­ of New York City, the company offered a settlement of 940,(HID, which opposition, Sam Kozer, republican Mors is being he’d in order {ng program of Klam ath for 1924 U ninjured, L eaves for South ing a favorable opportunity |o was accepted. This is said to be one of the largest damage suit settle­ (hat he may tell of a deal between; nearg completion. Ashland players, was a criterion for secretary of state, had the ments ever made. She was Injured in a collision between two trains take the Inititative in calling an­ and had to be carried into court on a stretcher, attended by her sister Katz and Mrs. Mors, Involving the' largest num ber of votes, 6230 Gradlng of the Yonna valley that they would have an easy time A rthur A. Page, 38, of San other world arm s conference, it and Dr. Paul Lapidus. against his opponent W. L. Hem­ ______ __ ownership of $250,000 worth o f’ m arket road extending from the handling the Ashland team, were Francisco, was alm ost instantly set back in the first quarter wheu was ascertained at adm inistration bree 1936. McNary, republican, jewels, and in order th at he may K lam ath Falls-Lakeview highway The for senator, was next highest, killed early this morning, when head q u arters here today. open K atz’ safety deposit box in] east of Dairy, north for four and the Ashland backfield by con­ sistent line bucking and comple­ 5401 to M iller’s 2238. Tom Kay, an automobile, driven by J. Leer, purpose of the conference will be a local bank, where the police) ane half mneg to Hildebrand, has tion of splendid forward passes republican, for treasu rer was also of San Francisco, went ofT the to lim it the production of aircraft believe they will obtain new been completed by H. F. Victory, side of the road, ju st over the for w ar purposes, to lim it the size and assisted and by great inter­ third with 5308 to 2903 for clews which will go a long way/ contractor, and the road is now sum m it of the Siskiyou’s about and num ber of subm arines, to ference put up by the front line Myers. toward solving the m urder of being used by vehicular traffic. On the county ticket, of those fifteen miles from here. Leer was lim it the size and equipm ent of Katz. Mors and Mrs. Mors were] There Is left to be done., some men, carried the hall to within a land forces, and to codify In te r­ few yards of (he goal. having opposition, H. W. Conger uninjured. both in possession of Katz' safety rOck work on the new road and Leer stated he had been driv­ national Law. However, when a touchdown led with 6363 votes, W. J. H art­ deposit box combination, aecord^also the construction of head walls ing all night, and dropped off to seemed certain, a fumble by an zell was second with 6043, Ralph ing to inform ation given by Katz at Buck creek crossing. This sleep for a moment. The car ran Ashland player gave the hall to T h ieves Take B ag, but R eturn P rediction Made in P oll Gives Cowgill had 5864, John Carkin SECRETARY DAVIS IS at the prelim inary hearing of K id ’ work will probably not be com- the Medford team which made a over th e em bankm ent, and tu rn ­ M ost o f C ontents to Victim had 5030. M agazine UX) Per Cent A ver. TO RESIGN MARCH 4 McCoy. ‘ ; pleted till next spring. touchdown In the next few m in­ Of those having no opposition ed turtle, pinning the two men T hrough Mail at P . O. , age for Vote There is a possibility th a t ai The county bridge over Lost utes and kicked goal, making the A C. W alker led with 7516. underneath. Leer extracted him ­ WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. — true hill for m urder may be; river, east of Merrill, which re­ Delilia Stevens next w ith 7437 self, and went to |h e Jones Gar­ i Secretary of Labor Davis is the Two unidentified women, who Score a smacking bull’s-eye for brought against Mors. McCoy h a s ’ p'aces the old W hitney bridge score 7 to 0. The Ashland players did not and J. B. Coleman a close third age, a short distance from the only member of his cabinet who posed as guests at a local hotel, the derided and much pooh- m aintained a'.l along th a t Mors] condemned by the county en- lose the fighting spirit however scene of the accident, and Mr. has indicated to President Coo­ yesterday robbed Mrs. John F u ll-’ poohed straw vote! with 7366. was the m urderer of his wife, and gineer last spring. Is now com- Jones