PAuÊ É olìì Á&HL a N d «M » » « « ♦ >»»♦■« » i Local • P ersonal Jiotes Here For Short Time— i claim is that some ittetopts have W alter Jones was In Ashland Saturday night and Sunday from K lam ath Falls where he is work- ing. been made to prevent lead pois- ! ening and phosphorous poisoning in the factories in which ‘Mrs. W arren’s’ ‘respectable’ sisters worked. If th a t consoles him, it does not console me, nor make the lesson of my play obsolete. It still rem ains as tru e as it was in 1894 th a t we praise female virtue highly and pay it poorly, and pay female vice highly, while we de­ plore it verbally. We flog foreign white slave traffickers of the male sex (th u s pretecting ‘Mrs. W ar­ re n ’ against male com petition); but we do not raise the wages of women to the point at which they could be independent of prosti­ tution. That is the root of the m atter.” DAILY ÏIH ïnü S Aionday, November 10, 11)24 -opi O rants Pass “ s °clal service THE STATE OF OREGON « * building begun for Bethanv Pre«,-' NOTICE* b y .e « .n X h to coat Ä Comrades of Burnside Post 9alea—West side block south of Courthouse to receive a sky­ scraper. PROPERTY It will seat 1000 people, besides Col' lg from our ranks by death. In the M atter of the E state of! meeting social needs. ^as brought sorrow to many A Daily Chronicl of those who come and go, and events of ’ ___ ____________ _ I hearts. W hen we recall what he | John W. H errin, deceased. local interest Our line of chocolates and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN P ortland— Experts for first 10 has been to us’ and rem em b er. Classified Ads Bring Result« That under and by virtue of an other candles represent the best. th a t we shall see him no more ! order of the Hon. G. A. Gardner, months of 1924 were 138,587, Buy her a box. The Rose Confec­ on earth, our hearts are sad. Judge of said Court made and 737; lum ber shipm ent was 298, In Ashland Y e s te r d a y - Miss One M eeting__ tionery. 60-62-64 dated November 1st, 1924, I, the! 000,000 feet, valued at 37,788,- We tender our sympathies to G rant Neeley of Siskiyou was There will not be another m eet­ undersigned, as adm inistrator of 635 the families and friends. We In Ashland yesterday visiting with ing of the G. A. It. until the sec­ Met At I. O. O. F.— the estate of John W. H errin, de-i realize th at their hearts m ust be LAST TIMES TODAY ceased, will, on the premises on ................. ...........- friends. ond Saturday of December the The Ashland Odd Fellows, who filled with sorrow for him, who and after December 2nd, 1924, fh e T id in g’s Ads B rin g R esults 13th. are expected to march in the proceed to sell at private sale fori , was no dear to them, which come Complete line of Ashland Can- Armistice Day parade at Medford cash, th e real property belonging J =r i from such a life will be a conso- Goods at Detricks. 94-tf For sale:— Good used piano, tomorrow are to meet at th e I. to said "estate, and described as t lation to them in their sorrow. The Goddess of Love TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY follows, to-wit: easy term s. The Rose. 60-62-64 O. O. F. Hall in Medford a t ten Comrade Volney Colvig has pas­ Beginning at the southeast cor­ H ere Today— a. m. in order to get in perfect DR. B R O W N sed from our ranks by promotion. ner of th e N ortheast Q uarter of C. C. McCurdy of Medford was Servin g on .Jury— marching shape by the time they C hiropractor ,'ection 33, Twp. 38 S. R. 1 E He has answered the last roll In Ashland today on his way to C. M. Spencer of the post office are to be assembled. A large of W. M. in Jackson County, Ore­ 11 Years Practice call. Let us close up our ranks TOMORROW, WEDNES­ K lam ath Falls. gon; Thence N orth on the section is in Jacksonville on ju ry duty. num ber of Ashland Members are DAY and THURSDAY Exam ination free. Office Vendome and m arch faithfully forward. line between Sections 33 and 34, intending to march in the parade. Hotel. Lady A ttendant. Our ranks hre w asting; Close 60 rods; Thence W est 40 rods; Bpeclal Auto Accident Policy Doans Kidney Pills, 60c. Mc­ H ours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Thence South 60 rods; Thence up close up, AUSTRALIA IS HURT for |B .00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo N air Bros. Return H om e— East 40 nods, to the place of be­ Phone 227 Lifes sun is lasting, close up, close BY HEAVY RAINFALL ginning, containing 15 acres, Of coarse. 