iUÖfi Atawth tu tti « i m » Classified Column C lam iflrfl Cot tu n s Rate* One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one mouth or more, %c the word each time. PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings l'uesdaj, kovetu ber 11, 1924 of the Smartest novelties thia Wat 610. promptly barricaded the hole in season. Returns from 21 of th4 22 pi*4> tended for a foundation and plac­ It really is about the only neW Cihcts in the county Were 409 ed guards within. Students did form of garment that has happen­ votes for J. Edward Ferguson, not accept the invitation to tear ed along for some time. You may Wenatchee, republican, and 939 down the barricades at fir st.' call it a cape-scarf or a scarf- for HUI, leaving four precincts They were content to paint signs. cape. as you please. It combines and about 1000 absentee votes in One read: “For God, for Country the throat-swathing qualities of _ the district to be tabulated,. The and for Symmetry.” Another pro­ the scarf with the virtues of the vote tabulated for Hill In 512 of claimed: “Yale Campu3 Within, cape, and the result is a charm- the 616 precincts of the district but Occupied.” and ‘ Hush Hall” lng and most useful wrap. W orn' was 36,300 and that for Fergu- appeared in huge letters in several over a tailored dress, it has a m o st; son 35,690. places. comfortable appearance, giving all • . . . Recollections of expensive stu­ the warmth necessary until the I dent outbreaks of other years great fur coat Is donned. made Yale heads walk softly Pa­ The cape-Bcarf Is made on th e ; triotic appeals were made to alum­ flat, with two cape sections, which ni, urging them to stand by the U ÌÌ represent a quarter of a circle, be­ corporation. Then they sat back ing joined by a straight scarf sec­ and waited, but all the time con­ tion. The scarf Is wrapped two struction of the dormitory has or three times about the neck, gone ahead, presumably on the PICK.FOR.O in _ and the circular ends fall over theory that if it were far enough ’ o o r o g sy ' u e R n o n t __ the shoulders, covering them en­ ____ _______°F ttflDDOn hflLiL advanced when the corporation NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 10. tirely and falling in a close, finally met, the opposition w ould-, — “Hush Hall,” as ,Yale Daily Now Playing At the Vining. clinging outline, or in flaring News has named the tiny dormi­ n’t have the heart to tear it all lines, just as the wearer happens tory that is being constructed on down. In the meanwhile the lives Classified Ads Bring Results to adjust the scarf. old Yale Campus, has caused the of those who run Yale are not of Francis is showing the cape- greatest storm that Yale has the easiest. scarf in black velvet with a row known in years. When the Uni­ of velvet buttons In froi.t to per­ versity Prudential Committee de­ YOUTH IS KILLED mit Ito wearer to adjust the gar­ cided not to stop work on the BY ATHLETIC WORK ment to the temperature of the TRY ALL BREADS building, which was ordered by street or room. T •; back flares SPOKANE, Nov. 10. — Joe smartly and is split to the shoul­ the corporation, or governing Howard, aged 17, son of Mrs. body of Yale, prominent alumni ders, so you can drape the ends Immediately decided to cut off Charles R.. Howard and the late over the shoulders. ex-County Commissioner Howard.' “ Sally Ann’’ Bread with Lenief is putting the cape-sc&rf their contributions to the Alumni died in a hospital here today of all others and take your effect on some of his afternoon University Fund, which for years Injuries to his spinal cord, sus­ has been helping Yale meet de­ choice frocks in silk. They are sma’ler, tained when he dived from a ficits. Worse than that, the of course, and the scarf-ends are springboard in a high school gym -: usually lined with some brilliant alumni here started to ask their nasium. color. The yoke is often- formed fellows elsewhere to stop con­ In his dive young howard miss­ of smocking, or rows of shirring tributing. ed a mat, alighting on hh head on Yale authorities were on their with small buttons reaching to guard when news of "Hush Hall” the hardwood floor. the top of the neck. Fur versions of the cape-scarf managed to worm Its way out of are being shown by man of the the sacred portals of Woodbridge Tidings Ads brings results. smart houses. For this garment Hall, seat of the Yale government. A local newspaper, owned and the lighter furs, such as moles­ kin, rabbit and squirrel, are the edited by Yale men, suggested best. It affords real warmth and that a “Boston Tea Party” be stag­ N o w S ittin g P r e tty covers the shoulders and back in ed to care for the building that is a most effective and decorative to desecrate the campus. Yale DR. C. W. HANSON Dentist TWILIGHT Special attention given to pyor­ (By John Masefield) rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver FOR RENT Twilight it is, and the far woods Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. are dim, and the rocks cry FOR RENT: — Furnished 6- and call. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ room house. Inquire Plaza Meat tice limited to eye, ear, nose ana Down in the valley the lamps, and Market. 59— 3* the mist, and a star over all. throat— X-ray including teeth. There by the rick, where they ROOM TO RENT— To a lady, Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc thresh, is the drone at an 154 B. street 58— tt 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, end. Ore. FOR RENT— Furnished room, Twilight it is, and I travel the 107 Second St. Phone 313-R. DII. E. B. ANGELI^—Chiropractic road with my frlentL 50— tf and Electro-Therapy. Office phone 48; residence 142. First I think of the friends who are 1 OR RENT— Furnished house, National Bank building. dead, who were dear long ago 478 Boulevard. 36— i m0 In the past, DR. BR O W N Beautiful friends who are dead, FO R SALE Chiropractor though I know that death 11 Years Practice cannot last; FOR SALE: — Tancred— Holly Examination free. Office Vendome Friends with the beautiful eyes wood cockerels, pedigreed, dams, Hotel. Lady Attendant. that the dust has defiled, records up to 280, sire record Hours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Beautiful souls who were gentle over 270. The male is half your Phone 227 when I was a child. flock. 112 Nutley St. Phone 456J. • * • THE SOUTHERN OREGON 58— tf CLINIC CALENDAR OF EVENTS 1st National Bank Bldg. WOOD FOR SALE:— Fir and Tuesday, November 11. P. E. Surgical Obstetrical O. will meet at the home of Mrs. Spruce, 16 inch >8. Hard wood Medical Diagnostic X-ray 16 inch >12. Delivered. Fountain B. M. Shoudy on Helman street. Stearns, M. D. Feul Co Siskiyou or leave orders R. W. R. Tuesday, November 11. W. C. E. Green, M. D. at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. T. U. will have social meeting at R. W. Sleeter, M. D. 60— 1 mo.* Office hours 2-5 p. m. the home of Mrs. Leavitt on Phone 238-R Chestnut street. All members Bungalow»—Lots and friends invited. CONVALESCENT HOME I have tome fine Bungalows, Where the sick get well. Tuesday, November 11. Red Houses and Building Lots in Ash­ Cottage Plan. Cross roll call started. Lasts until land for sale, will accept geod Thanksgiving. We board and care for Invalids Bonds, Notes or Mortages on and old people. Wednesday, November 12. Wed­ payment*, and give easy terms on Maternity Dept. nesday Club will meet at Pres­ balance. Se me before buying a Call 153 byterian church parlors. home. Thursday, November 13. Ladies A L. LAMB. 178 A St. MONUMENTS Elks Club will meet at club will Box 432, Ashland. meet at club rooms. ASHLAND GRANITE 35— 1 Mo. Thursday, November 13. Ladles MONUMENTS Aid and Missionary Society will MISCELLANEOUS B lair G ranite Co. meet at Baptist Church at one S. PENNISTON, Manager way. o’clock. Office 175 E. Main WANTED: — Protect yourself * * • t Res. Phone 444-Y against the uncertainties of win­ Mrs. J. o . Cozart of B street HILL LEADS FIELD ter. We can assure you a good 4N k GIRL IN TROUBLE— May entertained her Sunday School BY OVER 600 VOTES position in your own county, that communicate With Ensign Lee pupils of the Christian Church at SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. .10. — will pay you well. Write us at of t i e Salvation Army at the her pleasant home last Saturday once. Nogar Corporation, 301 Sam B. Hill of Waterville, demo­ WhlteShleld 'Home. 665 May- afternoon. The happy hours were crat, increased his lead for re- Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. spent playing games and many election as representative in con­ 54— 18 and varied were those played. At gress by 4 today when returns PLANING MILL three-thirty delicious refresh­ from three of four precincts that DRESSMAKING and Tayloring reasonable prices, all work guar­ IORDON'8 SASH AND OABINET ments were served, with Miss had been missing in Ferry county anteed. Mrs. B. Van Harden­ WORKS, Cor. Helman and Aleta and Miss Beatrice Cozart in a general election Tuesday berg, 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 mo.* Van Ness. 194tf assisting the hostess. were received. Hill’s new lead Those present were Laura Put­ DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ man, Peggy Guiley, Celia Swen­ TRANSFER AND EXPRESS ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 Granite Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. son, Johnny Callahan, Marcine street. 60— 1 m o? for SERVICE. Hastings, Elmer Jones, Norman Experienced movers and pack­ Hatcher, Merle Hasler, Dorothy HELP WANTED: Two demon­ ers of household goods. Deal­ Hawkins and Charles Detrlck. strators for permanent position, * * * Send it ers in coal and wood. Phone state manager position open. Room Card Party Thursday— 117. 