went back with him to help lidge, his intention to resign on er of a handbag, containing at The official count shows: For weeks before the election it is possible th at Mors is respon-i Plated and traffic is utilizing the and in a few m inutes K atser went get Page out. Page died while March 4, it was officially announc­ small am ount of cash, some keys the L iterary across the line, having worked For president: Digest polled the new’ structure. Mr. Victory, the down from the 20-yard line in a sible for the latest m urder. being brought Into the commun­ Coolidge (R ) ...........................4876 ed a t the W hite House today. and valuable papers, and . escaped country by means of postcard bal­ contractor was paid off by the series of line plunges and for­ Davis (D ) ............................... 1840 ity Hospital here by Jones. Davis is a t present enroute to before the th e ft was discovered. lots, collecting a total of more county October 11. Leer told Jones he would re­ South America to investigate the They are as yet at large. ward passes. They failed to kick La F ollette ............................. 2498 than 2 million from all states. Thirty normal working days goal and the score stood 7 to 6. Johns (S) ............................... 25 main at the sum m it, a t the scene im m igration problem in the coun­ Mrs. Fuller had dined at the This poll was attacked as Re­ will be sufficient for the com­ Medford then made another of th e accident, until the au th o r­ tries of th a t continent. U. S. Senator: hotel, and left her handbag lying publican propaganda; Democrats pletion of the Chiloquin-W illlam- touchdown and kicked another McNary (R ) ..........................5401 ities arrived, but when Chief of on one of the tables in the lobby. said it was so conducted as p ur­ river m arket road, Joseph Je n ­ goal, making the score 14 to C. Miller (D) ................ ...........- 2238 Police George McNabb arrived When she returned to get her posely to minimize Davis’ strength son, county engineer, estimated. Ashland, when quite a distance Robison ( S) .......................... 199 shortly afterw ard^ it was discov­ bag, it was gone, but a woman while thq followers of La Follette Eleven miles of the Langell F. E. Coulter (P ) ................. 719 ered th a t he had been picked up who had been seated in the lobby, asserted it was preposterous and PORTLAND, Nov. 12. ■ The valley m arket road extending from from the goal line, made a for­ R epresentative: informed her th a t the bag had m isleading distortion of the facts, city aw’Oke today to find the tern-; Bonanza cast toward« Txtrelln has ward pass to K atser, who carried by a m otorist travelling south. the ball across the line. Ashland been taken by two women who regarding the Bobcat party m ight J perature settling at 30 30 degrees. Hawley (R ) ..........................5213 It is believed Leer was intox­ been surfaced by the county. The again failed to kick goal, m ak­ Clark (D) .............................. 2046 icated at the time of the accident, had been seated in th e lobby, and The Digest bore up well under the This is the first time this sea­ work included the grading of sev­ ing the score 14 to 12. While who had left hurridly after the shower of abuse and sneering, and son a freezing tem perature has B utler (I) ............................... 880 although no definite proof has The cannery is very busy at eral short stretches on the high­ the Ashland team worked feverish­ theft. Upton (S) ............................... 265 been found by the officers. His continued to publish weekly the been recorded in this city. present canning apples. Several way. ly from this point on, with only Although the two women were resu lts of the poll, stating It Secretary of state: action in leaving the scene of the carloads have already been ship­ Combined with a low’ hanging County road forces have re ­ a few m inutes to play, they were Kozer (R ) ...............................6230 crash indicates this theory as cor­ not guests kt the hotel, they left claimed nothing for the figures fog, the w eather caused many ac­ ped and another car will prob­ cently completed the laying of a unable to annex any fu rth er score, Hembree (D) ...........................1936 rect.