rictí » A shland M M dàìly ttoíñ GS Tuest!«y, November 11, 1924 dicate Inc. and has never had stances Under which the H artm an SEVENTH, The Committee TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ’expedition to Amundsen. If he r« anything to do with the organiza­ Syndicate Inc. took over the prop­ finds from a full investigation of fuses Laräen will act as leader. tion, developm ent or m anagem ent erty of H. W. H artm an and the the property of the Company t h a t , FOR SALE— W yondotte chick­ It Is planned to use two air­ of the Company, and does not H artm an Syndicate of the Paci­ it has developed a large deposit ens. L-. E. Tracey, 763 Beaoh St. planes which would fly to the own one share of stock in this fic Coast and issued therefore cf shale which from the gsologi-j Pole from Spitzbergen and retu rn 61— tf A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of Company. The Company fu rth er One Hundred and fifty thousand cal and engineer’s report is of an to th at starting point. The start local Interest W ANTED:— R egular roomers finds from the books and records shares of the capital stock to enormous tonnage and th a t t h e , will be made in May, and borders. $10 per week. Phone of the Company th a t the Com­ Mr. H. W. H artm an, and fifteen Company has established a t its CHRISTIANIA, Nov. 11. — 61— 3* pany was organized by H. W. thousand five hundred and forty- works, Shale City, Oregon, one 276L. Letterheads, statem ents, t O Captain Raold Amundsen may a t­ DeMOLAT MEETING Back to R o rk — H artan ; we fu rth e r find from in- two shares to the Trustees of the re to rt and necessary equipm ent j your order a t the Tidings Office. CARD OF THANKS tem pt to fly to the North Pole R egular m eeting of Llthia H. H. G illette has returned to! form ation gathered from officers H artm an Syndicate of the Pacific for the extraction of oil from We have a good Job printing de­ We wish to thank the Rebekahs, after all. C hapter W ednesday evening, Nov. his work in th e Southern Pacific! and persons fam iliar with the Coast in full payment for all prop­ shale, which this Committee be­ partm ent. tf the C hristian Church choir and 12 at Masonic Hall. Im portant yards a fte r a short illnessi Two Norwegian lieutenants,- facts th a t Mr. H. W. H artm an has erty taken over by the Corpora­ lieves will be capable of operat­ the friends and neighbors who Larsen and Dietrichson, are m ak­ Oregon has population of 955,- business. _______ never been engaged in sim ilar tion. The Committee finds th a t ing successfully on a commercial showed many kindnesses and sym­ ing plans for a flight to the Pole I • ita 'p h Robison, M aster Councilor, ,662 people, by state cham ber of Armands Face Po. 60c. McNair • undertakings and th a t the state­ the property so taken over was scale. pathy during the - illness and next Spring. When the project Russell Overocker, Scribe. Broa, commerce count. This shows m ent In the W est-Black report appraised by the incorporators EIGHT, the Committee finds death and interm ent of Mrs. S. is financially assured, they plan ■ gain of 171,273 or 19 per cent to the efTect th a t this Company of the H artm an Syndicate Inc. and from a personal inspection of the 1 M. Rhodes. Also for the beautiful to offer the leadership of the For San Francis Let nr fill your pall with Swifts was promoted by E. W. H artm an the Corporation D epartm ent of the P lan t of the Company, and from since 1920 census. flowers. Mrs. Fred L. Putm an left la s t.$ u T©r Lea; lard. Costa less than and H. W. H artm an is false, as State of Oregon was fully inform- a personal investigation of the S. M. RHODES, evening for San Francisco where shortening. O m i fa rth e r and is will appear from the records in 1 ed and consented to the incor- hooks of the Company th a t there MRS. CLARA ENGLE » ♦ ♦ » > ♦ » « « .................. ♦ ♦ . »< poration of the said Company is no evidence of extravagance bhe will visit for a short time. atora nutritious. D etneks. 94-tf the office of the Company. THIRD, your Committee finds upon the basis of the appraisal or m ism anagem ent and th at any from an inspection of the re- made by the incorporators, and statem ent to th a t effect in th e so. Complete line of Ashland Can- To San Francisco— Miss Engle left last night for cords th a t the Company was orig- th a t the perm it to sell $350,000 called W est-Black report is false, i te n Goods a t Detricks. 64-tf San Francisco for an indefinite taally organized by H. W. H art- worth of stock was granted after NINE, The Committee fin d s , man as a Common Law T rust, a full and complete statem ent of Special Auto Accident Polley stay. No one in Ashland who suf­ th a t the Oswald W est-Black Com­ ______ form of business organization re- the affairs of the Company at time for $6.