TWO «M rrÆ — ff« A shland daily tidings Tuesday, November l i , lttli-l MM D A IL Y T I D I N G S , the United States and back again, are looking for new were jealousies among the various teachers, they were sur-’found among them many of real noble character and (Established Jn lg7C) ‘worlds to conquer. 'prised and further confused. When they discovered that great natural intelligence. I have talked with them on They are now asking that the navy department and there were bad white men who were treacherous and these subjects and found their discussions to be reason- Published 'very Evening Except Sunday by the president approve plans for the trip across Arctic jcruel they could not understand why this should be so. able and intelligent. THE i 3HLAND PRINTING CO. regions and to the North Pole, abandoned several months Many of the Indians and their chiefs were desirous to live As we review these‘‘fRogu'e River Wars,” I will to a U »'t R. Greer ....... .................................................. 1..............................Editor ago. in peace and amity with the whites, but they, too, had large extent follow the accounts as they are given in .♦eorge Madden Green ..................................................... Business M anager The request does credit to their courage and conf i-i many had Indians whom they could not control. These ¡Rawlings History of Southern Oregon and the accounts OFFICIAL C IT I PAPER .........................................-...........Telephone 39 dence. And if the army flyers can fly around the world,¡had men, on both sides, were the great disturbing ele-j recorded in Bancrofts Works, with such differences as I i.mercd at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter why should not the navy blimp navigators fly over the .ments and they were not long in discovering that human think to he just acquired by me at first hand from many nature is much the same among whjtes and Indians, bad [of the old actors of pioneer days. When I first came to . .Prlcc;..Pc!iv'r',’..ln..Ci,T......... , .«5 top thereof J p r e Month ... S“bscr'J,!'."“ » tre e Months ................................................................ J The army fivers learned valuable lessons both for white men were wronging Indian women and when they Oregon most of the earliest pioneers were still here and six Months ... 7.50 the service and for themselves in their recently completed complained they received little satisfaction. Promises I got to know nearly all of them personally, and received Ur.» Year ...... By Mail and R ural Routes world voyage, but did that venture justify its heavy fi­ made by white men were broken and this gave had In­ the accounts from their own lips. Rawling’s History of .................. 5 .65 O rs Month ... dians an excuse for revenge. As we read about the In­ Southern Oregon was published in 1884, just forty years _________________________ _ _______ Î.95 nancial outlay? th re e Months Six Months ............................................................................................ 3.50 It is notorious that our national airplane program has dian raids, and the murder and torture they perpetrated! ago. It was prepared with evident care, with personal 6.50 •xi -» Year fallen behind that of all the other great powers; that if the we are not expected to condone, nor to withhold just pun-| interviews with the early actors and from records, many DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATBS supremacy of the air were at stake, Uncle Sam would not ishment but may modify our sentiments of condemnation.* of which are not now available. I rate Rawlings as the sing’« lr.sartiou. por Inch ............................................................ I SJ Yearly Contracts l e in a much stronger position to defend his rights than In the following pages it will be seen that the Indian was ¡best detailed history of this region that has been written, .27% Oca insortion a week ........................................... ....................... when we entered the war; that congress has been exceed­ not at all times to blame, and we sometimes blush at theiBancrofts Works were published in 1886 and lias many »2d i * o Insertions a week ................................................................... .20 Lally Insertion ................................................................................. ingly laggard in meeting even the most modest requests dastardly acts of white people and cannot wonder at the footnotes of personal interviews and documentary evi- R ates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising for new equipment and enlargement of the aviation corps. horrible acts of retribution. It will be well to think of dence of value. I feel that in this effort to make further First Insertion, per 3 point line ................................................ I .19 .05 Ka?h subsequent insertion, 8 point line Consequently it is debatable whether the hundreds of what we would do, if this, our beautiful country, were record and to bring it down to the present time I cannot •d of Thanks ................................................................................. • 02% thousands of dollars used to pay the expenses of the world invaded by hostile foes stronger than we; our lands and do better than avail myself of these excellent works, now Obituaries. per lino ...... flight would not have been used to a better advantage in homes were to be taken away and we and our families long out of print. WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “ All future events, where an admission charge is mad* gr a developing our inadequate air defense. driven into the mountains or forcibly placed on reserva­ (To he Continued) .*1 lection taken is Advertising. tions. Me have had recent evidence of the savagery of And Uncle Sam sending out blimps to the North No discount will be allowed R eligious or Benevolent orders. Pole is almost like a man buying an automobile while ac­ war among so-called civilized people, during which the EXPECT BIG FORTUNE figuring on a conservative basis, DONATIONS very refinement of cruelty was practiced that lays the No donations to charities cr otherwise w'U be made in advertis­ tually depriving himself of the necessities of life. FROM MUSKRAT FARM it is estim ated th a t at the end or job printing— or.v contributions will be in cash. acts of the savages in the shade. We see that so-called ed­ of five years 178,555 m uskrats We don’t know, when stocks go down, if they ever ucation and refinement does not eliminate, what seems PERRY, N. Y., Nov. 11.— V. H. will have been grown. ARMISTICE DAY go up again, but we always know that gasoline will. to be, an inherent sentiment tli it makes for savagery and B utts and Claude C urtis have es­ Ordinarily, m uskrat pelts are in great demand, and oftentim es the And again the country pauses in its hurried pursuit brutality 1 am not trying to defend the Indian nor con­ tablished a m uskrat farm south price ranges from $1.50 to $4. of this village. The farm has cf business affairs, pauses for a day to honor the memory The only use ever made of all that power at Muscle done his acts of brutality, but, rather to point out the been stocked with twenty-five Even if the price were but fifty cf those brave youths, who seven years ago heard the call Shoals was to get Henry Ford a lot of advertising he tact of natural likeness in both. For more than fiftv vears pairs of breeders. A natural in­ cents a pelt, the owners say th a t vf their country and responded as only the youth of didn’t need. crease of not less than ten m usk­ the gross sum would be nearly I have been more or less among the Indians and have America can respond. Again the country pauses to pay rats to each pair is expected, and, $90,000 at the end of five years. homage to the memory of those youths, the first to take Now is the time when people are looking over the up arms in the cause of righteousness across the Atlantic Christmas presents they got last year to see if any of them A rain wc pay hemage to the thousands who never return- will do to give to somebody else. vd, and again we celebrate the anniversary of the end of the bloodiest war history lias ever known. Another way to get your husband home early is to It seems but yesterday that the call went throughout tell him supper is late because you were out at target th? country, the call to take up arms against the mightiest practice. army of history. Then followed a year and a half of dark doubtful days, during which the heart of many a mother Up in New York they are having literacy tests for the ielt the wrench, the pain of having a son taken from her. voters. Advanced literary tests for the candidates would To these mothers we today pay homage. To every mother help a lot. who had a son in the service, this day commemorates one Your Committee of stockhold­ the property of the H artm an States Government, and the Com­ ers appointed by you to investi­ Syndicate of the Pacific Coast, a ol the greatest days of her life, the day she knew her son m ittee finds from the records of Pioneering in Southern Oregon gate the affairs of the Company tru st estate, and were granted a the Company as well as from lit­ was safe from further harm. and the facts concerning same perm it by the Corporation Com­ eratu re published by the Company by C. B. Watson To the boys who went over, to return triumphant, with relation to the charges m issioner’s office of the State to and from the auditors’ report, (a today means more than to any of the rest of us. It marks made by Oswald W est and George sell $350,000.00 of the capital copy of which was in the hands (Continued from November 10) Black in th eir report to Gover­ the end of blood, mud, hardships, dangers and every­ stock of the Corporation. of Oswald W est) th at the officers nor W alter M. Pierce, and pub­ FOURTH, the Committee upon thing which went to make the World War a hell on earth. of the Company and its salesmen During this April Session of 1854 several other pre­ lished by them in various news­ full investigation finds th a