24-tf J. E. Thomas and wife returned up. there being a smaill house on the D ressmaking and plain sew­ Here Today— home Friday from a two weeks MELBOURNEE, Nov. 10. — land, 11 acres improved and 4 Evening— and th a t last bugle cal! ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 G ranite No Meeting— Glen Hill of Talent was in Ash­ trip in San Francisco. They re­ — L ight’s out, Serious floods have been caused acres untillable, of which he is street. 60— 1 mo,.» There will not be a meeting of land this morning attending to ported a very pleasant time. in parts of Victoria, Queensland the owner in entirety in his own Will come to all, but it need not th e Alpha Club tomorrow on ac­ business interests. our Souls appall. and Tasm ania by unusually heavy right. H ELP WANTED: Two demon­ A one-eighth interest in: The count of the fact th a t It is Arm­ rains which lasted several days. NW 1-4 of Section 8, Twp. 35 S. strato rs for perm anent position, Close up, close up. istice Day. G reeting Cards.— McNair Bros. One drowning is reported from R. 2 W. of W.M., containing 160 state m anager position open. Room E. H. HALL, acres. Tasmania. 122, Ashland Hotel. 60— 2* W. A. PATRICK. Tamales, best In the city, “ The Visit Here— A one-eighth interest in all the In the flooded d istrict in Committee. R ose”. 60— tf Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Goddard WANTED: — To buy second Queensland three girls, assisted following (described property, the same being situated in Twp. 38 S. >hand bath tub. Must be in good drove to Ashland Thursday for by th e ir brother, succeeded in R. 1 E. of W.M. in Coun- condition, _ „ ..7 In Jackson Coun You will save by having your a visit with friends. They will re- Miss Coffee, Tidings j Every ad has a message ty, Oregon: swimming the swollen W arrego p o rtralt made during N ovem ber.! tu rn Sunday. The S 1-2 of NW 1-4. the SW office. river, towing th eir aged father D arling Studio. 60— tf ______ 1-4, and the W 1-2 of the SE 1-4, to a place of safety. Section 2, containing 320 acres. New straig h t English models in The rains have considerably Im­ The S 1-2 of the NE 1-4, the LONDON, Nov. 10. — Modern R ents Property— Overcoat«, a t P aulserud’s. 54-tf proved the crop prospects. SE 1-4 of th e NW 1-4, the N 1-2 English working woman is little John Beeman and wife of of the S 1-2, the S 1-2 of the SW better off than she was a q uarter Omaha, Nebraska have moved to ! Spends W eekend— 1-4, and the SE 1-4 of the SE 1-4,! of a century ago, George Bernard Ashland and rented through the Section 3, containing 400 acres., Lee Peachy spent the week end ' Lots 1 and 2, the S 1-2 of the Ashland Realty Company the in Ashland visiting with friends. Shaw believes. NE 1-4, th e SE 1-4 of the NW J Shaw’s play, “ Mrs. W arren’s home at 349 Mountain Avenue. He is working at Tennant. 1-4, the diagonal NE 1-2 of the Profession,” w ritten th irty years NE 1-4 of th e SW 1-4, and the i Not a new asset to Ash­ See Paulserud’s special on two- Save 110.00, walk upstairs to ago, has ju st passed the 'English i SE 1-4', Section 4, containing 378 acres. land, We have had thfem pants-sults, all wool, 123.75. 54-tf Orres tailor shop. 17— tf censor and has recently been pro­ The diagonal NE 1-2 of the duced in Paris. Sisley Huddle- Jrwn the romantic noua! by Charits ^Major in our building for fifteen Don’t Stay Gray! H ere’s an NE 1-4 of Section- 9, conatiningj Qdaptod b y ZUaJdomar 'Yaar^ At Mine— son wrote a review of the play In Ashland— years. No extra charges. 