- some baggage in the lobby. This, but th a t they appeared to indi­ cidents, a score or more machines ably be ready for shipm ent to­ road bed and surfacing the qu ar­ the game ending with the Medford F rancis (S) ........................... 412 Chief of Police George McNabb cate a trend. skicfding off the slippery pave­ morrow. There are approxim ate­ ter mile stretch of the new’ Rock examined in an effort to discover State treasu rer: The final roundup of straw s by m ents into curbs, sm ashing fend- creek road across the strait which team two points ahead. ly 120'* cases in each car, The Medford team seemed un­ Kay (R ) ....................................5308 FINAL SERVICES their identity, but a few - old the Digest showed th a t the three I «rs and wheels, The pack Is larg er than last separates Wocus valley from Cale- usually confident at the very be­ clothes w ’as all th eir handbags Myers (D) ............................... 2903 FOR SENATOR HELD year and all of it has been aold. presidential candidates would Freezing tem peratures have i donia valley. Recently, the road ginning of the game, but In a few contained. Supreme court Justices: stand in the election college about been reported from states to the has been smoothed, following ex- j 2__W ith o u t’ D< T aylor> m anager, states th a t BOSTON, Nov. minutes they had lost consider­ The keys and papers were re- thig w ay. B elt (R ) ....................................4821 n rth, the tem peratures in th e, tensive log hauling by the Wheel- the cannery will run as long as turned to Mrs. F u ller last night able of this confidence and were Coshow (D) ...........................4201 eulogy, in the midst of disting­ Coolidge. 379; Davis, 142; La state of Montana being p a rtic u -1 er Ohlmstead Lumber company there is fruit. There are about by an employee of the hotel, who on the defensive, repeatedly fail­ Kelley (I) ............................... 2746 uished citizens of the nation, state Follette, 13. larly low. Oregon as a whole has This work has been discontinued 15,000 boxes of apples yet to be discovered them in an envelope, ing to make their ><>rdage and A ttorney general: and city, the final services for H ere is how they do stand to ­ had about the same conditions tem porarily during the wet w eath­ eanne and •which the Coo­ twelve years and was a member Since each team made the same School superintendent: ed. the southern authorities to stop n dge leaders were at one time of B. P. O E. lodge 944. lins." Lieutenant Carl Dueill, of the C arter (R ) 5010 them. They were returned to a imOst willing to gran t he would Surviving him Is his wife, Es­ Salvation Army, stationed in Ash num ber of touchdowns, the Med­ The m urdered man, H arry Katz, Milam (D ) ................................3589 said to be a form er Chicago m u si-! this city, and Ramsey was im- carry. th er Kellogg and two young land, who left for San Francisco ford team winning by the slight T rea su rer: mediately placed under arre st on No poll record ever hit the n a il. daughters; his m other, Mrs. M. »wo weeks ago to spend a furlough margin of the two goal kicks, the cian, and who was form erly a vio-i Medford wagers were lost. W alker (R ) ........ -.................7516 linist in the Royal O rchestra of Miss Maude Russell, well known a second charge, th a t of robbing On the head like this one. It was E Kellogg of Medford; three with fr iends jn th a t city, has suf-- An illustration of the break Surveyor: • an honest effort to show which ; brothers, A. E. Kellogg of Gold fered a collapse, and is confined Russia, was shot down Monday Ashland girl, died of heart failure the Enders store. which Medford had, came in kick- Cowgill (R ) ..«..........................7003 night at the door of his ap art­ a t seven-thirty Sunday evening As a resu lt of this in d ictm en t,'w ay the wind was blowing, and , Hill, E. V. Kellogg, Medford and b js bed in the California me-i Corner: inR the Bocond K° a • The ba 1 ment. in "Watsonville, California. Miss the two boys will face the super- it succeeded even beyond all eX^( E j Kellogg. K lam ath Falls; and fronolis according to Information was fumbled but the quarterback. Conger (R ) ........................... 6363 The police found more than a Russell had been 111 for some time ior court on th e two charges,' pectations of those who conductea three sisters, Mrs. Charles Stacy, received here today. kicking was inferior Perl (I) .................................... 