■aasana •K ASHLAND CLIMATE "Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to th e Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. SYNDICATE IS ASSURED AMPLE CASH FOR WORK $750,000 W ill be Available for Use on Shale Oil De­ posits Soon STOCKHOLDERS MEET Report) Made by C om m ittee Ap­ pointed to In vestigate Condi­ tion of B ooks and P lant MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1924 50 PER CENT OF VETERANS FAIL TO SEEK BONUS MONEY a ---------- e 8 WASHINGTON. Nov. 8 8 11. — A nation - wide 8 8 campaign to stir up W orld 8 8 war veterans and get them 8 8 to expedite th eir bonus 8 8 applications has been 8 8 launched by Major Gen- 8 8 eral R obert C. Davis, ad- 8 8 ju ta n t general of the 8 8 army. More than half of 8 8 the men entitled to ad- 8 8 justed compensation have 8 8 failed to get th eir papers 8 8 to W ashington. 8 8 Applications are coming 8 8 in so slowly th a t th e 8 8. m achinery set up by 8 General Davis to issue 8 certificates will run out of 8 m aterial early next year 8 unless the flow of appli- 8 cations can be stim ulated. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 % z//i 4 FAMOUS PRODUCER, BROKE EARNS FOOD AS A “SUPER” 8 ---------- X) 8 LONDON, Nov. 11. — . 8 8 Once E ngland’s most sue- 8 8 cessful theatrical produc- 8 8 er, Sydney Ellison now 8 8 ekes out a living by ap- 8 8 pearing as a “ super’’ in 8 8 “ The Sport of Kings,’’ 8 running at the Savoy 8 Theatre. 8 Many years ago Ellison 8 had five successful plays 8 running sim ultaneously 8 in London. He was the 8 originator of the origina- 8 tor of the original * Floro- 8 dora Double Sextet.” 8 111 luck struck him 8 and ill health, which 8 periodically sends him to 8 the hospital, sometimes 8 prevents him from draw- 8 ing even his “ super's” 8 pay. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 NATIO HALTS. TO PA' D EA D HOMAG President Puts W reath o Tomb of Unknown Sol­ dier, Arlington NEW YORK IN SILENO] 230 B uglers in F risco Carry <>u Im pressive Cerem ony as Part o f D ay’s C elebration W ith the voting of $750,000 w orth of stock, to be designated WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. as Class A Common, to carry 8 President Coolidge today let per cent interest for two years, victorious and peaceful nation it and the assurance th a t the stock the observance of the signing o had practically all been taken by the arm istice six years ago. Th< firm of New York bankers, who President motored to the Arllng in reality underw rote the issue, ton National Cemetery, where h< assuring the H artm an Syndicate laid a wreath on the tomb of th< a draw ing account of $50,000 per unknown soldier. month, the stockholders were as­ Many government officials ac sured the work on the plant here companied the President on hli would be rushed through as soon visit, but the ceremony lacked th< as the m aterials needed could be pomp and display of other oh laid down on the scene of oper­ servances, due to the absence o' ations by the leaders of the com­ B etter Book W eek B e in g Observ Money, Appropriated for General federal employes. The President ed by D isplay o f C hildren’s pany, at the stockholders meeting U se W ill be Given Back to declined to declare today as B ooks held here yesterday. Treasure at End o f Year national holiday after Comptrollei The stock, which will be known General McCarl gave the rulinf SALEM, Ore., Nov. 11— State­ th at the President lacked the In observance of B etter Book as Class A Common, will be re­ ments th at have been subm itted authority. tired after two years, and chang­ Week, November 8 to 15, the to the state budget commission ed to common voting stock. This Ashland Public Library has on by the superintendents of several display about fifty books, prin­ sale will give the syndicate ample SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 11.- state institutions indicate that Faclng tbh Eaet. 250 buglers, funds with which to develop cipally for the Juvenile depart there will be heavy reversions to forming a line across the city, their shale oil holdings here, with ment. This movement is observed the general state fund at the end fcom San Francisco Bay to the which to lay a pipeline and in­ all over the nation In order th a t of the year of unused money ap­ far famed Go'den Gate, the sen­ b etter books will be purchased stall a fleet of trucks, and to propriated for the institutions by tence to the outer waters of the for the libraries and homes. m ake several other improvements the legislature of 1923. ocean, sounded “ taps” at noon which are needed. The sale of People may look them over be7 fore selecting th eir Christm as Among these will be an esti­ today, as part of the city’s Armis­ this stock in New York was hand­ gifts and may be sure th a t every mated $50,000 from the state hos­ tice Day celebration The Spreck­ led personally by President H. one is commendable. The books pital for the insane In Salem, be­ els memorial at Lincoln Park was W. H artm an. tween $40.000 and $50,000 from dedicated earlier in the day. This A resolution was adopted giv­ on display are either new books the eastern Oregon Insane hos­ afternoon, an air circus will be ing the directors authority to of new editions of old ones. They may be purchased through pital at Pendleton, nearly $50,- held at Crlasev Field. amend the ch arter in order to any of the stores here as they 000 from the state institution for change the par value of stock are cooperating with the library NEW’ YORK. Nov. 11.— Great feeble minded and $30,000 that from $10 per share to $1 per in this work. The books on dis­ er New York bowed its head in was appropriated for m ainte­ share. This change doe« not play, however, are not for sale. silence for two m inutes today, nance of the battleship Oregon, change the value of the present Following is a list of books and paying tribute to the world war! i he latter has not be used be­ stock out, but will affect any the names of the authors: dead. From 11 A. M. to 11:02 cause the ship ha snever been ac­ stock sold in the future. Billy Mink— Thornton W. B ur­ cepted by the state and tran sfer­ A. M. the entire city was in sil­ A nother resolution was adopt­ gess; Lucius— Alfred J. Curch; red from Bremerton to Portland ence, traffic stopping and all ed, by which the notice of a stock­ The Story of Mrs. Tuffs— Hugh business coming to a halt. "Taps” as was proposed. holders meeting was changed Lofting; Pocono Shot — John the final bugle call for the dead These reversions totalling over from ten days’ w ritten notice or Taintor Foote; Windy Leaf — soldier, was broadcasted through­ $150.000 will aid much in solv­ 30 days' notice through news Francis Gill; The Legend of ing th e State’s financial prob­ out the city by several m etropoli­ columns, to 30 days’ w ritten no­ Sleepy Hollow— W ashington Irv­ lem which became acute with the tan radio station«, expert bug­ tice and 30 days’ publication no­ ing; The F irelight Fairy Book—• repeal of the state income tax. lers. the best In several arm y de­ tice. Henry B. Beston; The Golden Other financial sources th at tachm ents staHo'ned near here, Represented, either in person,’ Days of ’4 9 _ K ir k Munroe; A w i’.l aid aft^r tho state tax com- blowing the call. o r by proxy, at the meeting was a! Double Story— George MacDon- mission has levied as much as to tal of $155,000 worth of stock ai« »• P - who has been serlous- m ent to the scrap heap, and m ak­ 668,749,000 bushels short of the for th eir packages In the mails. the International Livestock Expo- aPd ° ‘her 8ections' Eight m embers of the expedi­ W hile playing around the stove 1923 crop, and is the sm allest “J 8'’ e. the R° iUe Rl’ er ' y. ,Q\ past week ll,ed at ing the Italian king merely a fig­ Address all m atter plainly and sltien a t Portland went threughi tion were never heard from after Friday, Alexander O’Donahue, crop the country has exper­ A A v . a__t_ a—. — ! Valley and county much national j nine o’clock last ni^ht a t his urehead. The form er soldiers th e ship went down, and it is be­ sm all son of'M r. and Mrs. W alter ienced since 1913, the departm ent completely in ink, giving street Ashland on the train yesterday, advertising, as the Gallatin girls, home on Fifth street, The fun- asked for aid for their injured address or box w herever possible. being returned to th eir homes in lieved the four bodies found by O’Donahue, fell on th e stove and of A griculture announced yester­ although they reside in Talent, eral services will be Thursday | fellows, but Mussolini, the Fas- Place sender’s re tu rn card in up­ southern California. th e members fo the crew of the burned its hand. are students in the Ashland high afternoon at one-thirty from the cifitI chlef, refused to help thenii The burn is day. This short crop represents H erm an, are hajf the missing quite serious but Is healing slight­ a loss to the American farm er of per left corner of address side. school. Dodge funeral chapel with Rev. | claiming they brought on the Pack articles carefully in Newport — New fire-fighting party. S. J. Chaney officiating. Interm ent rioting by opposing the black- ly. $728,900,000. strong, durable containers. equipment received and tested the Tiding’« Ads Bring Results i will be at Gold Hill. shlrts in the celebration. FIFTY BOOKS ON DISPLAY AT THE CASH WILL REVERT AT END DF YEAR FOOTPADS GEI MUCH POST OFFICE FORCE PREPARES MONEY IN DAYLIGHT FOR COMING CHRISTMAS RUSH ROBBERY IN SEATTLE FASCISTI CABINET n lv lih h h j