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo m ittee made th eir report w ithout i fers headaches or distressing ur-i Reduced prices on portrait* dur- i cognized in many of the states of of incorporation were disclosed to proper investigation of the af­ inary ills, can afford to ignore • f coarse. 24-tf ¡ng November, D arling S tu d io ., Lnion and th a t such com- the Corporation Commissioner. fairs of the H artm an Syndicate this Ashland woman's twice-told | 60__tf Pany waB organized upon advice The Committee from inform ation Visiting H ere— * Inc. and th at neither Oswald W est story. It is confirmed testimony of the attorney for tho Company, g ath ered from interview s with J. C. McNaughton, traveling in­ or George Black or anyone repre­ th a t no Ashland resident can Mr. Jam es W esterfelt of Los An­ stock holders does not find there spector for the Southern Pacific Studying— senting them have ever gone over doubt. Lynn Slack and Charles Moore geles, California, th a t same would has been any m isrepresentation th e books and records of the Is in Ashland on business. Mr. Mrs. S. C. McDonald, 685 B .| McNaughton is located a t Duns­ are studying in th e Ashland yards oomply with the laws of the State made to any of the stockholders Company nor as far as this Com­ St., says: “ I know from personal of Oregon, and th a t as such or­ regarding the am ount of stock to become switchmen. m uir. m ittee can learn have either of experience Doan’s Pills cannot b e 1 ganization It made application to th a t was issued to Mr. H. W. them made an inspection of the equaled for kidney trouble. I U (] j the Corporation Commissioner of H artm an or to the trustees for Sweet cream for whlpj Tamalea, best In tha city, “ The Plant of the Company. The Com­ have taken them on several occa-, the State of Oregon for a per­ the certificate holders of the H art­ Re sa” . 60 tf j ceffee— also fresh milk, always m ittee therefore finds th a t the s o n s for a lam eness through myi ; an ice a t the Plaza. 239— t í m it to sell Its securities; such man Syndicate of the Pacific! said Oswald W est and George kidneys and it only required a application being on file w ith the Coast. You will save by having your ’ SIXTH, The Committee has ; Black were not in possession of f w to relieve me of the m isery.; p o rtrait made during N ovem ber., To Portland— , Corporation Commissioner. We upon Doan’s h av e'also proven a splen-; carefully investigated the repres­ any official inform ation D arling Studio. «0— tf Miss Drew left last evening for ? er.e ,° 2 which they could base their re ­ did remedy for another member entations made by the officers and Portland where she will visit for ! in the W est-Black rep o rt th a t the port (except report of the auditors cf the family who had consider­ company was originally organized the salesmen of the Company re ­ IL r© Y esterday— a short time. of the Company, a copy of which able trouble with his kidneys.” as a Common Law T rust In order garding the am ount of real prop­ E. M. Wood of G rants Pass, was furnished to Oswald W est by (S tatem ent given March 15, to circum vent the blue sky law erty owned by the Company In special agent for the Southern Pantorium Dye and Cleaning the Secretary of the Company) 1916.) is false, and th a t as a m atter of fee and the am ount under appli- Pacific was in Ashland yesterday works— leave your garm ents a t ! fact the company did everything cation for lease from the United and this Committee finds th a t On March 19. 1920, Mrs. Mc­ on business. i Orres Tailor shop, local agency. in its power to secure a p e rm it! States Government, and the Com- the rep o rt of the said Oswald Donald said: “ I seldom have any 66— 3* for the sale of its tru st certificates m ittee finds from the records of W est and George Black does not sign of kidney trouble and give See Paulsorud’s special on two- hut were denied a perm it by the i the Company as well as from in ­ conform to the facts as disclosed Doan’s the credit.” psnts-sulta, all wool, $23.75. 64-tf Here from D unsm uir— corporation Commissioner. We I cratu re published by the Company in the auditors report. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t ■ ■ | Carl Smith was in Ashland Dated at Ashland, Oregon, on simply ask for a kidney remedy— 1 fu rth er find th a t th e Trustees and and from th e au d ito rs’ report, (a LARGE NEWTOWN a n d Thursday from Dunsm uir and re­ Officers of th e original Company copy of which was in the hands this the 10th day of November get Doan’s Pills— the same th at 81TT2 culls 50c, Small Spitz 25c, turned with his Chevrolet car. acting in good faith with the Cor­ of Oswald W est) th a t the officers A. D. 1924. Mrs. McDonald had. Foster-M il­ bring your box or sack, F ru it As­ Respectfully subm itted, poration Commissioher and the of the Company and its salesmen burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. i sociation. 