122, Ashland Hotel. 60— 2* The Elks Club wil give their Office 89 Oak St. near WANTED: — To buy second fortnightly card party at the club Hotel Ashland hand bath tub. Must be in good rooms Thursday afternoon at Condition. Miss Coffee, Tidings T. L. POWELL——General Trans­ 2:30. Mesdames W. H. Baxtges office. fer— Good team and motor and Don Whitney will be hos­ trucks. G >od service at a rea­ tesses for the occasion * * * sonable price. Phone 83. Wednesday Club—- Two o f the hardest FEHIGE-RO A CH The Wednesday Club of the Transfer — Express — Storage Presbyterian Church will meet item s o f any wash— Hauling — Diay work of all Wednesday of this week at the and t h e b a n e o f kinds. Quick motor service. Dry church parlors. A very interest- j wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R ing program has been arranged1 w ash-day at hom e. Also Take Salts if Back 375 B. St. 112-tf and refreshments will be served j G et rid o f this m ii- by Mesdames Poley, L. S. Brow n’ Hurts or Bladder ASHLAND PAINT CO and Grace Andrews, who are hos-( . Troubles You sance by s e n d i n g Dependable tesses for the occasion. your lace curtains * *• » Painting Contractors & Decorators Fluah your kidneys by drinking SWENNING & GEAR W. R. C. Sale Success— and b la n k ets to us a quart of water each day, also Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.* The Woman’s Relief Corps ba take salts occasionally, says a not­ fo r w ashing by our zaar and food sale was a (decided; ed authority, who tells us that too success in every way and 6,100 was; m o d e r n m ethods. much rich food forms acids which cleared. Mrs. Jennings was chair-• T hey ivill be retu rn ­ almost paralyze the kidneys in man of the affair and much cred­ their efforts to expel it from the ed to you in p e r fe c t it is due her for the excellent way blood. They become sluggish and in which it was handled. This sale condition. P h o n e weaken; then you may suffer with was given Saturday at the room a dull misery in the kidney region, next to Elhart’s. ■harp pains in the back or sick Red Pepper Rub takes the The W. R. C. wishes to extend, headache, dizziness, your stomach “ouch” from sore, stiff, aching thanks to everyone that helped to sours, tongue is coated, and when joints. It cannot hurt you, and make their Bazaar a success, es­ the weather is bad you have rheu­ it certainly stops that old rheu-1 pecially Mr. Staples for the use matic twinges. The urine gets of the room, “The V ining” for) cloudy, full of sediment, the chan­ matism at once. When your are suffering so you , screen advertisement and all nels often get sore and irritated can hardly get around, just try others that assisted in any way. 81 Water St. Phone 185 obliging you to seek relif two or Red Pepper Rub and you will i three times during the night. To help neutralize these irrit­ have the quickest relief known. Ladies Aid Meeting— The Ladies Aid and the Mis­ ating acids, to help cleanse the Nothing has such concentrated, kidneys and flush off the body's penetrating heat as red peppers. sionary Society of the Baptist urinous waste get 4 ounces of Jad Just as soon as you apply Red Church will hold their meeting Salts from any pharmacy here; Pepper Rub you will feel the at one o'clock Thursday after­ take a tablespoonful in a glass tingling heat. In three minutes noon. Programs have been plan­ of water before breakfast for a it warms the sore spot through ned and a good time is anticipat­ few days, and your kidneys may and through. Pain and soreness ed. are gone. • * * then act fine. This famous salts Ask any good druggist for a Paris Style Hint— Is made from the acid of grapes PARIS, Nov. 11.— A combina­ and lemon juice, combined with jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. lithia, and has been used for years Be sure to get the genuine, with tion cape-scarf has just com e: to help flush and stimulate slug­ the name Rowles on each pack­ from the hands of an important i age. designer and promises to be o n e ' gish kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer irritate, thus often re­ French Physiologist lieving bladder weakness. Responsible for Jad Salts is inexpensive; can not injure and makes a delight­ Gland Theory ful effervescent lithia-water drink. By all means have your physician At the age of seventy-two examine your kidneys at least years, Brown-Sequard, a noted twice a year. French Physiologist, who had been at one time professor of the physiology of the nervous system and its diseases at Harvard Uni­ Always an annoyance, worse versity, injected into his body a when it afflicts yon at night. Men, Women and Children Treated Yon can stop it quickly with serum made from the secretions Y non-surgical, soothing treatment of certain animals. The results ’ for Piles and other Rectal and Co­ which followed this were so r e -! lon