80 acres. Old-time Recipe th at Any­ stating th a t the play Is unreal be­ a Marshall NeiJan F. E. Wooley, Lloyd Cole and C. L. McKinney, road man for The NE 1-4, the NW 1-4, the! Our line of supplies best body can Apply Mr. Steele spent Thursday and the Ford Motor Company is in cause “ It has nothing to do with diagonal NE 1-2 of the NW 1-4 P ro d u c tio n ¡Phott^raphy by Chartej Jioihbr in Southern Oregon. Our of the SW 1-4, the E 1-2 of thej F riday of last week at the N orth­ Ashland today In the interests of our day. Some of the conditions The use of Sage and Sulphur SW 1-4 and the N 1-2 of the SE of labor for girls which it des­ ern California Cinnebar Mine his business. equipment second to none. Mary Pickford never 1-4, Section 10, containing 500 v n ear Weed. cribes have long since been swept for restoring faded, gray hair to acres. j Our prices are 25 to 100 its n atu ral color dates back to so supremely beautiful away.” Here S a tu r d a y - The N 1-2 of the NW 1-4, the per cent below others. LARGE NEWTOWN and This criticism aroused the grandm other’s time. She used to SW 1-4 of the NW 1-4, and thel Howard Sheffel of Medford w it­ Never so splendid a Your hooks and our hills SPITZ culls 50c, Small Spitz 25c, nessed the Roseburg-Lithian game w rath of Shaw, who was quick to keep her h air beautifully dark, NW 1-4 of the SW 1-4, Section 11,! portrayal as that of glossy and attractive. W henever containing 160 acres. reply. bring your box or sack, F ru it As­ here Saturday. will tell. The NE 1-4, the E 1-2 of the sociation. 55— 6 “ At the beginning of the w ar,” her hair took on th a t dull, faded NW 1-4, the SE 1-4, and the E the vixenish miss of Sweet cream for whipping and Shaw said, “ when everybody was or streaked appearance, this sim­ 1-2 c i the SW 1-4. Sectipn 21, eighteen who braves Leave« T onight— coffee— also fresh milk, always more or less mad except the ple m ixture was applied with containing 4 80 acies. parental wrath, faces The NW 1-4, the SW 1-4, the Joseph Cyr will leave this even­ on Ice at the Plaza. Helene Biede, licensed 239— tf rogues who reaped a huge h a r­ wonderful effect. W 1-2 of the E 1-2, the SE 1-4 B ut brewing at home is mussy ing for southern California where vest from the suspension of all the treachery, intrigue, and lady assistant always m of the NE 1-4, and the E 1-2 of and out-of-date. Nowadays, by the SE 1-4, Section 22, contain-, he will spend a week on business. Pantorium Dye and Cleaning laws th a t protected labor from even treason, to wed attendance. works— leave your garm ents at merciless exploitation, the late asking at any drug store for a ing 520 acres. her heart’s choice. The NW 1-4 of the NE 1-4, and is a combined Stove and It !«• got too early to have your Orres Tailor shop, local agency. Mary M cArthur and Miss Margar= bottle of “ W yeth’s Sage and Sul­ the N 1-2 of the N 1-2 of the NW Christm as p ortrait made. D arling Furnace Beauty marks every 66— 3* et Bondfield found women work­ phur Compound,” you will get 1-4, Section 27, containing 80 H. C. STOCK Studio. 60— tf ing twelve hours a day for five this famous old preparation, im­ acres. M ortician phase of this classic. cents an hour, under the impres­ proved by th e addition of other From G rants Pass— And the NE 1-4 of the NW 1-4, Ample heat-radiating ca­ Im p roving— P. B. H erm an, potentate of the sion they were saving their coun­ ingredients, which- can be depend­ and th e N 1-2 of the NE 1-4, Sec­ Regular Times— pacity to heat the room in Mrs. Ellen Luman of W imer Hillah temple of the Shrine; S. try instead of m aking huge profits ed upon to restore n atu ral color tion 28, containing 120 acres. — either as an entirety or in p ar­ which it is placed—pow­ —Regular Prices Street, who has bf i seriously H. Baker, W. E. Newcombe and