55— 6 Arrive Saturday— A ttorney General incorporated a represented the exact am ount of C. A. SCHERER, Portland. Chairm an of stockholders’ Mr. and Mrs. V, m. Smith and company known as the H artm an acreage it owned In fee and the In Ashland— daughter, Jean n ette arrived in syndicate Incorporated, and under am ount of acreage it held under Committee. Mr. M artersen, m anager of j Ashland Saturday from Portland Rgreem ent with th e Corporation application for lease. The Com­ E. A. EASLY, Portland. t i n Pelican Bay Lum ber company, and will visit here for a few days Commissioner took over all of m ittee does not find th a t any of GEO W. PAYNE. McMinnville. was in Ashland yesterday on his with Mrs. Elizabeth Van Sant. i the property of the H artm an the officers or salesmen have MORRIS G. MORRIS, Amitv. Ore. a :y to San Francisco. : Syndicate of the Pacific Coast, a ever represented th a t the Com­ J. W. WALLING, Amity, Ore. Order yonr Thanksgiving suit : tru s t estate, and were granted a pany owned 3000 acres of land A. W. LIVINGSTON, Portland. Right nbw we have a It is not too early to have your a t Panlseruds. 64-tf perm it by the Corporation Com­ and th a t any intim ation o r sta te ­ GEORGE VIESKO, Salem. C irlatm as p o rtrait made. Darling m issioner’s office of the State to m ent in tho W est-Black rep o rt to CARL ENGSTONE. Salem. splendid showing of the Studio. 60— tf Ready fo r D istribution— sell $350,000.00 of the capital the effect th a t m isrepresentation R. D. GIBSON. Salem. newer Patterns in Linol­ The Boys and Girls Bookshelf stock of the Corporation. has been m ade is unw arranted L. M. MARCOTT, Shale City. Best m ilk— Linlnger’s Dairy, has been received at the Library FOURTH, the Committee upon from th e facts as disclosed by the E. E. PH IPPS, Ashland. eum that are particularly 1- c quart. Phons 396R and 369J. and will be given to anyone who full investigation flnd3 th a t the records of th e Company. STUART McKISSICK, Ashland. suitable for use in dec­ 26— tf i3 interested in. getting books for only business transactions between children. This book contains ai the H artm an Syndicate Inc. and orative plans. l.--ft Last Evening— • list of the best new books of th e 1 any of th e companies of E. W. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Byers left year. We should like you to H artm an is a contract for the p u r. last night for Omaha, Nebraska, chase of 26 re to rts from the H art­ visit our Linoleum de­ w here they will make an indefi­ Wo deliver the goods— Detricks man Process Company, and th a t Reduced to a minimum partment and give us an nite visit. Will give you splendid service 24-tf one of said re to rts has already for w inter driving been purchased a t the actual cost if vou » use opportunity to show you how attractively you can Yon are welcome to compare B roadcasts Concert— of m anufacturing said re to rt by SPECIAL use new Linoleum floors in redecorating your ir.y Automobile rates w ith any WHIZ ANTI FREEZE RADIATOR COVERS Miss Emma Earle, form er Ash­ the Buffalo Foundary and Ma­ Ford Batteries . . . $15.50 O’ her rates In Jackson or Jose­ land resident is a member o the chinery C o m p a n y of Buf­ home. Simply tell us the color scheme you have WEED DE LUXE CHAINS and batteries for all other ph hie Counties; yon can be the Bohemian Trio which broadcasted falo, New York. The .Committee in mind and we shall gladly help you make the se- cars at reasonable prices Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course from station KPO, San Francisco, fu rth er finds th a t no profit or section, either to harmonize with the Rugs, furni­ 30— tt last night and the concert was royalty has been paid to E. W. PHILCO RADIO ture and draperies you now have, or to go with heard by several people in Ash­ H artm an or will be paid to him or Sudden Service and Replacem ent P a rts for Every Car BATTERIES completely new furnishings. P.iss Through— land. Miss E arle attended school to any of his companies on the The California University foot­ here but moved to Oakland sev­ purchase of the re to rt th a t has ball team passed through Ashland eral years ago. She is now a sen­ already been delivered. The Com­ Is -it night on their return trip ior in the U niversity of California m ittee fu rth er finds th a t tho a fte r playing the Unlverstiy of and a mem ber of the Zeta Tau H artm an Syndicate Inc. has an 240 E ast Main SL agreem ent to purchase the addi­ Alpha sorority. V ishington last Saturday, tional re to rts a t ,an exceedingly reasonable price and much below H ere On B u sin ess— Tuxedos and serges for dress THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL Mrs. Susanne Homes C arter was the figure a t which they are w °ar. PaulseTud’s. 64-tf in Ashland this m orning on busi­ quoted to others, plus a royalty of ten cents per barrel to the H art­ D< turns H o m e - ness. man Process Company. The Com­ John Churchman returned m ittee finds th a t any statem ent in hi me yesterday morning from A ttend Meeting— .