t the represented the exact am ount of Today is the “ Der Tag” of the Hun reversed. But cincts wore established, to-wit: One on Cow Creek, one papers throughout the State, find only business transactions between acreage it owned in fee and the i t the midst of our celebrating, let us stop for a moment on Butte Creek, one at Galice Creek, and one at Gold the following are the true facts. the H artm an Syndicate Inc. and am ount of acreage it held under FIRST, the Company was in­ pass a reverent thought for those boys, sleeping beneath Beach. any of the companies of E. WT. application for lease. The Com­ corporated under the laws of the H artm an is a contract for the p u r­ m ittee does not fiud th at any of the stars in Flanc r ’s fields, for those Gold Star Mothers, We see from this record that within one year after State of Oregon with a capital chase of 26 reto rts from the H art­ the officers or salesmen have who know their s as gave their last full measure that the its organization, Jackson county had so acquired a popu­ stock of Three Million dollars man Process Company, and th at ever represented that the Com­ v orld might he saved from autocracy, and who are proud lation that every part of its extensive territory, covering composed of 300,000 shares of the one of said reto rts has already pany owned 3000 acres of land Io have been able to offer a son to their country. For those all of what is now Jackson, Josephine, Curry and Coos par value of Ten dollars per share been purchased at the actual cost and that any intim ation or sta te ­ and not th irty thousand shares of is this day commemorated of m anufacturing said re to rt by counties had received the attention of this newly estab­ m ent in the W est-Black re|M>rt to One H undred dollars per share the Buffalo Foundary and Ma­ the effect that m isrepresentation lished machinery, indicating that in all parts of its ex­ as stated in the W est-Black re­ chinery C o m p a n y of Buf­ has been m ade is unw arranted tended domain were active American citizens demand­ port. This fact will appear from TRACING THE LOST falo, New York. The Committee from the facts as disclosed by the the articles of Incorporation on ing not only the protection of law, but also the extention fu rth er finds th a t no profit or Probably no other public agency in tlio world goes records of the Company. file in the Corporation Commis­ royalty has been paid to E. W. SEVENTH, The Committee so far into the highways and ibyways of this earth for lost cf facilities to its many and widely scattered communi­ sioner office of th e State of Ore­ H artm an or will be paid to him or ties. We see that in 1854 only one year after the organ­ finds from a full investigation of fi iends and relatives as the Salvation Army. Not a day gon and could have been verified to any of his companies on the the property of the Company that by the W est-Black Committee. p isses but that some difficulty is reported to the Depart- ization was completed a Territorial United States Court purchase of the reto rt th a t has it has developed a large deposit SECOND, the Committee from already been delivered. The Com­ of shale which from the geologi­ n ent of Missing Friends; and in one out of three cases the was duly convened at Jacksonville with all its machinery careful inspection of the books m ittee fu rth er finds that the b st person is found. In 1923 the department handled in motion. Thus, within four years the country south of cal and engineer’s report is of an of the Company find th a t Mr. E. H artm an Syndicate Inc. has an tho Callipooia mountains, to the California line and from enormous tonnage and that the 1 093 cases, of which 419 were satisfactorily settled. From W. H artm an is in no way con­ agreem ent to purchase the addi­ Company has established at its January 1, until the last of August, 1924, it found 369 of tho Pacific to the Cascade mountains had gained a pop­ nected w ith the H artm an Syn­ tional reto rts a t an exceedingly works, Shale City, Oregon, one ulation reaching into the thousands. Every stream had its dicate Inc. and has never had lie 1,060 reported missing. reasonable price and much below reto rt and necessary equipment anything to •» do with the organiza- the figure at which they are The Christmas holidays bring most business to the prospectors and most of its valleys had tlieir home-build­ me for the extraction of oil from tion. development or m anagem ent quoted to others, plus a royalty of ers. The miners furnished a market for the farmers’ pro­ shale, which this Committee be­ department. Mothers haunt the offices in search of word of the Company, and does not ten cents per barrel to the H art­ lieves will he capable of operat­ Bora missing sons. Half of the applications corns from duce. Seeds of all kinds were packed in from the Willam- own one share of stock in this man Process Company. The Com­ ing successfully on a commercial Company. The Company fu rth er outside of America, and many of tho foreign letters are ette and tho Sacramento valleys, by pack