for their employers. These great and beauty to the hair. cels to suit the purchaser,— thei 111 for some time is eported to Stanton Rowell attended the m eet­ public-spirited ladles, with the W ell-known drugists say it term s of the sale to bo cash or at erful circulating capacity be improving rapidly nd able to ing of the Shrine here Friday countenance of the Queen, put a darkens the h air so naturally and ¡least half cash and the b alan ce1 to warm two or three ad­ Sit up part of each c y. stop to th a t; but the m onstrosity evenly th a t nobody can tell It has secured by a first m ortgage on the ; evening. of the abuse shows w hat women been applied. You simply dampen property sold. Any sale made is! joining rooms—that is the subject to confirm ation by the ability for this handsome, milk— Lininger’s Dairy, Order your Thanksgiving suit still endure when they are outside a sponge or soft brush with it and Court. l i e Quart. Phone 396R and 369J. at Paulseruds. draw this through your hair, ta k ­ the scope of the factory code, as Dated: November 1st, 1924. compact porcelain enam­ 54-tf A special on flour for a few days E. D. BRIGGS, ing one stran d ^at a time. By 26— tf many of them necessarily are. eled Parlor Heater. A dm inistrator, Good Soft Wheat Flour, 49 lb. hag $1.95 and $2.00 “A terrible im proverlshm ent of m orning the gray h air disappears Spend W eekend — Ashland, Oregon. Good clean seed oats, per e w t................................................ $3 .1 0 R eturns H om e— Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Miles of the middle classes, with m oderate and a fte r another application or 54-4 Mon. Burns any kind of fuel. A Good clean seed barley, per ew t........................................ $ 2 .75 H. S. Aitken returned home yes­ Newport spent the weekend in fixed incomes, has been produc­ two, it becomes beautifully dark “ G iant” for heat. Yet, it Good clean seed rye. per ew t.................................................... * 3 .5 0 terday from Eugene where he a t­ Ashland visiting with th eir son, ed by the debasem ent of the cur­ and glossy. Good clean seed vetch per ew t...................................... $ 5 .0 0 costs no more than old- tended the meeting of the W illam ­ F. J. Murphy. Cherro E g g Mash, per ew t........................... . . .$ 3 .1 5 Yesterday they rency and the consequent rise of ette Telephone Club. O yster Shell, per ewt ................................................................... '.$1.50 style stoves. Tn brown, Eugene — Fiarm ount Heights ‘Mrs. made a trip to the K lam ath Lake prices. Women who, in Oil Meal, per ew t.......................................................................... $ 4 .5 0 Now is the tim e to buy spray mahogany, blue or gray country, retu rn in g with a lim it W arren’s’ time, were provided for w ater reservoir completed at cost Cocoanut Meal, per ew t.................. $ 2 .5 0 pumps, plows and harrow s, Let nr fHl your pall with Swifts of ducks and geese. by insurance and annuities left of $17,000. porcelain. F attin g Mash, per c w t.................................................................... $2 .5 0 drills and all kinds of farm Iflver Leaf lard. Coats less than them — often at a great sacrifice (■round a lia lla , w ith m olasses .................................. $ 1 .2 5 implements. Fencing in every shortening. G ot - farther and is We are not asking for all of your trade, but just enough We deliver the goods—Detricks — by th eir parents, cannot now » o r e nutritious. Detrick«. 