2476 score of violins, an antique piano, p Ueill left Ashland, intending I whose and made the trip to W atsonville when the court again goes into it. It was a fine piece of enter-; Mrs j obn Barneburg of Medford, l throughout the game to the Ash- a rt collections and love letters, last spring, hoping to benefit her session. In the meantime, they prise, and the Digest will now and Mrs. May Greene of Ashland I to spend ten days in the south. > land kicking, picked up the ball Public funeral services will be but immediately upon his arrival signed, “ th a t bad woman, R osita,” health. She became steadily worse are being held in the jail a t Ja c k -’ reap the rew ards of success. NO INAUGURAL BALL held a t the Dodge funeral Chapel wag fOrced to go to a hospital and by a lucky drop-kick put the --------------------- - COOLIDGE DECLARES in K atz's rooms. Jealousy and however, and has been in a ser­ sonville on the robbery charge. ■ Thursday afternoon, Nov. 13 at for treatm ent. Three m ajor op- ball across for another point. Bail of $500 was furnished for, N o M eeting— robbery were the motives inves­ ious condition for some time. There will be no m eeting of one-thirty and interm ent will be erations were perform ed upon Miss Russell attended h ig h ' th eir release on the charge of WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. — tigated by the police for the m ur­ SU SPECTS R E LE A SE D the family burial , blnii and for two day8 bis pby. stealing the autom obile, but thus the Elks Ladies tomorrow on ac- private at school here last year and w ork­ President Coolidge does not fa­ der of Katz. BELLINGHAM. W ash.. Nov. Katz is said to have owned a ed in the Plaza for a short time far no bail has been forthcom ing count of the funeral of Mr. Kel- ground in the Rock Point ceme­ sicians stated he could not re ­ 12.— E arl Dodson and Jack Evans, vor the holding of the inaugural cover. His vitality surpassed the ball in the W hite House on March yacht, and is known as - being thi3 spring. She has lived Here for their release on the second l°gg- The meeting will be post­ tery a t Gold Hill. arrested here on suspicion of be­ charge poned one week and will be held surgeons, however, and he is now quite wealthy. Rosita M arstini, all of her life and has many 4, the day of his inauguration, he ing members of the bandit gang Thursday, November 20th. A storia— Salmon shinm ents for reported as out of danger, and it announced today, but stated be movie extra girl, adm itted to the friends. th a t robbed officials of the G reat­ October totalled 67,221 cases, is believed he will be back In this She is survived by her fath er Thomas R. Baird, Chief Engin­ will attend if the ball Is held. police th a t she had w ritten the er Theatres Company of Seattle P ress of business at th a t time, is bad woman letters to Katz, of­ and m other, a brother, Theodore eer of the Fresno, California, fire ’ W allowa Development of ce- w ith 104,507 cases coming in city before many weeks. of $10,000 on Monday, were re­ W heat shipm ents ---------------- ■---------- given as the P resident's reason ficials of th e police departm ent Russell and a sister, Miss Lois departm ent says th a t 65 per c e n t( ment gravel pit provides m aterial( from Alaska leased here today after being heavy. 1 Classified Ads B ring Resulta made public today. Russell. of fire alarm s originate in homes. f ° r ffood highways. for not desiring the ball. questioned by the local police. » LONDON, Nov. 12.— England « eagerly aw aits an American invi­ « tation to attend another disarm a- » : m ent conference, such a3 was held » , in W ashington last year. There « j is little doubt th a t such a move 8 by President Coolidge would be welcomed by the newly elected Tory governm ent of England, aft offering a means for ready escape from the Geneva protocol, agreed to by form er Prem ier MacDonald. It is apparent th a t Prem ier Bald- i win is desirious of the closest co-operation with the United States. 1924 E AUTO ACCIDENT AI TOP OF SISKIYOUS LITERARY DIGEST SCORES BULLSEYE ON STRAW BALLOT RECORDED IN STATE APPLES ARE PACKED AT LOCAL CANNERY ASHLAND BOYS ARE POLICE MAKE ARREST IN MURDER CASE OF T BASIL KELLOGG OF CITY DIES AFTER A SHORT LRELI E [OCAL GIRL DIES