horses. The out­ m ittee finds th a t any statem ent in scale. finds from the books and records side world carried supplies by water to the Umpqua river the socalled W est-Black report of Scandinavian origin who are very forgetful about writ­ EIGHT, the Committee finds of the Company th a t the Com­ intim ating th a t the H artm an Syn­ and pack trains delivered the freight to the miner and the from a personal inspection of the ing heme and have a way of changing their names to suit pany was organized by H. W. dicate Inc. has been overcharged homo-builder. P lant of the Company, and from li e convenience of employers. H artan; we fu rth e r find from in­ on any equipment it has purchas­ a personal investigation of the In the meantime the Indians were not idle, though Most of the cases are traced to simple neglect, but form ation gathered from officers ed it unw arranted from the facts. books of the Company th a t there and persons fam iliar w ith the FIFTH , The Committee has s« me show signs of deliberate intention to drop out of the their depredations had not yet reached the proportions Is no evidence of extravagance facts th a t Mr. H. W. H artm an has carefully examined the circum ­ or m ism anagem ent and th a t any ken of friends and relatives; and missing persons occas- of war, yet much petty stealing and an occasional killing never been engaged in sim ilar stances under which the H artm an statem ent to th a t effect in the so. was reported. The treaty between the United States and it nally show resentment at being discovered. undertakings and th a t the state ­ Syndicate Inc. took over the prop­ called W est-Black report Is false. Great Britain was demoralizing to the Hudson Bay Com­ m ent in the W est-Black report erty of H. W. H artm an and the NINE, The Committee finds to the effect th a t this Company pany and the Indians soon learned that those to whom H artm an Syndicate of the Paci­ WHAT STARTLES YESTERDAY th a t the Oswald West-Black Com­ was prom oted by E. W. H artm an fic Coast and issued therefore they looked as benefactors and friends had lost out. By m ittee made their report without IS COMMONPLACE TODAY and H. W. H artm an is false, as One H undred and fifty thousand proper investigation of the af­ Dance halls in New York City alone yield to their the same token the American settlers were strengthened will appear from the records in shares of the capital stock to fairs of the H artm an Syndicate proprietors $5,000,000, according to an estimate recently and emboldened. The acquisition of California by the the office of the Company. Mr. H. W. H artm an, and fifteen Inc. and th at neither Oswald West THIRD, your Committee finds thousand five hundred and forty- n ade in a New York newspaper. The number of patrons United States tended to strengthen the sentiment of pro­ or George Black or anyone repre­ from an inspection of the re ­ two shares to the Trustees of the prietorship among the settlers all along the coast, and, in the same period is estimated at 6,000,000. senting them have ever gone over cords th a t the Company was orig­ H artm an Syndicate of the Pacific the hooks and records of the The noise of the eaxophones and the syneapation of being made known to the Indians still further excited inally organized by H. W. H a rt­ Coast in full payment for all prop­ Company nor as far as this Com­ C c Jazz tunes find proportionately a greater response to them. Hence it is not strange that a period of devastating man ae a Common Law T rust, a erty taken over by the Corpora­ m ittee can learn have either of form of business organization re . tion. The Committee finds th a t ibe r charms in the population of the great metropolis— war should result. At this distance of time we are better them made an inspection of the cognized in many of the states of the property so taken over was ewing to the large floating population attracted to that able to pass judgment than were the pioneers themselves. Plant of the Company. The Com­ the Union and th a t such com­ appraised by the incorporators During the stirring years that followed, notwithstanding m ittee therefore finds th a t the oily for amusement purposes only; yet the habit extends pany was organized upon advice of the H artm an Syndicate Inc. and said Oswald W est and George the existence of bloody wars with the natives, the settle­ itself to every nook and corner of the land. of the attorney for the Company, the Corporation D epartm ent of the Black were not in possession of Mr. Jam es W esterfelt of Los An­ State of Oregon was fully inform ­ any official inform ation But it was not so long ago that forms of dancing, ment and improvement of the country continued, to which upon geles, California, th at same would ed and consented to the incor­ which they could base their re ­ which would be looked upon by the average dancer of to­ we will return in a later part of this history. Before tak­ comply with the laws of the State poration of the said Company port (except report of the auditors day as dull and slow, were regarded with