94-tf style. H arness, collars, snaps, that we can stay in Ashland and help to make it a much THE ASHLAND FURNITURE 94-tf live on their incomes except in better place to live. and pads. New and used Sew­ prizes most abject penury. The interest COMPANY Moves— on the N ational Debt alone is a Everybody, Anywhere, FOR ANS-, ing Machines. Auto Robes, etc. R eturns Home— 83 N. Main FRAZIER and SON A. L. Lamb moved Saturday J. H. Fuller retured home this million pounds a day; and famine WERS IN EDUCATIONAL CON­ Phone 2 1 4 R 4« from his A street residence to morning from Portland where he revolution is being bought off by TEST. Send stomp for Circular, Rules and Questions. SH EFFIELD 787 Iowa street. attended the Livestock Exposition doles. And yet Mr. Sisley H uddle­ LABORATORIES, Dept. 0, Aurora, and called a m eeting of the Ore­ ston thinks th a t the poverty which Illinois. R eturn to San F r a n c is c o - gon Chamber of Commerce Secre­ drives women to prostitution is Mr. Daken of San Francisco, taries, of which he is president. now a mere tale of old, unhappy, consulting engineer for the N orth­ far-off things and battles long ern California Cinnebar Mine re ­ H ere Today— ago- turned home last Saturday from “ D uring the w ar we had an Mr. Crawford of Copco was in Ashland. He has been in this Ashland today attending to busi­ agitation about the morals of our country in connection with the de­ ness m atters. soldiers in the field; and we had m onstration of reto rts by the descriptions of the endless lines eharcoal company. th a t stood w aiting for admission Is Home— to ‘Mrs. W arren’s’ houses. We Russell Frost, who has been on Reduced prices on p ortraits dur­ were anxious about the soldiers. ing November. D arling Studio. the ship Charles H. Cramp for Nobody seemed anxious about the the past three months on its run 60— tf from Portland to Boston, re tu rn ­ women, or about the extrem ity ed home last night and expects to which they m ust have been M em bership D rive— driven before resorting to such an TUESDAY to remain here. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY The Ashland branch of the intolerable eans of livelihood. American Red Cross will hold its Some people even seemed to re­ •fcnual roll cal to enroll its mem­ No Explosives— November 11th ♦ ♦♦»» ♦« è « • 8 » November 12th The ordinance which will pre­ gard it as a form of self-indulg­ November 13th bership for 1925 from Armistice ence! vent the keeping of dynam ite and Dnv, November 11th to Thanks­ “All th a t Mr. Huddleston can other high explosives in the city All pure Linen Crash Silk and Wool Hose in Lace Cloth for Lingerie giving Day, November 27th. was passed through the second Toweling, bleached, 28c brown, black, and log in the wanted colors. and third readings last night at cabin, $l'.5O regularly, Sold regularly 48c yd., You are welcome to compare yd. regularly, yd. » y Automobile rates with any the city council m eeting and now pair. yard ether rates in Jackson or Jose­ becomes a law. This is an am end­ phine Counties; you can be the m ent to a previous ordinance and Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. allows the keeping of a small í 30— tf am ount of gun powder and other am m unition in the stores. — G rants Pass Courier. \ At J a c k so n v ille - Before the trip to Medford get a good warm Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Allen and W ith a victrola, the w inter days SL T. Staples spent Saturday are filled with music and glad­ brushed wool sweater, or a new coat with a comfy Afternoon in Medford and Jack- ness. The Rose. 60-62-64 IQBTille on business. fur collar. - , T Duck H unting— o Tuxedos and serges for dress Reverend J. C. M ergler of this f e a r . P aulserud’s. 54-tf city and Reverend Edgar of Jacksonville left this morning for For Dress occasions— A rrives H ere— This colder weather and our the Tule Lake country where they Mrs. E. N. Holmes, form erly will spend several days hunting For Business and Profes­ Jban W alrod of this city, arived ducks and geese. sional men— lb Ashland last night ind is visit- tig friends and relati es here. “C ytherea” E OF HIS PLAY ON R eceiving V aults SAGE TEA DARKENS E JD O R O O H Y v e R t t o n of H ftD D O n HRIX’ This Buck’s Parlor Heater Frazier & Son fO’J W CASHrsl% > « M M ♦ ♦♦♦♦