•“■*7.iSissiS3?.Sw5^i «lucri- Ju liu s Cook, Leo Schunegar, the socalled W est-Black report Portland where he has been for ti e past six months working on John Pittenger, Dr. Phetteplace Intim ating th a t th e H artm an Syn­ and Mrs. Gaspo journeyed to Med­ dicate Inc. has been overcharged his uncle's farm. ford last evening and attended on any equipm ent It ha9 purchas­ ‘ L-^SSSS» ed it unw arranted from the facts. th e m eeting of the K nights of Payne makes Cedar Cliff fe g * FIFTH . The Committee has Pythias. Chests. carefully examined th e circum- Here M o n d a y - New straig h t English models in O /ercoats, a t Paulserud's. 64-tf Glenn Conwell was In Ashland yes­ ¿¡■sfr terday rom Medford visiting with his m other, Mrs. Allie Conwell of V 'siting a t F a l l s - this city. Mrs. A. E. Hensley of this city is visiting a t K lam ath Falla with Made in pne piece. Guaranteed for two years t - r two daughters, Misses Pullne Social Circle M eeting— The Social Circle of th e C hrist­ s:.d Georgeanne C lift who are ian Church will meet tomorrow employed there. afternoon a t the home of Mrs. tha romanhc n o v i by Chartes M ajor ‘ OdapteO by Waidemar Young Cherry Bark Cough Remedy, Delpha B ryant on F o u rth street Lioeal s P e rso n a l p o te s J TRY POLAR FLIGHT Ashland People Progress THROUGH WORKING TOGETHER True community progress is achieved only when everybody in Ashland works together. There is no limit to what can be accomplished— if we all work hard, and give the other fellow an honest deal. Let’s make it a rule to work for Ashland—to sell Ashland to every­ one we meet. Then we will have real Community Progress. ■ First National Bank Ashland, Oregon Ashland Is Out Town—Let's Boost It S torage SBÀTTERÀ Decorative Floors 35 P H IL C O DANGERS OF WINTER AUTOING Diamond Grid Batteries LEEDOM’S TIRE HOUSE The Ashland Electric Shop J. P. Dodge & Sons Reliable House furnishers Today, Tomorrow and Thursday v e w i o n of> HKDDOn HALL, " l i e . McNair Bros. H ere S a tu r d a y - Mrs. J. E. B arrett of K lam ath- Save $10.00, walk upstairs to on was in Ashland Saturday visit­ C.-ree tailor shop. 17— tf ing w ith relatives and friends. She is teaching in th a t place. P u ttin g in W ork— Flackns Bridge and Building SYNDICATE TO HAVE AMPLE FUNDS* FOR WORK C^aw are putting a new upper (Continued from page One) w ork on the W all Creek bridge ar.d viaduct. One H undred dollars p er share B lgh Water*— The Rogue took a sudden Jump over Saturday and Sunday and reached a point only a few feet b, low the high w ater of the week before. The river w ent up over five feet in a short time, follow- 1» g the heavy rains of Friday. ( ’ ear w eather Is bringing a drop In tha river.— G rants Pass Cour­ ier. 9 as stated in the W est-Black re­ port. This fact will appear from the articles of incorporation on file in the Corporation Commis­ sioner office of the State of Ore­ gon and could have been verified by the W est-Black Committee. SECOND, the Committee from careful inspection of th e books of the Company find th a t Mr. E. W. H artm an is in no way con­ nected w ith th e H artm an Syn- 0 Marshall Neilan Production Z z^ fir M ^ ^ ^ C Bedfellow o’a Wintry The diversity of our Classified Advertisements M ary Pickford Now As An Eighteen-Year-Old Spitfire Every B ottle GUARANTEED > 91.25— to—-92.50 McNair Brothers «R a y a it D ru g S farv t m SAY IT W ITH FM W KR8 AND SAY IT W ITH OURS. B IJ C K H E C T INDIAN TAN BOOTS Everything in th e Greenhouse Line Hi-Class Designing "HATCHER THE FLORIST" 1070 Boulevard Phone 118 (.pen on Sundays We Deliver The Wear Guaranteed Shoes Built for Hard Usage The Army Goods Store Biggest Little Store in Town Classified^ Divers h arhu a a th 9 r Again depicting a grown-up role Miss Piok- ford appears in her newest and greatest pho- ly in a type of portrayal long and greatly ‘ hy millions the world over. Her wonderful smile changes in an instant to a tempest of anger and stamping of feet to as swiftly turn to pleas lor pardon. AspiesK&By romantic story rich in comedy, altro withtnriifc, replete with action, with Macy PiSkfocd in a daring horseback pide. Regular Prices Regular Times Remember Monday, Nov. 24, we start ORPHEUM Jr. VAUDEVILLE makes them read by almost every reader of our paper. For the person who is looking to buy or sell any­ thing—and who isn’t in this crowd—the classified pages of The Tidings present a bargain counter which would stretch across the continent. The Ashland Tidings Phone 39