askance, not ing up the civil and political history of this very interest­ of Oregon, and th a t as such or­ upon the basis of the appraisal of the Company, a copy of which a,one by those who hold any kind of dancing as the prim­ ing and important region, we will devote as much of the ganization it made application to made by the incorporators, and was furnished to Oswald West by the Corporation Commissioner of rose path to perdition, but as well by all respectable ensuing pages as may be necessary, to an account of the th a t the perm it to sell $350,000 the Secretary of the Company) the State of Oregon for a per­ Indian troubles, including the Indian wars of 1835 and w orth of 3tock was granted after people. and this Committee finds that m it to sell its securities: such full and complete statem ent of What horrible things were predieted when the stately 1856, after which time the country rapidly filled and grew the report of the said Oswald application being on file w ith the the affairs of the Company at time W est and George Black does not u inuet gave way to the “ immoral” waltz! Did not one to what we now see. Corporation Commissioner. We of incorporation were disclosed to conform to the facts as disclosed English publicist, in bemoaning the nww craze, say the When we have read the details of this brutal and therefore find th a t the statem ent the Corporation Commissioner. in the auditors report. in the W est-Black report th a t the The Committee from Information fashion now is for savage war we will not be surprised that 60 strong a feel­ Dated at Ashland, Oregon, on company was originally organized gathered from interview s with strange weediings on one leg and contortions ing of wrath should have taken possession of the pioneers this the Irtth day of November as a Common Law T rust In order stock holders-does not find there A. D. 192'4. fitter for the zenana of an eastern satrap or the against the savage tribes they were displacing. Their to circum vent the blue sky law has been any m isrepresentation gardens of Mahomet than for the ballroom of methods of war were not civilized methods because they made to any of the stockholders is false, and th a t as a m atter of . Respectfully submitted, fact the company did everything regarding the am ount of stock C. A. SCHERER. Portland. an English weman of quality and virtue? were not civilized. They w e» operating under the best In Its power to secure a perm it th a t was issued to Mr. H. W. Chairm an of stockholders’ Could this wr. :er even utter a word for very horror lights they had and their situation was a njost desperate for the sale of its tru st certificates Committee. H artm an or to the trustees for il he could come to life and see some of the dance styles one. They were not ignorant of the results of the appear­ the certificate holders of the H art­ E. A. EASLY, Portland. hut were denied a perm it by the of the present day ? ance of the whites elsewhere and realized that they were Corporation Commissioner. We man Syndicate of the Pacific GEO. W. PAYNE. McMinnville. Coast. MORRIS G. MORRIS, Amity, Ore. fu rth er find th a t the Trustees and And yet it was only a few months ago that the Meth­ fighting for the right to exist. The whites desired to SIXTH, The Committee has J. W. WALLING, Amity. Ore. Officers of the original Company odist Episcopal Church took the ban formally out of its teach the Indians a better mode of living, but this in the carefully investigated the repres­ A. W. LIVINGSTON, Portland. actin er in good faith with the Cor­ doctrine, leaving to the conscience of its members a de­ very nature of things could not be done, yet many of the entations made by the officers and GEORGE VIESKO, Salem. poration Commissioner and the cision on the question of to dance or not to dance. old missionaries were enthusiastic in their zeal to accom­ the salesmen of the Company re­ CARL ENGSTONE. Salem. A ttorney General incorporated a And it is dollars to doughnuts that at least among plish this and were loth to surrender their faith in its garding the am ount of real prop­ R. D. GIBSON, Salem. company known as the H artm an erty owned by the Company in L. M. MARCOTT. Shale City. Syndicate Incorporated, and under V( linger generation the decision will bo rendered in the accomplishment. The Indians at first listened to the re­ fee and the am ount under appli­ E. E. PH IPPS. Ashland. agreem ent with the Corporation affirmative. ligious teachings with interest and appreciated the kind­ cation for lease from the United STUART McKISSICK, Ashland. Commissioner fook over all of ness and consideration of the. missionaries, but when they LET’S PUT OUR MONEY IN EQUIPMENT FIRST discovered that there were sects and diverse opinions The officers and crew of the Shenandoah, having suc­ among them though they all taught from the same Bible, cessfully and brilliantly accomplished their flight across they were confused. Whe$ they discovered th%t there A SH L A N D in g Report of Committee of Stockholders of The Hartman Syndicate on The West-Black Report