disorders is given persons from two markable that they attracted the 1 to over eighty years o >f f age, thus proving l E v e ry u se r i* a fr ie n d attention of physicians and the the mildness of my methods. public all over the world. Brown- My success in treating thousands of men, and children enables me to con­ Sequard announced that he had women fidently G U A R A N TE E to cure an? For a smooth shave restored his youth. ' case of Piles or refund the patient's fee. and quick service go Glandogen, the new scientific My new Seattle offices are now prepared to the Shell Barber gland tonic, prepared in tablet to care for patients from ' Puget Sound and British I Shop. Ladies and form provides a simple method of I Columbia Districts. Send glandular treatment. children get your hair taking today for FREE booklet Glandogen, for men and women. bobbed and marcel­ led. East Side Pharmacy will supply you. Mail orders accepted. Lace Curtains and Blankets DRINK WATER EBE ELY IF KIDNEYS BOTHER VALE MEN IN A B ON S A B CAMPOS Compare Lithia Bakery Eugene — Building permit re­ cord for 1924, up to November 1, Is 82,569,630. Every ad has a message. USED CAR BARGAINS Two Dodge Tourings 1922 Maxwell Touring Ford Coupe Keo Truck C hevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Coupe o—o— o— o Instant Service on Kay- hestos Brake Lining Automotive Shop C hevrolet and Dodge Sales and Service Eat Again Like a Hungry Boy A SH LAN D is Boots and Shoes Guaranteed to keep The difference in WITH HER MEATS New Tourist Hotel— New Box Factory— Re-organized Cannery— Shale Oil Prospects— Blair Granite Extension. is noticed when you order from us. E very business in A shland m ust benefit to som e exten t— Let’s all pull to g eth er for still greater im provem ents. Your Feet Warm and Dry OVERLAP® Shoe Shop Better cuts and better meats is o*ur aim. is Like a Spare Tire ? You can remember when you were a boy how eagerly you waited for meal time to come and how you en­ joyed the good things your mother set before you. You were young and strong then and your digestive or­ gans were functioning properly. But since then you have over­ worked your digestive organs and now you may he on the highroad to ltecoming a confirmed dyspeptic. You can quickly eliminate your trouble, tone up the digestive and eliminative organs, and bring back the lost appetite of boyhood. Over 100,000 people have testified in writing that TAN LAC has re­ lieved them of stomach trouble and kindred ailments. TANLAC The World’s Best Tonic At All Good Drug Stores Over 40 Million Bottles Sold H A R R IS O N Brothers, Garage F o lti, Lincoln, Fordson D ealers IN S U R A N C E ..i-'íf Take Ta nlac Vegetable Constipation Pills Eagle Market N. Main Phone 107 You may travel for miles without calling it to your aid, but sooner or later it will fill a very pressing need. We write all kinds of auto­ mobile policies, every one back­ ed by a company whose prompt service and dependability are well known. OREGON POWER COMPANY Tr&rredStodk yields Billings Agency Eetab. 1888 7.14% Representing the INSURANCE COMPANY NORTH AMERICA Founded 1792 CALIFORNIA OF ask any member of our organization T he E very ’’N i 11 is always sw eet and. pure in this I handy t in z IfsNesdesALEDffi RED PEPPER HEAT 165. Ashland Laundry Tickling Throat M C H A M B E R L A IN S C O U C H REM EDY W. A. SH ELL, Prop. 532 A. S t A shland, Ore REPAIR YOUR ROOFS We have the best roofing preparations at prices as low as you would pay for cheaper materials from outside firms. J. O. RIGG NATES Sustained A ssociated O il C om p any There is wisdom In reading ads for * Serving by Growing VERY time an installer signs crease the value of telephone serv­ for a telephone instrument at ice to the individual subscriber. the stock room counter and starts Not only has it been made possible out for the home or office of a new to hear clearly over the telephone, subscriber, where he is to connect and at far greater distances, but it with the Bell System, he is serv­ also to be promptly connected ing you. with a larger number of subscrib­ Each new telephone added to ers— for the telephone serves by the system puts you in potential growing. contact with the users of this new The number of Bell System instrument. Every new installa­ telephones is growing at the rate of tion, anywhere, increases the scope about three quarters of a million a of your service ; makes your tele­ year— a fact which at once illus­ phone more valuable to you. trates the increasing value of tele­ Since the invention of the tele­ phone service to existing subscrib­ phone in 1876, many improve­ ers and its increasing acceptance ments in equipment and in operat­ by the public as indispensable to ing methods have combined to in- modem life. E The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company BELL SYSTEM One Policy - One System • Universal Service